3.2: Follow Jesus, Not the Church

Section 3.2: Follow Jesus, Not the Church

Jesus was a progressive thinker and believed in adapting to time. Several points are raised to support this assertion.

The Second Commandment describes the jealous and angry God’s stern message against praying to “other” gods and warning to punish your innocent grandchildren to the third and fourth generations if this commandment is not followed. In contrast when asked, Jesus stated the Second Commandment as “love thy neighbor.” How beautiful!

Jesus was inclusivist and accepted Jews and Gentiles alike. Jesus himself never used the words “idol gods” or “other gods.” His teachings were more concerned with being a good person rather than criticizing “other” gods as emphasized in the rest of Bible or church sermons. Regarding tolerance of others, many churches teach that Jews, Muslims and the non-baptized Mahatma Gandhi will not be saved. This certainly is not in line with the inclusivist and tolerant message that Jesus gave us.

Jesus was not dogmatic. There was an old tradition of not doing any work on the Sabbath day. Jesus clarified however, that it was lawful to do good on the Sabbath. , Similarly regarding the tradition of washing hands before eating bread, Jesus said it is more important to be a good human being than to strictly follow certain traditions. God asked to make a covenant to circumcise all males. Jesus explained that circumcision was of no avail. It was said that God loved burned animal offerings and animal sacrifices. Jesus clarified “…to love one’s neighbor as oneself is more than all the whole burnt offerings and sacrifices.” Apparently Jesus was a reformist and more interested in karma, not dogmas.

For enemies, LORD said, “Now go and attack Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and do not spare them. But kill both man and woman, infant and nursing child, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.” Jesus gave exactly opposite message, “love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.”

Jesus said, “Whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him.” The person of such a tolerant spirit would probably never endorse the Christian crusades where millions of innocent people were killed in His name. How is it logical that killing millions of innocent people is not sin, but a newborn child carries sin so as to require cleansing with baptism?

On the matter of baptism, John the Baptist baptized Jesus but Jesus never baptized anyone. For an interfaith marriage, the church will insist on baptism of the intended spouse. It is interesting that a Catholic Church will insist on re-baptism of already baptized Mormons or Protestant Christians (and vice a versa). Apparently baptism is not as much about Jesus but for the church.

Are the leaders of today’s churches progressive thinkers and believers of adapting to the times, as Jesus was in his time?

If a couple were looking for an interfaith marriage with equality, it would be easier to follow Jesus but not the church. If you love Jesus, have a Christmas tree in your home and follow His messages. In line with Jesus’ inclusive teachings, also respect your spouse’s faith and celebrate ALL holidays but do not agree to baptize the children as an obligation to the church. It is just fair to let an interfaith child decide his or her own faith as an adult—that is progressive thinking.

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