Muslim: Do I need to convert to Hinduism?

Mohan says:
i am a muslim. my girlfriend is hindu. her family want that our marriage occurs by hindu ritual. i m okay with that. but, do i need to convert to hinduism for that?

Admin says:
Simple answer is ..NO. You do not have to convert to Hinduism to have a Hindu wedding ceremony. These days, so many Christians have Hindu ceremonies in the West for their marriage with their Hindu lover, but they remain Christians.

Please read legal guidance here. If you want to double make sure, first have a civil court marriage followed by the Hindu ceremony.

The most important question you have to address is …who are you?
…Are you a Muslim?
…believer in Koran?
…believe in ONE God Allah who is in (the direction of) Saudi Arabia?
…believer in Mohammed?
…believer that Hindus are kafir?
…believe in the Judgment Day?
…believe that children by your marriage will only be Muslims?
…an exclusivist like Aamir Khan?
…you cannot enter a Hindu temple because they worship idols?
…you cannot let your children touch Geeta but only the Koran?
…children’s names should be Muslim only…etc.
If any of above is YES, stop right here and tell your HIndu lover that you (a Muslim) cannot be a part of Hindu ceremony where multiple Gods will be invoked from the heaven, earth and water. Don’t start your married life in a wrong direction, because this wedding will set a tone for your life.

Talk to your parents and tell them what you wish to do and get their blessings. Same way, talk to the girl’s parents and openly discuss all your concerns. Read the Muslim Boy article. After a month, let us know what you have decided to do. Best wishes.

Also read: Hindu girl, Muslim girl, Hindu boy,

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    • July 21, 2014 10:14 pm

      Marriage between a boy and a girls tight up in fact 2 family members relationship . One from bride and other from groom . If one side is from Muslim and other side is from Hindu or any other religion this creates difficulty in family to family for culture , rules of religion and specially about the children that to which religion’s rules they will follow and also in which environment they will grow up . Islam or any other ?

      Since I am a Muslim from that point of view I will say that when nika is being signed between bride and groom some words are being used from Holy Koran and these are being read at that time and thus it is completed with full ceremony as directed by the Holy Koran but in case a Muslim boy gets married with a non Muslim girl without converting her to Islam by court then this kind of marriage may not be acceptable according to the rules of Islam.


      • July 21, 2014 10:17 pm

        So how could a Hindu and Muslim marry with interfaith marriage with equality? Do religion has to always stay superior to the other?

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