Hindu: My girl friend is too religious

ajju says: March 20, 2014 at 9:09 pm

i m in love with muslim girl from the last six years and i m still doing MBA and after one month i will have my MBA degree we both want to marry each other and my family is ready to accept her as a muslim my parents don’t have any problem with my relationship with muslim girl. my girl friend is too religious. The problem is that her family is very strict and have a good political relations and they will not allow her to marry me at any cost. we are ready to do court marriage but i don’t want her family and police to know about my family and don’t want them to come to my house.
Is there any amendment for that in the law? -Ajju

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  • March 25, 2014 3:48 am

    A practicing Muslim man raped and threatened a young Norwegian girl for several hours. Numerous rapes in Sweden over the past several years have been committed by “non-Western men,” e.g., Muslims. In fact, in the past year, all rapes in Oslo have been committed by non-Western men.

    “He said that he had the right to do exactly as he wanted to a woman. Why? Because that is how it was in his religion. Women did not have rights or opinions. He was in charge.”

    Islam teaches utter disrespect for women, who are mere possessions of savage men, to be raped whenever the beasts feel like it. At least this rapist admitted that fact of Islamic misogyny and sexism, which should be obvious to anyone with eyes to see.

    “Women are your fields: go, then, into your fields whence you please.” Quran 2:223

    “Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and forsake them in beds apart, and beat them.” Quran 4:34

    “A male shall inherit twice as much as a female.” Quran 4:11

    “Call in two male witnesses from among you, but if two men cannot be found, then one man and two women whom you judge fit to act as witnesses…” Quran 2:282

  • Sunil
    March 23, 2014 9:33 pm

    Muslim is a fake religion. There is no science in religion in hot of arab
    muslim girls wearing black hijab. Muslim dont know what is sun what is other planet.

    Muslim only becoming only terrorist under name of their god.

    Muslim religion teaches kill who is good. Muslim kills cow with pride because cow is good animal.

    Muslim can not do wrong with sun because it is hot. Means Muslim kill who is good.

    Muslim destroying environment.

    Muslims only passing wrong knowledge’s.

  • March 22, 2014 7:51 am

    Islam is basically not a religion but a criminal and cruel ideology against women and non muslims. All evils against humanity are preached in the islam, such as killing, kidnapping, torturing, bomb blasts, raping, murdering, jihad, fatwa, circumcision of female genitals, no basic rights and freedoms to the women, wife beating, domestic violence, using abusive languages, etc .. Males need virgin wife, irrespective of the fact that males are allowed to keep 4 wives, divorce them and bring another VIRGIN wife even 1/3 of his age?

    Religion teaches equal rights, natural justice, peace and harmony among all sections of the humanity, but in Koran openly taught to kill non believers, treat females sex object, mutta marriage, halala practices, stonning to death, domestic violence and now a days terrorist activities world in the name of islam and have sex with 72 virgins in the heaven. Sodomy, rape with minor kids in the name of teaching Koran
    in the madarsas by imams and maulvies are open secret and any one opening mouth against such evils, he or she is trapped under blasphemy.

    Can such evil and cruel practices could be called religion?

  • mohabbat
    March 21, 2014 8:10 pm

    The requirement to convert to Islam for marriage needs to be banned in India. Islam is structured with conversion in mind in every event, marriage, living in Muslim regions and either paying Jizya or converting, forcible conversions during wars, converting by implied mental torture or abduction under blasphemy laws and of course, love jihad. Islam is clearly a religion that dehumanizes all other religions and relegates them to sub human levels. India needs to ban this by law.

    • March 21, 2014 9:11 pm

      Dear Mohabbat,
      We agree to most what you said but one good thing about Islam is that they will not hide this conversion expectation. In this respect Muslims are honest. It is only the Hindu lover who has to know it and decide if they wish to follow that path. What is bothering to us that Christians are no different than Muslims, but will pose initially as “nice guys” but in the end their church will make the Hindu convert.

      You and we know it all well that banning such practice is impossible, however education will help. Please join us on this web site to educate all youths in love, right here. Can you?

  • March 21, 2014 1:41 pm

    Dear Ajju,
    If you live in a non-Islamic country and live in a country that has laws and orders, you could do that both of you wish to. There is no one could stop you from the court marriage.

    Why you said, “i don’t want her family and police to know about my family and don’t want them to come to my house”? Sure, they will ultimately know where their daughter is. However, if you both are firm about your decision, there is nothing a police could do. If they try to unduly influence you, please keep phone numbers of various new media companies and call them. Also ask your common friends (including girls) to be with you and to answer to the media.

    However we have a major concern about her. What does it mean by “my girl friend is too religious”? Ask her these questions:
    1) Does she believe that every word written in the Koran is 100% truth?
    2) Does she believe in the Judgement Day? Does she believe that all non-Muslims, including you, your parents and Mahatma Gandhi will get Hell Fire on the Judgement Day?
    3) As per Islam, “Interfaith marriage is one amongst the most fundamental sinful actions in Islam after shrik, rebellion against parental authority and killing a person without any legal reason”, then why she is dating a Hindu for past 6 years?
    Let us know what she has to say for these questions. Thanks.

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