She Asked Me to Convert to Islam

utsho says: August 2, 2016 at 3:09 pm

hiii…my name is utsho. I am in love with a Muslim girl. We both love each other. Our relation is too deep. She is my first love. She asked me to convert myself into Islam and i also agree with her as it seem i cant live without her. But the problemk is my mom didnt appreciate our relationship. She is crying and telling me to leave her. what should i do?

One is my mother who give me birth another is she who loved me like my mother. I cant thinking what should i do? If i choose her then my mon will get hurtes thinking that i deceived her and if i leave her then it seems i cheated on her. i love both of them.

I thought that after completing My graduation and convert into Islam i will go to my mom along with her. Bt the problem is already happened. so plzz sugest me what should i do…..??? Itz a mattr of my life and death. -utsho

utsho says: August 3, 2016

She is a relagious girl.For her ISLAM comes first than her parents and then its me.But she already talk to her family about ourself.I kow that if her family dont agreee with her decissin then she will left her family and come with me.

She Strongly says I have to be a Muslim cz it will be a harm if i dont get convert into muslim and live with her.

My family is also a relgious family.So for this they never gonna accept her and besides they will leave me to.
I want to live with her in a flat cause my family never gonna accept her.
I am now a student and i didnt complete my i didnt have any surce of income.

what should i do?
i cant leave both of them…… -Utsho

View videos: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
Also read: Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus?, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Malaysia in love, Marriage laws.
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  • September 8, 2016 11:17 pm

    every religion has love but love has no religion. in love one sudnt ask for cnvrsn of religion. i m a stdnt of mca i was hvng 1 yr rltnsp wd muslim girl. i was ready to cnvrt. but she cheatd me. my mom said earlier that dis rltnsp is nt gd for u. but i was blind in love. she got engagd wd othr clsmt. i hv to face her daily engagd wd odr guy. nw i cnt trust muslim. a hindu sud b engage wd a hindu.

    Reply at

  • August 25, 2016 6:14 am

    No comments from Satyen since long.Where has he gone?

  • mac
    August 16, 2016 6:57 am

    Best suggestion would be since this is the only way to clear all mess is that you learn islam properly from proper souce, then if you agree with Islam, if Islam makes sense to you, then become Muslim. Then try make your mom understand islam, whether she accepts it or not, it’s a different matter, but if you could present out the true spririt of islam infront of your mother, she will never be against your conversation into Islam.
    A brief introduction to islam:
    Why Islam?

    • mac
      August 16, 2016 7:07 am

      Since you are a hindu, so to convince your mother, you start with this page :- since every mother worries who will perform her last ritual.

  • Riya Roy(formerly known as Ridha Sayed)
    August 4, 2016 10:26 am

    You have to realize the realities of life which is very much known to your mother. You are not earning, not well educated and associated with a muslim girl, who must be of the same age, financially not independent. How can you be happy with her.

    For converting, are you ready for circumcision at this age, which may be
    dangerous for your health?Do you understand how cruel,criminal and discriminatory religion is islam?

    Certainly your mom will never permit his beloved son to fall in a hot pan.
    Hope good sense will prevail on you.

  • Riya Roy(formerly known as Ridha Sayed)
    August 4, 2016 4:57 am


    Your statements are contradictory and emotionally guided.
    You both are in deep love, then why she is insisting for conversion?
    You are not even graduate and no source of income, how you both could be

    You are not aware of intricacies involved in marriage with a muslim girl
    and fundamentalist may harm you, since you are not financially independent and must not be matured enough.

    Forget her.

    • utsho
      August 4, 2016 8:41 am

      Is that is so easy to forget her…???
      i am looking for help to find out solution how can i manage my mother ..plzz give me a suggestion to solve this problem

      • August 4, 2016 9:00 pm

        Rome was not built in one day. You got to have patience. Set your priorities right, first finish your education and find a good job. A good career and money will give you strength to do that is right. Take a few years to make up your mind about her and Islam. Meantime, remain a good friend to her. Meantime, read a lot about Islam on this web site. Read experiences of about 700 other youths like you here. Remember, divorce rates are high in interfaith marriages, so what ever is your decision has to be well thought out. Do you think you are in better position today to make the marriage decision compared to after good degree and job?

  • Proloy
    August 3, 2016 5:23 am

    The girl does not love you more than her religion. So, how the question comes of love and relationship. As far as religion is concerned, you are the descendant of great Indian Vedic civilization. Why should you leave your religion. Never do it. Rather tell the girl to convert in Hinduism, otherwise leave her.

  • August 2, 2016 7:12 pm

    Hi Ustho,

    You are in between two hard rocks. One side it mother and another your lover.

    What is your birth religion?

    Tell us, after marriage, where are you going to live as married couple? Is that with your Hindu (or Christian) parents, her Muslim parents or going to live on your own rental flat with your own money?

    Tell us why she wants you to convert to Islam? Will she reciprocate by converting to your faith? If she truly loves you, will she give up her request to convert you to Islam? Does she loves you more than her Islam?

    Ask your mother for what are her 3 main concerns marrying her. With that, we will help you find some solution.

    We think marriage life is full of sacrifices, ash her to give up the idea of converting to Islam and you tell your mother to accept the way she is. Is not that a good middle ground? Let us know what she says. Get back.

    • utsho
      August 3, 2016 12:06 am

      She is a relagious girl.For her ISLAM comes first than her parents and then its me.But she already talk to her family about ourself.I kow that if her family dont agreee with her decissin then she will left her family and come with me.

      She Strongly says I have to be a Muslim cz it will be a harm if i dont get convert into muslim and live with her.

      My family is also a relgious family.So for this they never gonna accept her and besides they will leave me to.
      I want to live with her in a flat cause my family never gonna accept her.
      I am now a student and i didnt complete my i didnt have any surce of income.

      what should i do?
      i cant leave both of them……

      • admin
        August 4, 2016 8:52 pm


        Is it not sad that people make religions as war between good people. It does not matter how good she is but because she is a Muslim she is bad, is it not wrong? Again, why your girl friend saying “cz it will be a harm if i dont get convert,” why is she after this conversion business? Is that to increase Muslim vote power? She knew very well on the first day that you are a Hindu (or Christian), why did she bother dating you? What she did (dating before marriage) is sin in Islam (Koran 24:30). She does not follow Islam but she wants to convert you to Islam, is that no love-Jihad? Can you educate her that Isvar Allah tero nam–all gods are same.

        You are educated and thus could think through all these core issues, can you? Don’t blindly convert to something that you do not know what you are converting. You should convert with a true faith in Allah and Muhammad. Do you know life and messages of Muhammad? Are you ready to forget Lord Rama, Krishna, Goddess Laxmi and start saying in public that they are all fake-gods while only what Muhammad (not Jesus) teaching is truth. Is that logical?

        Think. Think. Think, if you can.

        • zikra
          August 31, 2016 1:16 am


          what i suggest at first is this is not the right age to take a good decision. You have to focus on studies and get a good job prior to getting married.

          Coming to the point of the girl you want to marry asking you to convert to ISLAM without knowing what the religion actually speaks is not encouraged by QURAN itself. 2:254 of QURAN says there is no compulsion in religion. As admin says, 24:30 does not tell about dating of a girl rather it gives the information about modesty of MEN.

          Education leads you to the right path. At present both of you still need time to think about marriage and do not take hasty decisions.ISLAM also says parents are the gateways for heaven in fact under the feet of MOTHER there lies heaven . So do not trouble your mother too.Just focus on studies and try to know the facts from our pasts I,II,III( NCERT school books of 6th,7th n 8th) to get basic knowledge of almost all religions and practices. AIM HIGH . Prepare for CIVILS. I hope whether or not you become a bureaucrat , you will be a rational person . I hope with this( by acquiring knowledge)you can take your own decisions. your mother also feels happy n the GIRL.. you can decide on your own after a few years. If she truly loves you, she too will wait for seeing you as a well educated, matured human being who may, in fact, get to know her what her religion ISLAM truly speaks…


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