About to marry a Muslim guy, but now no more

Tamanna says: August 7, 2013 at 3:29 pm

I was about to marry a Muslim guy, but after reading this I actually altered my decision. I was researching in Islam when I came across this blog…thank u so much for making me realize what horrible mistake I was going to commit….

And some one just said that Hindus have so many gods…but there are only 3 gods, Brahama ji, Vishnu ji, and Shiv ji….and the mother of everything,..Mahamaya…and gods like Hanumana ji, Krishna ji, Raam ji, Parvati ji, Sita ji are avatars of these 3 gods…

Its not that I hate Islam, I kept all rozas this year, but I fail to understand these following points…I would be highly obliged if someone can throw some light on them….

1. Why is Islam so sex oriented? I mean there is life beyond sex too…eg. women can be beaten if the protest again having sex with any man?

2, why women have to wear burkha and hijaab but not men?

3. Why men can be polygamist and not women?

4. Why Allah does not recognizes any other religion when Hinduism states that every god and every religion is equal?

5. Is qurbaani on bakra is justified? I know Hinduism has the same thing called bali but now its illegal and not practised anymore….but is Allah so happy to see his men killing innocent animals and tear them and eat them????? Heights of cruelty!!!!!!….and to top it,the flesh is also given in charity…..charity of cruelness, brutal, indecent, punishable behavior, that too with innocent animals?????

Today I am so proud to be a Hindu, and I will be till my last breath….
Om Namah Shivaye…..


Tamanna added: August 8, 2013 at 5:32 am

First of all thank you so much for giving me this wonderful platform where I can express my emotions….

Okay i am a hindu bengali brahmin girl… i was in a relationship with a muslim guy since last 1 year… and in due course of time, I came to know much about islam and muslim people,.. they are not bad at all… but I condemn the teachings….. i was so happy thinking my bf is so supportive… then as time passed by and we actually began to think about the marriage… first he asked me to choose a name. I asked why? He said I need to have a muslim name in order to get married to a muslim guy. I was so happy thinking my bf is so supportive… I asked why? He said I need to have a muslim name in order to get married to a muslim guy. I sternly refused, but he said that is indispensable. I somehow, out of love , or out of madness agreed to do so… plz dnt yell on me now.

After that, ramzaan came, he asked me to keep roza. I asked my pandit ji if I can… he said all gods are same. We, all human beings have same deatinations, though the paths may be different. Panditji said our religion recognises and respects all gods and all other religions. He said if you believe in raam ji, believe in allah and believe in jesus as well. So, I started keeping rozas, with proper sehri, iftaari, and reciting duas… but next whatever happened took off my belief from islam… nd I was heartbroken.

It was his bday, 22nd july, and I wanted to go to a temple and pray for his better future,..when I asked him to come along with me, he refused and also asked me not to go, and why? Because I kept roza, so I cant. He said now you cannot worship your gods. You just have to accept allah and nobody else….I completely refused. I went to the temple , but continued with the roza. May be I am wrong, but this is not done, just not done… he respects my religion. He visited mahalaxmi temple in mumbai with me. Then just because I believe in allah, dat dosent means I disbelieve ram ji…

And yes, he celebrated diwali with me last year… he accompanied me to mahalaxmi temple in mumbai…, though he didnt knew how to do puja but he bowed his head and atleast stepped into the temple., but I wont allowed to do so after marriage… I love him, but the fact ia that I knw, his parents would never accept me as a hindu, and I cant change myself to win his love,,.love has no religion, If I can accept him as a muslim, why can he?????


Admin says:

You have wasted a year, not your life. You have timely came to this site. We have here 10,000 comments and 400 post on exact same subject matter… pluralism verses exclusivism.

You pundit is misguiding people by saying, “he said all gods are same. We, all human beings have the same destination, though the paths may be different.” All religions are NOT SAME. If you are not convince, go read the Torah, Bible and Koran. These books are full of hate for other faiths, including for each others.

In his mind (and in most Muslims’s mind), the message is clear, only Allah and Mohammad and no third person or God (no Ram, Krishna, Laxmi devi, Jesus, Buddha, Mahavir, etc). Satyen would say accept Allah (like your Pandit said) but keep the Muhammad out!

To keep the message short, please read the Hindu girl article. Go tell your bf that you believe in Interfaith Marriage with Equality and will produce Hind-Muslim children, but there will not be any labeling on children (NO BBS). Best, ask him to join us, like Kaveri did. We hope to hear from you both. -Admin


tamanna says: August 11, 2013 at 6:02 pm
Hi kaveri….

Dear, I can very well understand ur pain and grief…..m going through the same phase so I knw better…..but hopefully, time will heal up most of our pains….

Regarding quran, most muslim people read quran in urdu or arbi, but not in english….so most of them do not know what the phrases actually means….like my bf….now ex-bf ….so ask him to read it out 4 u…and since quran is too long, specifically ask him to read the chapter… al-nisa and al-baqarah….these contains mostly of women oppression and dominance,..so, hopefully he will get a better idea what the book actually says…..and after physically reading it, if he tends to agree with those points, or tries to defend it as my bf used to do.(he used to say it is all wrong written in the english translated Quran)….

So all the best kaveri…may god bless you….nd give u strength to deal with the odds in life….smile….smile for urself and ur family….tc of urself….do tell us what happened next,…ciao…. -Tamanna


tamanna says: August 13, 2013 at 2:21 pm
Hello admin (question: before and after difference?)…

We didnt initially shared our thoughts regarding the rules and regulations of our alliance. But gradually we discussed and what happened at the end was completely opposite

1. I dont need to change my name… he said dat initially, but after 2 months, he said I have to for the sake of his parents.

2. I dont need to change my religion…when I used to ask this initially, he used to say, I want to you they way you are, you need not convert yourself…, after couple of months, he said I need to convert otherwise, his parents would not approve of thos marriage..

3. He said initially that I can be financially independent, and carry on with my job, even after marriage, but when the marriage talks got serious, he simply said, why do you need to earn, when I am there,… anyhow, my parents would not approve you to be working…..I was devastated.

4. He asked me not to get so serious about my studies, because he is just a graduate, and I am a double graduate, with a diploma in public relations from new york, and I wanted to go for MBA, and he asked me not to….I absolutely cant stay illiterate for his sake…and I love studying……. Tamanna


tamanna says: November 10, 2013 at 1:40 pm

And admin, regarding me and nadeem, we have come to a conclusion of having an interfaith marriage…no converaion, no tagging of children….I dont know what future holds for me, but atleast, we both are trying to accept each other for what we are, not for the fact that who we are….

Nevertheless, thank you so much admin, for holding on to me…and asking me to come back….thank you….for making me feel like a family…, loads of good wishes to all… Tamanna


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  • royalaniket
    June 11, 2020 6:01 am

    The pedophile prophet Muhammad raped Aisha when he was 6, how can a sane man do that? In this day and age, Islam is a false religion, it’s an Arabian political ideology

  • Deepa Iyer
    July 7, 2015 11:58 pm

    I am an Brahmin women and i am married too to an Brahmin man. But to be honest my ex muslim boyfriend was an animal in sex. One should taste a muslim x before commenting on them. reach me at deepa.iyer69 @ gmail.com

  • rak
    November 12, 2014 7:35 pm

    Tabbu (a Muslim girl): Hello Priya, if you want to jump in to a well, it is your choice and luck. No Hindu girl can live gracefully with a muslim guy, On the wedding night you have to prove your virginity,.i,.e. blood stains on the bed sheets and even then, you can be divorced any time, when your husband is not satisfied with you sexually, he can marry 4 wives, every time a virgin wife, you will be beaten violently, you will be forced to use Hijab, no freedom to move or meet your relatives, no job permission, just a sex doll and even if you die, he will have sex with dead body. May be you forced to get mutiliated your genital? …. all sorts of evils in the muslim community. Right now he may be very polite, after having sex for 2/3 months, you will be ignored or tortured physically. You will have no point to return. Muslim girl can lead a graceful life with Hindu guy but not a Hindu girl with a muslim guy!

  • rak
    November 12, 2014 7:33 pm

    Advise! Dont marry any muslim man, later you will be in deep trouble. Muslims men are allowed up to 4 marriages. they give oral divorce, Talak, Talak, Talak. you will be trown on streets or treated as slave only time will tell.

  • May 5, 2014 9:44 pm

    Okay.. The main thing is. I had the same problem with my girlfriend and i finally got converted to islam. But no she is very co operative. And her dad is also a converted muslim so she knows how to treat me. Well sister dont panic. I am ok if u wanna stay hindu. Its not a bad idea. Well let me tell u about the sex thing first. Allah knows the best.. He created man and woman but with different feelings. Both have equal rights but the feelings are different. Beigh a male i feel kinda odd but yes, a male wants to have more women even if he gets married. This is hard but thats the truth. But the woman have that kind of ability to stick with same man forever. Its not that u can marry 4 wives just like that. No thats not true. To marry a second wife, u should take permission from the first wife. And allah said ” if you cannot give both of them equal love then just marry one”. It indirectlys means that marry only one. If he is not able to do justice among both of his wife qually then he will be a sinner . May be your boyfriend is very religious. A hindu and muslim cannot live together thats for sure. And about the hijab and burkha. A male always wants his wife to be secured from the evil eyes of people. And who would even like another man staring at his wife right? Well yeah, so that pretty much it i guess.

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=7925

  • November 23, 2013 6:49 am

    Hello Tammana,Please Comment for your Community in this Topix


  • tamanna
    November 10, 2013 1:40 pm

    The only reason why I stopped commenting is that I realized that here some people are favouring islam, some are favouring hinduism…but dont you think they all are favouring an anti-human society? I mean come on, why on earth do we need to do all this??? Doea making the other religion down makes our our religion stand proud or tall???

    My religion ask me to respect the other religions as well and ask to keep all religions at par….I really didnt understood the concept of the fights and filthy arguements going on here…..

    And admin, regarding me and nadeem, we have come to a conclusion of having an interfaith marriage…no converaion, no tagging of children….I dont know what future holds for me, but atleast, we botj are trying to accept each other for what we are, not for the fact that who we are….

    Nevertheless, thank you so much admin, for holding on to me…and asking me to come back….thank you….for making me feel like a family…, loads of good wishes to all…

    • November 10, 2013 5:54 pm


      We are very glad to hear from you. After about 233 comments on this post, we have succeed in educating you about interfaith marriages. Today you are lots more educated on Hindu-Muslim issues compared to on Aug 7, 2013 when you first wrote. Now it is your choice and your life. We wish you the best. Please keep in touch.

      Many times, the truth is bitter. Even you may not have liked some comments from a few, it is good to know. Not knowing some facts could hurt you. After your Hindu-Muslim marriage, you will come across these types of comments all your life, even till the time to give the final rites. So, these 233 comments will help you prepare better to answer all in-laws and new relatives. You should be thankful to all of them for giving you “free” education. Best wishes.

      • tamanna
        November 10, 2013 7:09 pm

        That is absolutely true admin…

        I really appreciate each and every comment irrespective of it being positive or negetive,..I appreciate your support ang guidance all way through…thank you so much,,,

        But the kind of environment it was here , really shocked me…people bullying each other, silly arguements, made me sick…

        All I want to say is be it islam or hinduism, I am not against any culture…every religion has it own pros and cons…just that we at times are so involved in these “I am the best” arguements, that we tend of forget humanity…if anything that connects all these religion is us…the humanbeings,,,religion belong to humns, humans dont belong to religion….dats all…and I am still strictly against the fact that some people are deliberately trying to put each other down…and you being the admin shoud try n eliminate the differences, not supportjng or accentuate it

        • November 10, 2013 8:39 pm

          Thanks for your good words and suggestions.

          Remember, you are not out of woods for your relationships. Go and talk to his extended family for your plan to marry him and remain a Hindu for life and raise children in two faiths. Let us know how it goes. SRK did it, there is no reason you could not.

        • tenali
          November 10, 2013 10:37 pm


          Good luck with your decision! If all the religions teach that every human being has right to chose his own path and respect that decision, the world will be a much better place to live. Unfortunately, that is not happening. Hence you will see these comments and arguments from both the sides. This forum neither is the first for such discussion nor will be the last one.

    November 2, 2013 12:18 am

    Hello, Muslims, why don’t you understand that there is no Allah. It was an name of Idol in Kabaah and Moham-mad picked that name because its Arabic meaning the great (remember not the greatest) to justify his evil acts in the name of Allah and formed a boys cult group called “Islam.” When you read the Koran then you will be shocked to learn its evil verses which are full of hatred for non-Muslims, terrorism and lust for sex.

  • October 21, 2013 8:06 pm


    We have not heard back from you in a while and are concerned. We have spent good deal of time for your case and would appreciate you give updates on your situation. This will help us improve in the future and also others will learn from your case. We hope to hear from you soon.

    BTW please check advises by an Islamic expert at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=6868. What would you say to him?

  • September 5, 2013 7:26 pm

    We have not heard from you, can you update us for your decision?

    If you do decide to marry a him, you will have to be prepared to deal with his Muslim relatives, like Zara and Fatimah. They have rights to believe in what they believe in, but if they are part of your family and you hear these every day, how will you feel? For practice run, come to this site to express your counter views (if you have) to Zara and Fatimah. This way, you will be better prepared for your married life. Best wishes!

    • Sriram
      September 24, 2014 10:25 am

      Very good admin, I appreciate your efforts to stop innocent girls from falling as a prey to religious extremism, if at all Hindu girls want to marry Muslim boys ask them to stick to their religions , tell the negative effects of this, Muslims never accept our gods whole heartedly

  • kallyan
    September 3, 2013 3:52 am

    thank u tamanna for taking right decision . tell it everyone who is going to take wrong way to save him/her and to save india

  • ZaraISBACK
    August 23, 2013 4:19 am

    Dear Satyen, You are right there is no limit to knowledge but that is only true when someone is a very learned person. You are actually imprisoned by your own limited knowledge and refusal to learn more, disregarding even my own explainations.
    Otherwise why haven’t you commented on my take on hinduism?
    What cruelty are you talking about? In one of the other post I have replied to your comments on women in islam but seems like you didnt read it or just choose to ignore it selectively.
    I can understand when some people here who make anti islamic comments to take things out of context and blindly accuse religion with pity fights. But you of all people?? Who seems to love hinduism so much but speaks about Islam with so much hostility? This is not expected atleast from you being such a seemingly learned person.
    You remind me of one of my friends who raised the same points as you, that person was in the earliest stage of understanding. she knew nothing even of her own religion which was co incidentally hinduism. But through discussions and a zeal to learn that person learned the perspective behind these things and Masha Allah he converted and follows Islam better than any raised muslim I know, people literally look up to her and knows a greater deal about even the minutest things in Islam, even more than I myself know
    You seem to me at the same stage as her because the points you are raising are hardly arguable and look based on sheer ignorance. Ignorance is not wrong but making accusations in ignorance is wrong.Now I don’t say that you will have the same fate or convert or anything, the point is making opinions based on selective or so called half information is destructive. My friend even today repents to Allah for making assumptions becasue it is haraam even for a muslim

    49:12 O you who have believed, avoid much [negative] assumption. Indeed, some assumption is sin. And do not spy or backbite each other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his brother when dead? You would detest it. And fear Allah ; indeed, Allah is Accepting of repentance and Merciful.

    Even we are ordered to investigate
    49:6 O you who have believed, if there comes to you a disobedient one with information, investigate, lest you harm a people out of ignorance and become, over what you have done, regretful.

    This is the side of Islam which people refuse to see there are many such things to learn which I am sure even you would be amazed to learn, rather than accusing Islam for everything

  • August 23, 2013 1:45 am

    Hii Ameen,

    But why our Hindu brothers are following there rapists God like Brahma,Indra,krishna,shiva,vishnu and parshuram as an Average 10 women are raped in India everyday.How can that terrorist will get 72 virgins as there place is in hell and what about our ”saffron terrorism”?

  • August 22, 2013 1:06 pm

    Praveen Namaste,

    No religion has changed,but vedic religion itself changed and got a new name ”Hinduism” on 8th century,before that period of 8th century we are Vedics and hindu name never used by us and it is never found in any vedas or puran.persian Muslims first used the word ”Hindu” for vedic indians living near by the Sindhu river.It is too a bitter truth that persian Muslims originated the hindu name for us.but our hindu scholars are very brave who dare to accept such bitter Truth.

  • August 22, 2013 11:17 am


    Inequity and degradation of women are sanctified in the Hindu religion. Manu Smriti says:

    Never trust a woman. Never sit alone with a woman even if it may be your mother, she may tempt you. Do not sit alone with your daughter, she may tempt you. Do not sit alone with your sister, she may tempt you.


    1.The Hindu woman has no right to divorce her husband.

    2.She has no property or inheritance rights.

    3.Choice of partner is limited because she can only marry within her own caste; moreover her horoscope must match that of the intending bridegroom/family.

    4.The family of the girl has to offer an enormous dowry to the bridegroom/family.

    5.If her husband dies she should commit Sati (being cremated with her dead husband). Since today’s law forbids Sati, society mainly punishes her in other “holy” ways (see below).

    6.She can never remarry.

    7.The widow is considered to be a curse and must not be seen in public. She cannot wear jewelry or colorful clothes. (She should not even take part in her children’s marriage!)

    8.Child and infant marriage is encouraged.

    Point to note-
    All or most of these practises sanctioned by Hindu Dharam Laws are il-legal and punshiable under IPC in India, therefore Hindus do not practise them much. Hindus defy their religious law and still continue being Hindus example. re-marriage and divorce is now common among Hindus which is against their Dharma.

    • FranklyIndian
      June 27, 2015 2:47 am



  • August 22, 2013 11:10 am

    Hii everyone,


    If the Hindu man’s wife dies, he is free to go and find another beautiful woman when he wants. But if the Hindu woman’s husband dies, not only is she prohibited to remarry but she should be cremated along with her dead husband (”Sati”). According to the Haria, the woman who follows her husband in death purifies three families – her father’s, her mother’s and her husband’s. These Brahmin theologians propagate the theory based in the Vedas that a woman who did not burn herself would never become free of being born as a woman again. If a woman’s husband was guilty of the murder of a Brahmin or guilty of “ingratitude” – then the wife who died clasping his body was said to purify him of his sins.When His “Holiness” Puri Shankaracharya was asked about the fate of the widow’s children, he replied – “it is fate! Let the children suffer or die without a mother.

    But SATI has to be performed according to Hinduism”.“SATI MATA Kl JAI”.

    The Times of India reported (14-9-87): Jaipur- In what appeared to be a revival of a centuries-old custom of “Sati”, a young woman belonging to a warrior caste of Rajasthan climbed into the funeral pyre of her husband, police said yesterday. Eighteen-year old Roop Kanwar’s husband, Mansingh, had died in a hospital in Kikar district on Friday, His body was later taken to his home village at Diwrala for cremation. Roop Kanwar sat on the funeral pyre while it was lit by one of Mansingh ‘ s relatives. Hundreds of villagers who knew of her “Sati” well in advance gathered at the spot shouting slogans in praise of the burning widow. Police, who claimed to have received the information late, registered a case against four close relatives of Mansingh for having “HELPED” Roop Kanwar commit “Sati”.Roop Kanwar’s husband, Mansingh took more than Rs. 100,000 worth of dowry in the form of money, 25 tola of gold, a TV, a radio and a refrigerator. Though Mansingh had demanded dowry worth of 200,000 rupees, her father had success- fully negotiated and reduced the amount to Rs. 100,000/=. So far in the same village more than 23 dowry killings have occurred in the last 3 years as recompense for not bringing the promised dowry in time.

    The paper continues that the most revealing statement came from Mr. Cheeta Singh, a village teacher who said:
    “After all, she had no life to took forward to. As a widow, remarriage was out of the question in the Hindu tradition bound community”.

    The teacher continues:“The society treats a widow as a “kulachani” (an evil omen) and a economic liability. She has to remain barefoot, sleep on the floor and is not allowed to venture out of the house. She is slandered if seen talking to any male. It was better that she died, than live such a life,” he said.

  • August 22, 2013 9:51 am

    HAHAHAHA,see how this impotent Brahmin is pretending to be a Muslim girl by using several Muslim girls name.you are just doing copy & paste.put all this non-sense into your mother’s xxx.hindu women are treated as slaves in hinduism it is bitter truth.

  • August 22, 2013 6:51 am

    Dear readers,

    As a reseach scholar in modern concept of moral and ethics of socieities globally, I found that ALLAH IS – NOT GOD.

    Allah is not a God of peace and love but the Anti God of war, death and destruction. Allah is anti – peace. For Allah to be God, the supreme creator of the universe, Allah must attain the highest moral perfection. Allah should be all for pure love, mercy, peace and goodness to all his creatures. God must hold all his/her creatures to equal esteem. He cannot be an immoral, irrational, violent, evil being. If any teachings of the Quran fail to stand this ethical standard, its author, Allah, cannot be the God.

    Belief in a religion does not make you a superior human being or give you any special privileges over other humans. God never gives you right to enslave, discriminate against, kill, terrorize, rape and loot the people of other faith or the faithless. Such teachings cannot be from God. Preaching violence against other human beings, committing acts of extermination, genocide, murder, hate, violence, terror, brutality against people of different beliefs in the name, and for the greater glory, of God is unacceptable to an omnipotent God.


    To Muslims, the Quran is a divine law-book for all times. Muslims cannot question or doubt the allegedly uncreated words of God contained in their Quran. Quranic teachings, the words of Allah, are immutable and stand valid for all times. Therefore, all teachings of the Quran must be followed by Muslims until the end of the world. The Quran is filled with thousands of immoral words/teachings and therefore is no holy book of God.


    but a dangerous politico-military ideology—intended for conquering the world for imaginary Allah. The Koran is a declaration of open-ended war against the infidels. This war is permanent until all infidels have converted to Islam, or reduced to dhimmitude (institutionalized discrimination akin to slavery status), murdered or enslaved—a cold-hard reality for the hear-no-evil, see-no-evil, do-nothing-about-evil naive infidels.

    A careful study of the Quran and Muhammad’s life will reveal to any objective-minded person that Muhammad never talked to a supernatural deity or received revelation from such an entity. Muhammad invented Allah and turned him into a criminal god to give political power to himself and utilize his made-up teachings, allegedly received from a fictional Allah, as a religious and legal justification for his criminality. Allah existed only in Muhammad’s imagination. Muhammad and Allah were the same—two in one.

    Sanctioned by Allah, Muhammad practiced deceit, torture, murder, assassination, massacre, genocide, pillage, robbery, enslavement and rape as halal (legal) acts, deserving of paradise, as long as they were perpetrated on the infidels. These evil, immoral teachings became the eternal laws of Allah. Muhammad was no man of God but a criminal.


    Islam is – Murder, Mass Murder, Extermination, Violence.

    Murder is against the laws of God and man. It is the most violent, evil act man can commit against his fellow man. Murder ends that person’s existence. Murder of kafirs is central to Islam. Muslims have the full religious right granted to them by Allah to kill all kafirs. Murder is not an act of peace. There are 327,547 words in Islam devoted to violence. There are literally thousands of teachings of Massacre (8.67, 7.4), of Murder (2:191, 9:5,) Killing kafirs (47.4), Genocide (8.17) and Immoral Paradise guaranteeing accession to Paradise for Muslim men who kill kafirs or who die in the process of trying to kill kafirs (9.111)

    Islam is – War, Death, Destruction, Conquest

    The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Death sentences for 5 billion human beings. Jihad is holy war to conquer the world for Islam. Jihadis24%oftheMedinanKoranand9%ofthetotaloftheentireKoran. Jihadtakesup21%oftheBukharimaterialandtheSiradevotes67%ofitstexttojihad. There are 164 Quranic teachings of Jihad. (Quran 29.6, 29.53, 22.52 etc)

    Islam is – Hate Speech

    Geert Wilders was charged with hate speech for quoting teachings of hate from the from the Quran.

    Quoting from 137c of Dutch Penal Code o 1.

    “He who publicly, verbally or in writing or image, deliberately expresses himself in an way insulting of a group of people because of their race, their religion or belief, or their hetero- or homosexual nature or their physical, mental, or intellectual disabilities, will be punished with a prison sentence of at the most one year

    .o 2. If the offence is committed by a person who makes it his profession or habit, or by two or more people in association, a prison sentence of at the most two years or a fine of fourth category will be imposed.”

    Isn’t this incredible. You can be charged with insulting Muslims and inciting hatred by quoting the hateful teachings of Islam directly from the Quran. Under Article 137 d 01 Muslims should be arrested in their mosques for the Quran incites “hatred against, discrimination of people, or violent behavior against person or property of people because of their race, their religion or belief, their gender or hetero- or homosexual nature.” The Quran orders the mass murder of all kafirs denigrating them to the status of rats /apes and demands as orders from God – their physical torture, terrorizing and extermination. The Quran calls for their subjugation, enslavement, and debasement of Jews and Christians as dhimmi. The Quran preaches the rape and degradation of women. Homosexuals are to be tortured and murdered. Apostates of Islam are must be killed. What we have here is George Orwell’s 1984 double speak. Article 137d is exactly how the elites of Europe are determined to end freedom of speech for these articles are Europe wide. Don’t be surprised if a similar law is passed by the US Congress.

    Islam is Racism

    Racism is one of the greatest criminal acts practiced by man against man. And Islam is the most racist, bigoted, discriminatory ideology ever created by man.

    Racism is the belief that inherent different traits in human racial groups justify discrimination. It is applied especially to the practice or advocacy of racial discrimination of a pernicious nature (i.e. which harms particular groups of people). Modern usage often equates “racism” and “racial discrimination” and defines the latter term only as applying to pernicious practices.

    ISLAM IS THE MOST RACIST IDEOLOGY EVER CONCEIVED BY MAN. Arabs believe they are a superior race and have the right to rape, torture, kill because the Quran being in Arabic non-Arabic people are inferior and are to be treated like slaves. This is sanctified by God in the Quran.

    Islam is Slavery


    All human beings, irrespective of race or color, are created equal in terms of rights and dignity. Assuming that one human being is lesser than another and worth being a slave or property of another person is abhorrent to civilized conscience. Slavery is one of the vilest institutions ever created by man. Slavery is a form of vile racism.

    In Islam, God is a slaver, who sanctions enslaving other people by Muslims in the Quran. Prophet Muhammad was a slaver, who took 20% from the profits derived from the sale of slaves. He also owned 40 slaves. He beat and raped his slaves. He hated the Blacks and compared them to Satan. Some 120 million Blacks were murdered by Muslims, the greatest holocaust in history. Of hunted Black slaves, some 75% of them died on the way to Islamic markets. All Black male slaves were castrated. While most black slaves sent to the Americas could marry and have families, most of the male black slaves destined for the Muslim world were castrated. Millions more died in the unhygienic operation for castrating them, and most of the black children born to the women were killed at birth.

  • August 22, 2013 3:58 am

    Hinduism is not a religion but a Mythology.
    It is made by the most pervert Brahma, Shiva, Ram and Sita who were merely sex addicts.
    Then came the Brahmins who wrote the sex manual of Kama Sutra describing 69 styles on how to exploit poor Hindu women.
    How can that be any religion – a story of kidnapping Sita and conducting rape on rape on her.
    Even today after 5000 years, we see that in India:

    1) A religion which practised incest,
    Incest, the practice of marrying one’s sister was very much prevailed in ancient India.Incest was common among several tribes of pre-Aryan India and is still found in various parts of the country. Thus, the marriage customs of the panchama baiga of central India permit the union of grandparents and grandchild, while the Ernadan male of Malabar takes his eldest daughter as his second wife.The Hindu levirate system, known as Noyoga, was a sort of incest, practiced for the sake of raising offsprings, though it appears to have been extended beyond legitimate bounds. As examples of incestuous marriages in Hindu mythology may be cited the union of Yama and Yami; Manu son of Vivasvat and his sister Sraddha; Prajapati and his daughter Ushas; Pushan and his sister Surya; Sukra and his THREE sisters; Suka and Pivari; Satrajita and his TEN sisters; Nahusha and his sister Viraja. Purukutsa’s queen Narmada after her husbands death, obtained a son through her own brother. Draupada may have married his own sister to obtain Dhrishtadymuna and Draupadi. Kaisalya wife of Dasaratha was probably also his sister; and more than one authority has suggested that Rama and Sita were actually brother and sister.

    2) Caste system is practiced openly causing indignity and injustice of the Low caste Hindus. You pick up poor Hindu women from Mandirs who are “Devdasis” and subject them to rape in the name of you Bhagwan. What kind of stupidity is that?

    3) Female Infanticides is conducted in millions and nothing could stop it. Why do you hate the female gender so much?If Hindus have a brain and a heart, why do you allow these absurd things ? It is a mighty big sin.

    4) Dowry burnings: Do I need to elobrate on it

    5) Sati: Burning the widows when the Husband dies. Is that fair?Is this not cruelty against women?Just answer me those questions, and remember those evil things do not happen in Pakistan. Islam comes from the Master of the Day of Judgement. Prophet Mohammad Peace be upon him, who is Messenger.

    • October 11, 2013 10:44 pm

      Let Khalida (It is not her/his real name,actually she/he is a non Muslim)react to the comments made by Brahma and only after that I Will invite this anti Muslim person to have a dialogue/debate with me which will remind the people of the humiliating defeat of DR.William Campbell at the hands of Dr.Zakir naik at Chicago,USA.
      Md.Zia-ul_Haque,Alim & Advocate,12/A,Phul Bagan Rd,Calcutta-700014

  • August 22, 2013 3:17 am

    Washington, Aug 21 (IANS) The US has sanctioned a top Al Qaeda official and a madrassa in Peshawar, serving as a terrorist training centre supporting Lashkar-e-Taeba, the Pakistan based terrorist group behind the Mumbai attack, and the Taliban.
    Targetting Jamia Taleem-Ul-Quran-Wal-Hadith Madrassa, also known as the Ganj Madrassa, the Treasury department Tuesday said the Peshawar based religious school “serves as a training centre and facilitates funding for Al Qaeda, Lashkar-e-Taeba, and the Taliban.”
    The action freezes any assets the sanctioned persons or entities may have under US jurisdiction and prohibits US persons from doing business with them.
    “The activities of the Ganj Madrassa exemplify how terrorist groups, such as Al Qaeda, Lashkar-e-Taeba, and the Taliban, subvert seemingly legitimate institutions, such as religious schools, to divert charitable donations meant for education to support violent acts,” the announcement said.
    “Today’s action strikes at the heart of the financial and logistical support network that abuses charitable donations and provides essential services for various terrorist groups including Al Qaeda, Lashkar-e-Taeba, and the Taliban.”
    “These networks provide the fighters, training, and supplies for these terrorist groups to carry out their acts of violence against coalition forces and civilians alike,” said Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence David S. Cohen.
    In targeting Umar Siddique Kathio Azmarai, the announcement noted during his long tenure with Al Qaeda, he has held a number of important positions.
    “He is Al Qaeda’s leader in Sindh and Balochistan provinces, Pakistan, and has been a significant financial facilitator for the group, moving hundreds of thousands of dollars in support of its leadership and operations.
    “Azmarai has also acted as a courier for Al Qaeda officials and has managed logistics for family members of senior Al Qaeda leadership, including Usama bin Laden.”
    The Ganj Madrassa is controlled by designated Al Qaeda facilitator Fazeel-A-Tul Shaykh Abu Mohammed Ameen Al-Peshawari, also known as Shaykh Aminullah, the Treasury announcement said.
    Shaykh Aminullah was designated by both the US and UN in 2009 for providing material support to Al Qaeda and the Taliban.
    Aminullah, the announcement said, has directed donations provided for the school to terrorist groups such as the Taliban, which use the money to fund the ongoing violence in Afghanistan.

  • Truth4ever
    August 21, 2013 11:07 am
  • August 21, 2013 9:23 am

    Zara and Sita do you know?


    The outrageous, steady pattern of Asian (media speak for Muslim) attacking, sexually assaulting British women continues. Just in the past few days these crimes have been noted:

    Hunt for City Centre Attacker


    THIS is the man wanted by police after a sexual assault in Sheffield city centre.

    Officers were called after a 19-year-old woman reported being attacked on Burgess Street , off Barker’s Pool, at 1.20am on Thursday October 2.

    The man they want to speak to is Asian, aged in his mid 30s, around 5ft 9ins tall, slim and clean shaven. He was wearing a black hooded top and grey jeans when he struck.


    Sex Attacker Strikes in City Park


    A woman has been sexually assaulted in a park in Leicester .

    It happened at around 1245 GMT on Saturday as the 19-year-old was walking through Victoria Park on the footpath towards the university.

    As she passed the tennis courts and the war memorial, a man approached her and attacked her.

    Afterwards the victim kept walking along the same footpath but the man followed her, only leaving when she reached the campus site.

    He is described as Asian, with a pale complexion, in his late 20s, about 5ft 6in tall and medium build.

    He has short black hair and is of “scruffy” appearance with a scar above his lip on the right side.

    I have chronicled the escalating attacks against British women (and men) by muslims in what is called Street Jihad – see:




    To quote from the latter – noting that this is clearly not just an British problem but European problem due to rampant Muslim immigration into the EU countries (with the blessing of EUocrats) as well as a dhimmified political, law enforcement, and judicial system:

    “Well known blogger Fjordman has written about huge numbers of Norwegian Swedish women being raped by Muslim men (see below) – he states, and I concur, that the large numbers of rapes of Western women by Muslim men is so extremely high that it is difficult to view them as random acts of violence. Both Norway and Sweden persist in covering up the ever increasing numbers of rapes committed by Muslims. Muslims view Western women as cheap and “fair game”. He further goes on to say Western women are likely considered war booty” by Muslims who feel they are conquering Europe & the UK.”

    Thus it is clear that this is not only a British problem but a problem for Western cultures -Islam teaches muslims to not only feel entitled to rape our “inferior” women but see rape as a victory over the infidel on their path to Islamization of the world or Global Caliphate. It is time to look at big picture and see the ever growing numbers of rape of “kaffir” women as not just a Muslim crime but also an act of terrorism.

    Immigrant Rape Wave in Sweden

    Swedish girls Jenny and Linda were on their way to a party on New Year’s Eve when they were assaulted, raped and beaten half to death by four Somali immigrants. Sweden’s largest newspaper has presented the perpetrators as “two men from Sweden, one from Finland and one from Somalia”, a testimony as to how bad the informal censorship is in stories related to immigration in Sweden. Similar incidents are reported with shocking frequency, to the point where some observers fear that law and order is completely breaking down in the country. The number ofrape charges in Sweden has tripled in just above twenty years. Rape cases involving children under the age of 15 are six – 6 – times as common today as they were a generation ago. Most other kinds of violent crime have rapidly increased, too. Instability is spreading to most urban and suburban areas.

    According to a new study from the Crime Prevention Council, Brå, it is four times more likely that a known rapist is born abroad, compared to persons born in Sweden. Resident aliens from Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia dominate the group of rape suspects. According to these statistics, almost half of all perpetrators are immigrants. In Norway and Denmark, we know that non-Western immigrants, which frequently means Muslims, are grossly overrepresented on rape statistics. In Oslo, Norway, immigrants were involved in two out of three rape charges in 2001. The numbers in Denmark were the same, and even higher in the city of Copenhagen with three out of four rape charges. Sweden has a larger immigrant, including Muslim, population than any other country in northern Europe. The numbers there are likely to be at least as bad as with its Scandinavian neighbors. The actual number is thus probably even higher than what the authorities are reporting now, as it doesn’t include second generation immigrants. Lawyer Ann Christine Hjelm, who has investigated violent crimes in Svea high court, found that 85 per cent of the convicted rapists were born on foreign soil or by foreign parents.

    A group of Swedish teenage girls has designed a belt that requires two hands to remove and which they hope will deter would-be rapists. “It’s like a reverse chastity belt,” one of the creators, 19-year-old Nadja Björk, told AFP, meaning that the wearer is in control, instead of being controlled. Björk and one of her partners now plan to start a business to mass produce the belts and are currently in negotiations with potential partners. “But I’m not doing this for the money,” she said. “I’m really passionate about stopping rape. I think it’s terrible.” In an online readers’ poll from the newspaper Aftonbladet, 82% of the women expressed fear to go outside after dark. There are reports of rapes happening in broad daylight. 30 guests in a Swedish public bath watched as a 17-year-old girl was raped recently, and nobody did anything. The girl was first approached by 16-year-old boy. He and his friends followed her as she walked away to the grotto, and inside the grotto he got her blocked in the corner, ripped off her bikini and raped her, while his friend held her firm.

    There are even reports of Swedish girls being attacked and cut with knives on the dance floor. A 21-year-old man who came to Sweden a couple of years ago admits that he has a low opinion of Swedish females –or “whores” as he calls them. He is now prosecuted, suspected of cutting eight girls in several pubs. He is also charged with raping a girl at a private party, and with sexually harassing another girl in the apartment. Several witnesses claim that the 21 year old has said that he hates Swedish women.

    Some Muslim immigrants admit their bias quite openly. An Islamic Mufti in Copenhagen sparked a political outcry after publicly declaring that women who refuse to wear headscarves are “asking for rape.” Apparently, he’s not the only one thinking this way. “It is not as wrong raping a Swedish girl as raping an Arab girl,” says Hamid “ The Swedish girl gets a lot of help afterwards, and she had probably fucked before, anyway. But the Arab girl will get problems with her family. For her, being raped is a source of shame. It is important that she retains her virginity until she marries.” It was no coincidence that it was a Swedish girl that was gang raped in Rissne – this becomes obvious from the discussion with Ali, Hamid, Abdallah and Richard. All four have disparaging views on Swedish girls, and think this attitude is common among young men with immigrant background. “It is far too easy to get a Swedish whore…… girl, I mean;” says Hamid, and laughs over his own choice of words. “Many immigrant boys have Swedish girlfriends when they are teenagers. But when they get married, they get a proper woman from their own culture who has never been with a boy. That’s what I am going to do. I don’t have too much respect for Swedish girls. I guess you can say they get fucked to pieces.”

    The number of rapes committed by Muslim immigrants in Western nations are so extremely high that it is difficult to view them only as random acts of individuals. It resembles warfare. Muhammad himself had forced sex (rape) with several of his slave girls/concubines. This is perfectly allowed, both in the sunna and in the Koran. If you postulate that many of the Muslims in Europe view themselves as a conquering army and that European women are simply war booty, it all makes perfect sense and is in full accordance with Islamic law. Western women are not so much regarded by most Muslims as individuals, but as “their women,” the women who “belong” to hostile Infidels. They are booty, to be taken, just as the land of the Infidels someday will drop, it is believed, into Muslim hand. This is not mere crime, but ideologically-justified crime or rather, in Muslim eyes, attacks on Infidels scarcely qualify as crime. Western women are cheap and offensive. We Muslims are here, here to stay, and we have a right to take advantage of this situation. It is our view of the matter that should prevail. Western goods, like the land on which we now live, belong to Allah and to the best of men — his Believers. Western women, too, essentially belong to us — our future booty. No wonder there is a deep and increasing suspicion against Muslims in the Swedish and European public.

    Sweden has national elections less than a year from now. Here is a suggested draft email, in English and Swedish, that you can send in to Swedish politicians and media to protest the lack of honesty about what Muslim immigration is doing to the country:

    I would hereby like to protest against the passivity and the lack of resolve demonstrated by Swedish authorities in the face of a huge spike in the number of rapes in their country. It is time for Swedish politicians, Swedish media and the Swedish public to admit that the large increase in the number of rape charges in their country during the past generation is intimately tied to the immigration that has taken place during that same time period. The attitude among many Muslim men is that women who are not veiled and act properly submissive have themselves to blame if something happens to them. Such a line of thinking is incompatible with the culture of freedom in any Western country. It means that as long as Muslim immigration continues, Sweden will continue to import an Islamic culture that will destroy women’s freedom in Swedish society. The strains caused by immigration are now so large that unless something serious is done about this, pretty soon Sweden will face the same kind of riots we have recently seen in France, and will approach the point of permanent ethnic and religious strife. Swedish politicians and media need to put the well-being of their daughters above that of political correctness and their own Multicultural vanity, and it is shocking that they actually need to be reminded of this. It is an international embarrassment to Sweden as a nation that Swedes travel around the world to lecture about women’s rights, and at the same time their own young women are finding that their most basic rights, such as being able to go outside wearing normal clothes without being harassed, are slipping away. It’s a sham, and it needs to end. Unless Swedish authorities are able to provide basic security to a population that has some of the highest tax rates in the world, the Swedish government should publicly admit its inadequacy and resign from office. At the very least, it should be honest enough to tell Swedish citizens that they must provide security for themselves, and stop making it difficult for people to do this.

  • August 21, 2013 9:20 am

    Dear readers including Zara, Tamanna, Nadeem and Sita,

    We know a great deal about Mohammed’s sexuality. It is recorded in incredible detail. Mohammed’s sexual life is like the Koran in that it is divided into Mecca (early) and Medina (later). In Mecca he was married to a widow and had six children. His wife died shortly before he was driven out of Mecca into Medina. After her death, his sex life took an abrupt turn. He engaged himself to Aisha at the age of six and also married a widow.

    In Medina he (age 53) started having sex with the nine-year-old Aisha. She was always his favorite. Most of the sexual details are told by Aisha and recorded in the Hadith.

    By the time he died he had nine wives and several sex slaves. Mohammed is seen as the perfect Islamic husband and part of his perfection is his role as “stud” in the harem. Every Muslim male wants to be like Mohammed.

    FP: How about the subject of wife beating?

    Warner: Women must submit to men in all things. But this causes some human problems. If the woman does not submit, what is the man to do? After all, the wife will have violated the sacred law of submission. Mohammed had a solution to this misbehavior—beat her. After all, Allah said it was good to beat the wife. Koran 4:34 says that if a wife is not submissive, first admonish them and remind them that Allah wants them to submit. If they don’t submit then use social pressure by ignoring them and not having sex. If that doesn’t work, then beat them lightly.

    Mohammed laid out more rules for these beatings. Do not strike them in the face. (That leaves public bruises.) One of his rules (Sunna) was not to ask a man why he beats his wife.

    He stood around, more than once, while beatings were administered to women and slaves. Beatings are a fundamental part of Islamic justice. The Koran mentions Job beating his wife, beatings in Hell and beatings for adultery. Mohammed gave advice to a woman not to marry a certain man because he beat his wives, but he did not condemn the beatings. When a woman came before him seeking justice about her husband, her face was bruised from a beating. Mohammed made no comment about the beating that bruised her face.

    Beating the Muslim wife is not to be done in outrage. No, the husband is putting the world into Islamic order of duality and submission. The husband submits to Allah and the Sunna of Mohammed. The wife must submit to Allah, the Sunna and her husband. Her lack of submission is a fault in the world and the beating restores the proper order of submission. Beatings are justice. So when the husband beats his wife, both are partaking in a sacred moment of good (what is permitted).

    FP: Did Mohammed beat any of his wives?

    Warner: We have only one record of Mohammed hitting one of his wives, Aisha. Her father, in the presence of Mohammed, also hit Aisha. Mohammed made no complaint. At one period in Medina, Mohammed said not to beat women. But that developed into the practical advice that if you beat your wife during the day, don’t expect to get any loving that night.

    Mohammed was around a lot of beatings. For example, he stood by while Ali beat Mohammed’s slave to make her tell the truth about the affair of Aisha and her possible assignation with a jihadist.

    FP: What was Mohammed’s family life like?

    Warner: Mohammed had a very busy family life. But even though he was the most perfect man who ever lived, life was not always harmonious around the house. His favorite wife was the little Aisha, but for a while his favorite sex partner was a Christian slave called Mary. She was a gift to him and came with a sister. He gave the sister away as a present to help placate his favorite poet.

    One day, one of his wives, Hafsa, went into her room to find Mohammed in some state of intimacy with his sex slave. Now, it was granted by Allah that Mohammed could have as many sex slaves as he wished, but not in a wife’s bedroom. Hafsa was outraged and Mohammed tried to placate her and told her not to mention it to the other wives. Good luck. The harem erupted in anger and coolness.

    Mohammed retreated from his wives and set up his sex slave in another apartment. He stayed away for a month. Allah even weighed in on his sex life (Allah had a lot to say about Mohammed and sex and it was all good for Mohammed). Allah said Mohammed could divorce all of them and get better ones, if he wanted.

    In the end, he went back to his familiar family scene.

    Allah also gave him permission to marry his daughter-in-law. Mohammed craved his adopted son’s wife. Incest laws prevented his marriage, but Allah weighed in and said that his adopted son was never a real son, so go ahead and marry her. Even Aisha remarked that Allah was quick to grant Mohammed his pleasures.

    There is a large amount of text about how the wives fought, argued, and plotted against each other. Jealousy was an ongoing state of affairs in the Mohammed household. It turns out that you can’t get a houseful of women to live in harmony with the ideal man.

    FP: Can you talk a bit about menstruation?

    Warner: Islam is always about submission and duality. What is amazing is how completely this is applied. There is no part of being a human being that is not to submit to Islam. Women are divided from men and must submit in all things, including every aspect of femininity. Men tell women what they can and cannot do about their most personal life, having a period. Allah and Mohammed tell women that they are unclean during their period. They should not go the mosque or pray during their period.

    But it does not stop there. Men even tell women how long to nurse a child. Islam is obsessive/compulsive. Nothing, absolutely nothing, is left out for Islam to dictate.

    FP: Is it true that Islamic doctrine advocates rape?

    Warner: Mohammed and the Koran advocate rape of the kafirs. After their battles the jihadists partook in the pleasure of raping the wives and daughters of the conquered men. Duality separates the kafirs from a real humanity and submission means that the cruelest treatment is given to them so they will submit. It is only just.

    Rape is a supreme tactic of war and Mohammed used it in everyway possible. Rape humiliates the kafir men and crushes the spirit of the women. It is the perfect weapon of fear and subjugation. How much more humiliated and subjugated can a woman be? The history of jihad shows that rape was a constant.

    Rape is in use today, but the media refuses to talk about it. The media does not want to offend Islam by unpleasant news. The use of rape by Islam is a forbidden topic. Islamic rape of European women is happening now, but our media refuses to ever mention it. Now, it could be that the media does not like to connect sexual malfeasance with a religion, but the media eagerly reports about Catholic priests and children for instance. Think of the number of times the press has covered some preacher’s sexual misconduct. No, the media loves sex and religion.

    What the media does not want to do is to criticize anything about Islam. Reporting the rape of the school children at Beslan, Russia would mean finding fault in Islam. And Islam would harass the media. The media fear Islam.

    Dualistic ethics make rape a virtue. Islam has one ethical code for Muslims and another one for kafirs—dualism. The kafir woman is not real human. Allah hates kafirs and sanctioned rape. So when a Muslim rapes a kafir, he is partaking in sacred behavior, sanctioned by his ethics. Rape of the kafir is Sunna (following the ideal behavior of Mohammed).

    FP: Why is the veil/hijab so important and what is its real role?

    Warner: The veil is the supreme symbol of duality and Islam. How separate can a woman be? The most dangerous aspect of a women is her sexuality. All aspects of the veil/hijab control this, including the headscarf. It says to Muslims, “I have submitted to Islamic men.”

    The Muslim female dress is a battle flag of jihad. She is better than us. It says to the civilization of equality and freedom, “I hate your freedom. I hate your equality. I want nothing of you (except your money and technology).” For the kafir the veil is the same symbol of subjugation and oppression that of the Ku Klux Klan white robe.

    The veil/hijab is also a way of subjugating the woman in public. All aspects of being a woman are controlled by Islam (men).

    In the end, there are two things to remember about Islam and sex—duality and submission . Islamic dualism separates men from women. Submission makes sure that the women submit to the men.

    Islam is a civilization that is entirely based upon duality and submission. Our civilization is based upon equality and freedom. These two civilizations cannot co-exist. Islam is ahead of us here, because the incompatibility of the two is clearly stated and gives the world the solution for this incompatibility. We must submit to Islam and exchange freedom and equality for Islamic slavery.

    This is not really an inherent problem, since we have faced other doctrines that said we must submit. Communism and Nazism come to mind. In the past our intellectuals have attacked our enemies of our civilization and defended our civilization. But our intellectual system has degenerated and is no longer capable of defending us or attacking our enemy.

    Our intellectuals have decided that we don’t even have a civilization, it is just one big multicultural world where all of the cultures are equal. So there is nothing to defend.

    The other thing that has happened in our schools is that debate is no longer used. Our intellectual system used to be based upon the arguments between two views, some form of the left/right, nature/nurture. There was no presumption of evil on the part of the opponent. As the debate went on, some middle ground of understanding occurred.

    Debate is no more. There has been some kind of divine revelation that has decreed the final truth and what can be discussed. The Church of Political Correctness does not indulge debate, but decrees that all views that differ from its papal bulls are evil. Those who argue against Islam are bigots filled with hate.

    Our universities are filled with arrogant ignorance about Islam. Find a single university that has a women’s studies program that teaches the sexist doctrine of Islam. Not even 1400 years of rape is of interest, much less the doctrine that supports it. Of course, the history department never teaches the suffering of the kafir and the dhimmi, just the glorious history of Islam. The universities do not teach the suffering of the deaths of 270,000,000 kafirs, so why should they teach about the suffering of women?

    Why do our tax dollars go to our state universities, who refuse to teach the facts of doctrine and history? Why can’t we pressure them to teach this?

    We may be too afraid to attack Islam, but why can’t we attack the universities and intellectuals? How can we justify not teaching and debating the doctrine of Islamic sexuality? What is the basis of not teaching the doctrine and history of Islam? It is all fact and the seed of the action of Islam in 1400 years of history. We must acknowledge and master the Islamic political doctrine and history or be annihilated as a civilizati

  • August 21, 2013 8:45 am

    Hey fake zara,

    You are talking about 9/11 incident,but why not about Iraq and afghanistan in which lacs of Muslims killed by Americans and even in Drone attacks.They were all innocents.you don’t know that taliban terrorist force was first created by americans against U.S.S.R..but why Muslims are always blamed for killing of innocents.see what happened with them in burma,Iraq,afghanistan,gaza,palestine and mali.Are they not innocents?

  • Zara
    August 21, 2013 6:47 am

    To tell you frankly asking the question “What is the evidence that he exists” is like holding and iphone and asking what is the evidence that Apple Inc exists

    • tenali
      August 21, 2013 7:13 am

      Now don’t tell me that Apple Inc is created by ALLAH, Steve jobs is his messenger 🙂


      • Zara
        August 21, 2013 8:34 am

        Infact He did. The height of subtlety 🙂

  • Zara
    August 21, 2013 6:36 am

    Deat Tenali,
    I am not just explaining any planetory system. I want to show you the sensibility in that creation dude.
    If I say sugar melts in water, would you say yes we know it, thats called science. But what I am trying to show is why the sugar melts in water why doesnt wood melt in water. In that sense only I have explained the planetary system, please try to see the perspective not the information

  • Zara
    August 21, 2013 6:25 am

    One of the many beautiful names of Allah is Al Lateef. it means the most subtle one. Subtle means doing something so quietly which no one even notices. For me this name manifests itself when I see people who are atheists. How subtle is Allah who has brought the world together with so much and created such an amazing existence but still amoung His creations are humans who don’t believe in His existence

    We will show them Our Signs in the universe, and in their ownselves, until it becomes manifest to them that this (the Quran) is the truth. Is it not sufficient in regard to your Lord that He is a Witness over all things? 41:53

    Atheist often give science as a strong point to their argument but for me its no co incidence that the word “science” so nicely sounds familiar to “signs”. This is just one of the subtlety of My Lord

    • tenali
      August 21, 2013 6:36 am

      Al Lateef is an Arabic word. A person who doesn’t know Arabic, how will he comprehend the meaning of it?

      Science & Signs? These two are words in English. Similar words in other languages have completely different spelling or pronounciation. It doesn’t make any sense to equate them to the belief on GOD.

      I am asking few simple questions. Instead of answering them ,you are teaching me science and Arabic 🙂

      – What is your definition of GOD?
      – What is the evidence that he exists?
      – If he exists, does he control man’s or woman’s free will?
      – Why only few animals are haram or halal? What about other animals & birds?


      • Zara
        August 21, 2013 6:44 am

        hahaha. Did you ignore everything after Al Lateef? I have explained even the meaning of that word and the reason why Allah is called so.
        Why would I teach you science and arabic. I can lead a horse to a well but ultimately the horse has to drink the water himself. If you can’t see another persons perspective how do you expect to understand anything from another person?
        It means you are only opening your mind to a perspective like yours. Please open your mind further and see that science only explains how a certain thing works but doesnot explain why a certain thing works. You are right now sitting oblivious to the fact that there are billions of cells in the body working to keep you alive yes I know scienec explains that but it doesnt explain how they know exactly what to do
        About the question on animals I want answer that because that would take us into religion because I think you dont really believe in God Am I right?

        • tenali
          August 21, 2013 7:20 am

          I know that science can only explain so many things. With the passage of time, I believe it will find more answers and eventually answer all the questions. Remember world used to believe that earth was flat during the times of Mohammed and now it was found that it is not flat. Your argument seems like every thing explained or unexplained in science is GOD. If every thing is created by Allah, what is the need for free will of man or woman? He could have as well created every one as a Muslim and be done with it.


  • tamanna
    August 21, 2013 6:21 am


    Anyways m not getting any answers of my querries,,.is it wrong to ask questions? While researching only, I came across these querries…. and anyways u guys r doing everything, but not answering the questions, then wats the point???

    If u can answer, plz do, but if not, dnt start accusing me tht I didnt researched well…if I didnt had, I didnt had got these questions in mind…

    • Zara
      August 21, 2013 6:32 am

      Dear tammanna,
      I explained a lot to you in one of the posts but hearing it from just another muslim is not enough thats why I am asking you to go to informative websites because I have seen how nasty fights on this forum get. And to tell you the truth they are very biased against muslims in particular. They are judging Islam the religion on basis of muslims

      Living Islam is a huge responsibility and not everyone is able to shoulder it but God doesnt punish us for that. Allah has give everykind of guidance thru it we just need to look further
      Please visit this site
      There are many more such sites
      Go to this site to know why Islam differs so much from hinduism

      • August 21, 2013 10:14 am

        Leaving Islam is called apostasy, punishment for it in some Islamic country is stoned to death. Search in google.

        Zara, is that wrong? Yes, or no?

  • tamanna
    August 21, 2013 6:17 am

    Zara…. I have not got any of the answers of the questions I have asked…and I have well researched about the subject….and wats wrong wid dat if I come on a platform to ask questions regarding my querries????

    U guys are doing everything, fighting amongst each other except answering the questions, which was prime objective of me writing this post….

    F9 I dnt knw much abt it….thats why I am asking….if I would have known everything , what was the need to come into this site ask these questions…while researching these questions came in my mind, and I took the opportunity to ask them….is dat wrong??? Though u guys r talking abt everything,.., but not answering them…so anyways zara, theres just no point…and if u can answer them plz do, if not not, dont start accusing me….

    • August 21, 2013 10:06 am

      Agree, that Zara is not engaging into any meaningful discussion and is thus difficult for us.
      Instead, Tamanna, take this post https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=6615 and ask to 10 imams in your area. Tell them that you are a proud Brahmin and what it means to marry a Muslim. They will be honest. We trust fully what Fatimah wrote and this is exactly what coming for you. Prove us wrong.

  • Zara
    August 21, 2013 6:15 am

    Everything that I explained I am sure many people already know and see it. Then why mention right?
    The reason is when God has created everything so perfectly where each cell in our body has a sole purpose then how can he create His beloved creatures without purpose, or leave them guidance less
    There will not be one person on this forum who has nt suffered hardship. We all know how hard life gets, even for the richest of humans but do you think our Creator who created us so lovingly likes to see us in hardship. Thats is why has sent guidance time and again in form of prophets who have time and again confirmed the oneness of God.
    This is not a religious debate but one on the purpose of life. I am not asking or questioning any religious practice but if you think with a sound mind, aren’t hardships like test we give in school and every test has a result attached to it to show us how we fared.
    Ofcourse some test give us recognition or a degree but in this busy schedule please take time to ponder on the purpose of life and the test called LIFE
    We are not here without a purpopse. A God who is Greatest of all in his infinite wisdom cannot create creatures with free will and leave them guidance less Now people think that islam is so strict, there are so many restrictions and all but if you carefully see the restrictions you will know they are just a way to a moral life. Otherwise why would smoking or alcohol will be haraam, why would zina or dating be haraam or why would something as negligent as paying interest on loans will be haraam? For someone who loves alcohol this will definetly be a restriction becos he cant see the good behind it, but for someone else who loves alcohol this will just be a way to love their Creator by leaving alcohol. What is more proof of a love than sacrifice for the beloved even if its sacrificing something we love. But In Islam Allah only asks us to sacrifice a certain thing because its bad for us only

    This is why eating pork is haraam. Allah doesnot have a personal grudge against a pig, why would He. He loves every creation of His. All He tells us that the pork is not made for you to eat out of, its unhealthy. I bet no one has asked why pork is haraam but this is the real reason. It is uhealthy for our bodies

    Atleast to my inquisitive mind, this is an impossibility taht we would be left guidance less and something as important as life would be like a kindergarten where we just go to play and then return home with our parents and searching for purpose of life many people have converted to Islam
    Now why are people even from the west, yes the west that condems Islam so much, has seen a huge rise in conversion.
    Do you know it is after the attack of 9/11 on USA that americans became interested in knowing about Islam. Now why would people who think the reason for the attack on their country would accept the same reason so graciously to their lives???
    Its an open question so please ponder and do your own research

    • tenali
      August 21, 2013 6:29 am

      Pls don’t quote the metrics from propaganda sites that lot of westerners are converting to Islam. If it is so, they would have become like middle east by now. Muslim population across the board is increasing due to bad family planning. Very few people are actually converting into it. It is true for other religions as well.

      By your understanding, does GOD control a man’s or woman’s free will?

      Where is the evidence that pork is more harmful than beef? You talked about pig, cow etc. What about other animals and birds? Can a human kill them and eat them?


      • Zara
        August 21, 2013 7:47 am

        You look out of touch with the reality dude. Go and check the news if you know what it is. This is no propoganda, it may be to your selectively and choicefully blinded eyes but its not, sorry to say and break your pre assumptions.
        The west is not like middle east simply because may be they are following it better or because each person is different than the other. Islam was sent for whole humanity and also I dont paste or source from website this is a common sense question. You just dont want to believe that it is actually happening, suit yourself, that doesnot change the truth

        • tenali
          August 21, 2013 7:57 am

          That is what I was trying to convey dear! Open your eyes & mind and observe what is happening around.

          Middle east is like middle east because of Islam and West is like west today because of their priority to individual freedom. Unless one is allowed to question the various aspects of life, he/she will not make progress. For every question that I was posting, I am getting only standard response that God has created them like that only. Why don’t you use your skills in providing realistic answers to them?


          • Zara
            August 21, 2013 8:12 am

            Dear Tenali
            Again I request you, see the perspective dude!!! West is more lost than ever today. Yes they are most developed yes they are the most open minded yes they are most developed but their family lives are crumbling and their personal mentality is way astray. Today even their economies are crumbling but what do you care. How can you only see the outer facade of the west as good and the middle east as bad. Do you really think west is supreme inspite of all these problems or do you think all these problems are better to have then you have to be a shallow thinker.

            “Middle east is like middle east because of Islam and West is like west today because of their priority to individual freedom- Tenali”

            What individual freedom? USA has the highest number of rapes, Australia has the highest number of racism attacks next to USA, Most drug abuse happens in Usa. Highest number of divorces happen in the west. If this is the individual freedom you are talking about then you are only clearly biased to Islam because you are accusing Islam for the middle easts problems. Remember dude ME countries have the highest human development indexes Go to any UN website and check the figures. Or I doubt you are even in touch with any such good quality news

  • August 21, 2013 5:45 am

    Hello fake zara,you are pretending to be a Muslim girl,are you a coward Brahmin.

    See,you are making me laugh.no doubt about that the God has created Living and non-living things in this universe.But how can these Animals would create living and non living things,why we worship these Animals such as Ganpati[ Elephant],hanuman[ Monkey],vishnu[Pig] they are itself created by God.why we are insulting God by worshiping Animals as God is one for all ,it means we are even worse than Animals.

    • Zara
      August 21, 2013 5:56 am

      Dear sita how impossible can a person get. Where have I written anything about worshipping. Read the correct context this is just a beginning of a logical discussion why are you jumping in between with your same old bugging

  • Zara
    August 21, 2013 5:18 am

    One more big thing. The post by tammana asking the above questions is totally uncalled for. Because it shows that the person has not even done basic research to find out about Islam
    Answering above questions would be a joke on the human sense and logic that Allah so lovingly has bestowed us all with.
    So Tammanna I advice you, rather than coming here to ask questions on Islam go to a proper Islamic site like suhaibwebb.com or onislam.com where you will get another view of the above things.
    We all know that a God exists, what we don’t know is what kind of God He is, what are His attributes etc. Each religion tries to explain it. But personally the explaination I have found answering everything is through Islam, on why evil exists in this world and why there is so much bad.
    Please get out of this site and do a good research on this, it might just help you and remember God loves everyone a lot but for His sake go and learn to nkow what we can do to show that we love Him too

    • tenali
      August 21, 2013 5:24 am

      What is your definition of GOD? How do you know that GOD exists?


  • August 21, 2013 2:08 am

    Hello Human,

    Still you are posting with the name of ”human”.you have no same at all.you worship Animals such as ganpati is elephant,hanuman is monkey,vishnu is pig.Hinduism has no meaning, before 8th century hindu name never used by indians,hindu itself is a foreign name used by persian muslim for Vedic indians.Hindus are cruel terrorist they brutally murdered innocent Sikh in 1984 and muslims in gujrat 2002.how can muslims be a terrorist they are killing there own people,you know about kashmir insurgency 13000 civlians killed by the hands of militants.99% civilians are muslims.In the month of ramzan in iraq 800 people killed in bomb blasts and all of them were muslims,then how can muslims be a terrorist they don’t have any religion as they are killing there own people.regarding 4 wives you know krishna bhagwan had 16000 sex slaves many of them were married.
    Why hindu priets raping girls and women in mandirs and ashrams,why they involed in sex crimes.you don’t know about icchadari swami bimanand as murti trivedi who was sex traders of 600 call girls.he used to run sex rackets in mandirs and ashram.
    Regarding burqa can you tell me why Hindu womens are daily raped.As rape happens daily in India, and prostitutes are mostly hindu women. Why status of women are worse than prostitutes in hinduism.Manu Smriti says:
    Never trust a woman. Never sit alone with a woman even if it may be your mother, she may tempt you. Do not sit alone with your daughter, she may tempt you. Do not sit alone with your sister, she may tempt you
    Again the same Manu Smriti continues:
    “Na stree swadantriya marhathi”. “No liberty for women in society”.Now, that is most disgusting!!! This sick pervert actually insinuates that one’s own mother will tempt him! Na’oothu billahi minash-shaytaanir-rajeem!!!
    1.The Hindu woman has no right to divorce her husband.

    2.She has no property or inheritance rights.

    3.Choice of partner is limited because she can only marry within her own caste; moreover her horoscope must match that of the intending bridegroom/family.

    4.The family of the girl has to offer an enormous dowry to the bridegroom/family.

    5.If her husband dies she should commit Sati (being cremated with her dead husband). Since today’s law forbids Sati, society mainly punishes her in other “holy” ways (see below).

    6.She can never remarry.

    7.The widow is considered to be a curse and must not be seen in public. She cannot wear jewelry or colorful clothes. (She should not even take part in her children’s marriage!)

    8.Child and infant marriage is encouraged

    • tenali
      August 21, 2013 2:36 am

      I am assuming you live in India. If you love Islam, that is your choice. You are entitled to choose your faith but stop spreading lies about women rights in India.

      1.The Hindu woman has no right to divorce her husband.

      Tenali:>> Really?? If you can read newspapers, you will find so many cases. Indian laws support it too.

      2.She has no property or inheritance rights.

      Tenali:>> The women are entitled with 50% in property rights today.

      3.Choice of partner is limited because she can only marry within her own caste; moreover her horoscope must match that of the intending bridegroom/family.

      Tenali:>> How different is it from Muslims marrying only Muslims? Also, this is the reason why Hindu girls are marrying Muslims 🙂 Though caste restrictions are still in place in some regions, there are efforts to reform this space.

      4.The family of the girl has to offer an enormous dowry to the bridegroom/family.

      Tenali:>> Though this was a norm earlier, now a days it is not followed by majority of Hindus. Also there is a law prohibiting the dowry.

      5.If her husband dies she should commit Sati (being cremated with her dead husband). Since today’s law forbids Sati, society mainly punishes her in other “holy” ways (see below).

      Tenali:>> You yourself are accepting that Sati is not happening.

      6.She can never remarry.

      Tenali:>> Again same as first response. Look at the newspapers and you will find so many instances.

      7.The widow is considered to be a curse and must not be seen in public. She cannot wear jewelry or colorful clothes. (She should not even take part in her children’s marriage!)

      Tenali:>> Again, this was a practice earlier. Now a days, I see widows leading their normal life and some of them getting re-married.

      8.Child and infant marriage is encouraged

      Tenali:>> Surprise!! There is a law prohibiting child marrige in Hindus. In fact, it is the Muslim law that encourages the child marrige.

      • Zara
        August 21, 2013 3:49 am

        WOW TEnali what a response. So quick to clear misconception giving self assumed answer but not faster than light to prove things against Islam even if they have logical reasoning behind them *Applaudssss*

        • Zara
          August 21, 2013 3:58 am

          All the above questions and practices are still followed. I dont know which selectively blinded world you are living in and trying to invent muslim laws like child marriages???? Who gives you such authority you self claimed pandit.
          If you are in touch with somehthing called news. An NGO recently conducted a pooja with widows being the ones offering it to encourage widow participation and reduce the inequality against them
          Every practice of widow is still prevalent, you have just selected to ignore it to prove a point in your weak explaination
          Also child marriages still happen, and caste is still ahuge deterrent in case of love marriages, couples still have to face major opposition from families unless one of the family is liberal.
          Such cases are not uncommon even today. I myself have friends who ahd to elope becos they were from different castes (not even religion!!!!)

          And there is no law for child marriage in muslims, it was a cultural practice of the old Arab
          Look how nice it is to give unproved answers to everything but degrade and reject logics and explaination with proofs from a muslim for their religion

  • August 20, 2013 9:37 pm

    Dear Tamanna, Nadeem, Zara, Kaveri and Satyen,

    We are glad that Tamanna said “me and him (Nadeem) being together”. However, Tamanna-Nadeem have to realize that marriage life is far too complex (even without religious issues) and you should know it.

    You could improve your chances of every lasting happy married life by clarifying expectations upfront and know what is coming. We believe if you have full equality of two faiths, you will have less reason to regret it later. It’s your life and your decision.

    Further, you must realize that marriage is not a marriage of two people, but of two families and two communities. Somehow you will have to start thinking how you will deal with them. We highly recommend not to run away (only cowards will do) or backstab your parents with lies; instead be honest to them. One day you will need them.

    Are you planning to have an Islamic Nikaah? Considering Tamanna has no interest of (not even fake) religious conversion (and Nadeem fully supporting her), check with you imam if he is okay. Check with a Brahmin-Pandit if he is okay performing Hindu wedding of a Brahmin girl with a Muslim guy. If you don’t care for the pandit and imam, Special Marriage Act 1954 is a good option.

    Considering equality of two faiths, how about raising children like Barak Obama’s parents did (no baptism or sunat label), where they gave knowledge of both (or all) faiths but Obama made decision for himself as an adult, how beautiful! What the labeling has to do with your life? We hope Nadeem is not a male chauvinist or like Fatimah and demanding that children must be Muslim only.

    Tamanna said it beautifully, “Love does not have any religion”, great. Now prove it. You guys are writing a new history for India. Set a new example for other youths. Be a role model for all youths.

    Zara will help you deal with others like Sita or your imam. Kaveri has some recent experience and will share her experiences. Satyen will be a good source of balanced guidance for great life together.

    Keep us posted right here, over years.

    • Zara
      August 21, 2013 4:14 am

      Dear admin,
      what is your problem. If nadeem and tamanna want to marry then you have a problem, if tammanna doesnot want to be with him then also you have a problem.
      What is wrong with you, why are you trying to make them hate each other for their religion. They are adults and they can sort it out themselves, you are just trying to make tammanna go against Islam so she doesnot marry a muslim.

      Dear Tammanna, please understand and take it from me. I am a muslim girl I was a lost soul over the matter of religion a few years ago not even following my parents religion properly but I did my own research so that I know a thing or two about what it is all about and so that I dont blindly follow something wrong.
      Through my research I found that Islam is not just another religion. Its a way of life with a fixed purpose.
      And be cautious, each and everything and every practice in Islam has a logic and a deeper reason behind it, if not learned properly its easy to be misled, like you would see on this site.
      Look there are good people and bad people, a good person if explained something will take it in a right context tfor his own good, but a bad or biased person will take anything in the wrong way. This is apparent even in our day to day life where negative ppl have a wrong opinion abt each n everything, this is true even regarding Islam
      If you come across any bad or gross thing abt any religion even in your own religion then investigate and try to see why so is so because chances are its becos of some rogue people that such bad practices and intepreatation come into existence even though the religion doesnot endorse it and it continues becos of some ignorant people who go on practicing it without questioning it.
      So use your own logic and atleast once try to learn abt Islam from good sources, it may be ur bf doesnot know much abt it himself(it happens). So investigate

      Its not about whos religion is better than who. Its about how a certain thing can be the key to all our answers about the existence on earth

      • nadeem
        August 21, 2013 7:14 am

        hi guys.

        Admin u dnt wry about us. we will get marry soon. and here again u people are going out of the topic. nw u guys r making v both as a headline.

        Let u tell u this its my own view never trust a imam or pandit. coz most of the fatwas are from them. if sumthing wrng for in ur house or shop or business imam will tell they is a bad saya at ur place i will make tabees and give u and pandit will say kiski pooja karalo uski karlo and for thius they charge so much. now a days take any religion all are open for making business out of it. but v people dnt think that.

        If v go to darga v take chadar and all u give knw again that chadar will go to the same shop from where u bought it. and in mandir everyday lot of milk, oil is being wasted. ye chadao allah khush hoge, ye karao bhagwan tumko sab dege if this wuld have happen every person in the wrld wuld b happy and ruch……without any problem and poor. but here we do business in the name of religion. in which quran, geeta, bible it has written at u can give the permision to shot inside the darga, masjhid, mandir or church premises, v say its a home of god bladdy in that place v r alowe them for shooting a movie, people go there and romance, wt is this if u guys want to tell sumthing raise the voice for the good cause that will make a point. here some one is aking to clear the doubt instead of that v r doing everything..

        about ur marriage v will make it happen.

      • August 21, 2013 9:56 pm

        You never get engaged in a meaningful discussion.

        Do Tamanna have to take Shahadah before her Nikaah with Nadeem? Yes or No? (our answer: Unfortunately, YES).

        Are you okay if they marry by the Special Marriage Act 1954, without the need of a Pandit or Imam? Yes or No? (our answer: We will be more than glad to get them married and enjoying a secular married life).

  • August 20, 2013 2:04 pm

    Hello human,

    If you are Human then why Animals are worship in your Hinduism religion why ganesh bhagwan is elephant,hanuman is monkey and vishnu is pig,why Hindus treat cow as a ”mother”.If you are a human then why you worship Animals.

    You don’t know about ”saffron terrorism”.In 2002 gujarat 1000s of Muslims brtually murdered by hindu terrorist.godhra incident was an accident and Muslims blamed for it.
    Samjhota, Makkah Masjid, Malegon Blasts were carried out by BJP and RSS; blamed on Muslims’
    Hindu ‘Saffron’ Terror Camps Breeding Terrorists – Indian Home Minister Shinde confessesSubmitted by smuhammad on January 20, 2013 – 6:24 pm25 CommentsIn a ground-breaking confession, India’s home minister Sushil Kumar Shinde has exposed the nexus between BJP and the RSS for breeding ‘Hindu terrorism’, a charge which has raged a storm from hard line Hindus on Indian mainstream and social media.Speaking during Congress’s Chintar Shivir at Jaipur, Shinde said: “We have reports that RSS, BJP camps are promoting Hindu terror in the country.”He alleged that RSS was behind Samjhauta, Mecca Masjid and Malegaon blasts.“Reports have come during investigation that BJP and RSS conduct terror training camps to spread terrorism; Bombs were planted in Samjhauta express, Mecca Masjid and also a blast was carried out in Malegaon.”Considering this a serious security threat, Shinde further said,“We will have to think about it seriously and will have to remain alert,”Remaining steadfast on his stance Shinde defended his allegation by saying, “This has come so many times in the papers… It is not a new thing that I have said today.”
    Relating this to notorious ‘Saffron Terror’ often related to fundamental Hindu Right Wing groups which have previously been alleged for terrorism he said,“This is saffron terrorism that I have talked about. It is the same thing and nothing new. It has come in the media several times,” the home minister said.The Home Minister of India, P. Chidambaram urged Indians to beware of “Saffron terror” on August 25, 2010 at a meeting of state police chiefs in New Delhi, first time the word was officially used.Charging Congress with having a “destructive mindset which was reflected in the home minister’s statement”, BJP said it was “very objectionable”. “It is not only unacceptable but dangerous also,” party spokesman Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi said.“There cannot be anything worse that the country’s home minister giving such an objectionable statement to disrupt peace and harmony of the country,” Naqvi told reporters in Delhi.
    And parshuram was itself a murderer was kshtriyas,he destroyed kshtryas 21 times.lord ram murdered innocent shudra named shambuka.According to the manusmriti it is not sinful to kill any women,shudra or atheist.

  • August 20, 2013 12:00 pm


    Come on yaar,try to understand kick that girl’s ass.Are Muslim girls not beautiful?.There are so many anti-Islamic comments posted by those cowards Brahmins.you please go through older comments.I’am observing them since last 2-3 month.Those cowards Brahmin don’t even have guts to post first there Address,Mobile no.,and Email Id before posting any anti-Islamic comments and this Admin is supporting there comments and encouraging them ,on other hand he created such Brahmin-Muslim marriages site.I don’t know what kind of mindset this Admin have.This site should delete.

    • tamanna
      August 20, 2013 12:26 pm

      Why ? Did your bf kicked you out of his lyf? And dats y u r getting soooo jealous of me and him being together? Love does not have any religion… but people like you wont understand it…

      And u knw wat? The coward person is u who dont have guts to post even your actual name… so, shut up…u r not supposed to advice us regarding our relationship….so, plz dont,…

      And u knw, I have downloaded a new app on my fone….dats called loser filter….I wont be able to see any comments of few losers and cheapos here….so…happy commentingl. ? Tc…and stay happy with ur confused, narrow and filthy mind…ciao…

      • August 20, 2013 10:39 pm

        This is a good practice run for you. What will you do if one of your new relative is like Sita? Be prepared. Instead of getting upset with Sita, just learn to stay cool and reply.

    • August 20, 2013 10:36 pm

      You or we say or not, people in love will marry. In most cases, they will find out reality only after getting married. This Nadeem guy is willing to take the girl as a Brahmin in a Muslim home and not convert her. We don’t know how he is going to convince his parents and imam or how the girl is going to convince her Brahmin parents. You and we are here to guide them, that’s all.

  • tamanna
    August 20, 2013 7:44 am

    Ana, and zara…I guess u r right,…but whats happening in this site is so wrong…I mean fighting over religion??? Why?? And sita mishra, may be a fake identity but she is trying to spread hatred amongst each other…why? We dont know….

    And calling me a slut will not make me one…she is just jealous, filled with hatred personality…and her own identity is doubtful…so, leave her…

    And reharding islam…I respect and worship that religion as much as I respect and love hinduism,..and it would be better if we stop commenting and reacting on sita mishra…and abandon her,,, if she cant respect anyone,, she dosent deserves to be reverted back too….

    • August 20, 2013 9:32 am

      It is difficult to figure out if Sita is a pro-Hindu or pro-Muslim, but certainly spreading hatred.

      Agree, stop reacting to him/her (the used name Sita). Silence is the best medicine here.

  • Zara
    August 20, 2013 7:29 am

    Also tammana please don’t be affected by any comments of sita mishra. She is just here to degrade and show islam in bad light. I am a muslim girl and take it from me, dont be affected by any comment talking abt a persons outer beauty becos we as adults know only shallow people give it importance. sita mishra pseudonym is like the many other fake names on this website

  • Zara
    August 20, 2013 7:22 am

    Dear tamanna,
    Admin will only take care of any matter if it hurts any other religion then Islam, just see how fats they changed the title of one of the posts, but if it abuses Islam then they think its everyones birthright to do that. And kaveri and you dont represent different sided but the same side. There are people like @truth4ever @ana me and previously people who have been abused to no extent even been called dirty names like illegal products and grossly abused but that time admin nvr gave such advice like he gave you, admin just encouraged that abuse and they are still encouraging. IS THE BIAS CLEAR NOW?

    Ana you are right these people are here just to spread hatred on others religion specially if its Islam, they have fun while watching people fight here
    And I guess you havent even read the deragotary comments posted against some muslim intellectuals, then you will forget your own case

  • truth4ever
    August 20, 2013 7:00 am

    In hinduism women are given more respect. Is it true? Watch


  • ana
    August 20, 2013 6:13 am

    tamana u r bng abusd cz u r sprtng islam also whch admin hate…dz site z made 2 sprd hate agnst islam…bst of luck 4ur futre lyf..hpe u n nadem gt marid..

  • ana
    August 20, 2013 6:10 am

    thr z so much hatrd over here..evry1 z throwng shit on ech othr rlgn..one thng z clear dt dz site is jst bulsht.here admin n satyen jst misguide ppl ovr islam..if sm1 start wrtng bad thng abt hindu rlgn dy jst gvng links n tlng dt hw gud hndu rlgn iz…bt wn sm1 wrte bad thng abt islam dy jst join dm..hahahaha..is diz is cld intrfaith site wr coupls cn seek advce?bulsht..i jst wn2 sy k guys jst grw up..y d hel v r fghtng?v shud b the role model of our coming genrtns..so dt thy cnt fght in the name of rlgn…jisko jaisa relgn chose krna h usse krne do yar.god vl c2 it.y v r bcomg god?y v r judgng evry rlgn n thr ppl..m a muslm grl..n my rlgn tl me 2 respct evry1..plz guys stp degrotng ech othr..cnt v b a gud human bng?cnt v jst vanish hatrd amng ourslf,cnt v jst hv a pceful lyf..v r here 2 hlp who nd our advc..nt 2 sy bulsht thngs..n admin n satyen I knw u guys r agnst islam..so kp it urslf y u shwng 2 othr’s?y u shwng ur frustrtn wn sm1 encourge islam.stp dz social hatrd site n mke dz site 2 hlp ppl rathr dn sprdng hatrd,angr,nd frustrn..thnxs

  • tamanna
    August 20, 2013 6:02 am

    And admin, why m I being abused lyk dat? Is it bcoz I hav not used filth in my language to xpress my thoughts? I have never ever said that I hate islam….did I? People lyk me and kaveri are those who represent both the culture islam and hinduism…its our duty not to let down the people belonging to both the community….is it wrong to ask questions?
    These derogatory comments are really really hurtful…admin, plz take care of the matter,..I guess we are not here to launch a dictonary of abuses….

    • August 20, 2013 6:44 am

      Trust yourself and stay on course. Do not try to fight with each and every one and try to prove yourself. Sometimes, silence is better. Over period, it will die down.

      • tamanna
        August 20, 2013 7:46 am

        But why admin??? I kept silent for a long tym,..but this woman does not seem to keep her mouth shut…without doing anything wrong…how can u expect me to keep mum and listen to this filthy language?

        • August 20, 2013 9:33 am

          Every disease needs its own specific medicine, here silence is the best medicine.

  • tamanna
    August 20, 2013 5:04 am

    Ok sita…
    Fine…u r most beautiful woman on this earth… nd I am ugly, and a slut …happy??? And my bf is not a fake identity…u have no rights to say that hez fake…also, u have abused me lyk anything.,..even I can,…I can say worse things than dis…but u knw what? I dont have that kind of upbringing to come in a worldwide platform and use it to abuse people,,.
    U r right… muslim girls are beaitiful…I know this better than you…I have friends, and my boyfriends family to be muslim….and my sis in laws, and my mother in law are gorgeous, really beautiful, not only their face is, but they are beautiful inside out, unlike you…
    And you proved that how beautiful you actually are….beimg a girl you abused and used filth against another one,,, f9..but dont you think you are abusing islam , which u tend 2 support so much, because I dont think muslim girls are this overspoken and abuse lyk that…
    Also can you even one of my statements which quotes against islam…I always had questions on islam, which I have asked here…and whats wrong wid dat? You have got no rite to use this kind of words….you are a woman, filled wid hatred, jealousy and filth….

    • nadeem
      August 20, 2013 10:18 am

      hi every one

      well ms sita mishra who ever u r. i really dnt think i need to clear u i am fake or not. still u have a doubt cme to me let u know hw original i am. well u dnt need to tell me wt Islam is i know it very well i never ask u how u look so plz dot describ me nt at all interested. she is very much beautiful girl in the entire world nd i never ask ur opinion. so b at the topic for wt u r here . nd yes i am sayyed nd i know wt i am doing.

      U know wt v guys r doing here. v r here for put ur opinion and let to know about the religion to every one. but here v r creating a book of abusive language base on every one religion.

      And plz dnt tell that here u teaching about Islam no u r not . nowadays v ask people to share their opinion but they think they r the teacher. well v tell everything about this and that but really if v say so do v really do that in urn life. we people dnt even do to mashjid for namaz or mandir fir pooja. nd by any chance if v go there v just try to escape asap. then wt is the use of this. but here v r not putting ur opinion but insulting every religion. plz dnt do this and frnd.

  • sita mishra
    August 20, 2013 1:35 am

    Hii nadeem sayyad

    I have a doubt that your Id is fake.you know sayyads are from the clan of Prophet Muhammad,you should proud of being a Prophet’s clan.then why are you marrying a Brahmin girl.They are ugly,shit,born sluts and prostitutes,you should marry a Muslim girl they are beautiful,fair and far better than this ugly sluts brahmin girls they are worse than prostitutes,just go through the older comments this cowards brahmin are posting against Islam and Prophet Muhammad in the name of muslim girls.please keep away yourself from all this coward,backstabber brahmins,they are the real enemies of Islam,If Brahmin and snakes are seen together,the Brahmin must be killed first.

  • tamanna
    August 19, 2013 7:20 pm

    Ok, mr. Sayyed…point accepted dude…but u told me to change my religion…dont deny that fact….and if u r so interested in getting married 2 me. Plz consider an interfaith one…no conversion….m happy with my hanuman chalisa, diwali and holi, and u be happy with ur eid , namaz and rozas…

    M sorry but religion and hinduism is something m emotionally attached to…I wont be able to convert under any circumstances…I respect allah bit that dosent means I disrespect my krishna…so, if u respect me, and love me, plz accept me as I am and dnt ask me to convert my religion…

    Its my identity since my mothers womb….I have grown up reading ramayana and reciting shlokas…so, respect, and accept me with my religion…

    • nadeem
      August 19, 2013 7:48 pm

      i am ready wt ever u say mrs tamanna nadeem sayyed. and one thing bluddy admin wt ever ur name is who hell r u to tell that she has wasted her one whole year. here u r not there to judge people whether he or she is right or wrong. ang guys wt u people r doing. v r one who made so many difference in the wrld nt nw regrect. not fair at all.

      well u guys better wt to do ant not. so please stop fighting and spread the knowledge but only if u r dam swear about wt u r telling. dnt copy paste. and wiffy for i love u the way u r. not for anything else. Love u….

      • August 20, 2013 12:31 am

        What do you think of Islamic expectations laid down by Fatimah here https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=6615 ? How many of these are not true?

        • Zara
          August 20, 2013 1:11 am

          See the tone here admin

          You could have asked how many of these are true. Why??? Is Tammanna a relative or close friend of yours that you believe her more than nadeem
          I guess its because you are a pre biased and unjust person who assumes that everything is accurate just because it speaks badly about Islam so most of it can only be correct and not wrong…Am I correct???

          • August 20, 2013 6:46 am

            OK, tell us “how many of these are true”?

          • Zara
            August 20, 2013 7:24 am

            Admin first change your bias to real equality, may be then I will tell you…till then good luck

          • August 20, 2013 9:24 am

            Zara, it is difficult to get engaged in any discussion with you. You keep hoping from one point to the other. This is leaving you frustrated.

            Can you answer if what Fatimah said is true and how much apply to Kaveri and Tamanna? They wish to remain pure Hindus even after marriage, can they? Will any Imam perform Nikaah without Shahadah? Is it Islamic if those guys marry by court marriage, is that okay?

  • tamanna
    August 19, 2013 7:01 pm

    Ok, admin first of all, kindly remove the spam comments posted here…these r really creating lots of misconceptions and confusions between people…

    And my I realized my bf is oh so rite…I mean we are here to create an interfaith community and whats actually happening is completely opposite…also…what do we have to do with the stories of mohammad and brahma??? We are sophisticated enough to pick the rite things and chuck out the wrong teachings…please….. are we here to start world war 3rd??? Or are we here to win over islam or hinduism?? We got to accept that every religion has its own shortcomings… whether true or falsly stated… coz god made human beings…and we divided ourselves into so mantpy religions nd castes…so please guys …discuss your issues… dont make it an another platform to begin and arguement or another was between hindus and muslims…

  • nadeem
    August 19, 2013 6:56 pm

    hi guys i am tamanna bf nadeem sayyed. well i have love her the way she is.. my love for her is like a open sky. i love her a lot. c i never tld her to get convert in my religion. twice mene uski mang bhara hai. nd the prove is my allah and his bhagwan. i really love her a lot. and mr admin bluddy u think me uske isliiye shadi karna chahata ho ki vo islam me convert hogi,, nonsense. u r just sitting there to earn……. ask her wt she is for me nd i am for her if u can ask her. I Love u Tamanna Nadeem Sayyed.

    • Taufiq
      August 20, 2013 11:44 pm

      If you truly love her, you will have to convert to Hinduism. Else there is no guarantee of success in marriage.

  • nadeem
    August 19, 2013 6:42 pm

    nadeem sayyed

    hi guys this is nadeem sayyed. Tamanna boy friend. she is such a darling. i call her wiffy. i think so the subject is different and the topics are different. well according to me no one in this wrld can tell this religion is gud that is gud,,,, take any religion guys. u dnt have the right to comment any bad things on them. wt is this bluddy sum is telling brahma raped his daughter.. other one is telling profhet had sex with aisha. buddy this is a place where u people r clearing ur issue with eachother and spreading knowledge to the wrld. i knw here everyone is well educate with all the beautiful wrds mc bc but u knw u need to show it here,,,,, god is one… and v r first human being nd hindu muslim.

  • August 19, 2013 6:10 am

    Hii fake zara,

    I know you are not a muslim girl still you urge this bastard Admin to delete this site,why he create such Brahmin-muslims marriages site.he don’t know that muslim hates brahmin so much.How their will be a interfaith marriage or relationship between two enemies.Brahmins are the real enemies of Muslim.

  • August 19, 2013 3:48 am

    It’s just a 22 minutes video of mis conception regarding Prophet Muhammad and Hazrat Aayesha.


  • August 19, 2013 3:43 am

    Hii readers,

    It’s all the mis-conception about Aayesha and Prophet Muhammad but Brahma was rapist of his own daughter saraswati.krishna had 16000 sex slaves.parshuram was murderer.why we hindus worship animals.why hanuman is monkey,ganesh is elephant and vishnu is pig?

  • August 19, 2013 3:37 am

    Hello fake zara,

    What’s the type of 1000:1 ratio.can you abuse Muslims,Islam or say any anti Islamic words in front of any muslims If you have guts just do it.you are never be a winner..you all are cowards you are absuing Islam in this site.their will be 100000 anti hinduism posts if muslims will become cowards and backstabbers like you.muslims are the true haters of brahmins and brahmins are their enemy no. 1

    • Zara
      August 19, 2013 4:20 am

      First of all I am not speaking against Islam but for it. I am a muslim I dont know about you but if you are going to degrade another religion I don’t endorse it. For me you are nothing different than the many islam haters here. Infact I think you are a figment of imagination of the admins here trying to show Islam in the bad light by posing under a hindu name and speaking so badly about hinduism so ppl think how bad muslims are because there are hardly any muslims here speaking bad abt other religion
      If you are a real person than please desist from doing what the people on this website are already doing

  • Zara
    August 19, 2013 3:21 am

    Satyen doesnot even know what sunnat is. Read his comment here
    And there is no such practice like you people describe. It might have been part of a different culture ur coountry but its definetly not Islam.
    Otherwise bad practices even existed in hinduism like sati and child marriage (sme still exist where we even have a popular sitcom on it) but thats not religion thats a man made ritual

    I find it funny because you have spoken extensively against Islam but don’t even know what is sunnat. Really? Then sorry or my comments have been a waste. Its like talking about class 10th syllabus to a toddler

    One free advice. Since you know so much abt Hinduism with links and websites and all. Do the same research on other religions as well

  • August 19, 2013 3:16 am

    Hii satyen,,

    It is not any mis-conception or myths. Rigved and manusmriti saction beef eating and it was common in ancient india.

  • Zara
    August 19, 2013 3:08 am

    He has said in the Quran
    The disbelievers won’t believe in hell until they see it with their own eyes or hear it with their own ears and that time they will regret and ask Him for some more time on earth to change their ways, but it would be too late

  • August 18, 2013 7:23 am

    Sita Mishra is a problematic person, no doubt.

    In Hinduism the presence of almighty is felt in very particles.
    Why dont you accept prevailing evil practices in Islam even today
    like, Hizab/Burqa, no higher education, mutta/halala practices,
    Hymen repair surgery for the sake of proving virginity, female
    genital mutliation prevalent in many countries, tripple oral talak,
    terrorist activities almost in all countries by islamic fundamentalists, use of madarasas and mosques for creating terrorists, and so on,

    one should understand such real evil practices even in todays environment. Veena Malik, Nargis fakhry have also highlighted such issues from time to time from these blogs.

    Please discuss evil practices in todays environment.

  • Zara
    August 18, 2013 5:10 am

    All people here are so sharp to catch one fake person because obviously he is anti hindu but there are hundreds of fake stories degrading muslims WWWOOOOOWWWWW THERE IS NO CHANCE THAT CANT BE FAKE BECAUSE THEY ARE SUPPORTING YOU PEOPLES HATRED AGAINST ISLAM RIGHT



  • August 18, 2013 4:30 am

    Hello Admin,

    Regarding christianity God doesn’t impregnant Mother Mary, Without Any father prophet Isa was born but Brahma created his daughter saraswati from his semen.As I have already said hinduism is not a religion because hindu word is originated by foreign Muslims invander for vedic Indians.hindu itself is foreign word and it is never mentioned in any vedas,puran,ramayan or mahabharat nor it is sanskrit word.those who are calling themselves as hindus they don’t know that their original religion is vedic/sanatan.
    I love christianity,Islam and Buddhism too as its teaches humanity and peace,but never hinduism because Animals are worship in hinduism why hanuman is monkey,ganesh is elephant and vishnu is pig who had taken the avatar of pig to attack hiranyaksha.why it is not sinful to kill women,shudra or atheist in hinduism

    • Satyen
      August 18, 2013 3:50 pm


    • Satyen
      August 18, 2013 3:53 pm

      SARASWATI WAS NOT THE DAUGHTER OF BRAHMA AS SHE WAS NEITHER BORN OUT OF THE WIFE OF BRAHMA NOR FROM BRAHMA’S SEMEN. Also, Urvashi was none existent at the incidence when Brahma’ physical body experienced dichotomy and came to be known as Brahma and Saraswati. It means half part of Brahma’s body is Saraswati and the other half is Brahma called the concept of Ardhnarishwar (Same entity having male and female counterparts together).

    • August 19, 2013 9:36 am

      Here we are talking about interfaith dating and marriage. Are you married? Would you marry to a Muslim after conversion? Apparently you like Islam, have you considered shahadah? If not, why not?

  • August 18, 2013 12:52 am

    Dear satyen,

    Saraswati had no mother, Brahma created saraswati by his semen. Brahma is the creator of the universe too, Saraswati, who became the wife of her own father, was the daughter of Brahma.In Saraswati Purana”. One is that Brahma created his beautiful daughter Saraswati direct from his “vital strength” or seminal fluid. The other is that Brahma used to collect his semen in a pot whenever he masturbated fixing his carnal eyes on the celestial beauty Urvasi. Brahma’s semen in the pot gave birth to Saraswati. Thus,Saraswati had no mother.This daughter or grand-daughter of Brahma is the Hindu goddess of learning. When Brahma saw the beauty of Saraswati he became amorous. To escape from her father’s passionate approach Saraswati ran to the lands in all four directions, but she could not escape from her father. She succumbed to Brahma’s wish. Brahma and his daughter Saraswati lived as husband and wife indulging in incest for 100 years. They had a son Swayambhumaru. Swayambhumaru made love with his sister Satarpa. Through the incest of Brahma’s son and daughter Brahma got two grandsons and two grand-daughters.
    As all here are raising the question about Prophet Muhammad’s 11 wives.Lord Krishna had itself 16000 wives.many of them were married his married radha who was the Wife was Ayan ghosh,
    Hinduism is not any religion As hindu word is itself originated by foreign Muslim invander in 8th century when they invade India before that India had only vedic religion.and in 8th century B.C hindu word mentioned in tantrik literature,Hindu word or Hinduism is never mentioned in any vedic literature nor in any other religious text .persian Muslim originated hindu word from Sindhu river.They unable to spell the name of Sindhu.so they replace S for H and called Sindhu as hindu and people living besides Sindhu river named as ”hindus”..and that region named as hindustan.original religion of hindus are Vedic/sanatana.

    • August 18, 2013 1:25 am

      There seems be similarity between Hinduism (“Brahma created saraswati by his semen”) and Christianity (God impregnated Mary to give birth of Jesus).

      If Hinduism is not a religion, even better. Who wants all those restrictions, bell & whistles and the super-man Muhammad? Why one has to have so many limitations to reach to the almighty Allah? Considering Allah’s reign is every where, why we have to pray Allah only in the direction of Saudi Arabia? Remain free spirited, but do good karma.

      Sita, you seems to be proud of Islam, not Christianity or Buddhism. Did you ever consider converting to Islam? What is stopping you? If you did, what is your Muslim name?

    • Satyen
      August 18, 2013 3:45 pm

      THERE IS NO PURAN CALLED “SARASWATI PURAN” and hence all the stories given regarding you are incorrect. See the list of the Puranas at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puranas

      So, somebody has spread a myth by inventing the name of ‘Saraswati Puran’ and obviously the cock and bull stories regarding Brahma. Here are the facts:

      SARASWATI WAS NOT THE DAUGHTER OF BRAHMA as she didn’t take birth from Brahma’s wife. There is a concept of ARDHNARISHWAR i.e. the same entity taking the form of Male and Female as the counterpart. Brahma and Saraswati are the forms of the same Brahma who underwent dichotomy and took two forms called Brahma and Saraswati. So, there is no question of being born of some one.

      Similarly, the Swayambhuv Manu and Shatrupa, were not the sisters born of the same parents. As the name represents of the former, he was born himself, without any parents. Similarly, Shatrupa was not born of parents. They are considered siblings metaphorically as both of them come from the same source of elements in the same way we human beings are called to be the son and daughters of the same Allah/God/Ishwar. So, there is NO INCESTUAL RELATIONSHIP between them.

      Lastly, I fully agree that the word Hindu was given to the Indians by the Arabs/Persians and initially it denoted the inhabitants around the Sindhu river. I also agree that the original names to the present Hinduism was Vedic/Sanatan. It’s a fact. Today, Hinduism and Vedic/Sanatan Dharma are considered more or less synonymous with a shade of nuances.

      • Zara
        August 19, 2013 2:24 am

        Don’t you think you are being a hypocrite here. It works two way Satyen. You are not even ready to believe and try to understand any thing that muslim intellectuals here might be posting with links to website terming those websites n links fake and what not but yourself posting from unverified sources
        From your posts you really seem dharmic but the tint of hate and bias cannot be missed. You too aren’t fooling anyone

      • Zara
        August 19, 2013 2:26 am

        I remember one of the post here where someone said wikipedia is not a realiable source but yourself being such a huge intellectual posting from wikipedia. WOW where are those haters now. BIAS AT ITS PEAK. Now lets see how many more heights it claims here

  • August 18, 2013 12:25 am

    Dear satyen,

    Beef consumption by Hindus is not any myths.It is too mentioned in religious text.In the ‘Vanaparva’ of the Mahabharata, it is stated that animals killed in sacrifices to the accompaniment of Vedic mantras went to heaven and it narrates the story of king Rantideva in whose sacrifices two thousand animals, including cows, were killed every day. In the ‘Udyogaparva’ king Nahusha was cursed and hurled down from heaven by the great sage Agastya because he ventured to cast doubts on the Vedic injunctions for the sacrifice of cows and offered insult to a Brahmana.
    Bhavabhuti in his Uttara-Rama-Charita (Act IV) describes how the venerable poet Valmiki, when preparing to receive the sage Vasistha, slaughtered a number of calves for the entertain- ment of his guest. From the Mahaviracharita of the same author it is evident how Vasistha, in his turn, likewise entertained Visvamitra, Janaka, Satananda and other sages with ‘fatted calf’, and tempted Jamadagnya by saying: “The heifer is ready for sacrifice and the food is cooked in ghee.”
    In Kautilya’s Arthasastra cattle are classified, where bulls are intended for the slaughter-house, but the killing of the milch cows, and calves, though permitted for sacrificial purposes, is forbidden for butchers’ stalls. Asoka in his Rock Edict I and Pillar Edict I declared how originally thousands of animals were killed in the royal kitchen. Considering the popularity of beef-eating among the people even Asoka, the great propagator of ahimsa, resolved later on to discontinue the slaughter of animals only for some days in the year; for example, he included the breeding bull but not the cow in the list of animals not to be slaughtered on those days.

    • Satyen
      August 18, 2013 3:56 pm

      It’s a myth that the ancient Hindus used to consume beef. See the following link that clarifies the doubts raised by you:


      • Zara
        August 19, 2013 2:53 am

        All you are doing is giving links links links. Have you exhausted your large supply of copy pastes.
        Its funny how people here who hate islam have so much to paste and write about it sometimes posts running in miles length but when to clear a point on another religion they post links
        But exactly when a muslim posts a link they are quick to term it fake and made up. APPLAUDS TO YOU

  • Satyen
    August 17, 2013 4:29 pm

    Dear readers,

    I thought it useful to give links that answers to the questions raised by the ill mouthed persons. The first link gives the pointed answer in a very interesting video regarding the myth of the beef consumption by the Hindus. The second link gives the actual/authentic meaning of the Vedic mantras. Now you can check the references given by somebody with his/her fake identity. The third link gives you a site with information about the various aspects of comprehensive Hinduism:


  • Satyen
    August 17, 2013 3:36 pm

    Dear Sita Mishra,

    So sad to say that I am belonging to such religion which had rapist God Brahma who raped his daughter saraswati. krishna bhagwan had 16000 wives many of them were married..we worship animals such as ganpati elephant, vishnu pig, hanuman monkey.. -Sita

    Why are you sad? Sadness is the mark of ignorance. I am wondering where did you find this piece of information? can you tell me who was the mother of Saraswati and wife of Brahma? Don’t play in the hands of those who are spreading unfounded information. By the way, do you know the concept of Ardhanarishwar? Same person as a male and a female? Do your own research?

    Regarding your question of Shri Krishna having 16,000 wives, I would ask you the same question. What’s the source of your information? Is it 10th Skandh of Shrimad Bhagwat Puran? In the same book, the explanation is given. Even, Devarshi Narad has this curiosity that how can Lord Krishna pass his days with so many wives? He went to all the residences of the Krishna’s wives and saw him with each of them. Some where he was dining, other places he was playing chauper while at other palces playing flute and so forth. That means he had attained 16,008 physical bodies and each of his wives had one full time husband for herself!! So, he was a monogamist, not a polygamist like others who have given you this question to hurl at the Hindus.

    If you were well informed, you must have been very proud of your Hinduism. Go to the following website who is run by an enlightened lady like you. She is a Hindu American who immigrated to USA in 1997 to complete her master’s degree and stayed there for ever.


    I request others who are really interested to know Hinduism in its comprehensive way, should visit the above mentioned site.

    • Zara
      August 19, 2013 2:50 am

      Dear Satyen. If you are really posting links to website than let me tel you on this same internet there are sites which give unbiased info on Islam if they can be fake then why can’t your links be?
      Oh I forgot its because it doesnt support Islam right ****Sarcasm****

  • Satyen
    August 17, 2013 3:29 pm

    There is no beef in the vedas. It’s a misconception spread by the Muslims and the early evangelists. See the following enlightening video of 20 minutes to brush up your Vedic information regarding the consumption of beef by the Hindus:


  • August 17, 2013 1:47 pm

    Mr free thinker,

    Why don’t you urge admin to delete this whole site of Brahmin-Muslims marriages.Admin created this site to spread hate.you know Muslims hate brahmins so much.

    • August 17, 2013 2:37 pm

      Dear Sita,

      We welcome your contributions. This site does not have to be one sided. Further every one has rights to express themselves, what ever you feel like. Compared to most other sites that moderate and trim comments that moderator don’t like, we wish you to remain free-spirited and express what ever they wish. We understand our readers are intellectuals and will judge themselves what is applicable to them.

      Only we request:
      1) not to use dirty language,
      2) do not blog under different names,
      3) do not use undue long cut-and-paste and
      4) all discussion should be helping the next reader who is going to be an young-adult in interfaith love relationship.

      Lets carry on…..

      Sita, why you said, “you know Muslims hate brahmins so much”?

      • Zara
        August 18, 2013 4:53 am

        Wow admins right now the whole poor billion india should give a standing ovation to you. The requests you mentioned above are funny considering (if you even read comments on this site) is a norm
        Fake names,dirty language and undue long cuts and pastes are norm here or frankly to speak this site thrives on those things except if it is against Islam then its ok and if you find one bad case of a anti hindu then you are so fired up. Can you explain this bias? I bet you can’t

        Because if you check the history of this site the its filled with people like sita except they speak against Islam. Does this give you a high you weirdoes!!!!!

        • Sam
          August 18, 2013 5:59 pm


          All you do here is quack your nonsense, do you have anything to actually say? What you write throughout this site is absolutely bullshit, your allah is right Muslim girls have half brain than Muslim men. You proved your Qur’an right.:)

          Your favorite Sam

          • Zara
            August 19, 2013 2:47 am

            Why are you posting the same response everywhere under my comment. Shows what you really have to say

  • free thinker
    August 17, 2013 11:12 am

    I appeal to the admin please delete the degretory comments by S** Mishra . The person is fake , and creating an environment of hate

    • Zara
      August 18, 2013 4:55 am

      Hahahahahah the dose of your own medicines is bitter right???????? Taste it and suffocate on it

  • August 17, 2013 5:17 am


    As you say that Muslim men killing innocent Animals,But what about brahmins who were beef eaters in ancient vedic india..they mercilessely killed cow,buffalo,oxen,calf for performing puja,yagna or in some marriage occasion.do you want proof it is also mentioned in rigveda and manusmriti..plss you say one ”yes” then see.

    • Satyen
      August 17, 2013 3:30 pm

      There is no beef in the vedas. It’s a misconception spread by the Muslims and the early evangelists. See the following enlightening video of 20 minutes to brush up your Vedic information regarding the consumption of beef by the Hindus:


  • August 17, 2013 4:36 am

    Hii sita,,
    I support you hinduism is worse beacause of this brahmins madarchods.they divide hindu society by caste system.A bar dancer prostitutes dances and sells her body for livelivehood and honestly earns the same while a brahmin either begs, cheats, loots, or fools people that too in the name of God and religion.brahmins are worse than prostitutes.

    • August 17, 2013 9:48 am


      Sita, we value your comments but please refrain from using different names to make your point.
      Be rational, not frustrated.

      • Tenali
        August 17, 2013 12:58 pm

        Also, the comments indicate that the person posting them has no basic understanding of Hinduism. I can understand if a non-Hindu makes such comments. But he/she claim that they are followers of Hinduism but have no idea abt Hinduism. Pls discourage such comments.

        • Zara
          August 18, 2013 5:06 am


  • August 17, 2013 3:43 am

    Oh Brahmin hijda kamran david,

    As have already said I’am not going to read such boring and lengthy text with full of lies.Debate with me by point to point.I think your mother was fucked by 100000 Muslims.I’am sure you have done a copy & paste.can you please tell me Why Animals is worshiped in hinduism.Why our God hanuman look likes monkey and why ganesh look like elephant.why vishnu is pig who had taken the avatar of pig to attack the Hiranayaksha.You know Brahma is child molestor and rapist of her daughter saraswati.parahuram is murderer of khstriyas who murdered kashriyas 21 times.parshuram killed innocent womens and children too.bhagwan ram is a murderer of shambuka and innocent people of lanka,

    You know brother-sister incest in commom in hinduism.

    Brother-sister was first introduced by anciet hindus:

    Pushan is a lover of his sister [Rig ved.VI.6 55.4] (Apte 11 )
    Agni was the lover of his own sister[ Rig ved.X 3.3] ( Apte 11)

    Ashwins are referred to the son of Savitar and Ushas who were brother and sister.[Apte 11]

    Ashwins married surya and savitri who were their sisters.[RV.I .116.19]

    Agni is the son of his father and his sister [Rig ved I.99.7]

    Yama wards off his sister yami saying that marriage between brother and sister is forbidden [ R.V.X 10]

    • Satyen
      August 17, 2013 4:19 pm

      All the facts mentioned by the fake Sita Mishra (proved by the Admin) are as fake as her fake name. To know the true meanings of the mantras he/she has mentioned from the Vedas have totally different meanings. Those who are really interested to know it can go to the following site:


  • August 17, 2013 3:09 am

    I think you are following saraswati who got raped and fucked hard by her child molestor and rapist father Brahma.krishna had 16000 sex slaves are you want to be one of them or your mother in of those 16000 sex slaves of krishna.what about your father, have you got raped by your father like Brahma raped saraswati.

  • August 17, 2013 12:49 am

    Dear Tammana,You All are fools here.You have to discuss about the Brahmin-Muslims marriages and regarding their Problems,Why you All dragging Islam and Their Prophet Muhammad.What’s the Problem with You All guys.If you have really a Problem with Muslims discuss In front of them,you backstabbers,cowards you are critisizing Islam in this sites, critisize it publicly.If You all have guts Give this wrong refrence of Quran and hadith in front of Any Muslim.and tammana you are in Love with Muslim guy since one year.you are backstabbing him,you are blaming Prophet Muhammad, he had 11 wives they are not slave girls nor he raped any one.Brahma itself is a rapist of her daughter saraswati.slavery is common in hinduism for women and low caste shudra.You don’t know about krishna when he watched womens bathing in Lake he took the advantage of them and raped them.He married lot of the women.He had 16000 sex slaves many of them were married.that’s the reason why hindu men are raping whole india.India is rape capital of the world beacuse of this cult hinduism.

  • tamanna
    August 16, 2013 7:01 pm

    As u stated sita, we r not fools here…. also since its worthless 2 explain u anything….plz go and read the concept of shiv lingam…you made it a filth saying all those dirty words about it…
    Also, if not hinduism, which is the religion you actually believe in? Islam? So, can u answer my questions regarding islam which I hav stated earlier? U said hinduism is sex oriented, then wat do u hav to say about prophet mohammad? Who had n number of slaves girls and wives, raped and admonish them?

    Also, since ur name is sita, considering u as a hindu,,, can u plz tell us which religion or culture u actually follow…and plz u have no rights to use any slangs for any one of us…saying us fools will not make your point correct and sound….

  • August 16, 2013 12:59 pm

    Hii Human and sensible women,

    You have done copy & paste from other sites.you don’t have guts to accept the truth that hinduism is not much older than 8th century and in 8th century B.C persian muslim invanded india and gave this hindu name to vedic indians and in 8th century hindu name is mentioned in tankrit literature.Believe me I’am not going to read such lengthy and boring text which is full of lies and you have not any knowledge about Islam you have done copy & paste.Debate with me by point to point don’t try to divert me.Will you tell were this hindu word is mentioned tell the name of that holy book. As I already exposed hinduism.which have rapist and child molestor God like Brahma who raped her daughter saraswati.Indra raped married renuka in the grab of her husband, Krishna enjoyed with 16000 ladies many of them were married hinduism allows murder,rape,castism,discrimination,inequality,hatred.No one likes to embrace bullshit religion hinduism which worship animals such as ganesh[ Elephant],hanuman[Monkey],vishnu[Pig] Islam is spread throughout the world everyone loves to embrace Islam you are jealous to see that.All hindus are worst than Animals as they worship Aninmals and treat them as God.

  • August 16, 2013 12:57 pm

    “When Islam arrived in India, the Hindus welcomed the Muslims with open arms as brothers. In return Islam destroyed the entire Hindu civilisation.
    Over ten centuries the dirty Muslim rogues murdered an estimated 100 million people. It has been said by historians and scholars (both eastern and western) that this is the largest genocide the world has ever witnessed. Muslim religious leaders “educated” Muslim men to rape Hindu women as this was a method to destroy the Hindu progency. Soon raping Hindu women was part of what being a Muslim man was about! Temples were razed to the ground and villages were burned. Those who refused to convert to islam were either murdered (the menfolk) or raped (the womenfolk). All the slutty Mughal leaders made it their goal to wipe Hinduism from the map of the earth! They even openly stated it.
    I have no sympathy for Muslims. It seems that today Muslims from all corners of the world are facing hardship and problems. You only need to look at the devastation that Islam has wrecked on Hinduism to ascertain why this is happening. What goes around eventually comes back around and this is why Muslims are suffering. I have no sympathy or feeling for them. What angers me is that even today in India the dirty ugly b a s t a r d s are still sucking the blood of Hindus. If Muslims think that what they are experiencing now is bad, they haven’t seen anything yet. The world is just getting started.
    Futher to the above, I disagree that the Muslims unified anything or anyone. Islamic armies marched through the world killing men and raping women. That is the sole reason why they conquered all the lands that they did. There is a sharp distinction between invasion and unification. They instituted islam through coercion and violence. Before Islam reached India, the latter was a global power. Indian influence and culture as well as exports of knowedlge (science, maths etc) were felt throughout the world. When the evil, ugly, dirty uneducated Muslims invaded the top half of India, all the power that India commanded was destroyed. The Muslims contributed NOTHING to the Indian culture, intellectual establishment or civilisation. Quite the opposite they stole everything from us. They stole our women, they murdered our menfolk, destroyed temples etc.
    Also for your information, I am an Indian who was born and bred in London (England) where Muslim atrocities are taught in state schools as a fact. So it is futile for you to say that I am under the influence of any Zionist organisation. If anybody is a slave here it is you. You are a slave of the evil Islamic religion.
    You say your religion is a religion of peace. But your religion teaches Muslims that non-Muslims are infidels and that they should be killed. It also teaches them that women who do not “obey” their husbands must be beaten. Most of the terrorist organisations are Muslim. Muslims are renowned as mass murderers and terrorists. Moreover the highest religious leaders in your religion themselves use religious doctrine to justify killings so please do not say that Islam is a religion of peace.
    And you talk crap about Palestine and Kashmir. Indians are doing nothing wrong in Kashmir. Kashmir is, was and always will be part of India. Do you even know what the history is behind Kashmir? When India and Pakistan were becoming independent, the leaders of all the states that border what was to become India and Pakistan were offered a choice of whether to become part of Pakistan or part of India. Kashmir had a Muslim population but a Hindu prince, and he wanted to be part of India. It was your beloved Muslim country Pakistan that actually started this whole dispute by attacking India.
    At first the Kashmiri Muslims had no problem with becoming part of India. So please check your sources out! And you are quick to say that Kashmiris are oppressed and that they are being killed, but how conveniently do you leave out all the Hindus that were slaughtered in Kashmir in order to tilt the demographic favour towards the Muslims. There are hardly any Hindus now in Kashmir because they have all been killed by your Islamics. It is ok for Kasmiri Muslims to muder and wound hundreds of innocent Hindus every year in terrorist attacks but the moment that the Indian army tries to defend its citizens and crack down on the terrorists we are accused of “oppression” and human rights violations.
    Hindus were under oppression from Muslims for ten centuries. In their own country they were treated as second class citizens. The British gave the Hindus their self-respect back. Under the British, Hindus thrived. They felt that finally they were living in their own country again. So why shouldn’t they have co-operated with the British???
    It makes me sick when I hear you people justifying terrorism by saying that you are oppressed. Look at South Americans, Look at Africans look at East Europeans. These people have faced much more hardship than you people have yet I do not see them producing terrorist organisations. And anyway, for the all the “Muslim brotherhood” rhetoric and nonsense that I constantly hear about, why aren’t all the rich, oil owning fat Arabic sheikhs helping their impoverished Muslims out? Clearly they have MUCH MUCH MUCH more than enough capital to ensure decent living standards in Palestine. The problem isn’t oppression. The problem is ISLAM.
    To hell with Islam!”

  • August 16, 2013 11:04 am

    Oh Chand Osamani you Brahmin gay,

    How cruel you are thousands of innocent Muslims killed mercilessely many of them were women and children even they were burnt Alive.You fool Muslim never start Riots. Godhra incident was not done by Muslims they are innocent.You know 58 hindus killed in Godhra.I will tell you true Story About Godhra incident.

    At Godhra Railway station VHP men tried to Kidnap 16 year Old Muslim girl she shouted for her Mom and people rescued her,Mumbai Mirror interviewed and Exposed that Muslim girl.Some kar sevaks in that station took a tea and other were venders on the Platform and didn’t pay a price.Train caught fire from inside due to Electric shortage at the roof.witnessed by the one passanger shri Joshi was still Alive.Burnt parts fell on the jurry cans filled with kerosene of kar sevaks who were travelling with stoves and cooking inside the boggies.Forensic Expert proved that boggies caught Fire From inside.Kar sevaks were not reserved passangers of boggies.Rather culprits they exelled all reserved ones from lucknow station.This was also proved by Railway records.Banerjee commision report Also states that train caught fire from inside have you carefully observed burning Train it is fired heavily from inside and outer part of train is not damaged.Its means thousands of Muslims killed were innocent.They never got a lesson instead they were provoked to take a revenge.Remember 350 hindus were too killed in post godhra ie Gujrat riots.

  • sita mishra
    August 16, 2013 7:12 am

    Chand osmani who is brahmin gay pretending to be a Muslim girl knows very well that most of the murderer,rapists,criminals,backstabbers,castics are found in hinduism.You are talking about kashmir valley have you forgot Gujrat 2002 and Delhi 1984.Hundereds and thousands of women were raped,killed,murdered.innocent childrens were too killed.All the reasons behind this brahminism and bull shit religion hinduism which makes human being as a Animals.
    The manusmriti mentions laws which makes these people lower than animals, because animals are worshipped in hinduism.So if hinduism is evil , why dont we stop going to temples and pray to evil gods & godesses?Panditji – Bhagwat Gita . Do you know Bhagwat Gita ? I dont think so . Read this :—Arjun saw a monster of huge size eating many people and crushing their skulls in his teeth and licking their blood.BTW bhagwad geeta was used by Nazi Himmler, the interior (home) minister of Hitler in Germany. Himmler caused holocaust & killed millions in conc. camps. Geeta was his inspiration because here Krishna tells Arjun to kill & not feel bad. This Himmler taught the germans so that they dont feel bad about killing people.Why Nazi party used hindu Swastika and called the Germans as Aryans (another hindu word) .Why ?Because Nazis were influenced by hinduism. The nazis were aligned to a mystical society called Thule society in germany. They practiced witchcraft (tantra). But the founder of Thule society was influenced by writings of a half German lady Helena Blavatsky . She founded the Theosophical society which had HQ in Madras. She was totally influenced by Hinduism & its tantra .

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=6609

  • August 16, 2013 6:41 am

    Hello chand osamani

    I know you are impotent brahmin boy who is pretending to be a muslim.Your are neither a Muslim girl nor your husband is hindu you are jealous of seeing that maximum brahmin girls are marrying with Muslims.Islam is religion which spread throughtout the world…come on yaar.don’t be jealous…hinduism is not a religion..as hindu word is itself given by foreign muslim invander to vedic indians..parshuram is murderer of kshatriyas he had murder kshatriya 21 times, hinduism is full of hatred,murdering,raping as rape happens daily in india.If you have guts tell where this hindu word is mentioned in any of holy book or in vedas and puran.hinduism is not a religion it’s just a bullshit

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=6609

  • tamanna
    August 16, 2013 5:56 am

    Sita….m sry….it would really be unethical to call you sita…u dont deserve that name….and if u r so against hinduism, y dont u go and convert yourself 2 some other religion in which u actually believe?

    And how can u ask us to shut up…we live in a democratic country and have all the rights to speak up freely…and also, assuming dat u stay in india….which is again a hindu dominated nation,,, why dont u shift to countries like pakistan , iraq or iran….u can happily stay there wearing a burqa, and keeping ur mouth shut as women are allowed to speak there,,,.

    And are you making up stories about brahma ji and krishna? I havent heard of this stories ever…..u should really think of writing a book, u r sucha story teller….

    And moreover, if u r so against hinduism , y r u even on this site..? We all r here to create an inter faith community … And if u have forgetten, our hinduism is being practised since thousands of years…and whats wrong with the fact that muslims gave the name hindu???

    And plz decide and define your culture….. r u hindu? R u muslim? Or an athiest?…plz confirm what u follow….

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=6609

  • truth4ever
    August 16, 2013 4:01 am

    yes islam spread by sword sword of truth. Thousands are converting to islam in west by sword of islam sword of truth

  • August 16, 2013 2:45 am

    Hello Sita,

    I too doubt your identity. I was a muslim girl but married to Hindu guy.
    I know more than you about both Islam and Hinduism. Islam spread throughout the world due to coercion, murder, threat, rape, kidnapping, and mass scale massacare of non muslims. Islam is a sexy and horny religion that attracts culprits for sexual pleasure only.

    About your contention that Parsuram and other warriers murdered so many indivduals. Did you try to find out why it happened? Every thing has a limit and any thing crossing limits, has to get demolished one day.

    Regarding your religion Brahmin, I have realized that conversion by hindus to other religion was only due to brahmins, who never respected certain categories of castes and communities. There are instances in the history, that several converted muslim who wanted to come back, brahmins opposed their entry in the original faith. Even in J&K, several muslims during 1947 requested Kashmiri Pandits to allow them to convert hinduism, these pandits denied their entry and ultimately, what happened today. Pandits have been thrown out from Kashmir valley.

    Sita was a Goddess, who sacrificed a lot through out her life time and set forth example of pious, morals, ethics. You quoting your name Sita, is nothing a fake identity, indulged in prostitution and may be you are Zunaid, Aamir, Zahid like persons who have posted irrelevant blogs on this site.

    • Zara
      August 16, 2013 5:59 am

      Seems like you are the exact opposite of sita i.e a hindu claiming to be a muslim. LOL this site is full of such fakes and impostors.

  • August 16, 2013 1:22 am

    You are right Alam.Brahmin is such community which never wants the hindus to be act together.Brahmins are not those who are scholars.
    Brahmins are those who hate to work, are not productive .those who loves luxury, comfort at the cost of others,those who are parasites, backstabbing, double faced, liers,cheaters, smelly, stinking, extremely selfish, self proclaimed natural begger,Who always beg for money in the name of ”charity’/daan’.Who loots the money in the name of God.who can sacrifice any relation for money, those love to fight other people, cunning, treachery, they are the Brahmins.
    Brahmins created unequality,castism,discrimination,racism,hatred in hinduism..Brahmin do not Know to co exist.Brahmins are root for cause of All problems in india..have you ever noticed that 80% of Brahmins are in Media..This is because Media is a source through which Brahmins can spread hatred among all Indians and their religion too.

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=6609

  • August 16, 2013 12:53 am

    Oh shut up.Our Lord Brahma is the creator of the universe, Saraswati, who became the wife of her own father, was the daughter of Brahma.You don’t know about the swayambhumaru who was the Son of Lord Brahma, According to the“Saraswati Purana”. One is that Brahma created his beautiful daughter Saraswati direct from his “vital strength” or seminal fluid. The other is that Brahma used to collect his semen in a pot whenever he masturbated fixing his carnal eyes on the celestial beauty Urvasi. Brahma’s semen in the pot gave birth to Saraswati. Thus,Saraswati had no mother.This daughter or grand-daughter of Brahma is the Hindu goddess of learning. When Brahma saw the beauty of Saraswati he became amorous. To escape from her father’s passionate approach Saraswati ran to the lands in all four directions, but she could not escape from her father. She succumbed to Brahma’s wish. Brahma and his daughter Saraswati lived as husband and wife indulging in incest for 100 years. They had a son Swayambhumaru. Swayambhumaru made love with his sister Satarpa. Through the incest of Brahma’s son and daughter Brahma got two grandsons and two grand-daughters
    Lord krishna had Affair with 16000 ladies many of them were married radha was one of them who was married and she was the wife of Ayan Ghosh.and what’s the meaning of hinduism texts you fool.Hinduism has no meaning it is not a religion hindu name is never mentioned in Any religious text nor in any vedas or puran.It is invented by foreign Muslim invander before that we all were vedic

  • tamanna
    August 15, 2013 1:42 pm

    As per MATSY PURAN, There was a time when GOD BRAHMA was only alone when the cosmos did not exist. He felt and long for company. Accordingly he decided to split himself in to two parts, creating a feminine counterpart. As mythology mentioned her in the name of SANDHYA, BRAHMI or SARASWATI who emerged from BRAHMA’S mouth.  Brahma was attracted and fell in love with her. His longing for her increased and he started looking at her constantly. To avoid his gaze, SARASWATI started moving from one side to another even flied on top but Brahma started looking towards her with out turning his head but creating heads all around, total of FIVE HEADS. Brahma finally requested her to help him to create the Universe.  Saraswati as his wife helped Brahma to execute his plan accordingly and created the demigod Manu, who ultimately created the world. She is the mother of our language, SANSKRIT as well Mother of the Vedas, texts of Hinduism. 

    And regarding krishna having 16000 wives, these 16k girls were kidnapped by a demon called narakasura…krishna killed him and freed the girls..and since all of them were kidnapped by a monster man , no one would accept those girls as their wives. So he being the preserver of the universe married all of them…and obviously sita dosent knows that krishna is called akhanda brahmachari…he kept himself brahmachari because he loved radha…but had to marry rukmini first….

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=6609

  • Akash( formerly Asif)
    August 15, 2013 12:38 pm

    These are fake stories by Muslims, who are pretending to be Hindus. My Muslims brothers, I m a former Muslim myself I understand what you feel to get another person to Islam. Sad to say who thinks brainwashing someone to Islam is good is absolutely wrong. Its a great sin to pull person from other truthful path, religion to darkness. Tell me brother Muslims why sharia says to kill someone who converts to other religion. Whoever can sincerely answer those, with some real life evidence of using that sharia rule. You will notice you are nothing but slaves living in darkness.

  • August 15, 2013 12:16 pm

    You are a talibani militant and terrorist, hiding your identity.
    If you are brahmin, if true, it is this community who never allowed hindu community to act as one unit.

    Certainly,you are illegal product from mutta marriage by your mother, having sexual relations with thousands of males.

  • August 15, 2013 11:43 am

    First up all Iam human being as all hindus are..but why we worship animals. hanuman is monkey,ganesh is elephant,lord vishnu is pig who had taken the avatar of pig to attack evil name ”hiranyaksha”…as we are humans why we worship monkey,elephant and pigs.Hinduism is not a religion because hindu name is given by foreign muslim invanders to us.now its time to wake up, our original religion is vedic/sanatan plz accept the truth

  • August 15, 2013 11:30 am

    does anyone know about the name so called ”hindu”..which is our religion..the truth is that this hindu name is itself given by persian muslim in 8th century to vedic indians…as hindu named in mentioned in tantrik literature in 8th century when persian muslim invade india they called vedic indians as hindus..our original religion is vedic not hinduism..hindu word is never mentioned in any holy book neither in vedas or manusmriti…one who gives us this hindu name to our religion and we are proud to be an hindu which was never our religion…still we abuse muslims how can we so selfish

  • August 15, 2013 10:57 am

    Sita mishra is a fake name,put by some muslim guy.He is madharchod, kutte ki aulad.

    There cannot be any individual so cruel, rapist, murder, kidnapper like Muhammad. He was madharchod, who did not spare his grand daughter of 9 years old. Even today, mullas are rapising small girls in the madarasas, which Veena Malik told only on this site.

    • August 15, 2013 11:20 am

      No Iam brahmin girl and murdered is itself our bhagwan parshuram wo had murdered kshtriyas 21 times and our ram murdered innocent shudra named shambuka…rapists are our gods like brahma who raped his daughter saraswati he was also a child molestor indra raped parshuram’s mother renuka aur parshuram is murderer of his mother too.krishna enjoyed with 16000 wives many of them were married..maximum child molesting and raped done by hindus as rape happens daily in india as hindu population is maximum in india I think my hindu brothers are following there rapists Gods

  • August 15, 2013 7:53 am

    So sad to say that Iam belonging to such religion which had rapist God Brahma who raped his daughter saraswati.krishna bhagwan had 16000 wives many of them were married..we worship animals such as ganpati elephant,vishnu pig,hanuman monkey..
    fuck hinduism

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=6609

  • August 14, 2013 8:27 am


    You are lucky to have Hindu to marry to lead a blissful and indepedent life. In islam even fresh air is not permitted to a muslim women under burqa.Males allowed to keep 4 wives, always need virgin wife, virginity is not needed for males, what about sex with a dead wife, no permission for higher education and driving vehicles, 72 virgin concepts for male,
    what is all nonsense in this religion. Creating terrorsts, bomb blasts, rape and all types of criminal activies in the name of islam are propagated.

  • ana
    August 14, 2013 5:40 am

    admin..m datng a hindu guy bt I nvr askd him 2 cnvrt nor he..n in 1yr v bth r gttng marid wd ech othr..so,stp syng dt muslm ppl wnt thr hndu lovd 1 to cnvrt..u jst misgudng ppl ovr here.n I dnt c ny equalty ovr here..n u knw it vry wel y u misgudng ppl ovr islam..so stp syng dt here z equlty..v r nt fool..

    • August 14, 2013 10:36 am

      This is great that “m datng a hindu guy bt I nvr askd him 2 cnvrt nor he”. This is super and this is equality. We agree that not all Muslims are same, nor all Hindus are same.

      Which country do you live in? Which country your bf is from? How are you getting married? By court, Nikaah or Hindu wedding?

      Are you the same Ana https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=5980 ? Let us know what is wrong that we told you or that you did not like?

  • ana
    August 14, 2013 5:32 am

    frst of al I wn2 clr dt in islam thr z no nd of gnitl mutliatn..m a muslm grl..bt dz thngs nt hpnd 2me or ny1..ppl who r ill-letrte do dz..as 4 shwng blod bdsht dz thz totly absurd..n 4ur kind info I wn2 tl 2 evry1..dt dz practs hindu also do…i hv ma frnd who’s aunty iz hindu n she hv gone thru aldz..ths jst bulsht dt ppl r judgng islam..guy’s frst hv a clr info..cz dz prctse nly fool ppl do n 4rm various rlgn..so stp pointng fngr on islam..

  • August 14, 2013 3:31 am

    Hi Tamanna,

    Thanks for highlighting about his inconsistent behaviour lateron.

    In fact it is the reality of muslim youths to trap hindu girls for sex and multiplication of their population by hook or crook.

    You would have faced many problems after marriage with him like (i) prove virginity on the wedding night (ii) genital mutliation, removal of clitoris (iii) wearing burqa (iv) restriction on your movement (v) any time oral tripple talak (vi) face halala practices(vii) and finally if resisting stonning to death?

    Thank God that his real monster face came out so soon, otherwise you would have been in hell even during life time.

  • tamanna
    August 13, 2013 2:21 pm

    Hello admin…

    We didnt initially shared our thoughts regarding the rules and regulations of our alliance. But gradually we discussed and what happened at the end was completely opposite…I cant think of all 10 at the moment, but I am listing out 4, if any further promises I could think of, I shall share it,,,

    1. I dont need to change my name… he said dat initially, but after 2 months, he said I have to for the sake of his parents.

    2. I dont need to change my religion…when I used to ask this initially , he used to say, I want to you they way you are, you need not convert yourself…, after coupke of months, he said I need to convert otherwise, his parents would not approve of thos marriage..

    3. He said initially that I can be financially independent, and carry on with my job, even after marriage, but when the marriage talks got serious, he simply said, why do you need to earn , when I am there,… anyhow, my parents would not approve you to be working…..I was devastated.

    4. He asked me not to get so serious about my studies, because he is just a graduate, and I am a double graduate, with a diploma in public relations from new york, and I wanted to go for mba, and he asked me not to….I absolutely cant stay illiterate for his sake…and I love studying….

    Also, this has got no connection with islam or muslim people, may be it was just my bf’s mentality….

    And lastly admin I would really want to know why u r so against islam, and dat too so sternly against it? Would u like to share your story , or why and what made you stand opposite of the religion…..we all would be glad to know….thank u….

    • August 13, 2013 8:05 pm

      What surprises you found in your bf are not surprise for us, we have been reading the same things all times and in most cases.

      No Muslim will start dating with a Hindu with an honest disclose that the Hindu will have to convert for Islamic Nikaah. They know it very well that there is not a single Imam in this World who will perform Islamic Nikaah without conversion. Sorry it took you months (years) of pain and sufferings to find this basic simple fact.

      Now lets focus on what you asked, “why u r so against islam”. Hang on with us for little more time and you will realize that we are not against any faith, but we are looking for interfaith marriages with equality. The reason you felt this way is your focus is Islam and most posts on this site are Hindu-Muslim. However, we have written a lot about Christians, Jews and Christian-Muslim too. We are also against if a Hindu is demanding that the Muslim (or Christian) girl (or Boy) friend must convert to Hinduism for marriage, that is simply wrong.

      We are in full agreement and honor ZARA for her statement, “Don’t convert for the sake of love”. We hope you will agree that religious conversion or demanding that children will only be of one of two faiths is wrong. Such exclusivity or superiority should not be a part of any love relationship.

  • August 13, 2013 12:27 am

    Kaveri and Tamanna,
    We wish to write a new post titled “Hindu-Muslim Love: First Golden 100 Days”

    Can you list 10 things that your boyfriend told you (or gave you feeling or did not told you like changing name) during first 100 days that later you found out that it was misleading or not completely true?

    This is the way you could pass your message to the rest. Thanks.

    • Zara
      August 15, 2013 10:57 pm

      wOW A NEW JOKE

  • August 12, 2013 1:09 pm


    Atleast you have saved from your genital mutliation, a very inhuman practice, wedding night bleeding essential for pride of the family, and showing blood stained bed sheets to every member of the family, were you really ready to face situation by marrying a muslim guy?

  • ana
    August 12, 2013 6:27 am

    n admin mslm guys r nt folng hindu grls..v r wl eductd 2 knw wts r8 n wts wrng..so wr cm’s folng?hahahaha wt a joke admin…n 4 ur kind info..frst educte urslf abt islam n thr ppl whom u insultng..dn gv advcs..cz ur advcs r baseles..u jst write bt u dnt knw thr meaning..u jst inslt islam n muslm ppl bt u dnt knw wt actuly islam is..frst go n learn dz basic thngs dn cm n gv advc..islam is a prfct rlgn..bt ppl like u misundrstnd islam n gv bsles advc 2 evry1..so stp dz nonsens n frst educte urslf

    • August 12, 2013 9:36 pm

      We do not believe any religion is perfect. If you think Islam is 100% perfect, explain to Tamanna about her questions..
      1. Why is Islam so sex oriented? I mean there is life beyond sex too…eg. women can be beaten if the protest again having sex with any man?

      2, why women have to wear burkha and hijaab but not men?

      3. Why men can be polygamist and not women?

      4. Why Allah does not recognizes any other religion when Hinduism states that every god and every religion is equal?

      • Zara
        August 15, 2013 10:45 pm

        Take tour polygamy BS somewhere else dear admin. I know so many hindu men who have married 2 women and are living this dual life. This is not to say that its their religion that is wrong but these men are the ones with twisted mentality. Their intention is to have a wife where they live and also enjoy another wife somewhere else. Don’t keep beating the same broken pot again and again. There are hardly a few issues that you poeple have made a point to keep beating since the start of this website I guess. Your motto is clear, to defame Islam.
        I know there are many muslims in India who are bad but that doesnot mean Islam is bad or it has given them right to be bad.
        Just because these people or you people call a carrot a tomato, a carrot doesnot become a tomato ok and stop justifying yourself

        I really wished you would find the truth in Islam because there is One God and He is going to question each and everyone, and He has spoken in the Quran about ignorants like you that you people are blinded by hatred or ego or arrogance or whatever that is the reason I pity you and even after hearing bullsh*t I am banging my head on a stone to make you understand because Allah is the only one who can soften even a stone, so take heed cuz this life is not all play and rebirth. We are lucky to even have one life to make a lot of difference and it sure as hell as a higher purpose.

      • Zara
        August 15, 2013 10:55 pm

        And Islam is perfect human beings are NOT. They will twist things to suit their own desires just like you have done with the points mentioned above. Its a dirty mind that makes you see something as dirty, its all in your head.
        Another thing is if you study Islam you will know that its not about superiority. Hinduism is a spiritual religion but Islam is a way of life. There is a purpose to every creation. God forgive me to ask this question but what is the logic that all Gods took avatar only in Indian subcontinent and nowhere else in the world? Even the names are sanskrit.
        Now you will say that even Islam was revealed only in Arabia in arabian language but do you see how it has spread to the corners of the world.How it Quran has mentioned prophets starting from Abraham, Jesus Moses Joseph even Noah, thats because Prophets were sent to each country, reason it is for whole humanity.
        And for every Ummah (a community or a nation), there is a Messenger; when their Messenger comes, the matter will be judged between them with justice, and they will not be wronged. (Qur’ân 10:47)

        And verily, We have sent among every Ummah (community, nation) a Messenger (proclaiming): “Worship Allah (Alone), and avoid (or keep away from) Taghut (all false deities, etc. i.e., do not worship Taghut besides Allah).” Then of them were some whom Allah guided and of them were some upon whom the straying was justified. So travel through the land and see what was the end of those who denied (the truth). (Qur’ân 16:36)
        But hinduism was just a spiritual journey so any one can come to find peace
        It does nont give a clear message (thats why we see why so many people different territories and regions have different Gods and practices even after having the same sub caste)


  • ana
    August 12, 2013 6:14 am

    wel said zara..i truly agre wd u..dz site iz nt 2 gve advc of intr faith coupls..bt 2 prove wrong 2 muslm ppl n islam..n I think admin has sm kind of grudge agnst islam n thr ppl..in evry respns he gve..he nly pinpoint islam…actuly dz site is 2 misgude intr faith coupls..cz thr iz no equalty..thy nly poke fngr on islam…i hav cme acros various site of intr faith marge..bt dz site iz jst bulsht..thr z nly hatrd..2wrds islam..i ws shckd wn I cme 2 dz site..the persn who gv advc usuly insult othr rlgn spcly islam..advc toh reh jati h sif pinpont karte h ekdusre k rlgn ko…dz site iz fake n bulsht..n lst bt nt least..wn2 ask admin..dt he is serusly guidng or jst mkng fun of islam..cz admin hs ben vry parshl..n admin if u serusly wn2 gv advc so jst gv advc n stp pinpointng islam..here u r 2gv advc nt 2 misgude ppl..thnxs..

    • August 12, 2013 9:33 pm

      Please join us to give your views to youths. Please ask your imam to join us. This way, youths in love will have an opportunity to learn from all sites without limit. This is an open forum for all. We hope you will come to guide youths here.

  • Zara
    August 12, 2013 3:58 am

    Biggest joke this site is not even moderated. Meaning anyone can come here and post anything.
    So much for dealing with people going through real struggles (Awwww really cute) and then leaving them at the mercy of strangers (like me 🙂

    Hmmm wow you care so much for these people don’t you?? Standing ovations to you!!! They go through such gruelling lives that they are on the brink of depression but still are exposed to suggestions from equally messed up strangers. You care so much that you dont even care who gives what advice and how a certain advice will affect someones lives (Ofcourse if that someone is actually even a real person and not the same person posting BS under different muslim names)

    Rwply with trying to prove how genuine this site is and you will be like a trapped bait. Cause really if this site was so genuine you wouldn’t be out proving it like in some of the previous posts defending your “genuine” bass

    • August 12, 2013 9:28 pm

      You have raised a good point, that this site is not moderated.

      Actually this site is very well moderated, but we are allowing even one to express their views, including to Zara. If we allow only a select type of people, do you think this site will be better and fair to all?

      We are not concerned with “wrong elements” come to this site and making comments, because we feel every one has rights to express themselves. People in love has to hear from both, or all sides. We believe our readers are intellectuals, they will keep that they want and leave the rest for others.

      Zara, please explain us how would you define interfaith marriage with equality between a Hindu and a Muslim?
      How they should get married? Hindu marriage, Nikaah or a secular-court marriage?
      Should any of them get converted to the other faith?
      Should the children be from only one faith and not the other?
      Should both continue their religious life the same way as they were born and raised?

      We are waiting to hear your thoughts. Thanks Zara.

      • Zara
        August 15, 2013 10:32 pm

        No matter what justification you give it doesnt ring a bell simply because people here are not for debate as per your website motto but you have turned this site into muslim hating under the name of interfaith marriages with equality. So try again with a btter justification but I am sure you will find none

  • tamanna
    August 11, 2013 6:02 pm

    Hi kaveri….

    Dear, I can very well understand ur pain and grief…..m going through the same phase so I knw better…..but hopefully, time will heal up most of our pains….

    Regarding quran, most muslim people read quran in urdu or arbi, but not in english….so most of them do not know what the phrases actually means….like my bf….now ex-bf :(….so ask him to read it out 4 u…and since quran is too long, specifically ask him to read the chapter… al-nisa and al-baqarah….these contains mostly of women oppression and dominance,..so, hopefully he will get a better idea what the book actually says…..and after physically reading it, if he tends to agree with those points, or tries to defend it as my bf used to do.(he used to say it is all wrong written in the english translated Quran)….

    So all the best kaveri…may god bless you….nd give u strength to deal with the odds in life….smile….smile for urself and ur family….tc of urself….do tell us what happened next,…ciao….

    • August 11, 2013 8:17 pm


      Understand that they are playing innocent, they know it very well what Islam is all about. Instead of being honest, these guys are out fooling non-Muslim girls. By mistake if you married by Nikaah/conversion and have children, then the girl (wife) is stuck for life. If you don’t convert, they are not going to marry you any ways, thus they have nothing to loose.

      We are glad you had a chance of making fully “informed” decision.

      In this day and age of internet, it does not take more than an hour to find most facts about any religion. Why those guys think you educated girls will be easy to fool?

      We hope our efforts were of some use to you. Now it remain your moral duty to go out and educate the rest of girls to stop them from making major mistake of their life.

      Tamanna and Kaveri, we hope you will become a routine consultant on this web site for interfaith marriage with equality.

      • Zara
        August 12, 2013 3:15 am

        And admin, your replies seem like you are frustrated or have been wronged buy an ill practicing muslim. Then go and blame that person. Why are you misleading people from the truth in the name of “helping them to make an informed decision”

        FYI there won’t be 1.5 billion muslims if Islam was so wrong may be 1 million but not 1.5 billion. Brush up on you facts dude, you ain’t fooling no one

        • August 12, 2013 9:39 pm

          If Islam is perfect for 1.5B people, we are happy for you.

          Here, Kaveri and Tamanna have concern marrying to a Muslim. Can you ask Islamic scholars to join here to explain to these girls?

    • Zara
      August 12, 2013 3:10 am

      Please dont quote out of context regarding any chapter of the Quran. I am sure most people have not even read the smallest of chapters thoroughly leave alone Al Baqarah and An-Nisa which are amoung the longest ones. Even most muslims haven’t thoroughly read them so blame those muslims but don’t take out your unjustified frustration on verses of the Holy Quran.

      I doubt you have even read the starting of An Nisa which clearly orders a man to give dowry(mahr) to his wife.

      Verse 4:4 And give the women [upon marriage] their [bridal] gifts graciously. But if they give up willingly to you anything of it, then take it in satisfaction and ease.

      Now many people know how most women and their families have been harrassed by husbands asking for dowry irregardless of how educated or well off they are in India. This is the reality we overlook before pointing fingers at each other. The Quran orders the exactly opposite knowing a working man is entitled to give dowry to a supposed housewife rather than the other way around

      This not only shows how people take verses out of context but refuse to see any good though it is rubbed in their face

    • Zara
      August 12, 2013 3:19 am

      Also if you are so worried about the english translations. Let me tell you there are many number of english translations with tafsir. You could have read any (if you cared you will know what that means)

      So much for making an informed decision LOL. That you people don’t even care to have the full information. Prettttiiieeeee Ironic

  • August 10, 2013 12:09 pm

    Can you help Kaveri below? She is going through difficult times.


  • August 10, 2013 9:25 am

    What a horny religion is Islam? Every where sex, 72 virgins for sex, mutta and halala marriages for sex, Imams and maulvies indulged in sex, cousins, nieces, baji and some time sisters, are trapped for sex? Slaves girls permitted to be raped?

    Woman symbol of sex and even then she is treated very badly throught life and if women complains against rape, she is needed to produce r witnesses? For sex female genital is mutiliated?

    In Egypt sex with dead wife, what a horrible?

    Rapist Mohammad treated Prophet and messenger of Allah?

    Can any one define, why such evil practices are accepted in muslim socieity?

  • August 9, 2013 11:25 am

    Hello readers,

    The following is the real face of so called messenger of God,who proclaimed as Prophet. Can a God be so cruel against womanhood.

    Muhammad was one sick, evil man. He had fantasies of Baby Aisha. She came to his home with dolls at the age of 6, and he raped her when she was 9. In order to justify his criminality, he created through his phony God – Allah (the AntiGod) teaching 65.4.
    Since girls at that age are not fully mature either physically, emotionally, or psychologically, we know that it is wrong for a man, regardless of his age, to engage a child in sexual relations. No other conclusion can be drawn. No one would expect a real prophet of a righteous God to engage in, justify, allow, and prescribe for his followers such a malignant act.

    Muhammad established an appalling precedent for Islam, Muslims, and young girls. This was not based upon wisdom, knowledge, or science, but only upon his desires, actions, and teachings. He should be judged as a man who established child abuse as a norm in Islam


    Muhammad Fantasized About Baby Aisha Before Soliciting Her From Her Father.

    Sahih Bukhari 9.140
    Narrated ‘Aisha:
    “Allah’s Apostle said to me, “You were shown to me twice (in my dream) before I married you. I saw an angel carrying you in a silken piece of cloth, and I said to him, ‘Uncover (her),’ and behold, it was you. I said (to myself), ‘If this is from Allah, then it must happen.”

    Baby Aisha’s Father Did Not Approve At First

    Aisha’s father, Abu Bakr, wasn’t on board at first, but Muhammad explained how the rules of their religion made it possible. This is similar to the way that present-day cult leaders manipulate their followers into similar concessions.

    Sahih Bukhari 7.18
    Narrated ‘Ursa: “The Prophet asked Abu Bakr for ‘Aisha’s hand in marriage. Abu Bakr said “But I am your brother.” The Prophet said, “You are my brother in Allah’s religion and His Book, but she (Aisha) is lawful for me to marry.”

    Muhammad Marries Baby Aisha At Age 6

    Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, Book 58, Number 234
    Narrated Aisha: “The Prophet engaged (married) me when I was a girl of six (years). We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj. Then I got ill and my hair fell down. Later on my hair grew (again) and my mother, Um Ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became Allright, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me into the house. There in the house I saw some Ansari women who said, “Best wishes and Allah’s Blessing and a good luck.” Then she entrusted me to them and they prepared me (for the marriage). Unexpectedly Allah’s Apostle came to me in the forenoon and my mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age.”

    Baby Aisha Sat On The Prophet’s Lap And Was Raped

    Tabari IX:131″My mother came to me while I was being swung on a swing between two branches and got me down. My nurse took over and wiped my face with some water and started leading me. When I was at the door she stopped so I could catch my breath. I was brought in while Muhammad was sitting on a bed in our house. My mother made me sit on his lap. The other men and women got up and left. The Prophet CONSUMMATED his marriage with me in my house when I was NINE years old.”

    Sahih Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 64:

    Narated By ‘Aisha : “That the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years” (i.e., till his death).

    Sahih Bukhari Volume 8, Book 73, Number 151

    Narrated ‘Aisha: “I used to play with the dolls in the presence of the Prophet, and my girl friends also used to play with me. When Allah’s Apostle used to enter (my dwelling place) they used to hide themselves, but the Prophet would call them to join and play with me.” (The playing with the dolls and similar images is forbidden, but it was allowed for ‘Aisha at that time, as she was a little girl, not yet reached the age of puberty.) (Fateh-al-Bari page 143, Vol.13)

    Dear Reader – think about what you just read. 1400 years ago Baby Aisha was a happy young girl of six playing with her dolls and swinging on her swing with her girl friends.

    Muhammad Would Thigh with Baby Aisha

    The permanent committee for the scientific research and fatwahs (religious decrees) reviewed the question presented to the grand Mufti Abu Abdullah Muhammad Al-Shemary, the question forwarded to the committee by the grand scholar of the committee with reference number 1809 issued on 3/8/1421 (Islamic calendar).

    After the committee studied the issue, they gave the following reply:

    “As for the prophet, peace and prayer of Allah be upon him, thighing his fiancée Aisha. She was six years of age and he could not have intercourse with her due to her small age. That is why [the prophet] peace and prayer of Allah be upon him placed HIS [MALE] MEMBER BETWEEN HER THIGHS AND MASSAGED IT SOFTLY, as the apostle of Allah had control of his [male] member not like other believers.”

    Muhammad Reserved Baby Aisha For Himself Because She Was A Virgin And He Wanted a Virgin

    (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 17)

    Narrated Jabir bin ‘Abdullah:
    “When I got married, Allah’s Apostle said to me, “What type of lady have you married?” I replied, “I have married a matron.” He said, “Why, don’t you have a liking for the virgins AND FOR FONDLING THEM?” Jabir also said: Allah’s Apostle said, “Why didn’t you marry a young girl so that you might play with her and she with you?”

    Muslim (8:3460) – “Why didn’t you marry a young girl so that you could sport with her and she could sport with you, or you could amuse with her and she could amuse with you?” Muhammad posed this question to one of his followers who had married an “older woman” instead.

    Hence, Muhammad’s comments indicate that his reason for marrying Aisha while a young virgin is so that he could fondle and sexually play with her!

    Baby Aisha Was Not The Only Baby Girl Muhammad Fantasized About

    In the classic history of “The Life of Muhammad” (Sirat Rasul Allah) by Ibn Ishaq, there is an account in which Muhammad expressed a marital interest in a crawling baby. This event seems to have occurred around the time of the Battle of Badr which would have made Muhammad approximately 55 years old. He had married Aisha two years earlier, when he was 53 years of age.

    (Suhayli, ii. 79: In the riwaya of Yunus I. “I recorded that the apostle saw her (Ummu’lFadl) when she was a baby crawling before him and said, ‘If she grows up and I am still alive I will marry her.’ But he died before she grew up and Sufyan b. al-Aswad b. ‘Abdu’l-Asad al-Makhzumi married her and she bore him Rizq and Lubab…”(Ibn Ishaq, The Life of Muhammad: A Translation of Ishaq’s Sirat Rasul Allah, translated by A. Guillaume [Oxford University Press, Karachi], p. 311)
    Muhammad saw Um Habiba the daughter of Abbas while she was fatim (age of nursing) and he said, “If she grows up while I am still alive, I will marry her.” (Musnad Ahmad, Number 25636)

    Muhammad Would Bath With and Fondle Baby Aisha

    Bukhari (6:298) – Muhammad would take a bath with the little girl and fondle her.

    Narrated ‘Aisha: “The Prophet and I used to take a bath from a single pot while we were Junub. During the menses, he used to order me to put on an Izar (dress worn below the waist) and used to fondle me. While in Itikaf, he used to bring his head near me and I would wash it while I used to be in my periods (menses).”

    Baby Aisha Would Wash Semen Stains off Muhammad’s Clothes

    Bukhari (4:232) – Muhammad’s wives would wash semen stains out of his clothes, which were still wet from the spot-cleaning even when he went to the mosque for prayers.

    Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book 4, Number 231:

    Narrated SulaImam bin Yasar:
    “I asked ‘Aisha about the clothes soiled with semen. She replied, “I used to wash it off the clothes of Allah’s Apostle and he would go for the prayer while water spots were still visible.”

    Muhammad Would Lie With Baby Aisha

    Sunaan Abu Dawud: Book 11, Number 2161:
    Narrated Aisha, Ummul Mu’minin:
    “I and the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) used to lie in one cloth at night while I was menstruating. If anything from me smeared him, he washed the same place (that was smeared), and did not wash beyond it. If anything from him smeared his clothe, he washed the same place and did not wash beyond that, and prayed with it (i.e. the clothe).”

    Muhammad Would Recite Quran While Lying With Menstruating Baby Aisha

    Bukhari (93:639) – The Prophet of Islam would recite the ‘Holy Qur’an’ with his head in Aisha’s lap, when she was menstruating.

    Baby Aisha Understood That Muhammad’s Teachings Were Phoney

    Bukhari (60:311) – “I feel that your Lord hastens in fulfilling your wishes and desires.” These words were spoken by Aisha within the context of her husband having been given ‘Allah’s permission’ to fulfill his sexual desires with a large number of women in whatever order he chooses. (It has been suggested that Aisha may have been speaking somewhat wryly).

    Captured Kafir Women Are Slave Booty

    Tabari IX:137 – “Allah granted Rayhana of the Qurayza to Muhammad as booty.” Muhammad considered the women that he captured and enslaved to be God’s gift to him.

    Muhammad – The Womanizer

    Tubari IX:139 – “You are a self-respecting girl, but the prophet is a womanizer.” Words spoken by the disappointed parents of a girl who had ‘offered’ herself to Muhammad

    Muhammad Would Sexually Abuse His Wives

    Bukhari (6:300) – Muhammad’s wives had to be available for the prophet’s fondling even when they were having their menstrual period.

    Bukhari Volume 1, Book 6, Number 299: Narrated ‘Abdur-Rahman bin Al-Aswad: …(on the authority of his father) ‘Aisha said: “Whenever Allah’s Apostle wanted to fondle anyone of us during her periods (menses), he used to order her to put on an Izar and start fondling her.” ‘Aisha added, “None of you could control his sexual desires as the Prophet could.”

    In the Hadith of Sahih Muslim, Vol. I, page 590, Muslim says, that Aisha said:
    “If anyone of us was having her menstrual period, Allah’s Messenger ordered her to come to him for sexual intercourse while she is on the peak of her period.”
    Maymuna said: “The Messenger of Allah used to have sexual intercourse with me during my menstrual period, while a piece of garment is between us.”

    You tell me what kind of man would stick his hand in his wives menstruating vagina. You tell me what kind of man would force a menstruating woman to have sex. This is rape and sexual molestation.

    The Prophet Would Do All His Wives In One Night

    Bukhari (62:6) – “The Prophet used to go round (have sexual relations with) all his wives in one night, and he had nine wives.” Muhammad also said that it was impossible to treat all wives equally – and it isn’t hard to guess why.

    Bukhari (5:268) – “The Prophet used to visit all his wives in a round, during the day and night and they were eleven in number.” I asked Anas, ‘Had the Prophet the strength for it?’ Anas replied, ‘We used to say that the Prophet was given the strength of thirty men. ”

    Allah (the AntiGod) Promoted This Immoral Behavior:

    “Your women are a tilth for you (to cultivate) so go to your tilth as ye will” Quran (2:223) Likens a woman to a field (tilth), to be used by a man as he wills.

    As we have already shown – this is an Eternal teaching of God allowing Muslim men to perform anal sex on Muslim women.
    Muhammad – being an alleged prophet of God is the perfection of humanity and the prototype of the most wonderful human conduct whom Muslims must emulate for eternity – by molesting and raping a child he leaves an enduring legacy for Muslim men to fulfill their carnal desires contrary to natural law and to the life-long devastation of young girls and also set an ideal example, a Sunna, which Muslim men must practice at all times and place. And this horrible act is also sanctioned by Quran 65:4, which contains Allah’s divine sanction of marrying and having sex with pre-pubescent girls. Allah, the God of Islam, is pedophile monster, who gave blessings to child sex abuse and rape. And Muhammad, Allah’s pedophile prophet, practiced exactly that.

    Muhammad, by engaging in child sex abuse and rape, has set an example of ideal sexual conduct for world’s huge Muslim community to do likewise for all eternity. And Muslims, at least the deeply pious ones, have been repeating the same to increase their virtues and chances for finding a place in Allah’s Paradise ever since, and will continue to do so until end of the world. The crime of Muhammad’s pedophilia is undoubtedly much much much greater, probably never to be surpassed by another man.
    So, the question is: When will Prophet Muhammad, the greatest pedophile in history, be reduce to his deserving place?



  • tamanna
    August 9, 2013 6:10 am

    Thanku so much zara for the guidance and sharing ur knowledge…u r rite…at times we tend to see only the negetive part….thanks for answering all those questions…

    Honestly, I really wanted someone to contradict these points against islam…thanks for mentioning….also, sry but I have an another question regarding divorce…I read that saying talaq 3 times is end of the marriage…and if the divorce has happened twice, the woman has to get married to another man, then get ohysically involved with him, ask him for a divorce, and then only can get back to her former husband if she wishes to….? Why is dat???

    And thank you much for making me understand this…I really respect islam and all other religions, and I was just curious s why quran mentions these things which should be forbidden…thanks for the answer…also do u think being a women, ur husband should have the rite to beat you and admonish youunder any circumstances..??? Sry , but I wont allow dat to happen to me…..

    • Satyen
      August 9, 2013 9:27 am

      Dear Tamanna,

      I am wondering if a wife can also allowed to admonish or beat her husband as per Quran/Hadith? Just let me know.

    • Zara
      August 11, 2013 2:25 am

      Hi Tammanna I am glad you found my knowledge useful. As you see here people will keep beating around the bush about the same things again and again but won’t try to even see it from another perspective. So be it, but its good to see there are people like you who are willing to look from both the sides.

      Striking as in the sense where it takes the meaning of domestic violence is forbidden, nor is striking so stressed where people have to make such a huge deal out of it. Everyone knows domestic violence exists irrespective of the community and none can do anything about it

      The divorce thing is most misunderstood and a fodder for hate mongers. I would really advice you to visit scholarly websites to learn the real rulings on these sensitive issues

      • August 11, 2013 11:21 am

        Thank you Zara for educating others. Please come by again and again to guide youths.

        Further, we are glad to learn today that the talaak practice is something Tamanna don’t have to worry about considering, “The divorce thing is most misunderstood”.

        You gave an excellent message to Prem, and Tamanna should follow it…
        Zara says: August 11, 2013 at 2:50 am
        Exactly!! Don’t convert for the sake of love. Its human nature, even our kids or parent disappoint us whom we love so much then why should we expect romantic love to be any different.

  • tamanna
    August 9, 2013 3:55 am

    Thanku, satyen n zara 4 ur comments….wish you u all a happy n a prosperous eid….eid mubarak to all….

    And zara u r rite…may b people r not following islam in a proper way.., but what do u have to say about the quran itself. Even being a hindu, I have read quran, nd why is dat a muslim husband can admonish wife, have sex slaves, murder a kafir and get 72 hurs, ?????

    I really want to explore more of it…people r following what is written in quran rite? So, according to you, the above stated quran quotes are acceptable???

    • Zara
      August 9, 2013 4:30 am

      Dear Tamanna, I appreciate your search for knowledge. This is the first step in everything we do, to interrogate. And inshaAllah you will be guided. First of all as you know the things you mentioned are the most quoted things when asked to speak against Islam but no one ever tries to see the reason behind their existence.

      First of all the hadith about 72 hurs is a weak one. So most scholars choose to not take it into much consideration(but ofcourse when someone who is filled with hatred would not like this fact) Also Allah has said He has prepared for his servants what no eye has seen no ear has heard and no mind has imagined. So debating about such things would be doubting The Most High

      About sex slaves, no where does it even mention in the hadith leave alone Quran that a man can take sex slaves. The time Quran was revealed it was common to keep slaves(not sex slaves mind you) for household work etc. But Quran came as a mercy for them too. For eg for that time if a person was not able to fast freeing of a slave was considered to have same rewards as fasting. Now ofcourse no one is allowed a slave

      About admonishing wife, read surah an nisa (the women) with its tafsir (this is the 4th surah with 176 verse on how to treat women properly)so much for saying islam is oppressive to women when God Himself has instructed people on how to treat women right

      Regarding murdering a kaffir if this was really true then wat abt this verse 5:32 ….whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one – it is as if he had saved mankind entirely.

      some of the verse have been revealed during wars which the muslims didn’t even start. The Quran advices killing only when one is being dangered with being killed i.e in defense so research on these things more if you really wish to see the truth

      People read that having four wives is allowed but they don’t go further on this because they have found what they needed that is negativity to blame on but a man is allowed to keep more than one wife only if he is able to do justice and provide for them equally plus if his wife DOESNOT FORBIDS HIM TO

      Now there are more than 6000 verses in the Quran but here going through this site I have hardly come across more than 20 or 30 so please dont be so biased.. Try and see the whole story or reason if you find anything negative if you will still not be satisfied then its up to you may Allah guide you

      • August 11, 2013 8:29 pm

        Agree, may Isvar/Allah and google will guide Tamanna.

  • Zara
    August 9, 2013 3:34 am

    When the Propher(saw) went to preach Islam he was pelted with stones and in once a person from the ansari tribe even split his jaw and broke his blessed face. The companions of Prophet asked him to pray to Allah to damn these people but he replied “I have been sent as a mercy to this world how can I ask for them to be damned” There are more such amazing hadith even the Quran Allah’s own words talk about how great Muhammad was but alas what most muslims follow today is not true Islam.
    Its like half of the class failing in their science paper and their parents blaming science but not their own children for not working hard.
    Remember this Islam forbids most things which are immoral and people after seeing a muslim doing these forbidden things blame Islam.
    So blame a muslim for his bad conduct all you wish but don’t blame Islam, it has been sent as a mercy first study it properly

    Most people choose to see the bad. Its like blaming your eyesight for seeing something bad happen and wishing that you were blind forgetting that it the same sight that helps you see this world.
    Nobody is telling anyone to follow Islam but if you can’t guide people then do not mislead them atleast in the name of saving them.
    You can wish to be blind but do not try to damage someone else’s vision

  • Zara
    August 9, 2013 1:55 am

    Irregradless of all the bad in this world a hearty Eid Mubarak to all the people on this forum!!! May Allah guide you all to the best of your deeds :))))

  • tamanna
    August 8, 2013 1:45 pm

    Hi, I have read quran and I have came across these quotes….I found them extremely insulting and degrading to the existence of women….that is wrong and just not done…

    But, actually what we are forgetting today is the religion of humanity and love…which is the mother of all religion??? And why since ages , because of hindu vs muslims, the common people have to suffer?

    • Satyen
      August 8, 2013 3:54 pm

      Dear Tamanna,

      The war between the followers of Muhammad and the Hindus has been going on since the inception of the former and will continue until one of them becomes extinct. The primary reason is both cannot exist together as they represent two diametrically opposite ideologies. Hinduism is another name for Humanity and reasoning or freedom of thought. I mean, when you say Hinduism, it connotates humanity and you are supposed to think rationally. On the other hand Islam means surrender to Muhammad in the name of Quran/Hadith and you cannot think freely, you can only follow it. In fact, you cannot even speak against it. How can both co-exist?

      Now it’s everybody’s own decision which side to choose. Most of the Indian Hindus especially so called intellectuals/educated people are sitting on the fence and are a confused lot. They are the easiest prey to be cheated by the followers of Muhammad. The greatest disservice has been done by the Hindu Saints/Pundits who declared all religions as the same without having any qualification to say so (They know hardly anything about Islamic history, Muhammad, Koran/Hadith and the incessant attack of Muslims to wipe out Hinduism). In fact, people like you with a good knowledge of Islamic books should revisit those books with a view to compare Islam with Hinduism. I suggest you to read the Geeta as a representative of Hinduism as it is the summary of the Vedas.

      It’s very hard to believe the Muslims as they follow ‘Taqiya’ to go to any extent in cheating others to convert them. The best test is as suggested by the Admin is BBS. I also suggest you to visit the sites of ex-Muslims such as


      So, give a year or so before you get married as marrying some body is the most important decision you will ever make in your life time.

      OM Namah Shivay

  • tamanna
    August 8, 2013 12:00 pm

    Yeah….I accept that… and so does he….we had decided for a inter faith marriage, he said so…but honestly with his actions and specially him saying that I can follow my religion or in other words, me and his religion cant go parallel…, I am quite confused….

    The question is why do I need to change my name or my religion to get married to someone I love? If he loves me, dont you think he needs to accept me the way I am…is it needed dat I have to lose my identity, my self respect, my own self, to gain his love.?

    No, rite? Furthermore, even if he understands this, how to make his family understand….? They wont….I know dat, and knws that too…so, just bcoz of religion differences, shall we forget about the compatibility, compassion and true n pure love we share????? Just for the heck of religion????

    Also, I am quite sceptical about the divorce stuff….I mean if me and my husband have a huge fight and in anger even if he mistakenly said talaq talaq talaq, the matter ends there? My world is shattered???

    And all my life I used to think love has no religion…….no boundaries…..no lines…, but trust me , m afraid this religion stuff one day will create a LOC between hindus and muslims…every religion has its own pros and cons, and every religion might be correct in their own way,….but the question is ……can we let a religion, which is just a belief, lead our lives and mind???

    Also, thank u so much 4 ur response admin…..I would request him 2 join this forum as well., also….lastly, I would really want a muslim person to comment here…really want to explore more of it…I really wish I could get the answers of my questions…..thank you….

    • August 8, 2013 10:23 pm

      Yes, we also don’t understand this. Can some one explain us, “The question is why do I need to change my name or my religion to get married to someone I love? If he loves me, dont you think he needs to accept me the way I am…is it needed dat I have to lose my identity, my self respect, my own self, to gain his love?”?

      Regarding Talaak, yes, if you marry by Nikaah, you hear the triple talaak and you are out on road, even in a middle of a cold night. You must have a back up plan where you will go when he utters those words.

      You said “love has no religion…….no boundaries…..no lines” that is not true if he wants to go to heaven on the Judgment Day.

      Please ask him to come on this site and help us explain all these.

      • August 8, 2013 11:56 pm

        Come to think of it, the answer is simple for why you have to convert. Let us explain it to you.

        If you have only 1 lakh rupees and some one ask to give you all that 1 lakh without any explanation, would you give him? If you give him all what you have, then why he will not next ask you to remove all jewelry on your body. If you even do that, next he may ask for your cloths on your body. So, when will you wake up to understand that there is something wrong in this deal?

        So the answer is simple, if you give, he will ask.

        Let us give you another example. If your parents find for you a handsome doctor from your own cast and a perfect boy for you; but if he demands for Rs. 10,000 dowry to marry you, what would you do? Would you pay the dowry? Would you not worry that why this guy is such an old timer? Here your Muslim guy is asking you to give your Hindu-pride in dowry, now it is your choice.

        Some day you will have to learn to say no, be that today or after 10 years of pain and sufferings.

        Happiness in married life does not come by submission to the husband, but living a blissful life of equality and respect for each other for what each others are.

        Just learn to say NO BBS. Tell him it is not possible in this life, not even on my dead body!

        • Satyen
          August 14, 2013 2:11 pm

          Excellent advice by summing up the old and new wisdom to protect everybody considering interfaith marriage.

  • tamanna
    August 8, 2013 5:32 am

    First of all thank you so much for giving me this wonderful platform where I can express my emotions….

    Okay i am a hindu bengali brahmin girl…i was in a relationship with a muslim guy since last 1 year… and in due course of time, I came to know much about islam and muslim people,..they are not bad at all…but I condemn the teachings…..i was so happy thinking my bf is so supportive…then as time passed by and we actually began to think about the marriage…first he asked me to choose a name. I asked why? He said I need to have a muslim name in order to get married to a muslim guy. I was so happy thinking my bf is so supportive…then as time passed by and we actually began to think about the marriage…first he asked me to choose a name. I asked why? He said I need to have a muslim name in order to get married to a muslim guy. I sternly refused, but he said that is indispensable. I somehow, out of love , or out of madness agreed to do so… plz dnt yell on me now.
    After that, ramzaan came, he asked me to keep roza. I asked my pandit ji if I can…he said all gods are same. We, all human beings have same deatinations, though the paths may be different. Panditji said our religion recognises and respects all gods and all other religions. He said if you believe in raam ji, believe in allah and believe in jesus as well. So, I started keeping rozas, with proper sehri, iftaari, and reciting duas… but next whatever happened took off my belief from islam…nd I was heartbroken. It was his bday, 22nd july, and I wanted to go to a temple and pray for his better future,..when I asked him to come along with me, he refused and also asked me not to go, and why? Because I kept roza, so I cant. He said now you can worship your gods. You just have to accept allah and nobody else….I completely refused. I went to the temple , but continued with the roza. May be I am wrong, but this is not done, just not done…he respects my religion. He visited mahalaxmi temple in mumbai with me. Then just because I believe in allah, dat dosent means I disbelieve ram ji…

    And yes, he celebrated diwali with me last year… he accompanied me to mahalaxmi temple in mumbai…, though he didnt knew how to do puja but he bowed his head and atleast stepped into the temple., but I wont allowed to do so after marriage… I love him, but the fact ia that I knw, his parents would never accept me as a hindu, and I cant change myself to win his love,,.love has no religion, If I can accept him as a muslim, why can he?????

  • August 7, 2013 9:36 pm


    Can you shed more light on your love with a Muslim? You are a HIndu, why you kept Rosas? Did your boyfriend also joined you for Diwali festival in your temple?

    We wish to educate other youths in love and would appreciate you would elaborate more on your relationships. What went right and what went wrong.

    What new you learned in this post mentioned or blog?

    • Kaveri
      August 10, 2013 6:45 am

      I left him… :'(

      • August 10, 2013 11:27 am

        This is socking! We did not wanted to break two people’s love. We just wanted to educate you two for a long lasting married life, that’s all.

        So tell us what did he do that you decided to leave him?

        What would you tell to Tamanna based on your life experience?

        • August 10, 2013 11:51 am

          Tamanna’s desicion was rite…i must say!!!
          Hindu gals r love freak i must say, i was one of them!!!
          In a relationshp both must hv to be equal…. 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁

          My bf said that he is not happy at all wid my behaviour,dan i said ok leave me…. he tried to convince me fr very long……bt fr me it was impossible…..
          i also had some drms rgrding my childrn (i undrstd it later) ….i cant sacrifice thm…. 🙁

          Bfr i fll in love wid my bf, i liked muslim ppl,i thot dey r gud…bt nw i just hate dan….
          i hate islam…its full of hatred towards non muslim….. 🙁

          But As like Tamanna’s bf,my bf never stoppd me to do nething relatd to my religion
          He always encouraged me to keep fast (nt roza), visit temples…nd all…….
          nd never askd me to kip rozas or follow nethng relatd to islam……
          rite nw m very sad 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁
          He promised me dat i cn do pujas nd all in the house,after marriage….

          Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=6025

        • Kaveri
          August 10, 2013 12:31 pm


          i want to educate my bf,i want to show him the real face of Muhammad…..
          i need ur help….give suggestion……plzzz
          i askd him to recite the Koran in english,2mrrw i will visit his place……

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