Sikh boy in love with a Muslim girl

Harry says: February 6, 2014 at 2:14 pm

I am a Sikh boy in love with a Muslim girl but my mother does not approve. My mother does not want a girl for me from any other religion other than sikh. Her (Muslim) family on the other hand loves me to bits. I have tried convincing my mother but I m unable to change her views. She wants me to have an arranged marriage with a girl from sikh religion. I m very stressed out. My mother has even said that if I marry the Muslim girl she will kill herself. What about my happiness? -Harry

Admin says:

Hi Harry,

You have to make rational and logical arguments with your mom. First help your mom remove some stereotypes for Muslims. Convince her that this Muslim family is “different”. For this reason, find these following information after talking to your Muslim girl friend…..

1) How are you planning to get married? More specifically, are you going to have an Islamic Nikaah wedding after your conversion to Islam? Alternatively, is she going to convert to Sikhism?
2) How about formal religion of your children? Will they be Sikhs or Muslims?
3) How about names of your children? Are they going to have Sikh or Arabic names?
4) Do your male children must have religious circumcision?

Please get back to us what her family says. We will address how to manage your mom later. -Admin

More information: Sikh-Muslim Relationships, Sharia, Koran, Interfaith Marriage & Divorce Laws.
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  • June 22, 2015 5:33 am

    Me 26 yrs.old student from Indonesia(Sumatra),studying in India,BE(CSE) and in love with a Rajsthani Hindu boy 27 years,working in MNC. My parents wants me to return Indonesia after completion of study(6 months later) and marry my cousin who runs a small business. Me against this relationsip and wish to marry BF and settle and join job in india. I met his parents too when they visited their son for a short time.They will accept me if their son marries me.

    I am in a confusion how to convince my parents?

    • mac
      June 22, 2015 6:37 am

      No No, you are not in confusion, you sound like a similar story that i read everyday in this webiste from RSS chamchas like Shagul,Shabana,Massey,Chand Osmani, Harjeet, this and that like hindu boy work in MNC while everytime the muslim guy is her cousin and he always has lesser job etc blah blah

      pakhi di want your thought on this, you once exposed another such case like fauzia

  • mac
    June 4, 2014 7:31 am

    harry have you got married

    • Aakash Malik
      June 22, 2015 11:30 pm

      Harry….u mother is hyperactive i would say…. Its all coz of social pressure…..dnt panic… Go marry ur gf if her parents approve u as much as she does herself…. Ur mom is nt going to attempt a suiside just coz her son is happier than her….

    February 25, 2014 8:32 am

    harry as you are born in a sikh family thats why your mother understand the importance of sikhism.but the 2 thing that you should/can do to convince your mother is first tell your mom that your wife respect sikhs for there martial spirits,there loyalty ,courage and bravery. 2nd ask your wife to wear salwar kameez and bring her infront of your mom.ask your wife to learn a bit of sacrices that guru gobind singh did.i hope if your wife tells such thing with full fledged heart to your mom.your mother will surely accept her.jai shri ram.

    • March 1, 2014 9:05 am

      How can be she Muslim and prophet and God said not to marry other then the truth faiths.

      Wowow to learn about guru goblin and present herself in Salwar Kameez.. days just lips speak.

  • February 14, 2014 7:27 am

    Hello Harry,

    What is the latest update in your life story?
    When are you getting married with your GF?
    She will be relieved of burqa and other restrictions?

  • February 6, 2014 8:31 pm

    Which country are you from?

    • Harry
      February 7, 2014 4:24 am

      Many thanks for your reply.
      I m from India and my girlfriend is from turkey. She does not want me to convert and I do not want her to convert as well. Her parents are ok for us to have marriage of any type. We can even have a court marriage. In regards to the kids we would raise them giving education on both religion and let them decide after they are the right age. We both live in london and are quite open minded. We don’t mind even on the first names for our kids. We both agreed that the kids will have my surname.
      Please help.

      • February 7, 2014 7:15 am

        It is good that your gf and her parents are not typical Muslims. Lots is written on this web site and read it all to make sure there is no religion related issue later in life. It does not take a lot to change the dating time “open minded” to “I did not mean that”.

        It is fair to raise your interfaith family life in 50%:50% of two faiths. Now it is time to educate each other for Islam and Sikhism. Read Koran with her side by side. Please go to a local mosque with her to learn of Islam. If she has, talk to her imam about your non-Muslim marriage. Also take her to a near by Gurudrara to educate about Sikh faith. One day, you may wish your mother to come and live with you for a few months and she has to know what she (Muslim) is getting into. Even plan a vacation trip to Turkey and Punjab. This religious education/trips will help you a lot to understand each other and each other’s communities.

        Now dealing with your mother you have to know that Rome was not built in a day. You will need two years of time to work with her, nothing less. She has expressed her desires by saying “If I marry the Muslim girl she will kill herself”. Tell her that this is your mother’s current position. First, you both have to know of all Muslim-Sikh history. Second, slowly and slowly convince her that she is not the typical Muslim she thinks. On every phone call, tell one new thing about the girl (that you both went to Gurudwara), even she does not want to listen. Slowly and slowly introduce your gf to your mom and ultimately the ice will melt. After a year or more, arrange to meet two. Education and patience are only therapies.

        • Harry
          February 7, 2014 7:54 am

          Thank you. My gf is not into religion at all. To say she is Muslim but she does not practice. It’s the same for me. We do respect the values from both religions though. My mom and my gf have met each other. They both don’t like each other and that is the problem I m stuck in. My gf is very modern and my mom is very religious. I cannot really explain what I m going through. My gf does try and understand that it is hard to change my mother at this age as she has lived whole her life following religious values and had never been abroad. My mom does not want to understand at all. One side is my mom who brought me up and educated me and the other side is my gf who I love more than anything. I have tried explaining my mom that religion should not matter and at the end of the day we are all humans.

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