Muslim boyfriend Wants to Convert to Sikhism

Guru_Nanak_JayantiNielam says: April 26, 2015 at 11:34 am

Hi,I am Sikh girl and my guy is Muslim we are in love almost from last six years. he is my childhood friend. We wanna get marry but due to his family issue we were stuck, but now he ready for it and also wanted to convert himself to Sikhism as his personal choice, I never asked it. I know how to get des done but dnt know is des right to convert anyone.

Good or bad Babaji never wanted never asked any conversion as per my understanding, Arjan dev ji established har mandir with four side way to accept all people from all direction without discriminating. Sikhism never had des motive of conversion. I try to explain but he is saying he doesn’t want to lose me just bcoz of his religion or Islamic law is applicable to him. he never find any difference between our religion just d way mac said, exact words. Suggest do I stop him doing des or not? -Nielam

Also read: VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Hindu-Muslim Marriage-video, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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  • November 16, 2015 1:48 pm

    By making him a sikh, not only you can make a Sikh family but also save him from evil Islam.

  • July 15, 2015 8:43 am

    Hye Nielem, i am a sunni girl, i have seen from my child hood that in my community every thing relates to blood.from my born and after getting knowledge of duniadari i have seen only blood,any guest comes to our haveli ,animals are killed brutly,after boys birth his organ is cut,when any festival comes camels and cows are killed so bruetly that one can not see all these. in family when any tension creats both sides attempt to kill another, what is this, i cant understand,in night i always hear sounds of crying animals ,after graduation i left my home and came to a big indian city, now i am feeling very much sakoon,it does not mean that i am against islam, but i am only describing some facts of my community, every where when i say myself muslim people hate us, what is wrong i am still researching.but there is something wrong, its true, now i have decided to hide my identity, thanks

    Reply at

    • mac
      July 15, 2015 9:32 am

      Dear sister jainab, you refereed to circumcision here, now don`t talk like a fool, circumcision is extremely beneficial, these Hindus talk about peace by citing how vegetarian they are, but India has high percentage of rape, honor killing, if a Brahmin girl marry dalit boy, she will be killed, but at that time you don`t see their crimes, if you don`t kill animal, what will you eat??? Do you know what you eat when you go to KFC, do know from what football, cricket ball are made, they are made from skins of animals, if you don`t slaughterer animals, how will modern civilization of 21st century progress, and as far as Muslims are concerned, Muslims have 3 times lower murder rate than non-Muslims, but one muslim murder is glorified so much in media that it seems only muslim are murderers, and from that we develop an attitude that only muslim commit crimes and then when we see bad Muslims, we generalize.

  • June 29, 2015 10:52 am

    Im a hindu girl in a relationship with a muslim man for the last 4 months.we are serious about our relationship and intend to get married.we are both secular minded and religion is not an issue for us. but he wants me to convert since his is a joint family and it would cause his parents immense discomfort to accept a hindu girl as their daughter in law , with so many relatives around all the time. im prepared to convert as for me the only thing that matters is that we live together , but my parents are being completely unreasonable about it. ive always known my parents as pretty modern in their outlook and didnt think , i could have any trouble in convincing them about marrying a muslim. but things changed immediately when i informed them about my affair with this man. initially they said , he was too old for me. (he is 10 years older than me) and that i should complete my masters before getting married , but when i told them that,the family i was going to marry into wants a housewife and not an highly educated one and i was ready to start my life as a housewife , they completely freaked out. they tried convincing me to get out of this relationship and slowly i realised that the major issue over here is his religion and my conversion. i have tried explaining them that my boyfriend is a nice man and he doesnt even want me to convert . its only because of his family members that , i need to convert . but no amount of convincing has worked on my parents. . i want my parents to be happ for us and support us. how do i convince them?

    Reply at

    • mac
      June 29, 2015 9:58 pm

      Priya, it`s simple, ask them why marriage with muslim is sin?

      I think they got freaked out by the love jihad campaign by hindu extremist groups like rss,vhp,bajrangdal.

      There are so many muslim girls marrying hindu boys and hindu girls marrying muslim boys. Contact me here, i can show you their real facebook ID XX Contact mac xyz (deleted by admin)

      • June 29, 2015 11:03 pm

        mac, do not siphon off innocent people for your ill intent of converting them to Islam. Be honest, tell what you wish on this open forum. If you are looking for pray to convert, look other places or find your own customers.

        Stop advertizing your web site on this web site, this is considered an advertise for your personal gain.

    • ka
      February 10, 2016 11:29 pm

      If you and your partner love each other then why Why does nt he convert to your religion? Your anyways ready to convert to.keep his family happy but should nt your family be happy as well?

  • sarah
    April 30, 2015 1:26 am

    hey nielam,
    If your partner wants to convert without any force from you, its a good thing. But firstly, confirm that he isn’t jumping on this decision but arriving on it. Confirm that he has analysed all the aspects and learned about this process and after consequences of conversion. A decision in a hurry may spoil his life. First introduce him to your religion. Your customs, traditions and all and then let him take his decision without any pressure. Hope this helped. My regards are with you 🙂

    • mac
      April 30, 2015 1:34 am

      sarah what about your progress?

      • sarah
        April 30, 2015 10:38 am

        we haven’t informed to our parents yet. it is a slow process. But during this, we have realized that we can’t live without each other.

  • April 26, 2015 4:42 pm

    Hi Nielam,
    On conversion business, please read our views at Let us know what do you think about it?

    What do yours and his parents want? Are they willing to support you two? After marriage, do you have to go and live with his Muslim parents or he is living outside his parents home?

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