nur says: April 16, 2014 at 6:51 am
Hi Human-O
I have a similar problem as well from what I read from your post. I really need guide and info about my situation now.
im muslim malaysian and fall in love with hindu guy malaysian as well, we already in relationship for 2 years plus, both of us want to marry without conversion, finally we have decide to registred our marriage in singapore, we are in process on that. But since we are still malaysian both of us will have issue when have kids. Because our marriage will not accepted in malaysia when we want to register for a child certificate.
Now im planning once I married in singapore and if I will go to India and convert at Arya Samaj which they do conversion in legal way and will provide the conversion cert, would malaysia will accept my conversion?
seriously I need help. -Nur
Human Original says: April 16, 2014 at 11:45 pm
Hi Nur,
Thanks for reaching out to us here. I can understand how much pain and stress you both must be going through right now because of religion issues.
– Since you both are Malaysians, you civil marriage will not be recognized in Malaysia at all.
– Conversion from Islam to another religion in Malaysia is very difficult as you have to face tough laws and punishments from Syria Law. I have done my research on this before, but through some sources and articles i got to know that they can even put the person behind the bars those who appeal for conversion.
– Your overseas conversion will not be valid in Malaysia and you have to appeal to Mehkama Syaria in Malaysia (Which is a risky and tough process). (Overseas muslim marriage itself is not recognized in Malaysia, as it has to be re-registered in Malaysia). The punishment for the same may be equally tough and serious.
Your situation is very very tricky here. One solution which i can think of that if one of you obtain citizenship of another country. Like Singapore, Australia, Indonesia or any other. But in that case itself you can’t make your kids Malaysian, as your status in Malaysia will always be Single, unless you both of you give up your citizenship.
Let me do my research on this and i will try to come up with more suggestions.
Till then, both of you, pls keep strong faith on your love and commitments. You will see the whole world against you, so both of you be strong! Very strong! -Human-O
Also read: Malaysian laws, Interfaith marriage in Malaysia, Indian marriage laws, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Shasha, Intolerants, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it? Zakir Naik, Can Allah be the Father God? Hindu-Christian Married Life in America, Christian-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Jew marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Inter-race-Inter-faith marriages, Jew-Muslim marriages, Christian-Muslim marriages, Who is God?, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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Hello Admin ,
I’m a Malaysian Malay girl and my boyfriend is an Malaysian Indian guy . Can he marry me without converting ? Not in Malaysia definetly , in Singapore , Indonesia or India maybe ? I’ve never practice any Islam traditions , and I’m more to Hinduism . Hence , I doesn’t want him to convert either . Right now , we are having trouble of convincing his parents , since I’m a Malay . My parents approve us but on the same time , they told me to settle down in other country . That is the only way if we are planning to get marry without him converting . What are the things do I need to know and be aware of If i’m going to settle down in singapore ? And how do I get marry in Singapore without him converting? And is it possible for me convert into Hindu and remove binti in my nric ?
Hi admin
i am hindu converted to muslim at the time i am minor
Now i am major can i recovert to hindu
what is the procedure in malaysia
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Dear admin,can you please guide me on this?
what is the procedure if we want to get married and settled in Malaysia?
do i have to submit documents for conversion?my boyfriend is malay muslim.
what is the documents necessary for marriage and settlement?
We changed your name for privacy, we hope that is okay with you.
Yes, you have to submit document for conversion. Are you 100% sure for the conversion? Are you sure you and your 1000 generations will be Muslim only and be happy? It is almost impossible to convert back even after the talaak. Just make your know Sharia practices…
Hi admin.
im muslim malaysian and fall in love with hindu guy indian. We already in relationship for 4 years plus, both of us want to marry without conversion. As our plan we want to do register marriage in India. Can I know what are the procedures and documents required from my side to get marry in India?
Hi admin, I’m a Muslim girl and I’m in love with Hindu guy from India. So now we plan to get married at India.we plan to settle at India after our marriage. So what I have to do? Am I have to renew my visa continuously?
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Im a Malaysian indian girl and I love with muslim guy (he also a Malaysian)(actually he born as hindu and on year 2002 he converted to muslim because of his previous girl friend is muslim) is it possible he convert back to hindu? Please advise
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im a malaysian muslim girl and love with hindu guy he also a malaysian…is it possible im convert to hindu ?
We recommend people not to change religion just for marriage. What is the issue you see in Islam? Do you see any value being a Hindu verses current being a Muslim? What do you know about Hinduism?
Unfortunately you are a Muslim and in a Muslim majority nation, thus you do not have freedom of what you want to do. Muhammad said: “Whoever changes his Islamic religion, then kill him.” (Bukhari 9.84.57) All other faith people have freedom to choose/change religion of their choice, except Muslims (unless you live in the West). This is unfortunate.
is it have any other way to marry without change religion ?
the reason he don’t want to change religion,he is only son for his mother so he worried that after anything happen to his mother he cannot do anything…
You both should watch this video, let us know what do you think of this man-made laws?
So is it means no need to convert ?
but in malaysia must convert 1st then only can get married..
Yes, this is true “in malaysia must convert 1st then only can get married” but the video shows there is more to it. If ever the non-Muslim decides to leave, punishment is death (or something horrible).
Hi Admin,
I’m Malaysian Muslim girl, and currently having a bf a Hindu from India.
We are planning to register our marriage under Special Marriage Act in India to legalize our marriage. I will be going to India by next month to file the 30 days notice, and the marriage shall be done on April. Then we will apply to convert my tourist visa to x visa.
I’m currently have a doubt regarding this matter:
1. My passport will be expired on Jun 2018, I wonder whether will be able to renew my passport in India, whether they will be any issue?
I hope this can have, because it took almost quite some times for my parents to agree, and now they finally does
Waiting for the reply.
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Why don’t you renew your passport now, one don’t have to wait till it expires!
Did his Hindu parents agreed to accept you (a Muslim)? Have you heard from them (not your bf)?
Are you ever planning to come back to Malaysia to settle?
Hi Admin,
yes, I met them personally on May 2015, and his family did come to Malaysia on October 2015 to meet my parents
If i renew now, i will be compounded up to MYR300 :p . We are planning to settle in India, but first i need to convert my tourist visa to x visa.
My concern is the passport renewal.
Thats why.
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i hav same problem . im hindu live in india nd hav muslim gf in Malaysia. last 2 year we are in relationship. nd we want married without ne Malaysian law problem. we know dat much hard in Malaysia if we married there .. she wnt 1st m convert in muslim in india thn i come there in Malaysia nd we married thn front of her family who’s know abt our relationship nd her family hav no any problem .. but law?? whn we married there thn we back india nd thn again here we married nd register dat .. she hav one kid .. i want to know if we register our married in india thn what happen or problem she got or her kid whn in future she want visit Malaysia for meet our family .. plz know me
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aree yarr ye line kaise fix karte ho wo be dhur dhur tak, kaha india or kaha Malaysia, muje be bedeshi ladki patane ki tips do na
Amit, can you help mac?
I’m a muslim girl and i love a hindu boy, we want to marry, but in malaysia i cannot convert to hindu, but i want to marry like hindu culture. In singapore i can marry at there aah? how if me give birth at singapore? any problem with my children. Please help me
Reply at
Well Hindu culture also consists of rape without punishment, dowry, sathi, female infenticide,caste discrimination. Hindu culture LOL
Dear Mac,
Its not religion, its actual the person who does that.
Its nothing to do with a religion.
Dear Nur,
The best option is for you guys to settle in another country as “Human original” mentioned earlier.
It would be so hard for you, if you guys stay in Malaysia.
Stay together trust your love and God, and do not lose hope.
Don’t worry about hell and heaven. You never know what’s going to happen after you died.
Just be a good person,respect others and do good deeds.
God bless you .
Hello nur. Can I know your status now please??
Dear Admn.
I am from Rampur, India. Our islamic community is very cruel,
harsh against women. Males are allowed to do any thing in the
name of islam, but women are deprived of even natural justice.
Hi every one,
I am a muslim woman 29 years,divorced about 5 years back, no kids, exhusband married his own cousin sister.
Working in packaging company for 5 years and in love with my hindu boss who is almost my age. He knows every thing about me and wants to marry me without conversion. I also like him but not able to take initiative boldly because of community fear.My relatives want me to marry a widower of 6 kids, age 55 years in our community.
Seeking advice from learned readers.
Which country are you from?
Dear Bilkesh,
I totally understand your situation, even if somehow you guys get married, you won’t be able to sleep properly at night, there always be someone out there who objects that , and would like to harm you.
But listen, its your life, so it should be your rules, you are not obliged to follow any one’s rules, if you guys in love, its better to move some where else , or another country.
You are still young & beautiful , imagine 10 years from now, if you marry to that widower of 6 kids, age 55 , what would happen.
You should marry the person you love, not the person your family pressurised you.
And if you guys have a kids, make sure they follow God not the religion, and do righteous things.
@Nur: Sister, What happened ? What is your present Status ?
Hi raesa sing
Im currently prepare all the document for applying OCI. In order for me to stay in india for a few years and get citizenship and come back here.
We hold first for register our marriage in Singapore because waiting to get this OCI approved. So that after married easy for us.
Please pray for me and my partner.
Thank You so much
Even though you get the PR of any country right now, your child will have only option of Malaysian Citizenship as single mother.
Since you both are Malaysians, to make it work, i think one of you have to give up the citizenship before the delivery of the baby.
Pls keep us posted with information from your end.
so it mean if got pr in any other country I have to remove my malaysian citizen, so consider im not malaysian anymore?
would be any issue in future if im still staying here
please advice me what the best I can do for me and my partner and for our future family.
I never thought malaysia dnt allow people to live with the person their love by putting the relegion barrier..
I feel sad why I have born in this such country.
Hi Nur,
Don’t be sad. Be strong and keep yourself positive to make it work! If there is a will, there is a way too!
Once you get the PR of any country, that does not means that you have to give up Malaysian Citizenship. But that also does not mean that you can give the citizenship of that country to your child. Since your marriage is not recognized in Malaysia, Are you ok with registering your child under single mother?
no If possible I dont want to register the baby under single mother, thats why im finding way right now how to do about it.
I know Nur. That’s heart wrenching thing to do to your child.
Since in your case, both of you are Malaysian,,,the only way out is to change you/your bf citizenship (passport) to another country.
today i went to malaysia india embassy, feel sad they said i cant apply for OCI due to malaysia not allowed dual citizenship, they ask to apply the PIO, hope i can get at least the PIO.
I have question here, if have obtain the PIO , if im stay india and give birth , can i register the baby there without any religion issue?
And what would happend if i come back here do i still need to register the baby?
Hi Nur, Like i mentioned before, PIO is valid for 15 years (easily renewable to another 15 years) but you have to make a visit out of India every 6 months. But you can get exemption if you to authority and make some excuse like job, health, etc.
To give birth in India and get your child Indian Citizenship, one of you need to acquire the Indian Citizenship. So you need to wait for family planning unless one of you get Indian Citizenship.
When both parents are Malaysian, Indian Govt will not give Indian passport to your child & Since your marriage is not recognized in Malaysia, the embassy of Malaysia will not issue your child Malaysian passport. So your child may be stateless. So pls be careful before taking steps.
One of you must have to give up Malaysian Citizenship (passport) and get Indian Citizenship and you need to be ready to give your child Indian Citizenship.
Pls let me know your thoughts.
currently im applying pio, it has been delay, due to no relative or friends add to put as refrence in pio form applction. so now im looking if I can get any frnd stay in india.
in case if anyone can be refrence for me can drop me an email, really apperciate.
thank you for all support.
No. You can’t have passport/citizenship of India & Malaysia both.
PIO/OCI doesn’t mean that you are citizen of India. However if you get OCI, and you stay in India for more than 1 year, you can apply for Indian Citizenship. (which means you have to give up Malaysian Passport).
Dear Nur,
I don’t understand, why don’t one of you give up your Malaysian citizship, it would be so much easy for you guys.
If you have a kid, she/he would have choice to be Malaysian or indian citizship.
Dear Nur, : Hello, Sister, My name is Reasa Sing, I was also an Muslim, Got married with Hindu boy and Converted to Hinduism. I am living in Delhi very Peacefully with my Husband., You can Convert yourself in Hinduism at any Arya Samaj Temple or any Local Hindu Temple after Marriage.
thank you for ur reply
feel happy both of you married and live togther there, may god bless both of you.
yes I was thinking to convert in india at arya samaj and get permenant residence there but seem like challange to get job there and permenant residence.
@Dear Nur: What is your present status? I mean to say, What r you thinking now? wanna Get married in Singapore or in India ?
dear Raesa Sing,
im now planning to get married in singpore but as a foreigner.
after married both of us have to come back malaysia, because we are still wroking in malaysia. now currently im applying a job in singpore but seem very hard, I dnt know how to move out from malaysia in other country if cant get any work in other country in term of financial must be very difficult.
Dear Nur,
No you don’t need to convert , this is wrong.
Religion should never come in between love.
Just be a muslim,christian, jew , or whatever.
India Govt won’t objects the people married to each other from different faiths or background.
But you can settle peacefully in India, after registered your marriage.
Hi Nur,
Thanks for reaching out to us here. I can understand how much pain and stress you both must be going through right now because of religion issues.
– Since you both are Malaysians, you civil marriage will not be recognized in Malaysia at all.
– Conversion from Islam to another religion in Malaysia is very difficult as you have to face tough laws and punishments from Syria Law. I have done my research on this before, but through some sources and articles i got to know that they can even put the person behind the bars those who appeal for conversion.
– Your overseas conversion will not be valid in Malaysia and you have to appeal to Mehkama Syaria in Malaysia (Which is a risky and tough process). (Overseas muslim marriage itself is not recognized in Malaysia, as it has to be re-registered in Malaysia). The punishment for the same may be equally tough and serious.
Your situation is very very tricky here. One solution which i can think of that if one of you obtain citizenship of another country. Like Singapore, Australia, Indonesia or any other. But in that case itself you can’t make your kids Malaysian, as your status in Malaysia will always be Single, unless you both of you give up your citizenship.
Let me do my research on this and i will try to come up with more suggestions.
Till then, both of you, pls keep strong faith on your love and commitments. You will see the whole world against you, so both of you be strong! Very strong!
Thanks Human-O for your contributions. This is very valuable information to others.
These are certainly barbaric laws.
Can you write a full article summarizing all laws relating to Hindu-Muslim marriage in Malaysia … and we will publish it here. Do you homework and literature search for it. Write is something like this one …
We hope to hear from you often.
thank you so much for the reply,
So in that case I think no point to convert in other country and come back. True and I agreed the only way is to obtain citizenship of another country.
I now while im waiting my process to get married in singopre by rom civil marriage, I was applying a job, but feel very sad, I have applied a job everyday since for almost 3 month, dnt have any feedback, because nowdays seem very hard for foriegner to get job in singapore. I Cant sustain without working there to until I get PR.
I dnt know when I can get the job and when I can be permenant residences there.
At same time I was planning to apply permenant residence in india too by using my parents india citizenship. Actually im indian muslim family means my race are indian muslim but my religion is islam. My both parents are born in India and have migrate here 25 yrs ago and now my parents already become a malaysian citizenship. I hope I can apply under parents citizenship.
please pray for me and my partner to settle all this soon.
and I hope god bless us..
You are certainly going through lots of pain and difficulty, we wish you the best.
This is too sad that the Malaysian government is imposing faith on individuals. Certainly their objective is to expand Islam, even against your wishes.
If your parents are no more Indian citizens, probably you cannot apply for an Indian residency based on parents. Is your bf an Indian or Malaysian? If he is an Indian passport holder, after marriage, he could apply for your residency there.
We hope you have thought through all other issues too. Are his parents accepting you? Are your parents aware of your love relationship and planned marriage? What does Islam means to you? Why you wish to convert to Hinduism? Is it because you don’t like Islam, you like Hinduism or you have not thought much but doing it just because of your boyfriend? Do not take any decision out of emotions but think through it.
Hi Nur,
I can see a ray of hope here.
Since you have your roots from India, you can easily get the PIO Card(Person of Indian Origin)or OCI (Overseas Citizen of India).
PIO is valid for 15 years (easily renewable to another 15 years) but you have to make a visit out of India every 6 months. But you can get exemption if you to authority and make some excuse like job, health, etc.
OCI is valid for life long and it is as good as citizenship of India (except voting power). In your case if you easily get the OCI Card.
If your bf is also having Indian roots (parents / grand parents / grand grand parents), he can also get the PIO or OCI.
My advise is that to go to Indian embassy in Malaysia and find out about the documentation and process. It takes just 4-6 weeks to get the PIO/OCI.
To get a job or PR is very difficult these days. Moving to India would be a better option. Malaysia or Singapore is not the end of the world. After all happiness is to be with your love, whatever the place.
Hi Human O
Thanks for your advice, i was thining the same will try to check the PIO Card(Person of Indian Origin)or OCI (Overseas Citizen of India process.
if god bless I manage to get this PIO/OCI i can stay here (Malaysia) without having a problem to register if have a baby in future?
Hi Nur,
The baby has to follow citizenship of either of the parents. Since you both are Malaysian, You will be stuck in a very difficult situation.
– Either of you have to give up Malaysian Citizenship before the delivery of the child and get the child citizenship of another country. (both of your status in Malaysia will be still single).
– In case you really want the child to be Malaysian, you have to register child as single mother and father name will not be recognized. Also the child’s identify in birth certificate and all the documents will be labeled as “bin/binti abdullah” (Which you know what i mean. It’s a tag which Malaysian law impose to innocent child name, which recognize his/her in society as illegitimate child.).
It’s an insane and barbaric laws of Malaysia.
If you deliver the baby in India/Overseas, you can register child name normally but again as single mother.
OIC/PIO card does not consider im india citizenship?
I thought if got OIC/PIO I can register my child in future with my husband name, because consider im india citizenship as well..
I have check about the OIC/PIO card if got PIO I have to stay 5 yrs for me to get pr.
feel sad a bit, because my bf cant leave his parents alone, they are very old, some more my bf age 33 years old..thats y im finding the short way to get any oversea pr at least in 2 years.
I hope will manage to settle, im not going to give up and follow this country rules.
Dear Nur,
We admire your thinking that you do not wish religious conversions and respect all faiths. For a Hindu marriage, you do not have to convert. However, if you wish to convert to Hinduism, some local temple in Singapore should be able to help and give a certificate. However, Malaysian government will (most probably) not accept your interfaith marriage. Check what both Hindus from India do when they get married in Malaysia, probably they will have to register their children with Indian Embassy. We are not sure but check with Indian Embassy in Malaysia for laws.
This is just too sad that government meddle in youth’s love and prevent them from freedom of choice. If possible, after marriage, move out of country for a few years.
Are you not worrying about apostasy for converting out of Islam in an Islamic nation? We thought penalty according to Sharia is stoned to death!
Human-O will be the best person to guide you, and hope he will be back soon. Good luck!