I am a Hindu Woman Married to a Protestant Christian

Kirti says: July 30, 2015 at 4:09 am

I am a Hindu, I married a protestant. I did not convert as I was very religious. My husband is the most wonderful man on this earth. He had never forced me to give up my religion, in fact he is the one who takes me on my religious trips. such as Madurai temple, balaji, rameshwaram and much more. He has no issues in coming to Mandir, he is the one who also goes to gaushala’s to serve cows.

Everything is fine but my MIL is not happy about me doing pooja at home. (She is unknown about her son visiting Mandir?). She hates me for as I m a hindu. My concern is my daughter who is born after 4 years of my marriage. I want my child to be a good human first and not get religiously stuck. we go to church every Sunday but I don’t her to go to Sunday school as it may change her mind regarding Hinduism. My last concern is my last rites which I want my people to complete as per Hindu rites. Is it possible. What does law say. -Kirti

Kirti says: November 21, 2015 at 2:58 am
My MIL does not stays with us, but yes she is little upset of me doing pooja at home, however its almost 7years and we as family had gone through many ups and downs, and I have tried the best outputs and yes she is always happy about how I took care of the family in the toughest time. I guess She is neither angry with me nor happy. -Kirti

Also read: Interfaith marriage with equality (Video), Hindu-Christian Marriage, Will Gandhi go to Hell since he was not Baptized?, Bible on Hindus?, Idol-Worshippers, I am a Christian mother, I converted without knowledge of my family, I am Christian getting married to a Hindu, Do all Christians go to Heaven?, Ignorent Molly trying to convert a Krishna believer to Christianity ..a video, Namastey London movie…intolerant Christians ..a video, All religions are not same, A Hindu America?, Why I am a Hindu?, A fundamentalist Christian, Why I came back to Hinduism?, Dharma is not the same as religion, Text book on How to convert Hindu Students to Christianity.
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  • April 19, 2019 4:10 am

    Hi Admin,

    I am a Hindu girl, fell for a protestant Christian guy.
    During our initial phases, I never felt he is any different than Hindus..
    Gradually I started realising, although he is a good guy, he is conservative and orthodox Christian.
    I also found out that his parents and even he wants our baby (after marriage) to be Christian and be baptised.
    I dont believe in Christianity but I always thought Christians are chill types but doesnt look like that to me.

    Initially he told me the child will follow both cultures and is free to decidde. On my arguments, that I dont want my child to be baptised or attend Sunday schools as they will brain wash his mind, he became adamant that the child will be Christian..

    I only ask: if there any law which will help me as being the mother, the child has my blood and thus, has my religion. If I dont want this conversion non sense.
    What should I do?

    Are christians not really cool? Is whatever I read about the conversion, the hell and the narrow mentality true?
    Will I suffer if I marry out side my religion?
    I am really scared and I have read several articles here.

    Please help and comment

    Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=15215

  • November 10, 2018 7:04 am

    Hey admin
    My boyfriend broke with me bcz his father has changed his mind by telling that if a hindu and christian get married it will be a curse to future generations ? Does it really happens? I am even ready to convert. He is a protestant. We are sincerely in love with eath other for 5 years and he decided to be a bachelor because he can’t marry me . We still love each other due to his father words and the writings in bible he is stepping back because of our relation to be made why to suffer future generation and telling that his father showed him the examples . I cant miss him and i want to marry him . He’s not even responding to me properly .

    Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=14873

  • December 24, 2015 8:01 am

    Im a hindu women..i have been in relationship with christian..but my family doesnt agree to this..he is not a totall christian..his mother is hindhu..and his father is christian…they celebrates all festivals..and they pray to both gods..but what to do with my family..? I cannot tell the truth..so can i tell that this is a complete hindhu family..am i doing any mistake

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10842

    • Mohammed
      December 24, 2015 8:17 am

      yah .. you are doing great mistake.. why u telling lies to your parents. . dont tell lie… tell every thing which is true

  • Kirti
    November 21, 2015 2:58 am

    My MIl does not stays with us, but yes she is little upset of me doing pooja at home, however its almost 7years and we as family had gone through many ups and downs, and I have tried the best outputs and yes she is always happy about how I took care of the family in the toughest time. I guess She is neither angry with me nor happy.

    • November 21, 2015 9:29 am

      Yours is a borderline case (meaning they are not totally fanatic) thus if you manage situation properly, it will be a win-win for all. Please keep in touch and we will guide you. There are certain places you have to be tough and make your message clear. If you are not doing that, it will ultimately create hell for you (in this life). It is not a matter of being nice to them but doing that is right to do.

      Did you sign a notarized document for your final wishes/WILL? Let your husband sign as a witness and keep several copies including at your parents place. Do it soon.

      Are you working outside home? Are you financially stable? This is important. It is possible that after a few years, your husband may cave in to demands of your MIL and may go against it. Are your ready if that happens?

      She may be upset with doing pooja at home, but are you continuously doing it (we hope yes)? This is your home and, as a (legal) Hindu, you have rights to express your faith. Do not do pooja in hiding (you are not committing some crime) but do in front of MIL and include your daughter. Slowly and slowly increase pooja with bells and deeyas etc. Increase it slowly so MIL will slowly accept that this is the fact of life and has to accept it.

      Going to church is a wrong move unless you wish her to be a Christian. How you like teachings in your church? She will make friends there and will accept that as her part of life. Balance it our by taking her to Hindu temple too. You must confront your MIL on this point. Don’t keep doing things in hiding but exercise your rights.

      Are you in touch with your own parents/family?

      Have you read Bible on Hindus? After reading, let us know what you think. Talk to you later.

  • Akash
    August 1, 2015 3:01 am


    I am a Hindu and am in love with a Christian girl.

    Our parents are not willing but will somehow accept the marriage. Between us we have agreed to follow our religions but for children, will imbibe Hinduism

    My concerns are as follows:

    1. When we have a child, will the child become a confused one. Though, we have agreed on Hinduism, but once a while s/he may go to Church along with her/ grandparents and get confused between Hinduism and Christianity

    2. Will there be problems at the time of marriage of our children. I have seen that children of inter religion marriages find it difficult to get an arrange proposal

    3. Once the initial Euphoria dies down, will we still be able to adjust

    4. I am an ardent Hindu but respect all religions. However, after marriage, I can no more go to my community temple, but can visit general temples

    5. Parents are still convincing me for arranged marriage. But I am not sure, if I can forget the time spent with my girlfriend and accept another girl. Also, there would be a guilt that I gave her hopes of marriage for the past 2 years

    6. I am totally confused. Both sides, there is compromise. Marrying my love will make me compromise the society, religious functions and marrying another girl will make me to compromise with her and get over the sweet memories that I had with my girlfriend. I am not able to decide, which is a better compromise.

    7. I had an abusive past, where I was abused by a lady. ITs over now. But, My girlfriend knows it. Will she bring it up in future, when she is angry is also a worry.

    Can someone help me to take a decision?

  • July 31, 2015 7:35 pm

    Dear Kirti,

    Your situation is like being in thick mud. Slowly and slowly you will sink in. Ultimately your Hindu faith/belief/heritage will totally be wiped out. If you wish to take some steps, we will work with you step wise for how to handle your situation.

    I am glad you did not convert for the marriage. Did you get married in a church? For that, did you sign a pre-Nuptial agreement that your daughter will be baptized and raised only as a Christian? Alternatively, did you got married by the Special Marriage Act 1954?

    This is a very valid concern, “I don’t (want) her to go to Sunday school as it may change her mind regarding Hinduism”. Smart, read these two articles to be clear for what will happen to your daughter if you don’t act now…. Bible on Hindus? and Why Gandhiji will go to Hell.

    The final rites laws are plain and simple, get back to us.

    Are you willing to work with us?

    • Kirti
      October 16, 2015 5:51 am

      Hey admin
      Just read your reply. I did not get married in the church as i did not get baptized. The church pastor did not allow. However the same pastor came for the marriage which we arranged in a hall.

      • Admin
        October 16, 2015 7:44 am

        How are you managing your MIL?
        For your final rite, just sign a notarized fomal document for your wishes. Simple!

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