If she (Muslim) really loves, we can marry keeping our own system of beliefs

Dr. Alok says: December 4, 2012 at 5:07 am

Hi Dr. S, if your GF is determined for conversion, there is no point to keep the relations and attachment. Sooner or later, it will be problematic issue. If she really loves you she should not insist for it. You both could have system of own religion.

I am also in love with a muslim girl who is a physiotherapyst in the same hospital, while I am Orthopaedic surgeon. Initially she took the same condition before me, but I denined. I told categorically, that if she really loves, we can marry keeping our own system of beliefs and children could follow both systems, as millions of couples are maintaining happily and understandbly.

Good luck. Take a bold stand. -Dr. Alok.

Dr. Alok added: December 5, 2012 at 9:35 am
Thanks Admin.

We have unanimously resolved that our wedding ceremony will be in the Arya Samaj Temple followed by registration of marriage, under special act. Regarding kids in future, they will adopt Hindu religion, my Physiotherapyst doctor has understood now, due to so many evils described learned muslim women in this site. She is deeply touched by the horrors and terrors of islamic texts in the Quran about the females. Now she is taking keen interest in Hindu religious teachings.

I told her that she could follow noble teachings of Quran too.

Thanks once again. -Dr. Alok.


Admin says:

Dr. Alok,

This is certainly a site for intellectuals and to define IM-WE (Interfaith Marriage With Equality). We are honored that you took time to blog here. Now come back routinely to help other needy youths and to help spread message of pluralism.

We have a serious concern with her request, “Initially she took the same (conversion) condition before me”. We believe any one who ever open their dirty mouth for the BBS is of MAJOR concern.

Why she asked you for conversion earlier? There are two possibilities:
1) Is it because she believes in Koranic teachings, One God Allah, Islam is only a true religion, the Judgment Day and Hindus are idol-worshippers?
2) Alternatively, she asked for conversion just to please her parents without her own thoughts what she is doing?
Both these possibilities are equally bad.

If it is the point#1, if she truly believed in Islamic teachings, it will come back to haunt you in your later life (read DEE).
If it is the point#2, shows that she is too gullible and without her own mind. One time she asked you to convert and, in a few days, all of a sudden she realized cruelty of Islam for women? Is it possible that she will again flip-flop in few years after marriage (like DEE’s wife).

You think you have won the race today, but you have to rethink critically. The faith is so deeply grained in every one that you will not be able to appreciate when you are about 25 and in love. We highly recommend that you do not get married for at least two years to help her make up her mind. Even after marriage, don’t rush to have a child. Best wishes. -Admin.


Dr.Alok says: December 17, 2012 at 8:12 am

Hi every body,

I am sharing with latest developments that we have agreed to marry on 14th April 2013, as per Hindu rituals. My muslim GF has agreed for all this followed by registration of marriage. Almost all issues settled now.


Also read: Islamic Women Today, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Muslim boy,

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  • January 13, 2013 2:15 am

    Hello Suhail,

    These are not fake stories but realities of life.
    Educated and independent muslim girls dont want to be tortured and demoralized by islamic evils.
    Even your own daughter who is educated and independent shall never believe in anti females teachings of koran.

    • mac
      December 1, 2014 2:32 am

      what, what you said, i think you are uneducated in religion and in islam, find out the reality here

  • suhail
    January 11, 2013 3:57 pm

    All stories fake under muslim names and Those who marry non muslims did not remain muslims and will go to hell forever life after death tell them you are not muslims now muslims. To learn about islam vist http://www.usislam.org for more ioformation about islam

  • suhail
    January 11, 2013 3:56 pm

    All stories fake under muslim names and Those who marry non muslims did not remain muslims and will go to hell forever life after death tell them you are not muslims. To learn about islam vist http://www.usislam.org for more ioformation about islam

  • suhail
    January 11, 2013 3:56 pm

    All stories fake under muslim names and Those who marry non muslims did not remain muslims and will go to hell forever life after death. To learn about islam vist http://www.usislam.org for more ioformation about islam

  • December 17, 2012 8:12 am

    Hi every body,

    I am sharing with latest developments that we have agreed to marry on 14th April 2013, as per Hindu rituals. My muslim GF has agreed for all this followed by registration of marriage. Almost all issues settled now.

    • Satyen
      December 17, 2012 10:45 pm

      Dr. Alok,

      Thanks for this good news and wish you all the best for seven lives together with each other!

  • Aleshia
    December 13, 2012 2:14 pm

    completely agee dr. alok!!! that is exactly how my husband and i feel thank you masAllaah

  • Prof. Diwakar
    December 10, 2012 4:59 am

    Hello Dr.Alok

    Congratulations for settling the issues with soulmate.

    I am too in love with a muslim teacher of our own institute.
    She is a faculty of management and myself Head of department of
    Electronics Deptt. Her family is finding difficulty to get a suitable match for her. They found one hardware engineer, but later known to be just a mechanic and assembling parts and having already a wife and thus relation could not be matured.

    Now she has dropped the idea to marry in her own community and deeply attached with me. She has sounded her parents about marrying me.
    Initially they are little hesitant but finding to no alternative, they are not opposing too.

    I have not put any condition to change her religion. She is happy to know from me. Even she has met my parents, and looking her personality my parents have agreed to and hopefully next month her parents will also meet them.

    This comment has been moved to https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=3607

    • Satyen
      December 10, 2012 8:06 am

      Prof. Diwaker,

      Wish you all the best for the forthcoming marriage with a compatible girl. Hope, you both will light a lamp of humanity together in the darkness of communalism by spreading the message ‘Ekam Sadviprah Bahudha Vadanti'(Scholars describe the same God in various ways – the Vedas).

      We look forward to hearing from you regarding your marriage.

  • December 6, 2012 4:05 am

    Thanks Admn. and Satyen,

    In fact, earlier she wanted to please her parents by conversion. Considering my stand and no compatible match in her community, and also reading various compliation of texts of islamic relgion here in this blog, particularly, Islamic Women today,her mental swing became stable to marry with me being compatible in all respects. Earlier her parents wants to marry her with a spare parts retailer, which she immediately refused.

    She was surprized to see the different texts published about islamic cruelties against women and very few intellectuals dare to speak about barbaric customs.

    Once again thanks a lot.

  • Satyen
    December 5, 2012 2:54 pm

    Dr. Alok,

    Congratulations for getting your sweetheart amicably.I also congratulate your would be spouse for discarding the teachings of Muhammad that has made women’s life a hellfire on earth with a hope of heaven (that doesn’t exist for them). Sad thing is this that women folk don’t read the Quraan and Hadith for themselves and only rely on the interpretation of the Male Mulla/Maulavis. I request all the Muslim women to read at least the life story of Muhammad, his views ref=garding the women and their place in heaven vis a vis the comforts a Jihadi male will get in paradise.

    Another excellent thing you did is to visit the Arya Samaj temple. I strongly recommend you to vissit the site http://www.agniveer.com (It is run by the products of IIM/IIT and other professionals)
    and understand the Vedic way of life (you are free to differ at some issues).

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