From Vikas (Submitted on 2011/12/02 at 11:40 am)
Let me tell you my story which is true. I am a Hindu but many ups & downs came into my life.
Even being a Hindu I never did pooja an time in my life, never read Geeta, never went to any temple and my parents never forced me. They always taught me that god is one only. We people have divided it by Bhawan, Allah, Jesus, etc, but they are all one.
By getting influenced by Muslim people, my friends, they all said such things that I should get converted to Islam ………. After getting convered to Muslim I used to enjoy roaming with Muslim peoples, going on fights and etc ……
But when an Muslim said that Allah is the biggest god then I realized what my father said that all gods if it’s Bhawan, Allah, Jesus, etc, all are one. They told me that I am a Muslim so should not play holy, celebrate diwali or any Hindu festive.
I thought in I my mind that why I can in this religion which does not respects other god. Which thinks that it is the greatest religion in world. Who thinks that only Allah is the all might god …………… I really missed my birth religion which never forced me to do any thing, which respected all religion, gave respect to all gods ……… The joy of playing with colors, celebrating diwali ……… Where my parents never forced me. They gave all the freedom even after converting to Muslim. They never told to me any thing because they said all are the same. But really they felt bad inside ………
I told all this to my school teacher who is a Christian. He suggested me that I should listen to my heart. I listened my heart and it said “All God’s are one.” They is what my religion said and even my father said.
And so now “I am a Hindu” and “I am proud to be a Hindu.”
Also read: Islamic Women Today, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Muslim boy,
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very useful article. Thanks for sharing..
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Thanks so much for another post. I be able to get that kind of information.
Letter to Friend.
In your above explanation you have quoted that “Vedas totally prohibits killing of any creatures for any purpose including food needs etc”
And you said the word “Yagya” is not similar to mean sacrifice. Then tell me, what is the true meaning of “yagya” in English
Every human in the world knows the basic characters & Resemblance of God. Some of the characters & beauty of God are as below
God is Almighty (All-powerful, Supreme, omnipotent)
God is present Everywhere
God knows everything
God is holy, pure, sinless
God is absolute truth
God is righteous
God is love, merciful
God is humbling & forgiving
God never changes
God is unique (One only)
God won’t cheat anyone
In your case if Krishna is a real God, he has to meet all the above characters
1. If Krishna is almighty, righteous, truth (Omnipotent)
(a) Then why did Krishna sends Kunti as his aid to Karna. Karna in turn gives Kunti his words that he would never harm Pandavas and use the Ashtra only once.
(b) Krishna knew killing Karna was a difficult task and so he ordered Arjuna to kill Karna while he was busy struggling with the chariot.
Was the above incident is resembling the character of God????
(In Mahabharata he cheated, not having enough power to handle Karna, won the war by indirectly & cheated)
2.If Krishna is sinless, pure & Holy
In Mahabharata its mentioned that Krishna has 8 wives:
Rukmini, Satyabhama, Jambavati, Mitravinda, Nagnajiti, Bhadra, Lakshmana, Rohini.
Then eight wives as listed by Bhagavata Purana are:
Rukmini, Satyabhama, Jambavati, Kalindi, Mitravinda, Nagnajiti, Bhadra, Lakshmana
Nine wives listed by Vishnu Purana are:
Rukmini, Satyabhama, Jambavati, Kalindi, Mitravinda, Nagnajiti, Madri, Lakshmana, Rohini
Does the above mentioned characters are resembling God????
If you are saying anyone as a God (Krishna) he should be example & inspiration to humans how to live?
I have a question to you?
As an example : Lets consider an earthly father (Human dad) having 2 or 3 wives,
Will you love & happy about him?
Will you be proud of his character?
Will you take him as an inspiration to you?
Absolutely as a normal human being, we can’t tolerate if an earthly father (dad) having 2 or 3 wives legal or illegal (If more than one wife)
And how we can consider Krishna as God Since he was having 8 or 9 wives??
How we can follow an impure man as a God & inspirational to everyone???????
I want people to think, seek & find who will be our truthful,holy, almighty God?
God is always unique, And he should be an example to human how to live & overcome the earthly life in a true, holy way.
By the way i was Hindu & I found the true God Jesus-Christ, after I started searching & questiong myself deep in my heart. Which leads me to find the true almighlty Lord JesusChrist.
I know Jesus is the only way to reach heaven.
He lived as an example to everyone how to live & how to overcome earthly sins.
Jesus is Pure, holy, sinless, Kind, love, merciful, almighty etc.
He came to the world to save us from sin, died for us even he is Holy & resurrected on the 3rd day & still alive.
Jesus sacrificed for us & made the way to reach heaven.
If you really experience the love of Jesus you will be saved
For your information i agreed that all Christians are not Holy & Good.I agreed that whoever accept Jesus as a true God, follow his commandments & implementing it in his daily life only be saved.
So Jesus is the only true Holy God & he is the only way to reach heaven after our earthly death.
Hi Dani,
Personally we do not have problem with Jesus but the church. This is what we wrote in our book…
Muslim guy can Mary other religion girl but if other religion guy have to accept islaam if he want to marry Muslim girl.
My dear brother, who told you that a muslim men can marry a non muslim women? Remember one thing brother, muslim men must marry a muslim women only. But in rare cases, If he doesn’t find any muslim women around his community or area then he may marry a christian or jewish women. But he must not marry any hindu women unless she reverts to islam. This is what everyone get confused.
I had read most of the above things.i am Hindu by birth n remain my my last religion never stopped me to go to church.usually I religion given me free thinking.I worship lord Shiva.i used to offer him bela leaves it is medicinal.people say idol worship is crazzy.i hav question ex my dad died but his photo is still ther I used to offer him flowers.technically it is a piece of paper but reminds me my father.this is our house tulsi is there actually it creates more oxygen its leaves are good for in cold.once in a year we celebrate GANESH CHATHURTHI we used to tie herbs over hanging abov the idol all the herbs are medicinal.if u see music classical u vl come to know which is the supreme religion all the ragas all taalas are mostly name of Hinduism ex raag shankara raag bhairav raag bharavi taal Ganesh Adi taal.but as always people makes difference around you..say we also pray idols of naga(snake)actually it is a clay but it remind us to respect snakes as snakes are environmentally important.ther are lot off things good in other religions but don’t see gud in our religion.lastly I say I more freedom in my religion.if u see history u can see which is peaceful ….!we are there due kings like shivaji sambhaji Rana pratap….also our deities are with shastras(weopons)
Ganesh have a elephants head.. Is not ridiculous. . Urine is good for health wtf. . Dirty religion.. Not having a single scientifically proven ways. . U bastard go die. . One day muslim will conquer india as they did years before
Hinduism is undoubtedly the greatest and the most peaceful religion in the world. It is also the oldest major religion on the globe. Technically all the Muslims and Christians are hindus before they converted to their religion. Also the philosophies of Hindu religion has no parallel in Islam and Christianity. Islam and Christianity have theology with no logical base whereas hinduism has its own philosophy with sound logical base. Islam and Christianity have illogical blind faith without any truth in Bible in Quran but Hindu philosophies and literature have scientific texts barring some texts which written later like smritis.
It is impossible…..!tht Islam will conquer India but I think west will accept values of Hinduism…..see history aurangazeb kuch na kar paaya lekin aage aise bahut shivaji paida honge Jo Hindu dharam Ki Raksha karenge….!I say as a indian ur my brothers but as Muslim u vl say me a Hindu…!silence and truth is more powerful….!
What do u think Muslim’s are they are just the killers and inhumane animals who don’t know anything other than torturing every form of life just think for a while that if Islam was great than why you people had to force other to practice it while everyone hates this vulgar attitude the Hindus are not against any religion they respect everyone Islam too but it is due to people like u that hatred comes
It’s the truth of you guys, fighting just to get into the homes of others
hey bastard… the worst religion i have ever knowed is islam… because of its ugly followers like you … # i am not universally saying as many people in islam are good people.. but its not because of religion but because of their mind. and respects… so please dont make any untruly unholy unfathered comments like you made.. .. in my way… i found hindus as the is the best part of world thwn followed by christians then jews then other religion and then come oslam as in peace not in faith.. i really love all relgions as god is only onw.. as any one can surewly say or show either jesus os the god or allah is the god.. No. never.. only they can say that that the god is.. noone can shpw him.. then why pitty fellows calling allah is superior or jesus is superior.. or others… rubbish
santana dharma ajit vadakayil
mac r u mad Ramji never said Sita Mata to walk on fire it was Supnakha who said that who knows what you did with Ravan
But Ram being good should have stopped her because walking on fire doesn’t prove your virginity. Whether you are virgin or not, walking on fire will cause burn to your body or may even roast I. And in same post we see people claiming Hinduism to be logical
I was going through the comments from First to Last i wasted almost half hour on this, No one has seen GOD, those who have seen GOD can comment here, Truth prevailed in past based on the environment where they lived, laws or rules where made in past in different landscape to maintain peace and stability. So not all where enlightened only few where enlightened so in order to make the environment stable for all to leave the made rules so all of them will live peacefully and know each other better. Some enlightened people made harsh laws because human thinking was aggressive in there landscape, some enlightened person made laws in other landscape because people where soft in nature and some enlightened person made laws in other landscape because people did not know how to see the future, so all of them pointed up and told believe in him he will help you, so no matter what others believe, you have no right to judge a person or tell a person to do this or that as we live in Modern Society whatever you say will be proved false or somewhat correct but no one will agree completely that this is the best way to leave or not.
if you think you can praise the GOD, then grow trees, save water, use electric car, avoid using petrol or other things which help destroy the environment, help each other, no matter who he/she is and you have to forget that you have helped poor, (if you have given 100 bucks from right hand even the left hand should not know that you have given it), if possible avoid eating meat, smile a while, laugh out loudly, serve the needy who can grow and help the society so all can leave peacefully.
Be Positive
Be Happy
India has broadly four relegios mentioned below :
1) Hinduism
2) Sikhism
3) Christian
4) Last…..atankwad ka koi dharam nahi hota…
I bet yo got the fourth one…..lolzzz
Tera baappa ka gand me atankwad hoga be sala. Jitna e duniya me insaan ka abaadi nai hai usse se jyada to hindu log ka bhagwan ka abadi hai
Dear Abdula,
I like your curiousness, but the Supreme God in Hinduism is one only – Anant/Omkara – the formless and all other Gods having various departments to run like weather, education, world etc. including you me and other people of the earth are all manifestations of this one omnipresent God.
Agar aapko iss baat ka nahin pata toh kripya karke bina padhe likhe comment na karo.
Abbe hume pata hai humare bhagwaan kaise dikhte hai… tereko tera allh kaisa dikhta hai hai kyaa … kutte aulaad? Abdul kutte
mr abdul,you should not use nonsense words like saala or other,as it denotes you a follower of a nonsense religion but not islam.
Dear Abdul,
You follow some nonsense religion where you pray seeing a useless direction.
Your prophet was a thief, your religion foundation starts through blaming other religions.
Basically you are all terrorists.
These muslim peoples are cheaters of islamic religion…..however the religion could be started bt giving respect to their respective religion is more important….bt these muslim peoples r nt giving respect to their religion….In muslim religion the major thing is womens not have right to wear colour colour dresses and have so many restrictions……..according to me th these muslim people r nt giving rights to wear dresses and also wearing only one type of black dress
you all are motherfucker assgoles…u even dont know who is real god
fuck allah fuck jesus and fuck others
therez no god
be athiest
n by the way i hate muslims …
Hello MOTHERF…I respect your opinion but you need not insult others’ view. Okay you don’t believe in god…but please maintain some decorum in your view. BTW I’ll ask you a question…how did life first originated on Earth…you may give me scientific answer…I agree…but think carefully about the symmetrical structure of life forms…and advanced biology…you call that random existence!!! I don’t. If you even doubt us, go search yourself on science of nature…and I’m pretty sure it’s not human…because humans weren’t there at that time…So answer me Who Was That???…Can You??
Wht my brothers are telling about islam z Absolutly wrong.mohamad saw iz not the founder of Islam. This religion z from time imemorial. Hazrate Adam asw z the founder of Islam. Mohamad saw is the last and final messenger of allah.baghwat gita a and other vedas clearly mention that a person by the name of Mohamad will come.the world have to follow him.islam gives the maximum rights to women .For full information watch zakir naik vedeo on women’s rights in Islam on yutube. If u think leaving a women naked so that she shows her body to everyone z freedom then u r the the morons. Hijab protects a women and increses her beuty.that z why rape z rere in hijab wearing comunities and very rampant in ur areas.i have personal observation that women in the name of freedom are being used for buziness , money minting etc.Regarding that islam does not take care of one’s likes. Tell me one thing a person wants to rob,rape,drink alcohol, tease girls,Etc if ur religion allows is it fare to allow because it z ur likes and ur mind wants.comeon then world will become a hell.and excuse me someone was saying that islam allows thousands of wives.this z not true.we r allowed only maximum of 4 only in certain circumstances. 1 if a widow z not getting married.2 a poor girl an orphan.5 a disabled etc.this only when the person will be able to fulfil all the requirements of the wives.for full explanation refreshing to dr zakir naik. It z our religion who says give 1/3 property to ur daughters .ur religion does not speak about z law which says so.ok.ur religion doesnot allow a widow to get re married.she z asked to burn herself alive with her dead husband.i islam iz the solution for every problm.if u realy want to get answers plz refer to dr zakir naik.all ur questions and misconceptions about islam will be answered to ur full satisfaction.
1. Which of the following below is true?
A) God is present everywhere
B) God is present nowhere
C) God is present somewhere (somewhere strictly mean Jannat or Allah’s throne above 7 heavens)- See translation of yusuf ali/Pickthall Quran 67:16 to 67:18
D) In idol
2. Who will be the permanent resident (Green card holder) of Hell?
A) Great Ghazi Kings like Mohammed Bin Qasim who killed several thousand Hindu men in Sind and Multan and then captured weeping 100,000 women and children ,made them slaves and send 30,000 of them to Iraq who after doing all these say (In Arabic) “Allah is great; There is no god but Allah and Mohammed is his prophet” five times a day 11) And then another Ghazi king Mahmud who killed ,enslaved 500,000 Hindus of Afghanistan, FATA, Khyberpakhtoonkhwa and Punjab.
B) A Hindu who does not harm any one follow Ahimsa, worship forms of God (or signs of God) Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu by worshipping the idols of pristine temples
c) Allah is the best judge. Allah knows the Best
3. Select from below the TRUE statement?
A) Smart Musa Nabi who can distinguish the sentence in Arabic he heard to be from Allah and understand that it is not made by some one using loud speaker. Btw he saw a bush fire which is sign from Allah ???
B) Not so smart Moses of Christians and Jews, who will doubt whether the sentence (in Hebrew/Aramaic/Canaanite/ancient Egyptian), is from Yahweh or some one using loudspeaker; so Yahweh appeared as a boy (like in movie “Exodus Gods and kings”) or rather made Moses saw a boy’s image speaking
C) God appears as Lord Shiva, Godess Durga to dumb Hindu bhaktas
4). which of below is most logical?
A) Soul has birth (DOB?) and death
B) Soul has no birth or death
C) Soul has no birth (ie soul is never created) but has death (it will be destroyed)
D) Soul has birth (ie soul is created by Allah) but has no death
THOSE ANCIENT STORIES PREDATE THE JEWISH ONES BY 2000 – 3000 YEARS. for every story in the Torah there is a parallel story in the ancient texts. Today even Jewish scholars are doubting the events recorded in their Torah. See the article below :
JERUSALEM — An Israeli archaeologist is drawing fire for claiming that the biblical history of the Jewish people is probably fiction.
In an article last week in Ha’aretz newspaper, Ze’ev Herzog, head of the archaeology department at Tel Aviv University argued that the Exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt probably never happened, the Ten Commandments were not given on Mount Sinai, and Joshua never conquered the land of Israel. Herzog said that if there was a King David, he probably was no more than a tribal chieftain. The same holds for King Solomon, Herzog said.
“The many Egyptian documents known to us do not make any reference to the sojourn of the Children of Israel in Egypt or the events of the Exodus,” Herzog said. “Generations of scholars tried to locate Mount Sinai and the stations of the tribes of Israel in the desert. Despite all this diligent research, not one site was identified that could correspond to the biblical picture.”
Herzog said there is no evidence that Joshua led the children of Israel into the Holy Land or brought down the walls of Jericho.
“Repeated excavations by various expeditions… have only yielded disappointments,” he said. “During the period when the conquest would have taken place, there were no cities there, and of course no walls to bring down.”
Those views are also shared by professor Israel Finkelstein who said that despite 70 years of excavations to prove their biblical history they came up empty handed.They were only able to prove that their god ,Yewah had a consort called Asherah who incidentally was an Egyptian Diety.
To many people in Israel, such claims smack of blasphemy, even though many scientists agree with Herzog.
The Koran was written by people who had a rudimentary knowledge of the bible, Christianity and ancient stories so the stories in the Koran are very confusing, contradictory with many errors of history, mathematics,, geography and personalities.
YOU CANNOT Make truths from untruths.
Asalamualikm .well my hindu brthers u are totally unaware of Islam and ur own religion. I suggest u to plz watch dr zakir naik on peace tv or his thousands of vedeos with question answer sessions.u will learn a lot about ur religion which z actually in ur religious books . inshaullah u get enlightened.any one of u who really want the truth must listen to him.
Well brother I watched Dr zakir naik videos… And I think he is complete illogical
where he told illogical?
could you tell me in which speech he talks illogically?
can you show it !
try this for a start
Zakir Naik is a complete disaster and hypocrite. He justifies to keep sex slaves and according to him it is halal in Islam. Yes he really “enlgihtens”.
Vikas, You are right, I loved your story. But actually You know, I read in many places that Sanatana is the religion which allows freedom. Dont talk of muslims The quran have quotes telling that GIRL is nothing in front of men and men can do anything he wants with a girl. Marry thousand wives like a just a piece of some bones and muscles which do not have their own choices and decisions to make. I dont agree with this thing totally unfair. Muslims are just feared that if they dont say Allahhuaakbar 5 times a day means ALLAH IS GREATEST god will punish them. I mean whats the logic? A father wants his sons and daughters to please him 5 times a day or he ll punish him? You know Just take a deep look in all the religious practices of Sanatana dharma, You ll see that every thing we do have science in it. You must have seen “Jal arpan” to Sun god. Some say whats the logic in throwing water in front of sun but if u see that the rays which come through water and touch your body will never give you a skin cancer. thats y the practise is done by high hands. Take a look in Gita and Serials of Mahabharat. You ll know that how great ur religion is. Try not to each non-veg.Those who eat flesh are definitely not hindus. OM NAMAH SHIVAYA!
“The quran have quotes telling that GIRL is nothing in front of men and men can do anything he wants with a girl. Marry thousand wives like a just a piece of some bones and muscles which do not have their own choices and decisions to make. I dont agree with this thing totally unfair. ”
Bro. .where its mentioned in quran that women are nothing in front of men..and marry thousand wives. .
I am a muslim and I have read geeta , ramayan and even my great quorar in ramayan Ram had gone to hunt a deer , Ram’s father had 4 wifes hindus workship ram and even his father and so now tell me why do you workship a a non-hindu in hundu religion there is only romance as krishna did with the other girls in the village. Now tell me that where younhave read these types of things for women’s in quoran send me that para or search it on net and then send me those things.
I is planing to die rawan
U cannot understanding the transcendental personality of lord krishna by your finite logic and u cannot understand THE HOLY GEETA by just reading ..U need preacher as your brain have been filled with haterids,and other misunderstanding s…
So u need to consistently hear THE HOLY GEETA from a good preacher..To understand the SUPREME SOUL,THE GODHEAD
Lord krishna (Vishnu) is infinite in infinity…This earth is a small particle created by Him and u people’s soul is also a part of the “SUPREME SOUL”…And to understand him surrender urself to him…Ur all material logics and intelligence are contained in the immaterial ,the ultimate creator,the omnipresent ,LORDKRISHNA
What you wrote up there, is very true. Hinduism gives you the opportunity to be free and choose your own path in life. It doesn’t force you to do anything. Or follow any strict rules. And another important thing is actually that Hinduism is not a religion but rather it is a way of life. We learn to respect every other religion. And we always will.
God is God. No matter in what way you search for him. Why fight about religions? Or be spiritual and find your own way!
Let Kindness be a religion.
~Woman somewhere discovering Life.
Nice reply, I am a born Hindu and I converted to Islam an year ago.
Nobody forced me to convert neither told anything, I read the Quran and I felt its the complete book, the reason is it is only composed by Muhammad SAW who is believed to have got the revelations directly from God through Angel Gibreel.
I respect the Hindu religion but then I feel the knowledge got lost over the centuries and there is no one founder, its all conglomeration of the works done by sages. Beliefs and customs vary widely from north to south. So I feel though it might be complete the knowledge got lost.
I agree to the point that god is one whether it is Allah or Bhagwan or Jesus, but being a muslim Allah is the name for the god. Allah literally means the God, there is no bigger god or smaller god. One god Allah. Also The word Allah in Arabic does not have any gender, its a neutral term saying god is neither male nor female, its a powerful force beyond human imagination that guides the universe.
Regarding celebration of Hindu festivals, I think it should be kept to persons discretion. Anybody can celebrate the festival as long as you do not invoke God in any other name other than Allah.
Reply at
Do you have any interfaith dating/marriage experience to share?
Salman, I was muslim by birth. But as i become matured i just realized that whatever i read in Quran was not a complete ground of truth. There are so many craps, barberian things which were just described as holly things. I read vedas because my ultimate goal is to find the truth and accept it after checking ,arguing, untill to get satisfaction. And i can proudfully say that my deeds are leading me to accept the truth that Hinduism is the best better and gorgeous religion among the all. Ill give 1% to islam and 100%to hinduism. Bcz i have scientific brain i can not accept things that can’t make sense. Hinduism is all perfect as human needs to be human. I suggest you to jUST read vedas and bhagwad geeta. I bet you will be back in to your origin. I can laugh on you bcz i think how foolish you are.. hahaha even without knowing your religion you just switched to another which is even cant be a religion too. Thanks to God for showing me true path of life. I m happy because i m no more part of religion like Islam. I can say proudly that i m true hindu…
Reply at
i was born a muslim… but after learning my religion i became an islamophobe. i hated it. i have now converted to hinduism because science supports and plays a big role in hinduism and its teachings. also because it is known as the most peaceful and free religion. i love it
hare krishna

Science supports and plays big rule in Hinduism, like believing a human head can be replaced with elephant head

Hindusim is peaceful hahah what a joke >>>
Ram asked sita to walk on fire when people accused her of adultery, if he was god, he would have known that sita was chaste, but he was not.
And what kind of thing is this that a woman will walk on fire to prove her chastity, science tells us a body will get burn when it comes to contact with fire, it doesn`t say that only unchaste body will catch fire, then where is the science in Hinduism, it is not even closer to basic science.
And Shiva killed his own son Ganesha, he chopped off his head..if god is known for chopping head, then is that god peaceful???
welcome bro ,u hav aligned with bigger light, you are blessed to be hindu
As per science is concerned my friend any thing is possible, you only have to use your intellect to its maximum level, as Ramayana is concerned ram is believed to be purushottam. A simple king who is bounded by laws. So doing the Agni Pariksha he stated the duty of a king. As per husband duty is concerned he rejected any other marriage proposals. And his father king dashratha had 4 wives as for political relationship. And dats d problem my friend Ramayana teaches you how to spend your life, not qattarpanti about anything. At last you should know that sanatan dharma is the oldest dharma, every dharma has been originted from it.
Dear brother Satyam, what is the logical evidence and proof that you follow sanatan dharma?
If Ram is simple ancient king, and i agree there with you, then why people worship him as god and create differences in communities, muslims don`t worship muhammad or any ancient muslim king, do they?
Agni Pariksha is horrible and inhumane custom, ram should have voiced against it instead of blindly following it, like prophet muhammad did in his place by abolishing female child bury, widow marriage, inheritance for women and the list goes on…..
Dear readers, especially Aakash ans Sahil, here you can see the hypocrisy and one sided attitude of admin towards muslim, he immediately made separate blog on Rehmat Uday but no blog for Salman Veejay, why?
Ya…thats a genuine point to be noted…..why this site is being nob secular??
A good point and now updated. Actually it makes a complete story, thanks for pointing it out!!
Sorry mac…Rama never ever asked sita to walk on fire if u read it completely … she want to prove to the world that she never committed or attracted to any mistake.. there in Lanka for 01 year spent there…if she would have done it may she burns in fire but she came as pure as mother love….
Sorry mac…Rama never ever asked sita to walk on fire if u read it completely … she want to prove to the world that she never committed or attracted to any mistake.. there in Lanka for 01 year spent there…if she would have done it may she burns in fire but she came as pure as fire….and had true love on rama…
Basic of science is born in it…applying turmeric powder into the face and to body makes skin glow and does nt allow unwanted hair….its science proven
sprinkling of cow dung in front of the house make anti pests control(Mosquitoes and snakes wont attract to…Basic science…
there are so many thing were there.. which i cannot right in this thing sir…
if u dont understand it leave it… but don t under-look at it…Sir…
Dear sister Kalki, it seems you didn`t properly read the ramyana, otherwise you wouldn`t have given such replies.
The topic was not what sita did, the topic is not related to sita committing adultery or not, but the topic is rama forced sita to walk on fire which is well documented in ramayana as when sita was brought back from lanka, ram refused to accept her unless she gives proof of her chastity by walking on fire
You are interested in knowing that why the great lord ramchandra asked Mata sita to walk on fire the simple answer is that in the avatar of Rama lord Vishnu was cursed to take birth on earth he was also asked to take birth as a normal human being and not like a god so he was compelled to follow the customs at that time. More over in Krishna avatar lord Vishnu had 16000 marriage as in ram avatar he was asked by many devotees to marry them but he couldn’t as he had pledged to have a single wife so he promised to do so in next avatar of lord Krishna
Radhey Radhey to all
Dear WayOfLife,
Welcome and thank you for sharing your pluralistic view point, however, unfortunately not all religions share this ideal of “…to respect every other religion”.
Hi friends I want to ask one question to all Hinduism people 1.why upper class people only want to preach inthe temple not low caste prople like dalith
2.why widow don’t get to marry
3. Why their os upper and low class division in caste much hindu people read all your religion book in your know translated language by non brabmin people if you read the book then you know how the god is treated low caste people it mean ll religion except brahmin
5.if you learn and get answers pls replay me
My friend. Hinduism is the oldest known religion to mankind. It has seen the test of times. Because of such old history, there are many impurities that crept in. More importantly, there is no such concept of caste in hinduism. Influential people created it to favour themselves. People used to carry their families profession and hence, got associated with PROFESSION and not CASTE. But it is a social issue which needs to be address.
for your info :
1.there no caste system in sanata dharma ( hinduism)
2.followers of sanata dharma first priority to upgrade to highest level of
conciousness and married life just a part of it.
3.not all hindus know about their holy books why ?only a gifted person or mercy from how lord can read it and also depend on his karma
Who said so…r women in islam were married to another man…with his existence…Dr a dhaleth who wrote the indian constitution… lord krishna is yadavas…lower one born as bharamin, after his knowledge only can become a vadic padit…. i m a kusthra my self and i read the vadic as my master was a high class priest….Valmekey is not bharamin but he is thief….wrote Ramayyan….
the first university is born in india takshella….
Syed…you wanna talk about that…before you tell me why Sunni people not entering mujahid mosques ,why these both entering ahahmadiya mosques..and these will never enter in shoya and yaseedi mosques too..And tell me why did Mohammed nabi conquered 55counties by killings and mascarring, Why did he married 9 year girl including other 11women too..Whats the science behind these…
simple terms muslim relegion is intolerate, brainwashed and their followers are brainwashed such way they will never admit. too extereme and cult relegion.
thanks i am hindu. most scientific relegion. if you all it relegion otherwise i do not care. by my parents and my enviornment i born today i look. is best. i have been to lot of countries saw many people follow different relegions. I thank i born in hindusim society.
Prove hinduism is most scientific religion, But I know some scientific facts of hinduism, even BJP leaders are now spreading this scientific facts, If you people allow i will post it here
Top 7 Miracle of Science & Discoveries in Hinduism with 4 top undiscovered scientific miracles- MUST READ !!!
1.Worlds first plastic surgery was done by Shiva when he transparent the head of a elephant to his son’s head Ganesha.
2.Worlds first nuclear bomb was used in the war of Mahabharata.
3.Flying plain was first used by Monkey god hamuman in Ramayana.
4.Worlds first clone baby was Ganesha when Parvati gave birth him form the durt of her body.
5.Rama was worlds first construction engineer who built Ram setu towards Lanka to rescue his wife Sita.
6.Coconut is a eatable fruit it was first discovered when Valmiki describe that Sita’s breasts are like young coconut.
7. Sareswati was actually first Test-tube baby because Brahma directly gave birth to her in a pot from his spem. The scientific miracle was that Brahma used to collect his spem in a pot whenever he masturbated fixing his carnal eyes on the celestial beauty Urvasi.Brahma’s spem in the pot gave birth to Saraswati.
NOW Four top undescovered inventions of Hindus whom even modern scientists can’t understand…
1. Sex with animal and gave birth of human baby…
This undiscovered science is hiding behind the birth “Jambu Vandan”. He was born out of sexual relationships between Brahma with a bear. Moreover many great rishis (sages) had been born through human sex with animals.Few examples …
Rishi Rsyasrnga had a deer for a mom , Pandu (the dad of the five famous Pandava princes) had accidentally killed a rishi who was in animal form having sex with a deer etc. etc…
2. Sex with a dead body and gave birth of a human child…
This scientific miracle of Hinduism hiding behind the birth of ” Salliyan”.
The fact was that god Brahma collected the bones in the burial ground and secreted the semen and dropped it on the heap of the bones. Instantly a brave and strong man called Salliyan was born.
3.Consumation of spem can gave birth of human baby…
This scientific miracle is hiding behind the birth of ” Sakuni”. The fact is that , once a small quantities of Brahmas spem dropped on the ground. A bird came there and consumed the semen of Brahma. The bird became pregnant and gave birth to a man called Sakuni.
Similarly the birth of “Mandothari” was also a miracle. Brahma dropped a little of his semen to a tank. A frog came and swallowed the semen of Brahma and the frog gave birth to a female child called Mandothari.
4. Even flower can gave birth of human baby…
This scientific miracle of Hindu science is hiding behind the birth of ” Padma”.
The fact was that,once Brahma dropped his semen in a lotus flower in a tank. The lotus flower became pregnant and gave birth to a female child called Padma.
Note- The experiments is going on in RSS lab at Kanpur on the above undiscovered scientific mieacles and hope the solutions will be find out soon which will certainly beneficial to medical science of mordern age.
Why Islam is not great?
1) No equal rights to woman.
Q’uran says that a man can make love to woman if she can tolerate his organ. Wonderful
This justification was used by Prophet Muhammad to marry Aisha, a nine year old child.
2) Why woman can’t go to mosque?
Islam focuses on material pleasures and earthly existence. It never tells the role of one’s conscience.
I belive in one god .but hell no to yu r child molester phrophet .
Kumar, do you know your god ram married sita when she was 5 years old, we all know what couples do after marriage, so before you point to prophet of others who married a 9 years old, first look at your own.
mac, we do not have knowledge of age of sita when she married but one google search says ages 16 and 23. What is your knowledge about Rama’s age when Sita was 6?
Here, the question is not about child marriage practice but about pedophilia. Tell us what was age of Muhammad when Ayesha was 6? Was Ayesha 6 years old or 9 years old when she “married” to Muhammad?
Ok, 5 (Sita) and 12 (Rama) years when they got married as per above. Remind us, what were ages of Muhammad and Ayesha? Remind us for how many total wives/concubine Rama and Muhammad had? So what is your point?
16 (Sita) and 23 (Rama) ages are claimed by
We are not here to defend any faith. Apparently, mac, you have interest in apostles/Lords ages and marriages. We will create a new post for Rama and Muhammad’s marriage(s) and ages. This way, every one can comment on it and judge for them self what take home message they wish to take. Stay tuned!
No, we don`t have to post, we are fine here in this section, but if you wish, you can.
Admin, pedophilia is harmful and is unscientific, that is why it is not approved so as Child marriage, Lord Ram is best example of Child marriage, can we assume that he showed the world the path of child marriage as Hindus consider him our forefather?
I didn`t start conversation on ages of apostle/lords, that kumar being a hindu made comment on Ayesha`s age, so i reminded him that Sita was only 5 years old.
Admin, that zindigika pathshala is a blogspot where as i gave link of full websites of Ramayana, here i give it again, this time even more secular website :-
Apparently you have lots of interest in religious sex stories but first look at Muhammad’s married life before pointing to others. So far, we have refrain from posting it but if you post any other faith sex stories onward, we will post it.
If this Koran is zindigiki pathshala, that will certainly create hell for non-Sunni in this world.
//Apparently you have lots of interest in religious sex stories but first look at Muhammad’s married life before pointing to others///
I didn`t start, i joined this site last year, comments of Islam were from before that, i tried to reply them and as far as this conversation is about, it was started by kumar when he said prophet is child molester.
//If this Koran is zindigiki pathshala, that will certainly create hell for non-Sunni in this world.//
Please explain why it will make hell for non-sunnis.
Zakir Hussain, former President of India told Milad Mehfil in Monghyar on 20 November 1949, “The allegations against RSS of violence and hatred against Muslims are wholly false. Muslims should learn the lesson of mutual love, cooperation and organisation from RSS.
The RSS was instrumental in relief efforts after the 1971 Orissa Cyclone, 1977 Andhra Pradesh Cyclone[124] and in the 1984 Bhopal disaster.[125][126] It assisted in relief efforts during the 2001 Gujarat earthquake, and helped rebuild villages.[124][127] Approximately 35,000 RSS members in uniform were engaged in the relief efforts,[128] and many of their critics acknowledged their role.[129] An RSS-affiliated NGO, Seva Bharati, conducted relief operations in the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake. Activities included building shelters for the victims and providing food, clothes and medical necessities.[130] The RSS assisted relief efforts during the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake and the subsequent tsunami.[131] Seva Bharati also adopted 57 children (38 Muslims and 19 Hindus) from militancy affected areas of Jammu and Kashmir to provide them education at least up to Higher Secondary level.[132][133] They also took care of victims of the Kargil War of 1999.[134]
In 2006, RSS participated in relief efforts to provide basic necessities such as food, milk, and potable water to the people of Surat, Gujarat who were affected by floods in the region.[135][non-primary source needed] The RSS volunteers carried out relief and rehabilitation work after the floods affected North Karnataka and some districts of the state of Andhra Pradesh.[136] In 2013, following the Uttarakhand floods, RSS volunteers were involved in flood-relief works through its offices set up at affected areas.
Now a days it is compared with ISIS. It makes me laugh out loud!!
Your organisations only issues FATWAS… Hahaha. Hinduism is not religion and it is not governed by any organisation(such as churches, muslim organisations). Hinduism is a way of life.
from. above discussion its clear all islam following peoples are completely. brainwashed. they dosent want to spend their brains
and please. no one has. created the universe not allah or anything. else its all science…………
scinece deals with nature, scinece didn`t created universe, i think you need a mental checkup
Dear friends,
Religion is a multi-colored lamp, we all look through different colors but we look at the same flame. Supporting Muslim, hindu, christianity or jewish, buddhism… not a point to argue, or judge. you are born into a religion….that guides ur life to do good….no religion teaches violence, terrorism or to disrespect other religion. I swear u der r no disrespectful comments in any religion. those who do it is ur personal practice or I can say misjudgement or barriers to effective communicaTion. RELIGION IS TO MAKE YOU HUMAN, EVOKE THE GOOD IN YOU, LOVE EVERYONE, FAITH IN SOMEONE WHO CREATED YOU NOT TO RAPE, DISCRIMINATE, HATE OR JUDGE……..IF YOU ARE A HUMAN YOU WILL UNDERSTAND AND STOP ARGUING ON RELIGIONS….BUT LEARN FROM THEM.
superb message, thanks!
i loved the way u saying sir…
You know guys, I do not forget the madness these people spread, a fear in little, seed thoughts to convert to Islam, because they are one of them, and its common in there understanding, and learning that…convert as many as you can through out your life…., convert everyone in there so called religion, so beware, ever other religion, they do not only try, but try repeatedly until some is converted.
Second, they have qualities of being negative towards others, every thing but not xxxxx, its there in every one, and that is also one of the common understanding of being, so never trust for a second…instead of be regretful…they are creating a colony of so called religion, in every small town state/the World, then you will not be able to convert back…., in pressure of society you will be in.., now or in future…, be in your own religion, and support other too religion where ever you encounter such things, I do not forget…how many other people were killed, in History…. today…. and in future….. on the name of so called religion…I see a cold war (a third world war on the name of religion, save your children’s now), teach them there own religion but not this one., this cant be an end of the world….all human beings are called xxxxx…some day….?…NO it should not happen…be strong…stand up for your self… your religion….IN MY WORDS…religion IS A NEUCLEAR WAR IN MIND…WHEN EXPLODED…DISTROYS EVERY THING….do not tolerate, start retaliate, teach your children’s as well….your future…our future…to tell the same thing to there children’s’…do not bow..not to trust this, if you educate from beginning, they will understand…, and when they come to there times…they will be able to guide themselves correctly and there children’s as well.
Hinduism is logical and oriented towards the goal of knowing one self and then finally reaches the state of moksha i.e. free from birth and death.
All the practices in hinduism like yoga, dhyan(meditation) , snaan(bathing), havan, are logical acts like dhyaan which connects one from his own soul, yoga keeps urself fit and healthy, snaan keeps u fresh and active and havan makes environment clean.
Hinduism is a way of living which leads u on the path of knowledge.
Other religions have fear if there respective gods so thay have to do namaz, roza, hajj etc.. And in christians also is likewise.
I was a muslim but wen i realised the truth open mindedly i see only hindutva is real sensible, while others say follow them forcefully.
I m proud to be aware , to be knowledgeable, to know the goal of life thru hinduism.
I love hinduism. Mwaaaaaahhhhh…
I Respect u sir!! really stunned reading your comment “I LOVE HINDUISM” was fabulous to read
If all people realize this there will be heaven on earth
Zakir the more u know Hinduism he more u love it.. thats for being hindu again.. as we all know all muslims in india were hindu…
I m also from Muslim family but
Really when I grew up and knowing about my religion completely.
I learn that Islam is Never is perfect religion for any one….
The molvies they also force as to run according to Islamic rule…
But every one in the world have own right …. In the do any thing….
After researching a lot I found Buddhism is the best one….
After by after some time I realised that Buddhism is just a steam of Hinduism…
I and planned to be hindiu…..
I and I shifted From Dubai to Dwrika… In Lord krisha’s city and enjoy the holy life of Hindu and feeling proud be Hindu… And
I also have 2 sons name ….
Siva , ram
I m requesting to every Muslim in the world….
That bro your are just brainwashed….
There is noting good about Islam …
Islam only deals the violence and terrorism …
Actually the Islam is the only religion of demos
Who want every people same as like him
To fight against god…
So please left this cruel….
Religion and being real human …
By accepting the
Hinduism…….. Good luck
fake hindu guy with muslim name, do think that we are getting fool by commenting with fake muslim name idoit..
Sp I read your comment n u say In Hinduism are fake .. but truth was that the Hindu is oldest religion called SANATAM DHARMA I do research on all religion n found that ..Hindu is oldest n first religion .. which further divided by so many religion .. Actually in Hindu religion one Jati means caste called SAMI JATI who was highly murtipujak .. but some regions unhe is santam dharma se nikala gya jiski wajah se unhone murti puja chorke apna ek alag dharmma banaya .. José YAHODI DHARMA KA naaam diya gya .n then that yahudhi dharma further divide into two dharma .. christinaity n Muslims ..So because we Muslim is also part of semi moti that’s why we also a murti pujak ..So we all r part of SanTam dharma that’s truth..
Sp I read your comment n u say In Hinduism are fake .. but truth was that the Hindu is oldest religion called SANATAM DHARMA I do research on all religion n found that ..Hindu is oldest n first religion .. which further divided by so many religion .. Actually in Hindu religion one Jati means caste called SAMI JATI who was highly murtipujak .. but some regions unhe is santam dharma se nikala gya jiski wajah se unhone murti puja chorke apna ek alag dharmma banaya .. José YAHODI DHARMA KA naaam diya gya .n then that yahudhi dharma further divide into two dharma .. christinaity n Muslims ..So because we Muslim is also part of semi moti that’s why we also a murti pujak ..So we all r part of SanTam dharma that’s truth
If the aim of a religion is to make the human beings closer to divinity, then islam does not at all be defined as religion. It is so cruel and inhuman that it is completely disgusting to any sensible and free thinking human being. It spreads hatred in the name of religion. It is dogmatic and intolerant. The muslims are totally brainwashed and can not think beyond what they have taught in their idiotic religious literature , of course their are very rare exceptions. The muslims can not justify the logical questions asked by a free thinker about some ugly facts about their religion. They only become angry and threat the person who asked the questions , or deviate from the main point. Today the world is far more progressive than 1400 years back. The more and more people will become educated, they will want to ask questions about any inhuman subject , particularly if it is spread in the name of peace. The era of spreading islam by sword and fire is gone. Nowadays every religion is much more organised, including Hinduism. There is always a chance of revenge to the miscreants. Also, if one has the time and desire to study the Hindu literature, he/she will be surprised to know how scientific it is to discover one’s self entity. It has answer to any question asked against it. Truly, it is Sanatan Dharma, the eternal religion. Do not mix the spirit of Hiduisms with the superstitions. Try to realize it with full respect and you will be enlightened, surely, you will be enlightened.
If the aim of a religion is to make the human beings closer to divinity, then islam does not at all be defined as religion. It is so cruel and inhuman that it is completely disgusting to any sensible and free thinking human being. It spreads hatred in the name of religion. It is dogmatic and intolerant. The muslims are totally brainwashed and can not think beyond what they have taught in their idiotic religious literature , of course their are very rare exceptions. The muslims can not justify the logical questions asked by a free thinker about some ugly facts about their religion. They only become angry and threat the person who asked the questions , or deviate from the main point. Today the world is far more progressive than 1400 years back. The more and more people will become educated, they will want to ask questions about any inhuman subject , particularly if it is spread in the name of peace. The era of spreading islam by sword and fire is gone. Nowadays every religion is much more organised, including Hinduism. There is always a chance of revenge to the miscreants. Also, if one has the time and desire to study the Hindu literature, he/she will be surprised to know how scientific it is to discover one’s self entity. It has answer to any question asked against it. Truly, it is Sanatan Dharma, the eternal religion. Do not mix the spirit of Hiduisms with the superstitions. Try to realize it with full respect and you will be enlightened, surely, you will be enlightened.
Islam is only religion where allah is saying only worship me, if u r not obey me you are not my son. Its funny when allah says u hv to do 5 time namaz othereise u r not my person.
And most noted thing is that islam is only religion who ask to convert other people in islam. In Hindusium we never ask anybody to convert in hindusim.
Taliban issue the fatwa that womens are not allow to go school after 8 class and all women only go to lady doctor for check-up, my question is if girl not allow to go school after 8 class how she become a doctor and take care of other muslim women, all is shit.
God never ask peopole to only worship him forcefully.
No one can understand Islam without proper basic information. Islam is oldest religion in the world since Adam (Alai Sallam). Islam is since beginning where there is no existence of any living in the world. I want to tell you the truth about Islam.
Before creating the world Allah has gathered all soul of human at one place called(Aalam e arwah in arabic) and asked all soul that “I am not your Rub(Khuda) ?” All (we) loudly said no doubt you are our Rub(Khuda) and then said be witness stay on your call and beware do not equalized me with other. Allah said I am alone, creator of entire universe, soul and all those things which is not in your mind.
Adam (Alahi sallam) is first prophet and person on earth, before he was in the paradise with Hawwa (Radia Allwahu Tala anha) they are advice do not go to a particular tree and do not eat a grain from it, but there were a Saitan who always be with humans has drawn attention of Hawwa (Radi Allahu Tala anha) and both reach toward tree and eat grain that it why the came on earth.
Allah created Putla of Adam (Alahi Sallam) and tell Saitan do Sajdah (Salute) Adam alahi salam. but Saitan did not follow the order of Allah, farista sajda since years but saitan did not. then he thrown out from there.
Islam follow Prophet Mohammad Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam.
Prophet said
La ilaha Illah Mohammadar Rasullah (Be muslim)
Read namaz (salah) 5 times
Keep Fast (Roza)
Give Zakat (Tax)
Do Hujj (If you are capable)
If you are muslim then and then only above rules applicable to you. And if you not belive that your not muslim then your are free to do anything in this world. because world is jail for muslim and paradise for non-muslim. before comment about Islam please read enough about it. and then comment. I am sure if you read basic of Islam you will defenantly inpire with it.
Please do not take ill.
Islam is for those who want to belive there is no force to be muslim. One can only be muslim if it to belive by heart.
Hahahahaha, Dude u completely got ne here, Islam is the oldest religion huh?? Hahaha…. Islam vame into existence during the 7th century, please don’t mis inform others. Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world, Yeh tabse h jabse insaan ne religion ka naam lena seekha tha…Its amazing how u all r ready to kill for defending the values of ur religion…We don’t do that, we respect all the values…You are being Misguided Sir, please read the quran again…Misguided by those around you… I know u can’t be helped because there is NO EXIT from Islam…Islam is not a religion , its a POLITICAL CULT whereas Hinduism is a way of life, we won’t kill you if u dont believe in us but we would be killed as we are kaafirs for u…Try Hinduism for once…see the difference…u can leave it afterwRds but i recommend u to try it..
Actually hinduism is a rape cult,murder cult, just look at rate of rape and murder in india, you don`t have to study it much, if you study kali,durga,ram,shiva,krishna you will know what is hinduism, klai killed many men, thats why her beheaded head hangs on her necklace, durga killing ashor, ram killed ravan and forced his wife sita to walk on fire, ram is nothing but a misogynist king not a god at all, shiva chpped of his son`s head i.e ganesha, ha ha ha a a ….>>>??? krshina molested gopis on river side, he he he hinduism is all about criminal activities
To Mac,
Read What Assevagam means, see some youtube videos for the answers why ganesha has elephant head?!
You are very poor in serch for knowledge man.. I can understand your position, a muslim is not allowed to say or question their prophet if they do then they need to repent to have their family back.. what a cult that is..
hi.i just wanted to explain the way you think about islam is wrong my brother. Allah says i made humans free so in this world do everything as you wish so, but be careful not to forget me. some muslims dont blieve that God created everything like me. while some muslims are strict it all differ from wat branch you are from. not sll muslims will eat every meat like cats and dogs. wahabi muslims are probbaly devil worshippers. and yes i dont like them. so before u say something abt islam, educate urself then comment.
he is educated and whatever he said is true.. he did nt mention anythng about meat
Lol…. buddy ur point is logical……….:D
You must kill and destroy those who worship another god[Exodus 22:20]
Be righteous and act justly those who worship another god, surely god loves those who acts justly[60:8]
And your god even don`t call for worship as they are shameful RAPISTS
“…. Indra raped Ahalya and was cursed by her husband, the sage Gautama, to lose all his prosperity ….” –
Brahmavaivarta Purana 4:47:11-45.
“Indra took the form of Gautama to seduce Ahalya, saying to her, ‘I am in the power of Kama. Give me a kiss and so forth.’ But as she was worshipping the gods she told him that he had chosen an inappropriate time. He said, ‘Enough of this talk of what is done and what is not done. You should obey your husband, especially in the matters of sex. Give me an embrace and so forth.’ Then he embraced her and had his pleasure of her, but Gautama knew what had happened by his powers of meditation, and he hurried home and cursed Indra, saying, ‘Since you have acted in this way for the sake of the yoni (female-sexual-organ/vagina), let there be a thousand of them on your body, and let your linga fall.’ Then Gautama went to do tapas, and Indra, full of shame, stood in the water for a long time, praising Devi in her aspect of Indraksi [‘Eyes of Indra’]. When she offered him a boon he asked to have his deformity cured, but she said, ‘I cannot destroy the evil born of a sage’s curse, but I can do something so that people will not notice it: you will have a thousand eyes in the middle of the yonis (vaginas), and you will have the testicles of a ram.” –
Padma Purana 1:56:15-53.
How Rishis were Created? According to the Hindu Holy books, God Brahma arranged the marriage of god Shiva to goddess Parvathi. When they went around the fire as per Hindu religious ritual, god Shiva looked at the thighs of goddess parvathi and ejaculated his semen into the fire and they became Rishis (priests). According to the Hindu Puranas this “god” can do such a filthy act! Sex with Cows
Mr Mac, please get your facts right before you comment. All that crap you posted I guess copied from websites created by fanatics like you. These are baseless allegations.But still I will demystify all your accusations
1. goddess saraswati is created by brahma. Brahma had created universe so naturally he created someone to be his wife. He has created her not a bilogical father you dumb head . As per another both are created by brahman not be confused with brahma.
2. Indra had done the crime and he is punished but what about the crimes still going on in the name of islam. Forcing women to marry. A 90 marries a 15 year in middle east. What do you have say about it ?
3.Krishna had 160000 wives not abused them or forcefully married
if I start talking about loop holes about quran there is no end.
Muslims claim that Quran is ‘a miracle of miracles.’ This statement is a blatant and greatest lie ever told. Here are a few samples of contradictions in Quran: examples of internal contradictions– 54:19 mentions Aad was destroyed in a day but 69:6,7 mentions Aad was destroyed in seven nights and eight days; 19:17 shows an angel appeared to Mary but 3:42 shows several angels appeared; 28:40 mentions pharaoh drowned and died but 10:92 states that the same pharaoh was saved; examples of scientific errors–18:86 states that sun sets in a muddy spring of water; 15:19 mentions earth is flat; 86:6,7 states that semen emits from between back-bone and the ribs; examples of historical blunders
Interesting science!
Dear prada, I don`t know how I missed your this foolish and interesting comment, you said “””prada says:
July 29, 2014 at 7:22 am
Mr Mac, please get your facts right before you comment. All that crap you posted I guess copied from websites created by fanatics like you. These are baseless allegations.But still I will demystify all your accusations”””
So you are saying that I copied it from some where, but the fact is that you copied it from anti-muslim website and you were so blind in copying, i will show you how, here what you copy pasted
{{{{{{{{{Here are a few samples of contradictions in Quran: examples of internal contradictions– 54:19 mentions Aad was destroyed in a day but 69:6,7 mentions Aad was destroyed in seven nights and eight days; 19:17 shows an angel appeared to Mary but 3:42 shows several angels appeared; 28:40 mentions pharaoh drowned and died but 10:92 states that the same pharaoh was saved; examples of scientific errors–18:86 states that sun sets in a muddy spring of water; 15:19 mentions earth is flat; 86:6,7 states that semen emits from between back-bone and the ribs; examples of historical blunders}}}}}}}
but i guess you copy pasted this uncomplete verses from this site pro hindu site
http://www.islam-wat vi ngIslam/Why- I-Quit-Islam.htm
So you yourself proves that you are a HYPOCRITE!!!LOL!!! :-P”,8)”8)
coming to your question
“””2. Indra had done the crime and he is punished but what about the crimes still going on in the name of islam. Forcing women to marry. A 90 marries a 15 year in middle east. What do you have say about it ?”””
Ans:- that means your god is RAPIST, SHAME “”Indra had done the crime and he is punished “”
Forcing marraige in illegal in islam, so what you said is not islamic.
3.Krishna had 160000 wives not abused them or forcefully married
Ans:- we all know what gita says about krishna, how he abused, molested, sexually exploited married women who were taking bath on river side, how krishna took their sarees and forced those women to take their dress from krihna in ude and hrishna enjoyed all women in nude, SHAMELESS GOD
and dear Admin, you said {{{ admin says:
July 29, 2014 at 8:01 am
Interesting science!}}}} now I will show how interseting it is
You know nothing about Hinduism and telling us to go and read Hinduism again?
And i would love to know who tild you this crazy stuff about Hinduism..
Funny isn’t it…
Krishan ji never molested any lady… He was seven and all thr ladies or gopis were above 30…. He wanted to teach all the gopis lesson that never go to pond without Clothes.. a 7 year old guy Molesting… funny… And he had 1600 wives.. u know why? they all were sex slave.. krishna rescued them all.. thn those grls said. That no one will accept us now.. So he married them all
–He wanted to teach all the gopis lesson that never go to pond without Clothes.. —
LOL, they went there with clothes, but they removed clothes for bathing, if he wanted to teach them a lesson then he could have told them, after all he is god, bt no, instead he molested them.
Dear Mac, u need to understand that Parvati was there many years after creation and of people especially rishis
You know nothing about Hinduism and telling us to go and read Hinduism again?
Funny isn’t it…
Krishan ji never molested any lady… He was seven and all thr ladies or gopis were above 30…. He wanted to teach all the gopis lesson that never go to pond without Clothes.. a 7 year old guy Molesting… funny… And he had 1600 wives.. u know why? they all were sex slave.. krishna rescued them all.. thn those grls said. That no one will accept us now.. So he married them all.
People who think saraswati was daughter of bhrama.. just stop
.Bhrama created her… She was the first creation of bhrama.. not his daughter… And he fall in love with his creation….
Haters keep hating.. may b u r born to hate.. Buh Hinduism teaches peace so PEACE
Lol, Ayesha was 9 when Muhammad had sex with her, He had 22 wives and innumerable sex slaves, He had sex with her own son’s wife Zainab…He used to dress up in women’s cloth,was a homosexual hiself…What about Baccha-Baaji boys? Look in the mirror dude…Reply back n ill qoute tbe Quran for u
Shreyas, you liar, who told you mohammd had 22wives, lying has again started,isn`t it, krishna can have 1600 or 16000 or what ever but mohammad had 11 or 13 wives not 22, i don`t know from where you learn all this false stuff about islam…and mohammad pbuh had no son, it was adopted son,
Some of the Prophet’s marriages were for legislative reasons and to abolish certain corrupt traditions. Such was his marriage to Zaynab, divorcee of the freed slave Zayd. Before Islam, the Arabs did not allow divorcees to remarry. Zayd was adopted by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and called his son as was the custom among the Arabs before Islam. But Islam abrogated this custom and disapproved of its practice. Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was the first man to express this disapproval in a practical way. So he married the divorcee of his “adopted” son to show that adoption does not really make the adopted child a real son of the adopting father and also to show that marriage is lawful for divorcees. Incidentally, this very Zaynab was Muhammad’s cousin, and had been offered to him in marriage before she married Zayd. He refused her then, but after she was divorced he accepted her for the two legislative purposes: the lawful marriage of divorcees and the real status of adopted children. The story of this Zaynab has been associated in some minds with ridiculous fabrications regarding the moral integrity of Muhammad. These vicious fabrications are not even worth considering here …[]
It’s impossible for most to understand how God can appear and perform His pastimes for His and our own pleasure. Krishna appears to be among us, but He does not behave like God always, otherwise there is no fun for us or Him. He lives, eats, and plays with us so we can exchange our love and devotion with Him. When He appeared 5000 years, only a few humans knew He was God, for most he was just a great yogi with super powers. This is important otherwise we cannot live normally if we know He is God. It’s just like if someone wins 500 million dollar lottery, they will NEVER be the same again. They will become completely egoistic and lose all shyness with those who get into an argument. In a similar way, if people see God, they will become too bewildered and will not be able to live the same life again. This is not good for us and Krishna does not want to disturb the material creation, the purpose of which is to let everyone be their own boss to Lord it over, this is called free will.
When we play with young children, we pretent to be weaker than them and we pretend not to know much and so on.. This is the only way we can exchange our love with them. In a similar way, Lord Krishna comes to play, rest, eat and enjoy our association behaving like an ordinary human being. This is the called ‘Lila of Krishna’.
It’s very starange that Muslims only mention one Lila of Krishna, why not the others like lifting a mountain that is 21km in perimeter and weighting millions of tons. When He held it up for 7 days. If one accepts this then He must accept that Krishna is the one and only God. Krishna also expanded into 16,108 forms, this is another proof that He is God. Krishna also swallowed a whole forest fire, another proof. There are 100s of proofs that Krishna is the one and only God. These are solid proofs witnessed by millions of humans, who were also the forefathers of all the Muslims. It’s a shame that these Muslims are insulting their very own forefathers.
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Dude yu hav 0 knowledge on hinduism pls stop .sulle magane nin prophet nin thayena kayedavana .mostly ninu prophet thunne inda bandhidhiya anisuthe .
hi friends, I am a hindu.I came across the statements of people above mentioned.I am very pleasd to be a hindu.There were so many questions may raised by different people that which religon is the best. Some opinions i want to share
1) Except hinduism No religion has highly intellectual books like the vedas,and the bhagabata gita which were praised by great thinkers of western world.
2) Hindu religion never forced people of other religion for conversion.
3) The muslims were living india with equal harmony with the hindus keeping view what the muslims has done to the hindu from 1000AD to 1750AD ( killing 80 million hindus, million hindu converted to muslims)
4) Hind rulers hardly attack any other country and destroyed their holy places,culture as did by muslim rulers.
5) The christians converts the illerate, fiancial weakened,backward people of india in the past.
LOL, vedas, a book of rape,murder Other side of Vedas
u need a mental hospital mac mathamatics,astrology,physics,chemistry,biology,aurveda all comes from vedas infact u r reading it in ur text books its funny u r saying tat ur text books r teaching u how to rape now wat i can do is just to laf on u
dear Shaleen Sharma,
some one brainwahsed you very badly, otherwise you wouldn`t have said “mathamatics,astrology,physics,chemistry,biology,aurveda all comes from vedas ”
read this, the history of algebra
do you know where from name chemistry came, its from arabic
okay, i can explain it in detail,but i am not going in that way anyway i am not denying the fact that early indian civilisation had many contribution in science…but way you hindus behave is like that anything everything is yours
Dear Shaleen Sharma
india number one in rape, not a single rapist got death punishment in last ten years, whereas muslim countries are giving death punishmet to rapist
There have been interesting discussions about religions, some people taking extreme pride in their religion while some discarding their own and glorifying other religion. This difference of opinion is due to the difference in their respective intellect and that is why whatever they have grasped they treat it as sacrosanct and feel sorry for others who are not toeing their line of thought. Just tell me, does the Sun says to the world about the utility and importance of it’s light, no, not at all. On the contrary, it only gives light and the world knows its usefulness without any announcement being made. Does the Air says it is due to it that all living beings are alive? No, everybody is aware of this fact. Similarly all religions will reflect themselves what is good and pious without conflicts being made in this regard. Even if some people vigorously assert that Sun is bad, nobody will ever give a ear to it as the whole of humanity is aware that no existence is possible in the absence of it. If your religion is good then it is good not because you say it so but because of it’s inherent goodness. If my religion is good, there is no use my saying so as it will prove it’s greatness in the litmus test in the real world. The only expert of religion is God and he is ever Silent and Satisfied and has left all religions to the humans to accept or reject. On the other hand, humans are engaged in fighting over their respective religions, what a pity ! Human is acting God and God is just watching perhaps full of mirth at the ignorance of his poor creatures ! I think we must free all religions from the clutches of misinterpreters, distortionists and prideful adherents and allow all humans to go for them freely so as to accept or reject them on their own.
I think all Muslims should read about prophesies of Mohammad in Sanatan Dharma’s Bhavishya Purana.. and how Arabia was a Hindu land and Kaaba before Mohammad changed the scheme of things.. I do nor ask you to accept it but these are valid Points.. some Muslims have presented counter claims but they just tread on ambiguity to justify their religion.. anyway, Muslims tend to go off-topic when they don’t have point coz they are too brain-washed to accept a more valid point
just because Kaaba had idols doesnt mean it was hindu land or they were following the correct thing. The Arabs were pagans who worshipped idols. FYI even the Prophet saw was a pagan before the revelation came
JUST LIKE MOSES GOT THE TEN COMMNDMENTS. PLS take time to even read the ten commandments. You will know what God really wants us to know thru the abrahamic religions
Well so what else does it means,so as per you the extracts of harrapa are nhng but atabstones ,its wrong even quran itself mentions in al maryam that Abraham himself was a pagan born,and if you think that the first even humans too were Muslims then why did they convert to other religions like Hinduism,Christianity,Judaism.etc
Islam came just 1400 years back & I can prove it. Sura 6.163 & 39.11-12 states that Prophet Muhammad is the first muslim.(Read both English &Hindi version Quran.) Muslims tell that Islam is oldest religion.
Can u name me only 3 mosques, which was built prior to birth of ur Prophet? Can u name me 3 Muslim ppl or kings(Not prophet of Jews & Christians like Abraham or Moses.)
I want to ask u why do God orders Muslims to collect Jizya tax(Sura 9.29) from kafirs, Since, the kafirs are too created by the God himself.
PLEASE Read the Quran & Hadiths (Sahih Bukhari properly & understand the meaning of it & then make any comments.)
Only 4 people has ruled entire world. they are
1 – Suleman (Alaihi sallam)
2 – Sikandar (Alaihi Rehma)
3 – Bukhtenasar
4 – Namrud
These among four two was Muslim number 1,2. Suleman (Alahi Salam) has ruled even over the animal,insect and all living and dead. you can googling about Suleman (Alahi salam)and Sikandar (Alalhi Rehma). Islam is unique true religion. All muslim know that their holly book is Quran and all muslim aware about verse and respect of it while other religion their most believer does not know its basic they just follow it any form.
Interesting thing about Quran is that it is memorized by millions of people around the world no other holly book is as easy as Quran. another thing is that no one can modify any verse of Quran.
Even 10 year old child can memorized it easily.
Dont get the logic memorize holy book without understanding equals great religion
dude…vedas,upnishads and other texts were created in close to 3000 bc. and it was transferred down to many generations till it was written down in sanskrit some 1000 bc, for reciting only vedas,upnishads, ramayana, mahabharat, srimad bhagavat gita were written in poetic form, thats why “CHANDHAS”, is included in it, when u get time see one of them, u will notice some symbols like ‘|’, ‘_’ etc, it is build in it so that even if a lakh people recite it the “Svar’,’Thal’,’Sruthi’ etc matches completly or otherwise in scietific terms there is constructive interference of sound-waves.plz try to see the scientific side THE GREAT SAGES OF BHARATVARSH tried to convey to us.
I know,….I was about to marry a muslim guy, but after reading this I actually altered my decision. I was researching in islam when I came across this blog…thank u so much 4 making me realize what horrible mistake I was going to commit….
And some one just said that hindus have so many gods…but there r only 3 gods, brahama ji, vishnu ji, and shiv ji….and the mother of everything,..mahamaya…and gods like hanumana ji, krishna ji, raam ji, parvati ji, sita ji are avatars of these 3 gods…
Its not that I hate islam, I kept all rozas this year, but I fail to understand these following points…I wud be highly oblighed if someone can throw some light on them….
1. Why is islam so sex oriented? I mean ther3 is life beyond sex too…eg. women can be beaten if the protest again having sex with any man?
2, why women have to wear burkha and hijaab but not men?
3. Why men can be polygamist and not women?
4. Why allah does not recognises any other religion when hinduism states that every god and every religion is equal? qurbaani on bakra id justified? I knw hinduism has the same thing called bali but now its illegal and not prac tised anymore….but is allah so happy to see his men killing innocent animals and tear them and eat them????? Heights of cruelty!!!!!!….and to top it,,.the flesh is also given in charity… of cruelness, brutal, indecent, punishable behaviour, dat too with innocent animals?????
Today I am so proud to be a hindu, and I will be till my last breath….
Om namah shivaye…..
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Hi Guys…I am Hindu. Here I am stating about a religion that should have this quality. Any religious actions should affect your soul such that it should understand what is good and y should’nt I do bad things. The thing is that All religions support good things apart from that Islam is saying worhip only Allah, but in hinduism Bhagavan Krishna also told worship me but here worshipping god in the sense, We have to do only good actions by putting our 100% efficiency towards our works(good actions) without aspiring results of those actions..If you think physically 100% efficiency work definetely results 100% success, but once u r succeeded u will get pride(aham)..If u did all actions by dedicating towards god without aspiring any result, your soul doesnt affect any pride and even if u fail then u wont get depressed because ur actions are already dedicated towards god..If you practse this philosophy by doing only your dharma(action) u wont affected to any feelings like pride, jeoulous, depression, because what I can do upto your capability u have done it..Now the result of that particular work will decide by supreme soul(paramathma or God)in such a way that does this result shouldnt affect you soul…The conclusion Bhagavadgeetha is this….If you read geethat it is entirely human psychology how a person is thinking when he has something or not..I am sure Geeta definetely affects your mind….All these dharmas(actions) are pescribed in vedas…that is y our hindu religion is not a religion it is sanathana dharma not hinduism.(sanathana means there is no beginning that meant to say we cant predict when this sanathana dharma(hinduism) was started..thats why Rishis(yogis) says that sanathana dharma started when god created this universe…we all should proud to be hindus.
Because Islam Is not a Religion its a Political Cult… And itss highly Sex biased, for e.g. do u know that if a woman gets raped then she should atleast have 4 witnesses to prove rape which is rarely the case or otherwise she is charged for Adultery and is executed… lol, These so called jihadists, fighters and preachers of Islam do so as they are guaranteed 72 virgins in heaven by Allah…Muslim man can have 4 wives and a number of sex slaves, so if u r marrying him be sure NOT TO GET MARRIED IN A NIKAAH CEREMONY or u r doomed, U can get converted to Islam if u want, but remember u cannot convert back as u will be executed…I dont care if Allah is the greatest or not, my question is y r u so bent on forcing ur ideology on everyone?? Live and Let Live..
Shreyas, you liar, idiot, uneducated islamophobes, which verse of quran or hadith tells that muslim women needs 4 witness, you are a liar, i don`t if you people hav work other than spreading lies against islam, shame on you, you are so insecure about your religion that instead of talking good things about your religion you keep on bashing islam
Click here to see how you lied about 4 eye-witnessMYTH About 4 Eye-witness to prove rape in ISLAM
Mac u are a retard…ur sharia law says it…i read ur comments and it depicts the type of brainwashed cult u r…hinduism is beyond ur comprehension…all ur statements r either incomplete, dented or bended…if ur religion is true religion and allah is the only God y do other religions exist…infact ur God is not confident enough that he is a God or not becoz in ur quran u cannot question the teachings of allah…wtf…or wlse u will b labelled as an infidel and killed…its like gang of murderers in which if u leave the gang or question abt its rules u will b murdered by ur gang members…
Well said mate.. Hats off..
Matabadal,(from Surinam)
As a hindu I accept that all religions are leading to the same god.The ways are different. If muslims, christians and others can think like this, than the world will be a better place to live.Hinduism is the mother of all religions. Hare Krishna.
Unfortunately the followers of other religions have been commanded by their prophets not to think that only their religion is real and the others are fake. Then how can the Muslims and Christians think that all religions are the same? It’s time Hindus correct their thinking because all religions are very different. Don’t believe it, do a little bit of research and you will find it. I have found it much later of my life when I read them. Similar are the views of others who did the research. Only those who don’t have idea about other religions, consider all of them equal.
if u are a muslim, a true one then u might also know the fact that the greatest mosque in the world , where all muslims want to go atleast once in a life time has a statue of shiva inside it and all muslims have to worship it regardless of their belief in it but no muslim has ever disclosed the fact since they cannot afford to disclose the fact that their religion too was born out of hindusism. i came to know this since one of my uncle’s wife is convereted to islam, she has been to that mosque. and regrets having converted to such a religion………….
well muslims are different kinds in this world. some are free some just wish to be strict. unfortunetaly muslims in india arent truth muslims. shia muslims are the one that except every religion and blieve that islam isnt an old religion but other religions are. that is why to bring humanity hussain our beloved master dies for everyone to be respected and equal. read his story.
One more thing, its haram in Islam to show off anything you have be it a car clothes your wealth or your religion. And people its common sense you only show off that of which you are proud of so basically its not acceptable to be proud but what is accepted of you is to follow it properly.
And yes its unfortunate that todays muslim brothers and sisters dont follow islam properly thats because they take it for granted but you cant blame their religion for the bad they do just like you cant blame hindu religion for any crime a hindu commits so people wake up and stop degrading other peoples religion just because you dont know how to degrade that unknown person on this forum. Open your eyes and do your own research. Islam only preaches that above everything else like your country your friends your people should be your God because he is the creator of you and to Him you will return and after Him you should resopect and love your parents. Its also haraam to force someone to accept islam.Do you know why?
Because its obvious what third rate acceptance and ignorance you will breed of a concept that you dont even understand.
And one humble request please debate on respective religions only If you know and understand those particular religions completely and have considered pros and cons of both otherwise you are not only degrading each other but also God
i think thats not called ‘not showing off’. thats rather being ashamed of yourself that u wrap up urselves like a mummy.
I think humanity is above all religion.
Don’t do anything inhuman in the name of
Hey guys stop fighting on the name of GOD…After all GOD is one. so believe in ur religion and never hurt anyone….All the religions are good the fact is that we should understand it properly…and promote humanity…
Hey guys, “This is Abhishek Mandhani and i am a hindu” I don’t know a lot about Islam,buddhish etc. but I know something about Hinduism,I don’t think that Islam or any other religion is bad but i think that There is a Freedom in hinduism and this quality is not in any religion…..I will say that Your religion is The best Bcoz i m a “HINDU”and my religion taught me that Respect to all Religions….
To all the ignorant people,
For a fact I was a Hindu but I have always found myself lost over the concept of God in my religion
No religion is good or bad, it is the person following it that is good or bad. Consider this If a person who doesnt know how to drive a car is given a BMW to drive and he crashes it will you blame the driver or the car company. Its the same for every religion it all depends on the person following it.
If any literate logical person is asked to research on the rightness of a religion then you will come to know that Islam is a very logical religion. That there is only one God and he does not want us to idolise Him or associate partners with Him. Thats It! Same thing is mentioned in the Ten Commandments. According to Islam our life is a Test and our real goal should be winning Heaven and the Quran is the instruction from God how we can achieve it. Some few people or so called muslims dont follow it properly and the religion is blamed for all this just like blaming the car company BMW for a car crashed by a layman.
And for the record Allah is just an arabic name for The God(i.e The Only God)
Eg: You can call water by any other name but it will still be water.But if you call any other liquid by name of water it doesnt become water. Same way The God has many names but You cant give the name of God to anything else be it an idol a reincarnation, avatar, or his creatin like sun, moon etc. that hindus tend to do
I have been guided to the right path I pray to God that he guides everyone else too
PS: I am not preaching islam here. By God’s grace I am just doing my part by spreading the message
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Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Do you believe Koran was written by Allah? Do you believe in following Muhammad’s life style? We wish to hear from you.
Yes I do believe The Quran was revealed to us by God because all the verses that I have read till now and researched unbiased interpretation of them it can only have been come from God Himself, It simplifies our complicated lives and is above everything that humans could only imagine to think, say or do. As for following Mohammed’s(Peace be upon him)lifestyle, he has set an example of how to live life by abiding to God’s instruction so we should not blindly but follow his example keeping in mind the times we live in
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Well saying Koran was a revelation of god is itself wrong because the creator itself never knew anything bout his creation,he pushed sun in mud ,hanged the sky to hypothetical pillars and made the sun revolve around earth,split moon in two id is that god is a little bad in science .well I don’t have any particular anger towards Islam or quran its just that quran is some manner making god look like tat he did not created universe,well its just plain scientific view,in Koran also is a nice book for life given that u read it widout hatred towards islam
the truth is , religions are not made to bound u or slave u over someone elses ideas but to teach u to live in alignment with the CREATOR . most of us take religion as a punisment and follow stuff blindly. follow what u think will lead u to the right path, thats the whole point of it.
okay, for a second I’ll assume that a person should be blamed for his/her evil deeds and not his/her religion or say culture or say caste. but through this website I wanna to raise a question that why every terrorist in the world is a muslim and not from any other religion? Its because there is something wrong with the islam itself. look at pakistan, afghanistan and any other islamic country; you’ll see that the citizens of these countries are living like animals. By knowing this all some of my muslim friends shout that Islam is great and its a peaceful religion…so ridiculous. isn’t it??
A person has to be shallow to think that way. Today in India there are news of rape, molestation, sexual assault each and everyday, not only that the worst part is innocent children are subject to that cruelty and to put it so India is a predominantly hindu country and the assaulters in most cases are (to put it frankly) of hindu religion.
So, now would you say all Hindus are rapist and pervert paedophiles? No, right? Sorry to put it in harsh words but thats the truth.
People like you only want to see it from one side. I am not justifying terrorists here, mind it but there are many gruesome crimes happening in the world or to keep it closer home, even in India. My point is a criminal or terrorist has no religion.
You say citizens of this and that country are living like animals but have you seen the sorry state of some of the backward Indian states like Bihar, UP etc which are to say the least mostly Hindu states infact with many important Hindu worship places.
The last thing is saying something as stupid as every terrorist being a muslim, to ask you simply do you even remember who started the first and second world war in which millions of people around the world were killed. Sorry to say but even today’s media is biased who labels any person of another religion committing a crime a criminal and when a muslim committs it he is labelled a terrorist.
So before making such statement please ponder over the fact that everywhere good and bad is in equal measure. Did you forget even our petrol and oil is imported from some of the richest OPEC countries which are muslim states
call out the names of who does those things in India most of them almost 80% of them are muslims. Bomb blasts in india were also caused only by muslims, if muslims weren’t there on this planet now it could have been a heaven for common people be mature, read the news correctly and also read the names who did wrong things in india u can get a clear view that Those are Muslims.
I could have given you many examples of crimes and attacks even in christian or cosmopolitan countries like USA, Canada, Australia where as you may know (if you are well read) racism is rampant why won’t you blame them if you are at it already? Just remember when you point a finger at someone, 4 of your fingers are already pointing at you.
Hare Krsna.
dear brother,
It’s sad how you couldn’t understand the dept of your birth religion.. I don’t know how you converted to A Muslim troma Hindu..
Some points I want clear out.
Hinduism. Saharan dharma Is the oldest religion. The eternal right path. It’s scientifically proven. And say Einstein said ‘Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is Blind.’ I hope you don’t degrade him too, now.
Secondly, Hinduism knew many sciences before they were even known to the slightest. Karma is nothing but cosmic theory.. Whatever we say or do remains in this universe. And then we face the consequences of our karmas. As newton say every action had equal and opposite reaction.
Another very important point. You Say that idol worship is not accepted because there cannot be any medium between god and his devotee.. Well.. Tell me one place where you don’t a medium to give relation between two objects( be it anything) even the vaccum in which light travels is said to have a hypothetical medium which has the property of elasticity and inertia. Also, I would like to ask you if mercy and peace are the soul concepts of Islam, why you put into this material world of sufferings in the first place? Ofcourse it has to do something with the material world.. Where the concept of karma comes in.. where you cannot get rid of your bad karmas even if you give 100 times prayer a day.. it would be as good as killing an entiety and then Saying sorry to its owner as many times of the number of cells in his body.. That’s totally irrational. So for that purpose.. Since we are all in this material world having material bodies.. Are bound to material actions like eating sleeping etc. We take up a medium.. To feel connected to god.. After a person reaches a certain point of elevation where he is totally connected with the god.. The. He doesn’t need any idol.. And that’s mentioned in the Vedas, my brother. But before I that we definitely need to follow the steps. Announcing yourself as elevated enough to connect to the god without any medium, when you can’t follow the rules correctly is foolishness. Just like a 1st may feel he’s a scholar according to his age, but he cannot crack a 10th grade exam.. For that he has to cross the in between levels.. Ofcourse there are exceptions of Great minds. But we cannot consider everyone as elevated ones. Think logically. Nextly.. It’s Hinduism after all. The eternal right path. It can’t be that easy. It’s like you can solve a mathematical equations in any ways.. Sangat am dharma has gone us many ways.. We can choose our path which all lead to god.. Coming to gods of Hinduism.. If you were really a Hindu before.. You must be knowing about adishakti.. She’s the mother of our religion. All goddess are her forms of energy. From her came The Tridevs.. Bramha Vishnu and mahesh.. And then all others are their incarnations.. We believe in the worship of the sources of energy.. Hence we pray to gods like sun moon etc.. Our religion forms the base of actual civilization. That’s a proven fact. Which Muslims will never accept. Still we choose to respect Islam. Even when try to put us down in every possible way.. And that’s the reason why they fail in dosing so.. Only love can beat haterd. Haters can only cause more and more adharm.
Anyways. Nothing personal. I have some queries.
Why do you guys worship lord shiva’s diety as Kaaba.. Not please don’t say all that about how tha sone was the base of wall or is the centre of this world or stuffs like that.. So many versions I get to hear on this!
What is the Islamic justification to animal sacrifice.. I can give Vedic justification if you want..
Why did prophet Mohommad stated that ‘one who worships Shiva attains eternal knowledge’. I can give you the book and chapter name as well.. In which a verse describes lord shiva as a god..
Also then.. How is it justified that you have only one god.. Allah..?
Also.. It there any particular time stated for when Islam will be the only religion in the world.. And It will overcome all ‘isms’?
DO SOME STUDY AND PLEASE DO REPLY. AND DONT FORGET.. You’re still a Born Hindu.. A converted Muslim. HAREKRSNA.
Also, most importantly.. Biggest religion is humility.
Your fellow sister, Krishna.
every terrorist is a muslim but every muslin ai’nt a terrorist . islam has some very misguiding and inhuman concepts but its not about the relgion its about the person. afterall no one can change the fact that hinduism is the mother of all religions, it is not a religion infact , its a way of life, and the world will one day return from where it came ‘hinduism’.
HareKrsna. You’re right brother. A persons leaves his home. Takes a tour of the world. Learns new things. Does new things. But finally returns back home. Same with other religions and Hinduism.
My name is Shiv.
You are true Abhishek, but we must keep in our mind that,we, Hindus are the only one who have such type of caste system, system of saati and many other non-humane customs………..
Read the stories of some muslims converts at this wapsite and find how they find religion of truth that is islam.those who posts are antiislamic did not know anything written in quran and are saying this and that is given in quran.find truth about islam at
proud to be a muslim
Do you even know the meaning of “proud”? Everybody is proud to be from there own religion, Muslims unfortunately have to tell the world that they are proud, we can understand given the peaceful work done by Muslim brothers- kiling kafir, converting kafir, bombing us UK India, Europe someone has to handle the image of your god, isn’t it! So yes you can be proud but don’t be proud of terrorists and your fundamentalists, because we non Muslims will kill those peace hater Muslims and will be more proud than you.
Created story of a hindu.
Oh yes junaid you are right ,everything’s Hindu made story ,osama hexagon bombing ,killing Hindus in India,murder of guru teg bahadur ji and many over,even you say that other religions cause havoc in Islam ,well which religion did in Syria ????even burning of trains in godhra ,killing cows,well u are really divine,above the definition of human
that kind of stupid and rude comment midst this sensible disscusion itself proves the fact that u are a muslim
sure, why not since u are given freedom to harras women, kill people, bomb countries, eat all kind of animals and isnt that what muslims want to do ? so be proud that ur religion gives u the permission and infact encourages u to do all these things..
I think you know nothing about islam i,e why you are talking stupid things about and learn quran and learn about islam you will find peace. islam did not encourage violence against non_muslims but allows fight in self defense and allows to fight against those people who help those people who prevent muslims to fallow their religion and kills muslims
To understand Quran, one should try to understand the Quranic value system that is very different from our notions, particularly Hindu value system. The whole array of words such as sin, merit, good, bad, peace etc. connotate very differently. So, to understand the Quran, one first master the Quranic meaning of the key values.
gosh! please everybody follow the religion that you have grown up with…
vikas- mister! religion is not a childs play. nor
is it some holiday destination where in you
spend few days to enjoy, experience new
place like going on a break from your routine life.. whats your age kid?
you enjoyed muslim life by hanging out with
mozis and going for fights? seriously? thats the most stupid thing i’ve come across.
instead of doing that.. you should have invested time to learn more about the religion.,as a matter of fact you should have done that before entering islam..anyhow be careful about the decisions you make in future.
As for the muslims- stop arguing there is no compulsion in OUR religion..just let the non believers know what islam is about if they fail to understand leave them.. you have done whats fardh on you.. i.e. da’wah..
Zareen are you really confident that Allah exists and he sent the message to Muhammad(PBUH). Allah is actually derived from Al-ilah means moon god of pagan Arab, I think you are south asian and do not understand Arabic, further if you see Quran chapter 1 verse 4,5,6 Allah curses Jews and christians (see Muhsin khan’s translation of Quran). Allah liberated women from sins by punishment of beatings if a woman if she forbids sex or disobeys, Quran(4:34), woman are not allowed to learn in many countries. Quran is revealed as per convenience and if you are still following it,you are dumb. There is no god at all, it is delusion. Every child is born Atheist. Just think for a moment that what made you so special that you are born in most correct religion. -Khan Turkey
‘Allah’ is name given to almighty by our beloved prophet.
And how much you understand Arabic.
You said that – “Quran chapter 1 verse 4,5,6 Allah curses Jews and christians (see Muhsin khan’s translation of Quran).”
Read it dear, where it curses? so don’t write crap.
“Allah liberated women from sins by punishment of beatings if a woman if she forbids sex or disobeys, Quran(4:34)”
You idiot have written wrong translation..correct is following –
those women on whose part you see ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (next), refuse to share their beds, (and last) beat them , but if they return to obedience, seek not against them means (of annoyance).
So, if your wife is ill-mannered they first admonish her, if she still not improve then refuse sharing bed with her, even after she is ill-mannered then only beat her.
So what will you do if your wife is doing misconduct or is disloyal or going towards wrong direction.What is your way to stop her from going astray.
And this verse is only for ill-mannered women and not for the righteous and mannered women.
You said – “There is no god at all, it is delusion. Every child is born Atheist. Just think for a moment that what made you so special that you are born in most correct religion. ”
You deny God because you don’t think over it. God’s existence can not be proven in one line. It needs analysis.
See video of Dr. Zakir Naik , if you think there is no God or Quran is not sent by God.
Dear friend every child is born muslim but with his deeds he become believer or non-believer, ( as told by our prophet )
Everybody is special. You too. but you are not realizing it.
We study days and nights to pass exam and get good job.
Why don’t you study Good books to prove existence of God and good life.
We meet again devil’s advocate! Tell me one thing – why muslim bombed london metro? And again muslims behead daniel pearl and why osama and his muslim brother hijacked and crashed planes virtually explain to us why non muslims were killed by muslims. And please dont use your templated answer- just one odd case, koran does not says this or my favorite – humans are bad follower but islam is best religion. Just try to give a reasonable real life answer.
Why people of palestine , chechenya and other countries killed by christians??
Justify it and I would justify what u asked..
@Amir do you know how to read? dude you now say that you hate Christians too, man you are a pure Islamic fundamentalist who would be happy to become a martyr( read terrorist). Dude you justify terrorism, what a shame, you showed the true Islam to us by showing you true color and ideology. Did you see what these Muslims do to non Muslims in Palestine, especially to jews, to try to kill us, coz we are Jews. In other parts of world, govt just does what’s best solutions given they rage war against the non Muslim country, just as your Muslim religion orders them to do. Why didn’t you see the good Muslims who are in vast numbers who supports the govt? Just because you are a brainwashed idiot who just knows – there is one religion islam, everyone else is kafir and must be killed or converted- right that’s what goes in ur useless brain isn’t it.
You are not fit to live in a secular nation! Hell for you!
That’s a big shit,I was born an atheist as he said because I never knew existence of god at time of my birth,I grew up to be Hindu,and yes zareens right we should stay in our religion,please don’t teach me quran you maybe Muslims and by hearted quran but yes quran is not word of god because at many places the so called god is wrong about his own creations
@Ganzej Khan
Shreen was very polite by saying for you is your religion and for me is mine and there is no compulsion in religion. Now please do not teach her what Islam is in reality. Follow your own religion and let her follow hers. Make sense….Thx Faran Imam
i am born in hinduism but i saw that many people who converted to any other religion dies instantly.God did not advise us to follow any religion of the world but to keep faith in him .For me those who changes their religion are the followers of evil.
The think is really bad we can understand after entering into it.Now he understood true. And life is more precious than your religion. We have single life but their are lot of religions. You don’t know about hindunism, You saw only the bad things. None of the religion is perfect in the world. Then how Islamic are best. The is no base knowledge beside islam it’s just religion to kill others.
Hinduism is not a way of life.
It is Islam which is way of life because Islam regulates lives of Muslims in social, religious, political and economical matters.
And Islam is one fascist system devoid of rationalism and humanity. Every thing boils down to Koran says this and Prophet said this.
Completely Agree with you, hindu is derived from sindhu because in farsi(persian)”S” is replaced by “h”, of territory on the bank of sindhu. Islam is totalitarian, it is absolute control of daily human life activities, economy, warfares etc. It even teaches you how to screw your wife in religious sense and after ejaculating you have to praise Allah. Most south asian muslims are filth lovers and they live their life in hell for promised 72 celestial maidens.
explore western hindus and to see why caucasians are favoring hinduism. You have realized how narrow minded muslims are more importantly how hateful they are. Good, now as a hindu start loving everyone and read upanishads dont remain ignorant. Also if you explore out of canada, you can read an interest account about hinduism and gain wisdom. Congrats on leaving a hateful and violent faith. Hindus never attacked any lands to convert them. Now get stronger.
vikas your problem from begining was that you believed there were many gods and you became muslim without even understanding that muslims believe that there is ONE GOD. In arabic the name is ALLAH. You never gave a thought that how can there be more than one god? then whose god is bigger and better yours or mine?Does it make sense? You and I have only one Creator Allah. Brother read Islam again and taste the true beauty of Islam. Come back to Islam and save your parents too from worshiping false gods. You did not get proper guidance from your friends. you just converted even without thinking. when you said the Shahada you didnt even understand, ‘I Bear witness that there is no ilah(god) worthy of worship but Allah (God) and I bear witness that Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) is His Messenger. Jesus (P.B.U.H), son of Mary (P.B.U.Her), is also Allah’s messenger like Adam, Abraham, Moses, Joseph (May Allah’s Peace and Blessings Be Upon them all)
Listen to Yusuf Estes and Cat steven and many others why they became muslims. Listen to Dr. Zakir Naik too.
I Pray today to Allah to guide you to the true Path brother.
Quran says (Zakir Naik Says)- Kill the Kaffir. Please explain the Religion of Peace
Quran says (Zakir Naik Says)- All other religion is bad Jew, Sikh, Buddhist, Hindus and Christians. All religion is not true, only true religion is Islam. WTF is this idiot talking.
Finally, Muslims are best in this
Please Explain or at least show some atrocities done the same why by non Muslims to your Muslims (that’s what you say, isnt’it?)
Sometimes I feel like like just incinerating you all idiots and freeing the world of cancer.
You are completely deluded Allah is derived from Al-Ilah the pagan moon god of ARAB. If the word Allah had came with Muhammed(PBUH)then how did his father had name Abd-allah means worshipper of Allah. Muhammed was born in quraysh family which used to worship the moon God. Recent excavation in saudi arabia has found many idols of moon god with cresent moon on his chest. Dr.nail is medical doctor and not a ph d in Islam, he praises Yazeed. Prophet condemned any kind of miracles but Quran refers to Jesus making clay pigeons and bringing them to life. Islam believes in virgin birth of jesus which is impossible. In Sahih hadith it is mentioned that prophet travelled to jerusalem and returned back on the same night. Finally what made you so special that you are born in correct religion?
Oh yes Mr sp u are right ,vikas man convert back to Islam because our Hindu gods are wrong and unrealistic idiots ,u are right Allah is great but he is not true ,Allah does teaches violence ,quran does ,and so does prophet Muhammad(pbuh) because we are getting hell ,before Islam the Arabs came to India and learned somethings ,had peacefully realtiions unlike after Islam…and please if u want to know how peacefully Islam is just read quran without being Islam biased
If you compare and analyse hindu religion with other religion than you can feel how comfortable and informative religion it is.I can confirm anyone that, if anyone follow this religion ,he will feel the creation of GOD and get explanation of every matter or causes.
I wonder why there isn’t a single post saying that why i converted to Islam….after all thousands get converted every year to Islam across the world? The fastest growing religion in the world!!!!
Is it because no one is really happy after converting to Islam from any other religion they belong too… Remember, Hinduism never forced anyone to spread the power or belief of Hinduism, whereas it is a must in yours…
Dear Indian,
The admin would be playing mischief to see to it that no such post is posted in this blog.
Dear Indian:
Assalamu alaikum.
They would have not invited me if they absolutely feel as you write. Of course no Muslim wants to find themselves in a midst of “fitna”=confusion. If you feel you are on a site that is causing this you may like to come to my site and write blogs about Marriage for the members, I would certainly welcome this!
Mr Habibi,
Quran says (Zakir Naik Says)- Kill the Kaffir. Please explain the Religion of Peace
Quran says (Zakir Naik Says)- All other religion is bad Jew, Sikh, Buddhist, Hindus and Christians. All religion is not true, only true religion is Islam. WTF is this idiot talking.
Finally, Muslims are best in this
Please Explain or at least show some atrocities done the same why by non Muslims to your Muslims (that’s what you say, isnt’it?)
Please feel free to explain your Islam in these section. I have a whole lot of which needs Islamic explanation.
Dear Jew ,
Please answer me..
Which is the best religion?
Who are best?
Not all religion can be equally good and not all people can be equally best.
Mr muslim guy- ask this to your brothers who takes other humans life just to prove islam is best, no one says anything about islam, behead non muslim if they don’t accept islam the truth. I can go on…so real problem is that you muslims consider islam as best religion,we non muslims do not consider our religion best over other we just follow humanity where all religion people live with peace, which of course islam cannot not give to Muslims. AND in case you didnt see the videos then here is the answer – any religion except Islam is the best religion.
It doesn’t sound like you have strong footing with your personality. You are like a leaf that blows in the wind.
We all like what we grow up with because it feels “comfortable.” I grew up with Christmas & Easter and I have been Muslim for 20 years. There were times I missed Christmas. I wear hijab, there are times I wish I did not wear it. I never left Islam because of what I enjoyed from my past.
It just sounds like you have a weakish personality. You are seeking which provides you comfort but what about the hereafter? When anyone embraces Islam they need to be driven not just for a day or a week or several months but until our death.
For me personally I have to isolate myself from my own family ( to a degree) and limit my friends and just keep within my own world of maintaining my faith in Islam. Why do you think people who embrace Islam get more mercy from Allah (swt) than the born Muslims? It’s because their test is greater, more immense.
Don’t be weak…
I thought that was the recipe of brain washing.
This website and the admin are nothing but hindu fundamentalist in Disguise. They are Anti-muslim and are trying to lure innocent and ignorant Muslims in the fold of non believers.
They are very happy when they see some muslim girl or boy is misguided and tries to convert. There are two types of people either the one who believes in ONE GOD Allah or does not. Which god will you believe in hinduism? there are more millions of God and goddess and statue. Which is nothing but a handiwork of devil to misguide humans.
Dear Indian,
Like you, Jews, Christians and Hindus also believe that there is only ONE God. So, we are all in agreement about it. Above, you called Him or Her Allah (in Arabic). Christians call the same God the Father God, Jews as the LORD God and Hindus as Isvara (in Sanskrit). Every one has right to pray the God as one wishes with what ever name and form. We hope you are not saying….there is only one God, and that is mine! Keep in mind that you don’t own the God!
Tell us what is wrong in having liberty to pray the God as one desires? Jews feel holy in Israel and not in Saudi Arabia. Muslims pray only in the direction of the Kaaba (Black Cube) to reach to Allah, even though Allah is in all directions. Christians have little more liberty and believe in trinity, 3 forms of the God. Catholic churches are full of manly and womanly figures, photos and wooden and Golden Crosses, …..are these “idols” or “graven images?” Hindus, even they believe that there is absolutely one Supreme Reality, have liberty to express the God in what ever form one wants to see the God (Ekam sad vipra bshuda vadanti). Why will you want to take away the liberty of praying Him or Her the way one desires?
The Cross, Crescent, (black)Cube, (gold)Calf and Cow are the medium people use to focus on the God. Are you saying that all these Cs are handiwork of devil to misguide humans? Alternatively, are you saying your idol is better than others? Are you saying your Barbie doll is better than others?!!? It is a time to give up this childish talk.
Vikas respects Allah/Isvara, but he wants liberty. He don’t want rigid religious dogmas. He don’t want others telling him what he should and should not do. In these days and age, if you are too rigid, intelligent people will get turned off. Relax Indian, let people follow the God the way they desires.
Between Osama Bin Laden and Shah Rukh Khan, which one you think is a better Muslim? You will agree that….to be a good human being is more important than which method (or name) one follows to reach the God.
You cannot convince a Muslim with this type of intellect…Muslims are already set with their way of thinking and cannot be changed to sway to another way of thinking. Only the weak and timid can be influenced.
OMG!!! They are completely brainwashed.
You know, Habibi, what I like most in your writing. Your to the point and succinct response and your belief as solid as rock, very hard to dismantle. What surprises me most that you straightaway dismiss the intellect of people alien to your belief when they reason with you. You also avoid giving answers to the queries raised. My friend, by your own admission it is evident that your way of thinking is set and cannot be altered which means that all that an intellect could do to the maximal is already done and finished and there is nothing left to be accomplished by it. If that is the case, then there must be solutions of all problems with that kind of intellect and also answers of all questions. Dear, just ponder over it what kind of knowledge is this that one cannot confront mere words with the relevant words. If one person keeps a torch with him and he does not switch it on when seeing someone groping in the blind darkness, tell me, what is the use of it. Merely repeating ” light, light…….” and keeping the torch into one ‘s own pocket will not serve the real purpose. The way, devout keep silent shows that other point of views /faiths/beliefs can also be tested so as to seek truth, light,guidance, essence and whatever you like to call it.
This “Reply to Indian” has been moved to …..
Please comment there to Indian.
if really hindus were intelorent to muslims…then the president of india…mr abdul kalam would never have been the president…neither the khans in bollywood be sitting on the highest peaks of their career…unlike muslims hindus treat all equal..its muslims only who start the fight
Its nt hindus who do the good stuff……its the indians wo do it….stop publicising ur religion…..wont do any good….
Many argue that unlike orgaized religions, ie Judaism, Christianity, and Islam; Hinduism is a way of life. However, if you are looking for the “best” religion, Bhuddhism wins. It’s the only religion/way of life that does not promote violence.
You must be a very weak man to have converted to Islam on the say so of your Muslim friends. You should enjoy the plurality of Hinduism and embrace all gods, even Allah.
seema My Religion Islam does not promote violence at all. In Qur’an Allah Says that anyone who has killed an innocent it is as if he has killed the whole humanity. in indian army and japanese and srilankan army many buddist soldiers have killed human being and bombed many is naive to believe and senseless to say that self defence is violence.
Only Islam has strict war rules. check your brain once more and read and gain knowledge. i think you are living with kafirs that is why you talk like ignorant
Mr. SP your religion is the worst religion in the world since mohmmad build it. it is the root of terrorism and divide humanism between believers and non-believers. You must check out the world history of islam, where ever this barbaric religion gone people suffer from living peaceful life. it is islamic agenda (hidden too, in the name of peace) to convert people in islam. you must read carefully ur quran and hadith togather. then you understand what mohmmad was and what he did with humanity. he himself said-
in Qur’an 8:12 “I shall terrorize the infidels. So wound their bodies and incapacitate them because they oppose Allah and His Apostle.”
and hadith confirm it see-
SBukhari:V4B52N220 “Allah’s Apostle said, ‘I have been made victorious with terror.'”
But it also said that a non-muslim is never an innocent… Right. So killing all non-muslims in the name of allah is very good deed in the eye of GOD. Right. If you get to kiil the Billions of non-muslims in the world, then that is no sin… Right. Idiots…
Bingo. You have shown the mirror so that our Muslim brothers/sisters could see the actual image of their ideology/religion/way of life. This is the conclusion I have reached after listening this sickening argument narrated by the Muslims and the Dawa organisers such as Zakir Bhai MBBS. So it means, Muslims don’t commit any sin by killing the innocent Hindus. On the contrary, they heap up sin by killing even a single terrorist Muslim as it will amount to killing the whole of the humanity!
I would like to challenge your views here SP. If you have balls reply.
sp u are a dumb fool.u know India is the chosen country.God took birth in various forms in India in the form of Ram,Krishna,Mahavir;Buddha.This shows India is gifted one.And Muhammad just killed innocent people.he raped young girls.Ydont u tell us who ayesha was?did God say kill so many people for pleasing him?and y dont u teach ur terrorist brothers about humanity u dumb fool?in the eye of god all human beings are equal.all ur terrorist brothers will go to permanent hell.and u also if u are a sinner.u can torcher women in ur family to cheap extents and then expect heaven.shame on humanity.
Sao.. Good one brother.. Also I want to know who Ayesha was? HareKrna.
hey seema even among jains non violence is the term.n i have seen till date jains are the most strong followers of Non violence.u can never find any crimes commited by check out.
So your mission is to prevent any body from accepting Islam. If somebody chooses to be Muslim by hie/her own will what is the problem with you then
Good one Seema. This guy is a fool and he is himself ignorant. The one who took such a big decision on the saying I his friends is definitely not elevated enought to be talking about Hinduism. HareKrsna.