Brahmin girl with Kuwaiti Arab Sunni Muslim

cookiee says: September 22, 2014 at 1:22 am

polygamy islamHi friends, first of all I’d like to thank you for making this blog and hoping for some encouraging n helpful replies…Thank you in advance ☺☺

The thing is I am a hindu brahmin girl who is with a sunni Muslim guy..We are both 21 and looking to get married soon…The problem is that not only is he a Muslim but also he’s NOT Indian..he’s an Arab Muslim born and raised in Kuwait!!..As for me i haven’t ever been outside India also…

To continue,he has been nothing but respectful and amazing with me and always makes me feel like a princess.he has NEVER asked me to convert but after seeing him &reading some parts of qoran, I’m planning to convert..he’s lost his parents and has no family whatsoever so his family isn’t an issue..The problem is how to convince my parents? they know him as my friend and very mum even said one time that had he been Indian and Hindu,i would have made him my son in law..but as the situation is, my parents will never allow me to marry a foreigner Muslim..They said if i marry a non hindu, they will disown me in every way..

fortunately, he has a very good job too and doesn’t believe in polygamy..In fact he suggested that we sign a prenuptial that prohibits him from marrying again..He is open to my parents doing as much research about him as they please and is basically being as supportive as he can..But I’m scared that if I tell my parents and they take my phone, we will have no way to get in touch, as he stays in Kuwait and i here..He comes 2 to 3 times every year to visit me..naturally this is very difficult and thus we are planning to approach my parents within a couple of months..Any replies will be very appreciated..

He happily comes with me to temples and prays there when in India and even i go with him to mosques..we never face problems related to faith…so please help me and any personal experience in this will also be much appreciated .thank you -Cookiee

RealityCheck says: September 22, 2014 at 2:54 am

Hello cookie,
Your situation is pretty complicated. You can’t really blame your parents for the kind of step they’d take against your decision of marrying a foreigner and that too a Muslim. Since you live in India your perspective of Muslims is pretty different from those that live in gulf countries. Here, men and women are treated with equality. In some Islamic countries, a lady can’t even leave her house without hijab and isn’t allowed to drive. So are you sure if shifting to his country is a great idea? And since you both are just 21 I believe it’s a very young age to be married. No matter how hard you justify his job and personality, no father will approve this. I think you both should wait for some more years.

And right now focus on your career. Also, have you ever thought if your parents if you convert? Remember they have given you the life you are living and you must respect their choice and opinion.

If there is any further discussion you’d like to make on this, feel free to email me at:- Hare Krsna. -RC

cookiee says: November 20, 2014 at 2:06 am

Hello admin and Mac,
Thanks a lot for these supportive replies..i am very happy with the support I’m receiving here..i will not be replying to infidel as I do not support racism..

First of all admin , my guy has NEVER asked me to convert..It is my decision after seeing with my own eyes the kind of guy he is and reading some parts of the noble Qoran..i should add that ,that’s what I respect most about him that he NEVER asked me to whether I convert or not is immaterial to him..again as I said before that if my parents are that against me converting I will not convert…

Secondly not without my daughter is just another book which insults islam after seeing the example of 1 MUSLIM FAMILY. Thus I will not be paying attention to it..Secondly both i and my guy have now been dating since almost a year and he has always supported my religion and thus I doubt I’ll be “100% Muslim and 0% hindu” as you said. .again as I said, adopting islam is MY choice and doing it doesn’t mean that I will forget or disrespect my hindu roots…

Lastly, islam doesn’t suppress women, in fact it gives them freedom and places women on a I don’t think I’ll be stopped from doing what I want as such, after marriage especially as I said, my guy is very supportive..As for not coming back to India , that’s something I’ll be glad to do as my father is a VERY violent alcoholic and I’ll be glad to not see him mum will be staying with me and my husband (his idea )

I think that the main reason my parents will oppose are these in no specific order
1.he’s an Arab and is not familiar with hindi or indian culture at all except bollywood
The last parts of my post seem to have gotten cut..Here go the remaining reasons why my parents would be against it
2.percieved loss of reputation in society
3.Muslim laws on polygamy and triple talaq
4.they would like me to have an arrange marriage
5.general bad impression about Muslims ( fear of the unknown ) mum is a very religious woman and won’t accept me changing my faith even if the guy is awesome
Hoping for some good and helpful replies. .Thank you 🙂

Cookiee says: January 23, 2015 at 12:21 pm

He is coming to India very soon and we are going to break the news to my family and inshaallah everything will workout ☺☺:)
Ultimately Allah knows best. -Cookiee

cookiee says: March 3, 2015 at 10:00 pm

As for converting to islam or any other faith for that matter, even I’m a convert to islam and I’m very happy but I did it for GOD not my man..In Islam, fake converting is very wrong and I would first read about islam through Quran before jumping to it..You should know what you are getting yourself into, otherwise you will not be able to do justice to your new faith -cookiee

cookiee says: March 6, 2015 at 2:30 am

Hey, yes I converted around a few months ago..I didn’t tell my parents i dad is atheist so he doesn’t care much either way whereas I told my mum that I’m not a believer in Hinduism anymore..i didn’t tell her that I’m Muslim now but I told her my idea of God..she saw how much my faith in God has increased even though I don’t follow hindu religion anymore And thus she doesn’t have much issue, coz I’m still not atheist..she also told me that don’t marry a non hindu, but I told her that since I am not hindu myself i don’t care if I marry a hindu or not..In this way, I’ll reveal everything slowly slowly, so that I don’t shock my family..I’m very happy with my new faith and feel much more secure coz i know and feel God’s presence much more strongly..I still drink and eat pork occasionally,but I’m working on removing it and rarely do these things for my clothing, nothing has changed except for wearing a scarf since I was almost always a modest dresser..i still live with my family and my guy will be visiting india in mid year..We plan to get married after 2 years..Happy Holi and Jumma Mabrook -cookiee

cookiee says: April 13, 2015 at 6:25 am

Hey guys I was waiting for the right time to tell my family everything & finally let the cat out of the family already knew about this from reading my diary so this was no surprise to them..also he’s in India at the moment and met them and solved any doubts they might have as far as his religion or nationality is concerned..they anyways had a good impression about him & I have always been an ideal daughter in other areas of my life. so I think that made things easier…the extended family is creating a chaos and I have been receiving too many calls telling me how I have been *spoiling my life* but I’m happy since my parents are defending him..

we are going to get engaged soon within a fortnight..also, we decided to get married as per Kuwait marriage laws as This Would be the better idea as we planning to settle there..but the marriage function itself will be in arab style as we both are devout parents wanted a shaadi ceremony but as of now it just seems an unnecessary thing to me, but we will give in and have a shaadi as well if they insist..

I’m glad my parents accepted so easily and decided not to create bad blood by only objecting on basis of nationality..religion was not as much of a big deal as much the fact that he’s a firangi Coz i am Muslim myself and my parents are secular people (dad more than mum)..I’m very excited for my engagement and will tie the knot by the end of this year (2015)..thank you to everyone for the great help..wish you all a nice life..:) -Cookiee

Also read:
VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it? Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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  • PlannersForYou
    October 31, 2018 12:34 am

    Love this article. Intercaste marriage is a great step. Even I love a Hindu guy while I’m Christian.

    • October 31, 2018 5:45 pm

      Dear PFY,

      We believe interfaith marriages can be successful provided one made fully informed decision. Have you discussed all potential religious issues with the Hindu guy you are dating? How many of these points you have already clear about… …?

      In above case of Cookiee, she is going to convert to Islam for the marriage. Are you? We have dealt with some 1200 other youths and can help you. Let us know more details about your love relationship. Best wishes.

  • December 31, 2015 1:25 pm

    Hi Cookiee,

    Can you please update us on “I’m very excited for my engagement and will tie the knot by the end of this year”. Are you married now and enjoying heaven in Kuwait?

    • July 15, 2016 9:42 pm

      Hi Cookiee,
      We have not heard from you in almost a year. How is your dream Muslim life going? Please update us.

  • Rahul
    December 11, 2015 5:37 pm

    Hello All,
    Just one small concern if it was a Hindu guy marrying a Muslim lady would it be so easily accepted by these so called open minded people (its nothing but how hypocrite) u all are. If a Hindu girl converts its ok.. but if a Muslim marries a Hindu guy its a Sin. If its love religion should never come into picture or forefront. Cookie I am really amazed that you are willing to take such a step leaving behind those people who raised you so well that you can go ahead and take that decision for them and in ur convenience abandoning them. Good for you.. Enjoy in Kuwait!!

  • September 19, 2015 12:05 pm

    We have not heard from you in a while. Did you got married? Are you enjoying heaven (Kuwait) now?

  • July 29, 2015 4:28 am

    stikhara for love marriage to Marriage is carried out when somebody really should pick between 2 or even more proposition for marriage however not selected which for you to agreement to or notwithstanding regarding specific proposition Istikhara for Marriage can be executed. Aim of performing Istikhara must be to ask for Allah swt to help direct in picking the proper life accomplice. Presently the inquiry come up what specifically is Istikhara regarding marriage and Steps for making basic Istikhara regarding Union. Istikhara supplication to God in regards to marriage in Urdu and also English are showed beneath.

  • cookiee
    April 13, 2015 6:25 am

    Hey guys I was waiting for the right time to tell my family everything & finally let the cat out of the family already knew about this from reading my diary so this was no surprise to them..also he’s in India at the moment and met them and solved any doubts they might have as far as his religion or nationality is concerned..they anyways had a good impression about him & I have always been an ideal daughter in other areas of my I think that made things easier…the extended family is creating a chaos and I have been receiving too many calls telling me how I have been *spoiling my life* but I’m happy since my parents are defending him..we are going to get engaged soon within a fortnight..also,we decided to get married as per Kuwait marriage laws as This Would be the better idea as we planning to settle there..but the marriage function itself will be in arab style as we both are devout parents wanted a shaadi ceremony but as of now it just seems an unnecessary thing to me,but we will give in and have a shaadi as well if they insist..I’m glad my parents accepted so easily and decided not to create bad blood by only objecting on basis of nationality..religion was not as much of a big deal as much the fact that he’s a firangi Coz i am Muslim myself and my parents are secular people(dad more than mum)..I’m very excited for my engagement and will tie the knot by the end of this year..thank you to everyone for the great help..wish you all a nice life..:)

    • mac
      April 13, 2015 6:43 am

      Mashallah, feeling happy for you, since you converted to islam from heart, Allah made path easy for you, Allah tells us in Qur’an that he makes path easy for devout believers but he also sometime test faith which he did with you, but you were patient at that time and now reward. It`s unbelievable that your family accepted your decision. God bless you.

      And sister, remember me in dua, i am going through a tough time.

      • cookiee
        April 15, 2015 12:24 am

        Thanks a lot everyone..without your encouragement wouldn’t have been possible..even I’mshocked that my parents agreed so easily..I was expecting mahabharat at home lol..guess the fact that except for his faith/ nationality,he has all qualities for a good life partner helped..yes mac I’ll definitely be doing dua for you..may Allah make it easy for all of us

      • April 16, 2015 3:41 pm

        Hi mac,
        What is the issue (i am going through a tough time)? Is it relating to your love with that Hindu girl? What ever the short term issue, keep your long term goal of getting top education and focus on it. Best wishes.

        • mac
          April 17, 2015 1:01 am

          Admin, I am single now, i never had any problem in life regrading bullshit young age fake love that young people take seriously. And thank you sister cookie for your dua, i think your dua is working 🙂

    • Aakash Mallik
      April 13, 2015 6:51 am

      Wow didi………..mst…….
      Party kb de rahi hai aap……mai pakka pakka aa jaunga…..really inspired by ur story…..looking forward to get in touch….

    • Mohammed
      April 13, 2015 9:12 am

      Masha Allah. sister. . Allah has made ur path very easily. .
      All the best for ur future
      and we sure want treat from you. .you want to give dont deny it !!! 😛

    • April 16, 2015 3:18 pm

      Hi Cookiee,
      It is good that your parents are supporting you, best wishes.

      Yours is a very special case we have seen on this web site. You have been on this site for almost 8 months. Right now you are in your honeymoon time, so enjoy! However, life is long with lots of twists and turns. Please keep us posted for major events of your life.

      We asked you a small question twice and have not heard from you yet. Where and how did you first met this Kuwaiti guy? Just curious.

      • cookiee
        April 16, 2015 10:18 pm

        Through my friend’s husband..he and her husband are colleagues

  • cookiee
    April 7, 2015 12:04 am

    Hey guys , one small update to give you.. Once some months back,my dad had heard from some nosy uncle that he saw me and my guys pics on a social media few days back my mum read my diary where its clearly written about everything from my faith to my guy and that too in my own words..she read it when I was not around..she discussed it with my dad and my dad asked her to confirm with me..i cooked up some story but she is kinda sure I’m lying..The fortunate thing is that there has been no drama at lack of faith in hinduism was never a shock for my parents since from childhood i was never a devout hindu and never adjusted in the for my man,mummy implied that she will give it another 2-3 years and if still our relationship is smooth,she will not oppose our union..she can clearly see how happy I am with him & she has an amazing impression of my guy after he had come to my place once so by Allah’s grace there has been no drama..but what I feel is that my mum is secretly confident that we would never last for another 3 years , coz he’s a gora and goras can never be stable in a relationship :p..currently shed giving us the benefit of doubt and keeps asking me about him and his family..i hope everything works out for the best, I’ll be so happy if my parents accept him..actually the main danger of acceptance will not be from my parents but from my extended family, those uncles, aunts etc 🙂

    • cookiee
      April 7, 2015 12:08 am

      As for my love for islam,she did not read the part where I said I converted she just feels i follow islamic principles in life..She is unhappy with this but feels that it’s just a phase and will pass with time,since she feels i have a fickle attitude in life,like most people in this day and age

      • admin
        April 7, 2015 10:33 pm

        Where (or how) did you meet your Kuwaiti friend the first time?
        What is holding you from marrying him?

  • mac
    March 14, 2015 2:50 am

    Dear Admin, will you take responsibility of Cookie`s like if any hindu terrorist groups like RSS,VHP,Hindu Sena, Ram Sena harms her in any way, is in`t Hinduism an inclusive religion as you said earlier and has been saying for about last 5 years, then why in cookie`s case you are hell bent upon exposing truth to her parents. Not a single time you said similar things to muslim girls who came here for help when they had relation with hindu boys.

    • March 14, 2015 9:00 pm

      Child’s best protectors are always his/her own family. For this reason Cookiee should do every thing to win their hearts. Honesty with parents will certainly help.

      As we said all along, every one has right to choose their faith and we respect Cookiee’s choice.

      There is another non-religious point about relationships between parents and child. We asked some questions to Cookiee and after her reply we will elaborate more on this point.

      • cookiee
        March 16, 2015 11:02 pm

        I’m 22 and studying at the moment..I’m doing a job but it’s on a temporary basis only..and yes, I’m scared of back lash from right wing groups..recently I have heard in news that they target couples like us..i live in a city there any way to avoid such a situation and are these kinda incidents common even in cities?

        • March 17, 2015 7:32 am

          Your best protectors are your own parents and close relatives. Be honest to them.

        • mac
          March 18, 2015 4:54 am

          Dear cookie, since you live in city so there is less chance of right wing hindu parties attacking you, but donot disclose to anyone unless you trust him/her completely.

  • cookiee
    March 12, 2015 11:26 am

    Admin ,
    This is very disappointing..First of all, instead of the topic of how to convince my parents and how to legally get married with a foreigner you are telling me about how I should tell my parents and stuff..First on other posts you tell people that if they become muslim their parents k sat relation will be cut off and now when you can see that I’m a happy convert and living with my family with no issues, you are telling me that I should tell them honestly and leave the house. .well please par tell me why exactly should I leave my parents house?how am I back stabbing them?i mean really, your telling me I’m back stabbing them just coz I’m an adult and made an adult choice of doing what makes me happy?I already told my mum that I’m not hindu anymore and I told her my idea about God..i never said I’m not going to say anything ever..i said that I believe in doing one step at a time..i already told you my dad is atheist so he doesn’t care at all whatever faith I something that doesn’t harm your parents at all and makes you happy at the same time considered back stabbing or cheating? ?I doubt it..and how can you even say that I’m using my parents by eating and living in their house? ?is this the first time you have heard of a person staying with family??in our islam we say that the second worst sin we can do is disrespect our parents. .so how can I even dream of doing what you say I’m doing??

    • cookiee
      March 12, 2015 11:41 am

      Second of all, I’ll ask you to research a bit about taqiyya before just saying anything without knowledge..taqiyya is a prominent part of shia(which imo is not really islam ) belief is more the true belief as per Quran which is also known as Sunni in Quran The Prophet (peace and blessings be on him) said: “Shall I tell you of the three most heinous sins?” He repeated this question three times and then said, “They are: to associate partners with Allah, to mistreat one’s parents, and to bear false testimony.”…as you can see that the third greatest sin is to LIE ABOUT FAITH or give false testimony..thus taqiyya is not a part of islam imo..only in 1 case is taqiyya allowed(but discouraged even here) is that if you have a fear of life and if you lie about faith,you can survive ONLY in that case, can you in if someone is holding a gun to my head and I say that ok I’m not Muslim and my life will be saved in that case yes I can do *taqiyya* YET it’s discouraged and personally I will rather lose my life than turn my back on Islam..clearly as you can see that is very very far from the case in my parents may be polytheistic but it’s not their fault as they were born in that duty as a Muslim is to love them..and who knows later in life they might adopt islam seeing me and my husband/kids..

      • cookiee
        March 12, 2015 11:49 am

        As for legality , it’s just a technicality and there’s nothing to gain by changing religion and stuff..anyways he being a foreigner, we have to get married by special marriage act only not hindu/Muslim marriage act..First of all, I’m sure I’m going to marry my guy only and even in event of breakup , my first preference would be a good Muslim man only..even if I were to marry a hindu or Christian do you think ill just blindly marry him without even discussing my faith??obviously I’m not going to marry someone whose not ok with me and my future kids following islam from the first day itself..anyways it’s a very far fetched possibility that I’ll breakup with my man, be unable to find a good Muslim man out of 2 billion Muslims and ultimately go for a hindu’s better to focus on the current situation, don’t you think?

        • admin
          March 12, 2015 9:10 pm


      • admin
        March 12, 2015 9:10 pm

        What do you mean by “shia(which imo is not really islam )”?

    • admin
      March 12, 2015 9:07 pm

      Here, we are talking about two mutually exclusive and independent topics.

      On the first point on religion, yes, as an adult you have full rights to follow what ever faith you wish. We support 100%.

      The other point is taking responsibility as an adult for their choices. Young adults in the West do exactly what they want but at the same time, they are not a liability to their parents from age as early as 20. Further, they never dream that parents money are their money, and that is very admirable. Indian youths love freedom of the West but fail to take responsibility for their act.

      You are a Muslim in Brahmin’s home. It is not you to decide if “something that doesn’t harm your parents at all and makes you happy…”, let your parents decide for themselves what is right for them. You are deceiving and fooling your parents by not telling them truth. If you are honest, then go tell your parents ASAP that you are a converted Muslim now and have a Kuwaiti boy friend. After telling truth, if they still wish to support you, it is up to them. Every night you don’t tell them truth, remember that you are cheating them and back-stabbing innocent parents. No Allah will forgive you.

      You are 23. Are you done with your studies? Are you doing job?

      • cookiee
        March 12, 2015 11:37 pm

        I disagree that adopting an amazing faith is *cheating and backstabbing innocent parents*..thus there is nothing Allah needs to forgive..adults do a variety of things and telling every little thing is unnecessary once you’re an adult..They will know at the right let’s just agree to disagree there..going to the other topic there is a sect of people who call themselves as shia and say they are Muslims inspite of going against Quran..I’m not going to bother with saying the reasons for this,but I(and many other people) don’t consider shia as Muslims..

        • Mohammed
          March 13, 2015 5:09 am

          Masha Allah sister..

          you have understand very well and replied to this bludy admin…

          dont leave ur parents… this admin are trying to fool peoples in the name of both religion..
          in the whole site you would see on degrading islam. ..

          This is clear that this site belongs to no1 anti islamic site…. .

          In Sha Allah, it will block one day…..

      • Mohammed
        March 13, 2015 6:06 am

        “let your parents decide for themselves what is right for them. You are deceiving and fooling your parents by not telling them truth.”

        i want to laugh on this point !!
        in one hand he is telling to the muslim people to marry on their own choice as they become adult. . .
        now in other hand he is telling to cookie to go and tell their parents.. . parents want to choose rights for child…

        Sorry admin, cookie has become adult and has rights to choose herself of her choice as u have claiming to muslim peoples
        as per ur definition.. .

        But as my point, both wants to obey their parents. . .and decide with the parents suggestion. . .this is the correct procedure. . .and u cant divert on this….and ur life will be happy as ur parents know well to decide for their child beacoz they have seen this world before their child and have experiance on these things and no parents even think their child wants not to leav life with peacefully…

        A man came to the Prophet and said: O Messenger of Allah! Who from amongst mankind warrants the best companionship from me?
        He replied: “Your mother.” The man asked: Then who? So he replied: “Your mother.” The man then asked: Then who? So the Prophet replied again: “Your mother.” The man then asked:
        Then who? So he replied: “Then your father.” (Sahîh Bukhârî 5971
        and Sahîh Muslim 7/2)

        The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) also said in a famous narration:
        ‘Paradise lies at the feet of your
        [Musnad Ahmad, Sunan
        An-Nasâ’i, Sunan Ibn Mâjah]

        What can be greater evidence of honoring women than this? Islam has effectively placed the ultimate reward for human beings in their devotion to their mothers.

        Shaykh Ibrahîm Ibn Sâlih Al-
        Mahmud writes:

        Treat your mother with the best companionship, then your father;because paradise is under the mother’s feet. Never disobey your parents, nor make them angry,otherwise you will live a miserable life in this world and the hereafter, and your children will treat you likewise. Ask your parents gently if you need something. Always thank them if they give it to you, and excuse them if they do not, and never insist on a matter if they refuse to give you something.

        I asked the Prophet, ‘O Messenger
        of Allah, what is the best deed?’
        He replied ‘Prayer offered on time.’ I asked, ‘What is next in goodness?’ He replied, ‘To be dutiful and kind to one’s parents.’ I further asked, ‘What is next in goodness?’ He replied, ‘Jihad in the Allah’s cause. [Sahîh Bukhârî,
        Sahîh Muslim]

        Just as the Prophet said that kindness to one’s parents was of the best deeds, he also said that disobedience to them was amongst the major sins:

        “The greatest sins are to associate partners in worship with Allah, to be undutiful or unkind to one’s parents, to kill a soul forbidden by Allah and to bear false witness.”[Sahîh Bukhârî]

      • admin
        March 13, 2015 7:19 am

        Cookiee, you are 22. Are you done with your studies? Are you doing job?

  • March 10, 2015 7:10 pm

    Hi Cookiee,
    Are you currently living with your parents?

    When are you planning to inform to your parents that you are a Muslim? You got to know that you are cheating to your parents by not disclosing facts to them. How would you feel one day when your own daughter backstabs you?

    Every day you are using your parent’s money, eating their food and sleeping in that home, you should remember that you are being a cheater. Stop lying to your parents. What are you waiting for from being truthful? Allah will help you find even a better home for you, as far as you are honest. Go tell your parents as soon as possible, be brave!

    • mac
      March 11, 2015 3:10 am

      Religion is personal matter, and as you and other said Hinduism accepts all religions as true then why she should inform her parents as Islam,Christianity,Buddhism,Sikhism are all valid religion as per Hinduism according to Hindus. So where from the concept of cheating comes???

      Admin you asked cookie “How would you feel one day when your own daughter backstabs you? ”

      now i ask you why you didn`t ask this same question to all the muslim girls who came to this site for help, many muslim girl confessed here that they cheated their parents, they did court marriage , arya samaj marriage without informing their family, at that time you facilitated their cheating with all your so called godly logic.

      Admin said “Every day you are using your parent’s money, eating their food and sleeping in that home, you should remember that you are being a cheater”

      wah admin wah, where you kept these lines all these days when muslim girls came here for help????

      • Mohammed
        March 11, 2015 5:44 am

        mac bro..

        Admin is no1 fraud here…This site is not to help spouse. . .This site is to embrace hindu religion for muslim logic…when we ask for logic he escapes or he divert our responce. .

        This site is no1 anti islamic and frauds…

    • March 11, 2015 8:17 pm

      Mac and Mohammed,

      While dealing with parents, we have slightly different approach all along:

      You always said that children should follow parents unconditionally and don’t go ever against parents wishes. If Cookiee follow your advice, then she has already cheated her parents. At least now she should be honest disclosing truth. Why she should spend a day in the house of polytheist and idol-worshipper sinner parents? Don’t teach her Islamic Taqiyya (lay low and then when opportunity arrives, attack).

      We always said to respect your parents but don’t blindly follow their advice. Parents have rights to tell what their children should do, and like wise, children have rights to argue it back for their rational justifying their wishes. In the end, young adult should do exactly what they wish to do (and we are okay with Cookiee’s conversion to Islam) but young adults should also be ready to face consequences of their acts (and Cookiee should not practice Taqiyya against her parents but disclose truth today).

      In the West, most young adults at age of 22 do exactly what they wish to do (and don’t listen to parents). But again they don’t run to their parents if they fail. Indian young adults can’t have it both ways; on one side they wish for rights to take independent decisions and on the other side they expect parents as their back up option if they fail? This double standard is insane!

      Cookiee is not a baby; she is already grown up 22 years old lady. Why she has to hang on with parents expecting her polytheist mother to breast-feed her 3 times/day every day? Why can’t Cookiee be able to live her own life at 22? We already told her long before not to come back to her parents after talaak-talaak-talaak in the middle of a cold night.

      Cookiee, be honest, have guts, be truthful and don’t play takiyya. Tell truth to your parents today.

      • Aakash Mallik
        March 13, 2015 5:57 am

        Alri8 guys…u r really confusing….at one point u said u should do as u please…..
        Nw u say u r backstabbing..coz she did what she wished to do…
        I mean….rnt u twisting ur own words…..plz be more specific….dear Admin…

        • Aakash Mallik
          March 13, 2015 6:02 am

          And one more thing i would like to say that i have been saying since the begining….
          Plz stop criticising Islam….this site says..”Interfaith marriage”…nt “Anti Islamic site”…
          Plz live upto ur name ….and help the people…insted to misleading them to a diffrent angle of arguments……
          So no Anti Islamic stuff dear admin…..

          And brother Md.
          Plz be a bit passive….u r being too agressive….dnt put up a bad example…..I respect u…
          More than that…..i respect Islam…

  • March 4, 2015 7:19 am

    Hi Cookiee,
    Did you bf came to India? Now you said, “I’m a convert to islam”. Are you still with your parents? Are your parents informed of your conversion? How did conversion changed your daily life? What is next? When will you also get married?

    • Aakash Mallik
      March 4, 2015 7:56 am

      Hi cookee didi….
      I want to kmw whats ur status ri8 now…i mean…it would be very encouraging to see u with ur BF as wife and husband couple……

      • cookiee
        March 6, 2015 2:30 am

        Hey, yes I converted around a few months ago..I didn’t tell my parents i dad is atheist so he doesn’t care much either way whereas I told my mum that I’m not a believer in Hinduism anymore..i didn’t tell her that I’m Muslim now but I told her my idea of God..she saw how much my faith in God has increased even though I don’t follow hindu religion anymore And thus she doesn’t have much issue, coz I’m still not atheist..she also told me that don’t marry a non hindu, but I told her that since I am not hindu myself i don’t care if I marry a hindu or not..In this way, I’ll reveal everything slowly slowly, so that I don’t shock my family..I’m very happy with my new faith and feel much more secure coz i know and feel God’s presence much more strongly..I still drink and eat pork occasionally,but I’m working on removing it and rarely do these things for my clothing, nothing has changed except for wearing a scarf since I was almost always a modest dresser..i still live with my family and my guy will be visiting india in mid year..We plan to get married after 2 years..Happy Holi and Jumma Mabrook

        • mac
          March 6, 2015 2:39 am

          Salam wailaikum, happy holi and jumma mubarak to you

        • March 6, 2015 6:51 am

          For other readers knowledge, can you details what is the process of conversion? Did you go to an imam? Was it documented? Did the imam gave you a new Arabic name? We would appreciate sharing details.

          • cookiee
            March 9, 2015 12:00 am

            Well, I just took my shahada in front of few close friends and nothing else..i won’t be registering legally or something coz its not as important as converting from heart..i haven’t picked a new arabic name but will do so after marriage. .not coz I’m Muslim or sprog but coz i hate my current name and would like to get a beautiful arabic name

          • March 10, 2015 7:06 pm

            You should understand legality…. there are laws and any one could break it without getting caught. However, when it comes to a court, what you did matters. For example, lets say 10 years down the road you married a Sikh (assumption for explaining you). Later, if that person find out of your Shahadah, court could easily approve your divorce because you disclosed you were Hindu but actually a Muslim. You are also not legally a part of a Hindu joint family and inheritance laws. Lets hope that will not matter in your case.

        • Mohammed
          March 6, 2015 12:10 pm

          Masha Allah sister,

          slowly slowly you are understanding and gaining the knowledge. .be a practised muslim. .
          and at the same time dont hurt your parents too. . .

          Allah says in the Quran
          surah baqrah chapter 2 verse 83
          “Worship none but Allaah (Alone) and be dutiful and good to parents…”

          Ibn ‘Abbaas said: “This means treating them with respect and kindness, and lowering the wing of humility to them, not answering them harshly or glaring at them, not raising one’s voice to them, but being as humble towards them as a slave towards his master”

          The obligation of treating one’s parents with kindness and respect is not confined only to Muslim parents; they should be honoured in this way even if they are kaafirs.

          Allaah says
          surah luqman chapter 31 verse 14-15
          “And We have enjoined on man (to be dutiful and good) to his parents. His mother bore him in weakness and hardship upon weakness and hardship, and his weaning is in two years – give thanks to Me and to your parents, – unto Me is the final destination.
          But if they (both) strive with you to make you join in worship with Me others of which you have no knowledge, then obey them not, but behave with them in the world kindly, and follow the path of him who turns to me in repentance and in obedience. Then to Me will be your return, and I shall tell you what you used to do.”

          According to a hadeeth narrated by Abu Hurayrah
          (may Allaah be pleased with him):
          “A man came to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said: ‘O Messenger of Allaah, who among the people is most deserving of my good companionship?’ He said, ‘Your mother.’ He asked, ‘Then whom?’
          He said, ‘Your mother.’ He asked, ‘Then whom?’ He said, ‘Your mother.’ He asked, ‘Then whom?’ He said, ‘Then your father.’” (Reported by al-Bukhaari, 4/13, and Muslim, 2548).

          So respect your parents and slowly tell them truth message

  • cookiee
    February 11, 2015 12:19 am

    Admin,advice about the kundali is some really good advice..i totally agree with you..but still if my parents insist on kundali, we’ll simply ask the pandits to make one that’s no big deal..
    on the younger than me issue, he’s just a couple of months younger to me not many years like Saif can say we are roughly the same for looking for second wife, since we both personally don’t need the polygamy option that will be stated in the marriage contract..also the right to divorce will be with me not him. .These 2 things have been agreed between us from the start..He can still cheat on me,but so can any other man or woman in the world, it depends more on your upbringing..
    Yes about him being a foreigner again, very good advice to Check up on everything before jumping..fortunately during his second visit i saw his passport and few other vital documentation so I know he is who he says he is..i have also spoken to a few of his friends and have their numbers and everything is clean..still you are right that it would be a good idea to personally go to kuwait with my parents once before signing any legal contract. .but again for that my parents need to agree and I don’t know how that is going to happen 🙁

    • mac
      February 11, 2015 4:38 am

      Once again great reply from you Cookie, seems like you have studied deeply about Islam, yes in islam a bride can put any condition except going against allah in marriage contract that includes divorce,polygamy,mahr etc.

      If it was any other and even uneducated muslim girl the admin would have easily miss guided but thanks god that you have knowledge about Islam, even many haters didn`t reply to your comments as the knew you are not their cup of tea. May the blessings of allah be on you and on your family.

      Can we contact, you can contact me here

    • February 11, 2015 7:19 am

      You deserve a very happy and ever lasting marriage. For this reason, we do not want you to be get cheated by any one. Keep us posted for the progress.

      Explain the legality of “will be stated in the marriage contract”. Is that going to be enforceable in Kuwait also? Make sure both countries of lawyers approve this. We hope you are not talking about the Islamic Nikahnama.

      • mac
        February 12, 2015 5:05 am

        Islamic nikaah is same everywhere, its based on the teachings of islam

  • mac
    February 10, 2015 2:05 am

    dear cookie, keep trust in Allah and ask Allah for guidance, surely Allah will guide you…

  • cookiee
    February 9, 2015 9:41 am

    My parents have many concerns but the concerns of particular relevance are
    1.he’s a Muslim (non hindu) & a foreigner and has little to no idea about indian least my guy doesn’t at all..also they are scared about the stereotypical image attached to Muslims today like polygamy talaq etc
    2. Society will never accept parents want a proper kundali match and coz of reason no.1 this may be difficult
    4 . he’s younger than me and my family has traditional that the guy should be at least 4 years elder to the girl

    • February 9, 2015 8:51 pm

      Hi Cookiee,
      We love to talk to you!

      You are smart and mature. Do just like a Judge in a court does. Do listen to every one and finally make fully informed decision for your life that you feel is right.

      We do not agree to two of your parents concerns and you should not let them override you on : 1) “stereotypical image attached to Muslims today” and 2) “my parents want a proper kundali match”. This is so sad! We are with you. You should not let parents make such irrational requests.

      We know many good Muslims. Thus stereotyping a Muslim is wrong.

      Superstitions are not logical and you should not follow it. The Kundali match is not done for 95% people of this world and those people are doing just fine. Bill Gates never bothered checking if it is a good “Sukan” (good time according to horoscope) to start his business and still succeeded. Muslims also have superstition that only Muslims will go to heaven on the Judgment Day and others will get Hell Fire. There is no scientific merit to such beliefs. Don’t buy into any one’s superstition.

      The point of younger than you will not matter now but could be a problem 20 years down the road. Lets say a wife reaches to menopause at age 45 and the husband is only age 42 at that time. The husband will have at least 15 more years of active sexual urges left. It is possible, at that time, he may start looking for a second wife. Saif’s first wife was older than him and it did not work out. We are not saying the same could happen in your case, but this is something to keep in mind.

      Him being a foreigner is a MAJOR concern, especially when he said he does not have any family/relatives. Is he hiding something? Do you know his passport name and address? Did you Google search on his true name? Before going to bed with him or marrying him, please go visit his home in Kuwait. See with your own eyes if all that he told you are true. Also visit all places that he was at while your internet-chat. After you are convinced that he is not a liar (like the movie “Catch me if you can”), then only think of marriage. Is this a logical suggestion?

      Even you may be a champion on diving, don’t jump into a new WELL. First make sure how deep is the water to dive in. Also think how you will get out of that well if you don’t like in it. Understand that after marriage, if your internet-love does not work out (talaak), your life will be TOTALLY RUINED. Your parents will, and should, shut their doors for you for forever. Can you think of some relative or a friend who will financially support you (1 lakh Rupees/year) and keep in their home for a few years? Where will you go if get talaak? Tell us.

      • mac
        February 10, 2015 2:07 am

        Admin you said ” Muslims also have superstition that only Muslims will go to heaven on the Judgment Day and others will get Hell Fire. There is no scientific merit to such beliefs.”

        Now I ask you what you mean by the term Muslim ?

  • January 23, 2015 12:21 pm

    cookiee says:
    Admin first of all no one is forcing me to do anything. .I’m an educated woman living in a city and no one can force me to do anything small also, let alone something as big as changing my faith. .It was I who asked them for help with legal process of conversion..i am not changing my faith coz of my fiance (don’t call him Boyfriend coz that’s haram in our faith and he from day 1 asked me for marriage not a bf gf thingy )

    Secondly, I am no Authority to say which religion is good and which is wrong and I respect people’s wish to follow whatever they like even though I might personally disagree with the decision is solely based on reading the bhagwad gita , the Quran and my personal understanding on what I see in our society at large..For me, I’d like to worship one god not 1 crore and since I have personally never seen him, I find worshiping his photos or idols to be inconsistent with my belief system..ultimately, God guided me in the right path and I saw the truth for what it is and choose to accept guy was in fact not a very serious Muslim when we started but now prays at least twice everyday, coz i motivate him to..I’m in my 20s and no one can manipulate me to follow something I don’t believe in..

    as for what you saying about non Muslims going to hell I hope you know that even Christian ideology involves non Christians going to hell, coz they have not been saved by Christ pbuh..even jews believe that only they are the *chosen people* by god so that ideology is not by islam alone..

    Again I’m not trying to prove Hinduism wrong coz its their life choice to follow what they like and having grown up as a Hindu girl, I can honestly say that it doesn’t teach wrong things, although I don’t agree with some of its aspects. .i am no fool and realise that faith is not like a pair of shoes which one may change whenever they wish to and fully know what I’m doing. .

    He is coming to India very soon and we are going to break the news to my family and inshaallah everything will workout ☺☺:)
    Ultimately Allah knows best.

    • January 23, 2015 8:33 pm

      Life is long, keep in touch with us right here. Update us with major milestones in your life.

  • cookiee
    November 23, 2014 11:20 pm

    Well, I don’t understand why conversion is treated as such a big deal like as if becoming a Muslim is jumping into a well only..i know there are cases of fake and forced conversion and it really should be stopped.but in many cases like my own the conversion is done with happiness..its not just for my partner that I’m deciding to convert but for god and for my yes, I do have a lot to *gain* by doing so and it’s not only my choice but also my RIGHT to follow the religion I wish to..
    To update you people I asked him that what if I never convert and keep murtis and pooja etc at home..He said he’s totally fine with it as long as our kids get to know about BOTH our faiths properly and decide for’s reasonable I feel..He is also against forced conversion and told me that it’s haram to convert for ANY other reason rather than Allah.
    Honestly conversion and these things have never been an issue at least in our relationship, the only one is that of convincing my parents..Thank you for the tips of how to convince them will apply them And see what happens..i told my mama (uncle) regarding our relationship and he was like we cannot rush into something without knowing him properly first,although he was ok with him being Muslim ..hopefully my parents will also be that open minded. ☺☺☺

    • mac
      November 24, 2014 12:01 am

      I think your case is like my mom, she also accepted islam by her own will.

      • dharam
        January 29, 2015 2:27 pm

        Girl i thing u r doing big mistake to marry to him . There are thousand of cases about thes people who things girl are for enjoment . After u he will marry with 2.3 other girl also . U cant do anything . U r in the age of attraction anly .

        • cookiee
          February 8, 2015 10:03 pm

          Dharam, well first of all we are in long distance relationship and only meet once or twice in a year, so where does the question of enjoyment come? ?Secondly, thanks but no thanks for your advice coz we are both consenting adults and we can make our own decisions about whom to marry and whom not question in this forum was that how should I approach my family about this , not whether I should marry him or not..And he does not at all believe in polygamy in today’s time and not a single friend of his even has 2 wives , so no question about marrying 4 times or something..If still he does it I’m fine with it..Any other suggestions sir?

          • mac
            February 9, 2015 12:20 am

            hahahhaha cookie you nailed it…poor dharam

          • February 9, 2015 7:17 am

            What are you parents three main concerns?

    • November 24, 2014 6:57 pm

      Your mama gave an excellent advise not to rush into any thing and know him well. Why don’t you ask your mama to meet him several times, this way he could judge and provide you his views. After your mama endorse him, it will make it lots easy to convince your parents.

      Convincing your parents will be easy if you say you will be like Kareena and not like Amrita Singh. What will you gain by conversion (Shahadah) that you cannot do today? Like mama said, don’t rush (into conversion), instead follow Islam and consider conversion two years after into the marriage. This way it is a win-win for all, is not this logical?

      How do you know him, …in college? Why don’t you talk to his parents/close relatives and know them well.

      • cookiee
        November 24, 2014 10:24 pm

        Actually I really wanted to make him meet my uncle but as I said he doesn’t stay in India..As for family he is an orphan since a very young age and even his foster parents are dead so basically he has no family whatsoever and lives alone..i do know all his close friends and colleagues though..Good in a way coz only 1 family we have to convince

        • November 25, 2014 6:37 am

          Where did you met him in person…. in college? Bar? on a road?

    • Mohammed
      March 13, 2015 5:16 am


      if u have any guts post all these which cookie sister has said. . .
      u have maked a post on akansha unwillingly convertion
      Now post cookie’s point and willing conversion…

      you have not even single knowledge on logic and their attributes…
      you didnt have any knowledge on islam…

      Islam means a higher level…u dont know even low level….

      • March 14, 2015 9:24 pm

        What would you do if (assume) your daughter (or sister) at age 22 already married to a Shia or a Hindu? How would you feel if she even never gave you any hint for her years of love but you found it out truth from some distance relative? What would you do now if that son-in-law declines to convert? [Don’t say this will never happen, things happen.]

  • November 20, 2014 2:15 am

    The last parts of my post seem to have gotten cut..Here go the remaining reasons why my parents would be against it
    2.percieved loss of reputation in society
    3.Muslim laws on polygamy and triple talaq
    4.they would like me to have an arrange marriage
    5.general bad impression about Muslims ( fear of the unknown ) mum is a very religious woman and won’t accept me changing my faith even if the guy is awesome
    Hoping for some good and helpful replies. .Thank you ☺

    See below for details

    • mac
      November 20, 2014 3:55 am

      1. Arabs ae very much familiar with indian culture, so don`t worry about cultural problem, now a days hindu women don`t put bindi,sindur on forehead, who brought this culture, arab muslims, so there are many things in indian culture which were influenced by Arabs traders,rulers. Many many hindi words that you use are of arabic,parsi origin. Let me give you some examples :
      * अदब (adab) – good manners
      * आदत (adat) – custom; tradition
      * अजीब (ajib) – strange
      * आशिक (ashik) – lover
      * दुनिया (duniya) – world
      * कसम (kasam) – promise
      * वक़्त (waqt) – time
      * सब्र (sabr) – patience
      * जन्नत (jannat) – heaven
      * आमिर (amir) – rich
      * इंसान (insaan) – man
      *जिस्म (jism) – body
      *माफ़ (maaf) – forgive
      *हवा (hawa) – wind; air
      *बस (bas) – enough
      *काफी (kaphi) – enough
      *मदद (madad) – help
      *मोहबत (mohabbat) – love
      *ग़लत (galat) – wrong; i.e. क्या ग़लत है?; What’s wrong?
      *सवाल (sawal) – question
      *जवाब (jawab) – answer
      *दिमाघ (dimagh) – brain
      *मतलब (matlab) – asking for something (from Arabic تالاب)
      *किताब (kitab) – book
      *मौज्रिम (moojrim) – criminal
      *इशारा (isharaa) – a sign
      *कुर्सी (kursi) – chair
      *दौकने (doukane) – store
      *हकीकत (hakikat) – the truth
      *इन्सान (insaan) – a person
      *औरत (aurat) – women

      there thousands, so don`t think arabic is a alien culture with respect to indian, ya there are some differences though, but not an alien, its almost similar

      2 . About society, don`t care about them coz when in this site you see many muslim girls married with hindu men without caring about society then why you are concerned about society – that should have been admins advice siting example of Shamim , Chand Osmani , Fauziya

      But my advice will be that you take decision according to situation, your environment and also keep in mind about your lover too, coz Seema has suffered and now regrets for not marrying her muslim boy friend

      3, in islam it is not compulsary to marry four wives, even quran says muslim men to stick only to one wife and triple talaq is not a easy sa described in this website, i will later post a comment on polygamy and triple talaq, or you can contact me here Click here to contact me

      4, every parents wants an arrange for their daughters, so keep it out of way

      5, you said general bad impression about muslims, well now you like your muslim lover, you like islam too, even your mother likes him then whahts the matter, your father okay, tell your father that you will be happy with this man etc etc , if hinduism is open,tolerant religion then why your father is opposing your marriage

      6. your mom is religious good to know that, so it will be very easy to convience her about islam, most of convert to islam are women, if you want i can give you suggestion how to convience your mother about islam, i am 100% sure that it will work coz i have experience of it, i personaly know many muslim women who were once hindu

      and lastly read this

    • mac
      November 20, 2014 3:57 am

      1. Arabs ae very much familiar with indian culture, so don`t worry about cultural problem, now a days hindu women don`t put bindi,sindur on forehead, who brought this culture, arab muslims, so there are many things in indian culture which were influenced by Arabs traders,rulers. Many many hindi words that you use are of arabic,parsi origin. Let me give you some examples :
      * अदब (adab) – good manners
      * आदत (adat) – custom; tradition
      * अजीब (ajib) – strange
      * आशिक (ashik) – lover
      * दुनिया (duniya) – world
      * कसम (kasam) – promise
      * वक़्त (waqt) – time
      * सब्र (sabr) – patience
      * जन्नत (jannat) – heaven
      * आमिर (amir) – rich
      * इंसान (insaan) – man
      *जिस्म (jism) – body
      *माफ़ (maaf) – forgive
      *हवा (hawa) – wind; air
      *बस (bas) – enough
      *काफी (kaphi) – enough
      *मदद (madad) – help
      *मोहबत (mohabbat) – love
      *ग़लत (galat) – wrong; i.e. क्या ग़लत है?; What’s wrong?
      *सवाल (sawal) – question
      *जवाब (jawab) – answer
      *दिमाघ (dimagh) – brain
      *मतलब (matlab) – asking for something (from Arabic تالاب)
      *किताब (kitab) – book
      *मौज्रिम (moojrim) – criminal
      *इशारा (isharaa) – a sign
      *कुर्सी (kursi) – chair
      *दौकने (doukane) – store
      *हकीकत (hakikat) – the truth
      *इन्सान (insaan) – a person
      *औरत (aurat) – women

      there thousands, so don`t think arabic is a alien culture with respect to indian, ya there are some differences though, but not an alien, its almost similar

      2 . About society, don`t care about them coz when in this site you see many muslim girls married with hindu men without caring about society then why you are concerned about society – that should have been admins advice siting example of Shamim , Chand Osmani , Fauziya


      • mac
        November 20, 2014 4:00 am

        But my advice will be that you take decision according to situation, your environment and also keep in mind about your lover too, coz Seema has suffered and now regrets for not marrying her muslim boy friend

        3, in islam it is not compulsary to marry four wives, even quran says muslim men to stick only to one wife and triple talaq is not a easy sa described in this website, i will later post a comment on polygamy and triple talaq, or you can contact me here Click here to contact me

        4, every parents wants an arrange for their daughters, so keep it out of way

        5, you said general bad impression about muslims, well now you like your muslim lover, you like islam too, even your mother likes him then whahts the matter, your father okay, tell your father that you will be happy with this man etc etc , if hinduism is so open,tolerant religion then why your father is opposing your marriage

        6. your mom is religious good to know that, so it will be very easy to convience her about islam, most of convert to islam are women, if you want i can give you suggestion how to convience your mother about islam, i am 100% sure that it will work coz i have experience of it, i personaly know many muslim women who were once hindu

        and lastly read this

      • mac
        November 20, 2014 4:04 am

        2 . About society, don`t care about them coz when in this site you see many muslim girls married with hindu men without caring about society then why you are concerned about society – that should have been admins advice siting example of Shamim , Chand Osmani , Fauziya

        But my advice will be that you take decision according to situation, your environment and also keep in mind about your lover too, coz Seema has suffered and now regrets for not marrying her muslim boy friend

  • cookiee
    November 20, 2014 2:06 am

    Hello admin and Mac,
    Thanks a lot for these supportive replies..i am very happy with the support I’m receiving here..i will not be replying to infidel as I do not support racism..
    First of all admin , my guy has NEVER asked me to convert..It is my decision after seeing with my own eyes the kind of guy he is and reading some parts of the noble Qoran..i should add that ,that’s what I respect most about him that he NEVER asked me to whether I convert or not is immaterial to him..again as I said before that if my parents are that against me converting I will not convert…

    Secondly not without my daughter is just another book which insults islam after seeing the example of 1 MUSLIM FAMILY. .Thus I will not be paying attention to it..Secondly both i and my guy have now been dating since almost a year and he has always supported my religion and thus I doubt I’ll be *100% Muslim and 0% hindu* as you said. .again as I said, adopting islam is MY choice and doing it doesn’t mean that I will forget or disrespect my hindu roots…

    Lastly, islam doesn’t suppress women, in fact it gives them freedom and places women on a I don’t think I’ll be stopped from doing what I want as such, after marriage especially as I said, my guy is very supportive..As for not coming back to India , that’s something I’ll be glad to do as my father is a VERY violent alcoholic and I’ll be glad to not see him mum will be staying with me and my husband (his idea )

    I think that the main reason my parents will oppose are these in no specific order
    1.he’s an Arab and is not familiar with hindi or indian culture at all except bollywood
    The last parts of my post seem to have gotten cut..Here go the remaining reasons why my parents would be against it
    2.percieved loss of reputation in society
    3.Muslim laws on polygamy and triple talaq
    4.they would like me to have an arrange marriage
    5.general bad impression about Muslims ( fear of the unknown ) mum is a very religious woman and won’t accept me changing my faith even if the guy is awesome
    Hoping for some good and helpful replies. .Thank you ☺

    • mac
      November 20, 2014 3:18 am

      Dear cookiee, don`t say like this about your father, i islam parenst comes first, you try to convience father that alchohol is bad, show him stattistics of death due to alchohol and show him evil, bad side effects of alchohol. muhammad pbuh said that taking care of parents is the greatest jihad, so ask allah for help and ask allah to show your parents right path.
      Thanks. 🙂

      • November 20, 2014 9:45 pm

        Great advise!

    • November 20, 2014 9:28 pm

      Thanks for reaching out. It is your life and your decision. In the end, it will be only you to suffer or gain.

      In life, it is always important to make important decisions only after critical evaluation. There are many con-artists (not that your bf is!) out there to cheat you. One needs to learn to evaluate all facts with open minds. Listen what your bf, parents, mac, admin and others are saying and finally decide what is right for you.

      We must say that convert to Islam only if you wish to be 100% Muslim (0% Hindu). We are sure mac will fully agree to it. Don’t fake-convert. Your lies and deceptions (fake-Shahadah) will bring disaster for both of you and two extended families.

      Do you have intention of being 100% Muslim(0% Hindu)?

      Assuming answer above is NO, we recommend you to buy insurance by telling him “I will NEVER EVER CONVERT”. These are reasons why we said not to convert:
      1) “he NEVER asked me to convert” –this is super, if he has not asked for it then why you want to bother converting!!
      2) there is nothing you (a Hindu) have to gain by saying Shahadah (conversion).
      3) “my parents are that against me converting” –mac also said to respect your parents. One day you will need them again. Don’t burn your bridges behind you.
      4) “I doubt I’ll be 100% Muslim and 0% hindu” -Have no doubt. First live life of 100% Muslim for 6 months, then only convert.
      5) “it doesn’t mean that I will forget or disrespect my hindu roots” -meaning you are not ready to be 0% Hindu, is that correct?
      6) “mum is a very (Hindu) religious woman” –She will not survive for a day in a Muslim’s home where beef eating is normal.
      7) “Muslim laws on polygamy and triple talaq” -This is 🙁 truth 🙁 (mac?). As far as you are a “Hindu”, those Sharia laws do not apply to you 🙂 , not in Kuwait 🙂 nor in India 🙂 . If not sure about it, contact an attorney/lawyer.
      8) Tell us what that Shahadah “labeling” has to do with your love? Let your true love win, not the love of converting others. View Saif and SRK. and
      9) Lastly, “no conversion” is a great insurance 🙂 in case your judgment about him was wrong. Does this make sense?

      If you agree to this “no conversion” strategy, tell your guy that you have decided to die as a “Hindu”. Get back to us what he has to say.

  • October 6, 2014 6:51 am

    admin i have the book ‘not without my daughter’..and i m in touch with this site since two years…i have broke up with my muslim boyfriend as i know i cant adjust with his culture..i am hindu girl..its nt easy to move on..but i kbow i wl regret my decision some day if i marry him…he also had this conversion shit n all..if a muslim guy truly loves a hindu girl he wl nevr force her to convert..hindu girls have to realise this..shadi k pehle life is bed of roses…but shadi k baad life is only thorns…wake up hindu girls…and if u wana realy jump into the fire then tell your guy to be a man and accept you as u r..without conversion shit of islam

    Reply at

  • Human
    September 28, 2014 7:17 am

    Idiot Mac,

    You are supporter of terrorist organisations intending muslim populations because muslim youths are killing each other. You were sodomized by maulvi in Madrasas number of times, still you are praising that criminal and anti humanity religion. Shame on you.

    • mac
      September 29, 2014 4:01 am

      give evidence where i support terrorist organiation else you are a rapist,prostitute,liar,sodomise, now its your turn to prove that i supported terrorist organiastion else you are liar,….

  • cookiee
    September 24, 2014 12:51 pm

    Hello sir, thanks for your earlier reply on the site. .Hmm as for converting to Islam,its something I’m thinking of doing but if my family objects strongly,then i won’t convert..and regarding restrictions of women in gulf countries, the compulsion to wear hijab is not there in Kuwait where he is based from and women are even allowed to drive there..And we are 21 but he doesn’t want me to work after marriage, so I’m pretty confused how to Approach this matter..

    Also I’m confused as to how to convince and basically approach my parents coz obviously they are going to be very very shocked. ..

    • September 24, 2014 7:10 am

      Your parents will have problems you converting to Islam. So tell your boy friend that you will never convert to Islam. You will stay Brahmin in Kuwait as a married wife. What conversion has to do with your love? See what your boy friend has to say. If he loves you truly he will honor your this small request. Let us know what he says.

  • mac
    September 24, 2014 2:05 am

    why you hindus don`t follow arya samaj or brahma samaj, you follow your own desire and creates problem, marrying a muslim is not easy if you don`t convert, its not celebrity marriage, anyway, i kuwait is a awasome country, it is much much peaceful and safer country than india, even if you walk on mid night no one will harm you but in indai rapes takes place in daylight, also if you like pleasure and city life kuwait is perfect for you, so kuwait as a country is not problem, also you are interested in islam, so he being a muslim is also no problem, kuait economy is very healthy, you don`t have to work there, 1000dinnar of kuwait is 2lakhs in india, so don`t worry about work, also in kuwait there is huge indian population, approx 6lakh hindus, only problem is your family acceptance, its upto you how you manage, why not take them to kuwait where you will settle, may there their mind may get change coz by muslim country your family had image of war effected iraq,syria. Afterall, i will say don`t turn your family, family comes first…

    • cookiee
      September 25, 2014 4:23 am

      Thanks a lot for the sincere and open minded reply, Mac…yea it’s a good idea to take my family there to visit. ..maybe their mind will change as they have a very stereotypical view of Muslims…hoping for the best ☺

      • September 25, 2014 7:59 pm

        Hi cookiee, Can you tell us more specifics on, “they (my parents) have a very stereotypical view of Muslims”? Ask them indirectly that “after a Hindu girl married to a Muslim, what (they think) would happen?” Please let us know 5 points/concerns they raise. This will help us guide you how to convince your parents.

  • Infidel
    September 23, 2014 5:56 am

    Cookiee, Are you a fool or mad ? Life is not full of emotion. Don’t be guided by it. See alover the world- what is Islam. Knowing everything, does any one jump in to the fire ? Islam is the religion of hatred. Muslim boys always talk sweet and behave nice before marriage but after marriage they show their actual ugly face . This is called LOVE JIHAD.Then you will see no way to return back .Your life will be hell. Stop your love affair or tell your friend to convert in Hinduism.

  • mac
    September 23, 2014 3:11 am

    admin, in islam you cannot abandon parents, when mohammad(pbuh) was asked by his companions that can we give sajdah to you, mohammad(pbuh) said if any individual who deserves getting sajdah on earth is your mother, look, even mohammad didn`t accept sajdah when mother race is there on earth, you know the meaning of sajdah in islam, accept allah giving sajdah to anybody is a grace sin, so its mean how mohammad gave importance to parents, then how can you say she has to leave,forget her parents, there are muslim girls who also had to forget their parents after their marrige with hindu boys, so nushrat example is not the general case .

    • Infidel
      September 23, 2014 5:47 am

      Mac, Though I don’t like to reply your idiotic posts but one thing I am compelled to inform you. I know you are a blind and biased Muslim. You should know that Islam and Muhammed have told so many things and Muslims alover the world do the opposite and when required quotes from Islam. Islam is the dirtiest religion of uncivilised , uneducated , barbaric tribal fools of Arab. It has spreaded terrorism and hatred alover the world since birth. So, don’t try to glorify Islam. It is the enemy of human civilisation and glorifying it is a crimanl offence.

      • mac
        September 23, 2014 11:54 pm

        i think you are talikng of hinduism where alchohol consumption,rape,dacoity,murder, before the coming of muslims in india , bharat was a jugle, muslims made tajmahal,redfort not hindus, india was at top when muslims were ruling, lakhs of tourist don`t come to india to see rape factory ashrams but taj mahal, europe(except greek) got science from muslims, see the world history in two hours , the earliest indian civilsation was destroyed by aryans(brahmins) , thanks to muslims and europeans that they came to indian otherwise it would have been still jungle of mandirs and murtis, nanga murti, linga murti, yoni murti or na jana kia, o forgot the most important thing, the killings of widows, see your religon had this practice not culture, it is in your hinduism religion, in vedas where it is saod a best women is who dies with her husband, shit, such a sick religion, shit>>>>

        • Infidel
          September 24, 2014 6:52 am

          Mac, my taste does not permit me to reply the posts of an all knowing professor called Mac. I don’t need to study history from an idiot like you. You remain in your world of idiot Muslims. I have not talked with you. So , don’t come forward to reply my posts.

          • mac
            September 25, 2014 5:07 am

            you lied infidel, just look above, “I have not talked with you. So , don’t come forward to reply my posts.” this is what you said, you lied again, see how

            [[[ Infidel says:
            September 23, 2014 at 5:47 am

            Mac, Though I don’t like to reply your idiotic posts but one thing I am compelled to inform you. I know you are a blind and biased Muslim. You should know that Islam and Muhammed have told so many things and Muslims alover the world do the opposite and when required quotes from Islam. Islam is the dirtiest religion of uncivilised , uneducated , barbaric tribal fools of Arab. It has spreaded terrorism and hatred alover the world since birth. So, don’t try to glorify Islam. It is the enemy of human civilisation and glorifying it is a crimanl offence.]]]

  • September 22, 2014 10:07 pm

    Hi Cookiee,

    We have about 26 Brahmin-Muslim posts. For some reason, Brahmin girl–Muslim boy appears to be a good match. Can you tell us what attracted you to Islam? We are glad you read Koran, can you explain us some of bolded statements from the Koran?

    Are you ready to convert to Islam and live a life of a submissive-Muslim-woman? This also means you will be 100% Muslim and 0% Hindu (have no doubt about it). In addition, yes, your parents will be history from your life (meaning you will rarely see them, if ever, after going to Kuwait). If you are not clear what we mean, read the life of Nusrat. Are you ready to give up every Hindu things, including your parents? Also watch this movie ASAP, “Not without my daughter”.

    Please get back to us and we will discuss more.

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