Summary: A survey on interfaith marriages of young adult Muslims in America is lacking. In line with interfaith marriage survey outcomes of other major religions, we report that about 45% of young adult Muslims in America are marring outside their … Read the rest
Religious Conversion for Marriage
Summary: The proud Hindu parents and youths need to learn to simply say “NO” to a religious conversion request (Baptism, Bris, Shahadah/Sunat; BBS) for an interfaith marriage involving a Christian, Jew or Muslim. This is a true test to … Read the rest
38% of Hindus Marry Outside Dharmic Faiths in America
The landmark 2008 Pew Forum survey found that only 10% of Hindus in America married outside their faith. Although the survey covered 257 Hindu families, 86% of them were immigrants and 58% between the ages of 30-49. Thus, it focused … Read the rest
Interfaith Marriages: A Message to Dharmics
Interfaith Marriages with Equality
About 38% of Hindu, Jain and Sikh young adults in America are marrying to Christians, Jews or Muslims. Fundamental religious differences can bring unexpected complexities to marriage life. Here, objective is to increase awareness of interfaith … Read the rest
FAQ on Interfaith Marriage
More and more young adults are engaging in interfaith relationships leading to marriage, many times without realizing the complexities associated with their decision. This information is prepared with the objective of educating people of ALL faiths to help them make … Read the rest