Catholic: I am Dating a Protestant

Sharon says: November 11, 2018 at 4:20 am

Dear Kishtika,
I am at present dating a guy who is a Protestant too. As far as my religious affinity is concerned, I don’t believe in God. I’m not denying his/her existence, but I choose to not believe in some supernatural being who can never have a direct effect in my life. I have already broken up with my present boyfriend once, for the same reason you have mentioned. His people tried to get me to convert, because apparently that’s how they deal with such cases. And that is the only idea of inclusivity they have. I am not condemning their way of life, but it is how they have been socialized so nobody can’t question that.

I am Catholic by birth. Mom’s a Hindu convert, out of her choice. I think I have it a little easier because my parents have made it a point to expose me to all different Faith’s.

My boyfriend too couldn’t stand up for me or the relationship, and trust me he really did want to but who is going to suffer from a life long of ostracization right?

His parents are never gonna get over taking the Bible literally and you my dear are going to have to deal with too many instances where you will feel nothing but helplessness.

The conversion is totally your choice, but it seems like you are opting for that because it looks like the only way you both could be together. I would also suggest you take your time and get a total hang of their way of life before you commit to converting.

The possibility of this working is extremely difficult, unless you both can come to common ground without the influence or pressure of any other parties. (Provided it stays like that for the rest of your lives too)

A friend of mine told me “Don’t hang in there too long, don’t give up too soon”. The choice is yours honey. Just choose well. -Sharon

More information: Interfaith marriage with equality, Hindu-Christian Marriage, Bible on Hindus? Christian-Hindu relationships, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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1 Comment

  • November 13, 2018 7:41 pm

    Interesting statement, “And that is the only idea of inclusivity they have.” This is too sad.

    So, are you going to convert just to please the pastor/parents?

    If “My boyfriend too couldn’t stand up for me or the relationship”, how can you trust to take good care of you? If he is a mommy boy, that will be an issue for you later. Are you concerned?

    Is you mom 100% Catholic and 0% Hindu or she does some 30-70% or 50-50% of both faiths? Are you exposed to some Hinduism in your childhood, we are just curious!

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