Can a Muslim Marry to a Jain?

Mahavir Swaminaeem says: November 4, 2015 at 9:33 am

hello i am a muslim n i want to marry with jain girl she also want to marry me …. is this possible in india -Naeem

Admin says:


Simplest answer is Yes, but also no.

You live in India and is a free country. Any boy and girl at appropriate ages can marry each other, irrespective of their faith, by the Special Marriage Act 1954.

If you ask a Jain, the answer will surely be no. The Jain parents will try their best to break this relationship. If you say you are willing to convert to Jain, they will not trust you.

Like wise, if you ask any imam or Muslim community (read 6 points), their answer will be no and yes. Muslims marry by Nikaah and no imam will perform marriage of a Muslim to non-Muslim. In this respect, the “Jain” cannot have a Nikaah with a Muslim, however the imam will recommend to convert the Jain to Muslim by Shahadah and now, since she is a Muslim, you can marry her.

Marriage is one thing but maintaining the marriage is a whole very difficult issue to deal with. If she has even 10% Jain in her, that will spell hell for you later in your life, especially after children. For this reason, do not force her to fake-convert to Islam. Now, instead of true love, if you start love-proselytizing her, people will call you a love-Jihadi, are you? Let us know what specific questions you have, thanks. – admin

View videos: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
Also read: Jain-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus?, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Malaysia in love, Marriage laws.
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  • November 23, 2015 11:41 pm

    i m a hindu Rajput,
    my mom is muslim (pathan),
    in india you can marry wid whoever you want,

    but here the silent question is “would your mrg-life be successful”? Could you or she manage your/her regular life with different religious?

    answer is if you both are mature enough and understood so der’s no problem, der’s no any government law that you can’t marry wid hindu or jain whatever,
    but if you prefer traditional mrg, there could be problem from your side or her relatives side that i don’t need you to explain, you can understand what types of problems could be,.

    if you wanna do court mrg, just do it man,.
    and hey i can say from both side, from hindu and from muslim cz my mom is muslim too that

    “believe in humanity, believe in nature as my mom says always, human-human can married bcz its the rule of nature, yep human and dog can’t married bcz it is like againts the rule of nature”,, hehehe,

    and its good if you believe in your god but remember they are not happy only if you do any wrong, and do love to someone is not a crime for any god or for any religious man. love is the greatest positive energy which made by god,.

    so if you do love someone it means you have selected by them whatever they allah or bhagwan.

    in short, if you both are mature enough and there’s no matter about your different casts, you can definitely do marriage..

    Reply at

  • ahmad noor
    November 7, 2015 1:18 pm

    you know that what you say is not correct
    non muslims rights are respected along 1400 years of islam age
    unlike any other religion
    just read the islamic history cz their rights are fixed in koran
    what happened in iraq by isis is not mentioned in our sharia books
    but look how others deals with us there and there

  • ahmad noor
    November 6, 2015 9:25 am

    i do not want to repeat what admin said
    we thank our god that we were born muslims
    i do not know if you are religious or not …but at least you must be proud of being muslim even you do not pray 5 times ..may be in future you will…
    i know muslim friends who are not religiuos ..yet they like their religion
    and they do not like to hear any bad word against it..
    To marry non muslim girl is forbidden in islam ..
    not for you but for one billion and 250 millions muslims
    my advice to you is not to marry her if you can not convert her to islam
    it is not the end of the world
    if you do not marry a muslim girl ….who will marry her ???

    • November 6, 2015 9:20 pm

      This is a love Jihadi talk, “my advice to you is not to marry her if you can not convert her to islam.” It is shame that Muslim boys and girls are using love to proselytize and expand Islam. They have no interest in the girl (unless convert) or love (means nothing to them), but convert, convert and convert.

      Ahmad, if you are honest, why don’t you teach this “Koran (24:30): Muslim men are not supposed to look at women. If they (Muslim boys) see other (Hindu) girl, they are supposed to lower their gaze.” To have romantic relationship for 2-6 years and then ask for religious conversion is barbaric and unjust practice.

      • ahmad noor
        November 7, 2015 9:24 am

        if my talk is love jihad ..i will advise him to explain islam to her before marriage and i did not cz any body who is not completely convinced by religion ..sure one day he will leave it
        the idiom ( love jihad ) came from non muslims and you can not judge what in others minds you are not god
        if muslims marry non muslims girl….who will marry muslim girls …as i said
        my interest in india is ignorance of muslims not so called love jihad
        yes i hope i see india one day become islamic (may be united again ) but by complete convincing and understanding

        • admin
          November 7, 2015 9:33 am

          We do not hope but still agree to you that “i see india one day become islamic”. Rest of few Hindus, Christians, Jains and Sikhs left will be kicked out somewhere (like happened in Kashmir, Pakistan, Bangla Desh, Afghanistan, and more). Islam is great in ethnic cleansing and absolute intolerance to non-believer (read Koran if you are not sure).

        • Shoeb
          April 15, 2018 1:15 pm

          I to love a Jain girl and I am not forcing her to convert. But if she accepts then yes there is nothing like it. However as of now we are depending on court marriage. There are a few little things that we need to sort out such as veg/non veg, festivals and living conditions. Once those are set then we take off!

      • Shoeb
        April 15, 2018 1:09 pm

        Dear admin please do not miss quote Holy quran for leverage. Quran 24:30 says that men and women should lower their gaze and cover their private parts as this is purer for them. It says nothing about Muslim gazing a non Muslim or any of that what you mentioned.

        I would want you to read it with a clear mind. And so mixing politics with religion.

        • April 15, 2018 3:27 pm

          It is acceptable by Koran 24:30 to reach to “I to love a Jain girl”. Have you looked at this girl eyes to eyes with lustful thinking? Have you hold her hands and got good feelings? Is that Islamic act to “I to love a Jain girl”? What would Zakir Naik would say? ..view

        • krish
          April 16, 2018 10:12 pm


          Everytime and everywhere you guys are trying to present Quran says and try to do lovejihad. Can you answer question raised by Admin as well as Hanah. I believe Quran dont have answer for those queries.

          How long you will cheat these Hindu girls.

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