Sahil says: May 9, 2015 at 1:32 pm
In this 21st Century,do we really need to care about religion?
For an inter cast couple, the ideal solution is to keep religion out of their conjoined lives.
No one is going to stop me from going to a mosque to pray. Neither am I going to stop my spouse to pray in a temple.
I love her and I respect both the religions. I have acquainted myself with most of the Hindu scriptures in addition to Islam. For one to be a true human being he should understand the significance of polytheism, monotheism as well as atheism.
Religion is a personal space and should not be considered in the mutual space of marital life.
When it comes to children. They will grow up to have learn the deepest knowledge of Indian mythology because that is her/his root.
Also she/he should know about the middle eastern interpretation of the universe and divinity as well as the european origin of Christianity, which consumed Pagan and Jewish ancestry.
Then, when she/he will get the voting rights at 18, he/she will be free to choose her/his religion
Its just like Object Oriented Programming. You should inherit(extend) Humanity and implement(interface) Religion and override its abstract methods as required by the runtime environment.
Also, when it comes to cremation, if there is too much of an issue, we should always consider donating for medical reasons. -Sahil.
Sahil says: May 9, 2015 at 2:41 pm
Not yet decided about marriage. We are very far away from marriage. Both of us have a career to make.
But I think my post is clear about the choice, I will never force anyone, I repeat ANYONE to convert. When India provides a civil secular wedding why choose anything else?
Yes, you might have some issues with succession. Yes, you might find it hard to convince your family members. But at the end of the day, its the freedom of one’s own choice that matters. And if you do not go into conversion issues, i believe, families of both parties might be more open to acceptance, because as a couple you are respecting both of them.
I have had prelims in a missionary school, so at 5yrs of age, I used to pray to a picture of Jesus before going to sleep. I dont recall any discouragement. Rather my parents used to support it.
Then, at my school, I was the only Muslim guy across several Classes. I never faced any discrimination. My friends never, ever, ever let my religion be a cause of concern. I have possibly observed Indian festivals with more depth than my own.
I know about the Indian culture, mythology and religious views in depth, I have also read the Bible Old Testament. Then I have started reading Quran, not like the average Muslim reciting out in loud voice, but with true interpretation and historical background.
If you try to understand religion from a chronological point of view, you will see a global similarity. Hinduism date backs to the ancient age, where the world was into polytheism– Greek Gods, Mayan civilisation, Egyptians. Then, in the middle ages, the thinking changed to a monotheist view and there arose Jewism, Christanism, which matured into Islam. With the aggressive spreading of both Christanity and Islam, they now hold the majority of the world religion percentage. But it was not bloodless. Take the crusades for example. And the modern scenario. In contrast, Indian religion is more passive and peace friendly, hence it has survived the test of time.
If you think of it- Bhishnu is described as the master of Adi, Ananta and Sesha, the one who sits on the coils of time, and whose blink of an eye represents 10000 years–The start of infinity, the infinity and beyond infinity. Now how can you shape that into an idol? How does it differ from Allah and God, who are described as the supreme creator of the universe and the master of time?
I have, at my house, all the Vedas, the Holy Bible as well as the Holy Quran. In the topmost shelf they get equal priority.
I have seen a lot of my family-members struggle for marriage out of their religion, hence I wanted to share this view. Think beyond religion. Keep that space private. Does your employer care about your religion? He cares about your work. So why do you give importance to what your spouse follows as a religion? Give importance to the love and commitment she has for you.
If you want some one to convert market your religion to him/her. Convince with reasoning. Do not force/blackmail anyone
Respond- Suhil
Sahil says: May 16, 2015 at 10:25 am
hold on a second… I do not divide humans by muslim or non muslim..
— I divide them on whether they are HYPOCRITES or NON HYPOCRITES. That Mac guy is a big hypocrite.
— I prefer love to any other things. FYI my sister IS dating a Hindu Brahmin. I see him as a responsible guy with a good job and capable of giving my sis a luxurious life.
— Difference between me and Mac? I have known true love and he hasn’t. When you truly like and love a girl, you will also respect her religion and her family.
— On Quran’s view of marrying only a muslim- Here is my view-
A. “Every religion exists to market itself. And being a brand, you will always want to expand your fan base. If you are the CEO of Coca Cola would you want your family to drink PEPSI?? Even if you know deep down it is better? You will not. It is same with any religion. Many casts in South India still do not allow their family to marry outside their Cast. Being a student of genetics, I have done Demographic studies on the very same.”
B. “If I am a “KAFER” by doing this, I will not get “heaven” as per Quran. If heaven is a garden full of VIRGIN LADIES, I do not want that heaven For me heaven is the time that I spend on this earth with my Lover. I do not give a RAT’s SHIT on what happens after death.”
— My teacher at school once said, take the good things out of religion and discard the rest. FYI my grandpa’s friend is a brahmin who has done PhD on “impact of history on the doctrines of Islam.” He has carefully explained to me on the historical significance of each of Islam’s doctrines.
I have previously tried to reason you guys with seeing a religion over timeline but it is not of use. Because people are too blinded by their self interpretation of religion. -Sahil
Sahil says: June 18, 2015 at 2:33 pm
do you know that in Islam, giving curse is one of the worst sins?
By the way, I believe that your actions define whether your life in earth will be Hell or Heaven,
Spending my life with the Girl I want is my Heaven. What is defined as heaven in every religion is a garden full of fresh fruits and virgin ladies… I do not want virgin Ladies… I want my lifetime with only one lady- the one I love. If the price to pay for being in love with my girl is to be in Hell, I am willing to be there.
I believe in an Allah, who does not think of Love as a sacrilege. He is the omnipresent and it is by his will that I have fallen in love with the girl, so it will be by his will that I will continue with her. -Sahil
Also read: VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Hindu-Muslim Marriage-video, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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Hi All,
I am 26F born and bought up in a Brahmin family. My father was expired when I was 10.From that onwards my mother took care of me and my younger brother. Now my brother is priest. I loved a Christian guy for 6years.He used to take lot of care for me and my family. He always help for us.but the problem is that to marry him I need to convert because his parents strongly belives jesus so his father put this condition.or else there is no problem with me and they clearly says that the children should be Christians.I don’t like this conversion and till now he didn’t settle. I am working as software engineer in MNC.I have a fear for my future because I saw my mother’s life. She got married to my father who is Brahmin also but they struggled alto in life. So I do want to struggle in my future.Besides that my mother is encouraging me to get marry with my chiristian bf even with his conditions. She says that you should adjust and lead happy life but he always do what he and his parents wants in religious and important matters. But he truly loves me a lot.He wont leave me even single second. what should I do? I am not able to take decision.I have so much pressure on me. Please advise me.
Reply at
Admin where is my comment on terrorist Bal Thackrey and his notorious terrorist,barbaric acts on muslim of 1993?
Why you are hiding the truth?
I think this was my comment
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BT’s comment is below. Re-post 1993 act if deleted.
Admin whatever you say but today muslims who are victim of terrorism from non-muslims needs people like mac you has guts to stand in front of people like terrorist bal thakrey not like coward namesake Muslims who are out their to convenience their non-muslim friends. Today i missed by first jumma prayer in order to help by Hindu friend, coz in morning i wasn`t aware that today is Friday and i gave him words that i will help him in time, later i realized that if i goto mosque I will not be able to keep my word, so first i went to keep my word and then when i came back, i couldn`t attend mosque……..he is from another town and his mother was in my town, of all his hindu friends who live in my town, he asked me to help his mother instead of all Hindus, hindu friends that he know..btw this guy was a typical RSS bhakt two years ago when i first met him, now he has changed a lot….anyway i am not going in too detail about a personal matter, so what i was saying is that Hindus need liberation from fake propagandist media, RSS propaganda and fake babas who had taken them away from right path, but there are boot licking Muslims who are out their to lick boot of Hindus and make money, these boot licking Muslims have got no balls to speak a word against injustice done to Muslims by hindu fanatics and supported silently by moderate Hindus.
How Bal Thackeray and his Shiv Sena changed Mumbai forever
(In this moving extract from her book, Samrat, the author describes the emotional toll that the nativist party’s violence takes on both the perpetrators and their victims.)
I met Manoj Surve (name changed) in the mid-1990s soon after the Shiv Sena–BJP government came to power and he began to frequent the Mantralaya in search of rewards for having participated in the riots of 1992-93. He had been part of a lynch mob that murdered an elderly Muslim during the conflagration…..He belonged to a family that had grown up worshipping Bal Thackeray: the Sena chief’s every word was treated as gospel truth, his every wish a command.
In his younger days, Surve used to be sent by his mother to the baker’s stall down the street every morning for pau (bread) and eggs. Some evenings, when families in the building had substantial orders, the man Surve called ‘chacha’ would come around, riding his bicycle with his box of kharas (fluffy crackers), buns, biscuits and other goodies to deliver at their doorsteps.
Chacha, who was a permanent fixture in Surve’s life, felt so safe among his regular customers that he decided to deliver supplies to their homes even during the riots, knowing that shops were shut and his regular customers might have to go without bread or milk for days on end. It is a testimony to the level of indoctrination among children belonging to Maharashtrian families supporting the Shiv Sena at the time that Surve soon found himself in a gang of youngsters actively rioting on the streets.
When Chacha, whom they had all known since their childhood, came around to deliver eggs and pau to their homes, they knocked him off his bicycle and set him on fire. Surve was on the fringes of that crowd but he did little to save the harmless old man, who had done nothing but good to them over the years.
“We left past midnight, leaving most of our possessions behind,” says Mansoor, sitting in his living room in his new home off Duncan Road, which is exclusively a Muslim residential area, where he and his family now feel safe and protected. His mother, Nanni Begum, though, still remembers all that they lost during the riots: “I had collected the trousseaus of my daughters stitch by stitch over the years. They were all stored in boxes which we could not carry without being noticed. Each one of my daughters was of marriageable age at the time. Only I know how I put those trousseaus back together again. They looted everything before burning down the house. I was never able to recover anything – not even a pillow. We have not been compensated for anything as yet.”
Mansoor is still in a state of shock at the betrayal by his friends. “We had grown up together; we went to the same schools and college. We played cricket together. But when it came to 1993, all boiled down to religion. They were Hindus and I was Muslim. Friendship was of no consequence.”
Read full here:
So my voice against injustice against Muslims will go on whether any of my fellow coward brother calls me hypocrite or not, my fight against terrorist nations like US,UK,Israel will go on who are responsible for millions of innocent death and my fight against terrorist organization like isis,rss will also go on through bashing their bhakt on internet who defend them, i am as vocal against isis as i am against rss, there are many coward,boot-licking Muslims who will condemn bad acts or act of terrorism done by Muslims on non-muslim but he/she feels shy to condemn terrorism bad acts done on millions of muslim by non-muslim, I condemn both while they condemn only to prove their secularism not humanity, even these coward people don’t know what really humanity is, and there is no way a coward can understand the real meaning of humanity, he only knows appeasement.
Mr Sahil,
Litmus test- which type of people are better, Muslims or non Muslims? Ok you will answer non conclusive, 2nd- will you have any problem with your sister marrying a Hindu guy ( yes Hindu guy will ‘respect’ islam), now if you are ok, answer this – “you are violating Allah command where Muslim girls are not allowed to marry outside” as per Qur’an. What is your advice to Muslim parents, brothers and fathers and Muslim girls?
What is different in you than other Muslims, that mac book guy lets say
hold on a second… I do not divide humans by muslim or non muslim..
— I divide them on whether they are HYPOCRITES or NON HYPOCRITES. That Mac guy is a big hypocrite.
— I prefer love to any other things. FYI my sister IS dating a Hindu Brahmin. I see him as a responsible guy with a good job and capable of giving my sis a luxurious life.
— Difference between me and Mac? I have known true love and he hasn’t. When you truly like and love a girl, you will also respect her religion and her family.
— On Quran’s view of marrying only a muslim- Here is my view-
A. “Every religion exists to market itself. And being a brand, you will always want to expand your fan base. If you are the CEO of Coca Cola would you want your family to drink PEPSI?? Even if you know deep down it is better? You will not. It is same with any religion. Many casts in South India still do not allow their family to marry outside their Cast. Being a student of genetics, I have done Demographic studies on the very same.”
B. “If I am a “KAFER” by doing this, I will not get “heaven” as per Quran. If heaven is a garden full of VIRGIN LADIES, I do not want that heaven For me heaven is the time that I spend on this earth with my Lover. I do not give a RAT’s SHIT on what happens after death.”
— My teacher at school once said, take the good things out of religion and discard the rest. FYI my grandpa’s friend is a brahmin who has done PhD on “impact of history on the doctrines of Islam.” He has carefully explained to me on the historical significance of each of Islam’s doctrines.
I have previously tried to reason you guys with seeing a religion over timeline but it is not of use. Because people are too blinded by their self interpretation of religion.
Sahil verses Mac
We have many Muslim friends and work very closely with them. However, most (probably all) are like Sahil (Iftekhar Hai, Seema, SRK, Salman, Salman Khan, shamim) and none like mac (mac, Mohammed, Haque, Haque, Haque, Pakhi) type ideologies.
Who is true a Muslim, Sahil or mac?
What type of Muslims will make this world peaceful for ALL?
If there is God, which one of two are Godly?
If any reader is in Interfaith love relationship and looking for equality of two faiths, would you want Sahil-type or mac-type life mate?
// We believe heaven and hell are right here, and right around us. To give hell to others by dreamers of heaven is
Admin. you didnt give answer for my last question.. yet i will ask you another time to prove heaven and hell are not here
Give me a logical reason why robbing or raping is bad?
mac, that is a nice gesture! Now we hope you did not did as a part of proselytism technique. If you did just as a humanitarian act, without any expectations for big reward, then that is commendable. Keep it up!
Agree, all babas and mullas to be kept on one side.
We don’t know what type of Koranic logic you are going to put on here. Please do not punish us by quoting Koranic verses as ultimate truth.
Where is my comment on terrorist Bal Thackrey?
Sahil or Suwar,
You are a non Muslim and therefore you can not enter heaven at all. You are here to misguide innocent boys and girls of all the communities. Be prepared to go to hell because your days are numbered.
Pakhi Begum(Catcher of your dirty tricks)
do you know that in Islam, giving curse is one of the worst sins?
By the way, I believe that your actions define whether your life in earth will be Hell or Heaven,
Spending my life with the Girl I want is my Heaven. What is defined as heaven in every religion is a garden full of fresh fruits and virgin ladies… I do not want virgin Ladies… I want my lifetime with only one lady- the one I love. If the price to pay for being in love with my girl is to be in Hell, I am willing to be there.
I believe in an Allah, who does not think of Love as a sacrilege. He is the omnipresent and it is by his will that I have fallen in love with the girl, so it will be by his will that I will continue with her.
//who does not think of Love as a sacrilege. He is the omnipresent //
bro. who told u that Allah(our creator) doesnt love us? bro u are wrong. . .Allah love us very much. . Allah love us more than 70 moms. . and who told u that he is omnipresent.?
bro. . Allah is in arsh(throne)

Why would any Allah send you any place other than heaven?
We believe heaven and hell are right here, and right around us.
To give hell to others by dreamers of heaven is sin.
Muhammed or Pakhi are not performing prescribed 5x7x365 namazes, so they are not true Muslims any ways, so why to listen to them as some authority?
Do you even know what omnipresent means????
@Mohammed, I meant something other than what you understood as love. I meant, the Allah I understand, does not think that Loving a girl of a different religion is a sacrilege.
@Mohammed- It is by the grace of Allah, that i love her and it is by His will that I continue to love her.. You have anything to add on this note?
Sahil bro, i think i asked you something here
Brother Mac,
Please don’t address Sahil as brother because a Kafir to the power infinity can not be a brother of any Muslim.
Pakhi Begum
Q1- The intermingling of inter-religious people go very deep in our household. Since 3 generations, a Hindu at our house, or me at a Hindu’s house has never been an issue, rather never been thought of. My father’s friends are Hindu and I have never seen them have any problem with that. I have been to my friends’ house countless number of time, shared meals,no issues. I even have all my roomies as non-Muslims, so what? We dont care a damn about it.
Q2- As i told before, in our reln, marriage is still a far off concern. So I haven’t thought about it.
When we will start thinking about it, we will discuss with my relatives who have already walked this path and that number is approx 5+.
We know you are on a strong footing and thus there is very little we have to contribute. Compared to many others (about 500 youths here) we have dealt with, we believe, you will be able to get over all obstacles to achieve your love.
We understand you are not ready to marry now but still you are in “love”. One should not start digging for water when there is fire! It would be smart to think of certain make or break points now. Tell us – out of those 5+ marriages in your family, how many of them had Nikaah marriage? The reason we asked that most likely you may end up following the family tradition. Let us know.
BTW, as we warned you, you will have to learn to ignore people like Haque!
Out of the 5.. i know two to have converted to himduism and at keast one to have not changed religion. The hard price to pay was being denounced by the family for more than 10 years.
For my case.. i have decided that i will teach her about islam.. the honest and true facts.. no brainwashing.. then i will leave the decision to ger and respect whatever she will choose…i will NOT force any decisions even if it means i hv to go against my family.
To me religion is a secondary thing… my ideal hindu mythology character is Sahadev and the ideal islam character is Sulaiman aka Solomon in Old testament.
If you know them you will see both have many things in common.
Somewhere i was reading about beef consumption controversy… if some Muslim friend can show me ONE reference in Quran where beef eating is holy… think of it.. how many cows does one see in Saudi Arab?
I would suggest people not to take negatives from a religion but positives.
bro, if u dont know about islam means keep quiet. . .
beef eating is not compulsory in islam,
its optional. .by the way beef eating also there in hinduism
Beaf eating in hinduism???? Really?? Any reference u would like to mention??
whats ur problem about. .if u dont want to ate. .dont ate na why u r stoping others to ate. .
i also clearly said. .its optional. .muslim can be a muslim if he doesnt want to ate beef
You have certainly an open upbringings. Regarding your family tradition for interfaith marriages, it has been mixed. That should make your life somewhat easy, but don’t underestimate your parents and community.
May times, parents give wrong message to their children. Parents get excited when their 5 years old daughter dance on Bollywood tunes, however when the same daughter at 18 decides to be a Bollywood dancer, parents will freak out. Mothers will feel proud of her son when he has many girl friends around him, but one day the same son talk about one of those girl as a wife, the same mother will say “why are you putting us to shame?”.
We would request to test out your parents now (there is no down side to it to find truth). One day go tell them that I am in love (even not really) and may consider this Hindu girl as a life mate. Lets see how they react. If they are truly supportive (don’t count on it!), well and good. If not, it will help you decide your path forward. Truth-now will be a win win (ultimately) for you, your parents and the girl.
A request, please come here and advise other youths in love. It is always good to learn from others mistakes, rather than making one.
Great Sahil……really enjoyed reading ur comment…U are quite a noble thinker…..keep it up…..
Not yet decided about marriage. We are very far away from marriage. Both of us have a career to make.
But I think my post is clear about the choice, I will never force anyone, I repeat ANYONE to convert. When India provides a civil secular wedding why choose anything else?
Yes, you might have some issues with succession. Yes, you might find it hard to convince your family members. But at the end of the day, its the freedom of one’s own choice that matters. And if you do not go into conversion issues, i believe, families of both parties might be more open to acceptance, because as a couple you are respecting both of them.
I have had prelims in a missionary school, so at 5yrs of age, I used to pray to a picture of Jesus before going to sleep. I dont recall any discouragement. Rather my parents used to support it.
Then, at my school, I was the only Muslim guy across several Classes. I never faced any discrimination. My friends never, ever, ever let my religion be a cause of concern. I have possibly observed Indian festivals with more depth than my own.
I know about the Indian culture, mythology and religious views in depth, I have also read the Bible Old Testament. Then I have started reading Quran, not like the average Muslim reciting out in loud voice, but with true interpretation and historical background.
If you try to understand religion from a chronological point of view, you will see a global similarity. Hinduism date backs to the ancient age, where the world was into polytheism– Greek Gods, Mayan civilisation, Egyptians. Then, in the middle ages, the thinking changed to a monotheist view and there arose Jewism, Christanism, which matured into Islam. With the aggressive spreading of both Christanity and Islam, they now hold the majority of the world religion percentage. But it was not bloodless. Take the crusades for example. And the modern scenario. In contrast, Indian religion is more passive and peace friendly, hence it has survived the test of time.
If you think of it- Bhishnu is described as the master of Adi, Ananta and Sesha, the one who sits on the coils of time, and whose blink of an eye represents 10000 years–The start of infinity, the infinity and beyond infinity. Now how can you shape that into an idol? How does it differ from Allah and God, who are described as the supreme creator of the universe and the master of time?
I have, at my house, all the Vedas, the Holy Bible as well as the Holy Quran. In the topmost shelf they get equal priority.
I have seen a lot of my family-members struggle for marriage out of their religion, hence I wanted to share this view. Think beyond religion. Keep that space private. Does your employer care about your religion? He cares about your work. So why do you give importance to what your spouse follows as a religion? Give importance to the love and commitment she has for you.
If you want some one to convert market your religion to him/her. Convince with reasoning. Do not force/blackmail anyone
Hello Sahil,
It is our utmost pleasure you joined InterfaithShaadi. We enjoy reading all your messages to youths in love. This is the way it should be, “Think beyond religion…. Give importance to the love”. However, others use love to promote their faith.
We must congratulate you parents to teach you real truth about God by making you to respect all faiths. This is superb “at my house, all the Vedas, the Holy Bible as well as the Holy Quran”.
This is also our life experience too, “at my school, I was the only Muslim guy across several Classes. I never faced any discrimination.” This is because of the law of mass action – action and reaction are equal and opposite. If one loves and respect others, others will reciprocate. However, if one goes assuming others hates you (or others will ultimately hurt you, others are cheaters, etc), it will only create hostility and ultimate outcome will be exactly what you assumed.
Sahil, we have two questions. We understood your parents are pluralist and open minded. However, many times parents are that way as far general public is concerned, but when comes to their in-laws, they want that person only their own type. Q1) Did you ever asked your parents a point blank question that assume I am in love with a Hindu, will you accept that love relationship (and invite a “Hindu” in your Muslim home)? Don’t assume! Q2) Likewise, is your Hindu lover’s family willing to accept a “Muslim” as their son-in-law? Again, don’t assume! Idealism is one thing and reality of life a different. We hope you have ironed out all these issues before proceeding with your love. Let us know.
Ummmm admin…….Law of Mass action eh?? Well thats a theory from chemisty and not from physics….which states that matter in the same phase can be considered in Rate law equations……this theory belongs to Chemical Kinetics……wrong reference bt yeah got your msg……nice….
…correct it to Newton’s Third Law!! Thanks.
We bow to you! Superb message. We hope you will come to this site to educate others. This we consider an interfaith Marriage with Equality.
One question, how are you planning to get married? Hindu wedding, Nikaah or civil wedding?