I salute a Muslim, Seema Maheshwari

Loyalty and the Indian Muslims – By Seema Maheshwari
A letter to INDIA ABROAD, November 27, 2009

I believe Major Nidal Hasan’s murderous rampage at Fort Hood , Texas , arose from his divided loyalties.

Was he an American soldier or a Muslim? Obviously, he felt the two positions were mutually exclusive.

Muslims in India have dealt with that issue for decades. Some consider themselves Indians first, whereas homegrown Muslim terrorists speak for themselves.

Brigadier Usman
My father’s family was faced with the loyalty dilemma in 1947. My father, Brigadier Mohammed Ghufran, and his elder brother, Brigadier Mohammed Usman, were in the Indian Army during Partition.

The newly formed Pakistani government wanted all the Indian-Muslim officers to move to the newly created State. Brigadier Usman was offered the ultimate prize, to be the chief of Pakistan ’s army. My uncle refused. He and his family were Indians first, even if he would now be fighting his friends and fellow Muslims. A prize of Rs. 50,000 was put on his head. July 3, 1948, he was killed while leading a battle in Naushera. Many now know him as Naushera Ka Sher (the tiger of Naushera).

Even though my father and the rest of the family were devastated by his death, no one ever questioned the decision. The pride and loyalty instilled in me as a child, for being Indian, with roots which can be traced back hundreds of years, is as strong now after migrating from India 38 years ago, as they were when I as a child would have watch the Republic Day parades. For that I am eternally grateful.

After all, had the decision to move to Pakistan been made 62 years ago, not only would I not be writing this letter about Indian pride but I certainly would not be having the married surname of Maheshwari.

REPLY: INDIA ABROAD, December 4, 2009 – By InterfaithShaadi.org

Salut, Seema

I am really moved by a letter about loyalty and the Indian Muslim (November 27) from a proud Indian Muslim, Seema Maheshwari.

The sacrifice by her family for India should be well recognized. She has wonderfully articulated some of issues, saying, ‘Some Muslims consider themselves Indians first, whereas homegrown Muslim terrorists speak for themselves.’ She also pointed out that if her family had migrated to Pakistan , she would not bear the married surname of Maheshwari.

Now we, Muslims and Hindus, having moved to America , are facing a different challenge, this time not due to communal divisions but due to interfaith marriages within our next generation. Our research shows that 38 percent of Hindus and 45 percent of Muslims marry outside their faiths, and these include many Hindu-Muslim marriages. It remains to be seen how loyalties to their religion and to their spouses are sorted out. Are these loyalties mutually exclusive?

Taking Seema Maheshwari as a role model, rather than Major Nidal Hasan, I hope interfaith couples and their families keep intolerance to each other’s faith and conversion practices out of their new relationships.


Admin: Readers may be proud to know of Seema’s Muslim family for their immense contributions for India’s Independence and to Bollywood. Some of her relatives include Khwaja Gulam Abbas (gave up life in Panipat during 1857 independence movement), film director Padma Shri K. A. Abbas, Mahavir Chakra awardee Brigadier Mohammad Osman, dad Brigadier Mohammed Ghufran, Neelima Azeem, Shahid Kapoor, etc.

Also read: Islamic Women Today, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Muslim boy,

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  • Syed Hafeez Imran
    April 14, 2020 7:14 am

    I am tryingto contact the writer of the article with a request

    I am in the propcess of compiling and writing about my family

    The Uncle of the writer (Brigadier Usman) and her uncles are related to me through my maternal side, they too being from Azamgarh > i believe that they wre cousins of my mother and aunt

    i would greatly appreciate if she can provide me information and background of her ancestors. I have some material on Brig usman, but almost none on Brig Ghufran or Mr Subhan
    Thank you very much warm regards himran@rogers.com

  • mac
    September 17, 2014 3:37 am

    so where is the equality in her marriage, she adopter her husband`s surname, why don`t your husband adopted your surname, is that equality, and why change surname, in islam changing surname is not required it is becuase earlier muslims of india were animal worshipper but after conversion still carrying on their dirty filthy stupid religious teachings of their forefathers

    • Seema Maheshwari
      January 6, 2017 6:53 pm

      I’ve been off this forum for years, but the admin contacted me and wanted me to start writing again and Mac’s stupidity was enough to lite a fire. Why did I change my name? I had an Indian passport and the chauvinistic Indian government wouldn’t let me renew it in my maiden name since I was married. My girls however, will not only not change their names, they’ll have their husbands adopt theirs. Women power??
      I’m assuming that mac is a Muslim, and all muslims before the Prophet (pbuh), were pagans. So mac, your ancestors were also animal worshippers and practiced the teachings of their dirty filthy forefathers.
      My forefathers were educated, respected, honored and well to do. I’m sure you are jealous. Peace be upon you mac.

      • Admin
        January 6, 2017 9:07 pm

        You said, “they’ll have their husbands adopt theirs,” very interesting! Husbands to adapt wife’s last name–this is very rare or unheard of. And you said “they,” meaning both managed to do this? Well, now we live in a different world. We hope Indian girls will learn from this.

        • Seema Maheshwari
          January 7, 2017 7:32 pm

          I spoke of the future. They are not married but that’s their plan. The fact that they are even thinking along those lines is a victory for women.

          • January 7, 2017 7:34 pm

            Why not, best wishes to them!

      • Syed Hafeez Imran
        April 14, 2020 9:48 am

        I came across this article while doing some research about Brigadier Usman (Who I belive was your Uncle – (being the brother of your father Brig Ghufran)).

        I am contacting you with a request and the hope that you can help me

        I am writing about my family for my children, grandchildren and posterity

        I am related to Brigadier usman from my maternal side. The ancestors of my maternal side were also from Azamgarh. I believe that Brigadier Usman was a cousin of my mother

        I did find some material on Brigadier Usman and his exploits, but almost nothing on his 2 younger brothers and your uncles – Brig Ghufran and Mr Subhan

        I would greatly appreciate if you would be kind enough to help me by providing some information and background material- specially some interesting and important events in their lives and maybe some biographical details and about their progeny, I do know that Brig Usman never got married
        I shall be most grateful

        My early childhood was spent in Bhopal with my Maternal grandfather, Molvi Faiz ul Haque, who was the finance minister with the Nawab of Bhopal I am settled in Canada since 1969

        my email is himran@roges.com

  • mac
    July 7, 2014 10:37 pm

    wah admin again showed you double standard //mac, even you told such a respected person Iftekhar as an idiot and blind, still he writes nothing but respectfully to you. Here we see two Muslims, one who has not learned manners while the other a decent man. This shows that it has nothing to do with a religion but what one has learned in life.///
    Iftekar mis presented quran, an idiot will only do such things, why can`t he prove the polytheism in islam, why can`t he mention abt different gods in islam that oneday he(idiot) said islam has pluralism,

    “Here we see two Muslims, one who has not learned manners while the other a decent man.” where were you when ppl called me “mutta product” ,”rapists” , “kuttee” ha where were you, now reply, don`t run away , i called them by sisters and they replied me with “kutte” “mutta product” in reply coz they hav no answer to my question, why don`t you react when reasha sing called nilanaja(who wanted to convert to chrtistianity) as “assholes”, don`t run away give reply

  • July 7, 2014 5:42 am

    What Seema Maheshwari says is what I have been preaching in San Francisco too.

    Seema please contact me at iftekhar.hai@gmail.com we can work on
    reforms that are badly needed among Muslims.

    Iftekhar Hai

    • mac
      July 7, 2014 8:01 am

      Iftekar Hai, is marrying a non-muslim for a muslim women without converting her lover to islam especially mushrik like hindus,buddhists allowed as per islam , islam allows muslim men to marry jews-christians-sabians without converting them to islam

      • July 7, 2014 8:38 am

        Mac…………You assume a lot of things without facts. Here are the facts about me.
        1) I am 72 years of age, married with two children 41 and 38 years.
        2)I have 3 grand-daughters 8, 17 & 18 years



        “Oh you who believe! Be consistent in your devotion to God, bearing witness to the truth in all equity, and never let hatred of others lead you to deviate from justice. Be just for this is closest to righteousness, and remain conscious of God, because God is well Aware of all you do.” 5:8.

        Stand out firmly for Justice “Oh you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to God, even against yourself, against your parents and against your children, against people who are rich or poor, because God is the best of all Protectors. Do not follow your inclinations or your desires, lest you should deviate from justice. Verily God is well acquainted with all that you do.” 4:135 (Ideal witnesses must have these qualities)

        Mac…………..please see from Quran, acquire knowledge please

        Iftekhar Hai, President
        UMA Interfaith Alliance
        Quran Interpreter

        • mac
          July 7, 2014 9:16 am

          Hello blind iftikar, don`t you see what hindus commment on islam and mohammad, see my comments, i have called every one as sister and they replied my by “rape product”, “mutta product”, “rapist” “bastard” “madarchood” ,” kutte” and what not and i have knowledge about vedas, hindus rejects vedas abt concept of god, you have little knowledge, the arab meccans also believed in one god but they worshipped god under different dieties, tell me than why allah ordered mohammad to destroy those dieties, tell did allah sah any form that hindus gave tallah different forms, can you give referenne from quran where it says giving different forms to allah is allowed, 99 attributes are names, not different forms

          • July 7, 2014 9:01 pm

            mac, even you told such a respected person Iftekhar as an idiot and blind, still he writes nothing but respectfully to you. Here we see two Muslims, one who has not learned manners while the other a decent man. This shows that it has nothing to do with a religion but what one has learned in life.

  • Akshay Chandak
    October 2, 2013 5:50 am

    I am a Maheshwari from Rajasthan living in Kolkata. Are you a muslim married to a maheshwari caste ? We maheshwaris are rajput descent. Just wanted to knw are you Rajput Sindhi Muslim?iv heard there are lacks of Maheshwari caste in Sindh ,are their marriages between pakistani muslims and maheshwaris. Iv heard we’re allowed to marry sindhi muslim rajput . No its like those who are orthodox don’t marry outside caste and maintain by themselves ,while liberal ones marry . I knw of a muslim girl who likes me but don’t knw wat to do as I’d have to convert ,why cnt we both follow our own religions ?

    • October 2, 2013 8:13 am

      Why you said you have to convert? Those days are over now. You could marry her by the Special Marriage Act 1954. Seema’s husband never converted. Can you share more about your relationships?

  • narendra
    April 14, 2013 2:56 am

    Salute to Seema Maheshwari,Her Father,Brigadiar Usman & every patriot Indian Muslim.

  • syed sardar hasan
    May 14, 2012 7:14 pm

    Hi,I hope You Have Solved the hurdle in getting together. I very much appreciate your sentiments.
    Plz Lt Me Know Your Latest Situation t. very much hope You Ae Happyily settled in life.
    Best Of All
    Syed Sardar Hasan

  • April 16, 2012 8:07 pm

    my only take is…there are always people on planet who will take benefit of religion, ethnicity and region. There are kings and business men who have invested their careers and life on it. These 3 things are somehow the most artificial but closest to a human heart. Now its the middle class that buys these stupid arguments while the highest class would invest in them to gain influence (Oil wars, real estate, mines etc).

    With regards to Hinduism – who has actually coined this term, I mean Hinduism itself will probably be a mix of somany religions – I heard ages back people fought as suryavanshis and chandravanshis, in south vaishnavaites vs shivaites and in latter period Muslim vs Hindus and tomorrow it could be others. I would always want Hinduism to be a way of living where an individual can practice their faith…religion never has to be a part of group – it can so individual. The greatness of being part of Hinduism you still exist as non-believer. If the conflict is between non-believer and believer – so why do believers fight at all…why cant a family with different faiths live together. Why does one’s religion be a public information rather than a personal faith, why can we treat ourselves as individuals and not as part of herds like sheep and dogs…..why should we kill animals because they dont have voice and cannot seek justice, why dont animals have the rights as much as human has, why?

    I am a Hindu because it accepts me as a non-believer, it accepts as a Nastik – so it should not have problem accepting GOD of Jesus or Allah. I only wish every one thinks of religion as a personal affair more than that respect the rights of opposite individuals as much as you wish to be respected.

  • December 16, 2011 5:59 pm

    I had written a comment once that interfaith marriages in India are happening more frequently among the upper classes.
    India Today had once done a survey on religion. It found that the poor were worried about having enough food and a place to live and had no time for religion. The rich were busy with their high powered lifestyles and didn’t care about religion. It was the vast Indian middle class that defined religion and morality. Thus the saying, “middle class values”. The middle class mindset is very hard to change and most of us fall in that category.
    Zoya,do you live in the US or India? Approximately how old are you? My advice will depend on those answers

  • Ashok Jahnavi Prasad
    December 4, 2011 12:40 pm

    Hello Seema!

    Someone just made me aware of this article and there were certain bits that caught my attention! Let me first of all salute you for expressing your very laudable sentiments! We need more like you who put human values above religious appellation which is as artificial as you can get! But what captured my attention was your father’s name!! He was as close to our family as you can imagine; in fact I do recall your birth and Ghufran Mama as we used to address him presenting my mom with a lovely pic of a chubby baby-yourself! My mom has still preserved the pic and was deeply moved when she came to know of you! Her name is Usha and my grandfather was called Mrityunjaya Prasad! Maybe that name rings a bell! We would love to touch base with you is possible. Very best wishes!

    • December 4, 2011 11:55 pm

      Mr. prasad, thank you for your response. The Chubby Cheeked baby is now a Chubby 51 year old mother of two. I have been away from India for almost 40 years and its always nice to hear from people who knew my parents. Seema

      • Ashok Jahnavi Prasad
        December 5, 2011 3:36 am

        Thank you so much Seema!!!

        In fact I mentioned you to my Mom who was your Dad’s raakhi sister and she is very keen to touch base with with you.In fact Ghufran Mama was constantly by my father’s side during his hospitalization prior to his death-I recall he even delayed taking up his new job as a Medical Superintendent Tirath Ram Hospital because of my father’s serious illness!

        In fact even I was out of India for over 28 years until I decided to relocate as my Mom was in indifferent health!I was a professor of medicine in Philadelphia and later on at Columbia in NYC!

        Should you feel comfortable I can send you my email contact!

        Very best wishes!

        • zoya
          December 10, 2011 12:26 am

          i’m zoya a jain-hindu girl in love wid a bihri muslim guy.
          we love each other and his family is very easy going and broad minded.
          his sister has married a hindu too…
          ameen zamindar is very good guy, i love him n we wanna marry each other but my mum is not agreeing at all n we cant tell my dad as of now.

          his family loves us together they are supportive, but my side people will not accept. please help me!!!!

          • proloy
            January 17, 2013 1:34 am

            Dear Joya
            Let him converted to your religious fold. You should not convert to Islam as it is the most barbaric religion of the Tribes of Arabs. Be proud of your great Hindu identity.

      • syed sardar hasan
        May 14, 2012 7:03 pm

        Hello Seema, I am very immpressed with your brilliant article on Hindu Muslim Relations & Patriotism. Indeed You Come from Very Patriotic Indian Family. BWY I Remember Meeting you in Delhi At Zakia Bhabhis Flat Hailey Rd in Jan-Feb 2006 While I was staying there with Late Kamman Chahci . Let Me Have Your Contact Details Will Very Much Like To Connect With You As I visit New York Boston Every Year Since Dec 2010 To Renew My Green Card. Will Love to meet You. I also Remember Attending yur Marriage If My memory Is correct in January February 1986( ??). I mostly stay in Algarve Portugal http://www.quarteiradiscovered.com gives detail of my town in Portugal. Hope To Hear From YOu Soon. Take Care.

        • syed sardar hasan
          May 14, 2012 7:36 pm

          I would Correct the Year Of Your Marriage as 1985 !! ( ?)
          I hope I am correct this time.
          Best Wishes & Love

      • Ashok Jahnavi Prasad
        July 16, 2012 12:53 am

        Hello Seema

        Brigadier Usman’s centenary was celebrated yesterday.Was not even born when he died but his pic reminded me so much of Ghufran Mama during his Rashtrapati Bhawan days !

        Best wishes

  • May 5, 2011 2:41 am

    @ shaniza,

    You wrote, “The whole idea of Islam being violent and intolerant is incorrect. Our religion does not promote any of these values, unfortunately people in power do. They try to instill fear of God and lack of education in their people to be able to control them.”

    This tells me how much you do not know about your religion and your Prophet. Can you tell at least name the books that your religion holds sacred? Do you know how much Islam is really about Prophet than Allah? Do you at least know that believing in Allah but not in Prophet Mohammad, you are going to hell to burn there for eternity like all non-Muslims.

    People in power or ulema or some groups or even individuals are doing it because that is what exactly your books are saying.

    Sincerely, I suggest that you read about your religion in open spirit.

    I dont believe any religion is violent, love for God and understanding and showing tolerance towards others is the foundation of every religion. I believe it is unfair to speak about a religion without having proper knowledge or open-mindedness about it.

    You wrote, “I dont believe any religion is violent, love for God and understanding and showing tolerance towards others is the foundation of every religion. I believe it is unfair to speak about a religion without having proper knowledge or open-mindedness about it. I am a Muslim, and I respect and love all religions.”

    Every Religion is violent in one or other way; but Islam is the only one which is violent all the time. Islam is violent because it is also a political ideology.

    You heard about non-Muslims paying jizya; I am sure about it. The question is how much you really know about it! If you try to answer this, one will find out that Islam does not respect other religions but it intends to replace them.

    I am not making up this; your Koran says it and Allah envisages it.

    It is you who must know about your religion.

    You wrote, “I am a Muslim, and I respect and love all religions.”

    Then you are not a Muslim in the proper sense and must be an ignorant one.

    You wrote, “In fact, they are all the same for me, stemming from Primal Religions, and evolving over time.”

    Others might evolve or change radically. But Islam can not change as Allah says in Koran none can change what is in Koran.

    You wrote, “No matter how many names we give God, God is one, and is shared amongst all people. We cannot categorize him if we truly believe in Him and His existence.”

    There you go. Ok; this is the challenge! You give a proof of existence of one God and I will give proof of existence of a billion or a trillion gods.

    Sister, forget about all this; why don’t you inquire in to your own religion by visiting this blog: http://knowing-islamic-doctrines.blogspot.com/

  • Shaniza
    May 1, 2011 3:38 pm

    Seema, you are a great role model for other youth Muslims in the West. God stems from being able to love, therefore love is holy. If God felt there was one right religion, why would he make all of us different? I think God wants us to love each other despite differences, because that is the true kind of love. The whole idea of Islam being violent and intolerant is incorrect. Our religion does not promote any of these values, unfortunately people in power do. They try to instill fear of God and lack of education in their people to be able to control them. I dont believe any religion is violent, love for God and understanding and showing tolerance towards others is the foundation of every religion. I believe it is unfair to speak about a religion without having proper knowledge or open-mindedness about it. I am a Muslim, and I respect and love all religions. In fact, they are all the same for me, stemming from Primal Religions, and evolving over time. No matter how many names we give God, God is one, and is shared amongst all people. We cannot categorize him if we truly believe in Him and His existence.

    • May 5, 2011 2:41 am

      @ shaniza,

      You wrote, “The whole idea of Islam being violent and intolerant is incorrect. Our religion does not promote any of these values, unfortunately people in power do. They try to instill fear of God and lack of education in their people to be able to control them.”

      This tells me how much you do not know about your religion and your Prophet. Can you tell at least name the books that your religion holds sacred? Do you know how much Islam is really about Prophet than Allah? Do you at least know that believing in Allah but not in Prophet Mohammad, you are going to hell to burn there for eternity like all non-Muslims.

      People in power or ulema or some groups or even individuals are doing it because that is what exactly your books are saying.

      Sincerely, I suggest that you read about your religion in open spirit.

      I dont believe any religion is violent, love for God and understanding and showing tolerance towards others is the foundation of every religion. I believe it is unfair to speak about a religion without having proper knowledge or open-mindedness about it.

      You wrote, “I dont believe any religion is violent, love for God and understanding and showing tolerance towards others is the foundation of every religion. I believe it is unfair to speak about a religion without having proper knowledge or open-mindedness about it. I am a Muslim, and I respect and love all religions.”

      Every Religion is violent in one or other way; but Islam is the only one which is violent all the time. Islam is violent because it is also a political ideology.

      You heard about non-Muslims paying jizya; I am sure about it. The question is how much you really know about it! If you try to answer this, one will find out that Islam does not respect other religions but it intends to replace them.

      I am not making up this; your Koran says it and Allah envisages it.

      It is you who must know about your religion.

      You wrote, “I am a Muslim, and I respect and love all religions.”

      Then you are not a Muslim in the proper sense and must be an ignorant one.

      You wrote, “In fact, they are all the same for me, stemming from Primal Religions, and evolving over time.”

      Others might evolve or change radically. But Islam can not change as Allah says in Koran none can change what is in Koran.

      You wrote, “No matter how many names we give God, God is one, and is shared amongst all people. We cannot categorize him if we truly believe in Him and His existence.”

      There you go. Ok; this is the challenge! You give a proof of existence of one God and I will give proof of existence of a billion or a trillion gods.

      Sister, forget about all this; why don’t you inquire in to your own religion by visiting this blog: http://knowing-islamic-doctrines.blogspot.com/

  • The Truth
    April 23, 2011 10:10 am


    The very fact that Islam exists is a problem for all non-muslims.

    Islam attempts to be exclusive and no culture or religion can survive if it attempts to be exclusive.

    Any culture or religion which considers itself to be superior to others has no place in this world.

    Any religion that considers others kafird has no place in this world.

    Islam is all about violence and if we have to move towards peace, Islam needs to either be defeated!

  • January 18, 2011 3:07 pm


    Being a good muslim does not offend India?

    But a good muslim (I mean devout Muslim who lives by Koran) is a cruel human. He is like a zombie or fully virus infected.

    It looks like you do not know Islamic laws or Koranic verses.

    Koran allows Muslim men to marry Non Muslim women (check verse 5:005) but it completely disallows Muslim women marrying Non Muslim men because it is a fascist ideology.

    So sad, I have to teach Koran to Muslims.

  • Nakib
    January 14, 2011 11:56 pm

    According to Islam, its your religion which comes first, Seema. If you dont like it, let it be with you and dont confuse with your religion and nationalism. No Muslim should marry non muslims. Thats the rule. I am not saying that you have to go against India, but India got everything in place to live like a good muslim, its within Indian constitution. So, being a good muslim doesn’t offend India.

  • Jay
    November 6, 2010 4:19 pm

    Thank you for your loyalty to India, and being Indian first.

  • September 3, 2010 11:15 pm

    If you are a Muslim woman or plan to be a Muslim woman for sake of someone’s love, think twice before you jump into Hell or continue to live in Hell. (via Santosh Bhatt’s Blog) (via Santosh Bhatt’s Blog)


  • Faiz Ahmed
    July 27, 2010 2:29 pm

    I was not aware of this fact about Akbar. If “Akbar-the great (India’s Emperor 1556-1605) who was born islamik, grandson of babur the invader (1526 A.D.), RENOUNCED ISLAM. And nobody could stop him. Akbar said, “Islam is wrong. Islam is unsuitable. He started a religion called “Deen-E-Elahi” with himself as the prophet. Akbar was the most powerful man on earth in his time. He was also the richest, richer than the emperor of china. When Akbar did not have children, he prayed for children, not in Mecca but in Hindustan, in Ajmer, at the dargah of Chisti. The whole of Bangladesh wants to Re-convert to Hinduism. Let us do it. Let us help lift Bangladesh out of islamik slavery.” what ever written above is true, blame to those Mullahs, Terrorists and Hard core Muslims who have made the religion full of bloodbath and hates. Everyone in the world has started hating our religion just because of some % of those people who are spreading terror, killings, barbarism on women and even to some extent on younger generations, creating more and more such breed. Allah will never forgive them. We must follow all the religion at equal level, respect them, give and take our sisters and daughters with equal respect and equality, teach real love and brotherhood for all. If Akbar the Great has started Deen-E-Elahi, we must internationally popularize this and spread these good words…please.

  • June 27, 2010 12:03 pm

    My name is Dilip Bam. I live in Pune, India, and am MBA professor in EiGHT MBA colleges in Pune, and I infulence 1500 top young minds (age 20-24)every year. I am 64 years old, graduate engineer from IIT Roorkee and MBA from XLRi.
    I read with interest what Ms. Seema Maheshwari has written about her ancestors and her life.
    Yet I believe she is in conflict. islam syas UMMAH first, anything else does not matter. And ummah is necessarily fundamentalist islamik. islam does not allow you to be more faithful to your geographical ancestry than your islamik saudi arabian slavery.
    Akbar-the great (India’s Emperor 1556-1605) who was born islamik, grandson of babur the invader (1526 A.D.), RENOUNCED ISLAM. And nobody could stop him. Akbar said, “Islam is wrong. Islam is unsuitable. He started a religion called “Deen-E-Elahi” with himself as the prophet. Akbar was the most powerful man on earth in his time. He was also the richest, richer than the emperor of china. When Akbar did not have children, he prayed for children, not in Mecca but in Hindustan, in Ajmer, at the dargah of Chisti. The whole of Bangladesh wants to Re-convert to Hinduism. Let us do it. Let us help lift Bangladesh out of islamik slavery.

    • XYZ
      May 1, 2013 7:17 pm

      The Bigotry of someone who advertises his degrees so much is unbelievable! I have no problem in you have no love for Islam or Muslims, but stop spreading lies and gloating in it.

      Get a life, next time spend sometime introspecting your own religion (or no religion as the case may be). Sad, but people like you with decadent views are the real enemies of this country.

      Perhaps next time you want to criticize Islam, can I request you spend sometime reading the Quran before passing comments on mere hearsay and dogmatic self fulfilling beliefs.

      Truth is distinct from falsehood and falsehood by its nature perishes.

    • July 4, 2014 8:59 pm

      Thank you Seema Maheshwari for the wonderful story. As for me, I come from Hindu untouchable background. Our family converted to Islam some 100 years ago. I KNOW THIS IS NOT SPIRITUALLY CORRECT HINDUISM.

      Also, I have lived in Dadar/Parel and Nagpada in Greater Mumbia. I faced a lot of humiliation from Shiv Sena people in the years 1960 to 1964 when I went to Podar College in Matunga……Again this is not Spiritual Hinduism……………..BUT POLITICAL OR IMPERIAL HINDUISM.




      Iftekhar Hai, President
      UMA Interfaith Alliance
      ( Also Quran Teacher)

  • Narendra Phanse
    December 29, 2009 3:17 pm

    Dear Ms. Maheshwari,
    I had the honor to meet your father, Brigadier Mohammed Ghufran when he visited my battalion soon after the cessation of 1965 war. He had visited our formation as a senior staff officer of Gen. Patrick O Dunn. He was talking about the integrity of officers in his meting with us and I can never forget what he told us. “Gentlemen,” he had said, “never forget that an officer of the Indian Army is a man of integrity. You must always remember that a man is either honest or dishonest: he cannot be honest on most occasions if he commits a single act of dishonesty in his life. When you are faced with a situation where you have to be a discerning person, always remember that you are officers of the Indian Army, people of highest sense of integrity. Never let down your uniform.” 45 years on, his words, his personality are still vivid in my memory.

  • admin
    December 21, 2009 4:26 pm

    I read Seema Maheshwari’s reply above (#5) in response to Tabassum Fatima’s letter (#6 above) in India Abroad.

    Fatima claims that one can be patriotic and religious the same time. If so, how Nidal Hasan was patriotic to his nation, USA?

    I am glad moderate Muslims like Seema Maheshwari spoke out. I am also glad moderate Muslim students (see #6 by Romesh Khardori) are speaking out. The World would be a better place if more moderates speak out like these.

  • Dr. Romesh Khardori
    December 19, 2009 8:33 pm

    This is my letter – A Matter of Pride – as it appreared in INDIA ABROAD, Dec 11, 2009.

    I was touched by Seema Maheshwari’s letter (November 27) about how she takes pride in being an Indian while not reneging on her Muslim identity.

    It should serve as reminder to those who might wish to convince us of contrary views.

    I just returned from India a week ago and watched a program on Indian news channel NDTV hosted by Barkha Dutt in which young Muslim college students stood up to maulanas justifying a fatwa against singing Vande Matram.

    I felt that young Muslims were getting more confident in their destiny as Indians first. They certainly do not feel constrained by the outdated notions that held their elders back. It was a great feeling to see that our young men and women are moving in the right direction. I felt these young boys and girls would not let India down, and that actually they are bound to take India to greater heights.

    India is unique country and it is no wonder why the failed State of Pakistan is hell bent up on doing it harm.

    From: Springfield, Illinois.

  • Admin
    December 19, 2009 8:12 am

    Loyalties needn’t be divided – as it appreared in India Abroad, Dec 18, 2009 – by Tabassum Fatima.

    This is in response to Seema Maheshwari’s letter titled “Loyalty and the Indian Muslim” (November 27).

    The letter gives the impression that one has to choose between patriotism and religion. India is a democracy with followers of several religions, and they don’t have to compromise one for the other; they can be patriotic and religious at the same time.

    Most Muslims are patriotic and they don’t have to marry Hindus to prove their patriotism, like Maheshwari did.

  • December 16, 2009 9:10 pm

    I had not planned to comment on this Blog but after reading the latest letter in India Abroad, I felt I had to.

    Thank you for the above letters of support. I wrote in India Abroad because not many muslims write to condemn the violence that is being perpetrated by fellow muslims.

    I hope all of you saw Fareed Zakarias documentary on the Mumbai attacks. If we as muslims don’t condemn those who defile our homeland, we will have a huge backlash against us.

  • December 12, 2009 8:26 pm

    Yatindra Bhatnagar has referred to the 1946 vote in which 92% percent of Muslim voters voted for the Muslim League. My impression is, not all voters knew that they were voting for the creation of Pakistan. As Muslims they voted for the Muslim League, and the Rashtriya Swayam Sewak Sangh and some Hindu activists did not help Muslims to vote as Indians and not as Muslims. Our leadership at that time failed us. The British were intent upon forcing partition, and they just caved in. They even pushed Mahatma Gandhi aside. Let us be fair and not blame Muslim Indians. See what is happening in India today. Regional injustice in certain States is resulting in the break-up of those States. If we Hindus had conducted ourselves fairly, and taken care of our less fortunate brethren, why would any one have converted to Islam or Christianity? Why did B.R. Ambedkar convert to Buddhism? We can’t go back in time and undo the past. But hereon we must ensure that every Indian is treated fairly, justly, equitably, irrespective of sex, faith, color, creed, caste, or any other difference.

  • December 6, 2009 9:08 pm

    As appreared in India Abroad, December 4, 2009:

    Seema Maheshwari’s letter is the best-ever letter I have read in India Abroad, including all my contributions in the past many years.

    Before India’s Independence I was one of those who worshiped Bhagat Singh and other martyrs. July 3, 1948, Brigadier Mohammad Usman joined their ranks. I am thrilled to read about him from no less a person than his niece – reminding us once again of what India and her children are all about. Brigadier Mohammed Usman was not an Indian Muslim. He was a Muslim Indian.

    Vishwanath Ayengar
    Wappingers Falls, New York

  • Yatindra Bhatnagar
    December 3, 2009 9:00 pm

    Seema Maheshwari is an exceptional person and her pride as a loyal Indian praiseworthy. The irony is that 92% Indian Muslims supported/voted FOR the creation of Pakistan in 1946 and NOT against the division of their own Motherland – India. Now Jihadi Islam and radicalization have resulted in numerous Muslim pockets in vast areas of India where Indianness is missing, fanaticism is rampant and patriotism is nowhere to be seen,felt or displayed.

    I will make three more points: Not all Muslims are terrorists; almost all terrorists are Muslims; and three, that more Muslimns are killed all over the world by Muslims than by Non-Muslims.

    How do we face and tackle and defeat that?

  • December 3, 2009 1:38 am

    I also salute to Seema, and remind every one that Bhagwan Mahavir says that irrespective of individual’s faith, every one have right to live and no one have right to infringe such natural right.

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