hindu girl says: August 13, 2015 at 6:00 am
Hi Friends…
After reading all the comments and posts i also like to share my experience I am 32 year old married to 37yr muslim guy, we got married two year back after a 13 years long relationship. Me and my husband were always had a very good and strong relations. Our marriage was done according to special marriage act and my hubby always said both of us will respect each other as we are no one is going to change for anyone. After marriage my family accepted our relation afterall they are girls parents they always have to do the sacrifices but my hubby family didnt accepted us.
After a long 2 years now my husband family are in picture they wanted us to be the part of their soceity and reveal our relationship in front of them. But How???????
Simply by converting me to muslim……..
I can say one thing very clearly whenever hindu girl gets married to muslim boy she is already half way to muslim community now its totally depends on girl how she take up and how her husband supporting her.
In my case I am totally confused as my husband is now completely under pressure of his Sister RANI… she is the one who always tried that we should seperate and go for divorce but when she understood since last two years there brother never turned up and continue his relation with me they played a new game CONVERSION…
My hubby also now in there pressure and he also wanted me to convert or go for seperation….
And I think every hindu person will agree in our religion or culture we wheather boy or girl always try to stay connected in the relationship not go for divorce till we reach at the worst condition.
So I also decided I will totally go with my hubby whatever he will say i will do. but he also have to respect my religon and my family and give respect to me first than his family and thats too i will gets signed in stamp paper by all the family members and stamped by there maulvi then i will say kabul for this nikah so that they will never be problem for me in future. -Hindu Girl
Momeen says: August 14, 2015 at 7:31 am
Annul the marriage right now. I’m from the very same community- you never know the level of insanity! Take any Muslim gathering, even a party- they’ll be discussing only about Quran and hadees. They’re mentally sick with the venom being injected into them right from infancy. Better quit now itself, before it’s too late. You get thousand signatures and yet you’ll find yourself squeezed in the anaconda grip. -Momeen
View videos: No Hindu girl can spend her life with a Muslim boy, Hindu married to a Muslim: Life has been sooo difficult…, Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
Also read: Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus?, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Malaysia in love, Marriage laws.
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I would say any non muslim woman marrying a muslim man ,have to automatically convert one day untill they belong to very high class
in lower and middle class conversion is must
Admin i wont blame you for such mentality! You people are nurtured like this!
So no point in discussing things with you..
Recruitment is a major part of any cult. Once a normal person gets into the cult, he enters into the delusional world of heaven. Getting sucked into the cult is the easiest part but once you comprehend the mire and want to quit, you’ll know how difficult it is!
Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10357
Islam is the best religion, i have also converted to islam, my gf is muslim. So don’t be afraid of converting into muslim as it is the religion from true god.
Good luck!
anti-islamic,anti-muslim comment of ex-muslim momeen got place in the main blog while pro-muslim,pro-islam comment of ex-hindu remained only in comment section and admin calls this website as interfaithshaadi with equality, if admin is unfair, then how can this website be called as website with equality, equality is not just based on the contributors, but it depends on Admin.
Annul the marriage right now. I’m from the very same community- you never know the level of insanity! Take any Muslim gathering, even a party- they’ll be discussing only about Quran and hadees. They’re mentally sick with the venom being injected into them right from infancy. Better quit now itself, before it’s too late. You get thousand signatures and yet you’ll find yourself squeezed in the anaconda grip.
You prove that you are a Muslim. Make your postal address known to the readers so that then inquire. Prove me wrong. No you won’t do that because you are a fake person or created by admin who has posted address and other details of my mentor Mr.Haque.
Pakhi Begym (Reverted Muslim)
Have you converted to Hinduism to rape your daughter as this heinous act is not all permissible but a very very big sin for which death sentence is awarded.
Now make it clear:
1. Whether you have converted to Hinduism to please your self declared and self made god by raping your own daughter knowing fully well that in Islam death sentence is awarded for such heinous act/crime?
2. Whether you have converted to hinduism just for your sexual pleasure to rape your daughter.
Pakhi Begum(Reverted Muslim)
Momeen i suppport you fully!
For us humanity is more important than any other religion ..but Bakhi begum gave a clear example to her own community! N this forced me to think, are muslims really like this??
Read Haque and you will be surprised why he is still holding such a respectable position in any country! Unbelievable.
Dear Hindu Girl,
You are in a cage with hungry lions; if jump out you will get hurt and if you don’t act, they will eliminate you (a Hindu) out of this world (read Nusrat).
Try to please them is like being in a thick mud. More you will try, more deep you will get into. There is no end to their desires. Trying to please them is not a solution.
We wish to talk a lot with you, can you?
We assume you are highly well educated. Are you working outside home? Are you financially independent?
One warning: do not plan for child till all dust settles down. Your problem will get 10 times more after the baby (read Nirmala).
Making a legal document is a great idea. Please get back to us and we will walk with you. We are waiting!