“Before puberty, every Hindu girl should marry Muslim boy(s)” – Haque

Zia ul HaquePakhi Begum: Mr. Zia-ul-Haque is recently selected as Amicus Curiae (Friend of Court) for SUPREME COURT OF INDIA (read P72, #22) and top expert award under the category ‘ Islam ‘ for the year 2014 by allexperts.com, USA.

Mr. Zia-ul Haque believes 1) “Before attending puberty every hind girl should marry Muslim boy(s) or or may meet the fate of “goddess saraswati“” ref, 2) “I am a Muslim first then an Indianref, 3) “believes “Mutta (temporary marriages) is neither shameful nor disgraceful“, “it is so many (mutta I had) that I don`t remember properly” and “I don`t know how many child I have/had out of Muta marriageref and 4) “I will have reverted not less than hundred hindu widows and divorcees in Islam and marry them under muta marriage actref.

If two Mr. Zia-ul-Haque (one from this site and the other appointed by the Supreme Court) is the same person, does he fit to serve as Amicus Curiae for SUPREME COURT OF INDIA?

Hindu girl 4

Questions to readers: What criteria do Supreme court look for in a person before selecting Amicus Curiae? Will world look proudly at India for hand picking Mr. Haque with described personal character and beliefs? If there is a question in supreme Court about India’s interest verses Mr. Haque’s personal interest, which one will he opt for? Will Mr. Haque be able to serve Indian people impartially in Supreme Court? Will windows and divorcees, looking at Supreme Court of India for justice, feel comfortable with Mr. Haque?

URL of this page – https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=8380

Mr. Haque’s contact information: Md.Zia-ul-Haque Ibne Md Muhammed Abdur Rauf, Advocate and consultant at Z.Haque Advocate, 12/A, Sir Syed Ahmed Road (Phul Bagan Rd), Entally, Kolkata 700014. 9804183896, 9830683896, 8629994821, +9133-22846691.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ziaul.haque.14019?fref=ufi (Sorry, this account is now closed as of Sept 8, 2014; see below the screenshot)
Twitter: Search on the web
Google: Search on the web
More on Mr. Haque’s views at Islamic expert and I am Muslim first then an Indian (about 300 comments over one year on this site).

InterfaithShaadi site does not know Mr. Haque(s) personally and these information is based on collection of information from different web sites. Readers should search on their own before making any conclusion.

Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” -Martin Luther King, Jr.

Mr. Haque’s page:

Learn Islam from an Expert –Haque
I am a Muslim first then an Indian –Haque

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  • Aakash Mallik
    April 25, 2015 2:48 am

    Guys….ye insaan hai?? Kis angle se ??
    Itni giri hui soch hai is aadmi ki….either this is a hoax by some anti islamic dude…or this guy needs to be exposed…

    • April 25, 2015 8:58 am

      We are 100% with you. How come person with such a “Itni giri hui soch” is now holding prestigious position of Amicus Curiae for SUPREME COURT OF INDIA. What a shame to the country! He should be exposed, but who will do that?

      • Aakash Mallik
        April 25, 2015 11:53 am

        Are u sure this is the same person who he pretends to be on this page?? Then i may suggest u something…..bt be sure coz this will be a dynamite….
        So we need to be catious while we use it…

        • April 25, 2015 12:22 pm

          Smart! Great point to make sure if this is a right person.

          Can you reach out to him on his Linked-In account, Google account, at http://www.allexperts.com/ep/947-127964/Islam/Mufti-Md-Zia-ul.htm, Twitter, etc and ask him a direct question if information on these page (https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=8380; https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=6868; https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=7362) are correct? Write a letter to him or simply call (Md.Zia-ul-Haque Ibne Md Muhammed Abdur Rauf, Advocate and consultant at Z.Haque Advocate, 12/A, Sir Syed Ahmed Road (Phul Bagan Rd), Entally, Kolkata 700014. 9804183896, 9830683896, 8629994821, +9133-22846691). This will be a real direct proof. Please do and let us know what you learned. If that is not a right person, he should have objection for this post and we will correct it.

          • Aakash Mallik
            April 25, 2015 9:17 pm

            See i wount call him up…but yeah. I may send him a mail and see to it…..but wait…if i mail him and then we make things public then my name will be up and they will put a fatwa on me…..
            Isnt there someone incognito who can do it????

        • Pakhi Begum
          April 29, 2015 11:34 am

          Akash I have left this blog long time back.But as you have been made prejudiced by admin about Mr.Haque so I am compelled to rewrite and/or come back here once again. I request you to go through my comments dated 23rd and 25th August,14 and offer your comments on Mr.Haque. Who is MZR? Can you ask admin (the wretched of container of unworthy stinking mind and brain) to give the email id of MZR who has praised my mentor.
          Pakhi Bebum

          • Aakash Mallik
            April 29, 2015 9:33 pm

            Hello Pakhi…..
            I m Aakash…..i dnt knw if u really exist….bt if u do…let me tell u..i m a strong supporter of Islam….bt i hate people who use Islam (The holy faith) to exploit other Allah fearing people……from Mr.Hauq’s post above…..i can see what he is doing…..
            I dnt knw wht admin says….i m not convinced that easy…..until i see a very strong point….
            Even my girl frnd is a mulim…..i would nvr want my girl’s religion to have people wo do what ur mentor has done…..
            Pakhi….u r bengali….so am I……we can be frnds….
            Just gv me a clear answer….
            Are u in support of Mutta marriage? yes or no?

        • Pakhi Begum
          April 30, 2015 12:00 pm

          Hi Akash,
          I will answer and clarify all your questions and points but at first you must tell me what wrong my mentor has done. Kindly note that I am a reverted Muslim.
          Pakhi Begum

          • Aakash Mallik
            April 30, 2015 7:57 pm

            Two word answer…..-Mutta Marriage……
            Pakhi di…..dnt u think it is something that we look at as a disgrace in this present era……..
            Terrific……nw if u dnt see this as smthing wrong then i m nt intrested in arguing…coz obviously u will gv me biased answers which will nvr convince me……
            Ur bro…
            Aakash Mallik

          • s .srinivasan
            December 22, 2018 1:00 am

            I am writing for nonsense zia-ul-hak and phaki.

            Aisha was married to 55 years old Muhammad when she was at 6 and she was raped by Muhammad everyday at 9 . so,i am asking you and your parents, will you give your 6 year old girl to 55 year old man to rape?

        • Pakhi Begum
          May 1, 2015 5:01 am

          Akash Da,
          My mentor was a senior Govt officer and that a public servant is not allowed to marry another girl unless the first wife is divorced or dead.
          I have already made it clear that he never entered in to any MUTA marriage. However, I understand that Muta marriage is permissible and better than prostitution. Any way Mr.Haque has one wife and that he has made it clear than he will not go for 2nd marriage till he breath his last.At the moment Mr.Haque is the word’s top and or number one Islamic Expert. Pl.see AllExperts.com
          Your Sister Pakhi

        • Pakhi Begum
          May 1, 2015 11:25 pm

          Bhai Akash, I am a reverted Muslim. What are you? Anyway did not you see the inflammatory and anti Muslim postings/articles made by admin in the name of non existent persons to irritate and defame the Muslim community.My mentor is a fearless person. I admire his courage.
          Your sister Pakhi

          • Aakash Mallik
            May 1, 2015 11:48 pm

            Well my suspesion was arroused but yet i would like to know how did u infer that the users are non existent…..and dear sis….there is a fine line between courage and aggression…..
            And i m officially a hindu but i believve in Islamic ideologies and.would like to take my shahada in the near future…only if my muslim frnds like u can guide me and not fight ne…
            I believe in all principles of Islam…but Mutta marriage….Oh please…..hell no…..

  • k
    November 14, 2014 6:38 pm

    This man has to be exposed in public he doesnt deserve to be a supreme court employee..please expose his vuews admin..in a news website

    • November 14, 2014 8:02 pm

      Agree, this is shame for the country to hand pick such people. Act on it!

  • Infidel
    September 22, 2014 8:38 am

    This Haque is here also ? Condemn him. He is a liar and anti Indian Jihadi.

  • September 9, 2014 8:20 am

    Dear readers,

    Dont believe on Haque, he is self boaster. He has no locus standi.

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