Bed as many muslims girls as possible

Harrish says: February 17, 2013 at 3:36 am

I have gone out with a couple of muslim girls now.. the first was a palestinian girl and now im with an indonesian girl..

i do it for my christian brothers around the globe.

im sick of the intolerant attitutes whereby its ok if muslim men date our women but not ok if we date their women!!

so i purposefully went about my way to use my good whiteboy looks and charm to swoon these forbidden fruits from the clutches of islam. i have to say, the palestinian girl was hot – i like arab girls.. the indonesian is too but there is somthing more satisfiying taking a muslim girl from the “holy land” haha!

So i urge all my christian brothers around the globe to use their influence to bed as many muslims girls as possible.. perhaps if it gets serious she will ask u to convert – ridiculous right? all to please the family and community.. well what abt christian families and communities? if you are not lucky enough to get her to convert then do so yourself until after marriage – then convert back..

whatever you do, make sure the children will be christian.. remember what Jesus said “love your enemy”…


Admin says:

All readers,
We do not understand why these Muslims and Christians are out to convert others and expand their faith. Even, Jews will make sure children are raised only in their faith (bris and Bar Mitzvah a must). Who will teach these Abrahamics love and respect to all? This BBS-business is just too sad.

Here, Harrish is a Christian-telibani out trapping innocent Muslim girls. He is out with an agenda to take revenge for acts of Muslims guys converting Christian girls. Tit for tat. It is a religious war.

These days, women have freedom to make decision for their life and don’t have to settle for arrange-choiced marriage suggested by their parents. However, this freedom comes with a heavy price. There are so many con-artists out there to trap innocent women. Sweet words used by these guys has no meaning except to bring the girl to bed.

We must remind what Abida said it before: “By nature girls are innocent and emotional, whosoever respects them (even falsely), they get trapped. There are so many anti social elements in the society who are disguised as gentlemen but internally conspirator”. Be careful. -Admin

More information: Chritistian-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Koran, Bible, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • Seth
    May 31, 2016 6:06 am

    Any tips on how to seduce a muslim girl? I know one who’s nice and probably desperate for some human contact but she’s also kind of brain washed. Is there a route you’ve found to be most effective when trying to cut through the years of indoctrination?

  • February 24, 2013 9:13 am


    Here is a case of child marriage with an old man.

    The 15-year-old Saudi girl has reportedly been divorced from the 70-year-old man. She reportedly locked herself in a bedroom on their wedding night before fleeing

    A 70-year-old Saudi Arabian man has been divorced from his teenage bride – thought to be only 15.

    The terrified youngster locked herself in a bedroom on their wedding night and two days later she fled back to her parents’ home.

    But the elderly man caused outrage when he claimed that the youngster’s family had tricked him into paying a $20,000 (£12,479) dowry.

    According to local reports, the man said: ‘I feel that there is a conspiracy by her mother against me.’

    He claimed he would go to court to retrieve the dowry from the young girl’s Saudi mother and Yemeni father and said the payment made the marriage ‘legal and correct’.

    Saudi Arabia’s Human Rights Commission however said a meeting had taken place between the man, the girl and her parents and that the dispute had been ‘resolved amicably’.

    The commission said the couple had been divorced.

    The marriage came to light when the man complained to local officials that he had been ripped off.

    After learning of the marriage the Human Rights Commission sent an investigator to the girl’s home in the village of Al-Hurath in Jizan province.

    There is no law outlining a minimum age for marriage in Saudi Arabia, with human rights campaigners claiming that child marriage is a problem in the Muslim country.

    The man has since disputed reports that the girl is a teenager.

    In an interview with CNN he said: ‘She is not 15 as everybody claims. She’s 25 years old and she’s mature enough to make her own decisions… I was fooled by the girl’s family.’

    Escape: The girl, who is thought to be 15, fled to her home in the village of Al-Hurath in Saudi Arabia’s Jizan province following the marriage

    Despite claiming to be 70, members of the commission said they believe he is 86.

    News of the marriage has caused an outcry on in the internet, with campaigners describing the incident as child prostitution and trafficking.

    Dr. Suhaila Zein al-Abedin, of government-backed group the Saudi National Association for Human Rights, said he was concerned about the marriage’s circumstances, as well as the age difference.

    Finally the Human Rights Commissionb found that the man was 85 years old and the girl only 15 years and he managed to marry the teenage just for sexual pleasure with tricks played with her parents by disguising his actual age.

  • February 23, 2013 7:14 am

    Hi Admn.

    My bf is Mexican and Im persian. we have been together for 2 years and have a perfect relationship but my parents do not approve of his race?? I love him and want to be with him but i can not get my parents to accept him.

    We both are working professional in the same company and have understood each other fully.We wish to riase our family together.
    My parents shall be opposing this and I cannot live without him
    now. We are 31/29 years old deeply associated and committed to each other in all phases of life together.

    Reply to Golnar at

    • Jose
      May 26, 2013 8:33 pm

      Can we have a conversation about this not on this website? My story might be as complex in a way like yours. Alike in a weird. Paradox . I think that’s what they call it. Humbletex@gmail
      I would really appreciate a honest conversation. Iam mexican American . I can give you my point of view . I two seek answers . Thank you

      • May 26, 2013 11:23 pm

        Hi jose,
        Can you give little more details and we could provide guidance.

  • Satyen
    February 22, 2013 3:59 pm

    All the roads shown by Muhammad lead to destruction and the present one is one among them. Those women and their supporters who adopt the Muhammad way of living, will end up landing to the present day hell on the earth. So, it’s in the interest of all the females to get rid of Muhammad and his ways to shave yourselves. There is no short cut. Even the so called progressives and highly educated people have failed to understand this. Only hope for the Muslim women irrespective of who they marry, is to go away from Muhammad and choose a husband who doesn’t believes in Muhammad’s prophet hood. Moreover, make sure, all of your children know the truth of Muhammad and the implications of following his lifestyle.

    • March 27, 2013 9:02 am

      Hi Mr. Satyen,
      With great pity I write this to u. Remember, what the sole purpose of this website is?? TO HELP PEOPLE DEAL WITH THEIR INTERFAITH RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS N NOT TO SAY THAT ISLAM OR ANY OTHER RELIGION IS GOOD OR BAD or that prophet m. I see hundreds of people here doing that but YOU I believe are one of the admin, if I am not wrong, reading posts like what u commented here is ridiculous and disgusting. Honestly, I have become addicted to this website but reading your comment just makes me feel very bad about it now. Remember stay neutral if u want this to work.

      • Satyen
        April 2, 2013 12:08 pm

        Dear Zyrah,

        With due respect I would like to clarify that I am not an admin at all and any wrongs committed by me should not be attributed to the admin.

        I am aware that this website is meant to provide the girls/women enough informations to enable them make a wise decision that will lead them live a happy life. I believe in rationality and objectivity and always willing to accept the correct informations. If you have something to inform me, I would welcome that whole heartedly.

        I write about Muhammad as it’s impossible for a woman/girl believing in Muhammad without questioning and at the same time lead a blissful life. If you contradict me, just prove me wrong and I will change my views. I don’t want to be a lier by projecting Muhammad as a prophet.

  • February 18, 2013 10:41 am

    Muslim career women in Britain are choosing to become involved in polygamous relationships because of a lack of suitable men in muslim community.Some of them even choosing to become second or third wives to married men, according to the Islamic Sharia Council.

    The charity, based in Britain, gives legal guidance to Muslims and has said it is receiving a high number of queries from women struggling to find suitable partners in their community.

    Many of the women have also said they would prefer to hold down high-profile jobs rather than look after their husbands.

    Taking more than one wife is illegal in the UK but men marry again in a nikah religious ceremony, allowing them to take up to four wives.

    Mizan Raja, 35, who organises Muslim marriages around the world, told the Sunday Times, that he has had hundreds of calls in the past six months from women asking about becoming second wives.

    Mr Raja said: ‘The demand for these relationships is led by the women, not the men. In one generation women have become educated, entrepreneurial and professional.


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