American Malaysian Muslim with a Christian

Donna says: June 23, 2018 at 5:57 pm

Omg yes admin! You got all right bout me.. I’m from x and my fiance is from x Malaysia.. well he was born in USA before they moved there..
My family has approved our relationship so did my fiance’s sister. He never want me to convert unwillingly but i don’t mind if our future children grew up to be a muslim and they do have a choice once they are adults. We are thinking of marrying in a traditional way as I’m from x tribe so we could just obtain our marriage cert. from the village head.. what do you think? Or maybe we could just moved somewhere like in USA. Do you think there are priest out there brave enought to conduct our marriage ceremony secretly and obtain the civil marriage cert. maybe only the groom, bride, 2 witness and a priest.. how bout that..? How could the love surpasses the religions.. even God and religions acknowledged love.. on the other hand, The laws are made by man.. please feel free to contact me at x Thank you! ( : -Donna
(x- deleted by Admin for privacy)

More information: Chritistian-Muslim Marriage, Malaysia Marriage laws, Sharia, Koran, Bible, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • June 26, 2018 4:40 am

    I am from pakistan i was born muslim and converted to christinaty 8 years ago.I am permanent residence in New zealand and i am christian now.I want to marry my christian fiance from pakistan in malaysia.Is there any problem in our marriage in malaysia. Can i marry him easily without any investigation about my past

    Reply at

    • Gokusan
      June 26, 2018 6:36 am

      Salam Sister,
      you can do that in newzealand, why do you need to register in malaysia. As far as I know newzealand will be great for you..

  • June 23, 2018 8:03 pm

    Hi Donna,

    On any public forum don’t disclose your too much specific information, like your city and e-mail address. We have removed for your privacy.

    Yes, there will NOT be any issue you getting married with a Muslim in a church in USA. Plenty priest/pastors will be happy to help you out.

    Question for you–where are you planning to settle after marriage? Your Malay government is very unfair to non-Muslims (view). They will make you convert to Islam, even you don’t want it.

    We agree all what you said, “How could the love surpasses the religions.. even God and religions acknowledged love.. on the other hand, The laws are made by man..” but Muslims think different way. They will not wait for you to convert to Islam for their Islamic Nikaah wedding. Remember, conversion to Islam is a one way street (Muhammad said: “Whoever changes his Islamic religion, then kill him.” (Bukhari 9.84.57)), so think twice before converting. If you are going to be settling outside Malaysia, there is no need to convert.

    Let us know what else we can tell you, thanks.

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