Why can’t our children be Sikh-Muslim?

Kiran says: October 21, 2014 at 12:16 pm

Hi! I’m a sikh girl who met this Arabic guy on the net and started talking. We somehow got really close and decide to meet up with each other and have been dating for quite awhile. He respects my faith and every thing and doesn’t want to convert. But the one thing that stuck out to me was he said when we have children they have to be Muslim. And I’m strongly against that why can’t our children practice both of our region then decide for them self what they want to follow? -Kiran

Also read: Sikh-Muslim marriages, VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages,

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  • February 19, 2015 4:48 pm

    I love this Sikh girl and she loves me to and Im a Muslim but our love was strong we wanted each other more than anything life ain’t long “yolo” we are happy together and I do accept it was hard making our parents hard but after few years they understood and we got married Sikhism way first at the gudwara then went to mosque and done nikha we are happy 5years got married now end of the day parents and family want to see u happy they might not accept at start but they will have and Jst move on believe never get religion in to this love is blind. Hope every1 gets who they love

    Reply to this post at: https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=9446

  • Tumhara Baap
    November 5, 2014 9:50 am

    This website is piece of shit
    just Fake stories

    • mac
      November 5, 2014 10:49 pm

      there are many fake storeis, thosuands of fake commetns, and many fake information on islam.

    • Sikh warrior
      November 10, 2014 9:04 am

      Sikh girls that marry Muslims is DISGUSTING

      • Ammina
        January 28, 2015 11:45 pm

        wow thats rude im a muslim girl that loves a punjabi guy is that disgusting to?

  • October 30, 2014 6:26 am

    Hi every body

    I wish to share my life experience, myself 29 years, working in a automobile company as mechanical engineer, in love with a muslim girl,23 years, working as data entry operator in the same company. We both love each other and wish to marry.Her parents are deadly against this marriage and they want to marry her in muslim community. Earlier she was engaged with a muslim guy but later it revealed he was divorcee and earning was very little. This marriage was planned by an imam. We both are determined to marry and documents moved under special marriage act.

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=8636

  • Kiran
    October 26, 2014 3:17 pm

    How is this any help for me ?

    • October 26, 2014 6:01 pm

      We fully agree to your wishes “why can’t our children practice both of our region then decide for them self what they want to follow?” This is line with our video message and overall message on this web site. We hope you will have success in convincing your bf. Read experiences of other girls in your situation and it will help you make rational argument with your bf. Best wishes.

  • October 25, 2014 6:35 am


    You are foolish number one, charging identity of Churchil with me.
    I donot know ABCD of this writer, but because he has exposed islamic evils, then you attempt to correlate various writers just one and same. The same way you may be Zahid, Haque and other terrorist minded persons.

    • mac
      October 26, 2014 4:28 am

      No, because of low level of writing, since you cannot compose a article and instead copy paste from anti-islamic site, so i thought churchill and you are one, anyway, you cannot prove FMG,4eye witness etc so keep on hating me, i don`t care, unless you bring proof, you are a liar, am I correct or not, aren`t you a liar, Thanks and take care.

  • October 25, 2014 2:38 am

    Basrtard Mac,

    You will not understand the cruelty of islamic terrorists like ISIS, because you have been born out of mutta marriages. You have the same attitude like your biological father. Here is an example of cruelty against women by ISIS.

    Yazidi women in Iraq are kidnapped and sold as sex slaves by Islamic State militants. This photo was purportedly taken at an Islamic State-run slave market.

    A young Yazidi woman has begged the West to bomb the brothel where she is being detained and repeatedly raped by terror group Islamic State.

    The unidentified woman alleged she was raped dozens of times in a phone call with activists fromCompassion4Kurdistan, which aims to raise awareness of IS’ persecution of the Yazidi community in Iraq.

    “If you know where we are please bomb us… There is no life after this. I’m going to kill myself anyway – others have killed themselves this morning,” she was quoted as saying.

    “I’ve been raped 30 times and it’s not even lunchtime. I can’t go to the toilet. Please bomb us.”

    The woman’s phone call came just a few days after the UN said that IS’ persecution of the Yazidi community is “an attempt to commit genocide.”

    The militants, whose insurgence in Iraq and Syria has claimed thousands of lives since June 2014, admitted in October that they are kidnapping hundreds of Yazidi women and forcing them into sex slavery.

    Slave markets across Iraq have been used by the terror group as a way to recruit new fighters.

    Compassion4Kurdistan acvtivists staged a mock sex slave market in London in October, to raise awareness of the grave violations of the basic human rights Yazidi women are being subjected to.

    UN officials issued a joint statement in October condemning “the explicit targeting of women and children and the barbaric acts the Islamic State has perpetrated on minorities in areas under its control.

    “We remind all armed groups that acts of sexual violence are grave human rights violations that can be considered as war crimes and crimes against humanity.”

    The statement followed a UN study about IS sex slavery markets, in which a 13-year-old Yazidi girl gave her account of what happened to her after she was abducted by IS from her village in August.

    “She stated that IS took hundreds of women who had not been able to flee to Jabal Sinjar,” said the report. “The girl stated that she was raped several times by several IS fighters, before she was sold to a market.”

    In September, a report by Amnesty International warned that IS had launched a “campaign of ethnic cleansing” against non-Arabs and non-Sunni Muslims.

    The NGO interviewed people from the Yazidi community in Iraq’s Sinjar region, who said the insurgents took dozens of people, including many women and children, to the outskirts of their village where they massacred them.

    • mac
      October 25, 2014 3:01 am

      dear churchill, you came with a different name, lol. i hope you are not chand osmani hehehehheheheh ha ah ah a LOL

      ISIS is a agent of CIA, MOSAD, ther even don`t know how to read namaz, click here for image
      ISIS even don`t know how to perform namaz

      Chand osmani or chirchill or whatever your real name is, you keep silent when jews killed muslim women in gaza, israeli army kicked pregnant muslim women , you are islamophobes

      • Kafir
        October 26, 2014 5:15 am

        Muslims are the AIDS and Cancer of the civilization. Everybody nows what is the treatment.

  • October 24, 2014 8:25 am

    Mac, I know you converted few years back as per information available on this site.

    I understand your notorious back ground and family history described by different writers on this site.. Even after sodomizing you in childhood in madarsa, your parents did not take action against maulvi/imam.

    I asked you whether following the ideals of so called prophet, could you marry your sister or daughter of 8 years to criminal of 58 years old?

  • October 24, 2014 6:16 am

    Hi every body,

    There is no question of raising sikh muslim kids. The muslim religion is far from humanity, kindness and welfare of all communities. It is a religion that believes in hatred, murder, killing, abduction, discrimination, hostage, sexual abuse, cruelty, terror.

    I have read recently that Kobani town on the border of turkey captured by ISIS terrirists and made thousands of kurdish girls sex slaves.
    Mass murder of males. Mac like person are enjoying democratic benefits in India but their loyality is always with ISIS, Jihadies,Hizbollah, Al Qaida outfits.

  • October 22, 2014 9:24 am

    Admn. thanks for your comments about Mac. Certainly he is mutta born terrorists, as pointed by various writers on this site.

    Will he agree to marry his sister or daughter of 8 years with a 56 years terrorist like Mohammad?

    • mac
      October 23, 2014 4:18 am

      dear, kartar i am not hindu, so don`t ask me about child marriage

  • October 22, 2014 9:21 am

    Dear readers,

    Sikh community always fought against evil, tyrant and anti humanity elements, but muslims have always attempted to kill infidels,never treated females with dignity, they kept them in burka, treated them sex dolls, forced them to practice halala, mutta marriages.

    This is a fake story to blemish the image of sikh community and certainly posted by Mac like evil persons of the humanity.

  • mac
    October 22, 2014 2:15 am

    admin, you are againg labelling your evil intentions on me, when did i say “sikhism in name sake”, don`t lie dude, please don`t lie, god is watching

    • admin
      October 22, 2014 6:56 am

      Why don’t you guide to Kiran for what she should do in her situation?

  • October 21, 2014 9:42 pm

    Kiran, you have hit on the dot! This is the most important question any intelligent and educated person should raise. This is the true to test to find out if he truly respect you (a Sikh) or he is just a love-Jihadi under sheep’s cloths.

    Islam is absolutely an EXCLUSIVIST and supremacist religion. Muslim believe there is only one true faith and Muhammad as the last apostle (final words from Allah). Any one who go against it, must be corrected (by hook or crook).

    Best test will be … soon Mac will come and teach you that Sikhism and Islam are the same and you should accept Shahadah and be ready to raise children in Islam (and Sikhism in name sake). Get critically into argument with him and you will have all truth in front of it. We will keep off from you and mac!

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