African American and Muslim marriage okay?

Samuel says: February 10, 2013 at 7:31 am

Hi readers,

For the past few years I’ve been dating a Muslim girl. I think I’m completely fallen in love with her and would love nothing more than to marry this girl. However, I am African American and she is from Jordan. She has told me that her family would most likely not approve, as they want her to have an arranged marriage. She said that she could probably get her mother to accept us (as women are more sensitive to matters of love than men are) but her father would be 100% against it.

We both are working in a refinery office and several times going on tour and staying together in a hotel. We have enjoyed sex also several times.

Is this how it is for all Muslim women? Do they all have to have an arranged marriage? And if not, would it be ok in the eyes of other Muslims for us to marry? -Samuel


Admin says:

Hi Samuel,

Here you have inter-racial (black vs non black), inter-cultural and inter-faith (Muslim and Christian?) issues to deal with.

For inter-race issues, it is basically same issues as if this girl was from a WASP family who has close White family ties.

For cultural difference, yes, arranged marriages are expected.

For inter-faith issues, they will expect you to convert to Islam before your Islamic Nikaah and raise children only Muslims. Do not fake-convert to Islam, make sure you read and truly accept Islam before your Shahadah, if you wish that way. Do not get impressed by talk of …these Christians brought you here as slaves, gave you children and Christianity, but not equality. Originally, you were Muslims in Africa to begin with … etc, etc. If you do decide to change your faith, read well and do not link your decision to change your faith with your love for a girl.

Let us know how it goes. Meantime, come to educate other youths here; and while doing so, you will educate yourself.

Now you are a family member of this InterfaithShaadi site, welcome! -Admin


Also read: Islamic Women Today, Inter-race marriages, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Muslim boy, Christian-Muslim marriages, Hymen Repair Surgery,

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  • mac
    May 30, 2014 8:50 am

    if virginity doest not matter then why ALLAH_BHAGWAN_GOD has given hymen, that means he wants something to test also marry was virgin mother and all ABRAHAMIC followers(girls) must try to be as MARRY b4 marriage to get closer to Marry and GOD_ALLAH_BHAGWAN

  • Isaiah
    February 28, 2013 3:54 am

    Heart felt!

  • February 17, 2013 10:10 am

    Hello guys. I’m coming here to ask what should I do?
    I’m a african american/iranian guy who is in love with a muslim Egyptian girl. No joke. Weird combinations huh? But seriously I’m not sure. I’m not muslim and I take pity on muslim women who have to lead a very restricted life. Myself 37 yrs. and she 27 yrs. both working in different companies but dating regularly. She is so beautfiful and charming that I donot want to loose her. I’m just not into any exsistimg religion. Ya know I’m very spirtual but I take some things from all religions. ( excludimg Mohammad) Anyway what should I do. Her mom seems very convinced I’m worthy but her dad seems a little unsure because I think he believes all I want is sex. Which I’m not that kind of guy. So how should I convence him?

    Reply to Mcmilan at

  • February 11, 2013 10:05 am

    Hi Admn/Satyen,

    Really feeling proud of muslim sisters, responding so outspokenly on this blog on various issues of islamic evils.

    Credit goes to you both for providing such a great forum for such girls to highlight burning problems they have been facing hundreds of years right from their ancestors.

    God bless you both always.

    • Satyen
      February 16, 2013 3:25 pm


      Thanks for the appreciation. The great cause of rescuing the Muslim women from the age old tyranny has been spearheaded by the Admin and the Muslim women/girls including you. These are the praiseworthy people. I am only serving the Allah/God by serving His creation. It’s only the prophets who have divided this beautiful humanity into Muslims and non-Muslims etc. To me, all these Muslim women are no different than than other Hindu women as I don’t accept this Muhammad’s division of the Allah’s creation. All the women fall in the category of Mothers/sisters/daughters/friends. So, why unfriendly treatment for them? Let’s spread the message of one humanity without any division among themselves.

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