G says: October 26, 2012 at 12:31 am
Hi I’m muslim man marrying a Sikh girl who has converted to Islam. She didn’t change name. But on the wedding card she wants her name to have Kaur in there. But it’s not accepted by my parents. Even her surname which is obvious that its not a muslim name is not accepted by my parents. So it’s only her first name. She doesn’t like this at all and won’t accept this as its her given name. Pls help what to do. -G
Amir says:
If she is muslim then what is the problem in marriage. Name has not much significance, be it Khan, be it Kaur. If she likes her name..keep it as she want. -Amir.
Admin says:
Dear G, you are starting your marriage life on a wrong foundation. She has not converted to Islam, she has only “fake”-converted to Islam without realizing what Islam is all about. If she has converted to be a true Muslim, she would not be fighting for her name. Ask her to read (this) and [that] and Hindu Girl articles to make her realize reality of life.
Further, it is possible that she may have different expectations from you, like you will take your Muslim children to Gurudwara and be part of Sikh religious celebrations while at her parents home. We don’t think she is a “pure” Muslim yet and is ready to give up her Sikh faith easily. You should read the Muslim boy article.
In this days and age of high divorce rates, we highly recommend you do not rush into marriage but take time to think through all issues of interfaith marriage life. May be you should ask her to spend 6 months at a madrasa to be a real Muslim. She may have “fake” converted, but now you have to do good work making her an “obidient” true Muslim girl before you marry her. If not, you have deeper troubles on your way.
We have many good consultants and they will share their views soon. Best wishes. -Admin.
Readers, should smart Muslim parents make sure if she is a Muslim or Sikh? If a Sikh has fake-converted to Islam just for marriage, how they will know? If this is a fake-conversion, will it brings more problems in their Muslim married life?
Be a friend on Facebook. Return to InterfaithShaadi.org. To share your experience, read.
I think this is the right time to stop this convertion to islam. Muslims are using false stories to convert our sikh brothers and sister. We should remember that islam is not a religion they spread hate kills people. They converts you by forcing you. Stop converting to islam false propaganda of muslims against sikhs. Waheguru Ji da Khalsa Wahe Guru Ji ki Fateh
majority of these stories are not true i have a arab Muslim neighbour and sikh o=neighbour we all get a long. my arab neighbour is from yemen and tells me that pakistani are really no muslims they do most dirtiest deed on people he said to me that most say there muslims but they lack knowledge education this is all full of bullshit stories made up from there stupid brains.
Assume the Muslim family’s daughter gets in love with a Sikh boy from neighbor, how they will get married? Will Sikh and/or Muslim have to convert? Will their children go to Gurudwara as well to a mosque and learn from both? Ask them.
The admin is an idiot. Anyone who converts to Islam does not need to change their name. It is not an Islamic shariah requirement. Infact converts are encouraged to keep their names as they are unless they have an intrinsic bad meaning. No one can look into your heart and say if you are a fake or real Muslim. I suggest the admin should try learning some fiqh and shariah before becoming an admin on a group – moron.
amir bro the girl is illfated leaving great religion of sikhism for is lame i hope she understands what her heritage is what her culture is how great universal is message of sikhism is
most Muslim girls are having relationship with white guys and sikh guys in west they know when they get back they will have to force to marry someone from pakistan cave men.
i am a converted sikh. and islam doesn’t ask you to change your name if you convert. you only have to change your name if the meaning of you name is not good.
plus were is allah hahahahahahahahahaa when the jews who
are 14 million keep beating the day lights out of the
muslim armies and keep beating the day lights out of
them considering their are over a billion muslims
and only 14 million jews
islam was spread by the sword google islamic conquest of
iran afghanistan and so on as well if you are pakistani
then your ancestors were either raped into islam and
converted by the sword into islam by the mughals
who came from turkey and spread islam by the
plus mohommad had sex with a nine year old
girl so he was a phedaphile meaning he
would be in prision in the west with
a boyfriend named baba
Can you please define, what is 72 virgins in jannat for males?
I could not understand.
it means a man will b given 72 untouched beautiful angels who will virgin. And they wil b virgin even after u had the intercourse.
Realities of islamic religion:-
(i) ten operessive rules of Quran against women
(ii) Rapist and murderer treated as prophet, messenger of Lord
(iii) circumcision of females brutually
(iv) two witnesses needed by a female to seek justice
(v) Imams and Maulvies using islam for sexual assualt against females
(vi) 72 virgins for males in Jannat etc. What is this all nonsense?
Jo bole so nihal,sat sri akal,
I wish to share my life story also. I have business of packed food in Vancoouver, Canada. One muslim girl used to work us and soon I fell in love with her and ultimately married. Our age was 28/27 respectivelyl that time. Now we have twins male and both using turban. No problem with her. Our business flourishing.
My other Hindu friend, who has the business about 10 kms.away from our house, has also married her sister. Both are enjoying and next month expecting to become parents.
Satsri akal
Satinam wahe guru,
I am from Toronto and in love with a muslim girl. I am running agriculture business and dairy products. Almost same business her
parents are doing. She is Sabia Qureshi and ready to marry me even if my parents insist her to covert to sikhism.
She is very helpful in business and accommodative too.
Sat sri akal
Wahe guruji ka khalsa, wahe guruji ki fateh,
Illmotivated and false story by a muslim terrorist. Entire world is disturbed by these terrorists. They are making false propaganda.
Their women are marrying outside muslim community, it is a well known fact.
A true sikh has to know about shahidi!! Hamare guru ne shahidi kyu di he kyunki ye kutte musalman hame musalman banana chahte thai!! Par hamare guru haar nahi mane!! Vo larhe hamare liye !! Jo sikh musalman banta he vo marh kyu nahi jata ? Jaye or guru granth sahib parhe !! Sikhism is best
chand has done a good job of bringing the above article.n Indian i want to sacrifice u as a respect to God the great.because u are a goat.all the bad words are made for u and other muslim guys like u.specially the mullahs and imams(assholes).if women would have divine powers then today not a single imam would be alive.i wish it happens soon.then only the world will be free from this stigma.that day will come soon.these imams should be eliminated from the society.and US and europe should hang all the terrorists and those rapists(mostly muslims) and also torturer of women in front of public.
It’s time to think and act to save our daughters and sisters. No blame game but time to say a spade a spade. Religions play a very inspiring role in the social customs especially in the rural and underdeveloped areas. I believe, most of the people give priority to the present life over the after life. Why we should sacrify this life which is a reality for the unknown afterlife! Why this contradiction in the two lives of here and here after? Is there any way to reconcile both the lives. Fortunately, my life doesn’t have any contradiction and happiness in this life doesn’t take me away from the blissful life after my demise. On the contrary, happy life at present paves a way for the blissful life after death. Why can’t other religions bring about compatibility in both the lives? I request everybody to act for this purpose and make this world a living paradise, in front of our own eyes, in broad day light! Selfish people should also understand that their selfishness and dirty hypocrisy will drown them one day as the Talibanis are taking away the happiness from the same people who used them as tools at one point. Will the supremacists flaunting their ideology as the best, live among the Talibanis who practice what the supremacists have been preaching and are still preach? They shamelessly call others as joke and fake and what not?
Again it’s time to think and act in right direction instead of mocking at others. May Allah inspire the humanity on righteous path to save the afflicted innocent girls!
Before their wedding ceremony begins in rural Afghanistan, a 40-year-old man sits to be photographed with his 11-year-old bride. The girl tells the photographer that she is sad to be engaged because she had hoped to become a teacher. Her favorite class was Dari, the local language, before she had to leave her studies to get married.
She is one of the 51 million child brides around the world today. And it’s not just Muslims; it happens across many cultures and regions.
Photographer Stephanie Sinclair has traveled the world taking pictures, like the one of the Afghan couple, to document the phenomenon. Christiane Amanpour spoke with Sinclair about a book which features her photographs called, “Questions without Answers: The World in Pictures by the Photographers of VII.”
Faiz, 40, and Ghulam, 11, sit in her home prior to their wedding in rural Afghanistan in 2005.
Amanpour asked Sinclair if the 11-year-old Afghan girl married in 2005, and others like her, consummate their marriages at such an early age. Sinclair says while many Afghans told her the men would wait until puberty, women pulled her aside to tell her that indeed the men do have sex with the prepubescent brides.
Sinclair has been working on the project for nearly a decade. She goes into the areas with help from people in these communities who want the practice to stop, because they see the harmful repercussions.
“Whenever I saw him, I hid. I hated to see him,” Tehani (in pink) recalls of the early days of her marriage to Majed, when she was 6 and he was 25. The young wife posed for this portrait with former classmate Ghada, also a child bride, outside their mountain home in Yemen.
In Yemen, a similar picture. Tehani and Ghada are sisters-in-law photographed with their husbands, who are both members of the military. Like most of the girls, Tehani didn’t even know she was getting married, until the wedding night. She was six years old.
Tehani describes how she entered the marriage, “They were decorating my hands, but I didn’t know they were going to marry me off. Then my mother came in and said, ‘Come on my daughter.’ They were dressing me up and I was asking, ‘Where are you taking me?’”
Hello every body,
I have read different comments on this blog from different persons.
What I have understood, that love has no barrier of country, religion etc. but one thing must be kept in mind that interfaith marriages should be based on mutual understanding, trust, confidence and loyality with each other. I am Haifa from Lebanan a Senior Chemist in a British oil and gas company and I am too married with a Hindu guy, who is reservoir engineer in the same company. We met in Alabama Petroleum of Lebanan. I found him very nice, cooperative and dedicated to me, none of us changed relgion,but respect sentiments, and life styles of each other, by making suitable adjustments.
Reply to Haifa at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=3289
Dear G,
You can sort out this with your family members and and the would be spouse. But here is some bad omen for you. Today, she is insisting the name for her choice. Tomirrow she may insist for the name of her children! You are the root cause of all these becoz you didn’t educate her about the Islam. Will she is going to contribute to your Islam when she is herself a half hearted Muslim? What will you do when she will revolt against Qurbani or Sunnat of her children or refuses to cook beef!
My suggestion is to educate her about Islam i.e. the Arabic practices in the Muslim community. The best way to teach Islam is introducing her with a perfect Muslim i.e. Muhammad who is the role model of most of the Muslims in the world. So give her an abridged biography of Muhammad to her as soon as possible.
May Allah show you the right path!
satyen are u crazy?u r telln him to ask the girl whether she wants to jump in the well or not.she is already on the edge of a well.soon she will be a sunken ship with no trace back to her own community.She is real crazy to have started this fake conversion first.she shouldnt have agreed to him at all.This ‘G’ thinks that his fiancee is under his control now.so he can make her do whatever he wishes.poor girl.hope she visits this site once.so that Lord Vishnu may save her from drowning.’G’ is double standard guy.he loves that girl.but he wants his religion to win.sick moron.he thinks now his fiancee is his property.and his children also will be only ‘his’.not ‘hers’.Miss Kaur needs a last wake up call.Now Mr amir will surely have to comment here to guide his insane brother ‘G’.why doesnt ‘G’ and his brothers open up a place where u can do this business of conversion freely?and then get beaten up by RSS workers or VHP.that will be a mind blowing idea.and a lesson for all sick morons like G
Dear believer in God,
I fully agree with you that the girl is fake converting without enough knowledge of Islam. That’s what I am trying to correct her by introducing her with Islam i.e. biography of Muhammad. If she loves to have a husband like Muhammad, she can continue with the conversion process. Only thing we can do is to provide her with informations that are critical to take the decision. Unfortunately, she is not reading this blog. So, her would be husband who must be caring to her, will educate her. It’s better to see the well and then decide whether to jump in it or not rather than to be tricked to fall in the well.
Hello every body,
I have been reading comments on different blogs on this site and found that Amir, Indian,Srinivas,even Hindu girl, posing different names, disguising their exact identity, are writing all non sense here in favour of cruelty, discrimination, rapist character. Our muslim girls should be aware of these types of persons. Such people are responsible for the worst condition of muslim women in the world.
Hi G,
It appears that disastrous start has been made by the sikh girl.This is just beginning of controversies, miserable life is waiting her.
Restrictions will start on her and soon she is going to repent.
I know, as a muslim womem, to what extent lies are told by the muslims to crush fundamental rights of a women. Under what circumstances, she converted, no body knows, but her sucidal decision is going to pay her very badly.
@Amir:when a single hindu guy wrote about destroying Islam u feel insecure.what about ur insane brothers who actually do dis rubbish everyday?converts to other religions are killed.tab teri humanity ghas charane jati hai kya?akal k dushman.real pigs.why should a pig eat another pig..u wana see creatures of zoo dn go to pakis.mayb u wl b one of them too.bcz they behave like animals only.not like intelligent humans.u need to poke ur nose evrywr.to prove the false claims of hw cool ur religion is.right?
chat me @ shairuf@gmail.com
m not interested in personal chats.please put a link of the perfect quran so readers can know what u r trying to say.mayb ur interpretation is right.u knw better arabic than others.But all the muslim girls r are true.no 1 is fake.u should try to help them.n get them out of hell.simply preaching doesnt help.educate ur brothers.n teach the ‘meaning of peace’.n ‘respect women’.i wana read the correct version of quran.so post the link here.infact many others will also be wanting to.to prove u wrong.
@Amir:when a single hindu guy wrote about destroying Islam u feel insecure.what about ur insane brothers who actually do dis rubbish everyday?converts to other religions are killed.tab teri humanity ghas charane jati hai kya?akal k dushman.real pigs.why should a pig eat another pig.thats y u dont eat.u wana see creatures of zoo dn go to pakis.mayb u wl b one of them too.bcz they behave like animals only.not like intelligent humans.u need to poke ur nose evrywr.to prove the false claims of hw cool ur religion is.right?
“6 months at a madrasa to be a real Muslim”
this admin is such an idiot.
i never went to madarsa and i am a muslim.
You seems to be happy with this “FAKE” conversion, are you?
What true Muslim parents will do with this “half Sikh” in their home?
What if she asks their Muslim son to go to a Guru Dwara for blessings?
What if she brings in their Muslim home a photo of Guru Nanak?
What if she starts teaching their grandchildren pluralistic teachings?
These Muslim parents are honest and smart to stop all these none-sense BEFORE marriage. It should be very clear if she is a Muslim or a Sikh? It is smart to bring all these questions before the marriage rather than after the marriage.
We are surprised that you seems to be endorsing this fake-conversion business. Are you?
I never endorse a marriage without pre acceptance of Islam.
Since she is muslim now, marriage has no problem.
I and you can not decide whether this conversion is fake.
Whenever somebody embraces Islam, He becomes pure, his sins ( towards God ) are forgiven. thats why there is no turning back in Islam otherwise everybody will start converting and re-embracing Islam.
There is nothing like Half-sikh. Believe in One God to be worshipped and acceptng Muhammad as his messanger makes one muslim.
Going gurudwara for worship is not allowed, but for blessings of elders has no problem.
Keeping photo of Guru is not the issue. Issue is worshipping other than God. We keep photos of our elders to remeber them. we respect them but not worship them.
Only mentally retarded people adopt Islam and prophet Muhammad,person who was so immersed in LUST that he married 9 year old,his daughter in law apart from several other wifes…..
Fake conversion is not in Islam. You can not convert after being muslim.
( I know we can do what we want ) But God has forbidden it and God knows better what happen to such people.
There are good and bad muslims both.
Punishment and reward both are there for them.
But a non-believer will not be rewarded as he performed sin towards God.
Even somebody just believing in two lines –
Nobody except God to be worshipped
Muhammad is his messanger.
is a muslim. and will enter paradise for eternal life after punishment for deeds.