I Agreed to Stay as 2nd Wife

Radha says: January 4, 2016 at 10:19 pm

Hi i am hindu girl and i got marriage with Muslim guy which is special marriage act 1954 in presence of Registar on 5.jan.2012. My husband is alleady married with the same religion girl on 9 july 2010. i agree to stay with him as 2nd wife. But now iam not at all willing to stay with him as 2nd wife.

My parants are pressuring me to get onother marriage. it is possible for me to get another marrige without divorce? Please help me.

Near 2years we r staying seprate. Not even had sexual relations. in this case will our marriage be valid? Please tell me.

Thank you again Mr Mohammed. Actually mistake is mine only i should not get the marrige with married man. He told me every thing clearly that he alleady married i only puts lot off love on him and forget my parents opinion. Hez redy to do all for me i belive him i hav lots off hopes on him. 1 and half year ago One day i fight with him that i told him and keep forced him to give divorse of your 1st wife and come bak to me bicose i cant imagine him with her first wife. But He refused my request and clearly told me that he wont leave her 1st wife and frankly told me that as our personal agreement u hav to stay with as my 2nd wife otherwise leave me i dont mind. Then i left him.

Before that we leaves to gather for more than 1year even 2 time i break pregnancy to scare my parance. Now we are not in phisycal and sexual contact from near 2yrs. sm time he will calls me for my opinion. i will repply the same give divorse your 1st wife. Now i feelt bad that i cant stay with him as 2nd wife and he wont leavs hes 1st wife. So finally i decided i will get another marrige. But without knowing him and without Divorse from him bicoze iam not sure whather he will give divorse or not i dont want to publicity this issue silently i wanted to get marrige.

In this case please tell me the legal advise. Kya mera ex-husband ko patha chalega ki main shadi karli kisi our k saath tho wo mujper koi legal case dalsakta kya? Kyou ki wo bhi allrady shadi shuda hai our main bhi 2nd wife banke rehna nai chahri isleyi shadi karli bolsakti hu kya mere husband ko? ya wo mere khilaf kuch case karsta without divorse shadi karutho pleas mujhe batawo sir..

SMA Statuis my husband put single i remember way admin its use for my problem. -Radha

Radha says: January 5, 2016 at 8:49 pm

In my case i lied you 1 think please excuse me. My dad got an heart strock and he begged me to get another marrige that time i feel cry and i agree with my family to get marrige. shortly the found new groom and fixed my marrige in immideatly affect. And i married with him 8 months ago without divorce from my ex-husband. even my presant husband not aware with my previous marrige we didin’t told him or hes family.in 4 months ago my ex-husband ko patha chala k meri shadi huwi our wo mujhe phone kiya our wish kiya simply kuch nai bola gud bye bol k ph kaatdiya. But abhi wo mujhe phone kar k worning karra k wapas aaja warna main tumper case karunga lawyer k notic bhejunga kar k darrara wo mujhe. our kehra ki uski 1st wife ko pata chala ki wo mujse shadi kiya our abhi bhi saat mein hai bol k wo uske uper case kar k chaligaye ma baap k pas our wo jail mein tha itne din dataya kuch antis bail per bahar aya bolra. Main kya karu abhi mere kuch samaj nai aara agar mere prasant husband ko pata chalegatho wo kistarha react hoga pata nai pappa tho heart pation hai unko bhi main nai batasakti meri problem. Please tell me the solution off my critical problem. -Radha

View videos: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
Also read: Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus?, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Malaysia in love, Marriage laws.

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  • Momeen
    January 6, 2016 10:15 pm

    Wow, Ahmed Noor, you were cooking up cock and bull stories about Germany accepting refugees.

    The ‘refugees’ have proved how true Muslims they are‐ mass sexual assault in Cologne; now you should argue that they were not Muslims but Jews in Muslim clothing!

    Merkel wanted to grab the international headlines and for that she had mortgaged Germany!

    • ahmad noor
      January 6, 2016 10:54 pm

      Do you think western governments are acting according to their own will
      you are so far from truth the zionist committees are controlling the foreign policies AND THEY ARE THE DECISION MAKER IN EUROPE AND US
      we just wanted a very simple solution for stopping bashar (shia ) from continous killing ..that is non-fly zone same as they did in iraq and libya ..but europe has dual standard policies whther the muslim rulers are sunni or shia …..
      from where can you realize that ???….no way

      • Momeen
        January 7, 2016 12:14 am

        So, since the West didn’t accept your proposal you’ve sent your breed in sounder to rape their women. Islamic sex revenge!!

        • ahmad noor
          January 7, 2016 3:14 am

          sure you look at islam and 1.25 billion muslims through afew uncontrolled guys ..this is un fair ..but this your way of thinking momeen

          • mohammed
            January 7, 2016 3:46 am

            brother.. why u are wasting time by replying like this ignorant people. .
            They dont have words except like this unwanted to say

  • Momeen
    January 6, 2016 10:13 pm

    What happened now‐a‐days, Mac is not seen at all!
    Perhaps, busy in Malda!!
    Seat in heaven, confirmed!!!

  • Radha
    January 5, 2016 11:08 pm

    Thank for ur support. But mujhe is baat ka darr hai ki suddenly agar wo mere husband ko pata challega tho hw can i convence him bicose meri galti bhi hai 1st mistake is i allrady married 2nd one is i hide my mistake from him and married him without divorse. is baat ka darr hai mujhe and we belongs to a high class family and my present husband also bilongs to high family. Iam thinking about prestige. Main previous husband is vary smart definatly usko malum k humlog publicity nai karsakte is issue ko vo is baat ka advantage le sakta.Main SMA 1054 prove karnese pehle wo us saboot ko shayed mitha bi sakta hes has lot of supporters in hes area. And i think marrige sertificate per SMA status mention kar k nai hota.Our orginal marrige sertificate marrage pics sab uske pas hi hai SMA status k alawa our koi legal points nai hai kya mere paas jo main usko bol k chup kar saku pleas tell me Brothers.

    • January 6, 2016 4:33 pm

      On “Our orginal marrige sertificate marrage pics sab uske pas hi hai”, go to the marriage beuro office and they will provide copies of all prior documents.

      Please go to your parents for help. They will help you find a lawyer for divorce. It should be relatively easy to get divorce. Do not fight alone. If that guy exploit you, tell your trust worthy people everything. Do not fight alone, take help from others.

      • Radha
        January 7, 2016 4:41 am

        finally i need to get divorce from him by approching lawyer. Thank you so much for all. And pray for me for sucessfull journy. Bye..

        • mohammed
          January 7, 2016 5:48 am

          All the best sister.. May God bless you in the right path

  • Radha
    January 5, 2016 8:49 pm

    In my case i lied you 1 think please excuse me. My dad got an heart strock and he begged me to get another marrige that time i feel cry and i agree with my family to get marrige. shortly the found new groom and fixed my marrige in immideatly affect. And i married with him 8 months ago without divorce from my ex-husband. even my prasant husband not aware with my previous marrige we didin’t told him or hes family.in 4 months ago my ex-husband ko patha chala k meri shadi huwi our wo mujhe phone kiya our wish kiya simply kuch nai bola gud bye bol k ph kaatdiya. But abhi wo mujhe phone kar k worning karra k wapas aaja warna main tumper case karunga lawyer k notic bhejunga kar k darrara wo mujhe. our kehra ki uski 1st wife ko pata chala ki wo mujse shadi kiya our abhi bhi saat mein hai bol k wo uske uper case kar k chaligaye ma baap k pas our wo jail mein tha itne din dataya kuch antis bail per bahar aya bolra. Main kya karu abhi mere kuch samaj nai aara agar mere prasant husband ko pata chalegatho wo kistarha react hoga pata nai pappa tho heart pation hai unko bhi main nai batasakti meri problem. Please tell me the solution off my critical problem.

    • mohammed
      January 5, 2016 9:52 pm

      sister. .

      Its not actually a problem. .he got struck on his own. . you can easily get divorce by the court if you case. .
      dont worry nothing gets problem to you. .
      If you ask me whom side i will get then surely i will get your side because he got out from justification
      surely he punishment in this world as well as in the judgement day…

    • January 5, 2016 10:27 pm

      You love your new husband and his family with all you heart and make them happy. Once they like you, later they may ignore all your past problems.

      On “worning karra k wapas aaja warna main tumper case karunga lawyer k notic bhejunga”, tell him that you could put him to prison for lying on SMA1054 paperwork. It is lie and a real proof. He could easily get in trouble.

  • January 5, 2016 7:00 pm


    Polygamy is an evil practice in our society and should be banned. There is no way any educated girl could share husband. We are glad we managed to convince Rita out of polygamy.

    You are legally married today. Since you have registered married, to break that, you have to go through regular divorce proceeding and be a single woman again to remarry. You do not need his permission for the divorce but you will need an attorney to help you.

    If your husband put “single-man” in his Special Marriage Act 1954 paperwork, then your marriage could prove easily invalid because it is based on wrong information provided. Your case should be easy to get divorce because he was already married (and he lied), you do not have sexual relationship in a long time and are living separate for 2 years. Contact a lawyer.

    We don’t know what type of Muslim your husband is. He has already a new Muslim wife of 2 years marriage at home and was fooling around with you. Further, he lied to government to marry you. He suck you for about two years and now he is ready to dump you. May be he is already looking for a next girl. Such promiscuous man should be put behind bars.

    • Radha
      January 5, 2016 8:22 pm

      Yes your right. Rita is a lucky girl really coz now shez safe. as she told in her convarsation she has effection on his boyfriend even i had the same bifore get in to the marrige. The effection will be continue after marrige also but few days only after that it feels like a hell. As bicose iam women and all women sicology will be similar. even i hav lots off indian muslim women friends wo bhi is baat se inkaar kardete ki mazhab mein likha hai husband 4 wife ko karsakta but i wont share my husband never they told me.may be it will happens mostly in other muslim countries i dont think so indian muslim womens do. Any ways All d best Rita.

      • mohammed
        January 5, 2016 9:21 pm

        Sister Radha,

        polygamy is an evil act… admin gets u a wrong way because he is against on islam so that he is talking to you like this. .
        before u blame on polygamy pls look at this comment how polygamy is solution for humanity


        next thing is polygamy is only applied to only muslims through nikaah.. its invalid on special marriage act
        second ur husband has cheated you by registering in special marriage act..

        i didnt advice you on behalf of your husband.. because you have asked advice so that i told you on the legal way to marry with one. .
        if you really belive me then request admin to help you on divorce rather than blaming on religion

      • mohammed
        January 5, 2016 9:26 pm

        Sister Radha,

        admin says “polygamy is an evil act”… admin gets u a wrong way because he is against on islam so that he is talking to you like this. .
        before u blame on polygamy pls look at this comment how polygamy is solution for humanity


        next thing is polygamy is only applied to only muslims through nikaah.. its invalid on special marriage act
        second ur husband has cheated you by registering in special marriage act..

        i didnt advice you on behalf of your husband. he has done many wrong things(we can say a sin) which is totally against on islam.. because you have asked advice so that i told you on the legal way to marry with one. .
        if you really belive me then request admin to help you on divorce rather than blaming on religion

        (I request admin to delete my previous comment for not completed my comment)

      • January 5, 2016 10:33 pm

        We are glad Muslim women in India are smart (i wont share my husband never they told me)!

        • ahmad noor
          January 5, 2016 11:14 pm

          it is not smart to refuse polygamy ..may be indian muslim women start being affected by western culture same as hindu girls
          as the western life style is much more impressive than life in our islamic world espacially for those of shallow mentality
          but can any indian lady (hinu or muslim ) show me how many successful marraige in western countries and what is the percentage of these successful marraige compared to unsuccessful marraige cz of out side illegal relationship i heard that the u.s man normally has 7 girlfrinds as an average .islam is a average practical religion and clear religion

    • ahmad noor
      January 5, 2016 10:53 pm

      Polygamy is an evil practice in your religion but it is legal practice in our religion so dont show the issue from your isde only
      in this case i see that the hole matter is based on wrong action
      1- she is hindu and that muslim must know that he has no right to marry hindu girl ( without covertion ) why cz of he is an ignorant muslim ( of course ) and again and agian we hear about love story
      2- refusing the marraige cz of being jealous is different from refusing marraige cz of husband injustice between 2 wives
      3- justice is the main condition for Polygamy ..or else the 2nd wife can go to the court (islamic court )

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