Iranian girl meets a Hindu on Internet

Sara says:June 7, 2013 11:41 AM

Internet Dating?
About one year ago i met a guy in the internet we went on our relationship and decided to get marry but we faced some problem at sometimes ago. First as Jahanaarah said my father also dont let our mariage since im muslim but he is hindu, I also believe in this ALLAH never disagree to true love and we hope for best

i also love him very much and like to get marry soon and get rid of these problems soon but what is the solution? My mind is very busy i feel worry and sad cause i wanna any problem get solve and everything get well. but the case is that as i said my parents dont let us get marry, when my parents came to know about us, and when i was telling them about ourselves after some while my father didnt let continue anything more and then told me to stop it.

This time im doing effort to find some solution we are seeking for some way how he can come to Iran but i dont know how to help him cause i dont know anyone to help us in this case. i need someone who can sponsor visa him to come Iran or at least I can do sth for him i very thank to someone who can help us with this case. THANKS in advance. -Sara


Admin says:

Sara, can you clarify a few questions? Have you ever met your Internet lover? Do you know his background, other than his Internet love for you? Does he have good education and a well paying job? Do his parents agree to your relationship? Be very careful with these Internet relationships; don’t get trapped.

As far we know about Iran, a Hindu cannot marry a Muslim girl. Iranian government will not allow your Hindu-Muslim marriage gets registered. No imam will perform Nikaah without Shahadah conversion of that Hindu. So, is that Hindu ready to convert to Islam?

Be careful to a “fake” conversion. The Hindu may accept Shahadah just to fool everyone but in reality, he is just lying to every one. Why will you want lies and deceptions be a foundation of your married life? If he has no intention to be a true Muslim, it will create deep trouble in your married life later. You said, “I also believe in ALLAH”, then why you will want to lie to Allah by his fake conversion?

If you truly love him then there should not be a need for religious conversion. Let him remain what he is, that is a Hindu and you remain what you are, that is a Muslim. Somehow learn to live with two faiths. Teach your children about both faiths, take them to a Hindu temple and a Mosque, teach them from Koran and Geeta, give their names Ram and Rahim, and be a true pluralist. If you cannot, just walk away from this relationship now.

If you are willing to live your interfaith marriage with equality, then somehow go to India and get your marriage registered in a court there. After you are married, you could go back to Iran as a married person.

There are just too many unanswered questions for you. For this reason, first find out who are you and what you wish to achieve in life. Read all these recommended articles. Please come back to us later with more questions. -Admin


sara says: June 12, 2013 at 2:43 am

Thanks for useful information. i have just seen him from internet we didnt have any face-to face meet yet i hope we will have soon. i agree to your suggestion about going to india and get marry court, but there is another problem since i cant go to india as you know because my father dont allow me go to india as you know i need his allowment to go out of country and i must need a source of support to go india but my father dont me to take trip there certainly. yes he has good education and also had good job but know we are dealing with a hard situation for his job. i wanna GOD he will find good job soon INSHALLAH. and hope for best. and you asked about his family, we dont have any problem with his family our problem is my family. by the way i need your nice guidance for better decision INSHALLAH. -Sara


Admin says:


You are not out buying potatoes, you are marrying to someone and wishes live with him till the end of your life. It is wrong to decide to marry a guy based only on internet photo video conversation. There is just too many things in life other than the “face value”. Hindu-Muslim marriages are just too complex, you do not know the gravity of issues you will face.

You said, “we dont have any problem with his (Hindu) family”, but you have not met them or know their expectations. Read the Muslim girl article below, are you willing to live your life surrounded by all Kafirs and idol worshippers?

We highly recommend to meet him personally for at least 2-3 month period and meet his parents before getting married. Also find out how you will marry, by a Hindu ceremony or Islamic Nikaah after his conversion to Islam? How are you going to get approval from your Muslim family? If you don’t have good answers for all these, forget about him; sorry to be blunt. -Admin

More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • MVP
    February 6, 2019 5:20 am

    After going through many message, the matter appears to be difficult even for court marriage as now a days while registering for such marriage in India, one needs local address proof, Aadhaar card, pan card etc. which a girl can not produce. Another important factor is money power and freedom either with girl or with boy so that they can take journey outside their country. If no money power then just forget like novel. They can very well interact with each other through skype, video call to know what kind of person is for both.If both are rich enough, then they can plan a tour through any international tour operator to USA and visit Las Vegas where there are several offices for registrering marriages and will issue cerificate immediately. But here also girl being from Iran which is under US sanction whether US Govt will issue her tourist visa may be a hurdle. The best way is to forget such matters and both can get good match in their own country.

  • Humanbeing
    March 12, 2018 11:34 pm

    I have read all the messages, i just want to say is that all the god, i.e. allah for muslim, jesus for christian nd bhagawan for hindus, they all are the same, if u read koran, bible or veda all have the same messages, be good and do good with others, just respect other religion. But stay away from fake people.

  • GOD IS 1
    January 21, 2018 2:29 am

    Here to all aspirants who wanna marry to diff culture , u r doing correct . this whole world is a family and we can marry anyone we want . just be true to ur decision and also before marrying pls check all the information about the other half. Find a true mate ans marry , no religion or country can stop true lovers .once again pls know the person before marriage , don’t fall for a wrong person . hope u good luck and good future !

  • Kumar
    March 1, 2017 8:04 am

    I’m 21 years old & a Hindu.I want to marry an Iranian girl in the future.I have few doubts regarding this.Please clarify it
    1)Can Hindu marry Iranian girl
    2)How to find & marry an Iranian girl(I heard no marriage sites)
    3)Does girls parents in Iran accept to marry an Indian(Hindu)

  • February 7, 2017 11:02 pm

    Hello guys I’m an Iranian girl I was in relationship with an Indian Hindu guy it was a long distance relationship he promised me to come Iran to meet me but he never did he wasted 3 years of life with his crap and fake promises as soon as I broke up with him I met an Indian Muslim guy he came to Iran and we met then he came again few times more and took his parents along with him to Iran and officially asked me to marry him and now we are getting married all I wanted to say is that there is good and bad people on internet real and fake people

    Reply at

  • October 1, 2016 2:56 pm

    i am an iranian girl..i fell in love with an indian guy on internet..both of us are muslim….for 3 years we are together…he lives nd works in dubai…1 month ago i went to dubai and i met him face to face….i believed him…he also loves me ..we like to marry but he s worry …he thinks he cant take me in india after marrige because the indian government dont allow to me stayu there more than 1 month….can u help me and guide me about indian gov’s rules? also do u think this kind of relation and marrige is true?

    Reply at

    • October 1, 2016 5:21 pm

      Call up Indian Embassy in Dubai and they will provide more details. They do register Indian marriages there. They may also guide you for immigration process. It is good to contact an immigration lawyer to fully understand immigration laws.

      We are curious if the boy is really ready to accept you as a wife. Have you talk to his parents? Are they willing to accept you as their daughter-in-law? If they are full supportive of your marriage, they will contact a lawyer in India and will make your life easy. If you have not talked to his parents yet, do it ASAP to learn of truth.

      Is the caste difference (Shia, Sunni) a potential issue?

    • rohit
      November 29, 2016 9:39 am

      Tara listen..dont go for Admin wat he Saying n all..Listen u Can find Our Lot of travel agents for help u to get Visa for India As Tourist..Go for It ..watever ur Heart Saying trying to Find Out Any Indian Agents in iran for get the Indian Visa.

      • tara
        March 1, 2017 8:43 am

        thanks a lot Ruhit for your help…

  • raj
    December 14, 2015 9:57 am

    sir i am from india and i am in love with an iranian girl , i have no problem with her faith and she dont have with mine , we want to marry and stay together in india , i have a good job and i can keep her happy the only problem is we both dont know how to be together , i duno how to bring her here as her family will not agree and they can kill her if they will know about as and they also pressurize her to be with some other cousin who she dont like , please show us the path

  • April 25, 2015 11:19 am

    hi dear i want marry with irani girl

  • February 22, 2015 7:12 am


    You are saying India is a country of rapist. Your mom entered with mutliple marriages on contract basis,that is why you such a mind set.
    In muslim countries like Iraq, Syria, Liby, Nigeria, your muslim fellows are raping and kills girls in thousands.Dont spread such rumours.

    • February 22, 2015 9:37 am

      Don’t get angry, instead focus on facts. Every one has rights to express their views, right or wrong. That is the beauty of this forum.

      Now prove your statement “Your (mac’s) mom entered with mutliple marriages on contract basis”. This is a matter of your credibility and why others should read your comments. Please do not make statements that you cannot support or are wrong.

    October 15, 2014 9:13 pm

    Hi there,
    I am really concerned. I am in love with an Indian guy, so is he. The only problem we got here is religion. I really have no idea whether a muslim girl can marry a hindu guy or not. For me, it is ok cuz I do blv in humanity fisrt of all.but I guess Iran govern gonna reject it. Is it true? Wht if the marriage is submitted in India?

    • October 15, 2014 9:45 pm

      First, as per Islam, Muslim girl cannot marry a non-Muslim.
      Second, as per Iranian laws (Sharia), they will not accept your marriage even performed outside. Ultimately he will have to convert to Islam.
      Remind him and to you that conversion out of Islam, punishment is stoned to death.

      If you wish to convert to Hinduism and live for ever in India, there is no problem. In India, you could have Hindu wedding and live there for even (except check for immigration procedure). However, you could never visit back to Iran.

      You could also have marriage by the Special Marriage Act 1954 without conversion. Again, you cannot visit Iran as a married couple since your marriage is not valid there.

      Is yours an internet love? Have you ever met each other? Have you been to India?

      • vaibhav
        March 12, 2015 3:09 am

        My dear friends,

        I have been read all the above conversations, i would like to ask from admin, where in Islam or any religions its written in all holy books that we can’t marry in other religion? And as far as India or Hindus are concern, please search Shah Rukh Khan weds to Gauri and Sunil Dutta weds to Nargis without religion conversion any of them. And we have many examples where people marry in the other religion without religion conversion. Please search on the search engine. And please don’t misguide any one that Islam said this or that religion said that. I am a Hindu male but i am reading all holy books with the honour. So can you please tell me where its written in Holy Quran that Muslims can’t marry into the other religion?

        • March 12, 2015 6:50 am

          We would love to talk to you at length.

          Your immediate question is answered here, “You shall not marry Mushrik women (idolatresses or who ascribe God’s attributes to other than Allah) unless they embrace the Faith. A believing slave woman is better than a Mushrik woman although she may please you” Koran 2:221

          Our views on interfaith marriages are express here, let us know what do you think?

          Lets talk more later.

          • vaibhav
            March 13, 2015 11:22 am

            Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately your YouTube link is not supported to my phone so not able to view your video. Anyways what is your view for sara as just only the human first and the condition goes in the favor of sara, does she get marry to inter-religion and what position she has in the soiety? Does religion or society is greater than humanity and emotions?

          • March 13, 2015 8:51 pm

            We agree to you that “society is greater than humanity and emotions”, however not all others believe that way. For some, there is only one God and that is theirs. That’s stupidity.

            Are you in love?

            You may be able to view out messages and videos on Facebook…

        • Mohammed
          March 12, 2015 11:05 am


          It is not permissible for beliving men and women to marry non…
          for reason you want to go deeply…

          here admin will divert you.. he has pasted only half of the which is not sufficient. .here is full verse

          For beliving men :
          “And do not marry Al-Mushrikaat
          (idolatresses) till they believe (worship Allaah Alone). And indeed a slave woman who believes is better than a (free) Mushrikah (idolatress), even though she pleases you”
          [al-Baqarah 2:221]

          For beliving women :
          “And give not (your daughters) in marriage to Al‑Mushrikoon till they believe (in Allaah Alone) and verily, a believing slave is better than a (free) Mushrik (idolater), even though he pleases you. Those (Al- Mushrikoon) invite you to the Fire, but Allaah invites (you) to Paradise and forgiveness by His Leave, and makes His Ayaat (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) clear to mankind that they may remember”
          [al-Baqarah 2:221]

        • mac
          March 14, 2015 5:52 am

          Dear brother Vaibhav,
          Islam clearly tells muslim men/women to not to marry outside religion.
          You said Shah Rukh Khan, Sunil Dutta married outside religion without converting, brother it doesn`t mean that Islam allows marriage outside religion, it is they who went against their region, like terrorist go against the teachings of religion and then people looking at them thinks this is what religion teaches, same applies here.Quran in Chapter 2 Verse 221 clearly says a muslim men/women are not to marry outside religion, so if any muslim marries outside religion until his lover converts to islam by heart then it is going against Quran and going against Quran means going against Allah`s commandment which means going against Allah.

          Here is the verse from Quran:

          And do not marry polytheistic women (idolatresses) until they believe. And a believing slave woman is better than a polytheist, even though she might please you. And do not marry polytheistic men(idolater) [to your women] until they believe. And a believing slave is better than a polytheist, even though he might please you. Those invite [you] to the Fire, but Allah invites to Paradise and to forgiveness, by His permission. And He makes clear His verses to the people that perhaps they may remember.

          Polytheist are Hindus,Christians(except few) and idolators are Hindus(except some like communist type people), Christians(Catholic,Protestant)….etc..etc

    • mac
      October 17, 2014 12:45 am

      do you want to get raped, indian is a country of rapist, you better check out internet ans see what happens in india, even a school teacher is raping his student, as per UNICEF and other organisations report, Iran is much much better place than India

      And you said you beileve in humanity, do you know a person cannot be a muslim until he is a good person.


      • April 17, 2016 12:49 pm

        Mac, India is known for earth of god but people like you misinterpreted it.
        Why not you take a recent example in your country a 11 year old girl gang raped in Tehran but your justice system is pressuring her and media to dismiss the case (and it is not only the one instance lot of more are there in Iran) but in India justice and media never pressurised by any one this is the difference between India and Muslim country. Every Muslim feel jailous from Hindus and India.They don’t know 80% of Muslims are involved in such and other crimes in india. India is such a big country 2.2 times bigger then iraq so such things happened but our justice system and media does not try to dismiss that. Don’t you know America and Britain are also not intact from such mishappning may be you not want to say on that.
        For your information I would like to bring in your kind notice that in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan first religion was Hinduism second was Zoroastrian and third is Muslim that is mean you also is grand grand… son of Hindu. Second thing see your maqqa there is our shivling where every Muslim wants to go. 3rd thing Muslim religion is only 2500 years old and Hinduism is first religion and civilization in the word. So don’t talk rubish, your Allah never says to any one that a Muslim can not marry others or Hindu, it is human being who interpret there thoughts in different words. If they not say like this then how there followers increase and how there religion spread. I am not against any one but apriciate the person who think in deep and genuinely can accept the fact. Where was Allah 2500 years back ? Why he said all thease around 2500 years back time, why not 3000 years,10000 years back….. That is because that time respected Muhammad sir was not there to explain new thoughts to people and new thought means new religion new name of God. But love was there in start,middle and remain till end of the world. So do not afraid Sara if really you want to marry then believe on Hindu because Hinduism never allow four marriages, there is Justice system named Hindu marriage act on Hindu marriage if and whether it is occurred in temple or court.if a female have complaint from husband the law are fully cure her as to inocent baby. One biggest thing who Mac don’t know or do not want to share that is Hindus are world’s no.-1 reliable life partner that is why people from America, Australia, Britain want Indian spouse(male or female) because they never believe in devorce never look for others or to secassurendary, after the marriage. Once if some one come in touch and understad the fact of Hinduism that will love it because this religion is universe in its own this is start and this is end. Every answer with religious and scientific way no boundaries no boundation but disciplined. One more answer to Mac on the basis on fact that Indian Muslims are in better conditions than other country.
        Sara yes I agree with mac that you must confirm about the boy you want to marry and this you can do through Indian embassy in Iran. Here once more i make you assure Hindu families are cooperative because they are not stick to what are written in a holy book but try to extract the meaning like what is positive,helpful for human being and what is need of time. (Always remember cooperation must be from both side)

  • Arman
    August 1, 2014 7:14 am


  • Arman
    July 27, 2014 1:18 am

    Myself Arman I am 18yr old and want to marry an Irani girl in future… Does Iran government allow it

    • July 30, 2014 7:29 am

      If you both are Muslims, why not? Check with their immigration department.

  • January 8, 2014 8:12 am

    hi dear admin and sarah
    i am also iranian girl and i fall in love with one cristion indian boy.
    we were in relation for one year and after one year he come meet me and my u told my familly also rejected me and him have relation any more.and we decicded to finish but still we could three years we r togethere but still we r togethere and my baba completley me and him in relation.i decide to go in india but he started to get down in his health and job.he was working in qatar and after now for 7 month he resigned from his job to start new project in dubai but that project completly canceld and he is now jobless and he got stress and become sick.but still i m with him.but we have alottttt problems togethere…so first i decide go indian and know his familly and his culture for 6 month after decide for marrie or not.ofcourse he was in iran for for 5 years and now he undrestand and speaks persion very well…. but this is not enough for my fathere and our marrie…

    Reply at

  • Abhishek
    October 27, 2013 7:13 am

    Abhishek Vijayaditya
    HIII..aM ABHISHEK FROM INDIA..n One Irani girl.we were in relastionship…last 4 she any family member i were also..i hav done MBA(post Graduate) in marketing..n..we met Online..n after 1 sal..we prapose to each other for marry..n i was not islam..but i made ISLAM..for her n after my family said abhishek no need come back home..n i left them…cause on dat irani dokhtar in love..even i worked in dubai in arabina trading agency in dubai Pvt comp..i broke..contract dere cause she cant come dubai too..n 24480000 rial..every single day i was calling…last 4 sal..every day ..n she told me Abhishek m islamic girl..n i choose u as husband..wil never let u go in my life.cause m not like other girl….n i left all..on her in india..if hindu relgion boy make islam for islamic girl.One rules..kill of dat boy..but i left n make islam for her..n for her i slept..on road 2 days..its long thing..but..after back in down..guys..nothing is free in widout care watever i saved frommy dubai company money..still m using..but..If in love..girl ya boy leave all thing..den dat boy ya girl..wil expect to our gf ya bf..more than khoda..RIGHT…………….But..last i mean after ramzan..she saying forget me..cant marry..n my health like..down.n soomuch stress bleeding…to stress..not about like weak heart..about..she did i dat place..wid me..i dnt have any thing in life..n when i tehran one travel agnets..for come iran..dey said..for iran come..u need ID card..whom your dost invite u in told to my GF//abt Id card..she start..i dnt brother..have ///.when i called her brother..he sayin Abhishek i lost it all…sorry…IRANI girl..If u believe in Love..Agar u want to Support, me..den this type of..girl..sholud leave Easy..>THINK>>U ALSO IRANI gir..n u love wid any foreigner pesar..lot..n u left all for HIm..n he hurt u then..

    Abhishek Vijayaditya

    • October 27, 2013 8:39 am

      It is not clear. Did you ever met her in person? You said you are married, where? Where were you had Shahadah conversion? What do you wish to do now?

  • sara
    July 14, 2013 8:54 am

    Hi.i wanna say sth that i dont agree with fake conversion either for girl or boy side since its clear he or she will come back after marriage.unless in one term it seems to do this kind of conversion when both of girl and boy are forced to do this because of environment or country but the both side knows well what they search for ,i mean what they really believe in and respect each other.and what is matter is both side.i had one question is there any hindu temple in iran?and can represent any hindu marriage in iran?

    • July 16, 2013 12:57 am

      We don’t think Hindu temple in Iran will perform wedding of a Muslim girl. Further, we don’t think that marriage can be registered in Iran. You must go to non-Islamic country for freedom.

      • sara
        July 19, 2013 2:41 am

        Hi,very much thanks for the guides.i need some help to know some informations.if we some going to marry but dont have parents allowment what must there any possible chance to do like this in iran?.thanks.

  • sara
    June 16, 2013 5:05 am

    Hi Satyen and admin ,very much thanks for your good and useful born on 1994 you can tell about 19 years old then as you said i can go to india but as you know muslim families they are so careful about their children and my father too.then he is so careful with me unless i say wanna go for study sth like that and i dont know how much would it take and my father may send me another country.

    far i know here father have total right on his child and everything is in his hand and that father also if he wanna can decide for his chidren and no one can say why like this unless the child protect and struggle for his or her own like and that is a hard situation.

    i wanna to decide for my future,and i believe on my choice but i have difficulties too i must deal with them too but i feel it worth INSHALLAH.

    i have some questions that if we wanna get marry in iran do they marry us(after conversion) or yet we have problem for my father allotment? and how about going to court? will court marry us since my father doesnt let.

    • June 16, 2013 11:07 am

      You are only 19. You have to know that the Rome was not built in a day. Do one thing at a time, nothing is going to happen overnight. Your love with that Hindu boy on internet is a dream, not a reality of life.

      First educate yourself in two ways: 1) Learn what is Koran is all about, what Islam means to you, do you want to be a true Muslim?, etc and 2) get top notch education and then go out of your (any) country for further education. It is possible that Hindu boy will wait for you, and if not, you will find even a better boy with your education and good paying job.

      You said, “we wanna get marry in iran do they marry us(after conversion)”, why that Hindu should convert? You mean fake-convert? Those days are over when Hindu used to fake-convert, now Hindus learned that this fake-convert is nothing but a trap to proselytize Hindus. Forget about the conversion, you both will ruin your lives.

      Can you ask that Hindu boy to come on this site? We could find out more about his background and if he is compatible with you. Please give him this URL

      • sara
        June 17, 2013 3:09 am

        Hi admin.dont worry about fake conversion.i also dont agree with it but my question was different i wanted to know if someone doesnt have any religion difference problem and wanted to marry a iranian girl does the court marry them although the father of his girl dont agree to their marriage.THANK YOU.

        • June 18, 2013 9:53 am

          It is not possible in Iran, or most Islamic countries.
          In the rest of the World, one could marry to any one as the one desires (as far as an adult). This is a free world except a small Islamic pockets.

  • sara
    June 15, 2013 3:01 am

    Hi ,
    very much thanks for your useful information i read all.
    his mother has seen me on cam just by a look but we didnt have any talk since of different language.that is right he must have realiable source of income but as you know we are handling a difficult case for his job.i hope he can find a good job soon.i dont have any problem with the food habit i can come up with this as you say they dont use meat.but as per my thinking they also would care me as they accept me as one of their member of family so i think i can have my taste of food too or at least we can come up together.i believe every one has his or her own negative or possitive aspects of behavior no one can be best so this is couple duties to understand each im trying to choose a good way regarding to our marriage case,his meeting,by help of GOD and with your nice helps.YES SATYEN YOUR right i can come to india for visiting or studying before this i satisfy my father for coming to india for study but unfortunately when he came to know about us he dont let come india since my father knows he lives now im trying find another way,or at final i must go to another country in which doesnt need father allowment for getting marry but truely dont know which country.i have another question that is this possible to get marry in iran withour father allowment since this our big problem.THANKS TO ALL FOR YOUR USEFUL HELPS.GOD BLESS YOU ALL.

    • satyen
      June 15, 2013 4:55 pm

      Dear Sara,

      Your views are humane and I respect your opinion that it’s the responsibility of you both to make suitable adjustments to make your marital life a pleasant memorable journey. Definitely the guy along with his family will have to take steps to make you at home in their home. Not only in food but also in every sphere of your conjugal life, they must ensure your happiness. My point was only to make sure you were aware of the negative possibilities that may happen in future. If you have taken guard against them, you will take right decisions.

      The Admin has pointed out very crucial point that you cannot marry in any of the Muslim countries. India also seems to be a closed chapter as your father won’t allow you. But still confirm that your parent’s permission is required to get VISA to India. Parent’s permission may not be necessary to get the VISA to India if you are an adult. If possible, it may be the best choice for you.

      Other alternative option left is any non-Muslim country such as Singapore, U.K. Canada, USA, Australia, New Zealand etc. You can go there for higher studies or on a tourist VISA.
      Also inquire about the legalities regarding your marriage in those countries.

      May God bless you so that you may get the husband of your choice and still remain connected with your parental family members!

      • June 15, 2013 6:27 pm

        In most secular countries, including India, any one at an adult age (18 or 21) can marry as per their wishes without parental consent.

  • Satyen
    June 14, 2013 6:40 pm

    Dear Sara,

    First of all are you sere the guy is compatible to you? Keep calm and cool for a moment and think about what you would like to see in your husband in addition to his love for you. The important things other than love could be as follows:

    1. If you are hoping to marrry him after his conversion, forget the idea of marrying him.

    1. He must have a reasonable source of income. It could be a preferably a job or a business.

    2. Make sure that he is saying the truth regarding his sources of income. and his love for you. What if he might be having another girl friend at the same time?

    3. Also make sure you will be comfortable with him now and later in your life with his life style. Some ot the things may include food habits (No beef eating), religious issues like idol worship by him and his family, no circumcision for the children and having a Hindu name.

    It’s better to discuss these these points with him. Though it may look bizarre, I would suggest you to talk his mother with the help of skype before coming to India so that his family is also committed to accept you. It may help you in ascertaining if the guy is genuinely interested in you.

    Having done this home work, you find a way to come to India instead of inviting the guy to Iran. Your marriage is impossible in Iran as the Muslim laws will apply there and will prevent your marriage with him without his conversion.

    One way to come to India may be to visit the Sifi shrines such as Ajmer Sharif Dargah or Nijamuddin Aulia Dargah in Delhi. Probably your parents may agree to accopmany you. Or you can come to India for your higher studies. I don’t know the rules of Iran, it could be possible to arrange a visitor’s VISA to India if you are an adult. The simplest but not necessarily the best option could be however to meet in a city of a liberal Muslim country. It could be Dubai for example. You must ensure that the law permits you to marry with a Hindu in that country on a visitor’s VISA. Ask your guy to gather these informations from a lawyer.

    • June 14, 2013 7:39 pm

      Dubai is an Islamic country and will not permit Hindu-Muslim marriage. Even a Hindu temple there will not permit any Hindu-Muslim marriage there to avoid any issue with the authority there. Even a Hindu-Hindu marriage, even performed by the Hindu temple, are probably not registered with Dubai’s government but with an Indian embassy. A Hindu-Muslim marriage cannot be registered in Dubai.

  • sara
    June 14, 2013 2:34 pm

    Hi admin thanks for guidance but its not a choice base on face value.not at all GOD knows better.i wish best for us and for every one else in life.INSHALLAH GOD HELP US AND AS PER OF MY BELIEVING GOD ALWAYS HELP HIS CREATURES AND NEVER LET THEM ALONE IN HARD SITUATIONS.HOPE FOR BEST INSHALLAH..

  • sara
    June 14, 2013 9:41 am

    Hi LOVE ,thanks for your nice reply.yes im in this thinking but how can marry him dad dont let me marry him so in this case im i wanna do another way which is practical inshalllah.yes really thanks GOD i hope our love BE ever lasting still for ever and ever INSHALLAH….im in hard situation since i must be very careful about my father that dont get dobut about us and understand about our relationship.we must get marry and then inshallah GOD WILL HELP us with the rest.but the main problem is that how now since i dont have let go to abroad and when he can come here how we get marry cause i need father’s allowement for our marriage as you know about muslims laws.and inshallah we must handle the rest and i must then get to know how help him to come here since i need some informations about how i send him invitation if it be possible here or i need find someone who can sponser his visa or help us in this case.THANKS FOR YOUR GOOD HELPS INSHALLAH GOD HELP YOU ALL.BEST WISHES FOR YOU ALL.

  • Love
    June 14, 2013 7:58 am

    If you love him so much, I suggest you marry him quickly. Before your parents take any harsh step, I hear terrible things Muslims do to daughter….but many Muslims are open minded. I hope your parents are open minded….. For the guy you must look if he can take care of you…you both can work in a 3rd country if you wish..

    as you know its hard to find true love, you are very lucky to get one

  • sara
    June 12, 2013 1:39 pm

    thanks for gudiance

  • sara
    June 12, 2013 1:38 pm

    how can i meet him in this case can you guide me?and i know them as creature of god not in that way.

  • Rajiv
    June 12, 2013 10:17 am

    hi guys.i just had a query.In my college we have a group of 6 friends.3 of them girls – my ex gf shruti,pooja,ayesha.Now a year back shruti broke up with me and felt very bad n lonely.Though all my friends consoled me but ayesha really gave company and then one day she said she loves me since we entered college.But i was not sure about her but still liked meeting her almost everyday after college,taking her to movies etc.I accepted her as my gf.Some moths back i slept with her and then on we had sex regularly.she even gave me scare one time when she thought she was pregnant due to delayed periods.But now that we are gonna graduate shortly she is asking me to marry her.But problem is she being muslim ,how can i convince my parents about taking her as daughter in law,even worse they will throw me out of home and disown me.On ayesha side ,they being liberal family have reluctantly agreed to her wish to marry me.But i have till now not disclosed our relation to my parents who are very very conservative.Plus they want me to marry the daughter of my fathers friend in 3 years time.I met that girl too and she is very beautiful and sweet .I dont know whether i really love ayesha truelly or not but atleast i will feel guilty of using her as a slam piece for so long,if i refuse her.what should be the best way out of this mess ?

    Reply at:

    • Satyen
      June 12, 2013 3:09 pm

      Dear Rajiv,

      You are at a juncture when trust and greed are on a collision course. Now it’s too late to choose among various options regarding your marriage. This must have been pondered over before going too far in the relationship with the girl. You are tempted to the new girl because of her persona today as you did last time. Just think, how often you will exchage partners? Ultimately, you will have to opt one day between stopping this habit or becoming a womanizer. Choice is yours. In my world, I would have stuck with the girl who trusted and offered herself to me. This new girl is not yet so much attached to you and that makes smooth to detach from her. However, your GF will find it hard to move forward without you.

      My suggestions:

      1. Tell your family that you can only marry after getting a job after graduation.

      2. Tell your GF about doe’s and dont’s in your family such as no beef, puja, festivals etc.

      3. Tell your mom if you afraid your dad about the relationship and the extent your have advanced in the relationship.

      4. Ask the GF to see your mom and take the pledge that are binding to her as a daughter-in-law.

      5. Make it clear in your family that they have two choices – either to accept her let you live as a bachelor.

      6. Take time and seek the help of Arya Samajis and others who favour interfaith marriages.

  • sara
    June 12, 2013 2:43 am

    thanks for useful information.i have just seen him from internet we didnt have any face-to face meet yet i hope we will have soon.i agree to your suggestion about going to india and get marry court ,but there is another problem since i cant go to india as you know because my father dont allow me go to india as you know i need his allowment to go out of country and i must need a source of support to go india but my father dont me to take trip there certainly.yes he has good education and also had good job but know we are dealing with a hard situation for his job.i wanna GOD he will find good job soon INSHALLAH.and hope for best.and you asked about his family,we dont have any problem with his family our problem is my the way i need your nice guidance for better decision INSHALLAH.

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