Parsee got married to a Hindu girl

Ronnie says: November 6, 2014 at 11:09 pm

Sir / Madam,

My Name is Ronnie M Born in parsee family. My Parents & Grand Parents are from Parsee Family. In 2012 i got Married to a Hindu Girl with Good family Back-Ground. Now We have a Baby Boy 2 1/2 Yrs Old. He is Being Growing-up in Parsee Culture, right from his birth. I seriously want him to grow-up in Parsee Culture & teach him every thing the same which was taught too me By My Parents & Grand Parents.

I just wanna Know what difference does it Makes if Boy’s Mom is Non-Parsee, Well When she has accepted to grow Our Child in Our Very Own Community. Please let me Know i Whether my Child is Accepted as Parsee, though i know he is Accepted but still wanna know through the same.

Also request you to send the reply of the same on my Mail-id judt for my reference & Share it with my Relation’s. -Ronnie

Parsi-Hindu marriages

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1 Comment

  • November 7, 2014 7:58 pm


    Did she converted to Parsi for your marriage? If yes, she is also a parsi. How did you got married?

    You have to learn a lesson of life that – dogs will bark. Irrespective of what you do, there will be some or the other who will say something you doing that is not right, so where will you stop?

    Do you know the mouse with 7 tails story? The mouse was sensitive so he cut one tail to please others. Now people are telling him that this mouse with 6 tails. ….and finally he also cut the last tail left. Now people are telling him that a mouse without a tail.

    You do that work for you and ignore what others say. Trust yourself and don’t have guilty feelings. You are on track so don’t look back. Keep going!

    Parsi’s are very conservative community and they are eager to loose their own rather than (like Christians and Muslims) adding more. They don’t approve interfaith marriages and don’t accept non-parsi born person as their spouse. This is one of reasons now parses are disappearing from this world. Ronnie, just ignore those conservative people and keep on track. Best wishes.

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