Comments under different names is illegal on this site

A post created for “manas” is now deleted because he has used different names like manas, Md rao, Mohamed, Bengali, and Jyotirmoy on this site to deceive readers. All these comments came from the geographic vicinity of Mr. Haque.

Mr. Haque, as he said, is a liar. He is a sex maniac and a bragger and creating wrong impression about Islam (a concern of Gokusan). For this reason, now onward we are banning Mr. Haque from commenting on this web site. You may read similar such comments by My. Haque at…
“Before puberty, every Hindu girl should marry Muslim boy(s)” – Haque
Learn Islam from an Expert –Haque
I am a Muslim first then an Indian –Haque

We would like to hear from other Muslims about viewpoints of Mr. Haque.

We are sorry to readers for it took us sometime to identify truth about “manas” and other bloggers. This is an inherit nature of public blogging. However we are working hard to bring honest comments to our readers. Stay tuned.

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  • admin
    December 21, 2018 12:34 pm

    Dear manas, Md rao and Jyotirmoy,
    Our investigation has found you are the same person or a different person using these fake names. We also know your locality and is similar to another very active blogger on this site. If you have your permission we will disclose it on this web site your point of writing these comments.

    If you think our investigator has provided us wrong information, please write back here. Our investigation can have mistakes and wish to be fair to you. If you do not write back, we assume you are fake blogger(s) and will treat your information as such.

    We work hard on this site to bring genuine bloggers. Thank you all for understanding our concerns.

  • Gokusan
    December 20, 2018 9:50 am

    Also regarding I am Muslim first Indian second is not a problem. Islam tecahes us to obey the law of land as well as be true to land which feed you,clothe you ,gives you shelter and place to perform your prayers . As long as these criterias meet I do not see a hostility with the above statement.

  • Gokusan
    December 20, 2018 9:43 am

    Dear Admin,
    Banning anyone cannot solve anything. We have to take into consideration everyone view .

    • December 20, 2018 1:16 pm

      Agree 100% and that is why we allowed Mr. Haque’s comment goes on and even made a few posts out of it. We appreciate all his Islamic views and enlightening readers. However, views like “Before puberty, every Hindu girl should marry Muslim boy(s)” has no place on this site. Some comments made by the same IP address and e-mail addresses of manas, Md rao and Jyotirmoy and coming from the same locality of Mr. Haque is concerning. What we will do with posts that other readers can doubt about its authenticity? Why should any web site allow one person making comments with different names and supporting each other’s claims?

      Is Islam all about going after Brahmin mothers and girls? We don’t think so. Like you did, even our other readers will doubt if out intention is to make Islam look a culprit. It is time to stop such one sided views and allow others express their views.

      Mr. Haque is unpredictable and can get obnoxious to any one who goes against his views. He has treated Hanah Khan very badly to the extent of going personal. Unfortunately she stopped visiting this site. This is a big loss to the site. We have also heard similar complains earlier from others. We should have taken this steps earlier.

      A web site attract like kinded reviewers. If our web site is filled with full of comments on Brahmin mothers/girls going with Muslims boys, it will certainly drive away other innocent interfaith couples in love. As you can see, for past few months, this site is all about Mr. Haque’s views and we have seen decline in other’s comments. We want this site to be more intellectually discussing issues at hands, and give room to people like Hanah and you.

      Lets continue the mission of helping youths in love from all facets of life.

  • Gokusan
    December 19, 2018 11:18 am

    Bruh it seems internet is flooding with this type of crazy sex stories. And the thing that is really impossible is they are talking about your wife and the first part where your family members had sex. In real life it doesn’t work that way. The workers are way too afraid even to make a move. It is great to make up a story but post it to relevant website. Giving in to the rrlute of the admin here it seems he is trying to proove Muslims are some sort of beast that is trying to take away Hindu women. Just like in West they are portraying black men getting all the white women. Like in West there is a popular narrative “once you go black you cannot come back. Here on India the same narratives you are trying to pin on Muslims. Which is pretty shaky to say the least.

    I used to have a good amount of respect for Mr.Md. Zia Ul Haq but the way you are protraying yourself and the way you are diminishing the name of Muslims by saying women are asking to ask you to involve in some sort of immoral things which hardly holds true in real life which I am certain.

    • Md.Zia-ul-Haque
      December 19, 2018 12:27 pm

      Mr.Gokusan, normally I don’t tell lies save and except for specific reasons to irritate and contradict communal people like admin who are always critizing Islam and Muslims without any rhyme or reason.They leave no stone unturned to find fault with Muslims but remain silent when questions are asked about hindu religion. Yet I love admin from tge bottom of my heart knowing fully well that he does not want to loose any opportunity to malign me. However what I have about the hindu woman is a fact and not concocted.

    • Md.Zia-ul-Haque
      December 19, 2018 12:36 pm

      Sorry Mr.Gokusan she was not a Muslim woman but a hindu brahmin who wanted sexual favour from me. I don’t understand as to why and how do you disbelieve me even after reading the statements of sudhansu,manas xing.

    • December 20, 2018 2:36 am

      Dear Gokusan,
      We see you as an honest and believer Muslim and respect you. All other Muslims we know are also honest living their normal life with their own views about religion. However, Mr. Haque, as he said, is a liar. He is a sex maniac and creating wrong impression about Islam. For this reason, now onward we are banning him from commenting on this web site.

      We had doubt about Manas story and after a few days we reluctantly published it. Now we know that manas, Md rao and Jyotirmoy are the same person. For these reasons, we are deleting his post here.

      We are sorry to readers for us to take us sometime to identify truth about some bloggers. This is an inherit nature of public blogging. However we are working hard to bring honest comments to our readers. Stay tuned.

  • Gokusan
    December 19, 2018 9:38 am

    Really bruh. Look this type of thing it seems have no basis with reality . Too made up. It can be either due to two things first and foremost to give false narratives about Muslims or to stroke muslim male ago. I am what you can say an Orthodox Muslim and for me I think this type of thing is due to this.

    • Manas
      December 19, 2018 10:00 am

      Its not made up sir,it has happened to my family.i hv also given the immigration prblm that is happening in west bengal.too many muslim people come here daily frm Bangladesh.and one more thing,truth is always stranger than fiction.

      Admin’s notes: Different names used by manas, mdRao and Jyotimoy, all these from the similar localities of Mr. Haque.

    • December 19, 2018 12:51 pm

      We know many Muslims but none is behaving, bragging or talking any close to Haque. This is true here “to stroke muslim male ago”. Yes, Mr. Haque is a sex maniac and now we have banned him from this site.

      Lets get back to helping youths in interfaith love. Thanks.

  • Md rao
    December 19, 2018 7:57 am

    Its not about being Hindu or muslim its about the truth..and the truth is hindu women specially married hindu women craves for muslim men.

    Admin’s notes: Different names used by manas, mdRao and Jyotimoy, all these from the similar localities of Mr. Haque.

  • Md rao
    December 19, 2018 2:12 am

    Exactly,our hindu women r always thristy fr muslim cum and it has been the case for centuries.u cant stop it now.generally muslim men r beast in bed unlike us who hardly satisfies their other way,hindu women r goddess of sex with a fertile womb.they likes domination and Muslim men does exactly that.hindu girls r pleased to get impregnated by real men aka muslim.i m really happy to see this case of manas mother and mausi as they were from high profile background and the Muslim workers were just immigrant bangladeshi.still they gave their body and womb to produce muslim child and converted to islam.thats great.everyday lots of married women r having sex with muslim and getting impregnated and hence the muslim children r increasing.hope one day evry hindu girls womb gets filled with Muslim babies.

    Admin’s notes: Different names used by manas, mdRao and Jyotimoy, all these from the similar localities of Mr. Haque.

    • Md.Zia-ul-Haque
      December 19, 2018 7:44 am

      Unfortunately admin will give some wrongful, lughing and biased explanation. Let admin accept the truth. When I was young,I remember, almost all my hindu lady collegues requested me to have sex with them but I as I am all along a fundamentallist therefore did not accede to any request.Even now I am requested by some hindu women including my clients to have sex with them

      • December 20, 2018 2:09 am

        Mr. Haque, you are certainly a sex maniac and not believing in Koran 24:30. Sorry, we do not need such person on this site.

  • Md.Zia-ul-Haque
    December 18, 2018 10:59 pm

    Dear Admin,
    You know that I am a proud fundamentalist Muslim as I follow the fundamentals of Islam in toto. But communal rather 100% secular. This morning one Putul Mukherji aged about 45 had come down to my house from North Bengal and without any hesitation proposed me to marry her in Islamic way. When I expressed my inabilty she became displeased and requested me to have sex with her but I declined. While leaving my place she said she would come in the 2nd Week of January along with her beautiful 20 year old college going daughter.She has given me the option to take her daughter either as my life partner. I am at a fix. Please advise what should I do now.
    Also analyse and make a research as to why the hindu girls and women are so much after Muslim boys and married and unmarried men.IN MY HUMBLE OPINION HINDU GIRLS ARE SEX HUNGRY AND SOME MUSLIMS TAKE THIS ADVANTAGE. WHAT DO YOU SAY?

    • Md rao
      December 19, 2018 6:05 am

      Zia ul haq i will suggest u to marry the young daughter and also keep her mom with u.they both need to get satisfied by ur muslim manhood and make both pregnant(i dnt know if 45 old mother started menopaus) . Hv two kids from both and let them grow up as brothers.go on sir

      Admin’s notes: Different names used by manas, mdRao and Jyotimoy, all these from the similar localities of Mr. Haque.

      • Md.Zia-ul-Haque
        December 19, 2018 10:58 am

        I am a fundamentallist and by the Grace of Almighty Allah one and only person in the world who is a qualified Moulvi i.e passed Alim with Degrees in Science and Law and was also twice adjudged by,U.S.A as the top Islamic Experts of World and therefore I don’t want to committ such crime. However,I want that admin should agree that Muslims are not responsible but hindu girls and women are sex hungry and need to have sex at any cost with Muslims if necessarry with labour class also.

    • December 20, 2018 2:07 am

      Mr. Haque is a sex maniac, not believing Koran 24:30.

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