My brother (Hindu) loves a Muslim girl

akshaya says: March 25, 2014 at 11:44 pm

Hey I wish you all the very best for your successful life ahead since my brother (Hindu) who loves a Muslim girl is also in a same situation as you are in I pray that everything goes well. I wish for your dream to come true -Akshaya

Admin says:

Yes we also wish his dream come true. Only thing we hope that he knows that these 4 will be additional steps in that dream ….that
1) he has to convert to Islam, ….
2) have a circumcision, ….
3) change his name to some Arabic name and …
4) later if he ever pose to be a Hindu, punishment will be stoned to death?
May be the girl is worth all these! Enjoy the dream and what else to be followed. -Admin

akshaya says: March 26, 2014 at 9:10 pm

Well i dont think so he will have to do all that. And according to me religions caste everything was made by human being. We should be free enough to follow the path we want to, and not to be forced by anyone. If its forcefully followed, you dont follow it whole heartedly than whats the use…

The girls (Muslim) family are quite open minded and i suppose things will be good at her side. The big problem is my family, my (Hindu) parents hate muslims and my dad is a very strict one and over-protective as well. We dont know what destiny has in its hand so hoping for the best is all we can do. -akshaya

More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • akshaya
    April 3, 2014 12:28 am

    I dont think so, she is an open minded person and she believes in humanity, and i hope what you say turns out to be false. My brother had a talk with her she says if they get married she will continue praying for 5 times a day that she does daily now, and to this my brother was not satisfied though i told him she just wants to pray so whats wrong and he said that he wont be having any problem but our parents will which to some point is true.

    • April 3, 2014 6:16 pm

      We are glad you are hanging here to educate about what potential issues could come in life of your brother. Lets hope they will have a very long lasting happy Hindu-Muslim married life.

      Yes, find out from your parents if it is okay if the Muslim daughter in law wears a hijab and pray five times a day in a Hindu community. Ideally it should not bother any one but it will. This is due to last 1000 years of Hindu-Muslim history.

      Is the Muslim girl planning to adapt some Hindu traditions in her life? Alternatively, is she planning to be a pure Muslim in Hindu home? To test, ask her to wear a sari and bindi and take her to a Hindu temple. Ask her to join for pooja. We are sure, like SRK, she will not have any problem.

      Another thing you could do is to read what Koran has to say for Hindus. Ask her questions from it for what she has learned from the Koran.

      In the end, you may realize that all we said was wrong and she is truly an open minded person, we hope so. However, this education (making sure instead of assuming) will not hurt any one. Get back to us what else you learned.

  • miss khan
    March 28, 2014 3:52 pm

    My situation is almost same…I m goin to b converted on my will to hinduism..I myslf blv religions are man -made, set of rules to make a human nt stray away frm right path….bt durin my islamic life, I wasnt evn treated humanly,..nw m managing alone n extrmly happy. .
    His parents wr very hurt whn they found out abt his love fr me as a muslim grl…I cn undrstnd y…d fear of life n d utmost disgusting barbaric stories n experience, ofcourse they are nt to b ignored….
    They hv finaly agreed to accept me aftr conversion …I happily agreed…bt u knw they are still scared..
    They wish to meet my parents to hear frm them that they would create havoc n they mutually agree on it, my parents hv alrdy abandoned me due to this..I still dunno hw things would go fr me….
    Bt 1 thing m sure, m nt letting him into islamic convrsion, circumcision et …I dnt want to change anything in him, hes absolutely perfct, jus want to win his parents heart…

    • akshaya
      April 1, 2014 9:50 pm

      i have learned your story and i wish all the very best for your future life ahead and i wish the way you are strong enough about your love your partner too is, since its only with his support that you will be able to stand strong

  • March 28, 2014 7:09 am

    Hi Akshya,

    Can you please clarify that:-

    i) is your brother a working hand?
    ii) is he matured, means above 18 years?
    iii) is his muslim GF is also a working girl?

    Please suggest your brother not to accept conversion or circumcision.
    If she is agreed to marry him unconditionally, they can marry under
    special marriage act.

    • akshaya
      April 1, 2014 9:49 pm

      He is not earning as of now, he is mature enough.. both are studying right now but they cant break this relation just for a reason of that they do not belong to the same caste

  • March 27, 2014 3:00 pm

    Dear Akshaya,
    Instead of assuming things, why don’t you ask your brother’s gf direct question, “1) have to convert for Nikaah wedding, ….2) have to have a circumcision, ….3) change name to some Arabic name?

    Alternatively, simply ask the girl if a Hindu could marry a Muslim girl without Nikaah (=conversion)? Make sure her Muslim parents are in full agreement for a marriage without Nikaah. If these are not necessary, that will be a super start. Let us know in 15 days what you learned. Thanks.

    • akshaya
      April 1, 2014 9:56 pm

      The girls family already had this situation wherein the girl was a hindu so she by the way had to convert, but only caste and traditions are a big problem here and because of this i dont think so a precious relationship should be broken, i know practically its not the same and i am talking a bit filmy but why not think positive. Her family members oppose her for this relationship but she wants to be with my brother forever. Neither my brother will convert islamic so for now my suggestion for them is after they complete their studies they think about all this, try to convince parents and i have already suggested my brother to settle down outside India so that they can live peacefully which wont be possible in future

      • April 2, 2014 7:14 am

        Why you said, “the girl was a hindu so she by the way had to convert”? Now your brother’s gf is Muslim, does it mean the Muslim has to convert to Hinduism? This conversion business in insane. What love has to do with religious conversion? Why people are forced to change their religion? Is that for God or for their Moslem community? Don’t be submissive, ask your brother to remain Hindu and plan to raise children at least 50% Hindu. Does it make sense?

        • akshaya
          April 2, 2014 8:54 pm

          The girl had to convert to islamic becuase the guy was muslim, now if my brother and his gf gets married the girl will have to convert to the guy’s caste thats what is been followed from years, though i dont believe in all this culture but this is what is happening from many years, and about children cant they be thought good things about both the religion and when they grow mature enough let them decide what religion they want to follow, we are all educated people and education teaches us liberty too follow what is right, and i hope that world changes in few years and accept what is good and discard bad and not blindly follow any religion

          • April 2, 2014 10:20 pm

            Not only the Muslim girl will not convert to Hinduism but she will convert your Hindu brother to Islam, mark our words. Further, she will insist on children being only Muslims. These are all one way street talks, all towards Islam. We hope we proved to be wrong in end, let us know.

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