I am a Hindu gal love with Muslim boy

priyanka says: June 27, 2014 at 10:58 pm

I am a hindu gal love with muslim boy but still we didnot say our love in our both families…because we both are just 21..we havenot yet finacially stable…su we planned to say after 3 years…my bf is saying he can manage his family…the problem is my side because am only child for my parents urely they wont accept and also my parents are very respective peoples in our town..none of our relations had done inter reloigion marriage so they never accept..what can i do? how camn i console my parents??????/ please suggest me……..

mac says: June 28, 2014 at 12:50 am

Sister Priyanka, you said “my bf is saying he can manage his family”——boys can handle their family bt the thing is about your family, boys family generally don`t express much b4 marraiage but your parents care for you and as you said they are very respectted in your town then i think you have very big problem, seeking for help here will not solve your problem but you have to convience your parents, if they get convienced then every thing will be fine, and remember don`t do anything that hurts your parents, they love you unconditionally, so all they want is better future for you, so if you want to marry a muslim then you have to convience them, conveinece your parents every thing will be okay otherwise forget that guy. God Bless You!!!!! -mac

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  • July 14, 2014 10:58 pm

    Okay, so you think Hindus destroys masjids in the name of region? We’ll then why is the world traumatised by the “Islamic atrocities”? Why are all terrorist organisations governed by Muslims? Why do Muslims have self contradictions?(Shias don’t believe Sunnis are Muslims and Sunnis don’t believe Shias are Muslims)Why are women forced to live under cover? Why is rape legal and why are men so privileged by so many unlawful rights like multiple marriages, consent to rape, freedom of wearing whatever they wish to and so on…. In hot summers times women are forced to wear burkas and have sex without their will.

    And priyanka,
    Decide what to do after reading my story.
    I was in a relationship with a Muslim naval officer who was all friendly and open before getting into a relationship. He didn’t think or care much about the distance. We’ll recently while he was away I told him about how a guy tried to physically assault me and guess his reply, “so you think you are a victim? We’ll I will too get drunk and bang someone up and tell you it was the girl’s fault!” Even his best friend who is a hindu understood my part but he didn’t. These are the teachings of Muslims and Islam. They think of women just as sex objects. What was my fault? My fault was I am born with a vagina! That I am a girl and that’s equal to door mats in Islam. And so. I called my relationship off because Muslims are just dogs and ruthless people. Shame on you men!

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=8495

    • July 15, 2014 7:56 am

      Dear RC,
      Sorry to hear of your bad experience. We are glad you got alarmed in time and took a right decision.

      What other religious related discussion/understandings you two had? Would you have converted for Nikaah? What is your current status?

      • September 15, 2014 11:51 pm

        Hi admin,
        Sorry for such a late reply. But here’s your answer.
        We never spoke about religion and in presumed we will follow our own paths and live in harmony. But now I know that wouldn’t have happened. My life has always revolved around Krsna and I know I would t have left my religion for him because my love is completely devoted to Krsna. Now I think Krsna let all this happen so that he could make me meet the one I am supposed to be with.
        My current status is that I am about to get engaged later this year to a hindu punjabi boy. He is my living Krsna and was my backbone through it all. I love him and he loves me too. Hari has blessed us and is watching over me. I hope he blesses you too.
        Jai Sri Krsna.

        Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=8495

    • mac
      September 16, 2014 4:53 am

      Dear RealityCheck, your this comment “”””That I am a girl and that’s equal to door mats in Islam. And so. I called my relationship off because Muslims are just dogs and ruthless people. Shame on you men!””””———
      Actually in Hinduism women are considered as dog
      “And whilst not coming into contact with Sudras and remains of food; for this Gharma is he that shines yonder, and he is excellence, truth, and light; but woman, the Sudra, the dog, and the black bird (the crow), are untruth: he should not look at these, lest he should mingle excellence and sin, light and darkness, truth and untruth.” – Satapatha Brahmana 14:1:1:31.
      And here is the proof, recently a beautiful HINDU in india is married to a dog , here is the link he-husband-s-real-hound-Girl-18-marries-stray-dog-bizarre-Indian-tribal-ritual-designed-ward-evil-spirit.html


  • July 13, 2014 7:22 am

    Idot Mac,

    The following is the proof from evil book, Koran. Being a Mutta product, you will definitely justify it.

    Quran 4.24

    YUSUFALI: “ (prohibited are) women already married, except those whom your right hands possess: Thus hath Allah ordained (Prohibitions) against you: Except for these, all others are lawful, provided ye seek (them in marriage) with gifts from your property,- desiring chastity, not lust, seeing that ye derive benefit from them, give them their dowers (at least) as prescribed; but if, after a dower is prescribed, agree Mutually (to vary it), there is no blame on you, and Allah is All-knowing, All-wise.”

    PICKTHAL: “And all married women (are forbidden unto you) save those (captives) whom your right hands possess. It is a decree of Allah for you. Lawful unto you are all beyond those mentioned, so that ye seek them with your wealth in honest wedlock, not debauchery. And those of whom ye seek content (by marrying them), give unto them their portions as a duty. And there is no sin for you in what ye do by mutual agreement after the duty (hath been done). Lo! Allah is ever Knower, Wise.”

    SHAKIR: “And all married women except those whom your right hands possess (this is) Allah’s ordinance to you, and lawful for you are (all women) besides those, provided that you seek (them) with your property, taking (them) in marriage not committing fornication. Then as to those whom you profit by, give them their dowries as appointed; and there is no blame on you about what you mutually agree after what is appointed; surely Allah is Knowing, Wise.”

    You can’t have sex with married women, unless they are slaves obtained in war (with whom you may rape or do whatever you like).
    4:3 “Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess, that will be more suitable, to prevent you from doing injustice.”

    4:25 “If any of you have not the means wherewith to wed free believing women, they may wed believing girls from among those whom your right hands possess.”

    “Whom your right hand possess” is one of the most evil diabolical set of words ever written in any text. God has written in quite clear language that a Muslim can own another human being. Read the words: “your right hand possess” truly only Allah (the AntiGod) could conceive of such a wording. Slavery equated to – your right hand. Truly ingenious. Truly Allah. It’s impossible for any reasonable person to conceive of a God that permits slavery. A God that not only permitted slavery but allowed as a holy duty the sheer horror of unlimited raping of women. In all human history – in all human thinking – there has never been a more vile institution ever created than slavery. 120 million blacks were murdered by Islam in the slave trade – truly one of the greatest holocausts in history. Black male slaves were castrated by their Muslim overlords to ensure that they would not breed. Many died after castration.

    However, slavery in Islam applies not only to blacks but to ALL kafirs. Millions of Europeans were enslaved by Muslims. “Whom your right hand possess” is so evil as to be unspeakable. These words are not Moral Perfection but immoral imperfection. Islam is the greatest criminal ideology in history. God as a slave trader profiting on 20% of the profits earned from breeding and selling human beings. How can 1.2 billion people believe in such craziness? Unfortunately, they do and the number is growing daily.
    Sura 23 (The Believers), Verses 1-6

    23.1-6: “Successful indeed are the believers, Who are humble in their prayers, And who keep aloof from what is vain, And who are givers of poor-rate, And who guard their private parts, Except before their mates or those whom their right hands possess, for they surely are not blameable.”

    This is the Sura which gives the slave owner the right of sexual access to his female slaves. The term “guarding the private parts” is a synonym for sexual intercourse.

    The Quran not only allows slavery and sex with captured women and slave girls, it says God may even pardon those who forced their slave girls to sell their bodies.

    Quran 24.33: “Force not your slave-girls to whoredom that ye may seek enjoyment of the life of the world, if they would preserve their chastity. And if one force them, then (unto them), after their compulsion, lo! Allah will be Forgiving, Merciful.s said that this is not blameable if indulges with wives and slaves.”
    Sura 70 (The Ways of Ascent) verses 29-35

    70: 29-35 “And those who guard their private parts, Except in the case of their wives or those whom their right hands possess — for these surely are not to be blamed, But he who seeks to go beyond this, these it is that go beyond the limits — And those who are faithful to their trusts and their covenant And those who are upright in their testimonies, And those who keep a guard on their prayer, Those shall be in gardens, honored.”

    These verses give the right to slave owners to have sexual relation with female slaves.
    70:22-30: “Not so the worshippers, who are steadfast in prayer, who set aside a due portion of their wealth for the beggar and for the deprived, who truly believe in the Day of Reckoning and dread the punishment of their Lord (for none is secure from the punishment of their Lord); who restrain their carnal desire (save with their wives and their slave girls, for these are lawful to them: he that lusts after other than these is a transgressor…” This verse shows that Muslim men were allowed to have sex with their wives (of course) and their slave girls.

  • July 13, 2014 7:12 am

    OK Mac,

    I am quoting following verse of the Koran, how do you justify it:-

    Koran 24.20 is not the word or the teaching of God. They are the word and teaching of ALLAH (the ANTI -GOD). Allah is the ANTI GOD of pure hate – a brutal barbarian without mercy, without compassion. But of course this teaching is not from any Allah – since Allah never existed. The brutal, barbaric, barbarian – the evil mind that produced this teaching is Muhammad.


    For most of mankind – there is God – the Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Glorious Exalted Creator of the Universe, a God of All Peace, Love, Goodness and Mercy – an All Wise, All Loving God for all mankind. God as the creator of the universe – the creator of all living things – is PERFECT.As a PERFECT God – God is all pure peace and love and goodness.


    GOD has never spoken a word of hate. As the essence of pure love, as a being whose very existence is pure love God is totally incapable of hate. If God had just one hateful thought then He would no longer exist.

    GOD has never spoken one violent word. If GOD spoke just one word of violence – GOD would no longer be PERFECT and therefore no longer GOD. GOD is not a violent being. GOD is the very essence of non-violence. If God committed just one act of violence or ordered an act of violence then God would no longer be PERFECT and therefore no longer God. All words/teachings in any religious book that contain violence are not the word/teachings of GOD but the word/teachings of men.




    In order for the Koran to be the word/teachings of God – every word – every teaching must be Perfect – the Perfect words and teachings of a Perfect God. If only one word is not Perfection – if only one teaching is not PERFECTION – MORAL PERFECTION then the entire Koran is not the word/teachings of God.

    Koran 24.20 is not Perfect. It is not PERFECTION. It is a hateful, violent, brutal, heartless, immoral, evil teaching of an immoral, brutal, hateful, violent, heartless, evil ANTI GOD – ALLAH.

  • July 12, 2014 8:42 am


    From this site only, I came to know that sodomy is a common practice by mullas and imams in madarsas and even Veena Malik has pointed out this evil practice on this blog and you tube too.

    • mac
      July 12, 2014 8:53 pm

      kafir, individulas practice is not what a particular religion has to deal, if you want to blame islam and muslim then you have to give proof from quran like i gave you proof from vedas

  • July 11, 2014 8:45 am


    When you were sodomized in Madrasas while learning Koranic teachings,
    did you complain against him in police? How did you stopped profused bleeding and got medically examined?

    Inspite of such a henious crime, still you believe in such a criminal ideology?

    • mac
      July 12, 2014 4:51 am

      kafir, all your allegations are false, give proof from quran where it tells about sodomy in madrasa, i have given easch and every point from your proud book vedas and you are asking questions like a kid,whoooooooooo

  • priyanka
    July 3, 2014 5:49 am

    am very happy to say u all…. i found one of my relation had hindu muslim marriage…….they are living happily….their childrens are raised as hindu’s….my relation is following hindu and his hubby as muslim……..am very happy by hearing such a story:) i will lead a happy life:)am sure:)

    • July 4, 2014 11:07 am

      Perfect, go meet them and learn all how it works.
      Also go meet your potential father-in-law and we are confident he will be open minded. They will never raise any voice for the conversion business and will allow your children to follow Hinduism, if that is your wishes. Let us know how it goes, you are a trend setter.

  • July 2, 2014 6:41 am


    You are being repeatedly warned by different muslim girls about the conspiracy of muslim guy.

    You gradually disassociate yourself from him and ask him to wait for atleast another 3 years for marriage. Dont allow him sexual favour under any circumstances.

    After marriage with him your clitoris will be removed as part of FMG an islamic evil practices, you will be forced to eat beef, if he brings another wife, you cannot object him, any disobey of instruction will lead to domestic violence and in that case where will you go? You cannot divorce him, nor you will be allowed to go back to your religion, otherwise you will be stonned to death, as per Koran instructions.

    So be careful.

    • mac
      July 2, 2014 8:06 am

      Hey kafir, what is FMG, i have sisters and mothers , never heard so, priyanka you ask any islamic scholar or you BF about FMG , and guess what he will react like a mad man coz he never heard that

      • priyanka
        July 2, 2014 9:08 pm

        okay mac i will……..

        • vedic hindu
          July 4, 2014 7:10 pm

          It os FGM Female Genital Mutilation. Mandatory under islam according to many islamic scholars. Google FGM. Ask him if he wants you to suffer FGM beforehand. Modern muslims don’t want full FGM, but do a symbolic nip at the clitoris. It is female circumcision. There are typen1 type2 etc. Do your own research.

          • mac
            July 4, 2014 10:56 pm

            ha ha ha you know nothing about islam and commenting on islamic law, FMG is a cultural practice and those muslim countries where it is preacised are cultural, can you site from quran where it says for FMG, anything which is not written in qi`ran is anti-islamic whatever the religious scholors say, they may say it to support their culture just like indian muslim leaders don`t give fatwa against dawry which is an EVIL hindu practice and as they were hindu earlier so they don`t spare a single words against dowry

    • priyanka
      July 2, 2014 9:07 pm

      he will not force me to eat beef..he use to eat beef before but once he asked whether u will eat beef while we are friends he asked this question i said no..we worship it as god..from that moment he stopped eating beef for my sake..i make sure about this even with his friends..and you said he will marry 4 wives..no way though he got more proposals from his muslims gals nd his classmates bt he doesnt care about that..and he even said if ur parents didnt accept our love nd in any case if u married with somebody else , i dont want to give dialofues i wont marry anybody other than u…i will marry but i will marry either widow r orphan gal..so am damn sure he will not marry 4 r 5 r 6 wives…and do u know one thing jz as a talk he already said to his mother ” i will marry hindu gal alone please dont expect i will marry a muslim” she is a jovial person “she said if u have such kind of thoughts please tell me before,atleast i will make my mind to fit fo it” ..he is different…from everybody………

    • priyanka
      July 2, 2014 9:13 pm

      and more thing u said dont allow him for sexual favour? we have got a chance to be alonee and together for 5 days for some training at chennai…but he have NOT BEHAVED WRONGLY even for 1%…so please dont guess every boys will be in such a manner……..he is against eloping..his wish is to get married by both of our parents acceptance..

  • Chand Osmani
    July 1, 2014 5:35 am

    Dear Priyanka,

    I am on this blog for the last more than 2 years and married with a Hindu guy, living blissfully.

    I am afraid that you have been trapped and almost you are on the verge of spoiling your career. Right now, your every apprehension and doubts shall be cleared very promisingly, but after marriage, you will repent looking various problems being created in the name of islamic.

    In Islam, it is nothing wrong to trap non muslim girls, even on false promises and ditching . Koran is an evil book with hatred, violence, criminal ideology, sexual torture and males allowed to keep 4 wives, at a time, give them talak orally, and bring another 4 wives.

    Be careful, dont spoil your future,you are innocent, you dont understand tricks of Love jihad to multiply muslim population through non muslim girls.


    • priyanka
      July 2, 2014 4:54 am

      bt i love him soooooooooooooooooo much….really i cant think my life with somebody else….please say me what i should ask with him?? what are the agreements he should say okay???? he is such a wonderful man….

      • July 2, 2014 7:13 am

        We are hopeful for your relationship, as far as he is not a con-artist and has guts to talk to his parents.

        Any agreement with the guy has zero value if he has no guts to talk against his parents wishes. So go meet his parents first. See if the guy is roaring like a lion or byeeee byeeee like a goat in front of his father.

        If you are looking for a big list of things to make sure… here is a check list.

        • priyanka
          July 2, 2014 9:47 pm

          admin….he has just now completed his studies…he is yt to go for a job within some months…and i also completed my studies only by this year..in this case if he went nd talk to his parents…though we both are in same town surely problem will arise in both families…as soon as the problem arise…surely my parents will make searching a partner for me…in that case we cannot do anything…thats why we planned to get a job first and then we can say about our love too parents…if we say now..both side they will say “you are not financially stable”..ans even they will not hear our words..but if we both came to high status then they may consider about our talk..so thats what we are waiting……

    • mac
      July 2, 2014 8:08 am

      Chand osmani, lier, why you alwyas lie under fake muslim name, if you are true then give your facebook id

  • mac
    July 1, 2014 1:15 am

    Sister Priyanka, read this comment from admin “Read every line that mac wrote on this web site and get educated about Islam. One day are you ready to raise such children (little macs)? “What will be the religion of your children and what you will be teaching them” is the most important question you should keep in mind.”

    admin don`t want to raise your child as like me, do you want your children calling others as “madarchod”, “rape product”, ” ass hole” etc etc , if now then raise your children as muslim other wise your hindus comments are like this, read this comment from raisha sing, a lier in the fake muslim name, just read what she/he said to a girl(nilanjana)

    Raesa Sing says:
    June 20, 2014 at 11:42 pm

    @Nilanjana: Your are the biggest asshole in this Universe. You r going to become Christian…….Do you know Christians are the biggest bastards and Terrorists like Muslims ? Asshole and Dumb lady like you must get rid off Hinduism, Hinduism does not need you.

    Raesa Sing ( Raesea Khan,Formerly an Muslim, Now a Hindu upon Marriage )

    here is that link, https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=8074

  • Raesa Sing
    June 30, 2014 12:25 pm

    @Priyanla: The real Play Will Begin after marriage, You are already trapped in “Love Jihad”……, You have no idea ABOUT ISLAM and Muslims’s Hypocrisy. There is almost no chance to Survive.But, Still, 1% Chance to Leave ISLAM and Your Muslim Boyfriend, I was also an Muslim, Now a Proud Hindu. Choice is Yours.

    Raesa Singh ( Formerly Known as Raesa Khan).

    • priyanka
      June 30, 2014 9:18 pm

      i will have a enough talk with his parents and then i will go ahead of our marriage….then there will be no chance of any problems right??????

      • June 30, 2014 10:12 pm

        This sounds like a good plan. Get back to us with what his parents say, thanks.

        • June 30, 2014 10:15 pm

          It is Ramadan time so be sensitive to their holiday. Rome was not built in a day, give a few more days to think through.

          • priyanka
            June 30, 2014 11:47 pm

            ya he s n fasting………hmmmmmm thank you for all your advice……am still sure my life will be totally different comparing to other hinndu muslim marriages..

      • vedic hindu
        July 4, 2014 7:20 pm

        Ask if he is ready to give up his religion for you and for love. If he makes solemn promise, then he may not be doing love jihad.

        Make sure you have a job and financially independent. So if things suddenly turn ugly after you are married, divorce is easy and honorable. Love jihad is a reality, sadly. So beware.

  • June 29, 2014 8:23 am

    We are confused. This Priyanka’s boy friend is a different type of Muslim than that we came across on this web site. He appears to be a perfect man for Priyanka, a proud Hindu. He is telling her that “after marriage you, me (Muslim), my mother in law, father in law can give a visit to those (Hindu religious) places”, saying she does not have to convert and even giving her a feeling that their children will be Hindus. What do you think, is he really a Muslim or just love-blinded now but later will change?

    • priyanka
      June 30, 2014 6:29 am

      k admin sure….when the time comes for our marriage i will ask all these questions to my bf family side…am 100% sure i will happily do a post…..that my bf is great am damn sure………but please give me some ideas to console my parents…what i should say them??? shall i say dont think about relations..what should i say? how i can convence thm…???????

      • June 30, 2014 7:27 am

        First your parents will say interfaith marriage are bad. On that point, the parents will have to get used to after a few months.

        The second question they will raise that the Muslim will convert you and will not let live you as a Hindu in their family. They may have heard many stories like Akansha (who visited parents only once in 9 months after marriage to a Muslim) and now parents lots their daughter. Think of pain what Akansha’s parents may be going through. We are preparing you for the second question.

        If a child say I wish to get the xyz toy, parents will ask why? Likewise, before you go to your parents, first you have to meet his parents. What is holding you from meeting his parents? You said your marriage is 3 years away, so are you prepared to stay blind for next 3 years? Are you scared of his parents?

        Meantime, do not get attached physically. This is what Abida wrote, “By nature girls are innocent and emotional, whosoever respects them (even falsely), they get trapped. There are so many anti social elements in the society who are disguised as gentlemen but internally conspirator” https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=2402

        • priyanka
          June 30, 2014 9:20 pm

          sure……. i will talk with his family….and even i get a written document and get sign from his parents…..if all these were okay..i will say this to my parents……

    • June 30, 2014 7:45 am

      Ask your bf to come to this site and talk to mac.
      E-mail him this URL https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=8118

    • mac
      June 30, 2014 8:05 am

      admin, what you said about that man according to quran he is unbeliever means kafir who is hiding truth, so he is not a true muslim

  • Abida
    June 29, 2014 7:00 am


    I know muslim guys, as they are dominated with the idea of love jihad. Once the non muslim girl is trapped, then their monstrous face appears starting restrictions, imposing evils of islam. Before marriage he will be submissive but once married under the pretext of honour of parents or islamic practices he will change colours and bad days for girl starts.

    • priyanka
      June 30, 2014 6:30 am

      abida thanks for ur post…..but he is totally different in all the things…..that makes me to fell in love with him….wait for some more years….i will give a post happily ” am still hindu even though i married a muslim.and am spending my life happily…”

      • mac
        June 30, 2014 8:17 am

        Sister priyanka, you are lieing, you are not a true hindu, you are a modern indian girl who believe in humanity, lets see how

        1. In the Vedas:”Lord Indra himself has said, ‘The mind of woman cannot be disciplined; she has very little intelligence.’ — Rig Veda 8:33:17.

        now you don`t believe that women has very very little intelligence compared to man, islam says men and women are equal bt only difference is thier physical difference where as you hindu god is saying that you r dump compared to men, so if you are a educated moderate girl then you will surely not believe in what Lord Indra is saying, so you clearly don`t believe in hindu god, so you are not hindu.

        there are thousands of such examples, for shortage of time i hav given only one, if you want more than i m ready to provide

        Thousands of hindu educated girls are now accepting ISLAM secrectly and what you are doing, trigger your mind, ask yourself, what LORD INDRA is saying, are you much much less intelligent than men, ask this question to yourself, was all boys in your class were more intelligent than you even the last bencher, NO isn`t it, so think, use your educated brain

        • June 30, 2014 9:14 pm


          After marriage, all your Muslim relatives (including now your husband) will constantly bombard you that only Islam is a true religion and rest are all fake. How far will you fight? Nusrat submitted unwillingly after marriage, you also get ready for that day!

          Read on Google for life today of Muslim women verses Hindu women and reply to mac. This post will prepare you well for your Muslim life.

          • mac
            July 1, 2014 1:06 am

            admin, google is not a reliable source, there are 1.6 billion muslims around the world and it doesn`t cover them, there are websites who are spreading lies, even workers of their site(anti-islamic)site are now accepting islam and they are saying that they used to lie about islam and put biased information on their site

        • priyanka
          June 30, 2014 9:23 pm

          i will make sure everything with him and his parents….after all those things if they were okay….then we will go ahead for our marriage…

        • vedic hindu
          July 4, 2014 7:36 pm

          Pryanka is hindu. And you are not ‘mac’. Hinduism is not doctrines based nor rigid. You see hindu thru islamic eyes. Most hindu don’t even belief in a creator god. jist google atheism in Hinduism, or atheism in veda. Veda narrat3s words by many muni rhishi. Many contradict another, all points of view are represented. You islamics jist quote what suits your propaganda. Manusmriti is favourite of muslims like you, while most himdu don’t care for that book at all. There are many dharma Suträ, and a hindu os free to follow what convinces her him, or follow own unique path, start a new branch.

          You have no idea of hinduism. It is totally unlike other religions especially abrahamic certainly islam.

          Only three things are must for all hindu. AHINSA, DHARMA, VEDA.

  • Gulnar
    June 28, 2014 7:55 am


    Dont spoil your career because of (i) getting trapped for multiplication of muslim population (ii) both of you are not earning hand (iii) islam is criminal religion and no respect for females(iv) would you like to lead a shameful and disgraceful life (v) are you ready for female genital mutiliation (vi) are you ready to eat Beef (vii) are you ready to wear burqa (viii) are you ready to face stonning to death in case you ever tried to go back to your parental religion?(ix) are you ready to face another 3 wives of your husband, who is allowed to keep 4 wives?

    I am a muslim girl age 32 years married to a Hindu guy about 8 years
    back, no burqa,no fear of oral tripple talak, no restriction on movements, I was just a simple graduate, but due to active support of my husband, acquired post graduation in Bussiness Management and now an HR manager in his company.

    Dont jump into the fire?

    • priyanka
      June 28, 2014 8:28 am


      My bf always use to say “if i have not proposed you,you wouldnot met any trouble in your family side..so without our parent’s permission damn sure we shouldn’t try for eloping or register marriage”.even he have came with me for hindu temples.he used to say after marriage you don’t need to follow our religion rules because though you are only daughter surely your parent’s will get hurt soo you better follow yours.he got placed in top MNC he is just waiting for call letter,so his work place would bbe at bangalore or some otheer state so he use to say “after marriage we dont want to live in our town we can go and have nuclear family so no problem will arise between us.and none of our relation will intterput us..such a understandable guy………

    • priyanka
      June 28, 2014 8:55 am

      and he cares for me….and he spend around 40k and made me to join in a top mnc….

  • June 28, 2014 7:51 am

    You are certainly smart to reach out here. Mac, our Islamic expert of this site, gave you excellent suggestions.

    Are you planning to marry by the Special Marriage Act 1954? For marriage, is he saying you do need not convert? Is he really a Muslim if he and his family don’t care for the Islamic Nikaah and willing to invite a “Hindu” in their home? This is possible but only in very RARE cases. Don’t worry about your parents but go meet his parents and tell them that you will die as a Hindu (if that is your desire), is that okay with them?

    Why we said to make sure with his parents? You have to read Akansha got converted to Nusrat after the Special Marriage Act, are you ready for it?

    Read every line that mac wrote on this web site and get educated about Islam. One day are you ready to raise such children (little macs)? “What will be the religion of your children and what you will be teaching them” is the most important question you should keep in mind.

    Ask him if his sister is in love with a Hindu, would he support it? Would the Hindu bf have to convert to Islam? We will wait to hear from you on his answer. Thanks.

    • priyanka
      June 28, 2014 8:34 am

      he said we both dont want to convert..we can be as such but we can make a reg marriage…My bf always use to say “if i have not proposed you,you wouldnot met any trouble in your family side..so without our parent’s permission damn sure we shouldn’t try for eloping or register marriage”.even he have came with me for hindu temples.he used to say after marriage you don’t need to follow our religion rules because though you are only daughter surely your parent’s will get hurt soo you better follow yours.he got placed in top MNC he is just waiting for call letter,so his work place would bbe at bangalore or some otheer state so he use to say “after marriage we dont want to live in our town we can go and have nuclear family so no problem will arise between us.and none of our relation will intterput us..such a understandable guy……… the only question i have to ask him is what religion our childrens should follow…..because he got a younger sister her chilrens will follow muslim rules and my father and mother in law would me happy with their grand sons and daughter’s but am only child for my parents so they could see grandchildrens only through me so i wish my childrens shoould follow hindu..i will make sure this with him.

    • priyanka
      June 28, 2014 8:57 am

      he spends me 40000 to make me to join at company…..and by next month i will get calll leter…within 2 years we surely able to manage financially/..

      • June 28, 2014 10:19 pm

        We understand if your parents may be poor and cannot effort 40,000 to support you, however it is not a good idea to mix religion and money.

        Have a self pride and learn to live life with dignity. Tell him that you will repay all these with interest. Further, you are never going to be bought by money, even with crores of rupees you will not convert.

        • priyanka
          June 29, 2014 2:28 am

          hmmmm…..no u understood wrongly…he made this arrangements during last year…because he dont want me to sit quiet at my home…if i am being like that they would search a partner for me….until his sister marriage he cannot talk our topic to his parents so until that i should be safe so he made this arrangements…i have told him many times i will return yu the money after i went to job but he use to say ” u r my wife,i should spend for yu..its my responsiblity to keep you safe and happy,after marriage i have to take care of you…so from now i am ready for that,please dont think like this” he is a such a good and kind…..so at any cost i can leave him….am not even afraid about my bf for 1%…my problem is only my parents i should console them…please help me for that…………

        • priyanka
          June 29, 2014 2:42 am

          my bother love our hindu religion so much…..i use to say him ur mother in law often giving a visit to religious tourist pace for various temples from various district and state..he will also say ” after marriage you,me,my mother in law ,father in law can give a visit to those places during vacation ” so surely he will not cause me any problem regarding conversion…..only problem is how i could prove my parents he is a lovely and wonderful boy…? please give me answer for that..

          • June 29, 2014 7:59 am

            This Muslim is a 100.00% perfect man for you. All husbands should be like him. However a skeptic would say only con-artists can be so perfect.

            Sorry to raise doubts again and again, but we wish you not to be fooled. First make it clear from his parents that they are accepting you to raise Hindu children in a Muslim home. You go personally talk to them one to one, don’t count on what he tells you about them. We have seen many cases where the Muslim boy will tell all these wonderful stories in colleges but in the end will tell you that “my dad is strict and now convert”. Read Akansha as the best example. After we clearly know what his parents are up to, we will guide you for how to handle your parents.

          • Duniya
            November 23, 2023 12:09 am

            Hi Priyanka? Its been 9 nine years. I was just wondering what is up with you? I hope you are doing well. I came across this thread since I find myself in a similar situation. Would be great if you could tell me whats up with you

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