One has liberty and freedom to choose his/her faith. Thanks Bhagwan/Allah that people have liberty to pick their faith (at lest in non-Muslim countries). Here are two views.
Salman Veejay says: March 9, 2015 at 4:05 pm
I am a born Hindu and I converted to Islam an year ago.
Nobody forced me to convert neither told anything, I read the Quran and I felt its the complete book, the reason is it is only composed by Muhammad SAW who is believed to have got the revelations directly from God through Angel Gibreel.
I respect the Hindu religion but then I feel the knowledge got lost over the centuries and there is no one founder, its all conglomeration of the works done by sages. Beliefs and customs vary widely from north to south. So I feel though it might be complete the knowledge got lost.
I agree to the point that god is one whether it is Allah or Bhagwan or Jesus, but being a muslim Allah is the name for the god. Allah literally means the God, there is no bigger god or smaller god. One god Allah. Also The word Allah in Arabic does not have any gender, its a neutral term saying god is neither male nor female, its a powerful force beyond human imagination that guides the universe.
Regarding celebration of Hindu festivals, I think it should be kept to persons discretion. Anybody can celebrate the festival as long as you do not invoke God in any other name other than Allah. -Salman Veejay
Rahemat Uday says: April 4, 2015 at 2:13 pm
Salman, I was muslim by birth. But as i become matured i just realized that whatever i read in Quran was not a complete ground of truth. There are so many craps, barbarian things which were just described as holly things. I read vedas because my ultimate goal is to find the truth and accept it after checking ,arguing, untill to get satisfaction. And i can proudfully say that my deeds are leading me to accept the truth that Hinduism is the best better and gorgeous religion among the all. Ill give 1% to islam and 100% to hinduism. Bcz i have scientific brain i can not accept things that can’t make sense. Hinduism is all perfect as human needs to be human. I suggest you to jUST read vedas and bhagwad geeta. I bet you will be back in to your origin. I can laugh on you bcz i think how foolish you are.. hahaha even without knowing your religion you just switched to another which is even cant be a religion too. Thanks to God for showing me true path of life. I m happy because i m no more part of religion like Islam. I can say proudly that i m true hindu… -Rahemat
Also read: VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Hindu-Muslim Marriage-video, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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All world faces every problem due to ignore Islam you full of jelous
and dear admin i can post some verses of my past religion that doesn’t make sense for me as i m a student of science. if you allow me i can post it.
This is an open forum and you have rights to express yourself. Go ahead. mac and Muhammed are our in-house Islamic experts and be prepared for it. It is not that we are doubting you but we need to worry about many other people “cut and paste” from other sites making it a dump site. We are eager to hearing your life story.
So you are science student. Science ka satya nash. Hey nathuram! Hey godse! BTW me and mohammed are also student of science and Akash Mallick who reverted to Islam from Hinduism is also a science student. So keep your science topic in your pocket, otherwise you will have hard time here. Better concentrate on spirituality of both the religion, it will be better for you.
leave him guys… Allah has not given him knowledge to understand Qur’an verse..keep reading geeta you will find stated in geeta… the only and holy book is Quran, everything is truth…. geeta says not me.
Show us where it says “the only and holy book is Quran, everything is truth”?
Its mentioned in surah baqrah chapter 2 v2
“This is the Book(Qur’an) about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah”
further in surah al waqiah
chapter 56 v 77-80
“This is indeed the noble Qur’an.
Kept in a secure Book.
None may touch it, except with ablution.
Sent down by the Lord Of The Creation.”
further in 23:90,22:62,10:32,10:33,10:82,17:81,21:18-20,57:22,36:12 etc…
Bhagavad Gita is conversation between Supreme personality of Godhead Krishna and Arjuna
According to Bhagavad Gita there is only one God Sri Krishna and sri Krishna is source of all beings and all demigods.
Sri Krishna is God of all Gods.
Read Bhagavad Gita.
As far as I feel both Mac and Mohammad are converted muslim. Such individual tend to criticize their parent religion just to justify their decisions.
It is beyond doubt that islam is a criminal and cruel religion against mankind in general and against females in particular. In the name of islam, thousands of terrorist groups have emerged,engaged in bomb blasts, killing rape, kidnapping innocents.
Rahemat by virtue of God grace you realized true path of humanity. May almight bless you always.
Hi Rahemat Uday,
First, people will doubt that this is a cooked up story. We will let mac and Mohammed to confirm validity of your story, we hope you will hang on here. As far we are concerned, we wish you will come to guide other Hindu-Muslim youths in love relationships. If we don’t hear from you, we will remove this post later.
ohh dear admin, you can delete my post if its make inconvenience for you. i am in touch with wikiislam. they will going to publish my story very soon as they all know me and my parent my background etc. i came here because i think your site can be neutral ground for me and others for their thoughts to represent .. you are free to ask anything dear… om shanti shanti shanti…
We are looking forward to hearing your full story. People will ask you lots questions after we hear your full story. Stay tuned!
So you are fooled by wikislam or may be you are another agent of wikislam pretending to be muslim and circulating your story in internet. BTW if you are convert to Hinduism, then tell me how you are managing your family and surroundings? Did you tell them that you are no more a muslim and how old are you?