Shazia says: March 8, 2013 at 12:46 am

Hi Admin,

Iam Shazia 29 years, working in an engineering company Leicestershire, UK, wish to share my life story.Being born and brought up in a hard core islamic family, due to my extra ordinary brillance, I could achieve Engineering degree and presently working women. I am in love with a Black Christian from Ghana. Initially, I did not take interest in hime but lateron due to company requirement, I had to work with him and soon influenced and attracted towards him. I am a beautiful woman and he does not want to miss me even for an hour. On business trips travelled with him in Ireland and Norway too and had sexual relations with him at times.

I am going to marry him soon. His parents are glad to see me their daughter in law. Due to islamic restrictions and evil, I donot want to marry a muslim guy and I have told my parents too. They will disgusted and disappointed.

Please suggest. -Shazia


Admin says:

Grass is greener on the other side. You already know, “islamic restrictions and evil” so we do not need to add there. How about Christian evils? Do you know that historically Christians have killed more people in name of religion that Muslims?

What do you two understood, is Jesus a Son of God or just one of apostle? Have you read Bible? How are you planning to get married? If in church, do you have to sign this prenuptial agreement? Will your children have BBS? Let us know these details. Do not jump from a frying pan to fire! -Admin

More information: Chritistian-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Koran, Bible, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • March 9, 2013 10:49 am

    Hi everyone

    I’m not sure where else to turn other than ask for some advice on my current situation. I’ll give a brief history of the situation to give some background of how this even happened. Well, I’m a 25 year old Pakistani female with a 27 year old black boyfriend (African American). I met my boyfriend the very first day of college freshman orientation back in 2005 and needless to say we just hit it off perfectly. Ever since then, we’ve been inseparable. I love him, he loves me, his parents love me, I love his parents etc. He’s been everything to me and more than I could have imagined.

    The problem is the last 8 years I never once spoke about him to my parents…in 8 years!! My parents are pretty conservative culturally, religiously and first generation immigrants to America. I’m not religious at all myself and I’ve expressed this to my parents before. My boyfriend is not Muslim which is already an added X to him being black. Aside from knowing Urdu and eating traditional foods, I’m American as American can get and it’s who I am moreso than Pakistani! But this is beside the point, I have just been TERRIFIED to mention him at all to my conservative family.

    Anyway, I was so afraid to tell them about him because the concept of interracial marriage, let alone a black guy and non muslim, is grounds for being disowned in our culture. I also always told my family I wasn’t interested in marriage or dating anyone until after I completed my graduate degree and I’ve done that now. Well, I finally told them about him, and it went as expected. They want nothing to do with me until this “abomination of a relationship” is over. I’ve dishonored and shamed my family apparently. I told my parents that I’m not even religious as they know and him being black is all they care about, which all they do care about (we have other male and female family members married to non muslims). I then told him about how the Prophet Muhammad said there’s no superiority of a black over a white or vice versa and also the story of Bilal and how they could judge my boyfriend because of his ethnicity.

    Well, that didn’t matter. I just got sweared at and called a whore by my own father lol. Even worse though he called my boyfriend the N word  My boyfriend is an amazing guy and comes from a great family…he has his doctorate, a great job lined up, and his parents are two of the nicest people I’ve ever met. In no way would he be a so called “shame” to our family name. My parents have refused to meet him or even speak to me if I’m talking to him.

    I told my boyfriend this would be an issue and I feel so unfair to him because I’ve dragged him along promising to be with him for almost a decade… I kept telling him just wait I’ll tell them…wait..wait . He’s done everything possible to learn about Pakistani culture also. He learned Urdu fluently and so many other things just for me and to meet my parents. He proposed to me two years ago and I told him I’m all his but just wait until I tell my family..

    I don’t know what to do. I’m very disappointed at the racism /hatred my parents have shown me but at the same time they are my parents. I do love them In the last 8 years though, I’ve become my own woman and I’ve met the guy of my dreams. I don’t care that he’s black. I know he really loves me and would do anything for me. When I told him I may have to leave him, he broke down to his knees and cried.We both are working in diffrent companies.

    I cant imagine life without my parents or him.Due to my attachment with him, one day I seduced him to have sex with him and we really enjoyed. Thought not feeling guilty, yet scaring enough if married to a muslim guy, how to show my virginity with blood stains on the bed sheet on the weding night intercourse. Some time feeling that I should leave my parents and marry him immediately, as they are not giving due cognizance to my happiness and emotional attachment.

    Please suggest best option for me

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  • Satyen
    March 8, 2013 2:43 pm

    I again repeat that for a better marital life, one will have to abandon the so called prophets, especially Muhammad. The sooner the good sense prevails upon you, the better your life is likely to be. So, recognize your true enemy. Pray to the only God, known by various names and He/She will take care of you.

  • March 8, 2013 8:48 am

    Im a Muslim and born in the UK, had been married twice to Moroccan muslim men who physically and mentally abused me. I eventually broke away from those marriages and from pressures from my family to re-marry thought i’ll give Moroccan or muslim men a chance again. Joined various Muslim/Arab chat rooms as I didn’t know how else to meet these people. I’d met a few some without papers just wanting to marry you to stay in the UK and some just wanting to get their leg over using these sites as an Escort agency with free services.

    I was disgusted at the way I was treated by these men. I would have thought they ,of all people, would respect their sisters and would want something serious. As being born and bred in the UK I was very naive to how these people were. Although I was born a muslim I am very liberal and question a lot about my religon.

    I’d met a Moroccan man, also born in the UK. he was my last attempt to try with my culture. He was a good man, but his family hated me for not wearing (Hijab) head scarf. After we were together a year, he had left me because he family said they would disown him if he stayed with me!! What a wimp!!

    Anyway just wanted to say I am now happilly married to a Hindu Nepali man who adores me and accepts me for who I am. He is a religious as myself not practising Islam being full of evils against women. But sometimes you need to be happy and love comes before religion.

    My parents do not accept him but i feel it’s time Muslim women think about themselves for a change. And if God didn’t want us to unite then why did we meet????

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