I am a Muslim Girl and a Hindu Loves Me

Shifna says: January 20, 2016 at 3:26 am

I am a Muslim girl from Bangalore , and the one who loves me is a hindu. He wants to get converted to Islam but I don’t want him to get converted to Islam unless and until he truely believes in islam.I want him to get converted not just because to get married to me.I want him to know about Islam and he should have trust on only one god that is Allah. Then only I can think of getting married to him. So please anyone can help teaching him Islam?

I don’t trust him blindly that he is gonna convert to Islam later on. That’s why I want him to learn what Islam is. Even he is interested to learn Islam. He is also ready to get converted now itself but just for my sake. But I want him to get converted for allah not for me. I want him to understand and learn about Islam. So I still haven’t taken any decision of getting married to him. I just want someone who can help him teaching Islam. If anyone could do so, please let me know.-Shifna

Mohammed says: January 20, 2016 at 4:29 am
wa alaikumus salam sister,

Firstly you are doing a wrong thing. . Islam doesnt teach to look at a non-mehram

Allah says in the Quran in surah nur chapter 24 v 31
” And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband’s fathers, their sons, their husbands’ sons,”

you should lower ur gaze when u look to the non-mehram and In islam a muslim cant marry a non muslim men untill he doesnt belive,

Allah says in the Quran in surah baqrah chapter 2 v 221
“.. Nor marry (your girls) to unbelievers until they believe: A man slave who believes is better than an unbeliever, even though he allures you.Unbelievers
do (but) beckon you to the Fire. But Allah beckons by His Grace to the Garden (of bliss) and forgiveness, and makes His Signs clear to mankind: That they may celebrate His praise.”

what if he tell u that he doesnt want to convert to islam did u still going to marry..if u still marry him without convert then remember that you are nearer to the hellfire. .
its your decision sister. .-Mohammed

Shifna says: February 24, 2016 at 8:24 am

Dear Brother,
I too have feelings for that guy. But the thing is, I want him to become a true Muslim. And alhamdulillah he also loves Islam and he also learn whatever I teach him about Islam and he always ask me some or the other thing regarding Islam. He is very much interested in learning Islam.

I have already told him that if you want to get converted to Islam just because of me then no need. If you really believe in Almighty then get converted, I’ll marry you.

We both are not going to stay in his Hindu family. He is ready to leave everyone for me. -Shifna

View videos: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
Also read: Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus?, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Malaysia in love, Marriage laws.
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  • Sanjay
    December 22, 2017 12:55 am

    I’m Hindu I’m interested converter Muslim
    Please help me

    • December 22, 2017 8:28 am

      Are you in love with a Muslim? Tell us what you are not happy with your faith. How many other faiths you have explored and compared.

  • Rabia
    February 29, 2016 2:00 am

    Salaam alaikum Shifna,

    The best way is for your boyfriend to understand Islam is to get in touch with a scholar, or watch Youtube videos. Hamza Yusuf, an American convert (revert), is a great scholar of Islam who is familiar with it and you can watch his videos on Youtube – he is sometimes criticised by pindu maulvi types for being too “Westernized” but he is amazing & that is a fact. He doesn’t just lecture like many brothers on this forum, he actually studied & knows his stuff.

    May Allah help you two lovers unite in holy matrimony one day, iA!

  • mac
    February 24, 2016 9:41 am

    Dear sister Shifna, all i can say that wish we had more and more muslim girls like you in our indian muslim community.

  • January 25, 2016 9:21 pm

    Updated comment….I am a Hindu guy from Kerala, india…I am 15 years old I am in love with a Muslim girl she loves me back, we wish to marry in future… After 8 years…. But thing is that I told her that I will covert to Muslim…but she doesn’t agree…..but is there any thing we can do….to marry in future (according to Indian rule), (but she agree that she can convert to Hindu if possible)……(and also if her’s and my parents agree well because we study well…)and her and my parents know each other because we are neighbour and we are also from good family background…. Her family is also silent….

  • January 25, 2016 9:09 pm

    I am a Hindu guy from Kerala, india…I am 15 years old I am in love with a Muslim girl she loves me back, we wish to marry in future… After 8 years…. But thing is that I told her that I will covert to Muslim…but she doesn’t agree…..but is there any thing we can do….to marry in future (according to Indian rule), (but she agree that she can convert to Hindu if possible)……(and also if her’s and my parents agree well because we study well…)

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10972

  • ahmad noor
    January 23, 2016 4:07 am

    We value your islamic behavior dealing with such case ..and that is what we say always convertion has to be according to full conviction not for only love story .. cz marriage life (we are human ) somtimes wife nad husband may have sweet times then may come hard times ..life is like that
    and if he is not well convienced in islam you may not know his response
    sister islam is a simple and clear religion
    basicly he must know that he must believe in one creator for this world and humanity
    ..and that is why we worship him and have to believe in his orders through his prophet muhammad (p.u.h.)and he has to believe in jugdment day when all humanity will be asked by god about their believe and about their good deeds and bad deeds good for good and bad for bad
    that is why conversion should followed by praying and be patient on praying ..for new follower praying needs strong beleive
    strong beleive he can get it by you let him meeting a well named scholar who can explain every unknown point ..he needs to know
    and you may have a genral idea from that scholar wether he is truely beleive in islam seroiusly or not ..and you depend on allah and ask him help for your task the more you are near to allah the more your way will be clear for decision
    but if i were you and see that it is not easy to do all these better you marry a muslim

    • January 23, 2016 9:31 am

      ALL faiths believe in the first part “he must know that he must believe in one creator” but Islam is different in “have to believe in his orders through his prophet muhammad (p.u.h.)”. So the difference between other faiths and Islam is Muhammad. So among many apostle and gurus, like Guru Nanak, Jesus, Buddha, Rama, Mose, Muhammad, etc, if one wishes to exclusively believe in Muhammad, then one has to follow Islam. If you wish to believe all and have flexibilities, you have other choices.

      • ahmad noor
        January 26, 2016 1:58 am

        Admin one true god leads to one true religion

        • January 26, 2016 6:51 am

          …and which one is ONE God? Is that Lord God as described in Torah, the Father God as in Bible, Krishna as in Gita or the one narrated by Muhammad?

          • mira
            March 16, 2018 4:27 am

            In Bhagavad Gita lord Krishna says that he is god of all Gods
            Read chapter 7,8,18 of Bhagavad Gita
            Or read whole Bhagavad Gita to become knowledgeable.
            You can read Bhagavad Gita easily so why you are living in ignorance?

      • mohamed
        January 27, 2016 9:03 pm

        How ever, All major Religion preach to only true Almighty Allah and Prophet Muhammed(p.b.u.h) is the last and final Messenger of True God..
        If you belive in hinduism it leads back to Islam Only, If you belive in Christianity its also leads back to Islam..

        • mira
          March 16, 2018 4:45 am

          Hinduism says God is one and only one but wise call him by many names.
          As Sri Krishna says in BG I am Vishnu, Shiva,Brahma and the eternal energy.
          Islam is 1400 Year old religion don’t compare it with eternal (without start without End) Sanatan dharma.
          Our god never divide his creation as Hindu Muslim Christian.
          For our god everyone is equally beloved .
          Even our god never descrimiate between devotees and non devotees.

  • Momeen
    January 22, 2016 7:59 am

    Tears of blood, heart‐tearing curses, devastated humanity is the path to heaven: Islamic way


  • January 21, 2016 9:40 pm

    Dear Shifna,
    You said he loves you. Are you telling us that you don’t have any feeling for him? He is just one of millions of other boys around for you? If he dump you, you will not be hurt at all? Please clarify.

    After marriage, where are you planning to reside? His Hindu home?

    You should read this case https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=3581. He may fake-convert to Islam but you cannot make him 100% Muslim and 0% Hindu. If you really wants a 100% muslim, go to your local mosque and find a guy who is performing namaz five times a day. Otherwise, you are getting into deeper trouble. Be careful!

    • Shifna
      February 24, 2016 8:24 am

      Dear Brother,
      Sorry for the delay in response. I too have feelings for that guy. But the thing is, I want him to become a true Muslim. And alhamdulillah he also loves Islam and he also learn whatever I teach him about Islam and he always ask me some or the other thing regarding Islam. He is very much interested in learning Islam.

      I have already told him that if you want to get converted to Islam just because of me then no need. If you really believe in Almighty then get converted, I’ll marry you.

      We both are not going to stay in his Hindu family. He is ready to leave everyone for me.

      • February 25, 2016 9:01 pm

        Hi Shifna,
        Do you perform namaz five times a day?
        Do you cover your hairs?
        Do you see yourself being an obedient wife of a Muslim guy who perform namez five times a day in your local mosque and follow Koranic teaching 100%?
        Do the Islamic practice of polygamy and talaak bother you?
        Koran (24:30) says Muslim girls are not supposed to look at men. If you see see other (Hindu) boy, you are supposed to lower your gaze. Are you following this message of Allah?

        After reading above, answer – are you a true Muslim? If you are not a Muslim, why you expect others to be a Muslim? If you are looking for a rose, why are you dating a carnation? You cannot convert a carnation to rose, might as well search for a real rose!

        Believe us, you cannot make a Hindu 100% Muslim. Yes, in his love or for his lust, he may promise you every thing but that does not mean he will fulfill those promises 5 years down in your married life. Later, he may start going back to his parents or take your children to his parents, how can you stop him?

        You said, “He is very much interested in learning Islam”. If you were a Christian, he would be interested in knowing more about Jesus. If you were a mountain climber, he would love to hear all about mountain climbing, or even join you for such activities. But that does not mean he will be ready to be 0% Hindu and 100% Muslim.

        What is a guarantee that he will be a true Muslim and will never revert back to Hinduism?

        • mac
          February 27, 2016 2:44 am

          //Koran (24:30) says Muslim girls are not supposed to look at men. If you see see other (Hindu) boy, you are supposed to lower your gaze. Are you following this message of Allah?//

          What if that hindu guy is interested in learning islam and becoming muslim?
          Is it not the duty of a muslim(shifna in that matter) as per quran to guide non-muslim to islam if he is interested in learning islam?
          There are so many hindu boys who became muslim and are married with muslim girls and still practicing islam. I can post their fb ids.

          Quran also says even a namaz performing muslim can be a dweller of hell fire, then admin why you test people whether he/she is muslim based on namaz only?

          Isn’t she striving to be true muslim by following quran 2:221 which says convert your spouse to islam before marriage and so that both partners can live eternelly in heaven

          Also humans are not rose, rose is a mere flower, so comparison of humans with rose is invalid. Islam is belief, a person having hinduismic belief can replace his/her belief by islam, is it impossible?

          And i grant your argument of rose, then still what’s the problem, if someone finds a carnation and wants to make it rose and if there are ways possible to do so, you will say practically it is not possible, but since your entire argument of comparing ‘human’ bf of shifna with a ‘flower’ rose is hypothetical, then what’s wrong in hypothetically considering a carnation transforming into rose?

          //Believe us, you cannot make a Hindu 100% Muslim.//
          What’s your evidences for that? Then how come there are so many couples even after 20 years of their marriage practicing islam both as a muslim? Though you are not entirely wrong, there are many cases like what you described but those were fake conversion, the guy just for the sake of nikah converted to islam, muslim girls involved in such marriages suffer not when their hindu bf seriously accepts islam.

          //You said, “He is very much interested in learning Islam”. If you were a Christian, he would be interested in knowing more about Jesus.// Islam also includes Jesus pbuh, there are more information about jesus in islam than bible(new testament)
          There are many hindu boys having christian gf and they aren’t interested in knowing jesus

          //If you were a mountain climber, he would love to hear all about mountain climbing, or even join you for such activities.//
          Admin, a mountain climber can be a muslim too, mountain climping is hobby, islam is faith.

          • Mohammed
            February 27, 2016 4:50 am

            Bro mac,

            He always diverting mind of people, his main aim is to stop those people who want to convert from hinduism to islam/chiristianity but he will convience to other faith who wants to convert to hinduism..

            He wants to take away truth from the people and making fight with each other

          • February 27, 2016 8:26 am

            24:30 and 2:221 are both Muhammad’s teachings, and it is suppose to start with 24:30. A LOVE-JIHADI will ignore the 24:30 and then after years of romantic relationship will bring up 2:221. A true Muslim (non-Jihadi) will only look for a true Muslim life mate and like 2:221 said will not go to a date with pagan.

          • mac
            February 27, 2016 8:48 am

            I agree, but what if someone is ignorant initially he/she should follow verse 2:221 , that is why allah revealed that verse. Ya it’s better to marry someone from own’s faith.

          • February 27, 2016 10:18 am

            Mohammed and mac,

            When a Muslim girl date a Hindu and get happy when the guy takes interest in Islam, that is not a reason to celebrate. It could be he is taking interest out of his lust for her. If her interest is in following Muhammad’s philosophies, she better marry a pure Muslim.

            We believe, in today’s world, one needs to learn to take some and give some (50%-50%) in married life. If one’s intent is 100% of one and 0% of the other, then might as well look for who is 100% to begin with. If not, love-Jihadi approach may bring frustration in life. If Muslim girls wish to take chances with their lives, it is their choice.

            Would you recommend your (cousin) sister to date a Hindu with the ‘hope’ that he will convert to Islam and remain a true Muslim till the last day?

            If you ask us what would we recommend? We would say people to stick with their own faith unless you are open minded and flexible. In married life, there is so much to give and take from each other. Instead of imposing that there is only one way and that is mine, might as well take best from both faiths and let children decide their own faith.

            Mohammed, have you ever dated a Hindu girl?

            mac, ask your (Brahmin) mother her initial married life experiences. Does she encourage you to marry a Brahmin girl today? Ask her for her advise, let us know what she says.

        • Mohammed
          February 27, 2016 8:20 pm

          Iam not against what you said admin,
          but why same u didnt say to those people who wants to convert from other faith mainly muslims to hinduism..
          why didnt you take ur love jihadi about 50-50 relationship at that time?
          why u didnt say “why to make rose to cartition why cant be rose and rose, cartition and cartition”
          where these statements are gone off when the same hindus are trying to converting their bf/gf?

        • Mohammed
          February 27, 2016 8:46 pm

          Quran says on 24:30-31 to lower gaze .. we agree that, why u didnt ask same questions to hindus for lower gaze where it clearly describes in veda, Rig veda 8:33:19
          you want to ask these questions to those people who are in interfaith lovers not to us. .

          • February 28, 2016 9:19 am

            Mohammad and mac,

            Lets talk the core issue, not little points – you said this and that.

            There are so many faiths in this world and they will remain in our life time. It is one’s faith and not truth. It is not right to hurt someone’s feelings. We are not God’s apostles. We are are trying to preach that we learned from our surroundings.

            We MUST learn to tolerate others and their faith. As soon as one start throwing dirt/stones at other, there will be 5 stones returned. All faiths have limitations. There are always enough negative about any faith that one can fill 100 such web sites. So lets try to refrain from being negative. We have refrained from making an interesting post on Muhammad’s wives for exact the same reason.

            Today, more and more youths are like Rabia. Now she is already married, might as well she try to make the best of her happy married life rather than making her life a battle ground for which one of two faiths is right. As days goes by, we will see even more youths just like Rabia. This is simple reality of our life.

            We work with so many Muslim closely and their views are quite different than what you portrait on this web site. We also know many Hindu-Muslim couples having happy married life. Yes, the Hindu may have fake-converted and the Muslim was part of Hindu vivaha, after marriage they carry on married life by sharing joys from both faiths. What is wrong with that? Yes, our job on this web site is to warn of potential issues in their planned dream married life.

            We hope to work with both of you on this web site for a better world for ALL.

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