I am 16 and in Love with a Muslim

$T@R says: December 7, 2015 at 12:59 pm

I’m in love with a Muslim guy. we’re just 16 but we immensely love each other.
we’ve even planned of our future and every stuff.
be the guy be Muslim or of any other religion, love is necessarily to be present between them! 🙂 <3

View videos: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
Also read: Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus?, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Malaysia in love, Marriage laws.
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  • Vatsala Tamhane
    February 3, 2016 11:54 pm

    Dear Hindu Brothers and Sisters,
    If love is everything, then why are Hindu Girls expected and forced to convert to Islam if they marry a Muslim Guy ?

    Why is it always expected from a Hindu Guy to convert to Islam, if he wants to marry a Muslim Girl just because he has fallen in love with her ?

    If you say that Love is Love, then why are the above things happening only to Hindu Girls and Hindu Boys ?

    Why are only Hindu Boys and Girls forced to convert to Islam ?

    Have you come across any example when a Muslim Boy or a Muslim Girl have fought with their family and relatives for converting into Hinduism after marriage ?

    Have you ever come across any Muslim Boy or Muslim Girl who would oppose their family and relatives and fight with them if required to save their spouse from getting tortured or harrassed in order to prevent them from getting forcefully converted into Islam ?

    Talking about tolerance, selflessness, love and peace to Hindus is so very much easy. Can you teach those Muslims these lesons of love and peace to those Muslims who just target Hindu boys and girls to ultimately get them forcefully converted to Islam ?

    Love, Friendship, Tolerance and Peace can never be one-sided.

  • Vatsala Tamhane
    February 3, 2016 11:52 pm

    Dear Hindu Sisters and Brothers,
    Please think.

    Hindu Girls should never fall in for a Muslim boy. They are hated and tortured in the family if they continue to follow Hinduism and do pooja and traditional Hindu rituals. Such things will never be tolerated in a Muslim family.

    Muslim family into which a Hindu girl will marry and go, will only be good to them if they convert to Islam, which ultimately is their goal. (To get as many Hindu girls married and converted and produce as many children from them as much possible, which will eventually lead to increase the numbers of Muslims in this society – As much more as possible) – HINDU GIRLS SHOULD TRY TO REALISE THE ABOVE FACTS AND THEN ‘THINK’ AND DECIDE UPON THIS

    And what’s more, even if a Hindu Boy marries a Muslim girl, it is allowed only on one and only one condition – HE SHOULD CONVERT TO ISLAM

    Muslim families are much more conservative than Hindu families. Hinduism is much more liberal than Islam.


    • mac
      February 4, 2016 11:32 pm

      Dear Vatsala Tamhane

      To get answer to your query, you have to study the theology of Islam and Hinduism deeply. You have to first know what Quran and Vedas says about God.

      Then you have to study what Muslims do and don`t do and what Hindus do and don`t do.

      You said Hinduism is far more liberal than Islam. I don`t know whether you are confusing Hindu as people with the religion Hinduism. Yes a person Hindu might be far liberal than a practicing Muslim and the opposite is also possible i.e. a Muslim can be far liberal than a practicing Hindu.

      If you say Hinduism is liberal than Islam, then you have to produce your proof, you have to provide reasons, you just cannot say hindusim is liberal than islam.

      In Islam every one is equal, while hindusim has caste system, is caste system a liberal practice? Probably not, is equality a liberal practice, yes it is, then how come you say Hinduism is liberal than Islam when we all know Islam promotes equality.

      Hinduism even doesn`t allow marriage of Brahmins with Dalits, though both dalit and Brahmins are considered as Hindus.

      Does Hinduism has any punishment for rapist?
      Islam has.

      Does Hinduism gives right to inheritance for women?
      Islam gives.

      Does Hinduism gives right to women to divorce their husband?
      Islam gives.

      Does Hinduism discourages female feticide?
      Islam does.

      Still Islam is less liberal then Hinduism just because you don`t like it, right?

  • December 8, 2015 7:27 am

    Dear Star,

    Being innocent and not of matured age, your bad stars are likely to appear
    in your life. Muslim guys are known for terrorism world wide using taqiyya
    doctrine to trap innnocent and foolish girls.

    All over world muslims are known for terrorism. Get yourself dissaccoiated from him, otherwise you will be landing in deep trouble for ever.

    • January 23, 2016 7:27 am

      Dear frnd, im really disappointed with ur respond and ur frame of mind against other religion im also married to a muslim and i was with him since 11th grade and he is as good and i wuld add that he is better than any other hindu guy he does everything for me jst to make me smile not evry muslim is same there exist muslim who are bonafide in their thoughts and behaviour.

      Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10976

      • January 23, 2016 9:34 am

        Glad to hear that you have a wonderful married life, best wishes. How long have you been married? Do you have children? How did you marry him, by Hindu vivaha, Islamic nikah or both? Today, are you Hindu or Muslim?

        • January 25, 2016 9:54 pm

          Im still hindu and he encourages me to continue to b hindu we celebrate every festival together with his family participating actively we nver have conflicts regarding religion his family is really very understanding . We met in physics tutions in 11 th gade then we did our college together . I knew it would be really difficult to make everyone agree to this marriage so i decided to clear PCSJ compition i dropped one year for preparations then subsequently i cleared the examination now i am a district judge . Hence no one could say anything about my choice as i am in good position this was all my parents also wanted that is to see me in judicial position . By doing this i saved my relation with him and my parents. And as long as our marriage is concerned we did it under special marriage act and gave a reception to all frnds and family. Its only been 1 yr of marriage but we are together since 6 yrs .we dont have children yet.

          Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=10976

  • Mohammed
    December 7, 2015 5:56 pm

    This is called affection not love. . and this age is not to love , this age is for your education…
    My suggestion to you is stop this.. it is better to you…if you dont stop. . you will suffer a lot after some years..
    you are not mature to decide your self

  • December 7, 2015 1:30 pm

    Dear Star,

    You will have to be a marriageable age to marry, till you could remain in love. Use this time to educate yourself for life and religions. If necessary, are you willing to be a true Muslim wife (and 0% Hindu)? Are you willing to go against your mother, father and all relatives if they don’t agree to your decision?

    • Mohammed
      December 7, 2015 5:59 pm

      I dont know why this admin is keeping ask same questions to every one…both are not matured persons…

      • Aakash Malik
        December 12, 2015 2:42 pm

        Dear sister…I m as close example as u may get…coz i m 18…and i fell in love with a muslim girl when i was of ur age…bt as the people have said already…its infatuation…nt love….u can have this in writing down smwhr…ur relation…even if it lasts more than 2yrs will nt be successful…u will nvr get married to him…this is a bitter truth…u need to accept this fact…
        sooner or later u will realise this….

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