Hindu-Muslim: We married secretly in a court

bulituli says: March 11, 2013 at 2:51 am

I am a Muslim girl and i love a Hindu guy. we love each other very much. Our relationship is about 7 years and 4 months. I agree to go to house as his wife but his mother says that it is impossible and she never accept me.

We married secretly in a court 7 months ago. My mother says that it is possible if we could go to abroad. Why his mother could not understand our feelings, she says it is impossible. We could not leave without each other. He is a newly software engineering and i gave recently completed my graduation so i do nothing.

My question is that is it impossible why she could not understand our very very deep relationship. -Bulituli

Admin says:

Dear Bulituli,

You are already married and now husband and wife. Now both of your find a job and be financially independent. Best is to find a job far out of your own town/city. After that just go and tell the news to your mother-in-law. Remember, they may disown their own son and may not give a rupee out of their inheritance, if your love is true you should not look at their money. Plan to make your own life, with your own money and hard work.

All parents have pride in their heritage and culture. Hindu-Muslim have very limited culture/religion to share. There is one thousand years of horror history to remind both parents. Now your job is to undo all these. Show your true love for that family and show that a person could be a Hindu as well as a Muslim. Show that Allah and Krishna are different names of the same God. It may take 5 years, but we are confident that you will win their hearts.

You will have to face many additional conflicts while raising children, will they be HIndu or Muslim? will they have Arabic names or Dharmic names? will boy has circumcision? will they learn from Koran or Geeta? We hope you have think through it all. Keep us posted. -Admin.


Veena Malik says: March 11, 2013 at 11:23 am
Hi Bulituli,

Before marrying, you must have discussed all pros and cons of the marriage with your BF. Admn has rightly given suggestions. Live with your husband in a separate home and slowly time will change the attitude of your inlaws. Hindus are liberal and in case you could get a job, that will be wonderful. Your inlaws will miss their son and they will realize the realities. Have patience.

God bless –Veena Malik


More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • August 9, 2015 2:51 am

    Ranu in mushlim in tha hidhu

  • May 4, 2013 1:57 am

    Hi my dear i am hindu guy and m fall in love muslim girl..she is ready to merry me and me also..but i am taking tense with her parents..i dont know what to do..please help me out..i am in very big deep blue sheet..and i cant lve wid out her..

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=5329

  • Akshay
    March 13, 2013 3:01 am

    Dear Bulituli,

    Love happens and love cannot be planned. I am proud of you as you have achieved your love and success in your love.

    Don’t worry, when you are with your love, everything will be solved and it a matter of time.

    Remember God is ONE i.e. super natural power, Heaven and hell is on earth only.

    There is no separate space for Hindus, Muslims, sikhs, christians in so called heaven.

    It is all how you believe, don’t be in belief, if you want to live in beliefs, live in LOVE belief

    May God Bless you, be proud that you have achieved your love


  • March 12, 2013 4:19 am


    Hell is for you and other people like you, who torture, commit attrocities on women in the name of Islam. You are the product of
    Mutta marriage perhaps. Your mother had a contract marriage for a week and then you got produced by her. You dont know you real father.
    Hell is meant for Prophet like rapist and murder and imams and maulvies, who are involved in rape and sodomy in the madrasas and creat terrorists by luring them 72 virgins in heaven if they die during blasts and criminal activities. Your mother was raped by atleast 110000 males so far.

  • March 11, 2013 12:12 pm

    Hi Admn.

    I am Mahrosh,muslim girl age 27 years, doctor by profession, from an Asian country and came to UK for advance training. During training I met with a Hindu guy,who attracted me a lot by his personality traits.
    My parents could not find competent match for me, even they want me to marry my own cousin, who has a small retail business. I have refused to do so being an independent and willing to marry like minded and professionally compatible. Hindu BF does not want me to convert and ready to accept me as it is. He is Orthopaedic surgeon and now I feel that I cannot live without him.

    I wish to settle in UK with him.

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=4712

  • junaid
    March 11, 2013 11:47 am

    Now you will go to hell by marring non muslims as all non muslims will go to hell

    • Secular
      March 11, 2013 10:00 pm

      Here comes the Muslim secular thinker, why the fuck your Islam has a problem when Muslim girl Mary Christians or Hindu? Why don’t you say the same when Muslim boy marry non Muslims? You un cultured , camel goat urine drinker, dirty, ugly, terrorists fundamentalists! Not all Muslims are bad, but Muslims must get rid of Muslims who think like you.

      by your logic non Muslims will go to hell? Fuck you, our god is much more better than its yours, your god don’t own the haven. Most probably ur dream of heaven with virgin girls for sex will never be realized.

    • junaid
      March 11, 2013 11:29 pm

      No muslim is allowed to marry non muslims . Since all non muslims will go to hell. Muslims are not urine drinker it is you drink the urine of cows and worship cows . It is not islam which give rise terriorism it is america isreal and other western countries and creation of palastine give rise of terrorism . Taliban terrorist organisation is creation of America

      • pradeep
        May 26, 2014 10:57 am

        Junaid u people have to prove that u people are muslim rigth yhink better y i have ask this question ?

    • Satyen
      March 12, 2013 3:59 pm


      See you there.

      • junaid
        March 13, 2013 11:53 pm

        I cannot see you there as you will go to hell and muslims will go to paradise. You will be firewood of hell.

        • March 14, 2013 12:11 am

          Osama Bin Laden was a true Muslim. Will you both go to the same place?

          Probably Satyen will go to the place where non-muslims like Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Manmohan Singh and Barak Obama will go. Definitely that place will be a different place than where you will be going. Is that true?

          This is what the Bollywood celebrity has to say to you … what would you say?
          Veena Malik says: March 12, 2013 at 4:19 am
          … read details above yourself.

          • junaid
            March 22, 2013 1:28 am

            Yes, Satyen will go where gandhi and teresa will go As they will go to hell Satyen will go to hell.

            Osama will be companion of gandhi and teresa in hell.

  • March 11, 2013 11:23 am

    Hi Bulituli,

    Before marrying, you must have discussed all pros and cons of the marriage with your BF. Admn. has rightly given suggestions. Live with your husband in a separate home and slowly time will change the attitude of your inlaws. Hindus are liberal and in case you could get a job, that will be wonderful. Your inlaws will miss their son and they will realize the realities. Have patience.

    God bless

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