Hindu: Is There Any Way Marrying Without Church Converting?

Aiswarya says: January 21, 2024

I am a Hindu girl in love with a Christian (Jacobite) boy. We have been in a relationship for the past 5 years.
Finally, our families agreed to the marriage. They both wish to conduct the ceremony in both Hindu and Christian ways.
But for doing it in the Christian way, saying I need to convert. Is there any possible way of marrying in church without converting? -Aiswarya

More information: Hindu Pre-Nuptial agreementInterfaith marriage with equalityHindu-Christian MarriageBible on Hindus? Christian-Hindu relationshipsMarriage & Divorce laws.
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1 Comment

  • March 25, 2024 1:23 pm

    Dear Aiswarya,
    It is better for you to not fake-convert to Christianity, unless you are prepared to be 0% Hindu and 100% Christian for your life. You will have to also educate your children only about the Jacobite faith and sometimes, against teachings of Hinduism. Do you and your parents clearly understand that? 

    View this video (https://youtu.be/LqiWluAUH20) where Raj, a Hindu, accepted all Judaism practices and ultimately paid the price. We highly recommend taking time and educating yourself about Christianity.

    When you started dating, did he tell you that you will have to convert one day? Why is he more interested in converting you over accepting you who you are? Tell him you will not baptized and will not agree to raise children only in Christian faith. If he truly loves you, will find another Christian priest or a church to get married. If not, why bother marrying such religious fanatics?

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