Parsi married to a Sikh Girl under the Special Marriage Act

CFL says: January 18, 2014 at 4:02 am


I am a Parsi boy married to a Sikh Girl under the Special marriage act and both our parents were witnesses. However, my father started developing issues wiht my wife and threatened to chuck us out of his house and he sent an email to my in-laws as well stating the same.

My in-laws see no security for my wife and do not want her to be with me and as such are making a think on lines of a divorce. She is staying with her family since a year now and not with me. The problem is not between us and we really want to be together.

Under such circumstance can I get a house in the Parsi Baugs under the Bombay Parsi Punchayat scheme ? i have stayed in mumbai for 27 years and just a year back moved to Gurgaon for my job. I am told that i need to be in mumbai to get a falt – but the point is will i get a flat under the BPP.

Pls help me as we both wana save our marriage. I have no security to offer her parents and having a flat in my name will help. She wants our kids also to be Parsis.

I need some help please. -CFL

Also read: Parsi Dharmic Marriages
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  • January 30, 2014 9:03 pm

    Dear CFL,

    This is just too sad that husband and wife have no issue but parents have. However, you like joint family system and want parents money, then you will have to please them. Explain it to your father that you will be miserable after divorce and will never marry. Why they cannot work with you and accept your wife? Likewise, explain it to your in-laws what they will gain by the divorce when your wife wishes to stay with you?

    If you cannot make two sets of parents happy but you two love for each other, considering you are making money, why don’t you two start living on your own and forget the parents? After a few years, they will come around. Good luck!

  • suma usa
    January 30, 2014 9:18 am

    Parsi community is dangerously shrinking and hence I support your wish to raise your kids in Parsi tradition. I have no advice on your real estate question ,sorry. Hang in there, the wife might come out on her own and police will provide protection to you both. These days judges are very proactive in this kind of complaints; file a law suit in her home town seeking restoration of conjugal rights, you dont have to be physically present citing physical harm as an potential problem. Good luck.

    • January 30, 2014 9:00 pm

      Dear Suma,

      We agree to your statement that “Parsi community is dangerously shrinking and hence I support your wish to raise your kids in Parsi tradition.” However, even Sikh community is also shrinking so why a Sikh girl has to sacrifice for the benefit of others in need? Once you are in interfaith relationship, you have to accept that interfaith marriages are silent holocaust (reducing your population).

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