Advisors at InterfaithShaadi

It is an honor of InterfaithShaadi that we have many intellectuals and experts from different faiths helping youths in love. Here is a list of a few advisors. InterfaithShaadi has not verify provided information about these advisors.

Amit: “I was born in Fiji and live both in Fiji and Australia. My ancestors were from India. I have never been to India but have maintained Hinduism that my ancestors passed onto us. Regarding my marriage, my wife is from a Muslim family but converted to Hinduism and we have been married for 12 years and have two children (details). By profession I am businessman.”

mac: Mac is a (science) college student from India. His father is a Muslim and mother a former Brahmin Hindu. Mac’s view on Hindu-Muslim marriages are summarized here and has made 2232 comments at InterfaithShaadi. He represents represents the Muslim religion.

Rabia: Rabia married to a Hindu (details) and lives in the West. She is an author of an upcoming book “An Infidel’s Diary – Memoirs of a Muslim Girl.” She has made 183 comments at InterfaithShaadi and carries moderate Islamic views.

Hanna Khan (former Momeen): Hanna is from India. She is from a Muslim family but carries very pluralistic views. She has made 155 comments on InterfaithShaadi.
Author : The Faith Strings.
Tweet: @thefaithstrings.

Admin: Dr. Dilip Amin is a Director of the Peninsula Multifaith Coalition of the San Francisco Bay area, a certified speaker at Islamic Networks Group, and a Dharma Ambassador of Hindu American Foundation. He founded the web forum and guided 1200 youths and summarized his experiences in the book–Interfaith Marriage: Share & Respect with Equality.

You? We will be glad to list you as a consultant here provided you make at least total 10 comments and at least one during last 3 months.

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  • February 19, 2018 8:42 am

    Dear sir/ma’am

    I have a friend who is a sikh by birth and was in relationship with a Muslim guy. the girl is so caring while the boy is like if she marries its cool if not fine.

    The girl seems to hate Sikh traditions weddings which was very surprising for me

    Later she married him we did not know if she converted

    However, we saw her avoiding all pujas and also she was talking against Hindu customs a lot.

    Now they are both educated couple living abroad.
    The thing is her family and his family are not accepting even though we think she converted

    to guys family
    ” Girl looks old and too fat, our son could have married much prettier gal’
    the girls family ofcourse

    ” we trusted our daughter to study and this is what she did”

    They are happy but the girl has denied staying with his family as she is open minded, wears and eats what she likes and his family is a typical Muslim family

    Its sad that now she has no where to go to india. She cant visit her family as its a shame for them and her husband as its too old fashioned for her.

    I want to know do Hindu girls think about family of the guy before falling in love or at least before marrying?

    Reply at

    • Krish
      February 24, 2018 4:23 am

      Dear LB,

      if you can see this interfaith site, 90% above are Hindu girl and it is a trend by Mulsim guys they lured Hindu girls by anyway and then trying to convert and they became success in many cases but failed later on. Interfaith marriage is not a matter, but these cowdis converted girls dont even hesitate to blame Hinduism and most surprising fact is that later 95% cases they failed. (I have seen their post in Quora). These girls repent theoir whole life. But the sad part is these girls are forgetting their culture, tradition and religion and Love made tem mad and the way they thinks. Just Imagine serial actress Dipika Karkar who was a married to a Hindu divorced him and get converted and married to a muslim, now most of the spocial sites you can see comments from muslim and moreotfer muslim girls.

      This is extremely bad situation in India.

  • mac
    June 19, 2017 4:52 pm

    Rabia is wrong, Mac doesn’t represent Sunni Muslim or Islam. And Sunni Islam is not followed in Indian Subcontinent but across world, except Iran and Iraq Shia population is very less or negligible. In India also there are Shia Muslims, my closest Islamic friend is a Shia, but he is not secterian and he believes in Qur’an only thus we never have any disagreement ever on religious matter.

    • Rabia
      June 20, 2017 3:20 am

      Mac, do you think all Shia, including your friend and my extended family, are going to go to Hell?

      This is the rhetoric preached by people who believe Sunni Islam is the only acceptable way in Allah’s eyes. I only just found out yesterday – by coincidence – that some countries in Europe have banned Zakir Naik from entering. I really want to know why.

  • Hanah Khan
    June 13, 2017 10:36 am

    I’m Hanah Khan, Crusader against Islamofascism. Strongly believe that Saudi Arabia is directly responsible for the inferno that’s charring the world. Proponent of sweeping Islamic reforms and trying with all heart and soul to educate Muslims that they are victims of Saudi’s venomous policy.

    Author : The Faith Strings.
    Tweet: @thefaithstrings.
    PN: Request Admin to change my name in my earlier posts, if possible.

    • June 13, 2017 7:28 pm

      Congratulations for your book. Do you want us to make a post for your book? Let us know what you wish to say about your book and why it may help interfaith couples to know.

      What do you mean your earlier posts? We have seen this name for the first time on this site.

      • Hanah Khan
        June 14, 2017 2:58 am

        OMG! What’s this Admin, you’re giving me a shocker! When are there only three listed Advisors, who else this could be, if not Momeen?
        Highly disappointed, very highly disappointed…..

        • June 14, 2017 8:55 pm

          We don’t want to assume for people. We have updated information above as requested. Finding and changing all former posts is too much work, so we are not promising for it now.

          • Hanah Khan
            June 15, 2017 3:39 am

            Yes, got the point! I should’ve written the post in Momeen’s name, it would have been easier for everyone to understand. Agreed!

  • Rabia
    May 29, 2017 3:27 pm

    I wouldn’t say Mac represents Islam, Admin. (Neither do I, by the way)

    Mac represents Sunni Islam as believed and practiced by most people in the Indian subcontinent, but if you phrase it like that and say “he represents Islam”, this shows how limited your own knowledge of Islam is.

    Please refrain from making such generalizations wherever possible. I also represent a certain kind of Muslim which is in abundance out there, whatever other conservative Muslim she may think, and Momeen also represents her own views and honestly I know many Muslims who think very similar to her nowadays.

    Nobody represents Islam just like Modi Ji doesn’t represent Hinduism..

    • May 29, 2017 8:42 pm

      For these reasons we requested you to provide your own 5 lines how you wish to be written here. We have corrected for mac.

      • Rabia
        June 13, 2017 2:02 pm

        I will have to think and get back to you. But why can’t I just be “author of ‘Memoirs of a muslim Girl'”? 5 lines is too much, Admin.

        • June 13, 2017 7:32 pm

          It is good for readers to know:
          What is the faith of this consultant
          general location
          What is experience relating to interfaith marriage, if his/her own
          Status like students/hose wife/professional, etc
          Views on interfaith marriages (a citation to his/her post).

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