A Hindu Guy Married a Muslim

AKASH says: December 25, 2020

Assalamu Wailaikum
Dear Sister Amira,
Myself Akash, a Hindu guy who married a Muslim girl five years ago.
Islam doesn’t allow marriage of Muslim women with non-muslim man. The man has to convert to Islam.
I converted to Islam and practicing Islam from past 5 years.
You should introduce your guy to Islam and if he converts you can proceed onto marriage. It is not about your mother, that you have to convince, it is about Allah that you have to convince.
Verse 2:221 of Quran forbids marriage with Non-muslims especially those who do Shirik i.e associate partners with Allah.

Allah means almighty creator.
In Islam there is only one God and there are 99 names of that one God each of which evokes a distinct attribute of God.

Gita and other ancient Hindu scriptures talk about Monotheism, but people have devaited from it over the time and started making idols and worshipping them. Islam brings people back to Monotheism, that is worship of one God.

More information: Hindu-Muslim MarriageShariaMuslim-Hindu marriagesHindu-Muslim lovers’ experiencesKoran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boyMarriage & Divorce laws.
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  • December 28, 2020 6:54 am

    A word to the converted Hindu. Although Islam and Christianity talk about the faith in One God their world-view as well as the idea of God and creation is vague. First of all their argument that God has no name and form and therefore idol worship is wrong is flawed. God make himself known through a form. He has a dual as well as Nondual nature. He is both Arupi and Sarupi. Then their theory about creation. Even school children cannot believe in their theory of creation. Sanatana Dharma provides rational explanations about creation.

    Moreover, they lack a long spiritual tradition and culture in comparison with Sanatana Dharma. They also lack important concepts such as Manvantara time cycles, Evolution of Jeevas through various Lokas and time cycles (yugas), the theory of Karma and Reincarnation. An inclusive farsighted spiritual culture that promotes wisdom, rather than blind faith cannot be built upon a vague and imperfect Idea of God and Creation. Sanatana Dharma is the original spiritual law of God.

  • Anonymous
    December 26, 2020 10:37 am

    How do you convince invisible, fictional, formless, shapeless, colorless , genderless Allah ??
    Why merciful Allah has made compulsory rule for Muslim girls vto marry only Mullahs..why can’t girls marry as per their own choices

  • ABC
    December 26, 2020 10:26 am

    How to convince an invisible, fictional, formless, genderless, shapeless Allah ?
    Allah is merciful so why this compulsive rule only Mullah boys for Muslim girls why not..let any girl marry of her choice of boy.

  • December 26, 2020 10:14 am

    Allah part we understood but we do not understood why Muslims are obsessed about Muhammad. If I want to be a Muslim and accept Allah but decline to utter “Muhammad”, it that possible? Why One Man is so important in Islam and not Allah alone?

    • Akask
      December 27, 2020 8:27 pm

      Because Allah send Prophet Muhammad PBUH as last messenger of Monotheism. If anyone is against Prophet Muhammad PBUH, then he/she is against Allah too, as earlier messages of Monotheism got corrupted and only through Muhammad PBUH someone can follow true path of Monotheism.

      • December 28, 2020 7:27 pm

        You are saying one cannot accept Allah alone, one needs to accept that man Muhammad with Him. Two cannot be disassociated. If you did not want idol-worship and multiple forms of God, best option you had was following Arya Samaj monotheism path, where you follow formless God and without any human tagged to Him like you end up doing now. Think!

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