Mahek says: November 9, 2013 at 12:09 am
Hi sabana..m totally agree with u.
Me and my husband Prem both have face very crucial time in our several years of marriage. only because that our parents would be agree. but I think it will never possible until all of us should understand the real meanings of Indianism.
Because India mein hi Kaha jata h ki hindu-muslim bhai bhai. Every Muslim and Hindu girl/boy should get the freedom about inter religion marriage. Our Indian law says that we all have free to take own decision about this scenario. But hamare gharwale Jo hamesha humein sikhate hamesha sabse miljul kar raho..baad mein wahi sab humare saath itni problem create karte hain..
If two people loves each other..understands each other feeling..then…ye dharam kahan se beech mein aa jata h..koi boy agar kisi ladki ko like karta h to kya pehle he should ask..r u Muslim or Hindu…we should change our thinking… -Mahek
Mahek says: November 9, 2013 at 10:02 am
Hi admin, thanks for replying in-laws knows that we are happily married but they want I should divorce his son. and just stay away from them.
In fact I met them with my false identity like he introduced me with his family as a Hindu girl. and they liked me a lot but when they our marriage was fixed on socially purpose. I felt very guilty. And i thought I can’t betray them.they should know about me. My cast and my family also before one month of marriage. i called them and told them my truth. Because that was their right. I did only one misyake. That i should not keep secret about my cast and all. u know when I saw ranjhanaa movie. I understood that I took very right decision.but one thing I also realised that I did each n every possible thing to make his family happy.
We have done court marriage in 2005. We are not staying together because m waiting for my elder sister’s marriage. In February we are planning to stay together. we are from same city. -Mahek
Admin says:
We admire your courage to tell truth to all. Remain who you are and, hopefully, let Prem remain who he is.
It is easy to get married but very difficult to maintain a married life, especially any interfaith marriage. Considering now you are already married, let us focus on how to manage it.
Before we go in deep, let us give you some high level suggestions. You both plan to complete your education, get good jobs (in a city away from both parents) and plan to continue working for a long time to come. To be financially independent is very vital (read Sabana). Further, do not plan to have a child till you two are clear on how you will handle two religious differences.
How are your parents handling the fact that you married to a Hindu? How is your Muslim community treating you now (at least those who know)? After your sister’s Nikaah is over, how you think her in-laws will react when they will find out that you are married to a non-Muslim?
Now dealing with Hindu-in-laws. Do not get in any direct verbal arguments with them, instead just direct them to Prem. It is Prem’s job to deal with them.
Your in-laws loved you when they thought you are a Hindu, but all of a sudden the hell got loose when they found out that you are a Muslim, why? It has to do with past 1000 years of India’s history, the breaking of Somnath Temple, all atrocities that Aurangzeb committed, all those bombing going on today, … etc. We know that you have nothing to do with it. Your in-laws reaction was based on a stereotype that a Muslim can never be trusted. Some how, you have to show that you are different (if you are).
Who are you? What Islam means to you? Read all that Mr. Haque is teaching us. Is it true that all those who have not accepted Muhammad (and his family Ali, Fathima, Hassan, Hussain) are kafirs? It is not the karma of Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa important, but them being Muslims is all that is needed to enter paradise? Islam is only perfect religion and who ever criticize it … punish to death. Zakir Naik would advise you to convert Prem to Parvez, are you going to?
Are your children going to be Hindus, Muslims or both? Are they going to have Arabic or Dharmic names? Are your male children must have circumcision? Are you going to enroll them into a madrasa Islamic teaching and also take them to a mandir everyday? How will you explain Koran on Hindus to your children?
Mahek, we are not trying to be hard on you, but want you to be prepared for all potential issues. If you are financially independent, educate yourself by reading all that we recommended below, be rational and be a pluralist, you could come across all hurdles and have ever lasting happy married life. Keep in touch, we wish you the best. -Admin.Love is something between two hearts. And I do agree marriage is between two religion. I am a born Hindu girl married a Muslim guy and being in relationship for three years now. What I understood and consoled my self from the beginning is God is one and we are all human beings.
More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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Admin, you completely misguided mahek
when it comes to hindu hating muslims, you justify it by saying these and that, see your comment
///Your in-laws loved you when they thought you are a Hindu, but all of a sudden the hell got loose when they found out that you are a Muslim, why? It has to do with past 1000 years of India’s history, the breaking of Somnath Temple, all atrocities that Aurangzeb committed, all those bombing going on today, … etc. We know that you have nothing to do with it. Your in-laws reaction was based on a stereotype that a Muslim can never be trusted. Some how, you have to show that you are different (if you are)./////
Now learn the truth of somanath temple,attrocities of Aurangzeb
the army which broke somnath temple had hindu soldiers, in their way from afganistan to somnath, they also broke a mashjid, so admin please study the real history and then you will be able to speak truth, you mis guided lot of uneducated couples who may have degrees but have zero knowledge in history,religion.
And coming to bombings, if i say there were no bombings before the 1992 mass massacre of Muslims, it all started after this…still i don`t support such bombings and hatred for 1992 mass massacre of Muslims by Hindus…there were many cases where police found that the Hindus planned the bomb posing as Hindus,recent Bangalore blast in church was done by a Hindu posing as Muslim.
my name is farhaan …nd i m recntly maried hindu grl they force me … maried u kwn usko kya pasnd honga mujme………usne kya achai dekhi hongi or RIYA stupid muslim is nt terorist ……ohk tih shut up ….bcz ur nt muslim nd ur father nd mother not teach u islam deeply…u goin madarsa nd all… bcz apko islam ki kwnoledge hi nai h i m studnt nd my wif say me….kya yahi islam itna achah she is nt muslim k nd muslim boys alwas say true …..nd shabana u r wrong apko yaha nai after deth jab apko bataya jaynga apne duniya me kya kya pap or puniye kiye h tab waha apko apki galti ka ehsas honga nd bt waha galti swikar kr k koi matlb nai honga riya ko toh pata nai kya saja hongi isme riya ki nai riya ke prents ki galti bcz unlog ne riya ko sahi islam nai batya ab bichari ishal me he………nd last thing muslim is nt terorist
What do you mean by “they force me”?
Riya roy,
M really happy n proud of women like you.loved d way u shoed off dis guy zia ul haq, even on internet, hes creating nuisance n his shitty believes,
“Advantage Of Interfaith Marriage For Muslim Girls”
(1)Freedom from Bloody Burka.
(2)Freedom to do any Job.
(3)Respectful behaviour from Husband & Inlaws.
(4)No any pressure for Conversion
(5)Opportunity to get “Happy Married Life”
Am I Right ? Thanx
“Advantage Of Interfaith Marriage For Muslim Girls”
(1)Freedom from dirty Cow Urine.
(2)Freedom to do any anything in home and in outside.
(3)Respectful behavior from whole community.
(4)No any pressure for giving birth to male child only.
(5)Opportunity to get Heaven and live their eternally.
(6) Opportunity to punish husband if he involves in an adulterous relation.
Mr. Rahul
I don`t know what is your or occupation or whether you are educated not.I say if to love my own religion and community without hatred towards any human being is a crime then I am the criminal of the century. But why are you reluctant and ashamed to answer to my question regarding hindus of erstwhile East Pakistan?
Advocate,Calcutta High Court and Supreme Court of India
Do you hate Christians?
Do you hate Hindus, who do not care for what Muhammad have to say?
I have already said I was a Govt officer. I have given you the name of the organisation.You can have it verified. Kindly note that not only I was the only person from eastern India to have/had been elected as the General Secretary of Officers` Association but also remained in the said post for the record longest period.Credit goes to my Parents who, in the light Islamic perspective, have taught me to love people irrespective of the religion they follow. I love good Christians and good human being, not those who are treacherous. I had my primary education in England and passed out from Christian Missionary School in Calcutta and that the Principal and teachers loved me like their own son. They never used any abusive word which is frequently used by some of your illiterate readers claiming to be christians.
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate
Some of your readers have raised objection to my presence/continuance in this blog. I don`t want to quarrel with them and that I don`t have personal interest also. Therefore I request you to kindly send/post any question relating to Islam or Islamic Law in my E-Mail.
Hi Muslim sisters,
Please analyse and evaluate the realities of the following texts in terms of islamic religion and dont get misled by Mohd.Zia like terrorists.
The significance of married life is great. Fortunate indeed is that couple who starts married life with right understanding of its importance and greatness. Marriage is a sacred spiritual partnership between two souls who have come upon this earth to evolve an ideal life of nobility, virtue and Dharma (social custom in Hinduism) and …read details at
Whoredom shenaz
Ask your mother why used to call me whoremaster.
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate
Oh my little charming Shannoo how are you and others in the house.Does “any body” remember me? Why are you not abusing me now a days?
Gali doto achhchha lagey
Chuo ramoto dil ghabraye.
Ask……I used to call you shannoo.
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate
RIYA ( FORMERLY KNOWN AS RIDHA SAYED ), I LOVE MY HUSBAND sooooo Much and also Love my Ancestors and their Religion.
I’m RIYA ( Formerly knows as RIDHA SAYED), a simple housewife..wid a sweet small family comprising of my husband, my 3 kids, nikhat & nibhtahil & zeeshan..
i ws born in sringar in a muslim family bt den shiftd to jammu as my dad got transferred.In jammu i met a HINDU boy, wid whom i wnt fr a relationship & later on i married him goin against will of my family..
bt still today i dont repent it coz my husband made me proud of him as husband in every condition…i luv him & everything relatd to him..!
he is really d best decision of my life..!.Right now, I am following HINDUISM and my 3 children also follow HINDUISM.Jay Shri Krishna.
Can you share more details about how you managed dealing with your parents and community, considering marriage to a Hindu is illegal. Where do you live currently? What else you would recommend to Hindu-Muslim lovers?
@Dear ADMIN:—I am very proud of what the religion my Ancestor follows. I do not need any IMAM, Muajjeems Advises. Muslims are always been terrorist since their Inception.No human being must follows ISLAM. ISLAM only teaches hatred.I am now living in HEAVEN , I have no with to go Fake ISLAM Heaven for 72 Virgin’s sexual Pleasure.ISLAM is curse for Humanity.
By any chance, being a Roy, are you from Calcutta area?
May be you are Mr. Haque’s neighbor on Phul Bagan Road.
Jahannami/dozakhi Riya
Are you a brahmin or a bania or a schedule caste?
I understand from authentic source that you are not allowed to enter your father`s house. What a shame, what a pity. However, I am very much liberal person and you may call me my Abba/Abba Jani/Abbu/Abbu Jani/father/God father/dad/ baap Jani/baba jani. See, many options I have given you out of love and affection but because of your present vicious circle, you will,no doubt, use filthy/abusive language to prove how noble your husband`s family is.
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate
My friend you have obviously not knowledgeable about Hinduism, none of what you say is true in Hinduism. Plz don’t spread false information about Hinduism. Study the Geeta with open mind and you will see the light of truth. Since you are following wrong path you can’t just talk wrong about others. You god will punish you, provided your god ia a real god. Look at all the terrorists, they are all Muslims, follower of your religion and cite quranic verses when they kill Christians Hindus, Jews etc…message is clear you are following wrong path of violence. If you really want to be true human follow Hinduism or Gautama Buddha
@Me Haque: Your attitude also Proves, You r also a Branded Terrorist. After all you follow ISLAM. It is clearly Understandable, Your mental disability., Your brain is full of Bullshit.It’s better you shows your mental frustration to your ARABIAN Wahabis, Because, You Sunni’s all r Slave to your ARABIAN forefathers.You MUSLIMS always been slave….ow, Go and get lost, Idiot. Your foul language Clearly shows , What kind of family you belong from! After all you are a True Muslim, A true Muslim = A true terrorist.
Dear Riya Roy,
Hearty congratulation & Bravo for bold decision(Marry with hindu guy).Now you are happy with your husband & sweet small family,I have nothing to say except well wishes.
Almighty GOD Bless you & your whole family happy & prosperous life.
Thanks, Brother.
i feel this world is so unfair. we are all humans why cant we be with who we love?
…but what about Koranic and Muhammad’s teachings?? It is against Islam for a Muslim-girl to marry a non-Muslim. Is that not true? Are you saying Koran is not valid today?
Holy Koran Sharif will be valid and remain unchanged till dooms day. Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate
@Me Haque: Your attitude also Proves, You r also a Branded Terrorist. After all you follow ISLAM. It is clearly Understandable, Your mental disability., Your brain is full of Bullshit.It’s better you shows your mental frustration to your ARABIAN Wahabis, Because, You Sunni’s all r Slave to your ARABIAN forefathers.You MUSLIMS always been slave….ow, Go and get lost, Idiot. Your foul language Clearly shows , What kind of family you belong from! After all you are a True Muslim, A true Muslim = A true terrorist.
If you have power of truth and justice you will succeed. Fundamentalists religious people try create communal environment. But they will never succeed because evil never prevails for long, truth always prevails despite fundamentalists trouble.
Every Muslim should be fundamentalist to follow the fundamental of Islam truly. I AM PROUD TO BE FUNDAMENTALIST
Dear Nabujaan,
In response to your One Line Comment(21.11.2013at6.08am). I’m cent per cent agree with your OpenHearted Thoughts & admire.World need,open minded,liberal & progressive people,like you.Thankx.
Hi Mahek,
Be bold and tactful to handle the situation.
I am also a muslim girl from Karnataka age 29 and married to a Hindu guy, age 34 years, both work as S/W engineer. My parents opposed earlier and insisted for his conversion, but no such condition was put forth by us and still we are believing in our own relgions but respecting sentiments of each other. I have one kid also, no problem at all. But my parents are not normal with me. My other sister is married in the muslim community but she is not good enough in her inlaws house, facing so many problems due to orthodox practices in islam.
Hope by passage of time, every thing will be ok.
Hi Gazala,
Which religion your kid will follow?
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate
You should be ashamed, you are talking like a fundamentalist, I have seen all over this site, you are one communal minded person. Creating rift between people based on religion. She married a Hindu because she loved him and that’s all it takes. You are on the other hand worried about children’s religion? They will learn both the religion, or some other what problem do you have? Why do you want the children to be only Muslim? Why are you creating trouble in others life. You are pure evil
Dear Gazala Ji,
You are right.TIME is Great Healer.
Dear mahek sister,
Thanks for writing your life history.
I am too a muslim girl, married a Hindu boy about more than 4 years back.
When you both are earning and attained the age of majority, there is no problem to marry Hindu guy. I have realized that Hindu guys are far better than a muslim guy, as a soul partner. Hindus are more liberal and respectful and adjusting. My inlaws never forced me to change my religion and they equally respect my sentiments.
In muslim community in the name of religion, girls are treated very badly and even talak process for them is very rigid, whereas just a matter of game for males to give talak simply orally saying talak,talak,talak. Even in Koran, muslim girls are treated only sex objects and inferior, as compared to males. MALES CAN KEEP 4 WIVES, EVERY TIME ONLY VIRGIN. WHAT A DISCRIMINATION AGAINST THE CREATURE OF GOD WHO HAS CREATED MALES.
My other 2 sisters are married with muslim guys, who are leading a very miserable life AND LOOK FORWARD TOWARDS ME WHENEVER THEY ARE IN DEEP FINANCIAL TROUBLE. My hindu husband is very kind hearted and always motivate me to help them, as their husbands are good for nothing.
I have been sailing in the same boat now, but due to my good luck and bold step to marry my present hindu husband, who not only helped me to acquire computer application degree, married me and helped me to get a job as software engineer. I have two loving sons and I follow only good things of islamic religion. My husband never insisted me to convert.
My advice will be to you is that try to get some job, to become financial independent and hopefully your Hindu husband must help you.
I have experienced those girls who are financially independent, things start moving in her favour later.
My good wishes with you always.
I’m RIYA ( Formerly knows as RIDHA SAYED),a simple housewife..wid a sweet small family comprising of my husband,my 3 kids,nikhat & nibhtahil & zeeshan..
i ws born in sringar in a muslim family bt den shiftd to jammu as my dad got transferred.In jammu i met a HINDU boy, wid whom i wnt fr a relationship & later on i married him goin against will of my family..
bt still today i dont repent it coz my husband made me proud of him as husband in every condition…i luv him & everything relatd to him..!
he is really d best decision of my life..!.Right now, I am following HINDUISM and my 3 children also follow HINDUISM.Jay Shri Krishna.
You place in hell has been confirmed.
Md.Zia-ul-Haque,Alim & Advocate
Communal people like you are making this hell. She will be in swarg for following right and truth. Hinduism accepts Muslim girl into its folds, that’s why many super intelligent people follow Hinduism. They don’t boast about it. You are always against Hindus, Christians all of them..are you mentally challenged, or you follow your religion too much?
@Mr Haque: I do not need advices from mentally retarded Idiot Like You,, But for sure You must go to HELL, Ask your ALLAH for HELL’S Ticket, Bcaz, Your ALLAH is also a Hell Creature.Show this type of Idiot Lectures to your fellow, Brainwashed Muslim Idiots , But not me.
Hi admin, thanks for replying in-laws knows that we are happily married for several years almost but they want I should divorce his son.and just stay away from them. In fact I met them with my false identity like he introduced me with his family as a Hindu girl.and they liked me a lot but when they our marriage was fixed on socially purpose.I felt very guilty. And i thought I can’t betray them.they should know about me. My cast and my family also before one month of marriage.i called them and told them my truth. Because that was their right. I did only one misyake. That i should not keep secret about my cast and all. u know when I saw ranjhanaa movie. I understood that I took very right decision.but one thing I also realised that I did each n every possible thing to make his family happy.we have done court marriage in 2005. Weare not staying together because m waiting for my elder sister’s marriage. In February we are planning to stay together.we are from same city.
We feel your pain and that is why we have created this web site. We hope you will join us in educating the world. Can you share what issues are you facing? How did you got married?