I am Canadian Sikh and My Girlfriend is a Muslim

Harry says: December 9, 2015 at 5:32 am

Hey i am a sikh male and my girlfriend is a Muslim we both live in Canada. Her family is from Fiji and mine is from Punjab i was also born in india moved here in 2006. we are both 26 and at this age we are serious about each other and would like to merry. So that’s who we are.

Now, we met in highschool and back then we were not at all into each other. Some years after we graduated we ran into each other had friends in common. We started to get attracted to each other……. Long story short we got involved and i have broke her heart so many times (never by cheating on her). I just had the tendency to give up on the relationship as i was not ready. This time around it took me a long time to understand that i need this rock in my life that holds me down and saves me from the storms of this life. It took me a long time to prove to her this is real and i do want her in my life. Now the present situation is that her friends do not talk to her because she is back with me. I have stopped talking to my friends because i just don’t have the time. All we have is each other and don’t get me wrong we both do not feel any regret. This the strength in our relationship and the love for each other.

And finally the problem, religion.

The one thing that is to unite and the one thing that is suppose to liberate once soul keep us from the people we love.

I am not as religious as my girlfriend. (dont take this the wrong way but im having troubles trying to find the right words to say this but) i feel she is following her religion to her liking. For example she will fast, she believes she should not pray to the guru granth sahib because she is reject her religion, she thinks that she should never question her religion as any Muslim wouldn’t, she prays before driving her car, would want me to convert if we are to merry( for her family) and a few other points i cant remember at the moment. After believing in all of that she will drink, sex before marriage, would live with me forever and not get married and doesn’t believe in the view of the Muslim religion has on female but will never admit it because that will be questioning her faith. So this is just a few things i see being a problem in the future.

My take on the situation is very simple i believe in karma, do good and good will come to you. As majority of the religion teach the same thing. We share a lot of the same values in life. We are a great pair but as soon as we talk about religion all doors are closed on her side. I am not attacking her religion only trying to understand her thinking behind they way she follows it. Because i don’t think she even knows. She is only following what her parents have thought her to follow. She has lived at home her whole life and i have traveled all over the world and live by my self now. I don’t know if she fully believes and understands her religion.

So now my question. How do i give her the opportunity to figure out the person she wants to be and what she wants from her religion because until she can do that we would not be able to have a happy future together. I love her very much and would even convert for her but like i told her if i can convert for you would you convert for me? All she would say to that is but your religion does not make you do that. That is one of the things that i hate when people say religion makes you do something. Love conkers all religion And without god there is no love.

What do you think would happen if i converted to a Muslim and she converted to a Sikh?

Because truth be told how many of the converts in this situation truly follow the religion after converting? It would be a symbol of love and compromise. That no religion is better then the other. Love is greater and with gods help we will be unbreakable regardless of what religion we are.

Thank you. – Harry.

Admin says:

Dear Harry,

We would love to discuss issues with religions at length and help you out analyzing your situation.

You seem to be intelligent and rational thinker. It is normal to come up with such thoughts and you should critically evaluate before settling for her.

First, she “doesn’t believe in the view of the Muslim religion has on female” and “she is following her religion to her liking”. We believe she will play double standard. If she marries to a Muslim, she will not want to be a submissive wife that Islam expects her to be. However, she wants you to be a Muslim. Why? Probably she will not want to marry some Muslim who religiously performs namaz five times at day but will expect you to do just that. Why? Is she a love-Jihadi?

She is 26 and still living with parents in Canada? Why she is not married by now? There are plenty of good Muslims around.

On “she believes she should not pray to the guru granth sahib”, but she will pray to (looking at) Kaaba. She will not pray to (the direction of) Amritsur but will want to pray to (in the direction) Saudi Arabia! Explain to her that people don’t pray to the wood-cross, book or a building but they see God through some object, that all. Alternatively is she telling you that “there is one God and that is MINE!” Tell her to give up such childish talk. This is a serious matter for you if she is not willing to tolerate Sikhism (at least partially).

You asked, “What do you think would happen if i converted to a Muslim and she converted to a Sikh?”, your answer is in our video. If she converts out of Islam, she will be stoned to death (at least a threat of it). If you convert; … then you will be 100% Muslim and 0% Sikh till your death. Is that your intention? Is it the dream you came to Canada with? We request you not to fake-convert.

Explain us why this conversion business if your love is true one? Why not keep both faith out and marry by court marriage? -Admin

View videos: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
Also read: Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus?, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Malaysia in love, Marriage laws.
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  • Karman
    December 27, 2016 2:12 pm

    Hi Harry,
    You do not need to convert to Islam, First of all Quran never said that a Muslim girl cannot marry a non muslim,it prohibited the marrage of a Muslim (men or female) with a polytheist. You just have to prove one thing to her parents.
    According to Quran, Muslim religion os strictly Montheism.That Quran forbids the marrage of Muslims with polytheists.At that time there were only Christians and Jewish
    who were the only believers of One God.So it stated that a Muslim can marry a Christan or a Jew.(both of the religion are montheism.Sikhism is also Montheism (believing in One God) but it came up in 15th centry,that is why it was not stated in Quran.
    So it makes us no different
    Hence a Muslim girl can marry a Sikh guy.
    I have reseached so much just to prove this?
    Just prove this to her Parents??

  • October 14, 2016 9:16 pm

    Hi Harry, I’m also a Sikh dating a Muslim in Canada! As you, I am also facing a lot of conflicts. Although my boyfriend who is Muslim respects and understands my religion. He understands the meaning of Sikhism and does not want me to convert to Islam because that would be disrespecting my own religion and overall I know he thinks it is not right to make someone convert from their faith. And it is not… Don’t convert. Our religion is amazing and you should practice it if you believe in it. My boyfriends culture is also much more lenient when it comes to religion and his family is very open minded. It is my parents who I am worried about but my boyfriend as you, would convert to Sikhism for me. But I am a humane person and would never want anyone converting their faith for me. Although Sikhism and Islam are very similar they are also very different. You shouldn’t have to pick love or religion. With love religion shouldn’t matter.

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=11627

  • sass
    August 23, 2016 12:27 pm

    Im sorry admin but your way of giving advice is just very judgemental and anti islam.all that you really want to say is”if you are a sikh dont convert.the muslim person should if they like”You are saying oh why didnt his girlfriend just find a muslim man cause there are many out there.
    what kind of answer is this.You cant help who you love and if she loves him then she wants just him.every muslim woman dont get stoned if she converts from islam. Is she a love jihadi? That is what you saying? What are u saying.
    Whats wrong with him following his religion and she hers. If they love eachother they will respect eachothers religion.otherwise why staying together.the thing is if you knew something bout difrent religions.for example about sikhism and islam and that is we believe in the same God. We just have difrent way of worthshiping God.Islam dosnt say anything about women being submissive.get your facts right mr.

    • admin
      August 23, 2016 7:53 pm

      We agree to the first part here “if you are a sikh don’t convert” but NOT “the muslim person should (convert) if they like.” No, no one has to convert. Both should remain what they are, and raise children in two faiths. If their love is true, there is no reason to bring in the conversion business. Tell us what is wrong in that suggestion?

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