Rajanpreet says: May 7, 2012 at 2:33 pm
Hello guys!I am recently going under huge stress.. as I am in love with a muslim guy who is from Kurdistan originally and I am a punjabi sikh girl. We have been in love with each other for nearly ten years now.. and now the time has come when my family has started to pressure me to get marry. My family is very nice. But in our culture its going to be a big issue if I get marry to a non-sikh + non indian guy. I have not told my family that I am in love with a muslim guy as that might have caused chaos… But now the pressure is unbearable and I dont want to marry anyone else at any cost.. but I dont know how should I tell my family without hurting them…The guy I am with; he briefly got permission to marry me but he is unable to take it further as I am just terrified to tell my family about it… Has anyone have experienced or going through similar situation I would like to hear…thanks…
Admin replied: May 8, 2012 11:02 PM
Hi Rajenpreet.
As you could read on this web site, your case is not any different than many other cases, so learn from Zoya, Prateek, Radha, K, Dee, Madiha, Leona, Singh,….. . It is for sure your parents will get hurt with your news but ultimately they will have to get over it. The most critical for you is to decide what is “good for you” in a long run. You need to make fully “informed” decision, so collect FACTS. For your ever-lasting happy married life (and to please your parents half way), it is important to have a Sikh-Muslim marriage with equality.
You have stated, “he briefly got permission (from Muslim parents) to marry (you).” Is that permission with or without the Shahadah religious conversion of a Sikh to Muslim? Remember the mantra for your long-term success with this planned marriage…. “no BBS” (also read Suma).
Ideally, youths in love should learn of the BBS expection in 10 days of dating, not after wasting 10 years!
From your Muslim boy friend and his family, find answers to these questions:
Q1) How will you get married? Sikh wedding? Islamic Nikaah after Shahadah? Court only marriage? All three?
Q2) What if you adamantly say NO to religious conversion to Islam?
Q3) Do you have to accept a new Muslim first name?
Q4) Are you allowed to bring Guru Grandh Sahib and display Guru Nanak’s photo in your living room (along with a photo of Kaaba)?
Q5) Are the Muslim bf and his parents planning to join you to a Gurudwara and be a part of Sikh religious ceremonies while at your parents home (and you attend his Mosque)?
Q6) Can your first child have a Sikh name (and the second child have an Arabic name)?
Q7) Do your male children have to have a sunat circumcision even there is not sufficient scientific merits?
Q8) Can you teach your child from Guru Granth Sahib as well from the Koran? Will your (future) husband also do the same to educate kids?
Q9) What will you teach your children for… Who is the God? … Are Sikh gurus and Muhammad same, that is, messengers of the God?
Q10) Do you ever have to go under Burka cover?
After collecting all facts, now go to your parents and with open mind. Do not lie to them or hide facts (disclose them if there is a need for Shahadah). Do not get into irrational arguments; instead be objective. Listen carefully for all their concerns and think it over. After a few days, get back to your parents again to answer them back. Try to convince them that your bf is the right person for you and explain them why. Never spoil relationship with your parents, one day you will need them again!
Convince them that he is not a love jihadi, but more like Salman, Seema and Shah Rukh khan (who truly respect their spouse’s religion) and open minded like Shamim, Ayesha, Aamir, and many more. After that, get back to us for more tips. Best wishes.
Akaur says: September 7, 2012 at 9:02 am
Islam transforms hearts. I am not saying this. This is what Muslims say. It makes it callous and unfeeling. Normal people who let themselves become influenced by Islam lose every trace of their humanity. They become capable of killing others, including their own children. Marrying a Muslim has its risks. A Muslim can turn to his or her religion anytime. When that happens, it is as if their soul is snatched out of them and a diabolic entity occupies their body and controls them. You learned your lesson the hard way. I hope those who read your story will think twice before meeting a Muslim man, or even a woman.
Muslims are torn between two forces. On one hand they are humans like all of us and have the same human feelings. They can love, feel nostalgic, have empathy, hope, fear, etc. On the other hand Islam tells them that all these human feelings are attachments and tests that are interposed between them and Allah. It is often the latter that wins. So when a Muslim falls in love, his love can be sincere, but the problem is that once his faith come into play, all that love can vanish.
Readers, how would you define Sikh-Muslim marriage with equality? If Rajanpreet is your sister, what would you recommend to her?
Also read: Islamic Women Today, Muta, HRS, wife-beating, Muhammad, Hadith, Koran, Inter-race marriages, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl/boy, Muslim girl/boy, Christian-Muslim marriages,
Be a friend on Facebook. Return to InterfaithShaadi.org. To share your experience, read.
if he loves you so much then marry him
be financially secure and yes dont convert why should you?
he wont convert for you right?
enjoy a great married life but be cautious as inter faith marriages break apart a lot
hi i am hindu girl .im in relationship with a muslim guy.he asked me to convert to muslim.but i dint want to leave my traditions.i love being myself as an hindu.my parents doesnt like to see me getting converted.
this incident is making an major impact on me.i am unable to concentrate on anything.i am feeling depressed lonely.i am hating myself for being this weaker.
but his parents are not going to accept me.they are very strict.they want only muslim girl.if i want to marry him they want me to get converted.im still 18 years old.my boyfriend is telling “it is better to seperate now,i cant go against my parents decision.”i truly love him with the bottom of my heart.even my family background..wealth position ..everything is completly oppoiste..we are on higher side comparing to them.i believe that if we try for few years they will surely accept but he is saying ..they wont.what should i do
Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=13122
Just marry, everything will be alright
i bet if it was your daughter in love with a Hindu guy even if rich it would not be your respeonse? hypocrisy at its finest have some shame.
Dear Rajanpreet
I know Kurdish culture and people for over 15 years. I have lived there and know them very well. Their culture is similar to that of Palestenians. I mean to say they are not like Iranians who are politically being forced to follow Shariah (Muslim Law). The young generation of Iran don’t even want to follow this forcibly.
Kurdish people are not radicals, they do not believe in the radicalism of Islam. So you must talk to him and sort this out. Once you love someone I don’t thing this should come between you too.
Besides, only muslims from the Indian continent are too radicals. I don’t see anything risky in your relationship. I think you should be more worried about your family. I cannot imagine what is the reaction of your family is going to be.
Besides, don’t get too scared. Yes you might be asked to utter a few words like La Ilaha Illalah Mohammad Ur Rasulullah. Which means there is only one god and Mohammed is his prophet. So if saying these words can make you happy why not go for it? You won’t be stamped on your forehead as a MUSLIM!! BUT if you see that the family is radical then don’t go for it if you are not prepared from your heart to convert into a FULL Muslim, i.e. praying, wearing burkha (veil), forced to quit Facebook (like someone wrote), not allowed to meet guests and stay in the ladies room with the ladies.
I wish you both good luck!!!
Best regards
We do not endorse this fake-conversion. if you don’t mean it, don’t do it. Do not make lies and deceptions a foundation of your married life. Have guts to say truth, it will help you in long run.
I think the parents are to blame more than the kids. The kids havent a clue about Sikhi so how can one expect them to marry one?
Most muslim parents drum Islam into thier kids minds, do Sikh parentd do the same?
Its lack of education thats at fault as well as these shallow Sikh women that have no morals.
I am too going through the same thing but the guy is willing to convert to sikhism even knowing his family will disown him. I still dont know how to tell my mum as im too scared of her reaction. He is more then my boyfriend he is my best friend and has been there for me and my family (as I told them hes just a good friend).
Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=8178
Hi a-kaur im going through the same exact thing as you its so weird how similar it is haha. I just wanted to ask is there anyway we could talk more privately as i really think it would help me, and you to talk about everything matbe?
Thank you
Hi Khan,
We hope Kaur will get back to you. Meantime, if you wish we can help you. We assume you are a Muslim and in relationship with a Sikh. Is the Sikh willing to convert or are you willing to convert to Sikhism? Do you wish to marry without any one converting?
For your privacy, we have removed your first name. Now no one knows who you are or from which country you are writing. So, go ahead and tell us what questions you have.
if he converts not sure what the issue then? recently a muslim guy, a syed the highest in muslims converted to rajput for his hindu wife. awesome wedding and all were happy. How about he converts u marry in a gurudwara and then tell parents? please let me know. Hugs
One and only one thing to say “DO NOT DO THAT. YOU WILL FACE A HELL IN YOUR LIVING LIFE” and take care.
dear all brother and sister’s of our nation india,
assalam alaikum
its very intresting to learn your thought through this page. And thanks for admin for such novel page.
Here no one able to give any vision for new person that how and why other religion wrong rather than blaming wrong or mis guided to each other every one should put their theory that how their relion is good how it came into existance, why people should follow it, what are similarities in between us. Why we are aparted.
I would like admin to answer this since they have open this door for us to come and discuss .
Here we are talking about iter faith mairrage, in this we have to talk about cos n cons of its , it doesnot only upto a religion ,
what a human bounded by in his 60 to 70 year avagre life cycle.
Is he just stick to religion , or do his social life consists, culture, tradion,humanity,society, if a love bird of inter or intra faith this they have to just get married, and flew to an isolted area where nothing comes in between them… Will it be possible?
We have to be in society..
If i stuck in this situation i will say mine beloved ones that i am a muslim/Hindu/sikh or watever and this is mine belife will u patch up with this.
What i can do for her this i will explain to her?
Since i am muslim,and in this religion many thing have to be explained
that what is islam, how its related to ther religion. What is similarity among us? What are our roots how we have been parted away?
Many people say this is wrong that is wrong in islam, let me know you first when islam is a very hard religion very tough religion for whom who doesnot know about is basics. Onece any one get expalined every thing about islam he/ she will say this is the easiest relgion.
And about quran
its book in which all thing have been clearly dealt with beigning of universe to current and end of universe. Since to know about islam and quran you have to learn every thing and every thing about all civilation since it deals with past prut until and unless u will not get a single correct information.
About love relation it does not cares any about religion.
First its happen at that point no one thiks about its results since being social creature. Our life is not our life only it has many bond, then b4 thinking slefishly think you are human or animal .
For any qeury about islam mail nadimnit@gmail.com
also let me know religion.
Please let me know these religion lead by folowing ones:-
jews from prophet musa(pbh).
Crishten by prophet issa(pbh).
Budisht by budha.
Jainism by mahaveer.
Islam by mohammam (pbh).
What about
have learnt incestism exists in all
what about south indian hindu mairriaage system .
Muslim maarige system keep purity of their tribes . Please talk or discuss with some very healtyh please provide some solution rahter than chasing and barkign behind cars like dogs ,
Dear Ahmed,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. We believe all religions are beautiful and every one has rights to be proud of their faith. However, when a boy and a girl from two different (and opposing) faiths plan to get married, they need to understand all complexities before hand (not after getting married). Do you agree?
We are here to guide youths and it is up to them to make decision that is right for their life. We hope you will join us here to guide youths. Hope to see you soon.
To all non Muslims spreading hate..look at the length of ur racist posts n hatred..well done ..i term you all ill cultured terrorists ..you ..you people are the cause of millions during in the name of religion ..if I wanted I void record wat is preached in guruduwara at cp n invoke a feeling of filth about how Punjabis operate such business but I have better work to do ..i don’t like to be a part of racisim but what happened with me has encouraged me to hate Punjabis n Sikhs…taking advantage of some one situation n blkmailing to convert..disgusting…money is nt every thing..love is ..I am proud to be a Muslim n will always be..Islam is all about self control ..love…politeness..kindness n being a human …few Muslims
Might be bad ..there are rotten people in every religion…religion is wat people make of it ..i m Muslim n I was honest with my Hindu Punjabi bf ..i m Muslim so in our case Islam was good n my bf n his family were scums so in our case Punjabis were racist n filthy scums … If one shop sells duplicate product then U don’t stop buying that pro duct or U don’t say products are cheap…u know products are nice the shop selling it is nt selling the original product…hope ur narrow thinking is broadened
Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=5466
You also just discriminated so you are racist too,isn’t it! Look Islam is not a race so we are not racist. Have you seen how Muslims preach in mosque,to hate non Muslims, to kill non Muslims, intact Muslims differentiated non Muslims, where was your racism then? Muslims have inherent quality of being racist, why they ( no matter what country Muslims.belong to) will hate Jew, why is that not racist in you standards.
if you call a real dog a dog, this is not racist, it is telling what is is.
I feel you are just another Muslims fellow, pretending to be Christian and all of sudden humanity is picture, that humanity that Muslims don’t think about when they kill someone, in name of there religion. I bet you have not lost anyone in these Muslim terrorist attacks, so shut it miss, do some leaning. Your “few bad” Muslims are 99.99% of all the Muslims, don’t compare sun and stone, both are different things.
To srinivas………..
I was in love with a Punjabi guy..he dated me for three years n took advantage of my love when it came to marriage he refused and did not even talk to his family about me..i told his family myself first they refused later they asked me to convert..Islam preaches love n non violence..yes conversion is a condition in Islam but nothing is forced…Punjabis are sick bastards…racist pigs n swine…my bf n his family took advantage of my situation n were forcing me to convert if I wanted to get married…what do U call such people..moreover I have many friends lot of acquaintances everyone blames Punjabis they are money hungry n greedy people ..burn girls alive for dowry or divorce them after kids..i went to guruduwara in cp with my bf n was shocked when I heard the guy wearing a blue dress was addressing Sikh people n filling poison in their hearts against Muslims ..what is this I ask… Is this some beauty of ur releigion you were talking about …shame on such racist pigs who spread non sense..you all are educated ..rise abovr this non sense..Islam is has nothing which is forced nor do hafiz in Islam teach people to spit poison at other people…Allah has asked us not to say anything bad about any releigon..whatever I said about Punjabis is merely out of the injustice done with me and million other Sikh and Punjabi girls ..now don’t say what I said is fake or a lie and only what U said is TRUE as U are a born saint
People still die in name of releogon cz India is full of people like you …go take a walk n if possible go to Himalayas U won’t find any muslim..practise ur saintness as much as U can ..hope people like U are locked away in caves …u R too honest n saint to be living among common people…bullshit..n yes don’t bring out invalid ref from Qur’an pak …if I get down to ur level u will be ashamed of urself…
Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=5466
Hello Fake – Just read your post once and even if you might be regularly talking such crap, you will be amazed what nonsense it is!
1. What about moslems treating non-moslems badly in moslems ountries?
2. Why non-moslem population in moslem countries is not even 5%?
3. Why a moslem always has to say napak nullas name?
4. As a moslem, if you believe only in ONE GOD nulla, why this mulla, moulavi and mahamad is also belived by moslems?
5. Why do you need mosques when per your unholy koran, it doesn’t permit you building any structures or even paintings?
6. Why do you stay in this beautiful India rather than die in your napak moslem countries?
7. If you are true moslem, die immediately to get jannat with hoor. This world is too bad for you.
8. When you go to your so called jannat which is actually jahannum where you’ll also meet your nulla and mahamad, teach them how this islamb cult is a sheep-herd mentality and brainwash them like you got.
i too can use the same words against you and your religion, but am a Muslim my religion teach us peace and patience, and my dear first improve ur English grammar and spelling than comment……….. and b4 telling about any religion whether it is Islam Hinduism or Sikhism 1st learn religion and say.What all u said in ur respond is really wrong and bad…………
sarah sister if u really did this act of love and all with non Muslim u really did big sin ……… Islam means self control even love with Muslim not permissible in Islam before marriage but u did…….. please sister do touba b4 u die do touba Allah is great he merciful please do touba. u did a big sin………… and please dont say any thing wrong about any religion always tell the fact of Islam and wat rite Islam give to a women……..
I very well written piece. Very profound. I am impressed. Write more often.
Hey guys. I am from Azerbaijan which is a Muslim country but I am an atheist myself. My girlfriend is Sikh and I have been going out with her for 3 years. I have never seen her parents but I know they are really strict.
Is there anyway that her parents would agree for our marriage ?
I really love her bdw
Hi Rob,
Based on past historical experiences, Sikh parents may think that a Muslim cannot be trusted. If you are an atheist (meaning not a Muslim), then go explain it to them and they should be okay with it. It may take a year or two for them to know you and appreciate who you are. So read all that is written on this web site and meet her parents sooner than later. Best wishes.
convert to sikhism is the easiet way as now her kids will be sikhs.
convert to sikhism
It looks good on the surface to believe such filth and unsubstantiated because age old rule in Islam, since the time of Mohammad, is this: No Non-Muslim can enter Mecca or Medina let alone Kaa’ba, unless they prefer death. It has been like that.
So, the story of Guru Nanak at Kaa’ba is ridiculous.
For ur kind information Mr, Srinivas I wiuld like to say only 1 thing to you.” LITTLE KNOWLEDGE IS DANGEROUS”. you cant judge anybodys religion on by ur ridiculus talks.u can confirm from ur muslim friend about Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
“Little knowledge is dangerous”…………Huhhhh….
OK, lets see.
Koranic verse 9:28 –> O you who believe (in Allah’s Oneness and in His Messenger (Muhammad SAW)! Verily, the Mushrikoon (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allah, and in the Message of Muhammad SAW) are Najasun (impure). So let them not come near Al-Masjid-al-Haram (at Makkah) after this year…
This is how (late) Abul Ala Maududi, the most popular Islamic scholar in Indian subcontinent, explains this verse in the following manner:
This prohibition was meant to root out all the vestiges of shirk and ignorance. For the mushriks were prohibited not only from the performance of Hajj and attendance at the AlMasjid-AlHaram but also from entering into its sacred precincts.
They are unclean in their creeds, in their morals, in their deeds, and in their ways of ignorance, and not in their physical bodies by themselves. That is the reason why they have been prohibited from entering the sacred precincts of the holy place.
This prohibition has been interpreted in different ways. Imam Abu Hanifah is of the view that it prohibits them only from the performance of Hajj and Umrah, and from the observance of the rites of ignorance in the holy precincts. But Imam Shafii is of the opinion that they have been forbidden even to enter the AlMasjid-AlHaram for any purpose whatsoever. Imam Malik is of the opinion that they are forbidden not only to enter AlMasjid-AlHaram but any mosque at all. It is, however, obvious that the last opinion is not correct, as the Prophet (peace be upon him) himself permitted mushriks to enter the Prophet’s mosque at Al-Madinah.
Considering that Hanafi school of thought is prevalent in India, one might be tempted to say idolaters might enter Mecca (I will come to this view later) but it is still clear that Non-Muslims can not perform hajj.
So the great Guru Nanak performing Hajj ? Well, he might have done it but it must have been in disguise.
This can also be understood like this: What does it signify ? That he approved Islam and Prophet Mohammad ! Then there was no need for his holiness to start a new religion. Sure he said some good things about Islam but they need not be correct, and what he said needs to be understood in proper context i.e. he lived under Islamic rule which prohibits saying bad things about Islam and also that he himself has many Muslims as his disciples.
However Sikhs might come up with this kind of self-satisfying reasoning, but the fact is that all Sikhs are still Kafirs and two of the ten great gurus were brutally killed by Muslims.
And the rejection of Sikhs by Islam and Muslims can also be seen from the fact, which was mentioned by <b. Satyen here, that many Gurudwaras in Pakistan were closed or destroyed and Pakistani Sikhs number less than one or two lakhs !
I am judging Islam from what holy books of Islam (Koran and Hadith) are saying, what Islamic scholars have said and how Muslims are practicing their faith.
Here is another lesson for you about Islam’s views with regard to Hindus; read from a popular Islamic website:
According to the Islamic laws, the a`yan najisah are nine in number. The nine a`yan najisah can be divided into four groups as follows:
i. Common between Men & Animal:
1. urine;
2. stool;
3. semen;
4. blood;
5. corpses;
ii. In Animals only:
6. dogs;
7. pigs;
iii. In Man only:
8. kafir;
iv. Drinks:
9. intoxicating liquids.
So, How does it feel for you when Islam ranks Non-Muslims along with pigs and dogs, and feces and urine ?
It also says, in the same page, that:
“Mushrik (pl. mushrikin) means a polytheist, a person who believes that God has partner(s). It is used for the idol-worshippers also. The followers of Hinduism, of most far eastern religions and of the tribal religions fall in the category of mushrikin.”
As for the mushrikfn, the mujtahids are unanimous that they are najis. This is so because Allah has clearly declared in the Qur’an that: “O you who believe! The polytheists (mushrikun) are indeed unclean; therefore, they should not approach the Sacred Mosque after this year of theirs (i.e., 9 AH).” (9:28) Some Muslims try to interpret the word “unclean” in spiritual sense only. They are wrong because one cannot ignore the literal meaning of a word unless the context supports the departure from a literal to a symbolic meaning. The context of the verse does not leave any room for an exclusively symbolic or spiritual interpretation of the word “unclean.” It immediately says that “they should not approach the Sacred Mosque.” This reflects the physical uncleanliness. However, our interpretation does not exclude the spiritual impurity of the mushrikin along side the physical, ritual impurity.
Don’t relate that hindu and sikhs r same .
Sikhs r big hearted . .they respect every religion and GOD IS ONE no religion is impure. Holy Kuran and guru granth sahib ji . has almost every shlok or teachings same but with differences in language if don’t believe read the both with full respect
Moreover during indo-pak partion a lot of sikhs give shelter to muslims . A lot of punjabi singers r muslims and are equally loved and appreciated
I think you need some facts. go look up basics of sikhi on youtube. You will have all your misinformation cleared about what happened with Guru Nanaks travels to Mecca etc.
HI Dear,
Guruji Said,”nobody in this world is urs. all things that are around you is a myth. there is only 1 truth and that is “GOD”.
Muslims are all gay and suck cock
Hi Abdul?
I know you have seen truth about muslims thats why you wrote like that. But that’s not going to change anything, I would say channelise you quest to throw those Muslims out who disrupt human life. I have seen there true colors, very closely. My wife is a Muslim and she used to teach Qur’an to children in the locality. She is educated thats how she could marry me, despite death threats from- local muslim goondas, compotators, and others, but her family had comparatively less anger on her decisions. All i want you follow is- tit for tat makes world a safer place, mark my words- this works!
Reply to Aryan at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=3300
hay abdul u cant say like dat about anybody
agreed. its wrong to talk like them like this. many muslims dids not convert their wives and even foought their own famiies for their woman.
all fool ppl fighting for religions but stupids you all are educated fool, all are human and have same blood, you all can love with anyone, but coz of some staunch contractors of religion we are fyting for land and religion, if any religion is that gr8 then why all other are here ? now i know many stupids gonna say here we are for test , stupid brainwashed ppl, one day everything will be finish but em sure islam is endless coZ its not a religion its illness, it a kind of flu like plague and malaria.
as i know only islam is that religion where ppl have problems with other non-muslims coz other religions never comment about love with anyone, but if a islamic gal write a post here she gonna marry with a non-muslim guy, many are here ready to punish her, for an islamic gal loving with a non-islamic guy is equal to death, but if a islamic guy do with non-islamic gal, its fair , what is this ?
they wanna spread this sickness, thats why they are showing like islam is the only true religion and all other deserve to the hell.
all know there is no place for non-islamic ppl in the hell coz the hell is already full of islamic guys, even islamic gals also cant enter coz there is no place in the hell for anyone except islamic guys.
Well Atul- finally you reached
just want to state one thing…….. Let it be a Muslim….let it be a Hindu…..Let it be a Christian…Let it be a Sikh…or let it be a person from any Religion……if you believe that yours religion is the best…and it is the only one which is true….Then only one question for you…is that..why are people born in other communities then? If you say some particular religion is God given..as one of my Muslim Brother had mentioned…then does it mean that all the other person living on this earth who are non-muslim, are all son and daughters of the devil?? No people….none of the religions in the world are god given…it were all made by human beigns , all teach the same way…all worship the ALMIGHTY who’s name is TRUE…..you may call him by different name…say him as ALLAH….call him WAHEGURU…call hi RAM….they all are one.
One humble request..please stop this fight on the name of religion, we all the son’s and daughter of the ALMIGHTY, be united.
I very much liked your comment. but i would try to add some thoughts.
“why are people born in other communities”.
Everyone is born in God’s religion ( which we believe that everyone is born Muslim ).
“all worship the ALMIGHTY who’s name is TRUE…..you may call him by different name…say him as ALLAH….call him WAHEGURU…call hi RAM….they all are one.”
It is absolutely correct. we may attribute any name to One God. But we must not use ugly words for it. But as soon as you say God is like human, ( like if you believe any man who born on earth was God ) , It is mistake and abuse to God.
By the way all religion appear to be God given, when world becomes full of sin , God sends his messenger to correct people. But we have modified what was ordained by God.
Like if i kill an innocent , i am not following any religion.
God has commanded us in the form of his constitution, written in form of Holy books. But we modify those books as per our own convenience.
And do what we like which causes disruption socially.
I agree we must not fight but take an example -suppose there is a classroom which have so many students, studying different books, all books write same content, however word selection may be different.
But aim of every student is to read best book to pass the exam. and they should not fight over that you study bad book and i study good book. but there is always a best book.
similarly , we must try to know what is best book, which will help us passing our exam.
Lastly, we are not son and daughter of almighty, but his obedient servant. He has made us to test who is good among us. God’s status is very high, and if we pretend to be his son and daughter we are abusing him by narrowing the difference between Him and Us.
I would have loved to hear this type of comments from Muslims. just one questions -do you know why sikh gurus and their disciples were brutally beheaded, put in oil and killed by Islamic religionists?
What you talk is political aspect,History tells us that Aurangzeb even battled his brothers and father. He battled with muslims of south. He battled with Marathas, Pashtos, Pakhtuns and Sikhs.
And today records link it directly with religion, which is wrong.
Take the example of Kalinga battle, Huna, Maurya, Rajput battles.
Will you agree they were fought for any particular religion?
Quran says chapter:2 verse:256, “No compulsion in religion, The right course has become clear from the wrong” , We are given book by God, And it is duty for every believer to help understand this message to those who don’t believe.
If believers do not perform their duty ( by keeping this message to themselves and not telling others ) they are doing wrong, if somebody does not believe he is caught in great sin.
Hope you understand, Islam says learn truth, but nobody can be forced but advised.
Wrong. Sikh gurus were brutally killed because they didn’t wanted to become muslim. Islam was forced on everybody by the muslims who conquered non muslim lands. Rape of non muslim girls was common as islam says as long as women (non muslim included) does not wear burqa its their fault to get raped and victim women has to get herself 4 male witness who actually saw the intercourse. Non muslim women is not eligible for any justice as she is non muslim and max muslim court would decide was victim must marry the rapist, which means that non Muslim girl was left with 2choice 1- forced to becone Muslim and marry her rapist
2- kill herself.
3- fear of kidnap from muslims to be sold as prostitutes
Usually non muslim women would kill herself.
history can never be changed Mr Amir. Islam was spread by sword. Ask the peole who knows history. Currently due to some political reasons Muslims doing crime on non muslims is not reported by media. But how much will you hide the truth.
Truth, You even lied about your real name.
And you pretend to be know all truth.
If the conversion has to be forcefully, you wouldn’t have found any non-muslim since muslims ruled for over 500 years. All muslim rulers, ruled in India, with collaboration of non-muslims.
Islam never spread through sword. Listen Dr. Zakir Naik lecture over this. Muslims conquered Spain and ruled there for a long period, but never killed innocent christians. But when christian crusaders came they killed almost all muslims. You won’t find muslims in Spain, because of brutality done by those crusaders.
Islam is the only religion that talk of religious tolerance, If somebody says muslim rulers demolished temples, then it is true for only those temples, which were used as shelter and assemble army to carry out revolt.
A muslim never hurts sentiments of other faith.
Rape rate are least in countries where people follow Islam.
It is fact. So don’t write anything.
Quran says to bring 4 witness to prove a girl/boy has committed adultery,
then only they deserve punishment.
It is so, suppose i malign character of a girl saying she do adultery,
then it is not proven until 4 witness, put blame on her.
There is huge difference between adultery and rape.
Above condition is to prove adultery and not rape.
Adultery is a crime according to society, but not who has done it,
But Rape is a crime in view of both.
Rape is against Islam, and so is adultery.
In case of adultery, The concept of 4 witness is to protect a girl/boy from direct allegation so that his/her character is not doubted by conviction of a single person.
In case of Rape there is no such condition.
In Islam, a girl is free to choose his partner ( but a believing person ), parent can not impose their will over his son/daughter.
History is written by people. Like what you write may be good for people who don’t know Islam and hate muslims, but What I write is never against any religion.
History is always altered by infected mentality of its author.
So to know any religion, better read God’s word which he has given in form of Holy Book.
If I start speaking over women’s rights in Hinduism, then you will be ashamed of your religion. So don’t malign Islam without knowing it.
Can you clarify on Truth’s answer….”Sikh gurus were brutally killed because they didn’t wanted to become muslim” Is it true? Read .. http://pilgrimage-sikhism.blogspot.com/2010/09/guru-tegh-bahadur-jis-sacrifice-to.html
1st- dont change the topic, answer what was asked.
2nd- islam is not a dream religon anyone wants to be part of, so there is no qurarion of mal align or de fame islam. Deeds done by muslims are sufficient to that.
3rd – writing big non sensical confusing and no-proof answers will not change the truth.
4th- stop giving zakir niak suggestions, he just knows 2+2=4 examples, care tyre does not fit in truck example, he is basically a frod who play with words bit does not succeeds ecen a little with audience, all who agree with him are your Muslim brothers, you have to, as you have no self brain to understand islam, you needs a tutor, who wear kafir cloths and saudi funding to work. He has been caught 1000times telling lies which is not their in quran itself, so stop publicizing idiots.
5th- what is the punishment for a muslim if he converts to hindu?
6th- why muslims country hate jews?
Waiting for you answers, keep answrs short, dont write nonsense this time
@Aamir- so you dont have any answers, as expected, when confronted with truth you run far away!
The Mughals were a powerful Empire and as it crumbled many tok advantage of it.
The battles that took place to oerthrow the last remnants of the Mughal empire were purely political. If your Guru rode out to battle and died in battle then in your faith you have a term derived from the Arabic Shaheed meaning Martyr.
Yes it was a loss for you in the same way we lost out Empire and are were subjected to 3rd class citizenship when the British took over. We were the powerful elite, educated left uneducated and powerless by The Sikh and then the British.
It was political.
Hi whatever,
First – go and read some history of india, how islam came to india, and then research at your house who your forefathers. Mugal was a foreign empire that captured hindu india, and by force converted your forefathers to islam, now if you even try to think of converting back, your brothers will kill you, its against islam, islam says kill who converts out of Islam.
Second – any political activities anywhere in world is carried with a motivation, in this case motivation was if sikh guru converts there followers Sikh would convert, when the gurus rejected to convert to Islam, they were thrown in oil in front of sikh hindu crowd to show, what happens if non muslim dont convert. Understand the history….these were shortest version as you may not understand ( as Muslims are brainwashed to not ask questions) i suggest ask questions and get logical, non idiots, scientific and secular answer else dont comment with stupid things.
Answer me..
If conversion was so forceful then how your forefathers remained Hindu??
@Aamir – because we were like millions were strong.
Now that you are agreeing thats muslims forced their religion on hindus, here is your long answer- not everyone were weak, the once who were week or was extremely forced, pay islamic tax zaiza, get brutal punishment etc…these are the peole who converted, actual arab never consider them true Muslims. You know this better than me, and dont tell this is made up.
People who were strong and ready to fight back were the once who survived the holocausts by Muslims, do you even know why Sikhism started, its purpose, i guess with your IQ you must be pretty sure about it, but, if you stil want to spread political answers, i dont care.
Muslims are really bastard… They fu** their own cousins / sisters. How shameful is this.
They are love jihadi. They are so many examples where muslim boys cheated non-muslim girls. In beginning they pretend as they are good and decent but after marriage they start pressurizing non-muslim girls.
I have always found Hindu, Sikh, Christians, Jew using abusive language and hate words towards muslim.
But i come across rarely to such comment where Muslim abuse or say anything wrong to other communities.
It shows who has much degree of tolerance and whose religion teaches to respect others.
I have always found Hindu, Sikh, Christians, Jew using abusive language and hate words towards muslim.
But i come across rarely to such comment where Muslim abuse or say anything wrong to other communities.
It shows who has much degree of tolerance and whose religion teaches to respect others.
Do you know how to respect other religion in Islam all are kafir who are non Islamic, and yes Islamic guys born abuse, gals have no life in Islam treat as goats and sheep’s, coz gals have no brain ?
islam is man made religion full artificial, and if you saying islam is god given, then why forcing ppl to convert forcefully ?
why jehad if allah is that powerful ?
let allah to shortout this issue, coz as i believe god is almighty, then why you islamic ppl pretending as god follow what your mullah says. like god is a robot who wants commands by mullah.
you believing on allah, and you are newest, but i have a good example for you, in india we have many pulser bike but Royel Enfield Bullet is always best, coz its solid and trustable, pulser have alot oickup as like islam but hindus are bullets. always Royel.
No we are not B+++++Ds are those who start using profanity and vulgar language.
As the brother said, We Muslims very rarely get into a slanging match on “oh your religion is this or that” or “you Sikhs or you Hindus” are….
And there is much cause to say so givn the attrocities in history we have seen in the sub-continent post Mughal era.
But why get into pettiness, we understand what is Political is Political.
I do not need to justify my faith to you, I know what it is and it is 1.4 billion and rising.
Not by the sword
Not by coercion
Not by Compulsion
Not by deceitful marriages
But through conviction, those searching for answers see much wisdom in Islam and appreciate it for what it is. Largest adherents in West and even South America do so without none of the things mentioned above.
And no… do not wish to get into a my religion is better than yours debate but just to show you;
Your soch is ghattiyah very petty, amuses me the level of shallowness in your argument and how mcuh hatred you have for me and my faith yet you acuse Muslims and Islam.
Good Day.
With your comments, I would suggest you guys become comedians, you are born like that. Moreover with non-sensical arguments and continuous blabber which doesn’t derive any meaning, you can kill the person just like that. So yes, you’re born killer too. So amusing and yet sad!
Of the mughals whom you’re speaking so highly, do you know like Hindus these were born as non-moslems and from Mongols who originally are Budhists who agin originally are Hindus settled in China?
What are you proud of? That your forefathers got raped, tortured and forcefully converted to be missed limbs? Or that outsiders abused you as they wished and made you permanant slaves by coaxing you in their cult? Or that they made you belive that nulla and empty building is where you will find god?
Understand This – Hindus use idols in temples as placeholders to worship god just like you use the building you call mashid.
Hindus fondly call god by many names, rightly so since he is omnipotent and divine and may have any/many forms, you do the same and call her by many names.
You belive not in GOD but RAPIST mohamad – a mad man since it’s convenient for your fetish to molest females and still be happy that you will get 72 hoor in so called jannat.
abe jannat to door ki baat, tere ko suar ke saath sone ko jagah mila jahannum me to bhi nasib samaz. napak, kayar aur namurad shaitan log.
as a muslim i will advise you that you are a sikh girl and your boyfriend is a muslim. and in Islam it is not allowed to marry with non muslims except revealed religions people. But if you will convert to muslim it will create problem for you and your family will also be disgraced and have to listen words from your society people. and if he become sikh then in islam leavinging religion has only oe punishment and it is death. and if you do merrage in same positions of religion then you childern will not be leggal children in eyes on islamic laws.
so i will say do sacrifice your love for your family.
This is a VERY biased one sided view. Others (Sikhs and other) have also faith, pride and family. You mean they don’t have any rights in this World?
no I guess sayyad says rightly to not marry this moslem guy who seems hell bent just to convert her to succeed in his love jihad.
Fuck that islam is a dirty religion, it permits adultry and inequality to wome..oh and btw theres no suh thing as “kurdistan”
rajanpreet kaur..
maintain ua sikhi sidq.. maintain the sikh in u..
juz dont go to marry a muslim guy..
I will try make this as brief as possible.
I was in the same situation, with a muslim man who i thought i was in love with. I was blind at the time and blamed it to real love.
After going through his phone one weekend i found some disturbing content sms messages where he was bragging to his friends on how he has 3 sikh girls on the go and will slowly persuade them to convert.
He was very nice at first the most caring type, but i met another sikh girl who told me everything about him.
Luckily i did not make the mistake of marrying him otherwise i would have shamed my family and religion. I was not so religious then, but after researching a lot about our faith we have suffered a lot!
To all my sikh sisters out there re-evaluate your situations the shame you will bring is not just on our culture, religion, and family.
Long term it will not work! learn about our religion it will put you on the right path!
Reply to her at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=2529
Your parents do not deserve the shame you will bring to there family, they have raised you for a good 20 years, is this how you will repay them? You should have thought about your actions before getting involved in such matters. You are willing to leave your religion, your family to get with another guy, ask him the same question will he be willing to follow Sikh terms, I doubt it. I have seen too many issues of Sikh girls getting attracted towards Muslim guys, there is no way that it will work out. Ask yourself, is it worth bringing shame to your family? Now I will tell you, there is NOTHING worth bringing shame to your parents, your family, the people who raised you..
Love Is Blind, but Come on in this day and age You have to be mindful. Sikh girls seem more vulnerable then all, coz they are not taught or focused on by the family. All well brought up westerns will most of the time stick to their own, unless they are riff raff. The history Sikhs carry is not obvious ly shared with them.
A Sikh-born girl with a non-Sikh does not remain a Sikh
Also the picture of the gurus needs to be removed ASAP!!!!!
I think you are really stupid. i have dated a muslin guy in the past and what a waste of time!! The idiot was married so i got out asap. He wanted me to lie to his wife and he was shit scared.
I have now reaslied how stupid i was and i would never go down that road again and anyone who says ‘he loves me so much’ its all bull.
they are hypocrites
The marriage will faild. I know 7 people who have had interfaith marriages and 6 have failed.
The disparent cultures these people were from caused too much stress and they ultimately split.
My suggestion is, either she becomes Muslim or he becomes Sikh. Get ready to lose your family if you become Muslim. If not this then they must split.
Sorry to be hard but I no longer see things through rose tinted spectcles that love conquers all, it doesn’t. The reality is the world is a hard place and religion and cultures is very important.
Same old storys with our sikh girls… Why would you date a muslim in a first place when you know it wont go anywhere!!!! whats with dating sikh guys.. in islam a woman doesnt have the same right as a man.you would always be a second best.. LOOK AT OUR HISTORY AND WHAT OUR GURUS AND 1000 SIKHS LOST THEY LIFES For you to follow sikhi… You born as a Sikh so why would you want to convert to Islam and Shame your family
Islam in Madinah gave rights to a woman;
To Vote
To Inheritance
To Property
To Work
To be a man’s equal…
1400 years ago the rights given toa woman were revolutionary and whatw as provided to women in the West a mere 80 years ago.
I would consult you to read the touching and tearful (for Muslims) but very wise and inspiring last sermon of prophet Muhammad (SAW).
This sums up the faith that began as organised Monotheism through prophet Abraham perfected through Qu’ran by the last Messenger (SAW).
Please read it with “Good Intention” to truly learn about Islam as this sermon summarises Islam very concisely.
We are a Faith, we are a Nation, we are a State, we are an Ideology – those who approach our faith with logic and reason through GOOD INTENTION will learn it is not as you have been deceived.
This Sermon was delivered on the Ninth Day of Dhul Hijjah 10 A.H in the Uranah Valley of mount Arafat
“O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I don’t know whether, after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying to you carefully and take these words to those who could not be present here today.
O People, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as Sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. Remember that you will indeed meet your Lord, and that He will indeed reckon your deeds. Allah has forbidden you to take usury (Interest), therefore all interest obligation shall henceforth be waived…
Beware of Satan, for your safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things.
O People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have right over you. If they abide by your right then to them belongs the right to be fed and clothed in kindness. Do treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and comitted helpers. And it is your right that they do not make friends with any one of whom you do not approve, as well as never to commit adultery.
O People, listen to me in earnest, worship Allah, say your five daily prayers (Salah), fast during the month of Ramadhan, and give your wealth in Zakat. Perform Hajj if you can afford to. You know that every Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. You are all equal. Nobody has superiority over other except by piety and good action.
Remember, one day you will appear before Allah and answer for your deeds. So beware, do not astray from the path of righteousness after I am gone.
O People, no prophet or apostle will come after me and no new faith will be born. Reason well, therefore, O People, and understand my words which I convey to you. I leave behind me two things, the Qur’an and my example, the Sunnah and if you follow these you will never go astray.
All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me direcly. Be my witness oh Allah that I have conveyed your message to your people.”
My last words…
No practicing Muslim should be dating number one and any one with the intention of deceiving a girl out of her family’s love, her faith, her security, inheritance is a fraud and NOT A MUSLIM.
Ah agreed that like your pro-phut you guys are always talkative.
Now listen to this, which for sure has not been conveyed to you by your nulla or mulla or whatever.
1. God will never ask you to kill someone for that other person too is his creation.
2. We’re not servants to GOD but his/her children.
3. GOD don’t descriminate among his/her children then who are you, your cult, your nulla and mullas to do it?
4. Despite whatever said by this nulla, mulla and your cult, GOD will never stop sending his messages and saints(whom you might regard as his messangers) for the well being on humanity. Till it exists!
5. Whatever your nulla, mulla and clan preaches over loud speaker, Hinduism was, is and will remain the way of life and Truth will prevail!
Jai Shri Ram!!!
this is all love jihad he will first marry you and then make you convert and then after having babies with say goodbye to you .
you can have live examples from india
in 2008 about 2000 non Muslim girls were married by muslim guys and after having used them sold them as sex slave in arabic countries
I think most sikh girls are under the illusion that they are in love with a muslim guy. The reality is that the muslim guy is only in it for getting extra points if he can get a girl from different religion to sway towards their own.
They may say they are accepting of the girls religious background from the start but once they have them they will want them to convert and to abide their rules. They will switch and change like jackyll and hide!
They will appear sweet at the beginning but one thing you must always remember is that they ALL LIE. Thats how they operate and thats all they know. I would say dont get sucked in by all this nonsense its all based on BS. They are not to be trusted, you could be friends with them but at the end of the day dont trust them and keep them at arms length. Believe in waheguru and trust that you are protected.
How can you trust a Muslim that marries there own family, fucking disgusting and you girls sit here and try to become one them. You’ll wreck your whole family and everything they stand for just so you can eat halal meat and become a no one. You make me sick. Get you heads out the gutter.
Dirty pakies, never trust them
You people are dirty, marrying into Muslim families you have no shame.
I agree. Sikh girls have no pride in their own race and religion now a days. I’m easily ready to disown
Any family member who would dare to marry outside sikhi or punjabi, just a fucking disgrace.
I just want to say that both my boyfriends have been Muslims- one pakistani and one bangladeshi and im a hindu girl. I know they are both good people but I just cant accept their religion at all. My current bangla bf telling me he wants me to convert and he cant live without his family- and IM thinking wtf? u want me to convert and forgo my religion and my family for u??? over my dead body! He used to be very nice to me but we always fight abt religion bc he makes fun of mine and I ALways will fight for my religion no matter wot. maybe he will breakup with me and ill be heartbroken and lonely for couple of weeks/months but at least im faithful to God and for that I kno i will find some1 better who will love me for who I am. I advise all HINDU Girls to stay away from these ppl from The beginning! just be friends but date other hindu men and be happy with ur life. Im very sensitive girl and Im not strong one bit but i do have common sense and I kno for sure me and my bf will never work out! its a sad fact that depresses me everyday… then i look at myself crying and think wot a fool i am for ruining my life over some boy… EVEN if ur boyfriends tells u he will convert like mine used to say all the time- Never believe it! they just wanna have fun with u bc they dont have any shame.. well karma is a bitch and wot goes around comes back around ( maybe their wife will be annoying and a liar or argumentative). anyway- take my advice u already kno im right
This post has been moved to https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=2376
hello evry1,
i read all d conversations n i do respect evrybodys view..evn iam goin throug a same problm..bt 1 thng i wana share..der r bad n gud peopl in al religions..so its wrong 2 target only muslims..iam in love wit a muslim guy snce 2yrs..bt i knw hm frm 6yrs..ma best frnd who turnd as ma lover nw..so i knw hm vry vry wel..who hs promisd me nt 2 change my religion if v get maried..he hs cum frm a poor family bt he got educatd by doin part time wrk n nw he s earng enough..he s family kind,funny,soft heartd persn..he knw mor abt hinduism thn me..2 b frank iam nt a religious kind..i dont beliv in idol worshp snce my 7th std..bt jst 2 check hm i tld hm i wil nt change ma relign,,,n he agreed easily..i hv nt decidd abt our kids..n evn i hv no problm if dey folow islamic culture..i dont wnt dem 2 get confused betwn 2 relign in their young age..bt i wnt dem 2 respct both d relign.nw my love s wrkn out of india..befr goin der he askd ma hand wit ma mom n my mom refusd..my mom lik hm vry much bt sh s scared of d society n prestige..sh feels tat if i mary hm, it wil brng shame 2 our family n thn no guy wil mary ma sis..nw proposls r cumn fr me bt i cnt thnk of a life witout hm.i feel lik runing frm home bt it wil affect ma sis future n evn ma bf dont lik dis..he s cumn bck 2 india in few mnths n again goin 2 ask ma hand..iam scared..plz do evry1 pray fr us..lovn sum1 n maryn sum1 s nt corect na..i knw my love..he wil nevr evr ditch me..bt i dont knw wt 2 do..iam stuck betwn my mom n my love..iam 24yr old n stil i dont hv a rite 2 decide abt my future..plz pray fr us n do gv ur opinion..
DO NOT COMMENT HERE, instead comment here https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=2287
OMG!! We have the same story….I know it is not easy. Good luck I will pray and hope everything work out for u.
Can you share more details? We could guide you. You should not count on pray and hope, instead educate yourself. When free guidance is available, why you will not use it?
You talk Absolute RUBBISH!!! And know NOT what you talk about!! How can you guide Interfiath individuals when you dont even believe in pray and hope! ADMIN = a loser who reckons they can judge the life of another – most likely a muslim auntyji with whose husbands beats her into submission.
A smart person should make decisions based on facts. Once you make an “informed” decision, yes, then you could hope and pray. God will do His job, but before that, it is your duty to do your karma!
Even dynamites in these girls ears will not make them see the real world and truth.
Girls like these are a curse to Hindus and humanity.
Why are these girls asking others to pray for them when they are secular?
India is a god forsaken country and the result is girls like these Tina s and Suman s.
If you both are really involved in true love, then you must marry him but only if your mother and sister grants him permission this very second time….wish you a good luck…never leave faith in god……
Get married and be a muslim so that you will be acceptable, because i have done the same and now i am very happy because i have found that islam is the true religion
Thanks for sharing your views and experiences. So, what is the problem you saw in Sikhism? Now do you think Christians, Hindus and Sikhs are not praying to the God, but only Muslims?
Hi Gurpreet,
I was in the same to same situation, i loved a hindu Punjabi guy. But there was lot of problem for marriage, my father and brother threaten to kill me if I married him, i was also taught that all religion are same, but islam does not consider every religion same. If you are saying you converted I cant believe you are happy, because in islam they make life hell unless you become muslim, have kids soon etc.
My (Hindu) husband does not force me into his religion and i have started to see what islam always kept hidden. I know now that there are many gods not allah only, Hinduism is the oldest and Christian religion is after that and last came islam, which was created to enforce no one converts outside. My friend who are educated and chose a open minded hindu husband, have come to same conclusion. So in my view you are going to suffer big time, or else you are muslim acting as sikh. Sikh girls are very religious.
I am educated girl and understand what is right and whats wrong. I also see many hypocrites in this site who say muslims are peaceful but muslims also are saying to kill that girl shamim who married hindu, so moral is clear hypocrisy needs to be removed from muslim community. I was also raised in muslim community, believe me its a very dirty and communal place to live. Girls have no respect there. Thanks god i am free now.
Do not comment here, instead write her at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=2191
r u for real….. I have no issues with any one eles religion but y is that u always have to convert if u want to marry a muslim…. if they love u that much why will he not change his religion to yours…
I am disgusted with your response altogether and i am sure your parents which thy never had given birth to u !!!
Some of the comments on here are very hurtful and not true about individual. I have grown up with Sikh’s and hindu’s my whole life. I have never had any prejudice view towards them or there family’s. And if my sister married a Sikh or Hindu guy cos she loved him then I would not care at all! I have been in a relationship with a Sikh girl and would have married her regardless of her religion and what my kids did later would be there choice! Sadly due to the fact that her family would never accept it we could not be together, something which absolutely kills me and will forever! So to all those people brandishing all Muslim guys as liars, cheats and generally evil men, not all of us are like that! I don’t know about the rest of you but I was born and brought up in England and I do not hold on to some crappy ideals from a culture that I don’t fully understand!
Riz mate
well if you have such kind of thinking, you are OK for your sister marrying a hindu, then my friend you cant be a muslim. You will have to kill who ever muslim girl marry a non muslim. Plus dude did you read Qur’an at all? This is not culture, this IS ABOUT RELIGON ISLAM, dont confuse between culture and religion.
UK is even worst muslims have ruined UK completely. Do you even see some news? Or you are just to secular to think any Muslim related crime is just-one-odd, and nothing to do with islam?
Well i am well aware on what Brits think about Muslims. In short they just hate Muslims, may be you are not muslim, as per what allah wants you to be.
But i m happy to see people like you still exist.
rolof :))
Assasalamalekum (Pecae Be On You)..Rajanpreet, I have seen many have replied to u and I wana tell u first that Islam is Not a Man made religion. Like that Sikhism, this reliogion Sikhism is man made religion and ALL FALSE. why sikhs have been hiding the truths about Guru Nanak?? In fact Guru Nanak was a Pious Muslim… He was a good human being but Fool Human beings made him God.. like waht has with Sai Baba nad many more BABA’s. It was a political issue that some persons introduced some new things and became new religion Sikhism. Belive me Gureu Nanak was a pious Saint ( but I am not sure whether He has gone to Hell/ Paradise)..Why Sikhs are hiding their values to Islam. There is NO RELIGION CALLED SIKHISM and Guru Nanak was a True Muslim. Onlyy Political Issyues Sikhism WAS CREATED. sO aLL SIKHS should embrassed Islam.” There is No God But Allah and Muhamamd (SAWS) WAS HIS PROPHET.
its funny how you say that. muslims believe that Jesus was muslim and now your sayin guru nanak was muslim?? hahaha that quite funny. there must be something wrong with islam if these people have made great histroy and left islam and chosen a different path.. also you just said “There is No God But Allah and Muhamamd (SAWS) WAS HIS PROPHET”… YOUVE HAD OVER 10000 PROPHETS!! they are just random people making stuff up as you go along.
hello frnd, little knowldge is dangerous.nobody says guru nank is god, the word guru means teacher and the word waheguru means god.if you believe in allah and say he is perfect then why you circumscribe ur people,do you think allah forget to do that and u r correcting him,on one hand you say allah is the only “noor on the other hand you say mohammed is also noor,on one hand you say idol workshipping is prohibited on the other side you do same in mecca,why do you twaaf,can a dead person give you something… ,i know all this as i was one of you once.
Sorry but Guru Nanak was not a muslim, he was born into a hindu family. And another thing, sikhs don’t consider Guru Nanak as their God, in fact we believe he was a prophet as you believe Mohammed(pbuh) was or Jesus was. So I honestly think you should get your facts right before you begin to comment upon the religions of others
Mr. Ali…. plz dont show your status and where you come from. If you cant trust other religions atleast dont abuse them openly. I know what have been taught to you and for sure this is not what is taught in any religion. But your comments have put me into a dilemma about islam.
And to this Sikh girl. Are you really stupid ? They are gonna marry you have kids and earn some points according to their religion as this is what is being taught to them .Then he is gonna leave you and look for another target. They are going to ruin your life and your families too.
This is indeed taught in is lamb the sheep & goats cult. IT’s NOT a religion, it’s by far a clan or just a cult.
That’s why they always need some Pro-phut, so many nulla & mullas and so many blind brain-washed sheeps.
Islam transforms hearts. I am not saying this. This is what Muslims say. It makes it callous and unfeeling. Normal people who let themselves become influenced by Islam lose every trace of their humanity. They become capable of killing others, including their own children. Marrying a Muslim has its risks. A Muslim can turn to his or her religion anytime. When that happens, it is as if their soul is snatched out of them and a diabolic entity occupies their body and controls them. You learned your lesson the hard way. I hope those who read your story will think twice before meeting a Muslim man, or even a woman.
Muslims are torn between two forces. On one hand they are humans like all of us and have the same human feelings. They can love, feel nostalgic, have empathy, hope, fear, etc. On the other hand Islam tells them that all these human feelings are attachments and tests that are interposed between them and Allah. It is often the latter that wins. So when a Muslim falls in love, his love can be sincere, but the problem is that once his faith come into play, all that love can vanish.
A fine piece of writing. I cannot express it more profoundly. Your are a better writer than anyone else on this site. I am pleased to read your piece.
yes, agree!
rajanpreet this zz a kinda trap wich r sikh gals r feelin prey to….
juzz think of the great gurus… think of the supereme sacrifices made by the singhs..
these muslims can never b ourz…
our gurus were martyred by themm..
still u wana marry a muslim guy???
we r real life heroes, singhs r real life heroes n morover, think of the faith in2 wich u r ryt frm ua chilhood , think bout the love wich u got from ua family..
juzz dont marry that guy…
read bout LOVE JIHAD to clear ua perspectives….
be a khalsa
be a proud khalsa…
make others understand the value of sikhism n make others follow the ryt path n u 2 follow the ryt path…
may waheguru bless u….
waheguru ji ka khalsa
waheguru ji ki fateh,,
@Ali, suck my dick
That would make Kaur a She Male.
And with most posters here pertaining to be Muslim or a Muslim girl in love with a Hindu or visa vi and spreading lies.
As a Muslim listening to the nonsense from non-muslims and it is expected. I would advise all you non-muslim girls, bottom line, Don’t marry Muslims end off.
Muslim guys don’t waste your time.
If Pakis were so bad we should;
Stop Sikhs from doing Yatra in Lahore
Stop looking after Sikh religious sites in Lahore and do what the Sikha
Shahi did to Muslim masjids i.e. Delhi Masjid created into a stable by Sikhs.
Stop giving protection to Sikh yatris.
We should tear down Nank Jees Gurdwara and the Gurus gurdwaras in Pakistan.
We should confirm to the petty stereotype these brainwashed 4th generation Sikhs live by of us Muslims.
We should never have given Sikhs right of Passage through Pakistan to allow first generation discriminated Sikhs in India to go tot he USA and earn a good living.
We should never have harboured and gave refuge to Sikh Khalistani noblmen on the run from a Hindu Indian force after 1984 and should never have given them safe passage to the UK or Canada.
Bottom line we are Muslims we have a rich and honourable history, we repersent a global ideology and what we do canc hange the course of history and our history stands before you all should you subjectively look into it with neutrality and good intention outside of your inherited prejudices.
I ave listed all those things but we SHALL not do this because it goes against our faith and we continue to respect the Sikh faith.
The Sikh are Indus Puttar and we (Pakistanis) are the Idnus Valley Civilisation from Kashmor to Karachi despite what you think we actually have affiliation for Sikhs and can easily mingle with Sikhs despite their schizo inherrent hatred towards us.
I am a Kashmiri, My people have suffered immensely since the dawn of British Imperialism, briefly through the Sikha Shahee and can never forget or forgive the theif Dogras and what goes on today.
Yet even we are still alot more tolerant to you Hindus when we engage you because we can see through political motives and actual human sentiments.
But then again, I think I should start thinking like you guys…
Sadly I can’t pollute my body and soul with the poison of prejudice eventhough as a Kashmiri I have alot of cause to hate you people.
As with all Pakistanis we have alot of affilaition with Sikhs as we can very easily affiliate with you but with Hindus sorry do not have that feeling but I can be tolerant.
I await the flood gates of hate responses from residents of our Eastern neighbour.
Bottom line: Islam does not practice such deceitful practices and I just love the garbagge you peddle “love Jihad”. Anyone with that intention is evil and not Muslim and for you to think so is amusing yet hurtful even as petty as the claim is.
If this is the level of your soch please increase the faith in Sikh and Hindu girls and teach them not to make friends with Muslims, continue to shelter them away if you think this will stop them from dating.
For that matter to all non-muslim girls NO if you marry a Muslim you can not hold onto your faith and have to revert that is a given and you ALL KNOWINGLY enter a relationship with a Muslim knowing this CLAUSE.
So STOP THINK and think it over.
We Muslims do not need to go around dating Sikh or Hindu girls to promote Islam what a gandhee soch and how petty of you to think otherwise.
Islam is the fastest growing religion in Europe, USA and South America and the reason is not “through marriage”.
Good day to you All.
Probably will not reply back to you people with your gandhee soch and deceitful IDs to defame Muslims.
A very cowardly approach from those subscribing to deceit suggesting they or this or that but in reality are otherwise.
From a Muslim & Proud to the END.
@ Asur – Your forefathers were Hindus but when forcefully converted, see what you are now, An Asur – A Demon. Aptly fits the bill.
This napak region that you are so PROUD of was a Budhist site rampages by demonic tribes who were not ashmed while chopping heads of peaceful budhist monks and real peaceful people. Is this YOUR peaceful cult?
To answer your rhetoric, we, Bharatvasis, should tear down every building you call masjid and torn apart what ever remains to build Temples and Gurudwaras, to partially return historic favour of you barbaric moslems.
We shouldn’t have allowed 39% moslems to stay and flourish in Bharatvarsha when you anyway begged for the napak land.
Read REAL history, if you get in Porkstan to know this lambs cult never had any heritage forget being rich. Your ancestors were poor morons who were scavaging lands just for survival and to find food/shelter. Our rich, cultured society welcomed you but this is how your clan has returned our favour, huh?
Do not test the limit of our patience for if we fall down to your demonic levels, no IS LAMB and MISS LIMB will exist. Jai Shri Ram!!!
I am a sikh and why should have they converted to islam. We would rather die than convert to islam. Satshriakaal
Then why you used Khan as your name? Are you married to a Khan?
You would betray your Guru Granth Sahib, culture and family for the love of a man??? A man who can never spiritually connect with you cos you dont follow same faith
Guru Granth says its best to marry within your own faith cos you connect deeper spiritually with eachother and Guru.
You will attempt to be happy with him at the expense of your childrens faith and happiness. You will take away their chance to find Guru ji cos this marriage???? They will not believe any faith even if you taught them the two and will instead find error and being raised by TV like many others cos they find all the controversies with faiths instead of looking for the truth
End this now before you sell yourself in marriage and destroy your and your families life.
Check facebook page Sikh Patrol
Listen Allah forbids us to marry anyone other than Muslims,christians and jews(people of the book).
Those who marry other than them, they disobey Allah’s commandments and are described as victims of satan.
Those who do this will burn in Hell forever.
Hardly any Muslims r interested in u unbelievers,
if u want to marry a Muslim guy but u r nt Muslim,christian or jew then u hv to convert to Islam before marrying him.
By the way wat were u talking about that Islam does’nt respect woman??..huh..it was Islam that ended the female Genocide in Arabia, it was Islam that made education compulsary fr women….
Islam permits woman to do jobs etc bt they must b in Hijab.
Hijab is neccesary to protect them frm evil sexual gaze of men.
Allah loves us and watever Allah does, its fr good.
Who do you think come down to being animals i.e. be a missed limb?
You and your unholy books, all are going to hell, mark my word! It’s specially reserved for you!!!
Who told you this lamb’s cult respect women? How it allows their rape, humiliation and multi wife law? How come no male gets punished? Why female always bear the brunt is this lamb’s cult? Why your men keep women uneducated even now or rather kill them in womb itself? Why do your women need Hijab if you’re so god fearing and your god is powerful?
You are brainwashed dalls follwing nonsensial blabber of a mad man. Your nulla doesn’t exist. What exist is Shiva Linga which you worship and kiss as Pagan ritual in Kabba, another reason you’re afraid that humans will know and ridicule you demons.
Well, humans anyway knew it from those who chose returning back to humanity.
Bitch get some lyf !!
Dnt u dare marry him ..
No clue what you are talking about. There are always so many “spam” messages and program automatically removes it. In the future (always save what you wrote), reenter your message. In all cases, you should be able to see it right a way (we are not approving, all goes live). If still it goes into as a spam (may be too many URL links), e-mail directly to interfaithshaadi@gmail.com and request to reconsider it.
read and have some indepth info, we cant say where one lands with interfaith marriages.
@ suma usa,
It is a good link.
But read the comments below, if you do you will come across this dreadful story about a Hindu girl:
“Kris, consider yourself lucky to stay alive. The true tale I am going to tell is about a beautiful (Hindu) naive girl who falls in love with a muslim lying beast. This happened in London (west), she also happenedto a part time cop with the local force.
This beast used to stay in her house was also married to her for several years.
He used to hire cars for weddings and also used to deal in drugs which of course wife did not know. All her friends and relatives thought that he was a gentleman ( muslims never are),clever lying muslim that he was had other plans for her.
On their wedding anniversary this lying muslim went out to some club instead of being with his wife, stayed out late. She hears some one outside her house and being a brave cop challanges this person, this person stabs her and she shouts for help the assailent runs away and drives off in a distant parked car. She died bleeding on the spot. ( the time I heard and read in the news papers, my guess was “this was planned”). After days of investigations and forensics it turned out to be a murder to claim insurance. This beautiful naive girl lost her life for what? He is serving life…”
If one needs to know about Islam, then ask a educated muslim….not from a hater of islam…like Ali sina
you made hateful comments all over this blog against hinduism whilst lifting your faith to sky, now therefore it makes a lot of sense if you talk to your fellow muslims about your faith, why then involve hindus at all. There is a common agreement that most religious based terrorism comes from your faith, ask your coreligionists, who live in the west. Women are oppressed by your faith more than any other faith. Religion based oppression of all people comes only from your faith, not by other faiths. You write proudly indian as your screen name, but at the same time you hate hindus, what kind of nonsense is that, you are misfit and you must go to Pakistan.
Ali sina is PhD. Taslima Nasreen Is an MD, Wafa Sultan is Psychiyarist, Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a very educated scholar. Your fanaticism will evapoarate if you listen to them for a second.
If the likes of Wafa Sultan are your inspiration than more fool you.
Why not look up Tony Blair’s sister in Law and my personal hero Yvonne Ridley.
They converted to Islam not through marriage but through their own consciousness and good intention.
To all,
I thought of replying to shameem, since she is already in difficult state I thought I address all.
How do you look at Koran?
Some people like shameem, are talking about misinterpretation and context.
Even this website’s admin is saying that not all Muslims look at Koran like, say, literally.
So, people can read the below text and tell me.
koran preaches hatred of Non-Muslims, incites Muslims to wage war against Non-Muslims to kill or subjugate.
As I stated this people will respond like Shameem did.
So, read this:
Are trying to say that none in Pakistan knows about Islam and the whole Pakistan has misinterpreted Koran?
Does any one know that the population of Hindus came down from 15% in 1950s to less than 1% at present?
How many people know that in Pakistan’s courts, the testimony of one Muslim man is equal to testimony of two Hindu men or 4 Hindu women?
How many know that In Saudi Arabia the value of life of Hindu is 1/40 th that of a Muslim man?
Is Saudi Arabia is also misinterpreting Koran?
Iran, Malaysia and Maldives practice extreme discrimination against Non-Muslims by legalizing such discrimination.
Do these countries also misinterpret Koran?
All most all Islamic countries practice some kind of legal discrimination against Non-Muslims?
So, it looks like all Non-Muslim countries really neither know real Islam nor misinterpret Koran !!
Similar is the case with Organization of Islamic conference !!
All four schools of Sunni Islam in their sacred law ( i.e. Sharia) accord second class citizen ship to Non-Muslims.
Since these laws are written by Islamic scholars based on Koran and sayings of Prophet Mohammad, who spent all their life in studying Islamic books, should we treat them too as those misinterpreting Koran?
In India there are numerous Islamic organizations like SIO, which is full of educated of Muslims, whose aim is to impose Sharia law on all Non-Muslims.
Are they also not understanding Koran properly?
So, it looks like Islam was only misunderstood for all the 1400 years since its founding by Prophet Mohammad…or probably Prophet himself misinterpreted Islam completely !!
So, it will be better if Hindus wake up before they become like Hindus of Pakistan who will completely disappear from Pakistan in few more years and also Bangladesh in 3 decades…
In such cases, it is better to have a open relation. It makes people mature and realize the real nature of love.
This is what I went through.
I married a christian girl in a church with out conversion. It just happened that I left my religion after 2008.
My wife feared that I might be a monster, she suggested herself a open relation before the marriage. Even this came after knowing that I am a miserable atheist, she is very clever and wonderful too.
But going by emotions is sure way to disaster.
In fact it will be excellent if people read Ali Sina’s love is overrated.
Any relation ship needs understanding.
Srinivas, can you clarify? You did not convert for your church marriage, but did you sign any child-rearing document like this? What was two of yours understanding at the time of your marriage for a formal religion of your future children (baptism a must)?
Lets assume you have a 5 years old daughter and she comes and tell you that, “Mom said Jesus is the Son of God.” What will you reply to your daughter?
If your wife is a practicing Christian, she may believe you will go to hell (read McKenna)? How did you managed different faiths (or faith vs no-faith) in your married life? This may help other youths in your situation.
My name might have confused you about my religion. I am not a Hindu nor a born Hindu.
I neither signed any document nor was given a separate name. I just entered my name in register. The problem came when I was getting marriage certificate from registrar office as they said they can not add me as an atheist, so I told them to mention me as Christian.
(Certificate from registrar office is very useful and all women should take it, this carries lots of weight in the courts.)
My wife gave my two children Christian names. I never objected to that as I felt that she has more rights on children than me. It is she who gave birth to them. But I ensured that they are registered as Christians in their birth certificates from city corporation.
This I had to do because if in future anything happens to me, I do not want my wife to face unwanted troubles.
My mother was bit worried but said nothing.
There was a time, 3 years ago, when she left Christianity after getting delusioned with Bible. Then again she reverted to Christianity because she needs to pray to some one when one of my two children gets cold or fever. This comforts her. She goes to a Shiva temple too occasionally.
She ridicules me now for being an atheist and want me to take some religion or pray to some God.
But I faced lots of problems because of her mother. She curses me all the time.
But problem came after 2009. By this time my son was already enrolled in convent.
I am confused what to do with my sons name as registered in school.
With regard to my daughter I had no problem changing her last name from mine to my wife’s as she was only 4 years old in school certificate.
With regard to my son he is already 7 years old, so myself and my wife decided that name changing might hinder his thought process and decided to not to change his last name for now.
Actually, you can go on living. The troubles might appear later if things are not done in accordance with law, esp. in case of civil matters and property issues. Imagine that some thing happens to me, then what will be her position and my children. At the mercy of legal process? No way.
So, it is better to do all that legal process involving Muncipal corporations and courts.
Good to hear that you are happily married and you are taking good care of your family.
Come to think of it…how do you consider your marriage as equality of both faiths (Christian vs. atheist or what ever your birth religion)? You have married in a church, you are a “registered” Christian, kids have Christian names, even you are trying hard to erase your last name from your son, ……one day you will be given a Christian last rites, your Christian relatives will put your body in the grave and after that Jesus will take care of you. Why you have no pride in your last name or birth religion or why you do not put your atheist belief in practice?
Why your mother-in-law curses you, even you do so much for her daughter and Christianity? Is it because you are not 100% Jesus believer but a sinner? You are in a situation like Ron who is told “…not a husband of his wife!”
If your kids and wife are moderate Christians, you will do just fine but if they become fundamentalist, it will create issues for you. Is your daughter or son one day going to be like Molly (proselytizer), Jane (hated father who does not join for daily prayers), Gayatri (I love Jesus, not Krishna) and McKenna (Gandhiji will go to hell because he was not baptized!)? Are they going to curse you one day (like your mother-in-law doing now) because you are not a Jesus believer? Are you raising your kids as polytheist, Jesus believer monotheist or atheist?
You are doing what you should – that is to take care of your family, but youths with “faith with no-faith” relationships should learn from you. Inter(or different)faith married life is certainly complex, best wishes.
i am a sikh girl and i am divorced from a sikh boy in 2007, i am having two kids which are with there father, the reason of divorce is heavy drunker and having relationship with other womens . Now i am living with my parents and having affair with a muslim boy since 2009, he loves me and respects me more than his life, now we wants to marry, but my parents do not allow me to marry even he told my parents we will marry according to sikh religion and given an affidavit to my parents that he will take care of me untill his death, but no one supports. kindly suggest me the right way what to do
Sorry Monicapreet to hear of your past married life; it must be very hard. Now you want to make sure you do not make a second mistake in your life.
It is nice of the Muslim guy to say that he will marry you according to Sikh religion, however your parents don’t trust him or his words. Try everything to gain trust of your parents that he is not a love-Jihadi, but a genuine guy. To prove it, take him to a gurudrara and teach him about your faith, and check his comfort level. Also, go meet his parents at their home and tell them of your plan of marriage. Further, tell his parents that you will never (shahadah) change your religion and remain a proud Sikh. After these two visits, get back to us to inform what you have learned. We will guide you more with requested information.
Hi everyone, I m Sadaf in same situation as Monica, i was forcefully married to my husband, I was totally devastated with his constant suspicion on me, not letting me work, no steady income, not even happiness, few months back he married another women, Secretly. I thot my parents will handle this but or religious head did decision in his favor. I left him sometimes ago, i met a Hindu man while traveling, after a while after knowing about each other, he proposed to me. he is a simple well earning man, i m not very old as i was married much early. For some reason i have started liking him. He will keep me happy and will gimme happiness aswell. Should i marry him?
Reply to Sadaf at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=1638
hi monica
wen god hs givn u 1 more chance 2 choose ur life partnr by urslf thn y u thnkn so much,…der r bad n gud peopl in all religion…u r mature enough 2 decide whch category ur love wud belong..so b brave n move forwrd..hv a happy life wit hm..best of luck
Wish you all the best but let’s be clear on one thing.
The boy is “not” a practicing Muslim so do not call him Muslim.
He may have a Muslim name and family, country of origin but thats not his way of life.
I wish you all the best however.
FYI everybody; In a past life I dated a Sikh girl and even though she wanted to consumate the relationship with me, I respected her faith, family and honour because she was a virgin.
Being with her was not about the physical but appreciating her for who she is and at the same time respecting her as you peeps term it pavitar because as Muslims we respect that.
At the time I was not a practicing Muslim but the little awareness of my faith and good family values made me respect her.
Just so you know this girl never married and waited for me and was a practicing Sikh which I respected her for. I had to be cruel to her to get her to marry which she did.
We do not choose who we fall in love with but we need to be conscious of our religions and as such have respect for Sikhism but find it annoying that a few ill educated fools spread so much hate between Sikhs and Muslims on both sides.
At the same time I am a human, I dont spread hate about Hinduism but I have no affilaition for it nor any inclining to get into a discussion around it and nor do I feel that common bond with a South Indian as I do with Sikhs.
Going back to Monicapreet, hope it works for you but make the distinction he is not a practicing Muslim. Wish you happiness as you surely deserve it.
Rab Rakha
Allah HAfeez
My name is poonam m in love with a Muslim boy for 2 years and he loves me very much he is intelligent nd independent in life can support me .. m a brahmin and my parents vl b against this thy hv lots of trust in me. But I fall in love vd him and v r mature v knw our limits he is vry supportive and v want to marry each other he tld he vl go against family if thy r against but he tld for a girl support from parents is vry imp and dnt want to go against them and he told I dnt have to convert nor change a name can worship god in my houcse and has evry right of my religion but how to put this in front of my family .. he is also from educated family plz hlp me thnx ..
Do not reply here, comment to Poonam is here.
First talk directly to his parents and confirm that they are okay if you, and especially your future children, don’t BBS. If you don’t confirm with his parents, he may change his tune a few months before your wedding. Make a point that you will never be in the position of Nirmla.
Is he willing to get married by a Hindu marriage?… again confirm with his parents.
One additional test to understand his belief system, take him this week to a Hindu temple and show him what Hindus do. In Hindu temple, does he see Allah in different forms or idols? Ask him to join for the pooja, like SRK does. This is to test his comfort level and give him an opportunity to know reality of life. He has a right to decline all these, but you have a right to know facts.
After you are convinced that he is not a love Jihadi, then present all facts to your parents. Do not go against your parents, you will need them one day. It may take a year or two to convince your parents, that is okay because you will have a chance of making fully “informed” decision. Get back to us after you take him to a Hindu temple.
Do not reply here, comment to Poonam is here.
He is ready to come but he tld I respect ur religion but I will not fold hands and belive in 1 god he came also and he also ensures dat our children vl go and
will follow our teachings….
Do not reply here, comment to Poonam is here.
Ok, he believes in one God…. is that God only in the direction of Kaaba and as described in the Koran? Or, can that God also can be in a Hindu temple in a Krishna’s murti? To clarify, take him to a Hindu temple. He does not have to fold his hands to Hindu Gods or believe in them (like SRK). At least he has to know what Hinduism is about. Some day he will have to explain it to your children and this temple visit will help. Some day he may have to join at your parents home for a Satya Narayan Katha and eat prasad. Is he going to keep distance at any thing and every thing Hindu related? Are you going to reciprocate the same way and keep at a distance from anything and every thing Islam related? What your children will learn from parents who do not participate and respect in each others belief system?
Next step, how about the BBS? Will that request ever come up? Confirm with his parents ASAP. If you ever BBS (shahadah for you and sunat circumcision for children), means you will be in Nirmla‘s position one day. For your love, are you willing to live the life of Nirmla? Get back to us with the BBS answer from his parents.
Next get answers to 13 questions raised to Rajanpreet.
Poonam, we are just trying to alert to you of all possible complexities of interfaith life. We wish you (and to your Muslim bf) to make an “informed” decision.
Do not reply here, comment to Poonam is here.
Do not go with that marriage.
You will ruin your life like Nirmla and Dr Smitha Rani did.
There is absolutely no reason for Muslim men to keep their word. Their religion allows them to change their oaths.
If at all you do, it will be good you read about Islam and then decide. If you do this, you do not have to depend on any one for advice.
You like Islam, go with that marriage.
If you just get scared about Islam, stay away from him.
My advice is that you read about Islam.
Do not reply here, comment to Poonam is here.
That is not a test at all.
This for all Non-Muslim girls.
The only to check a Muslim guy what he is really is to ask about Islamic law regarding marriage.
Directly ask him.
If he has a sister, then ask him if he agrees for his sister marrying a Hindu guy, if she falls in love.
This will give much better results.
Frankly, it is better to read about Islam.
Islam tells Muslims that all Non-Muslims are like living animals, not humans.
Do not reply here, comment to Poonam is here.
I agree with Srinivas ask your muslim guy if his sister married a hindu guy would he be ok with that
My girlfriend is a educated muslim girl, I have other muslim friends too, the day i said i m in relationship with a muslim girl, they are not good to me anymore despite that fact that few of them have non muslim girlfriend, what kind of equality is that ? i knew they dont like muslim girl and non muslim guy but do like muslim guy and non muslim girl.
Do not reply here, comment to Poonam is here.
Dear Poonam !
Abt ur marriage with a muslim man, learn abt love jehad & Al Takkiyah ..As Muslims can lie in the name Islam to get the success for making some one muslim…. You r gambling with ur life… Follow Ur parents ,…. u will need them one day….
Do not reply here, comment to Poonam is here.
Please see what is love jihad how did it got started.. , when you don’t have knowledge then don’t become leader here to tell girls and boys what to do and what not to . If some Hindu girl wants to marry a muslim guy then there is nothing like love jihad that muslim boys think of. Islam only says that its only one god, and IDOL worshipping is forbidden . and it is In every religion if you gather the knowledge and then speak. Being OLD does not become right.
On “IDOL worshipping is forbidden” then why there is a kaaba? It is nothing more than a stone and cloth, but Muslims go around it and think of it and use that direction in every pray.
How Kaaba is different than a Ganesh Murti? Hindus know that the marble statue is not God but it is a medium to see the God through, like Muslims use the kaaba. We do not see any difference between the murtis and Kaaba. Can you follow Allah without the Kaaba and Muhammad?
We wish to convert to Islam today, but one small request we have that we will not utter a word “Muhammad”. Please help us to convert to Islam, thanks.
For instance, if Muslims want to offer Salaah (Prayer), it is possible that some may wish to face north, while some may wish to face south. In order to unite Muslims in their worship of the One True God, Muslims, wherever they may be, are asked to face in only one direction i.e. towards the Kaaba. If some Muslims live towards the west of the Kaaba they face the east. Similarly if they live towards the east of the Kaaba they face the west.
We do not worship kabba and neither it is a godly MURTI, its just a center of our world, and at kaaba we use to stand on and give ‘adhaan’ you can call it as the islam calling for prayer started from kabba, kind of mosque but more than that, please understand we only submit our will to one god . WE DO NOT WORSHIP ANY SCUPTURE MADE BY HUMANS AND NEITHER WE WORSHIP ANY ONE EXCEPT ONE GOD – (OM, EK OMKAR, ALLAH). JUST NOT MULTIPLE GODS.
If you say can i follow islam with out mohhammad and kabba , so let me answer you
mohammad – he was our prophet we follow him but never worship him as he was the prophet and gave us the right way to live. He is our prophet not GOD. (can say REHNUMA).
kabba – It is what i told you in the first paragraph.
How about … We wish to convert to Islam today, but one small request we have that we will not utter a word “Muhammad”. Since Allah is all that is important, we assume it should be easy. Guide us.
Looks like moslems are using Hindu ans Sikh Girl’s names to post these fake stories. A brmhan girl will never marry moslem as they consider moslems as beasts and rightly so. She won’t even spit on them since their spit is more classy than the class of moslems.
So fuck off you napak fake missed limbs with you sheeps cult.
my name is Ganisha, i am a sikh girl who is in love with a muslim guy who i have been with for a few years now.
He has a tendency to be over protective but i love him. i want to be with him and i can’t imagine myself with anyone else. i have tried telling my parents that i am simply friends with him and they have not taken that well. i don’t know how to tell them about us and how to tell them that i love him. he has no problems in telling his parents as they would be accepting of us. i have discussed all my concerns with him about our future, and he has given me answers that i am pleased with.
i don’t see how in this day and age we are still so scared of our families and let them control our lives. my sister was in love with a man that was also sikh but my parents did not like him and forced her to get out of that relationship and then married her off to someone else who she is not happy with now. i don’t know what to do, i don’t want to end up like my sister, unhappy. my parents and family are very traditional, no one has broken away from marrying a sikh and i feel very stuck as to where to go from here with my muslim boyfriend.
Is he willing to marry you without the religious conversion, shahadah for Nikaah??? Is he willing to raise kids BOTH as Sikh as well as Muslim (meaning no formal labeling like sunat and circumcision)? Make sure the boy is not talking in “love,” make sure to confirm with his Muslim parents for no BBS. In your words, “in this days and age, why people” will believe in the BBS labeling? If you are fool, then only you will settle for the BBS. Come back to us with this information and we will talk more.
What if she sees the beauty and virtues in Islam as she does in Sikhism.
Does she not have the right to change her faith would you as a SIkh not allow her to be happy and be with the man she loves and allow her to enter Islam.
Why do you not allow a Sikh girl in love with a Muslim guy to accept Islam. Why do you feel it is such a crime since you feel you have higher virtues and standards to a Muslim.
So what if the Sikh girl wants to do the Shahadha, perform Salat-tul-islam, fast during ramadhan, pay zakat to the poor and visit the House of God in Makkah, read the Qu’ran, begin to dress far more modestly.
Are these not the virtues of a Sikh too;
Faith in One supreme God
Perform prayer to the One true God
Pay charity to the poor
Make a Yatra to the holy place
Read the Noble book…
Dress modestly as prescribed in Sikhism
Just playing devil’s advocate.
Will you accept your sister or daughter entering in Islam if NOT are you not guilty of the crime you have accused Islam off.
Do not accuse Islam of what you are and every human is guilty of too as it is human nature.
The biggest test of your faith as with Islam and Sikhism is to “forgive”.
I am not a good Muslim but I am a conscious Muslim trying to mend my ways. A man can spend a lifetime to become a true Muslim as such is the road to piety but what I will say is no girl is so important anyone to forsake your faith, practice for.
I lived without eimaan a Muslim by name, I have dated Msulim and Non-Muslim but I remained respectful to women as this was based on upbringing and linked to my ISlamic teachings growing up even though I did not practice.
In that time I could have dated whoever and it had nothing to do with faith i.e. the nonsense you pertain as Love Jihad. It would not have been a religious duty or practice to do such things in fact it would be anti Islamic to;
Date before marriage
be deceitful
Have such an evil agenda
HOw can any practicing Muslim do so, so get this notion out of your head that Muslim men do so for some hidden reason. Biys will be boys however and I have heard Sikh boys talk about passana Muslim girls and even a Hindu boy back at Uni not realsiing I was listening in standing behind them. Similarly Muslim boys (non-practicing) have said the same but these are not the actions of practicing people of that faith but products of an immoral very liberal western society.
Do not blame the problems of society onto Islam.
We are not here to decide for a dating couple. We are here to lay all information in front of the dating couple and they could make their own “informed” decision, what ever that is.
Readers on this site are generally educated and smart and could make their own decision for their life based on what is said above.
so if its so similar why cant the guy convert to sikhism? sikhs have respect all over the world while islam is looked down upon, seen it with my eyes and ask anyone? ,ost muslim nations are leaving islam why should a girl with such a great faith downgrade herself? why cant this muslim guy convert for her?
Muslims and sikhs have similar belief….below is quotation from Sikhiwiki
Following words are used by Guru Granth Sahib for Idol Worshippers :-
Idol Worshippers are ignorant fools (ਪਾਥਰ ਲੇ ਪੂਜਹਿ ਮਗਧ ਗਵਾਰ ॥)
Idol Worshippers are Sinners and Loon Haram(Bastards).(ਗਨਹਗਾਰ ਲੂਣ ਹਰਾਮੀ ॥ ਪਾਹਣ ਨਾਵ ਨ ਪਾਰਗਿਰਾਮੀ ॥3॥)
Idol Worshippers works is wasted in vain. (ਜੋ ਪਾਥਰ ਕਉ ਕਹਤੇ ਦੇਵ ॥ ਤਾ ਕੀ ਬਿਰਥਾ ਹੋਵੈ ਸੇਵ ॥)
Idol Worshippers are Blind. (ਅੰਧੀ ਕੰਮੀ ਅੰਧ ਸਜਾਇ ॥)
Sikhs do not worship idols. What the Gurus say about idol worship is as follows:
ਹਿੰਦੂ ਮੂਲੇ ਭੂਲੇ ਅਖਟੀ ਜਾਂਹੀ ॥ ਨਾਰਦਿ ਕਹਿਆ ਸਿ ਪੂਜ ਕਰਾਂਹੀ ॥
ਅੰਧੇ ਗੰਗੇ ਅੰਧ ਅੰਧਾਰ ॥ ਪਾਥਰ ਲੇ ਪੂਜਹਿ ਮਗਧ ਗਵਾਰ ॥
ਓਹਿ ਜਾ ਆਪਿ ਡਬੇ ਤਮ ਕਹਾ ਤਰਣਹਾਰ ॥2॥
The Hindus have forgotten the Primal Lord; they are going the wrong way. As Naarad instructed them, they are worshipping idols. They are blind and mute, the blindest of the blind. The ignorant fools pick up stones and worship them. But when those stones themselves sink, who will carry you across? ||2|| (Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Ang, 556)
We meet again, Indian you are 100% fool, ignorent fool. Do you even know what you are taking about ? Sikhs and hindus are similar belief hindus visit gurudwara and they visit temple. Yes Sikhs and hindus are differnt in religion, but we have strived hard to become one …thats what we call integration, harmony peace loving people. Sikhs and Hindus are more educated and peaceful than your total islamic brotherhood. on other hand Muslims killed Guru Tegh Bahadur, for refusing to convert to your islam, and several other sikhs your peace loving islamic idiots killed. as per you Islam does not promotes violence, its most peacefull isnt it, well we all can see that everyday
What about the massacre oc Muslims by Sikhs, Hindus, rape of Muslim women are you saying this did not occur.
The battle between Aurangzaib and Sikhs/Hindus was a political battle.
If a Guru died in battle, he died a shaheed in your faith.
Similalry Afzal Khan was stabbed in the back deceitfully by the Hindu sivaji, do we call ALL Hindus this and that. No the attack by a short ass Sivaje on a 6.5 plus tall Afzal Khan was POLITICALLY motivated.
Look how Sikhs behaved with Muslim,
In their short blip in history as successors to the ailing, broken Mughal empire they too were ruthless, vcious, and evil to Muslims.
Do we attribute this to Sikhism or to people or political reasons.
Offcourse the sane amongst us know it was Political.
Thats the difference between US and You, if we take your thinking then we should have massacred every sikh and Hindu that exists today in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
But NO we respect them and love them as our brothers.
If Hindus and sikhs are alike in their believes, then why did Hindus killed over 40,000 sikhs in a mass genocide after the 1984 infra Gandhi assasination, and why did Gandhi regime attacked n killed hundreds of sikhs.
Ganisha is NOT sikh name you fool napak miss limb using fake names of Hindu girls and posting these messages.
@ Admin – Guess you should clean-up these non-sense messages since these missed limbs are using Hindu / Sikh Girl names to post the messages
What country you both live in?
There is no need to convert, just go for a court or civil wedding. Conversion as condition of mariage is humiliating and leaves a life long scar. It means one person is inflexible and hate mongerer about other person’s faith and the other is very willingly submissive (read slave). Conversion is a blow to any ‘love’ marriage. It is a conditional marriage not a love marriage, then.
You are friends with a man for all 10 yrs, well, you must be crazy, to say the least. And he is a terrorist to tell you to convert after ten years of ‘friendship’. Ha, you both are an example of great lovers, dont you think?