15 Years Old Muslim Guy: I Love a Hindu Girl

Sajid says: June 6, 2015 at 6:44 pm

Hello everyone, i am a 15 years old muslim guy and i love a hindu girl, she knows much about my belief in islam, i don’t follow any one religion, but i respect and follow every religion, i says it to my heart, i want to propose her and want to tell her my heart feeling, but i have a fear that that will happen when i propose her, i have fear that may be she will ignore my proposal because of our different religion, i know her better that she also respect other’s religion and her too. but i am not sure about this so plz tell me what i do? i want to keep our relationship continue till to the love marriage, so plz tell me how i propose her? i also don’t want to force her to convert into islam after mrriage and i told my parents that i will marry to a girl of some any other religion and they also did not angry on my behaviour, they well-known that what type of a guy i am? so plz tell me the way what i do, how do i propose her? -Sajid

Sajid says: June 6, 2015 at 7:38 pm

guys don’t fight between each other to carry the case of religion,every religion says that`there is only one god’.Bible says god is one means holy spirit,the father and the son,Quran says there is only one god to be worshipped,Geeta says Brahma whom do we say in different religion by calling almighty lord.Brahma,vishnu,shiv,mohammad,jesus,abrahm,noah,krishna all the different names of god in every religion so i suggest u all to respect every religion,whatever i think i say,now it is dependent on you what do u follow- a separete god and religion or humanity?-Sajid

Sajid khan says: June 7, 2015 at 8:35 am

mohammad sir, it is believed as per our faith about day of judgement, heaven and hell, or so many this type of superstition. i don’t believe in it and also suggests people not to believe in heaven and hell, judgement day or any other topics. whatever a person did in his whole life or what he thought about others, have a revenge in the life of earth not in heaven and earth like what admin says. and one thing more that universe will end but not like that what you think, it is expanding and when its expansion will complete to 100%, it again contracts in it, and after sometimes, there would be a big bang happen and again created life and destroyed it, but the day of judgement neither came nor it will come on any day. -Sajid

Also read: VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Hindu-Muslim Marriage-video, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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  • June 8, 2015 2:37 pm

    Anybody please reply to my comments.

  • Sajid khan
    June 7, 2015 9:43 pm

    sir,i want to become a scientist in the field of genetics,astrophysics,astronomy,cosmology,applied physics,nanotechnology,space science,ex-biology,astrobiology,nuclear physics,quantum mechanics,physics and in evolution,as you know that i am open-minded person who believes in every religion but not in orthodox thoughts,so plz tell me that i may leave about thinking on god means not to believe in god,as i am the followers of great scientist like albert einstein,stephen hawking,issac newton,william heschel that they not believed in the existence of god,i follow them so much,they are my ideal person,so please tell me what i have to do,may i believe on god or not????

    • Mohammed
      June 8, 2015 2:03 am


      its not possible that you can belive on religion not a god..
      because according to oxfard dictionary

      A religion means the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.

      • Sajid khan
        June 8, 2015 3:06 am

        i just saying to convey people like you,if i want so i could say that i don’t believe in religion and god,i did not do so because i follow my religion in my own way not like you,you only read what quran says and starting to comment on it and tease others on the basis of religion that quran says this,quran says that and so and so on…so i don’t need your advice ok,you will think that i am so cruel about religion and god,but it is not so……you people make me of this type!thank god all the people in the world not think like you……..u can understant to it what i want to say

        • Mohammed
          June 9, 2015 6:07 am

          what do u want to convey for people.. . before that apply to you…
          have u analyze what is ur stage now. . .

          do u hav think why u r in this world?
          do u hav think who created you?
          do u hav think what is ur purpose of life?

          bro, apply this question to you before u convey to the people…
          you are saying all religion are equal… but iam sorry you have weak knowledge on religion…all religions are not equal

    • June 8, 2015 2:11 pm

      Hey everybody
      Gul here I am also 15 years old and I am in love with a muslim guy. I know love and all are very big words to say but believe me I mean it. My parents seprated us a week ago. I fighted alot to be with him but because of his religiom we cant be together. I so want him back. Anybody who could help?

      Reply here https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=9963

      • Pakhi Begum
        June 8, 2015 10:40 pm

        This is Pakhi. Yes, I will try to help you through my mentor who is not only a legal expert but one of the top Islamic experts of the world. Please give me the details. To keep privacy you may send email here:haquemd.ziaul@gmail.com
        Pakhi(Always with sufferers)

        • June 9, 2015 12:38 am

          Hello, pakhi
          Umm… I am sorry I can not send you a a email but on facebook I can message if you are on facebook then do search me-gulparag23@gmail.com. my profile pictures contains 4 pictures in a collage with a black top. Do message me please and thank you very much. Do message me ill add you.

          • Pakhi Begum
            June 9, 2015 1:30 pm

            when did you pass your Class X Board examination?

        • June 9, 2015 3:21 pm

          Pakhi i am still in 10th dear.

  • Sajid khan
    June 7, 2015 8:39 pm

    sir tell me one thing that i respect and follow every religion but i want to know that celebrate the festivals of others religion is a sin or not,if islam is a religion of brotherhood means it says god is one,religion message to god is also one,every religion says that to serve the human is to serve the god,so if all humans are brother so why they don’t celebrate each others festival,they say that they are brother and sister of each other,so why is it difference?

  • June 7, 2015 2:57 pm

    Dear Sajid,

    We hope you are getting educated here for practicality of life. That is why we have created this web site.

    You are intelligent and smart. At 15, you are fully mature, though may have less life experiences. Like Muhammed did, we will not say “you are still child”, no no. Mark Zuckerburg and Bill Gates were also child at the time when they got their genius ideas. Don’t let people put you down for your age (ignore such comment!).

    You are young and have a fresh outlook for life, without being bias by others and history. It is like only a little 3 years child could tell honestly that “THE KIND IS NAKED!”

    We read your views on the Judgment Day (“the day of judgement neither came nor it will come on any day”). Continue discussion with Muhammed. Lets see who is in reality “you are still child”, not by age but by maturity! We believe the Judgment Day “theory” is a bait to catch a prey. We failed to explain it to Muhammed but may be you will have luck, best wishes.

    • Sajid khan
      June 7, 2015 8:31 pm

      thank you sir for praising me a lot,but i don’t want any praiseness by any person,praise destroys the person completely, make him/her overconfident and destroys him or her life.so sir i suggest you please don’t praise others in place of this,you can make him/her realise about their mistakes,but thanx sir.i hope that mohammad have such a ability to understand what i want to say?

    • Pakhi Begum
      June 9, 2015 1:39 pm

      You are nothing but a nasty fellow engaged yourself to defame Muslims and Islam. You are nothing but a fool or idiot. Don’t you see and don’t you know that despite false propaganda by you people Islam is the fastest growing Religion today. MASHALLAH. You are so mean and so partial that failing to counter my statement you are deleting them. Have guts to contradict with proof/evidence. Wicked to the power infinity.
      Pakhi Begum

      • June 9, 2015 7:30 pm

        We are proud “fool .. idiot”!!! 🙂 Are you claiming yourself intelligent and smart?
        Any comment with a dirty word or irrational comment will be deleted. You are smart and intelligent, you should know what we mean!

  • June 7, 2015 8:56 am


    Mac will be happy to find that a muslim boy of 15 years is in love with a non muslim girl. Had it been vice versa, he would have boiled up? Here I would like to comment:-

    (i) that 15 years age has no weightage to consider life long decision.
    (ii) I am 100 percent confident that is a fabricated story of mac and his associates,
    (iii) even if it is assumed, the boy must be under influence of brainwashing by maulvi or imam who are entrusted secretely to trap non muslim girls to multiply their populations?

    (iv) Admn. should not allow texts pertaining the age of below maturity in any case, it is illegal to glorify love of immature kids.

    (v) Admn. must identify the correctness of such texts, as he had been doing in so many cases in a purely arbitrary manner, asking them to mail him in interfaithshadi….. mail.

    (vi) In the age of 15 years,boy must be in VIII/IX/X standard of education, what he knows, about love/marriage, may be knowing some idea of sex, which he must be groomed by Mac like idots.


    • Sajid khan
      June 7, 2015 10:13 am

      hey what do you want to say thai yhe girl which i love is just a fake,or i am not able to understand about love???hmm

    • June 8, 2015 2:25 pm

      So to interept in between. I am gul I am also 15years old. I agree what you are saying but believe me we kids do have feelings that too strong ones. I know I may seem immature right now but trust mr I mean everything i am writing. Many relationships are working out since the age of 15. Relationships do Workout at this age and they also are for forever. I just wanna say we kids do have feelings atleast I have.

  • amritesh
    June 7, 2015 7:17 am

    now people will start saying you are not muslim i knew it….

    bro as admin advised you are too young to be in a relationship…… (even i was)….

    but remember you chose a wrong girl….do you even know the reality? if not…here …you will get many who will teach you…….some of them have already started preaching you…..
    i strongly agree with your points like…”no religion is perfect….and also that every religion (path) reaches to the same god”….
    but you know what nobody will give a damn to your point of view……

    if you really want to live a happy life….you convince yourself to stay out of religious shit…..they will make you crazy……you will be wasting your time and emotions……

    plz don’t invite troubles for yourself…..

    complete your studies…and once you secure a job go for an arranged marriage….or find some Muslim girl ..propose her …marry her….you and your families will be in peace and Happy too…

    • mac
      June 7, 2015 7:25 am

      amritesh, before advicing others, apply this to yourself, you are telling him to find some(lol) muslim girl, why don`t you find some(lol) hindu girl?

  • mac
    June 7, 2015 12:34 am

    Brother Sajid Khan, mashallah you have a nice name, i would like yo know where you got this idea that sky will fall, and please can you mention here your doubt about Qur’an, hope i will be able to clarify.

    • Sajid khan
      June 7, 2015 12:51 am

      hello mac,it is just a imagination which i did but when i was going to solve my problem about this topic that sky can be fall on us or not,i saw on internet a link`scientific errors in the quran’,then i clicked on it,when i saw it firstly,i did not believe on my eyes till now and i know that quran is full of scientific miracles what could we see today?but when i clicked on that link it presented so many errors,with a peaceful mind,i started to read it and i reached to the topic`sky will fall on unbelievers’from that day,i had started to believe that nothing in the world is perfect,it appeared so surprising that our holy book also contains error,i had discussed to my friends but they did not able to convey me completely,so what is your thought about it?search on google,write`scientific errors in the holy quran,read it and discuss with me’.ok,bye.

      • mac
        June 7, 2015 1:10 am

        I have read those and even many times answered in this website too like sperm comes from rib, suns sets in mud , etc etc, right brother, and also most popular one, that according to Qur’an, earth is flat.

        You can also contact me here Contact Mac here

        • Sajid khan
          June 7, 2015 2:35 am

          mac what is your real and full name?are you on facebook?i clicked on the link which you provided to me to connect you on fb,but it shows invalid recipients,tell me your email of fb and by finding you i will send u a friend request?thanx bro.

        • June 7, 2015 2:36 pm

          Sajid, let us introduce to mac. Read his post and views @ https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=8129

      • June 8, 2015 2:34 pm

        Hello sajid
        Gul herr I am also 15 years old but I am not muslim but I love a muslim guy. Me and my ex boyfriend never thought of all this what happened to us beacause of his religion. So, just give yourself some time and if you wanna propose then before that please talk to that girl that if her parents dont have any problem with a muslim guy cos believe me we both had to face alottt seriously our relationship became public. I dont wnt you to suffer. I want to help thats why commented.

        • Sajid khan
          June 8, 2015 10:15 pm

          please contact me on facebook,you can find my id with the help of my email:sajidthegreat1999@gmail.com,send me request i will try to solve your problem,okay!

          • June 9, 2015 12:34 am

            Hey sajid
            I am not able to find you. If you could find me then please do its gul parag with 4 pictures in a collage in a black top. So if you find me then message me ill add you.

        • Sajid khan
          June 9, 2015 1:23 am

          hyy gul,i was tried to search you on facebook before 10 minutes by your name and by your email,but u did not appear on fb,when i tried to search by email;it shows no result found and when i tried to search by your name it shows all the people like your name,but it did not show you……..

          • June 9, 2015 3:18 am

            Okay sajid no worries ill search you. You just have to tell me about your profile picture

        • Sajid khan
          June 9, 2015 8:02 pm

          hyy how r u gul???there is yo yo honey singh photo on my profile pic,i think that you could not find me because i had deactivated my id,but now i activate it,so again try a search from my email:sajidthegreat1999@gmail.com

          • June 10, 2015 12:54 am

            Sajid you contact mac he will give you my id’s link.

  • June 6, 2015 7:28 pm

    Hi Sajid,

    First, we have removed your last name for your privacy. On any public forum, please keep your confidentiality for your protection.

    Unfortunately, as much as you may not like, every one will tell you that 15 years is a too young age to get into such relationship. What are you planning to propose? …simple friendship or marriage? If there is no marriage (or sex) plan, just keep friendship and think through complexities of two faiths over next year or two. By that time, you will be in college and in better situation to act rationally.

    We highly recommend to read all suggested articles and videos above. Get back to us and we will discuss more later. Thanks.

    • Sajid
      June 6, 2015 7:48 pm

      sir i am in love with a girl whose name is muskan,i like her so much,i really love her so much and want marry her,so plz tell me what i do?

      • June 6, 2015 8:01 pm

        You are not at a legal age to marry, so unfortunately you will have to wait to get married. Till then, be a good friend to her.

        Do not underestimate your parents. They may not be saying anything to you relating to your interest in Interfaith marriage now because they don’t take you seriously. Further, you will have to convince the girl and her parents. It’s just too complex when two sets of parents get involved.

        What type of Muslims your parents are? You said, “i don’t follow any one religion”, what does that mean? Have you read Koran, what do you think of it? Do you feel it is Allah’s word or Muhammad said so? Do you believe in the Judgement Day? Do you believe this world was created in 2+4 days? Do you know what Koran says for Hindus?

        In your relatives, did any one married out of Islam?

        Do you know that Koran prohibits Muslims marrying to Hindus? How will you explain it to girl’s parents?

        • Sajid khan
          June 6, 2015 8:33 pm

          yeah,i know that i am not in the age to marry with her,neither i believe in the day of judgement nor the universe was created by god in 6 days,because all tis is not possible with a cosmic calendar,i have calculated it.In the case of convincing her parents about quran teachings i will not want to say wrong to them,my relatives,mullah,kari,imam always says that quran doesn’t contain any error till now,but i recently found that quran says that sky will fall on the day of judgement,bacause it is not possible that sky will fall which is made up of gases,i have so many thoughts,if i have goodness so i have badness also about my and other religions because nothing in the world is perfect,neither i nor you or the whle world,i have a thought on atheism,polthesism,monothesism,whatever you think about me,i just appear you like that?

          • Pakhi Begum
            June 6, 2015 10:24 pm

            Sajid Khan,
            For your safety “Intelligent” admin has removed your last name. At least he claims so. But you are not at all Muslim. This is the another trick of Chand,Sagul, Karter, winston, shenaz, sahil and others who are acting in league with admin. Quote the verse from Holy Quran where it says that sky will fall down on the day of judgmen. This is problem the with non Muslims who don’t understand the actual meaning and teaching of Holy Quran but make foolish comments.
            Pakhi Begum

          • admin
            June 6, 2015 10:54 pm

            For your protection, if you wish, we could remove your last name. Let us know (a good idea considering this will stay here for next 40 years, who knows!).

            Sajid, you are out exploring – who is God? We are with you so far, like you said “dependent on you what do u follow- a separate god and religion or humanity?” We would pick humanity. We think this is the best forum for you to clear your head for – who are you? What do you believe in? Please get engaged with other bloggers here and gets into intelligent discussion. In next few months, you will learn a lot (or teach a lot to others).

          • Mohammed
            June 7, 2015 5:54 am

            O’ brother, you are still child to understand about religion. .by the way dont come across us its better for you

        • Mohammed
          June 7, 2015 4:23 am

          I dont know who wrote the book called “humanity”.. .it seems admin is doing comedy.

          he he he 😀

          • Sajid khan
            June 7, 2015 5:24 am

            hey mohammad,don’t tease others,understand,u r stupid and totally non-sense,u don’t know that to serve the man is to serve the god,u make a joke of humanism,humanity and humans.i hate people who thinks like u.

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