Gruelling Questions on Hinduism In Hostile Environment

This 30 pages booklet is available for free download here.

This project is inspired by 1) The Kerala Story movie, 2) discussion observed over past 15 years at and 3) a personal request from Hindus in Bangladesh to help Hindus youths to properly handle hostile discussion in colleges. 

Simple short answers to many questions are provided that a Hindu youth can answer them easily. This will also help even youths who are completely ignorant about Hindu scriptures and practices. We have kept the answers to 1-2 min length and have provided references for those who wish to learn more. 

In a hostile discussion setting, generally, the other party’s interest is not to get educated about Hinduism but to find faults in it. Even after hours of explaining, the other party will not be satisfied. In such a situation, the best approach is to start with a defence strategy and to provide a simple and brief answer, and follow it up with an offensive strategy to ask similar and difficult questions back to the other party. 

For now, only Questions-Answers (QAs) are provided that are useful for discussions between Hindu and Muslim youths but later, we will add QAs for other faiths later. 

We do not have any intention to criticize any faith or practices but this information is provided only for a potential hostile situation or while getting engaged with proselytizers.

We expect several updates to this document. Ask for the latest version at



Chapter I: Hindu God Concept

Section 1.1: Who is your God?

Section 1.2: There is only one God in the Vedas. So why do you worship many?

Section 1.3: Why do you have too many gods?

Section 1.4: Why do you pray to rivers, plants, animals etc.?

Chapter II: Problems with Hindu God Concept

Section 2.1: What kind of God is your Krishna who plays with so many women?

Section 2.2: Why did Shri Krishna commit adultery with his aunt, what kind of God is he?

Section 2.3: Did Krishna have 16,108 wives?

Section 2.4:  Why was Sita Devi abducted by Ravana and abused there?

Section 2.5: Why did Lord Rama need the help of Monkeys, if he was God why did he not do it by himself?

Section 2.6: Why did Lord Rama not trust his beloved wife Sita?

Section 2.7: Is Shivlinga a phallic symbol?

Section 2.8: Why did Shiva cut the head of his son Ganesh?

Section 2.9: Why did Shiva carry his dead wife around India?

Section 2.10: Why is Ma Kali’s dress so bad and is killing people?

Chapter III: Hindu Practices

Section 3.1: Why do Hindus eat cow’s milk but not beef?

Section 3.2:  Why do you drink cow urine?

Section 3.3: When you give food to your gods, why do they not eat that food?

Section 3.4: Hindus burning people after death is a terrible thing!

Section 3.5:  Islam is a religion of peace, why don’t you join?

Section 3.6: Purda system is a protection for girls.

Section 3.7:  Uncircumcised men cannot perform

More information: Hindu-Muslim MarriageShariaMuslim-Hindu marriagesHindu-Muslim lovers’ experiencesKoran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boyMarriage & Divorce laws.
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