Chris says: March 15, 2015 at 1:37 am
I am a catholic girl having a relationship with a muslim boy. My bf’s father was a christian chinese and convert to islam just to marry his mom. We are malaysian and want to marry in the future. I really donnoe how to marry him without converting to muslim. here is my questions and can i have ur email address to ask YOU more?
1. u said u got the muslim marriage certificate and register ur marriage in malaysia….is it also means u r officially a muslim in malaysia and need to change ur ic status to islam…change ur status and muslim name in all ur imporatant documents?
2. can me and my bf register marriage without converting to muslim in singapore without notifying malaysia government? Is it illegal for malaysian people register marriage in other country without report to malaysia government?
3. is it possible for malaysia to find out if we are marry in singapore? bcos my bf has a very obvious islam name….
thank u -Chris
Admin says:
Hi Chris,
You are in very difficult situation. Unfortunately, it is like almost impossible if you don’t want to convert to Islam in Malaysia. These Sharia laws are absolutely partial benefiting Muslims. Your bf father (fake?) converted and now you will have to (fake?) convert. Later, your children’s lovers will also (fake?) convert to Islam. Ultimately whole Malaysia (and the world) will be Muslim. You have to reevaluate the whole thing if it is all worth it. Sorry we don’t mean to disappoint you, but alerting you for what you are dealing with.
Human-O may come later to answer but let us try to reply.
Ans 1: We believe Malaysian government will not allow a Muslim name registered to non-Muslim without making sure the conversion goes through. Malaysia have two sets of laws, one secular and another Sharia. As soon as it involves a Muslim, the secular court will divert the case to the Sharia court. And you know well what Sharia laws will tell you to do.
Ans 2: No, there is no issue for what you do in Singapore.
Ans 3: Malaysian government don’t have jurisdiction for what you do in Singapore. However, if you wish to settle later in Malaysia as a married couple, one or the other day, some one of your relatives may go and alert the Sharia court of your married status. One such phone call will put you in front of the Sharia court. You could cheat Malaysian government for years, but you got to know the risk you are taking.
Tell us why wish to remain Christian?
Can you do a fake-conversion? Read in detail this.
Tell us if your boy friend is religious?
What are you planning to teach to your children for who is God?
Are your children going to have Christian or Muslim names?
Do you wish to take your children to church every Sunday?
Will your children be baptized Christians or Muslims?
Let us know what you have though about all these points. -Admin
yk says: March 24, 2015 at 4:41 am
People of book in Malaysia, only allow for Muslim man. Then, the Christian has to demonstrated that the family ancestor is Christian before prophet Mohammed, namely kitabiyah….
Not easy.. -yk
Also read: Malaysian marriages, laws, VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Hindu-Muslim Marriage-video, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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I’m a malay Man married a Catholic girl she had a Muslim name after registration but she remain catholic so are my children they are all raised catholic I too don’t practice muslim faith and follow my wife faith.
I live in a area which are mostly non muslim to avoid problem.
To others may follow wht I did.
Reply at
Hi can u pls advice me if i get get married in sg without converting how abt my husband’s States in Malaysia meaning can he live in Malaysia with me if the immigration dept gets to kw abt us wht is going to happen can u pls advice me on this tq, lia
In most cases, don’t trust a Muslim if he says you do not have to convert to Islam or we will raise children in two faiths. If he is from Pakistan, you should talk to his parents for your plan to get married and remain a Christian.
Yes, you could marry in Singapore and come visit Malaysia. There is no problem up to this step. However, Malay government will never register you as a married person in Malaysia. This means he cannot get a PR based on your citizenship. Further, one day, you will have to disclose faith of your children, what will that be? If you don’t believe in Muhammad, Koran and Islamic practices, it does not make any sense dating/marrying a Muslim, unless he is not a Muslim (or an atheist). If that is the case, ask him to convert to Christianity. This way, two Christians can marry in Malaysia and he could also get a PR later.
As far as I know, a Muslim man can marry women of the book(Muslims, Christians and jews)…so as per sharia this shouldn’t be an issue even if you don’t wish to convert..His dad converted coz Muslim women cannot marry a non Muslim a christian WOMAN you’re allowed to marry him even as per sharia..i don’t think you should face any problems
People of book in Malaysia, only allow for Muslim man. Then, the Christian has to demonstrated that the family ancestor is Christian before prophet Mohammed, namely kitabiyah….
Not easy..
“A Kitabayah is a Christian woman whose ancestors were Christians before the prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad; or a Jewess whose ancestors were Jews before the prophet-hood of Jesus. If you are not a Kitabayah then you need to convert to Sunnah.” Read details.