Jesus and Muhammad same?

Namaz womenIt is not appropriate to compare two religious leaders of different times. However, a question is raised here compelling us to make this post. We hope readers will fill in to share their knowledge to learn about these two leaders. Muslim and non-Muslim interfaith couple should know this facts for how it will shape their planned married life.

mac says: June 24, 2016 at 2:54 am

Again admin you diverted the topic, and your above comment reflects your hate towards muhammad, the last prophet of islam. There may be some trivial differences between muhammad’s teaching and jesus’s teaching as both lived in different era at different place, but that difference doesn’t mean jesus msg was progressive and muhammad’s was something else. You can’t even show me 3 differences between jesus and muhammad’s teaching but talking abt how different muhammad and jesus were. Fact is both jesus and muhammad teachings were same, came from same god for same purpose.

Admin says:

Mac, First, we do not have against any one and believe–people have rights to believe what ever. Further, we have limited knowledge about them thus educate us. With our limited knowledge, we believe, the difference is certainly more than trivial. Please correct us to complete below statements. For Jesus’s messages are based on Matthew, Mark and Luke in the Bible while Muhammad’s messages are based on the Koran and some hadiths.

1) Jesus becomes a preacher and, in the end, was hanged for expressing Himself. Compared to that, Muhammad was a warrior (70 wars in 10 years), terrorize unbelievers/enemies in 610-630 AD, wars were financed from looting traveling Quarash, encouraged followers to take laws in hands against unbelievers and in the end Muhammad gained everything his way to become a ruler of Arabia in 631. Thus both had different life and ends.

2) Jesus on sex: We do not know if Jesus slept with any one, correct us.

3) Jesus’ focus was to be a humble human being (love thy neighbor). He tried to modify some old irrational practices (i.e. progressive thinking). Jesus focus was doing good karma and not ripe benefit from others for His or His follower’s advantage. His emphasis was not intolerance against others, including for idol-worshippers. Now tell us about Muhammad.

Will a Jain or Buddhist be better of being a neighbor of Muhammad or Jesus?

4) Even Jesus knew Judas will betray Him; He did not take any step against him. It cost Him His life. Compared to that Muhammad said–kill any one who give up Islam (Bukhari 9.84.57). On suspicion of spying, in 627, Muhammad killed 800 Jews male and kept their wives/daughters. Tell us how both of them are same in terms of treating their potential enemy.

5) Jesus was not after starting a new religion (He was happy being a reformed Jew; Christianity was founded much later) but Muhammad was with clear ambition to rule over Mecca. Was it not true?

6) Jesus had no concern what will happen after Him. Compared to that, probably Muhammad did not want someone else later take fame and thus convince Muslims that He is the last apostle. One may agree to your statement “the last prophet of islam” but not the last prophet of God. This point is about your faith, and faith has no logic. So, you may believe what ever as you wish.

Mac, we agree to your statement “from same god” but not to “for same purpose.” Please correct us for how to interpret all these 6 points that both were same. Excuse us for our ignorance and enlighten us. -Admin


This is something all interfaith couples should understand.
SOURCE: Shadid Hamid, Times

We want to believe we’re all basically the same and want the same things, but what if we’re not?

Islam, in both theory and practice, is “exceptional” in how it relates to politics. Because of its outsize role in law and governance, Islam has been—and will continue to be—resistant to secularization.

I am a bit uncomfortable making this claim, especially now with anti-Muslim bigotry on the rise. But “Islamic exceptionalism” is neither good nor bad. It just is, and we need to understand and respect it, even if it runs counter to our own hopes and preferences.

Two factors worth emphasizing: First, the “founding moment” of Islam looms large. Unlike Jesus Christ, the Prophet Muhammad was a theologian, a preacher, a warrior and a politician, all at once. He was also the leader and builder of a new state, capturing, holding and governing new territory. Religious and political functions, at least for the believer, were no accident. They were meant to be intertwined in the leadership of one man.

Second, more than merely the word of God, for Muslims, the Quran is God’s direct and literal speech. It is difficult to overstate the centrality of divine authorship. This does not mean Muslims are literalists; most are not. But it does mean the text cannot easily be dismissed as irrelevant.

Of course, Muslims are not bound to their “founding moment,” but they can’t fully escape it, either. In an ideal world, we might wish that secular Muslims win the war of ideas, but it is difficult to see how this might happen. If Islam is fundamentally different than Christianity, then there is little reason to think it will (or even should) follow a similar path of a reformation then enlightenment.

What does this mean for everyone else? It means Western observers need to do something uncomfortable and difficult. They will need to accept Islam’s vital and varied role in politics and formulate policies with that in mind, rather than hoping for secularizing outcomes that are unlikely anytime soon, if ever. -Hamid (Shadi Hamid is a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and the author of Islamic Exceptionalism: How the Struggle Over Islam is Reshaping the World.)

mac says: …. soon to come, stay tuned!

View videos: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
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  • Saagar
    July 23, 2016 6:21 pm


    I would agree with you – Massey great reading – Mac with due respect please enlighten us. How these are Trivial Issues and acceptable by GOD. Then i would share the core reason – why you think its all OK and Trivial and why Massey thinks otherwise.

  • July 23, 2016 7:14 am

    mac, we have left blank space for you to fill in, convince us that Jesus and Muhammad are same.

  • July 4, 2016 2:35 pm

    Are Jesus and Muhammad same? Are you saying same like apple and orange–both has vitamins and nutrients to offer? If so, do people have choice of picking one of two, one sometimes and other the other times or only one of two as the best? Can one say “LA ILAHA ILL LALLAH MOHAMMADUR RASULULLAH” or also “LA ILAHA ILL LALLAH JESUSUR RASULULLAH”, since God is the same?

  • mac
    June 28, 2016 4:51 am

    Like i said, you will focus on trivial issues, like sex. Will refute all your points one by one but for that you have to publish my comment in main section not in comment section as other comments will take my apt comments below the post.

    • Admin
      June 28, 2016 8:09 pm

      Yes educate readers.

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