Muslim: I wont wish to convert him (Hindu) to Islam

Miss khan says: March 22, 2014 at 7:58 pm

I am a muslim girl.i come from very religious in love with a hindu boy from last 4 years..i left my city to be in his city..his parents are ready to accept me.but of course my muslim family are creating problems..i have analysed both religion, i have read quran and perform hajj but here is my conclusion…muslim people are most barbaric and don’t have heart..for them converting to islam is more seems as if so called allah have not created non muslims ..thr is so much of hatredness towards non muslims..are they not creation of god 2..

i am forced to convert him to islam.. it disgust me. i am not on any mission to spread this horrible religion. i am in love with this sweet loving human .i want to spend entire life with him and his family and loving culture .

Its funny that according to islam my marriage would be fake bt I spit on such stupidity..nbdy from 1400 yrs old era is going to dictate me what I want.

Earlier I used to believe that all religions are same and that all are humans at first but the fact is most of the Muslim are totally different breed..there should be different island for them and they should not spread their sick thoughts… evidence: no muslim wil support hindu muslim marriage without converting to islam, its not their fault, right from childhood, we are taught this in quran that’s all non muslims are kafir and they all will go to hell ..v people are so badly brainwash from the day we are born that we don’t believe in anything else and are not ready to accept anything else.

How can they (Muslims) not be heartless when right from small age, they are made to cut goats neck with your own hands and later distribute sweets. they grow up in 2 dangerous muslim on mission..i have decided to convert to (Hinduism) the be full peaceful religion of my guy in few months..i only pray that my husband stay safe from the dangerous animals call muslims… -Miss Khan

miss khan says: March 23, 2014 at 1:27 pm

Yes,it has not been an easy path. Wil try to cut my story short. iam indian but was brought up in saudi arabia, was nicely brainwashd like every kid, unknowingly parroted quran surahs, performd umrah hajj etc. but here is smth:@lso had a horrible chilhood whr i was mistreated indecently by my own uncles, then mowlis n even muslim neighbors. all these incidents started whn I was just 7 or 8, ppl are desperate cz they dont get to see women face (yes, few ppl wil justify why burqas are necessary bt go to saudi arabia , c fr urself d desperation in ppl, evn little boys are unsafe, true story@) .nyways chuck it

At a very young age, I strted questning, to whch I was,thanx to technology, the horrible arabic verses from quran are now understandable an accessible on Internet. Cnt b a secret. How will you blame a young innocent little child who stopped fasting in ramadan cz it seemed pointless dat my starving n dehydrated body will appeal allah. I can just go on n on…

I came to india for studies, no relatves hlpd whn i needed, I stayed in hostel, and fell in love with this job, became independent. now,have planned to stay here forever. he changed my life, pulled me from depression. I in fact found god in him .

those relatives are still in india but m not in touch with any of them ; for me its a different world now. to conclude, my children will be purely name after my husband and his family wish. they will follow religion of my husband whch basically teaches to enjoy life, love people around and be good human. I celebrate all hindu festivals and go to temple. this is out of question that my kids will have to undergo through any muslim ritual. (Btw my own elder brother was dead due to infection caused by circumcision.)

i wont wish to convert him to islam, i respect his pride and his existence so much that i wish to get coloured the same way even if i get hell at end of life..i dont want to go to heaven full of such maulanas n proud extrmist Muslims. Oh btw, to lure these mullas, quran highlights heaven where beautiful virgins are waiting with open hand. imagine we female wil witness our parents brothers with these beauties. imagine d islamic visual picture of heavn .yes, go ahead google it down. well I wil nvr stop on this topic… -Miss Khan

miss khan says: March 26, 2014 at 5:02 pm

Hi everyone,
Thnx for d response, I read every1′ and felt great..u knw if an extremist comes to this page, he would talk abt how satanic I am, or I would go to hell, or forget him n move on marry a muslim, cz allah is great!!! If allah is so great, then y is he sitting above n discriminating among humans, why cant there b love?? Why this conersion shitty business, fear from allah, rage, war, blood, fire in hell etc is this all abt it…why is it no muslim support love marriage. ….

my own parents say that they should hv killed me thn havin me born as kafir… it hurts a lot… bt how can they b so harsh… why cant they so called kafir is also a human, n maybe he wasnt blessed enuff to b born in muslim womb, yea d so called luck I had (acc to muslim, hes kafir..poor guy’ jus following his parent’ customs n why should he disobey)…..

I hv lived in burqa n follwed every islamic law ..frm last few years, m in india, n enjoy in all colorful festivals, n enjoy in sky, feelin air, goin on date n plannin a bful life ahead instead of d horrible life I alrdy spent.. -Miss Khan

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  • mac
    October 31, 2014 1:49 am

    So , miss khan, you think these things are good, that makes hinduism more peaceful, right, then you must be an anti-god person,anti-women person

    :::Women are fickle minded. Never believe them. Friendship with a women is just like friendship with a wolf. (Rig-Veda 8-33-7)

    SATHI PRATHA bcoz of sathi millions od hindu women died, who knows may be my ancestors also dies bcoz of this pratha, thanks god that islam saved indian women.
    :::A virtuous woman is one who dies on the funeral pyre of her dead husband and avails the privilege of serving her husband in the other world. (Atharva Veda 18-3-1)

    :::Women are liers, corrupt, greedy, and unvirtuous. (Manu II 1)

    :::One should not sit in a lonely place with one’s mother, sister or daughter, for the senses are powerful, and master even a learned man.” (Manu II. 215)

    Wao, brahmin men are husband of all women on the earth
    :::A Brahmin male by virtue of his birth becomes the first husband of all women in the universe. (Manu III. 14)

    :::A girl must be under the care of her father . . . in youth under the care of the husband and in old age under the care of her sons. But she should never be free and independent. (Manu V. 148)

    :::Killing of a woman, a Shudra or an atheist is not sinful. Woman is an embodiment of the worst desires, hatred, deceit, jealousy and bad character. Women should never be given freedom. (Manu IX. 17 and V. 47, 147)

    :::All women are born of sinful wombs. (Bhagavad-Gita IX 32)

    :::None of the acts of women can be taken as good and reasonable. (Manu X.4)

    • mira
      March 21, 2018 5:55 am

      Mac I have not read rigveda but I know your translation of Vedas are wrong as I know anti Hindu knows that few people know Sanskrit thus they present wrong translation and out of context translation of Veda to misguide and lure innocent Hindus.
      Many smiriti is full of contradictory statements and many Hindu heard about it from anti Hindu.
      Manu smiriti says where woman is worshipped god lives there.
      So bro a sensible man will follow this verse not the verse you wrote.

      You ever read Bhagavad Gita?
      I read it so I explain you the BG 9:32
      Bhagwan Krishna says
      O son of pratha,those who take shelter in me,though they be of lower birth,women ,vaisyas (merchants) and sudra (workers)-can attain the supreme destination.

      So what is lower birth?
      According to BG what we are in this birth it is result of our previous birth actions(karma).lower birth mean people who commit more sins in their previous birth than people of upper birth so the lower birth people suffer more than the upper birth.
      Women suffer more than men ( can you deny?)
      DepiteIf we leave gender base discrimination,women suffer more they have such physical body that they suffer mensuration period every month they have to carry baby in womb 9 months they have to undergo with labor pain ….I am a girl I know better than a boy ……
      We all are part and parcel of god and we all are sinners ( including brahman & kshtriyas ) that’s why we are in this word.
      Brahman, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas and Sudras are varna based on Quality and Work not by birth .Read Bhagavad Gita Chapter 18.
      Yes we are man woman and all are from different varna but we all can become devotee of god and can attain Moksha.

      BG 18:45,46
      By following his qualities of work everyone can become perfect. Now please hear from me how this can be done.
      By worship of lord,who is the source of all beings and who is all pervading, a person can attain perfection through performaning his own work.

      Lord Krishna have to mothers(women),friends( both men and women),brother and sister ( woman),uncle and aunty(women) and may other women relatives and yes wife(woman) and women devotees( like Mira bai..) List never end ..
      So lord Krishna loves and respect both man and women so as we devotee of Krishna.

      Sati pratha: do you ever listen after lord Rama’s father’s death his mothers burn alive?
      After Mahabharata war wife of slain Abhimanyu,Karna burn alive?
      After satyavati’s husband death she burn alive?
      After Pandu’s death Queen Kunti his wife burn alive?
      Answer: No
      Satipratha is not part of Hinduism it is evil practice latter born and many year ago dead.we Hindu are progressive and we have courage and mind to change by time .
      Change is necessary according to time for everyone and our Sanatan dharma allow change of old traditions and building the new one.
      Traditions can change dharma will always remain the same.

  • mac
    October 31, 2014 1:04 am

    Miss khan looks to me as an idiot, on one hand she will raise her children as hindu,etc,going to mandir where as gets upset with going to mosque,hajj etc, by the way, if hindus religion is so great then why brahmin,sudra division, for a idiot like you hinduism will be peaceful a religion which even indian youth are shameful of, where as islam spread all over the world and is still spreading, mashallah

  • narendra
    October 30, 2014 10:14 am

    Hi Miss Khan !
    Happy to know your Genuine Decision (To marry a Hindu guy). Don’t hear & don’t be afraid of those fundamentalist idiots. They’re good for nothing. Go Ahead. Almighty GOD is always with you.
    GOD Bless You & your Love. Be Happy 🙂

  • miss khan
    April 30, 2014 4:25 pm

    You are one typical muslim who is beyond brainwashed into believing all this rubbish…so u say I should b killed for leaving islam? Why? Why do muslims directly jump to killing? Watever hppnd to d peace! Jus this sentence that u wil b killed fr changing religion, can strike fear, in any uneducated uncvlizd human..m nt ready to b binded in a false belief just for d fear of death…fr once , I want to live my life my way,nt by sm prophet ‘rule made 1400 yrs ago going to dictate my present…allah , if hes d one god, tell me why is He still creating
    non muslims, kafirs! N wats their fault that they r born in non muslim fmly..n btw ALlah himself is d one who decided which person wil b born in watever respctv fmly..watever it is, how abt realy living a life full of love n hppinese n doing good to othrs ( instead of killng,jihad, suicide bombing..)
    Like a stupid parrot, ur repeating d few mugged up lines again n again…well,now people are becoming more advanced, can read , write n understand. …by killing or forcing islam , it only shws one little example of hw horri23ble ur dramatic religion is all abt..

    • April 30, 2014 8:27 pm

      You have raised a good question, “why is He still creating non-muslims, kafirs!” If Allah is all that powerful and don’t like any body else, then why He don’t produce only Shia (not even Sunni) Muslims only?

      • mac
        June 2, 2014 4:37 am

        admin allah said every child is borned as muslim. muslim means who believes in one god and believe Abraham,moses,hiseph,jesus,mohammad(peace be upon all of them) as messenger of god and follow their teachings.

        • mira
          March 21, 2018 6:06 am

          If everyone is born Muslim so what’s the need of circumcision(musalmani)
          So you dream of converting the world to Islam?

    • muzpasha
      May 13, 2014 2:56 am

      Miss Khan I congratulate u that u have broken the unnatural clutches of a barbaric civilization. I wish a happy life for u and ur husband.

      • May 13, 2014 7:16 am

        Hi Muzpasha,
        What is your life experience? What are issues you see in society due to religion?

  • Mohammed
    April 14, 2014 11:00 am

    Dear Miss khan,

    You have done a Rubbish thing. . .do u knw that in islam who ever change their religion from should be killed. . .There would be a 3 Reason for muslim to kill the other muslim people
    1.who ever kill as just simply. they can be killed
    2.whom had zina they can be kill with the stone
    3.who changes the religion. .

    I Damp sure that u hav not understud islam. .u dont knw what is islam. . .

    and others dont blame islam. .dont see what muslim does. .See what islam says. .
    Islam is a truth Religion. .
    and i dont blame to other religion also

    Just Remember that we hav to this world only for to worship Allah(Subhanu ta’la)and obey his words. .and i conclude that we have came from him and again we want to go back. .
    Just think about akhirath, think about Jannah,This world is to live some year. .
    Allah(subhanau ta’la) gives u a Gud think and knowledge to come back to islam. . .Aameen

    • April 14, 2014 8:38 pm

      So who will do it? will that Allah who will kill or all Muslims should do it?
      what if someone don’t like Islam any more, is there is a choice?

      • Mohammed
        April 15, 2014 1:42 am

        Dear admin,

        any muslim have the rights to kill, its nt a question about u like islam r nt. .its nt about any non-muslim who like islam or not. .
        we are taking about those who change the religion from islam to other religion. . .
        you should choose your right path. . .

        • April 15, 2014 7:19 am

          Thank you Muhammed,

          We read Koran and like it most part but did not like all those intolerant words for others and violence written into it. We learned Isvar Allah Tero Nam (Isvar and Allah are the same). Will Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa go to heaven? We are living happily on this heaven-earth, but do you think some Muslim may (should) kill us because we follow a different God? Explain it to us.

          • Mohammed
            April 15, 2014 9:56 am

            Its my pleasure to take you a right path admin,

            Allah is only one and no one relates to him. .he doesnt have any children nor he is the child of any one. . .he doesnt eat nor he doesnt sleep. . .We doesnt give any one equlity to him. . .we are the servents of him. . .
            if we split the word “Allah” and pronunce it gives the same meaning thats means Allah only ,according to the qur’an. if we cant break the word “Allah”
            how we can break him and his nature. . .
            There a big difference between Muslim and maumin
            Muslim is just belive that there is no God except Allah is and he is only one and he doesnt relates to any one and prophet Mohammed[P.B.U.H] is his messenge. .
            but mamin is that who belives Allah and who does the things what Allah says to us. . .
            If we doesnt obey his words and rules how we can success in our life. .how we doesnt face the problem. .obviously we face the problem if we doesnt obey him and his word. .
            according to Islam this world is not a heaven or hell. .this world is a temprory life and we have came to this world only to do Ibadah(means to pray). .we belives that there is another world called “Heaven”. .Heaven is our longer life. .
            iam damp sure that Islam is only the religion who has every solutions to solve the problem.( from minor to major). .no other religion is there to relates Islam. .
            Islam gives a succussful life for Us. . .
            and you have asked one more question that Muslim may(should) kill for you as u follow different Gods
            My answer is: according to Islamic rules and regulations. .we doesnt have any rights to kill any innocent non-muslim. . .

          • April 16, 2014 7:25 am

            ..and how about… Will Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa go to heaven? We know Allah knows, but what do you think it could happen?

          • Mohammed
            April 16, 2014 10:13 am

            They wont go to Jannah(heaven) as they are not belongs to Islamic religion. .
            Though non muslim do a good deeds or bad deads they wont go to heaven as they didnt belive that Allah is only one and he is generator and destroyer of this world. . .
            Allah has said in the Quran
            “This world is like heaven for kafirs and This world is like locker for the belivers”
            Allah said “If any one brings a little bit Iman,surely i will sent to the heaven”

            and by the way can u tell me admin which religion do you belong

          • April 16, 2014 7:03 pm

            OK, if Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa will get Hell Fire, then how about Osama Bin Ladin? Now are you going to say that Allah will decide for him, while decision is clear for Gandhi and Teresa?

            So, it is not important if you are good to others, only count is if you are a Muslim?

            On the Judgment Day, is Allah going to come or the Father God and Jesus? If Jesus comes, he is sure going to send all Muslim to … you know where? We are confused for who is going to come on the J-day.

          • Mohammed
            April 18, 2014 2:07 am


            surely Allah will decide for all in the Judgement day. . .
            did Allah told that if u Just Become a Muslim I will send u to Heaven. .No, He didnt tell like that. . .
            Allah has said that If u come with Imaan, surely i will give a Jannah. . .what is the reason behind that we have came in this world?? we want to do anything as we like. .no its not like that. . .Just think that. . .y we have came in this world?? question ur self what is the reason behind that we have camed here. . . .who is jesus? do u knw that?
            Jesus is also a prophet. . .he is not a God nor he is the son of the God. . .Allah is only one. . i already said that. . . .Just think and decide urself what is right and what is wrong. . .I hav suggest that this is right and this is wrong. . .u want to decide which path u want to go. .right path or wrong path. . . .

          • April 18, 2014 7:37 pm

            We have already picked a right path of humanity. We are sure Allah will send to heaven to those who are doing good deeds in this world, even those are non-Muslim like Gandhi and Teresa, and barbaric Osama bin Ladin will get Hell Fire.

      • Mohammed
        April 19, 2014 12:27 am

        I hav asked u a question admin. .which religion u belongs to???

        • April 19, 2014 7:54 am

          We belong to the religion of humanity. We believe in love and respect to all, except those who are intolerant to others. Religious books are written for us, we are not for them. Blindly following certain books is sin.

          If there is going to be a Judgment Day, is Jesus with the Father God going to come or will that be Allah? If this theory of J-Day is true, Muslims and Christians have to unite and tell us one answer.

    • miss khan
      April 30, 2014 4:38 pm

      Muhammad, ur 3 reasons to kill have opened my eyes! Realy! U cn kill cz u can simple kill…n muslims have right to kill…. can you be anymore ‘ muslim’ then this! Cabt imagine ppl like you are left open to spread ur horrible cult….zina? I blv ur talking abt adulteration or shld I say simply having bf, I shld b stoned right?! How abt stoning non married couples all over d world, cz its nt allowed ryt! Evn tho the mullahs can hv multiple wives…

      • Mohammed
        May 2, 2014 1:27 pm

        Dear miss khan,

        am nt takng here abt zina, i takng abt changng the religion,
        Islam doesnt says that oly by havng bf/gf wants to kill. .islam has never said like that. . .
        The word zina (adultery and
        fornication), in Islam, can be used
        in two different, yet related, ways.
        It can be used as a general term
        that refers to a general meaning,
        and as a legal term defining a
        criminal act that invites
        punishments and other legal
        Zina in its broad meaning
        indicates any haram (prohibited)
        act, whether the act was sexual
        intercourse or a look, talk, touch,
        or desire that is related or may
        lead to illicit sexual relations.
        Ibn ‘Abbas narrated that the
        Prophet (peace be upon him) said:
        ‘Allah has written for Adam’s son
        (mankind) his share of zina
        (adultery and fornication), which
        he commits inevitably. The zina of
        the eyes is the sight (to gaze at a
        forbidden thing), the zina of the
        tongue is the talk, and the inner-
        self wishes and desires and the
        private parts testify all this or
        These are forbidden because they
        eventually might lead to sexual
        intercourse, and they are forbidden
        as a preventive issue.
        Allah in the Nobel Qur’an said:
        Nor come near to adultery:
        for it is a shameful (deed)
        and an evil, opening the road
        (to other evils).
        Surah 17 Verse 32
        Scholars said that what makes
        some forms of gazing, talking, and
        touching forbidden acts is that
        they bring you near zina.
        Allah also said:
        Say to the believing men that
        they should lower their gaze
        and guard their modesty:
        that will make for greater
        purity for them: And God is
        well acquainted with all that
        they do.
        Surah 24 Verse 30
        Zina , as a legal term, has a more
        specific meaning because there are
        legal applications related to it.
        According to scholars, in its legal
        meaning zina is ‘the voluntary
        sexual intercourse outside of
        marriage when the male sexual
        organ is inserted inside the female
        one, regardless of the number of
        Thus, any sexual relationship,
        which fits this definition, is legally
        zina and deserves the application
        of a major legal penalty.
        Zina in its broad meaning and its
        legal meaning are both haram
        (forbidden). However, committing
        zina (the legal meaning) leads to a
        major legal penalty, whereas
        committing anything that brings
        you near to zina is considered a
        bad deed for which one is
        accountable before Allah and it
        does not qualify for any specific
        physical punishment set out in
        Islamic law.
        Zina is regarded among the major
        sins in Islam. The Prophet (peace
        be upon him) said:
        ‘There is no sin after shirk
        (polytheism) greater in the eyes of
        Allah than a drop of semen, which
        a man places in the womb which
        is not lawful for him.’
        One may ask why zina is forbidden.
        The answer is that the sharia
        (Islamic law) has objectives and
        intents. The objective of the
        Islamic law is to serve the interest
        of people (masalih al- ibad ). The
        five ultimate interests ( al-kuliyat
        al- khamsah) are the deen (belief),
        an- nafs (life), al -aql (intellect), al-
        maal (wealth), and an- nasl (family
        and lineage).
        The wisdom of preserving an -nasl
        (family and lineage) is to assure
        the recognition of the right lineage
        of people and their children, by
        which the social kinship and social
        network is kept safe and stable, as
        well as preserving society from
        sexually transmitted diseases.
        Islam has two ways to preserve
        an- nasl (family and lineage):
        1. Making marriage
        permissible and
        commanding Muslims to
        declare their marriages and
        to announce the children
        who come from the
        2. Eliminating the causes of
        corruption by prohibiting
        and punishing zina and by
        forbidding coming near to
        zina .

        Allah knows best. .

  • March 28, 2014 7:51 am

    Hi every body,

    I am 25 years working as a librarian in the IT college in India and in love with a Hindu Prof.30 years,in the same college and wish to marry him only looking miserable condition of my elder sister married in muslim family. She is facing all sorts of problems like staunch muslim family, not a single I have seen her smiling, always shedding tears. Husband working in a shop, very abusive, agressive and self appreciating person but end result nothing and family in a hand to mouth situation.

    I am determined to marry my hindu bf only to have a happy and respectfully life.

  • akshaya
    March 26, 2014 9:44 pm

    I dont think so anybody should be talking things as such about any religion. There might be things in Islam that are not right in any way but i am sure there may be good things as well(I am not a follower of Islam). And on the other hand its not a fight between hindu and muslim or between good religion and bad one. Its a fight between the whole world and your love.. And if your love is strong enough you will surely win it. I know its easy to say all this, but maybe this is the testing time for you, Allah wants to see how powerful is your love, prove it, conquer the world not with hatred but with love. Try to convince your parents as much as possible dont lose hope. All the very best.

  • March 25, 2014 3:47 am

    Miss Khan,

    Hope you must have read different comments from the learned writers on this blog. Dont believe on muslim guys.

    A practicing Muslim man raped and threatened a young Norwegian girl for several hours. Numerous rapes in Sweden over the past several years have been committed by “non-Western men,” e.g., Muslims. In fact, in the past year, all rapes in Oslo have been committed by non-Western men.

    “He said that he had the right to do exactly as he wanted to a woman. Why? Because that is how it was in his religion. Women did not have rights or opinions. He was in charge.”

    Islam teaches utter disrespect for women, who are mere possessions of savage men, to be raped whenever the beasts feel like it. At least this rapist admitted that fact of Islamic misogyny and sexism, which should be obvious to anyone with eyes to see.

    “Women are your fields: go, then, into your fields whence you please.” Quran 2:223

    “Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and forsake them in beds apart, and beat them.” Quran 4:34

    “A male shall inherit twice as much as a female.” Quran 4:11

    “Call in two male witnesses from among you, but if two men cannot be found, then one man and two women whom you judge fit to act as witnesses…” Quran 2:282

  • March 25, 2014 2:58 am

    No rights for Saudi Arabian women

    I do personally believe that Saudi Arabian women are one of the most disadvantaged groups who are deprived of even their basic rights. This made me have a study of the negatively privileged lives of women in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is a nation where constantly the rights of women are violated. Women are considered as perpetual minors in Saudi Arabia. For example, women of Saudi Arabia are never permitted to marry the men of their choice. They rather have to subdue to the wishes of their father. They are constantly under the threat of house arrest and honor killing. Women in Saudi Arabia are supposed to live under certain rules and regulations that block their freedom completely. Anyone who breaks these rules will be punished with lashings. Extreme segregation against women is prevalent in Saudi Arabia.

    Women not able to travel without male guardians in Saudi Arabia

    Women live a life of subjugation in Saudi Arabia. Under the system that prevails in Saudi, women should compulsorily have her male guardian’s permission to travel, to hold a job, to drive or to marry. The laws of segregation against women make their lives miserable. Women in Saudi Arabia never get a chance to defend themselves for all laws are against them. It is illegal for a woman in Saudi Arabia to be seen with an individual of opposite sex unless he is her blood relative. Women thus never get a chance to develop any relationship with any man. They will finally surrender to their father’s wish of marrying a man whom she may not like. Fathers coerce their daughters to enter into marriage with someone who already may have two or three wives.

    Forced marriage in Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabian law for women

    Saudi Arabian laws fail to uphold the rights of women. Women do require their father’s permission to move to any place. Most marriages are arranged in Saudi Arabia; not many people are blessed enough to choose their spouses. Dating is basically non-existent in Saudi Arabia because of the policy of separation of sexes. Polygamy up to four wives is legal in Saudi Arabia. The cursed practice of forced marriage is widely practiced in Saudi Arabia. There are thousands of helpless women in Saudi Arabia who really want to marry for love.

    Love Marriage, still a dream for Saudi Arabian women

    The notion of romantic love and marriage is still a dream for Saudi Arabian youngsters. Islamic law imposes strict segregation of women and unrelated men. A woman who was caught with an unrelated man was gang raped by a group of youngsters in 2007. The Saudi Court that is blind to the rights of the weaker sex convicted her for violating the Saudi law of segregation. They sentenced her to six months jail apart from 200 lashes. The rapists were just given light sentences. As she appealed her punishment was doubled. It would be amusing to note the comments of the Judge who later told that he regrets for not making her sentenced to death. This is Saudi Arabian law. Islamic societies that are damn strict want their women to maintain their purity, both mental purity and physical purity.

    Drinking among youngsters – a major problem in United States

    Should the drinking age be lowered? Should youngsters be allowed to drink

    No Social Network, Chat and Facebook for Saudi Arabian women

    A Saudi Arabian girl who was caught chatting with boys in Facebook was thoroughly beaten and later shot to death. All websites that encourage intersex communication and interaction are banned in Saudi Arabia. Social networking sites like orkut is no longer available to Saudi Arabians. Women are subjected to numerous restrictions where the four walls of the room become their world.

    Islamic Sharia law determining the fate of Saudi Arabian women – no basic rights for Saudi Arabian women

    Islamic Sharia law, which is interpreted in the highly conservative way blocks women from coming to the mainstream of the society. The absolute monarchy runs with Islamic Sharia law would never become flexible enough to grant basic rights to women. The ill-fated women in Saudi Arabia are obliged to wear a veil. Until 2001 they did not have rights to hold separate identity card. Now they can obtain an identity card, but only with the permission of a man who is her relative.

    Low female literacy in Saudi Arabia; no democratic rights for women

    Women never had the rights to vote or compete for public offices in Saudi Arabia; very recently only they got rights to maintain jobs. The government does not permit females to ride bicycles in Saudi Arabia. Education is separated by sex in Saudi Arabia; curriculum is different for male and female students. Women do not have permission to pursue the traditional Islamic education. Female literacy rates are still low compared to male literacy rates.

    High divorce rate and sufferings of women in Saudi Arabia

    In spite of the strict restrictions concerning marriages, nearly half of the marriages end in divorce. Lack of freedom and restrictions cannot establish peace or stability in the country. Laws make the lives of women miserable by forcing them to marry outside their choice. Absence of freedom of expression makes them submit their lives to the cruel laws of the nation. A solution to the problems of Saudi Arabian women would be interference from human rights organizations around the world and the United Nations. Other nations should persuade the Saudi Arabian government to grant equal rights to women. Only such interference can save women of Saudi Arabia. Women of Saudi Arabia cannot achieve their rights by fighting against the government. Fight will only make their lives more miserable for all laws are against them.

  • March 25, 2014 1:57 am

    Miss Khan,

    If you go back and marry in Saudi arabia, you will have no right to drive vehicle, or vote for formation of Govt. You will need a male always to move around, always in burqa, no fresh air and your husband having sexual relations with multiple wives or females and you will have no objection to raise.

    Dont return but stay in India with your Hindu husband, feel free to do job, move, drive vehicles and lead a blissful life.

  • March 24, 2014 6:59 am

    Hello Miss Khan,

    It is your good luck that you are in India and there is a good opportunity before you to shape your life and get rid of vicious islamic circle against females.

    Marry him one fine day and start a new phase of life.Never soccumb to pressure to marry in muslim family to become just a sex object and live in a insecure future always.

  • Sunil
    March 23, 2014 10:00 pm

    Muslim is a fake religion. There is no science in religion in hot of arab
    muslim girls wearing black hijab. Muslim dont know what is sun what is other planet.

    Muslim only becoming only terrorist under name of their god.

    Muslim religion teaches kill who is good. Muslim kills cow with pride because cow is good animal.

    Muslim can not do wrong with sun because it is hot. Means Muslim kill who is good.

    Muslim destroying environment.

    Muslims only passing wrong knowledge’s.

    • miss khan
      March 26, 2014 5:02 pm

      Hi everyone,
      Thnx for d response, I read every1′ and felt great..u knw if an extremist comes to this page, he would talk abt how satanic I am, or I would go to hell, or forget him n move on marry a muslim, cz allah is great!!! If allah is so great, then y is he sitting above n discriminating among humans, why cant there b love?? Why this conersion shitty business, fear from allah, rage, war, blood, fire in hell etc is this all abt it…why is it no muslim support love marriage. ….my own parents ssay that they should hv killed me thn havin me born as kafir…it hurts a lot…bt how can they b so harsh…why cant they so called kafir is also a human, n maybe he wasnt blessed enuff to b born in muslim womb, yea d so called luck I had ( acc to muslim, hes kafir..poor guy’ jus following his parent’ customs n why should he disobey)…..I hv lived in burqa n follwed every islamic law ..frm last few years, m in india, njoyin all colorful festivals, njoyin sky, feelin air , goin on date n plannin a bful life ahead instead of d horrible life I alrdy spent..

      • March 27, 2014 2:14 pm

        These man made religions have created too many problems for humans. Millions have been killed in the name of God. We are glad now more and more people becoming pluralist. We are glad that now you live a life full of freedom. We are glad now you do not have to dance at tune of religious leaders. We hope you plan to write a book on your life experiences. Wish you the best.

  • miss khan
    March 23, 2014 1:27 pm

    Yes,it has not been an easy path. Wil try to cut my story short.iam indian but was brought up in saudi arabia, was nicely brainwashd like every kid,unknowingly parroted quran surahs, performd umrah hajj etc..but here is smth:@lso had a horrible chilhood whr i was mistreated indecently by my own uncles,then mowlis n even muslim neighbours.all these incidents started whn I was just 7 or 8,ppl are desperate cz they dont get to see women face(yes, few ppl wil justify why burqas are necessary bt go to saudi arabia , c fr urself d desperation in ppl, evn little boys are unsafe, true story@) .nyways chuck it
    At a very young age, I strted questning, to whch I was,thanx to technology, the horrible arabic verses from quran are now understandable an accessible on Internet. Cnt b a secret. How will you blame a young innocent little child who stopped fasting in ramadan cz it seemed pointless dat my starving n dehydrated body will appeal allah. I can just go on n on…
    I came to india for studies, no relatves hlpd whn i needed, I stayed in hostel, and fell in love with this job, became,have planned to stay here forever.he changed my life, pulled me from depression. I infct found god in him . those relatives are still in india but m not in touch with any of them ; for me its a different world conclude, my children will be purely name after my husband and his family wish.they will follow religion of my husband whch basically teaches to enjoy life, love people around and be good human. I celebrate all hindu festivals and go to temple.this is out of question that my kids will have to undergo through any muslim ritual. (Btw my own elder brother was dead due to infection caused by circumcision.)
    i wont wish to convert him to islam, i respect his pride and his existence so much that i wish to get coloured the same way even if i get hell at end of life..i dont want to go to heaven full of such maulanas n proud extrmist Muslims. Oh btw,to lure these mullas, quran highlights heaven where beautiful virgins are waiting with open hand.imagine we female wil witness our parents brothers with these beauties.imagine d islamic visual picture of heavn .yes, go ahead google it down.well I wil nvr stop on this topic…

    • March 23, 2014 4:12 pm

      Miss Khan,
      We are sorry to hear all these. For a Muslim girl to marry outside Islam is a major decision in life. Why don’t you take one more year to make up your mind? Mean time, be financially independent. These (thought out decision, mature age and money) will give you strength for what you wish to do in life. We wish you the best in future. Keep in touch!

      • miss khan
        March 24, 2014 12:04 am

        It took a real long time to convince his parents, its a v thotful decision,took 5 yrs, I know it won’t b easy,whole life i wil have to prove my in laws that it was worth it..thankfully m financialy indepndnt now, I m already looking for bridal wear n marriage destination n duties whch generally girl’parent carry out,.

        • March 24, 2014 1:36 am

          We wish you good luck and trust you.

          We may not have understood your complete situation but still feel you set the course of path of your life right. Do only that is (close to) truth (no lies and deceptions). It will be very hard but honesty will go a long way.

  • March 23, 2014 8:22 am

    Dear Miss Khan,

    Islam is a cruel relgion and greatest threat to the mankind. If you are in the city of your lover, marry him legally,if you are matured.

    Face challenge and be happy.

    You will be relieved of burqa, tripple oral talak, domestic violence
    and restriction in the movement and doing job.

    Where there is a will, there is way.I too married with a hindu guy and working independently and enjoying life blissfully.

    with best wishes.

    • Mohammed
      April 14, 2014 11:47 am

      dont blame Religion ok. .tell that u didnt understand completely what islam is. .
      Surely,Islam is a truth and clean religion and showing a right path. . .
      and Remember that we just show u a right path, if u want to go in a wrong path then go. .u only suffer and u oly lost. .we didnt suffer and lost any thing. . . .
      If u want to go hell means . .continue. .. . .

  • March 23, 2014 4:36 am

    Dear Miss Khan,

    First, other Muslims will say that a Muslim will never say all these for Islam and Koran. How would you convince others that you are a credible (not a Hindu under a Muslim name) person? Well, you will have to answer them when they come around asking.

    Welcome to this interfaith marriage with equality forum. Apparently you are an educated, intellectual and a critical thinker. We would love to hear lots of your thoughts here over next months. Hopefully you will be a role model for many other youths in India and around the world.

    You plan to fake convert your boy friend for marriage and later convert yourself to Hinduism. Are these practical thoughts? Are you making “lies and deceptions” a foundation of your married life?

    How will you hide yourself from your Muslim community after marriage if you wish to be a Hindu? We mean, what will be names of your children, will they have circumcision, will they read from Geeta or Koran, will they attend a madras? How and when will you decide yours and your bf/husband’s faith? How will you hide your true self from what others in world know you by?

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