i am a Hindu boy and i am dating a girl who is muslim

Arun Kumar says: October 12, 2012 at 5:51 am

HI, every one…
can you please advise to my problem..

hey i am a Hindu boy and i am dating a girl who is muslim. i love her a lot and want to spend my whole life with her. but neither my parents nor his parents want us to marry now plz tell me what should i do ???????????????

Admin says:

Arun, thank you for reaching out to this site with wealth of information on interfaith marriages and excellent advisors from Islamic experts to Bollywood stars.

First you read all that is said and cross references in the article Hindu boy. Also give this article Muslim girl to your Muslim girl friend. After that, get back to us with what additional information you would like to know. We have many great consultants on this web site and they will guide you.

Our main messages are:
1) Educate yourself and make a fully “informed” decision for your life. Read experiences of others here and see how it is applicable to you.
2) Never ever consider a “FAKE” religious conversion to Islam. If you wish to become a Muslim, go to a madras and spent 6 months there. When you start feeling that there is only One God Allah, Rama and Krishna are fake gods, and the God is only in (the direction) Saudi Arabia, then only convert to Islam.
3) Nothing is going to happen overnight. If you are in college, get good education, then a good job and then move to a different city to marry your love.
4) Best way to learn is to teach. Please come and advise others in love on this site. This way, you will learn a lot. Best wishes. -Admin


Arun Kumar says: October 21, 2012 at 3:44 am

Hi Ayesha,
We both love each other, work together, and obviously are matured and even 3 times we had sex also during an inhouse training programme of the company. Since that day, I feel little guilty whereas she does not. She is now determined to marry me only, grow old together and make family. Slowly she will start educating her parents. -AK


Arun Kumar says:

Hello every one, I would like to share that we have purchased a accommodation after our tedious efforts. Now we are planning to marry soon. Almost every thing has been finalized except date of marriage with simple ceremony, as per Hindu rituals and then registration.

Thanking all well wishers. -AK


Arun Kumar says: December 10, 2012 at 8:28 am
Hello every body,

Here is update to share. I have married my muslim GF about a week back and got marriage registered.

We are so happy and proud of each other. Grateful to the almighty that we have united for ever till we breath last and bring up our own kids.
It all happened by the grace of Almighty and good wishes from all well wishers, like Admn. Satyen and so on. -Arun Kumar.

Return to InterfaithShaadi.org. To share your experience, read.


  • Masive shan
    April 21, 2016 9:01 am

    Hi arun
    I am following a girl.
    Please contact me any how. …..

    • April 21, 2016 8:52 pm

      Are you in love with a Muslim girl? Are you ready to convert to Islam?

  • August 27, 2013 11:25 pm

    Hello Zara,

    Perhaps you are jealous of girls who wish to lead blissful life.
    Either you are victim of mutta marriages, not successful so far
    in yor attempts or you are afraid of proviing your viriginity on
    the wedding night, obviously not virgin.

    Just seen your comments, full of frustration, ambigious and negative and for self ego defence, you are blaming others.

    It is rightly said that A bad workman quarrels with his tools,
    instead of herself, she attempts to make other fools.

    • Zara
      August 27, 2013 11:43 pm


  • August 27, 2013 12:50 am

    Hi Arun,

    Nice to see your blog.Atleast you got your love.
    Me also in relationship with a Hindu boyaged 29 yrs and me 27 years,working together in Goa in a dry fruit processing firm.
    My abbu is against my marriage with him and in search for a
    muslim guy for me. Two times, he arranged boys for me ( my cousins)but I rejected being not suitable fpr marriage. I am a commerce graduate
    and wish to have spouse like minded which is best suitable for
    me is the Hindu guy.

    My BF encourages me to marry soon, but internally I dont want to
    annoy my abbu.It is sure now that if he does not agree with my
    proposal I shall have to marry him soon.

    Please guide whether I am correct to take decision of my life myself.

    • Zara
      August 27, 2013 12:56 am

      Haha great!!!!! Only such kind of muslim girls are helped and respected on this forum and all others like @chahhat @ana @GodIsGreat and even me are abused to no extent and also called fake but the above poster n commenter definetly must be 100% genuine and admin approved right???
      These so called girls are so called guided just because they come down to the low levels of understandings of the admins and all others and the others are just abused abused and abused

  • December 10, 2012 8:28 am

    Hello every body,

    Here is update to share. I have married my muslim GF about a week back and got marriage registered.

    We are so happy and proud of each other. Grateful to the almighty that we have united for ever till we breath last and bring up our own kids.
    It all happened by the grace of Almighty and good wishes from all well wishers, like Admn. Satyen and so on.

    • December 10, 2012 9:55 am

      Congratulations Arun Kumar,

      This is not the end of time to gain more knowledge about interfaith marriages but to continue doing so. Now you will have to be ready to teach your children… who is God? …what is religion? etc. So, please keep coming back on this site to guide other youths and while teaching gain more knowledge. Ask your wife to do the same.

      For clarity, what is this mean “I have married” and “got marriage registered.” How did you got married the first time? when you registered your marriage, how did you registered your marriage as (non-religious or religious)?

      We have many youths ask questions on this registered marriage, can you send us scanned copy of blank form you filled (at InterfaithShaadi@gmail.com)? And also detail all legal matters for benefit of others at Indian Marriage and Divorce Laws for the first step you need to do, what questions they ask, is there any waiting period after filing application and any other legal matter?

    • Satyen
      December 15, 2012 9:06 am

      Congratulations to you both. May the God shower his blessings on you both so that you may lead a happy prosperous life. I this juncture of your life, make a resolution that you both will make other lovers happy as well by guiding them for the sake of humanity.

  • Satyen
    November 18, 2012 12:31 pm

    Dear Arun,

    So nice to know the recent desirable developments in your life and I wish from the core of my heart all the best for your conjugal life. However, I would requrest you to discharge your social responsibility by helping others in similar situations by advising them. Giving good advice is the best help you can extend to others.

    May Ishwar help you in helping the society for the better.

  • November 16, 2012 8:51 am

    Hi Srinivas,

    Thanks for the message. You dont worry, we love each other from core of hearts. We both are working and matured enough and presently in a European country and hence no problem.

    Just wish to see your blessings.

  • November 15, 2012 8:20 am

    Hello so called Indian,but disguised Mullah,

    If the stories are fake, why are you here?
    In fact you dont want muslim women to live gracefully.You have a mentality of discriminating females and your self enjoying all sorts of privieliges in the name of Islam, like keeping 4 wives, beating wife, torturing them for sexual purpose. Hell on you.

  • Arun Kumar
    November 15, 2012 8:16 am

    Hello every one.

    I would like to share that we have purchased a accommodation after our tedious efforts. Now we are planning to marry soon. Almost every thing has been finalized except date of marriage with simple ceremony, as per Hindu rituals and then registration.

    Thanking all well wishers.

    • November 15, 2012 8:20 am

      Whether you marry her or not is important…..

      You being very careful is very very important…..please brother, from my heart, take this advice.

      You are dealing with savages you have no idea about.

  • An Indian
    October 30, 2012 4:25 am

    To All the people who visit this website, consider that


  • October 26, 2012 7:26 am

    Hello every body,
    I have been reading comments on different blogs on this site and found that Amir, Indian,Srinivas,even Hindu girl, posing different names, disguising their exact identity, are writing all non sense here in favour of cruelty, discrimination, rapist character. Our muslim girls should be aware of these types of persons. Such people are responsible for the worst condition of muslim women in the world.

    • believer in God
      October 26, 2012 8:37 am

      can u tell us which Hindus here on this site r favouring cruelty rapist character?be specific.

  • October 26, 2012 7:09 am

    Hi Admn.

    No need of recommendation of Amir or chatting with him. I am wise enough to take decision in respect of my soul mate.I just shared my life story here. All aspects of our decision have been discussed and resolved for everlasting relations. Our love is true, no restrictions, only commitment and loyality towards each other irrespective of any fluctuation in the life.

  • believer in God
    October 24, 2012 1:26 am

    Happy Dussehra to all on this blog.As Maa Durga represents victory over evil may all females get the power within themselves to suppress the evil and fight against it.May Goddess Durga bless all females on this earth .

  • Amir
    October 24, 2012 12:29 am

    can we chat??
    yes or no.

    • October 24, 2012 1:42 am

      What will happen if Muslim community come to know of Arum Kumar’s home or Facebook address? We do not endorse such premarital sex, but the same time, we do not want to see additional violence. Apparently Arun is serious for his relationship, what would you recommend to Arun now?

  • Arun Kumar
    October 23, 2012 10:11 am

    Dear Admn. and Satyen,

    With due respect to your apprehension and valuable guidance, I feel guilty whereas my GF does not feel so much. May be confidence on me, which I swear never shall be broken. We are taking steps to marry ASAP. There is no apprehension of becoming parents before wedlock.We are almost settled in the job,looking for a good accommodation, hopefully, it shall be materialized within a month or so. Then marriage immediately with simple ceremony, as per Hindu rituals followed by registration.

    Hopefully shall enjoy your blessings.


    • Satyen
      October 23, 2012 11:16 am

      You are definitely a man of salt who can be so determined and faithful to his love. The vow of correcting the mistake is a sign of a person of character and Ishvar will you show you the path.

      May the God bestow you a blissful married life ahead and your better half remain with you as your soulmate (as described in Dharmik panths such as Hinduism, Budhism, Sikhism, Jainism etc.), not as a partner of contract marriage (as in Abrahmic religions).

    • October 24, 2012 1:31 am

      Let us warn you against “taking steps to marry ASAP.” Do not marry in rush, take a year or two to make fully “informed” decision. Life is long, so why to rush?

      Considering the divorce rates of more than 50% among interfaith marriages, it is important you do not rush for marriage without understanding each other’s needs. Marriage is a life long decision. If you wish to be really good to her, it is not as important to marry her but that you will be able to maintain that marriage for next 80 years to come.

      Hindu Muslim marriage are very complex, especially after child birth. When you are in love, you will not realize reality of life. Please read Hindu boy and ask her to read Muslim girl articles. Meet both sides of parents and openly disclose your plans for marriage and life. When you think you have fully understood each other over a year or more, then only plan for the marriage. Best wishes.

    • November 6, 2012 6:36 pm

      Please do register the marriage if you really love her. When you do that please see that it is in her original name, according to some certificate.

      • November 7, 2012 5:31 pm

        @ admin,

        I hope you must have mentioned to AK that he must be careful. If you have not, please do it immediately through e-mail. And also provide him with two or three news reports of Hindu boys getting killed by Muslims for falling in love with Muslim girls.

        He should never go to his in-laws house. Even the girl is in danger.

        Please write these things to him. Last time, I forgot to mention these things.

  • Satyen
    October 22, 2012 6:55 am

    Hindu or Muslim, every girl’s chastity should be respected even if a party is interested or is determined to marry. Pre marital sex is detrimental to taking correct decisions in future. Now the girl has a mental pressure to marry you even if she later thinks it inappropriate. On such cases, post marital life may not be as happy as it would have been otherwise.

    Any way, I suggest you to be careful in future not to repent further.

    • November 6, 2012 6:38 pm

      It could be the other way too. Don’t you think.

  • October 21, 2012 3:52 am

    Hi muslim sisters,

    See from the below article how cruel are Iranian revolutionary guards against women:-

    Under Revolutionary law, young girls who were sentenced to

    death could not be executed if they were still virgins.

    Thus, they were “married off” to Revolutionary Guards and

    prison officials in temporary marriages and then raped before

    their execution, to prevent them going to heaven. The Mullahs

    believed that these women were ungodly and did not deserve

    paradise in the next life and that if they were deprived of their

    virginity, it would ensure that they went to hell. Therefore, on

    the night prior to execution, the condemned girl was injected

    witha tranquilliser and then raped by her guard(s). After the

    execution,the religious judge at the prison would write out a

    marriage certificateand send it to the victim’s family along with

    a box of sweets.

    The back cover is of 3 gays murdered by Iranian justice

    according to the holy teachings of Islam.

    This book exposes the evil of Islam and very grave

    danger Islamic ideology poses to all freedom

    loving peoples everywhere.

    The issues raised by the recent revivalism of Islam are of

    life and death to the democratic world. Islam is one of the

    most serious threats freedom loving people have ever faced.

    It is the greatest threat that western women have faced to their

    hard won freedoms and legal protection of their basic rights.

    Islam is one of the most diabolical ideologies ever created. You

    must understand what Islam truly represents and participate

    in the fight against this very evil ideology.

  • Arun Kumar
    October 21, 2012 3:44 am

    Hi Ayesha,
    I tried twice to respond your query, but did not appear. 3rd time attempting to respond you. We both love each other, work together, and obviously are matured and even 3 times we had sex also during an inhouse training programme of the company. Since that day, I feel little guilty whereas she does not. She is now determined to marry me only, grow old together and make family. Slowly she will start educating her parents.

  • Aryan
    October 20, 2012 10:06 am

    Whoever you are you sound true to heart. Let me tell you its the same reason why fundamental friction occurs between Christian, Hindu, jews all religion vs islam. any religion in its purest form is not good for the current evolution of human. All people have accepted this and have got understanding of – if you dont harm, you wont be harmed, – if you do good deeds, you will get good results, and every one is equal. All thia is acceptable to everyone buy only few in muslim society actually implement this or even believes in it. Muslims who are open minded and secular are forced, sometime during there life to change there secular thinking to a closed islam only thinking. And that my friend is the root cause why muslims are most hated and have such a bad name, tragedy is there religious leader promote racist islam only thought.

    You tell me as you were a former muslim- why quran gives power to muslim husband to beat muslim girl? Why muslim husband can marry 4 wifes,infact many do get Atleast 3 wifes?

    there are n number of issues muslim have themselves but no one is solving the problem, instead those Muslims who have power are busy using it as PR agency for islam.

    Other religion people already have cleanup their evil rules long ago!

    Last word Welcome to peace !. And be ready to get evil debtors on your decision.

  • October 17, 2012 1:50 am

    Ansur is a Talibani, anti muslim girl. He is believer of keeping females under all sorts of restrictions, cruelty in the name of Islam.
    Such people are the greatest enemy Islam.

  • Ansur
    October 16, 2012 5:35 pm

    Amazed at the PROPAGANDA against Islam and Muslim.
    Shows how much of a coward you Idnians really are and your hidden agenda to defame Islam.

    The best and most amusing is how you Indians take on Muslim names to posts to give more weight to your response.

    Very shallow and deceitful people and a reflection that something is missing in your petty life.

    Why Islam will always prevail, what you do today and how you defame Islam and Muslims is no diffrent to the idol worshipping pagan Arabs.

    They got no where and people realised the truth.
    When they do they will appreciate Islam.

    You people are sad, cowardly, deceitful and shameful.

    Its a prize for you to post a Hindu boy marries a Muslim in India because thats the extent of hate you have towards Muslims and based on centuries and centuries of inveriority complex.

    I pity you people truly do.

    • Aryan
      October 17, 2012 12:31 am

      hi copy and paste idiot, how are you? Finally you know to work on computer.

      Looking at you we can clearly see how much racist you are. Unlike islam Muslims girls are given freedom to marry hindu or any religion guy. But people like you who want to play with there life and misguide them.

      we Hindus believes in equality not racist like islam, which approves honor kill ! You are disgrace and inhuman to see Muslim girls with freedom to marry with someone they love

  • October 14, 2012 10:49 am

    Hi AK,
    Can you answer following:-

    (i) Does your GF also loves you?
    (ii) Are you both working or atleast are you working?
    (iii) Have you both attained the age of maturity?
    (iv) Does any one of you insists changing religion of other one? or just for the sake of love wants to maintain your existing religion even after marriage?
    (v) What are highest qualifications of both of you?

    After knowing the above details, I shall be able to guide you?

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