Vicky Asked: May 25, 2012 at 4:41 am
I’m in love with a Muslim girl. When I ask her, she tells me to convert, why? What I get after conversion and what she loses if I don’t? Can any one tell me after conversion (to Islam) what I become, exactly?
Admin says:
Excellent questions. Here are answers…
I’m in love with a Muslim girl. Great, you are motivated by the Bollywood. Now you will learn what is not covered in those movies.

What I get after conversion? As per the Koran, on the Judgment Day, you will go to heaven. Only Islam is a true religion, rest (including Christians and Jews) will get the Hell Fire. Yes, one other major advantage for men….4 wives….apparently Freddy converted for sex!
What she loses if I don’t convert? If your love is true….nothing. You both could marry and could live a life of Hindu-Muslim Marriage with Equality (like Seema, Salman and Shah Rukh Khan). If she is a love-Jihadi love-proselytizer, she will insist on converting you using any excuse. Remember, she did not disclosed this conversion business on your first date, then why she is bring this up now? A true test for a love-proselytizer is just say NO BBS.
After conversion what I become, exactly? She will keep insisting that you will not have to change, you will stay the same; just you have to go through 10 minutes of shahadah ritual of conversion to Islam, that’s all. However, shahadah is not a hollow ritual devoid of meaning. It will set a tone for your new life. Read communication with a Sikh girl, Rajanpreet (and restated below). Please talk to your Muslim girl friend and find out if it will be (this) or [that]?
Q1) How will you get married? Sikh wedding? Islamic Nikaah after Shahadah? Court only marriage? All three?
A1) (Yes, Sikh wedding only) [No, only Islamic Nikaah after Shahadah conversion]
Q2) What if you adamantly say NO to religious conversion to Islam?
A2) (conversion is not necessary) [No, Sikh must convert and become a true Muslim]
Q3) Do you have to accept a new Muslim first name?
A3) (No) [Yes, Sikh name Rajanpreet must be changed with some Arabic name]
Q4) Are you allowed to bring Guru Grandh Sahib and display Guru Nanak’s photo in your living room (along with a photo of Kaaba)?
A4) (Yes) [No, you cannot bring Guru Nanak’s photo in a Muslim home, only Kaaba’s photo allowed]
Q5) Are the Muslim bf and his parents planning to join you to a Gurudwara and be a part of Sikh religious ceremonies while at your parents home (and you attend his Mosque)?
A5) (Yes) [No, a Muslim cannot enter any gurudwara or a Hindu temple. After Shahadah, Rajeanpreet must pray in the direction of Kaaba only, not at the Golden Temple]
Q6) Can your first child have a Sikh name (and the second child have an Arabic name)?
A6) (Yes) [No, all children must have only Arabic names (or Indian-Arabic names)]
Q7) Do your male children have to have a sunat circumcision even there is not sufficient scientific merits?
A7) (Not necessary) [Yes, child must have a sunat circumcision to announce him/her a Muslim]
Q8) Can you teach your child from Guru Granth Sahib as well from the Koran? Will your (future) husband also do the same to educate kids?
A8) (Yes) [No way. Children should be taught ONLY from the Koran because that is the only truth (not Guru Granth Sahib)]
Q9) What will you teach your children for… Who is the God? … Are Sikh gurus and Muhammad same, that is, messengers of the God?
A9) (Yes, Guru Nanak and Mohammad are the same in God’s eyes) [Stop thinking of Sikh gurus now, only believe in what Muhammad told us. Further teach kids that in 1675, Aurangzeb publicly executed the ninth Sikh Guru, Guru Tegh Bahadur, for a right reason]
Q10) Do you ever have to go under Burka cover?
A10) (Never) [Yes]
Q11) If we later divorce, can I marry to any one second time?
A11) (Yes) [No, after conversion, now you are a Muslim, means you must marry another Muslim only. If you convert out of Islam back to Sikhism (or Hinduism), it is a serious crime according to Saria laws and punishable by death in some countries]
Q12) If we divorce after having children, who will get child custody?
A12) (Judge may decide based on non-religious reasons if the marriage was on non-religious ground) [After conversion, Rajanpreet is a Muslim. It was a Muslim-Muslim marriage and thus child must be Muslim too. The Muslim husband gets the child custody]
Q13) If I die, what final rites I will get?
A13) (as per your birth religion since you are not converted) [You will be given a Muslim final rites and buried in a grave if converted]
So the answer is…(this?) or [that?].
So the answer is…(Seema) or [Nirmla]??
So the answer is…(equality) or [Islam is the only truth. There cannot be an equality with truth and fake].
Readers, what else will you add for (this?) or [that?]?
Also read: Islamic Women Today, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Muslim boy,
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HI vicky…
According to your vedas, you belive in life after death . you believe in reincarnation …people take birth again and agian. the main reason for a person to take birth is to mediate on the name of god get his place in heaven(moksh) .
but muslim koran says people after death stays in this world . they are not reborn. Good people do go to heaven but on the judgement day all the dead people are going to awake.
sikhism , muslim , hinduism …are just the ways to remember the god… so it really does not matter as long as you love the girl …. every religion is best …now its up to you.\
I would suggest not to convert ….if you were to converted why did allah gave you hindu parents …..
@Amir- God never born and never died. You don’t have any knowledge of god. They only incarnate. I mean to say they are never born from womb..Take any example of Hindu god/Avatars.
Regarding Islam, I don’t want to say any thing, B’cause there is nothing to say good. I am still surprised that how people are following this cult. There is neither a single scientific truth nor any humanly ritual.
Again I stress this again, a marriage is not a deal, you can’t throw religion around like it’s nothing. Don’t convert to be with someone if they can’t do the same for you. If she wants you to convert, ask her if she is willing to do the same? Sacrificing ones religion is very difficult, and in a marriage you should strive for equality. If you are making compromises for the rest of your life, was it really worth it Vicky?
Hi. could live a life of Hindu-Muslim Marriage with Equality (like Seema, Salman and Shah Rukh Khan). If she is a love-Jihadi love-proselytizer, she will insist on converting you using any excuse….You left out another category…more dangerous… Live together as Hindu-muslim couple until the partner died. Then Convert the whole family to Islam. The best example is A.R. Rahman‘s mother. I personally categoties her worst then a prostitute.
For people like Suma……who are ignorant… here is the Myth Vs fact for book by P.R, Ram analyzing Census
“A slightly earlier but relevant statistics of polygamy (1991 census report) totally smashes the myth of Muslim polygamy, unless the social trends have worsened drastically, which obviously have not. As per this, the incidence of polygamy is highest among the Adivasis (15.25) followed by Buddhists (7.9), Jains (6.72), Hindus (5.80) and behold, followed by Muslims (5.70). Research carried out by Mallika B Mistry of Gokhle institute of Pune, concludes that “there is no evidence that the percentage of polygamous marriages (among Muslims) is larger than the Hindus”. A comparison of nuptiality patterns for Hindus and Muslims shows great similarity, the incidence of polygamy has been declining among both Hindus and Muslims.”
There are more non Muslims in terms of numbers and percentage who have more then one wife then Muslims in India.
Indian, stop pretending to be an intelligent debator, clearly you are not. If you want to talk about your faith go debate with wafa sultan, ayaan hirsi ali, ali sina, iman ali , taslima nasreen etc., and read (google them). Hindus believe in Brahman the supreme being and supreme soul, who doesn’t have any physical form or gender. The idols you see in mandirs are representations of their formless god. God is one, and the manifestations are many. Muslims revere a prophet with all bad qualities almost as their god. I don’t want to write about the personal life about that prophet and his history here. Read on web, go explore ‘wife beating in islam’, ‘former muslim forums’, jihad watch etc. A muslim enjoys freedom only in nonmuslim lands and a nonmuslim enjoys no such freedom in muslim lands. Ironic, isn’t it? A muslim always complains no matter where he lives- India, America or Iran or Pakistan…
conversion for marriage makes marriage a conditinal marriage, not love marriage, and you Ara you are a hatemongering muslim. society will make your marriage miserable i can forsee. His self respect is eroded. Now by making him to convert, he knows its a blackmail, he will marry 3 more women in future. It is a curse you brought upon yourself, he will not give maintenance either.For he has no reason to, he is a muslim.
I am a Muslim girl in exact same situation (a Hindu bf) as yours.
Islam is not as bad as you think. I know a cousin of mine who got married to a Hindu guy. He had to convert but there was no force to offer Namaz everyday or even fast. It was just for the heck of it to avoid all legal hassles. Its 9 yrs of their marriage and they have 2 kids.
Its no child’s play. I always thought I could get married in both the styles Muslim as well as Hindu. I don’t believe in idol worship but I respect his faith. He himself is not very religious. One sad thing that comes along specially if you are not from city like Mumbai is that constant disgrace and comments in public. I am so scared of all this. I can’t hurt my parents but I want my love. I have always been their fav kid and now I have a Hindu bf this will blow their minds off.
Why can’t life be just easy like Genilia and Ritesh , SRK and Gouri.
@Shinivas: Please do not convert this thread into a HINDUISM V/s ISLAM war. Religion was made at those times to unite ppl, make them civilised but today we are divided and united only by being uncivilized.
Do not reply here….this post is moved.
@ Ara,
I am very self restrained here. Because I know this website is for some other reasons.
But I never lie. What I said here is true.
Dear Ara,
Are you indirectly indicating that Vicky should convert to Islam, just for the heck of it? There is no legal hassle when a couple marries by a court. Why convert if he has no intention of being a true Muslim? Are you telling that Shahadah is a hollow ritual devoid of meaning? Are you teaching Hindu lovers to go and lie to Allah, to Islamic religious leaders, to religious institutions and to all their new Muslim relatives? What a shame! Why make lies and deception a foundation of a married life?
Ara, if you forgot, Shahadah is the declaration that “there is no god but Allah (…meaning Lord Rama and Goddess Laxmi are nothing but idols?) and Prophet Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah (…meaning only Muhammad’s messages are true while Lord Krishna messages are fake?). Associating partners with Allah is called Shirk (…meaning praying to Lord Rama and Goddess Durga is sin?). Shirk is not only the worship of idols (…is Kaaba not an idol?), but also offering prayers or supplications to anyone (…so no more eating prasad offerings at Hindu temples?), living or dead, believing that they hold the same attribute as Him (…should Christians stop praying to Jesus as His Son and start praying in the direction of Kaaba?). The Koran considers Shirk as an unpardonable sin.
Instead of lies, why not ask Vicky to be truthful and honest. Tell him not to take Shahadah oaths just for marriage, unless change of religion is his main objective. Why mix love and the business of religious conversion? If he has interest in Islam, ask him to go to a madrasa and spend 6 months there; not with a girl friend! Why waste lovely premarital dating time preaching about religion? Asking to take Shahadah “for the heck of it” is nothing but a love-trap (and sin).
It you ultimately convert your boy friend to Islam; you are nothing but a love-proselytizer. For the heck of it, why don’t you convert to Hinduism (read Ayesha)? Do you feel Hinduism (and Christianity and the rest) is an inferior religion while Islam is the only true religion? Do you consider dating a Hindu is, in your word, “disgrace,” but converting him to Islam is an honor? If pleasing your community is so vital to you, why are you dating a Hindu to begin with?
You gave a big lecture to Srinivas of “civilization and unity,” and the same time indicating Vicky to convert to Islam, for the heck of it? What an “uncivilized” thought! Don’t preach that you cannot put in practice.
If you want an “easy” life, just do like that of Shah Rukh Khan…marry in a court and later perform pooja to Hindu Gods to show respect to your spouse. Show that you have guts to do right things.
Please make up your mind. Instead of proselytizing, tell your Hindu bf that you will never ask him to BBS and prove your true love.
Why can’t you love someone just for the heck of love?
First you are not human according to Koran, you are a living animal. So, if you convert you will become a human.
She is playing stupid games, just ditch her.